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You are going to find some very strange things happening in the very near future.

What Happened, Georger - did I get too CLOSE for comfort?

There is someone who posts here that knows exactly what is going on - WAIT and SEE.

I AM NOT responsible for CARR not posting here. If you think that is so - then check with the FBI or CARR himself. Whatever happened to him was his own doing. I did NOT tell him what to post or not to post. If he violated protocol in procedure - that is his own undoing...not mine. WHY would the FBI sanctioned his going on a public forum with information otherwise considered confidential in all other mediums?

Wake-up....and think about WHY the FBI would even do such a thing. They could have used the TV and the News or America's Most Wanted. The FBI did NOT sanctioning the activities of Agent Carr on this thread.

I try to be nice and kind to all of you but end up having to defend myself. You guys only get hostile when you don't know everything that is going on.

Banter is part of this and I do my share of that - but, I don't go around being a BULLY. Even Blevins and I disagree, but he doesn't call me names.

Georger, I was asked to be NICE to you and I am really trying ---it does get difficult when I know your motive. I know more about you than you want others in this forum to know - so you want me out, because you are afraid I will destroy your Gotcha Moment. Not going to happen.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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One of you posted this:
to Jo:

re Carr
People here are not as stupid or ignorant as you seem to think they are. Your protestations notwithstanding, 377 was spot on, on ALL his points.

Then Georger posted this:

Moreover - WE LIVED THIS!

If Jo doesn't like the company why doesnt she get
off the boat.

I have LIVED this for more than 14 yrs and I have conducted my own investigation with limited resources. I have always tried to be nice and appreciate the resources the DZ provides - where as you are insulting not only to me, but to others. Makes me wonder how much you have had to drink sometimes.

What is your REAL motive in being on the thread Georger? I think your answer to this will interest a lot of people - if, you dare tell the truth. Betcha hem and haw around the truth. Everyone knows why you got upset about who you are and were you live.

I was ASKED to be quiet in regards to you - as there are others who consider you a valuable assets to some on going research. I chose to do as
was requested - but, I expect you to at least act like a gentleman.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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You make the same point about the FBI over and over:


Larry Carr had his faults. We all do. But he was here and he did have a dialogue with you, me and many others on this forum. You complained to his superiors and ruined the opportunity for further public forum dialogue with him.

Why you think the FBI owes you anything is puzzling. It's not their job to prove to you that Duane wasn't Cooper. They might do something as a favor, but I can't think of why any FBI agent would be inclined to do you any favors. You tried to mess up Carr's carreer. That's unacceptable behavior on any Internet forum. You were mean spirited and vindictive.

Your grief about how the FBI is responsible for you spending 14 years chasing info that they might have isn't going to get much sympathy here. It's all been your choice Jo. The FBI didn't make you start or continue anything.

Stop complaining about the FBI and put Duane in a parachute. Don't expect any help from the FBI. That's not going to happen.


The above post was not meant in the way the thread has reacted and the tone the posts have taken. Perhaps a little too much Holiday Cheer.

Blevins knows the names on this list: Lawson, Gustman, Harchey, Hagen, Dagg and Carnes. Sorry about this Blevins as you had no idea I acquired this knowledge a long time ago.
One of these is "Mike Watson".

What Georger is upset about is the FACT that I noted NONE of the passengers were aware of the "whitish bag". I asked a question he nor the FBI want to address.

Can any one produce a statement from the passengers regarding a whitish bag? These individuals sat on that plane while the delivery of the chutes and reserves and "the money" filed past them before they were allowed to disembark? When Tina came up the stairs with the first load - that got the attention of the passengers. The second load was even more alerting.

Just encase I am asked to leave by the moderator - I wanted to make sure these things are known to all. In other words they might be my last words on this thread and I want them to count.

By the Way 377: We are still working on putting Weber in a chute - only his name wasn't Weber at that time. So we have to find members of the deceased family and hopefully some old pictures to prove this.

