skyjack71 0 #19526 November 28, 2010 This dumb broad agrees the found chute was Nylon and not silk. I have taken old silk out of the cedar chest and it is very fragil. These items were wrapped in tissue paper and are approximately 70 yrs old. Maybe the papers in the cedar chest permeated some kind of acid. There were Old Albums and letters and news articles kept there also. A wedding dress made of acetate and nylon from 50 yrs ago also had a problem. Think it was created by something else stored in the chest. I have seen vintage silk dresses that were well preserved.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #19527 November 28, 2010 Now that everyone is in agreement that Cooper wore a toupee; the real work has only just begun for crack researchers and unbiased investigators seeking truth, justice, the American way. There is no mention as to the style of hairpiece that Kenny owned and was seen wearing up to but not including the date of the Cooper hijacking and NEVER after. This testimony has been certified by multiple unnamed agencies and no doubt under the pain of some penalty should this person make a false statement. Normally one would consider having the wrong eye color or hair color (or complete lack of) to be an eliminating factor, not so here. The very fact that Kenny was bald has now become an attribute in his favor being Cooper rather than the other way around. I have prepared a pallet of pates which one can select the likely style of adjunct that Kenny placed upon his head Thanksgiving eve. I would have selected a hat with a buckle in front, but I’m a victim of fashion and not a trail blazer. There was no mention of the hijacker wearing a toupee, but that is likely due to the fact that they were scared and Kenny was quite adroit with the use of wigs. Kind of makes sense why he was in the lavatory for such a long time. The reason no one noticed Cooper before boarding the plane was because he was not the same person. I think it is obvious that Kenny wore several toupees at once and doffed them at each node of his journey. For instance, at the ticket counter he wore style ‘F’ and on the way to the gate he pulled that off exposing style ‘3’, and so on. Occam’s razor being sharpened here, if one just thinks about it a little. Occam would endorse that if Cooper buried the money as a diversion then Cooper buried the Amboy chute as a diversion. Both have worked quite well. Kenny had that paper sack filled with a 1946 canopy that he acquired in the paratroopers in Japan. Upon landing in Amboy he pulled out his decoy canopy, complete with date stamp and buried it. Then he went to the Columbia and buried some of the money. It is exactly what is meant by Occam’s rule and it should be followed by intelligent researchers who only care about the truth. For it is a far better thing toupee too much, than to have never paid at all. –Cy Sperling Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #19528 November 28, 2010 Robert, Can you post a cite showing that US military canopies were made of ripstop nylon as early as 1946? I can't explain the FBIs "no comment" response. I can't see any reason the FBI would lie about the Amboy chute. They'd like to solve Norjack as it would put their batting average at 1000 for skyjacks. The "silk" description may just be careless. I'll bet it's nylon, but not ripstop nylon. I am not an FBI PR agent or apologist, but I think they want the case solved, still. They aren't willing to commit serious resources to it today because the present threat is zero. Any time I read about an FBI coverup I get very skeptical because Occam is always looking over my shoulder. Any law enforcement person who solves this case will become famous and will bring great credit to his or her employer. Perfect setup for a promotion. Never underestimate the lure of fame, or title upgrade or a raise. I wish Snow would take a look at the ripstop issue. I just cannot find a reliable date for it's first use in mil bailout canopies. Cossey has said the canopy in his NB6 was a C9. I can't tell from the photos if the Amboy canopy is a C9. Maybe an old rigger could. That canopy is a mystery even with no Cooper connection. Safe, put your logic lens on the Amboy chute, but don't burn holes in it. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #19529 November 29, 2010 Quote Can anybody find out when the first ripstop canopies were used in military rigs? If it was after the 1946 Amboy chute mfg date I'd say there is no reasonable chance that the Amboy chute was Cossey's bailout canopy. No way would anyone in their right mind use a non ripstop military canopy in a bailout rig in 1971. They weren't nearly as safe and ripstop C9s were plentiful and very very cheap. I bought an unused one for $25. 377 Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Mine was was everything Thanksgiving is supposed to be... lots of family, friends, food, and football. Don't know if you are still interested in the parachute question -- if so --- this doesn't answer your question fully but might help narrow it down a bit. "Ripstop woven nylon resulted from a 1944 development contract Cheney (Pioneer) engineers had with Wright Field." ..Taken from pg 70 of this book preview... (1984 edition of this book) And this is just an index but might be useful in giving some places to look.... lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #19530 November 29, 2010 Blevins - I heard you were a NO SHOW at the shingdig. There was a TV documentary crew there and they were NOT History Channel nor did they have any connections with Cook. I understand they made an inquiry regarding if your presence there. You missed your big chance for more exposure. Exposure is the last thing I want and why the FBI was NOT contacted until the last day of my 15 day - fact finding trip. I was in WA and OR from Oct. 14 to Oct. 28. Since then I have spent hours and hours on the phone following up with individuals and others I could not contact while I was out there. With the new information I found while in the area - I advanced my search beyond the narrow scope of what had been done in the past. I had been lied to about the areas I had claimed to have seen in 1979...areas I had been told did not exist and certain establishment and the names of the owners. They did and some still do exist and not figments of my imagination. I went to senior centers and historians - 90% of the individual I spoke to where not told the REAL reason I was researching the back ground of this boy and the man. I tried to stay under the table as much as possible. Since being home my search had exploded and I have had to reach out further even though it had been requested by "others" that I "be quiet for a few more wks" because of some extenuating circumstances. Since I have learned NOT to TRUST "others" I continued to do my own thing. The day of the Ariel shindig - some of my "enquiries" had already arrived on Friday afternoon and some I am sure arrived on Sat and will be on their desks on Monday. This was far more extensive than I had done before, because I had been concentrating on WA and North OR. This time I hit areas with these "enquires" that resulted from my trip and what I learned while I was there. This time the enquires where a little more directed to the areas they were sent to with specific enquires about the possibilities of where they might find the information on this "boy". Lots of enquiries went to ID and other areas of OR I ignored before. Some of the went to historians of certain areas....a list I acquired on my trip. Until someone finds a deposition given by one of the passengers - I will maintain the money DID not go on that plane in a whitish bag visible to the passengers. Can you imagine the panic this would have set off - if the passengers saw this large Whitish Bank Bag going on board (the size of more than 2 N.Y. phone books). It would have created a panic among the passengers and they would have caused a commotion trying to get through the open doorway. It was enough the passengers witnessed the chutes and front packs going on...some individuals would not have been aware of what they were, but there were several individuals who had boarded in Missoula and they knew what a chute pack looked like. One man sitting in first class - was a whose name was well established. I know what I would have done. I would have got out of my seat and headed toward that stairway and out of that plane - they would have had to held me there physically to have kept me on that plane. Does anyone realize this is a factor the FBI has never mentioned and all the media did was publish what the FBI told them. Only select witnesses ever gave information to the media. One would have thought the media would have been all over the witnesses after they had being questioned by the FBI. They weren't just questioned by the FBI - they were directed and instructed by the FBI....Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #19531 November 29, 2010 RobertMBlevins posted multiple times: “Top 15 Reasons Skipp Porteous and Yours Truly Believe Kenny Christiansen was the Guy:” One of the compelling reasons was supplied by Dawn J in sworn testimony, “10) 'Dawn J', testified: That Christiansen owned a toupee but only wore it socially (and not after Nov 71)” I think all of us can remember what we were doing when Kenny stopped wearing his toupee (socially anyway). Is there any evidence that he may have worn his toupee in any sort of unsocial or antisocial occasions? I’m in total agreement that Kenny’s toupee is crucial and most certainly needs to be on the ‘Top Reasons’ list proving that DB Cooper wore a toupee. Why would Dawn J bring up the subject in the first place? It is not like she was asked leading questions or being manipulated as this was an objective deposition of certified testimony. This toupee business needs to be investigated further without regard for the potentially explosive ramifications which will ensue. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wolfriverjoe 1,523 #19532 November 29, 2010 Quote You could have stopped on about the fourth or fifth 'very'. My point was that WolfRiverJoe said the dummy reserve was NOT sewn shut. FBI says it was. Who is right? I understand now about the NB-6, though. But that other parachute went SOMEWHERE. Yet, most of the skydivers here say there was no place on the NB-6 to even attach the dummy reserve. The obvious question: What happened to it? Here are some possibles: 1) He left it on board. (Not found aboard, though) 2) He threw it out the airstairs door before he jumped. (But then maybe they would have found it by now. And what possbile reason could he have to do this?) 3) He carried it with him. (Unlikely. The wind would have torn it from his arms, and there would be no purpose to this action. Can't use it holding it, although Cooper may not have known it was a dummy.) 4) The experts are wrong and the NB-6 rig had a way to attach a reserve, and Cooper managed to attach it somehow, not knowing the reserve was useless. 5) He tied it to the money bag/briefcase combination and jumped. (Again, no good reason to do this. Still can't use it.) Two known facts: Tina testified that she saw Cooper putting a parachute on his back, and that he tied something around his waist. Then she finished closing the curtain and went forward with the rest of the crew. It may sound small, but I've always had a feeling that the paper bag Cooper carried on board had something besides his lunch. Ever wondered what a guy who was planning to hijack a jet and was also planning from the start to jump from it would carry in a paper bag? I have. Speculated different things: Map and compass, flashlight, different shoes, a small helmet, whatever... WHO says the paper bag was lunch-bag size? I have not seen this. Cooper also had food brought on board in Seattle. Who is right about the Training Dummy Reserve? Both the articles in Parachutist (Nov 03 and the three part last summer) quoted Cossey describing it the way I did, a functional container with a butchered canopy. Ckret (Agent Carr) agreed that it was this way. There would be a valid reason to have a training tool as such, for practicing the "scoop and throw" deployment used with that type of reserve. There would be no valid reason (at least that I can think of) to have a training reserve that couldn't even be opened. It wouldn't function as a reserve, and couldn't be properly attached to the NB6 to function as a reserve, even if the canopy was good. However, Tina observed Cooper tying something around his waist. There were several lines missing from the other reserve (the one left behind) and all the lines from the Training Dummy. The Dummy container could have been stuffed with the cash (it would make a decent container for it) and then tied (reasonably) securely to part of the NB6 harness. It wouldn't be secure enough to hold a jumpers weight (especially during opening shock) but could be secured well enough to stay in place during freefall. Or maybe it didn't, it got in the way of the ripcord handle and Cooper went in no-pull. And the bag was said by Ckret to be "lunch bag sized." I searched a little bit for the exact words, but there's way too much to dig through. There has been a lot of speculation about exactly what was in the bag. I'm not too surprised that you haven't looked through all of the nearly 20k posts to find out each and every little detail that's been discussed here. Interestingly, Agent Carr is still keeping up with us idiots (it isn't a PA if it's on myself). His "Last Login" is yesterday."There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #19533 November 29, 2010 All good research needs a baseline to establish some perspective. I’ve researched hair styles of the era and feel I may have found the follicular ground zero from which all other cuts and styles can be formed. Magnificent is not a strong enough word to describe this look. My investigation into the lurid world of toupees has proved to be both frightening and oddly alluring at the same time. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #19534 November 29, 2010 Quote The FBI should practice what it preaches, instead of going 'no-comment' with the very entity you wanted to present the case. (History Channel) Yeah, let's make no bones about this, The History Channel is no longer about facts, reality or actual history. I can't for the life of me figure out why they've strayed so far from their original mission. It only hurts their brand. I can see why the FBI wouldn't necessarily want to be intimately involved with them.quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #19535 November 29, 2010 Quote Quote Here is some cheap NB6 hardware, but no ripcord, and other stuff is missing. 