Georger may be upset because he knows what is going on and he prefers it to stay a secret for ever-more. Maybe his motive in posting here - is to "keep" the secret and not let the truth be exposed. Note - it is only when I have made posts that are too close to the truth for comfort and something he cannot control that he "looses" it.

Read back over the last 265 posts and make your own call.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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You are going to find some very strange things happening in the very near future.

What Happened, Georger - did I get too CLOSE for comfort?

There is someone who posts here that knows exactly what is going on - WAIT and SEE.

I AM NOT responsible for CARR not posting here. If you think that is so - then check with the FBI or CARR himself. Whatever happened to him was his own doing. I did NOT tell him what to post or not to post. If he violated protocol in procedure - that is his own undoing...not mine. WHY would the FBI sanctioned his going on a public forum with information otherwise considered confidential in all other mediums?

Wake-up....and think about WHY the FBI would even do such a thing. They could have used the TV and the News or America's Most Wanted. The FBI did NOT sanctioning the activities of Agent Carr on this thread.

I try to be nice and kind to all of you but end up having to defend myself. You guys only get hostile when you don't know everything that is going on.

Banter is part of this and I do my share of that - but, I don't go around being a BULLY. Even Blevins and I disagree, but he doesn't call me names.

Georger, I was asked to be NICE to you and I am really trying ---it does get difficult when I know your motive. I know more about you than you want others in this forum to know - so you want me out, because you are afraid I will destroy your Gotcha Moment. Not going to happen.

One of you posted this:
to Jo:

re Carr
People here are not as stupid or ignorant as you seem to think they are. Your protestations notwithstanding, 377 was spot on, on ALL his points.

Then Georger posted this:

Moreover - WE LIVED THIS!

If Jo doesn't like the company why doesnt she get
off the boat.

I have LIVED this for more than 14 yrs and I have conducted my own investigation with limited resources. I have always tried to be nice and appreciate the resources the DZ provides - where as you are insulting not only to me, but to others. Makes me wonder how much you have had to drink sometimes.

What is your REAL motive in being on the thread Georger? I think your answer to this will interest a lot of people - if, you dare tell the truth. Betcha hem and haw around the truth. Everyone knows why you got upset about who you are and were you live.

I was ASKED to be quiet in regards to you - as there are others who consider you a valuable assets to some on going research. I chose to do as
was requested - but, I expect you to at least act like a gentleman.

Copyright©2009 by Jo Weber


Jo you are DELUSIONAL. And sick in your mind.

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Jo you are DELUSIONAL. And sick in your mind.

That was an edited post? Wow! I can only imagine what he said before the Edit.

That's OK - Everything will be over in just a few more wks and then everyone can call me delusional and sick in the mind.

1. I am the only one who put the money on the river in the correct time frame (something the FBI NEVER made public)...the money was only in the water less than a yr.

2. I am the only one who has had someone actually admit to the crime and whose circumspect life correlates with the facts.

3.He had a motive.

4. He had the abilities.

5. He had the background.

6. He was a secretive man.

7. He was able to keep a secret.

8. His movements after the money find - say running scared.

9. Hidden Safe Deposit box

10. Trip to a city where he had opened a prior box under another in 1980 after the money turned up and paid it forward for 10 yrs.

11. Went to great risk in 1990 to obtain the old ID and put himself at risk to recoup the old safe deposit box.

12. He had an unsual amount of cash per a witness who walked in on him a couple of days after they got back from their trip...approx 50K.

13. During the next 3 yrs he had a shop from which came supposed monies that helped up make ends meet. (I never saw enough traffic in that store to keep the doors open).

14. I have found everything he told me has turned out to be true so far...such as the woman in OR and the "crook" story and the man who had a motel, the rich Uncle (the family never discussed), his relationship with the brother, his sister's objections begging me to leave the past in the past.

15. Individuals I met - and the very strange stories that go with those meetings.

16. Having individuals threaten me and warn me that Duane had a past. To be quiet if I wanted to live to play with my grand kids.

17. Items I held in my very own hands - Sea/Tac stub, airline ticket and bank bag...plus the other bag I was told was NOT part of the crime.

18. The fact that he really didn't lie to me - other than by omission.

19. The areas he claimed to have been in - one was actually infact one he told me he could never go back there - and now I know why...it was in Idaho.

20. He looked like Cooper.

21. :):D Duane was Cooper just because I say he was.....after all I am delusional and sick.:D;););):o

22. Secret Identity - unknown to me for 17 yrs. Now that is a man who can keep a secret.:)
23. Had a soft spot for girls with long blond hair...in fact Tina and My daughter resembled each other when Duane and I met.

24. The employers nor the wife claimed to have known where Duane was for over 3 months - Nov 1971 to Feb 1972.

I could keep on and on, but what is the use ---everything will come out in the wash. With so many being deceased or almost dead and with records having been destroyed there will always be those who will never believe the FBI finally got their man.

There will always be the Nay Sayers and people who will debate who Cooper was for yrs to come, but I won't be around to deal with them, unless I become a robot! Even when the FBI reveals the identity of who Cooper was - there will be those who will not believe it.

P.S. I posted this before I read Quade's post, but at least I have have summed up some of the things and I am not going to delete the post...I will let it stand and no one should find it offensive. In the event I am not here when the authorities decide what they are going to do about their new subject ... I will contact 377 and let him know what is going on.

Can't wait to see what is going to happen next! Whatever the FBI is working on - it should be good.
Individuals who had contacts with the FBI a few months ago where told "the case is active, but we are no longer working it" , but they are NOW! ANYONE notice there was NO discussion of the Ariel celebration and the WA / OR newspapers and the TV stations did NOT write much less BREATH one word about Cooper this wk.[/blue
A first in 39 yrs! OMG it is all my fault!:)
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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your lists mean nothing. Blevins's list is at least as convincing as yours (yes I know you don't accept this but you don't accept anything that doesn't back up your story. And your claims of being "nice" are very easily undermined by many of you own posts).

Actually I'm somewhat confused as to why Georger got a 1-month ban and you didn't, considering some of your very off-base comments (recent and not so recent).

How many years now that we have been promised 'imminent' revelations? The British have a saying - put up or shut up.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Jo's list


2. I am the only one who has had someone actually admit to the crime and whose circumspect life correlates with the facts.

Nope. Gossett admitted to being Cooper and he has a higher correlation with the crime facts than Duane does.


23. Had a soft spot for girls with long blond hair...in fact Tina and My daughter resembled each other when Duane and I met.

Huh? Do you think Cooper knew Tina was going to be on that flight? I don't understand how no. 23 is relevant or unique. If it is, put Farflung and me on the suspect list too. And what does your daughter have to do with it?


I could keep on and on, but what is the use ---everything will come out in the wash.

The "wash"?

River wash? Washington? Washougal? Jet wash?


Secret Identity - unknown to me for 17 yrs. Now that is a man who can keep a secret.Smile

I agree with you here Jo, he sure could keep a secret. I bet you only know a small part of Duane's secret universe.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Jo wrote:

Individuals who had contacts with the FBI a few months ago where told "the case is active, but we are no longer working it" , but they are NOW

Jo, if this is true why tease? Post what you know. What and who is the FBI actively investigating?

You ask for help all the time. One reason you don't get as much as you might otherwise is that you give so little back. You hint, you promise future dramatic conclusive revelations, but what we usually get is just further teases.

You are now hinting that the FBI will soon announce who Cooper was. How would you know this if it were true? You and I both know you are not on the Bureau's "A List".

I am not letting you off the hook for what you tried to do with Carr's career. Duane's criminal convictions are all a matter of public record. You might have been embarrassed by it, but it was hardly a sin and certainly not illegal for anyone to publish it without notifying you. By going to Carr's FBI superiors with a petty personal complaint was a major violation of forum ethics. Let's say you were still active in selling real estate and someone here notified the state licensing board about stuff you were posting here, implying that you were complicit in crimes (you were darned close to an accomplice in Duane's coat thefts once you learned his MO).

It was wrong to complain to Carr's employer. Get it? You don't rat people out like that. It's not how the game is played. You point to Carr's promotion as proof that you had no malice. All it proves to me is that you failed in your vindictive mission. Carr was actually nice to you, but he had no patience for your Weber was Cooper story. He'll hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Duane was a parasitic thieving lying con man. His record and reputation deserve no protection. Have you ever had a purse stolen? Do you know how disruptive and painful that is? What about a coat? He was a pathetic man with no conscience. Show me ONE instance where he or you tried to set things right with a victim of his thievery.

I don't think you condoned Duane's criminal behavior or benefitted from it, but I find it a piece of strangely twisted irony that you never reported Duanes thievery to the cops but did report Carr's exposure of Duane's crimes.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Just some rambling thoughts from Sluggo’s head:

I spent Thanksgiving Day with my dysfunctional family of origin, and now I return to my dysfunctional virtual family.

I have absolutely no idea why quade banned georger (for one month), but, then again, I have no need to understand it. sangiro needs to understand it, quade needs to understand it, and georger needs to understand it.

sangiro owns this site, quade acts as his agent, georger is a poster that evidently did a bad, bad thing. All of them need to understand it. Notice that sluggo and many other frequent posters are not included in the “needs to understand” list! None of us see the PMs between posters and/or to quade. None of us see unedited versions of edited posts.

I do not have nearly as much time to spend in my Norjak pursuits as I did when I was a contractor. I always try to spend a little time on this forum each week to keep up with what’s happening in the “definitive” DB Cooper online community. The long-time and/or frequent posters here have a better understanding of Norjak than any other online forum… BUT… damn don’t we waste a lot of energy trashing each other?

On each visit, it seems the signal/noise ratio drops.

67%4IN7^3%&FACT)$*&^@#IT $%)@IS*&$$%#@&&SO(*&^&^%$)LOW&^%^*NOW(*&%^

I have known skyjack71 for several years, I’ve been invited into her home, and I believe I know what is (or at least was) in her heart. I personally think Duane Weber (aka John C. Collins) was a VERY interesting person (maybe because I have little or no history of exposure to criminals) and, in my mind, he is still one of the more likely suspects as far as “having involvement” in Norjak. I don’t think Jo “intends” to hurt people, but she remains so self-absorbed that she harms by benign ignorance. Saying she hurt Ckret’s career is a bit much, but she did cause him some grief… and why… because he wasn’t playing the role of her “personal FBI Agent”. In fact, her anger was really due to the fact that the FBI wasn’t playing the role of her “personal investigative agency”.

Jo should have quit posting here in 2008 and spent her energy in Washington two years earlier.

If you measure the success of this thread by the total number of posts and/or the rate of posts (#/day), then the engine driving this thread to success is Jo Weber. Of course that makes the now banned snowmman, georger, and the not (yet) banned RobertMBlevins the other driving forces. Posts from others just can’t seem to generate the rage required to precipitate endless posts about minute and trivial drivel and points of fact.

You know… like this post. :)

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6. He was a secretive man.

7. He was able to keep a secret.

22. Secret Identity – unknown to me for 17 yrs. Now that is a man that can keep a secret.


25. He would not speak of things, as if he was keeping information to himself.

26. He was able to not speak of many things and keep information to himself.

27. His diction would exclude the use of verbs, nouns and articles related to that which he did now wish to disclose.

28. He ALWAYS said ‘hen house’, never ‘coop’.

29. He never told me why he didn’t use the word coop in favor of always using hen house.

30. He said Delta and Bravo instead of saying the letters D or B.

31. He called Bumble Bees, Hairy black and yellow flies.

32. He never spoke of Aunt Bee of Mayberry.

33. He was asked about barrel makers once and almost started a fight trying to not answer.

34. He knew things that only I and he were aware of, before all this and well after several well known facts and rumors which have been written and spoken about on many occasions but only once where I was aware that the truth was being withheld from disclosure for others to read or hear for themselves.

35. He never spoke of the Smoot Hawley Act. That’s secrecy!

36. He NEVER spoke of Voltaire or Chaucer and he was never spotted with materials of either. How do you explain that exactly?

37. He never showed any aptitude for skydiving, aviation or building a phony bomb in a briefcase as part of his ability to live in the shadows.

38. He would say things that he wanted you to hear.

39. He would not say things that he did not want you to hear or know about at any time in the past.

40. He never said he owned a toupee AND never wore it socially or in private.

41. He rarely if ever ate spumoni.

42. He kept a paper bag so well hidden that it has not been found.

43. He was seen walking to a car as if in some sort of hurry or rush without explanation.

44. He had a habit of not touching the hand rails of stairs or escalators.

45. He slipped once when asking for someone to pass the potatoes at dinner and accidentally blurted out “You all know I’m the hijacker, D B Cooper.”

46. He was very comfortable using twenty dollar bills for purchases of goods and services.

47. He never kept his cash in bundles bound by rubber bands after Nov 1971.

48. He was very quiet about things he did not want known.

49. If he did not want you to know something he would not tell you.

50. He walked briskly if he wanted to arrive somewhere quicker.

He was D B Cooper.

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Don't think that posts not responded to are posts ignored. Not so.

Snow made some extremely relevant posts that generated no responses, but they were read and digested by many.

KC was up to something That generated some serious cash besides working for NWA, but I see no proof that he was Cooper. Neither do you and you are up front about it still being an open question.

I appreciate your investigative efforts and I am sure others do as well.

Every time things are stirred up and the audience is expanded it increases the chance that new evidence will be found. This forum is very isolated and incestuous. Go full speed with books and TV about Cooper. It's all good. So is football. Enjoy the feast.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Can anybody find out when the first ripstop canopies were used in military rigs? If it was after the 1946 Amboy chute mfg date I'd say there is no reasonable chance that the Amboy chute was Cossey's bailout canopy. No way would anyone in their right mind use a non ripstop military canopy in a bailout rig in 1971. They weren't nearly as safe and ripstop C9s were plentiful and very very cheap. I bought an unused one for $25.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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~ The title of my post is the first line of this 'new' thread...the one started because of all the trash talk that went on in the first one.

This truly IS the consummate thread in regard to the Cooper saga, and in my opinion the quest for the truth is just as if not more 'interesting' of a story than the event itself...

It's interesting because at least in our little world the hyperbole... the dramatic 'coverage' has superseded the purity of the actual 'game'. It's become the Superbowl of unsolved felony crimes.

Whether that's a good thing or not remains to be seen and will probably only be decided when and if this 'all consuming to some', mystery is ever solved.

Interesting cast of characters here, with motivations that run the gambit to be sure...but as with all things in life the occasional reality check needs to be thrown in.

I can't speak for the moderator or owner of the site, but I personally think banning someone that is being less than civil in a situation like this one, is probably doing that person a favor.

If one becomes so consumed over the disagreement of words on a page that they resort to hurtful personal attacks on the author...maybe they NEED to step back and get some perspective.

Looking at the big picture, having a goal, prioritizing the steps and dealing only with the things that will actually meet that goal is how Cooper pulled this thing off...trust me, that's really the only way it will ever get solved.

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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The title of my post is the first line of this 'new' thread...the one started because of all the trash talk that went on in the first one.

This truly IS the consummate thread in regard to the Cooper saga, and in my opinion the quest for the truth is just as if not more 'interesting' of a story than the event itself...

It's interesting because at least in our little world the hyperbole... the dramatic 'coverage' has superseded the purity of the actual 'game'. It's become the Superbowl of unsolved felony crimes.

Whether that's a good thing or not remains to be seen and will probably only be decided when and if this 'all consuming to some', mystery is ever solved.

Interesting cast of characters here, with motivations that run the gambit to be sure...but as with all things in life the occasional reality check needs to be thrown in.

I can't speak for the moderator or owner of the site, but I personally think banning someone that is being less than civil in a situation like this one, is probably doing that person a favor.

If one becomes so consumed over the disagreement of words on a page that they resort to hurtful personal attacks on the author...maybe they NEED to step back and get some perspective.

Looking at the big picture, having a goal, prioritizing the steps and dealing only with the things that will actually meet that goal is how Cooper pulled this thing off...trust me, that's really the only way it will ever get solved.

The only thing was the last paragraph. Those principles (goal, prioritize steps and dealing with the things to meet the goal) maybe how the crime will be solved, but they don't apply to Cooper himself...just wish they did.

Hopefully this BIG secret (or discovery by the FBI or Blevins or myself) will soon bring this to an end. The only thing I can say on a time line is "a few weeks" - not my words. At first I thought the anniversary or the History Channel segment being aired in Jan.

:DNow a new element has come into focus - Old Government Documents to be released. Perhaps the documents do NOT have anything to do with the 40's or 50's or 60's or early 70's - the days of SECRETS. If the solution to who Cooper was has been shielded by SECRETS - think about how appropriate Carr's DZ name was CKRET.:)
I am sure some of the ex-military in the forum have a better explanation of WHY and reasons for these names being blacked out. I do understand those reason. Those still living may not want their families to know all they went thru and the government doesn't want to reveal just how far they went to handle certain matters.

It is just a CATCH 22 for all involved...but, it is all part of our History! Like it or Not.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Blevins stated:


I don't agree with raking Carr over the coals and making him leave off from posting here. No.

However, I do agree that the FBI screwed the pooch from the very start on the Cooper case, and it has hurt them. Another thing is their refusal to cooperate with the public, even though they had the nerve to post videos ASKING for the public's assistance.

Jo states:
:|The public request for help came after CARR was on this forum and so did the Dan Cooper Comic "thing". An FBI agent taking credit for information provided by someone else? Perhaps you would like CARR or his PR to explain that one.

Also note the FBI site did NOT ask for help from the public until CARR did the Dan Cooper Comic thing and after being in this thread.


They couldn't solve the Cooper case if the frickin' Book of Directions dropped into their laps.

Jo States:
:)It does seem they are actually doing something now.

:)Exactly who is responsible for the recent FBI activity ?

I don't know. It could be Blevins, it could be me, it could be eagleeye, this thread or someother new piece of evidence or information regarding an entirely new suspect.

Now we just have to wait - but, for how much longer?B|B| Supposed to be a pirate, but when I use it - it represents ALL BEAT UP, SPENT OUT and TIRED!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Senseless replies don't help. This means posting up music videos or dumb pictures in response to points made by others.

3) Often, people on this thread simply ignore legitimate posts. For example, I posted up 14 reasons we thought KC was the hijacker. Good, solid reasons backed by evidence both in document form or by witness testimony. And all of them were basically ignored.

4) Often, people on this thread simply ignore legitimate questions, as well. Like the time I questioned the FBI's response to the Amboy parachute, or when I questioned their response to the History Channel. Hardly anyone went there, even though those are solid questions. It's discouraging, to say the least.

Ditto to what 377 said (in particular that just because no-one answers doesn't mean it is ignored), but also bear in mind:
1) like Sluggo said, this is a dysfunctional family. Posting pics etc does help to lighten the mood and bring a smile to the face. I for one don't have a problem with it
2) The Amboy chute had a lot of discussion at the time - perhaps no-one felt the need to add anything now. I realise how difficult it is for new posters to go back and read everything, so you may not have been aware of the then-current discussion on it.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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I can't speak for the moderator or owner of the site, but I personally think banning someone that is being less than civil in a situation like this one, is probably doing that person a favor.

If one becomes so consumed over the disagreement of words on a page that they resort to hurtful personal attacks on the author...maybe they NEED to step back and get some perspective.

I agree. That's why I find it odd that someone basically calls another poster an alcoholic yet gets no censure.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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I agree. That's why I find it odd that someone basically calls another poster an alcoholic yet gets no censure.

Point taken...then again if it's a crusty ole skydiver being called that, it just might NOT be a personal attack, but instead a statement of fact! ;)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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I agree that it's likely nylon not silk but there is a HUGE difference between plain woven nylon canopies and ones made of RIPSTOP nylon. There were some horror stories about surplus reserve non ripstop canopies failing on terminal openings with fatal results.

That Amboy canopy was made in 46. I don't know if it's ripstop nylon or ordinary nylon. The answer is important.

What is odd is the lack of govt. follow up on the Amboy canopy. It could be connected to a military crash. They usually want to know if all crew were accounted for. Snow provided crash reports for two F4U crashes in the area. They may have been others.

What hardware is on the ends of the risers will also tell us a lot about the canopy and its last use.

Also, the FBI doesn't own the canopy. The finders should request it's return. Why would the FBI want to hold on to such a bulky piece of evidence anyway if it is, as they claim, unrelated to Norjack?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I know you want to think the Amboy canopy was Coopers but with a 1946 mfr date I think it's extremely unlikely. Nobody was trusting their lives to 1946 vintage military canopies in 1971 especially in bailout rigs where you have no reserve.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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(Obviously not directed at airtwardo, but the thread in general.)

We've been over this countless times before. Why do people feel it's necessary to call people -any- names at all? I'm tired of the constant bickering and name calling seems to be all I ever see some of our thread participant's bring to the conversation.

If a person has proof of something, show it. If a person has a disagreement with somebody else's view of the world, simply prove it's not the truth and move along, but the name calling has to stop.

Unfortunately the only tool I have is the ban hammer and yes, today georger was the nail.

People can learn by this example or share a vacation.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Problems with that story: There was no motivation for the pilot to bury the chute. There was no reason for him to dispose of the container and harness elsewhere and then bury the chute. And then they base their story that the chute isn't Cooper's because it's silk. They SAY SO.

How sure are you that the Amboy chute was deliberately buried? Is there any natural event that could bury a discarded canopy? Flood? Windstorm with lots of loose earth around? I can't think of any good reason why a canopy would be buried unless someone was trying to conceal it. Who besides Cooper would want to conceal their chute in that area? I don't think it's Coopers chute but if it was buried then why?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Orange Stated:
I agree. That's why I find it odd that someone basically calls another poster an alcoholic yet gets no censure.

377 Stated:
Point taken...then again if it's a crusty ole skydiver being called that, it just might NOT be a personal attack, but instead a statement of fact! ;)


:)but, other things in a prior posts in which I revealed some very important information that has NEVER been discussed. He does not know HOW I got hold of that information and he gets upset.

I have LIVED this for more than 14 yrs and I have conducted my own investigation with limited resources. I have always tried to be nice and appreciate the resources the DZ provides - where as you are insulting not only to me, but to others. Makes me wonder how much you have had to drink sometimes.

:|To ALL:

If anyone is interested - Go back in the thread and read what I say that seems to set him off - this time it had to do with the passenger depositions. Most of you do not read all of my posts and I understand this - but, if you will notice among the gibberish I slip in a little piece of information that gets ignored by everyone else, with the exception of the individual in question. I do not intentionally incite him - but, the rage is usually after I have mentioned a little known fact about the crime - I am NOT supposed to know.

There is usually a delayed reactions on his part and the rage comes out several posts later over some little ole thing that doesn't mean diddly squat.

Passenger depositions was the trigger this time. You will find this same pattern repeated several times.

Now that I have explained myself I will wish you all Happy Holidays.

By the way at 7PM Blevins had not made himself known in Ariel, but that doesn't mean he's not there. More than one media enitity has been there and they wanted to talk to Agent Carr...they are unaware that he has not been the agent of record for over 6 months.

Just thought you might like to know.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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