377 377 and Amazon, I now have the container referred to above in hand. It was manufactured in 1988 but never put in service. It has six, at least, horizontal metal bands as stiffeners and two, at least, vertical stiffeners. In the fall of 1971, and maybe in to mid-November, I owned an NB-6 that I used as an emergency chute. This particular chute's container and canopy were probably manufactured in the 1950 to 1960 time frame. There are some differences in the two NB-6 containers based on a 40 year old memory. There seem to be more metallic stiffeners in the new container. Contrary to 377's earlier statement, the packing bands on both containers seem to be elastic rather than having a metal spring. The other differences appear to be "product improvement" types. The six horizontal stiffeners are bowed such that the wearer's back would be sitting in a U. No one is going to be able to put even a 26 foot conical canopy in this container until they work over these stiffeners with a sledge hammer. And a 28 foot flat canopy fitting into this container is completely out of the question, beer talk to the contrary. If Cooper actually jumped with a NB-6, he may have done so due to a preference for Navy equipment. Robert Using the best magnet obtainable from Home Depot's cabinet door closing display, I have now conducted some experiments to determine what reacts with the magnet in the NB-6 container as well as other items. The NB-6 container that I have contains six horizontal stiffeners that strongly react with a magnet. It also contains one horizontal stiffener in each of the end flaps that does not react with a magnet. There are three vertical stiffeners and all strongly react with a magnet. There is one stiffener on each side of the container and the third is on the side flap that ends up on the top of the pile with the rip cord cones stick up through it. The flap opening springs react weakly with a magnet (and they are very small also). The hardware on the container that would be used to attach it to the harness also strongly reacts with a magnet. Does 377 or Amazon know if the other harness hardware and fasteners would react with a magnet? How about the coil spring in the pilot chute? Please remember that the shroud lines are sewn to the risers in the NB-6 and there is no hardware between your shoulder area and the pilot chute. Additional testing was conducted on belt buckles, pocket knives, and shoe nails. Some belt buckles react to magnets and some do not. Pocket knives react at least moderately to a magnet. The shoe nail testing was inconclusive since such nails are apparently not now used in shoes and I don't own a pair that is 40 years old. It seems reasonable, at least to me, that a metal detector would be able to detect an NB-6 parachute even after 40 years in the brush. Maybe we can induce the "Meteorite Searchers" of TV fame to do a search for us. Would someone care to call them and report a meteorite landing on the south end of the Fazio property and just short of that boat docking area and parking lot? Robert Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #19536 November 29, 2010 The History Channel had some relevance and credibility to their name years ago. Pawn Stars, Monster Quest and American Pickers represent the current buffet which appeals to the masses. Just like Cadillac trying to pass the Cimarron off as one of their products or the pre-formed meat experience called the McRib by McDonalds, only the least intelligent or most easily distracted would fall for this ruse. The History Channel should change their name to better represent what they produce. Not sure if the FCC will allow that name. Oh well. Why did the ‘History Channel’ stray?.... $$$$$, just a hunch. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airtwardo 7 #19537 November 29, 2010 Why did the ‘History Channel’ stray?.... $$$$$, just a hunch. Well that and the fact that there is only just so much History...tell the story of the Roman Coliseum once and do ya really need to hear it again? Then again, that remake of True Grit does look pretty good! ~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #19538 November 29, 2010 Quote It seems reasonable, at least to me, that a metal detector would be able to detect an NB-6 parachute even after 40 years in the brush. But it's a ridiculous idea for finding the DB Cooper "crater." Think about it for just a few minutes. Let's say we could figure out where in 3D space he left the aircraft. That we also knew the wind speed and what altitude he pulled. Let's say we could be certain to within a 1 mile radius of where he cratered. Which BTW, is absolutely impossible with the current data, but for the sake of argument let's say we actually could do it. How long do you think it would take to sweep that area with a metal detector? Remember, you're probably going to be walking the search area at less than 0.1 mph and sweeping an area about 6 feet wide.quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #19539 November 29, 2010 Quote How long do you think it would take to sweep that area with a metal detector? Remember, you're probably going to be walking the search area at less than 0.1 mph and sweeping an area about 6 feet wide. Agree with Quade's points PLUS the additional problem of TONS of false positives. There is nothing unique about the NB6's mag signature that a hand held metal detector could distinguish. You have to probe/dig every one to rule them out. Ground penetrating radar might work better to image the metal pieces and help sort out false positives, but it isnt so great for shallow buried objects. It's better at finding big things far down, like a few P 38s and an B 17. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #19540 November 29, 2010 RobertMBlevins opined anachronistically: “To be fair, History Channel also does very legitimate shows such as… ‘Life After People’.” How could a HISTORY based channel possibly transmit anything legitimate about life after 100% of the audience has long been gone? That is ‘Science Fiction’ not history. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sluggo_Monster 0 #19541 November 29, 2010 Two quick issues: RobertMBlevins, 1st: The FBI doesn’t respond to ALL others as they do to you and your HC buddies. Some researchers can talk to officials for hours on end. Have you considered that it may be something you say, something you do, or someone you associate with? 2nd: The Bremerton Sun article you posted has several GLARING ERRORS in it. The hijack occurred on 11/24 NOT 11/23. The hijacker gave his name as Dan Cooper; he DIDN’T sign a passenger list or anything else, certainly not as DB Cooper. He ordered the pilot to fly to Mexico NOT Reno (that was NWA’s idea). So this newspaper thinks a photo outside of a wig-shop means the HJ wore a toupee, well it’s a damn good thing the photo wasn’t outside a stable surely it would mean he was a horse! I hope I have made you see the fallacy of your thinking… OR… you could just continue finding the data points along the curve you plotted over a year ago. Sluggo shakes head from side-to-side and sighs; "Sad... sooooo sad" Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #19542 November 30, 2010 Quote 1st: The FBI doesn’t respond to ALL others as they do to you and your HC buddies. Some researchers can talk to officials for hours on end. Have you considered that it may be something you say, something you do, or someone you associate with? Robert must have told them that HC was researching J Edgar Hoover's wardrobe for an upcoming special called Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress, (workin' for the FBI). They didn't realize he was only kidding.3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #19543 November 30, 2010 Quote There are some differences in the two NB-6 containers based on a 40 year old memory. There seem to be more metallic stiffeners in the new container. Contrary to 377's earlier statement, the packing bands on both containers seem to be elastic rather than having a metal spring. Amazon, Have they gone to elastic POBs? That would surprise me, but progress often does. Those ones with metal springs inside hold tension for decades. I popped a belly reserve in 2000 that was last packed in 1974. POBs opened the flaps right up and the pilot chute spring did its thing... launched itself across the room. It had a kicker plate. Robert, Try a compass as your metal detector, it might be more sensitive than trying to feel a magnet pull. Look for deflection. A cheap magnetic stud finder should work too. Don't ask for one of those in SF, it wont be what you expect. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #19544 November 30, 2010 Quade opined: Quote Yeah, let's make no bones about this, The History Channel is no longer about facts, reality or actual history. I can't for the life of me figure out why they've strayed so far from their original mission. It only hurts their brand. Puzzles me too, they should have kept the HC brand untarnished and started the Mhistory Channel, for all the UFO and ghost stuff. Quade do you ever listen to Coast to Coast AM? It's full of delusional or seriously misinfomed accounts of the paranormal, conspiracies, etc but quite addictive and grabs a large nationwide audience. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #19545 November 30, 2010 Quote Quote It seems reasonable, at least to me, that a metal detector would be able to detect an NB-6 parachute even after 40 years in the brush. But it's a ridiculous idea for finding the DB Cooper "crater." Think about it for just a few minutes. Let's say we could figure out where in 3D space he left the aircraft. That we also knew the wind speed and what altitude he pulled. Let's say we could be certain to within a 1 mile radius of where he cratered. Which BTW, is absolutely impossible with the current data, but for the sake of argument let's say we actually could do it. How long do you think it would take to sweep that area with a metal detector? Remember, you're probably going to be walking the search area at less than 0.1 mph and sweeping an area about 6 feet wide. Quade and 377, without giving away any of my "secrets" (since Jo doesn't advertise hers either), let me point out that the "current data" is not the only way to approach this particular event. I agree that there is no way to locate a jump point or landing point based on the publicly released FBI information. And if I remember correctly, I have pointed this out a time or two. Consequently, we (meaning me) have been reduced to just using common sense even though it may be inferior to "official" information. The Wisdom of the Ages includes the facts that the law of gravity still works for one an all and that water runs downhill. Possibly the only "fact" in this matter is where the money was found at Tina Bar and I think that location is generally agreed to within a few hundred feet. But one "fact" is all that is needed to start developing other "facts", etc., etc.. And developing "facts" is an ongoing process. Obviously, I do not subscribe to the "theory", even if it may be the "official" one, that Cooper landed 20 miles up the river from Tina Bar. I do not subscribe to the "theory" that the airliner passed on the east side of Portland, even if all three pilots gave sworn statements to that effect, since such a flight path simply does not make sense. I do subscribe to the theory that the Cooper hi-jacking is still solvable even at this date. And I will continue along that line. Don't color me "Alice (or Robert) in Wonderland". Just color me as being realistic. Robert Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sluggo_Monster 0 #19546 November 30, 2010 RobertMBlevins, I admit that sometimes I’m not nearly as smart as I think I am. I wanted to punch a hole in your “Kenny wore a wig and the FBI was looking for Cooper based on a photo outside a wig store” theory, so I attacked the credibility of the newspaper article. What a mistake that was! I feel soooo stupid! You see, the name William (Jack) Lewis of Seabeck, WA rang a bell with me so I went through my archives and guess what? The FBI WAS looking at a photo of a man that was taken outside a Bremerton wig store. The photo wasn’t of DB Cooper, but a participant in a fraud where someone claimed to know who DB was. William John Lewis and Donald Sylvester Murphy were arrested and convicted for the fraud. Stop now and read the articles below. You may remember some of this from the so called FOIA material on the FBI website. Notice this quote from the Centralia Daily Chronicle article: "Murphy dressed like an artist sketch of Cooper, using a wig and glasses, to be photographed by Lewis....." So, I guess the FBI knew what it was doing AND there is still no (credible) evidence that Cooper wore a wig. What was it that lady said about Kenny's wig again, and why is that important? Oh yeah [whispering]... I don't think I'd use that Sun article in my book... it could have an adverse effect on your credibility. Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #19547 November 30, 2010 Quote Quote There are some differences in the two NB-6 containers based on a 40 year old memory. There seem to be more metallic stiffeners in the new container. Contrary to 377's earlier statement, the packing bands on both containers seem to be elastic rather than having a metal spring. Amazon, Have they gone to elastic POBs? That would surprise me, but progress often does. Those ones with metal springs inside hold tension for decades. I popped a belly reserve in 2000 that was last packed in 1974. POBs opened the flaps right up and the pilot chute spring did its thing... launched itself across the room. It had a kicker plate. Robert, Try a compass as your metal detector, it might be more sensitive than trying to feel a magnet pull. Look for deflection. A cheap magnetic stud finder should work too. Don't ask for one of those in SF, it wont be what you expect. 377 377, each of the bands has five very small wires. Each wire is in its own grove with the cloth between each wire stitched. While I can feel the wires, I can't feel the springs even going from one end of the band to the other. My NB-6 may have also had these wires in 1971 and I just never noticed them but just assumed they were rubber type bands. I happened to be in SF over the Labor Day weekend of 1966. Somehow I found myself sitting on a stool at a place of entertainment that was quite famous at that time. A lady by the name of Carol Dodo, if I got the last name spelled right, walked by me and brushed my left elbow with her famous 44+ whatevers. With that experience, there was nothing further for me to do in SF so I have not been back. Robert Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1969912 0 #19548 November 30, 2010 Carol Doda. Condor Club in North Beach. "Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ." -NickDG Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #19549 November 30, 2010 Quote Carol Doda. Condor Club in North Beach. You are correct. I understand that she is still performing at clubs in that area at the age of 73. What ever happened to the Tiger Girl at the Condor? Robert Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1969912 0 #19550 November 30, 2010 I don't know if I've ever been in the Condor. Just remember my mom telling me about it and Carol Doda when we went to Little Joe's at Columbus & Broadway for good food. IIRC, you could see the Condor sign with a painting of her from the restaurant. She got hurt pretty badly in the 70's or 80's when a moving stage collapsed in (I assume) the Condor. Spent New Years Eve in North Beach in the mid-80's - that was FUN! "Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ." -NickDG Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites