377 22 #19576 December 1, 2010 Quote I don't often disagree with you 377, but I do disagree with you re it being a "pity" if Cooper lost the money. It wasn't his to start off with. Should a criminal be more "entitled' to his ill-gotten proceeds because of his means of getting them? If Duane jumped out a plane with someone else's coat would that be better than just swiping it out a restaurant You are right Orange, it was dirty rotten theft and really extreme intimidation (the bomb). I don't think he was entitled to keep the money, I just wanted the incredibly innovative plan to succeed in getting the money to the ground and still attached to Cooper. After that they could have arested him, I wouldn't have shed any tears. The copy cat skyjacks are not quite as impressive. They had a model. Cooper's idea was wildly innovative and it worked for some, at least for a while before they were caught. Maybe it worked for Cooper too. Time will tell. They are now flying 3 year old kids in our local tunnel (with instructors of course). Some of them fly incredibly well. Safe was showing a lot of promise, wonder if he will tajke the next step? 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #19577 December 1, 2010 According to the ‘Best of SEATAC’ stores and services; the ‘BEST hotel hair salon’ is Paul’s Hair Fashions. This salon is located in the beautiful Airport Plaza Hotel adjacent to the airport and below the dominating monolith that is the Northwest Orient building (insert that dum, dum, dummmm, mood sound). This motel has a history, a history that will finally be told where intrigue, lore and hair collide in a lusty samba of unbridled greed and betrayal. Where hijacking turns to hijinks in the high stakes arena of high tension hyperbole hiding where…. umm… in or ahh… I think I just got lost in my own allegory here. Before becoming the Airport Plaza Hotel and before the Denny’s and adjacent La Quinta were built, this was the space age named Swept Wing Inn. The attached image was taken at night when the view is even more spectacular. Spending an evening there must have been like sleeping in space. How cool. While guests slumbered below jets constantly launching into the turbid skies of Seattle, there were classified articles being read where D B Cooper was asked to come forward for an interview. His identity would be protected and a legal defense funded. The person who submitted the article was an author who was just after the truth. As luck would have it, D B Cooper read this ad and happened to live in Seattle, what are the odds? Well, a meeting was scheduled between Cooper and the author at that very motel which crouched in the umbra of the massive shadow of the Northwest Orient building like some sort of Remus or Romulus of lodging, sheepishly trying to suckle what clearly should have been dispensed. A wrong had been done to Cooper and he was going to expose all the aviation industry for just what a cold heartless entity they truly knew they were. Bastards. Cooper said he had been unfairly fired by Boeing AND betrayed by Northwest. The longer the list, the greater the odds of some truths being told. Come on, this guy was screwed by Boeing and the airline he hijacked, you gotta love that. This has to be true since anyone would hijack a pair of companies that acted like Georgian mountain men to Cooper’s, Ned Beatty on a canoe trip. This screams for justice. Cooper looked like the composite and produced two bills with matching serial numbers. We all know that one bill could be altered, but not two. Two is twice as many as one and twice the proof of authenticity. During his three day interview with Cooper, the author was driven to Portland and shown where the escape car was stashed, how exciting. Cooper went on to explain that he had three radio transmitters set up over a large area to mark were to jump (it all sounds so familiar). Cooper tells the author that he can’t spend the marked money and that is why he demanded $45,000 for the interview. Satisfied with events, the author handed over $30,000 which he carried in a tennis racket cover. Gosh it is all so ‘deep throaty’ and ‘double oh seven-y’. Two weeks later the FBI (who must have investigated the former employee lead) informed the author that he was hoaxed and Cooper was wearing a toupee as part of his disguise. Yep, the author got scalped then cut out of his job, but the money was returned (most anyway) in a close shave with larceny from a bunch of bald faced lies told by some hare brained crook, who was combing through the classifieds and thought he could brush off the FBI with razor like precision….. and… umm.. scissors. The Swept Wing Inn changed names several times to include the Vagabond Executive Inn (what is with us American’s and our 4th grade reading comprehension?)…. An Executive Vagabond, really? Anyway, the best hair salon in SEATAC was attached to one of the greatest clip jobs of 1972 and has now faded into the ignoble existence that most structures enjoy near airport properties (code for crack whore country). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #19578 December 1, 2010 Ok Scott, tell me was there never a really a Wing Swept Inn or did you change the name of an old hotel in the area? You get really weird sometimes. Hell, of an imagination and I am accused of being Crazy and Delusional. What do you really do for a living or did for a living - just curious? The hotel was what stirred my interest this time enough to look at the darn picture! Sounds like a salad recipe. Registered over a yr ago and only posts to the Cooper thread? Hmmmmm! Now I am really curious. You are not Snowmman that is for sure - but, you do seem to be his alter ego. I am glad you are keeping the stories clean - Grandma is in the room...but, been a Great Grandma for 4 yr. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #19579 December 1, 2010 Motive? Hell yes I've got a motive! And so do you. My motive is to find Cooper. Jo, in case you can't remember, your motive is to prove that Duane was Cooper despite not having a single bit of evidence to back up your claim. Good luck with your efforts. Robert Nicholson Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #19580 December 1, 2010 377 Stated: The CIA has done some wacky far out stuff (MK Ultra, remote viewing experiments etc) ) but I can't for the world see why they would have been involved in Norjack. It has all the earmarks of a real crime and none of a covert govt operation. Forget the conspiracy theory stuff. It is a dead end and a convenient excuse for not finding evidence. Jo States: Exactly what I KEEP trying to tell myself, but I am having a hard time getting behind closed doors...without help. Right now that is Ft. Benning files. Who was that Joker who pulled off a couple of months of training at the expense of Uncle Sam? ========= 377 Stated: And what about Sheridan Peterson? Jo States: What about Richard A. "Paperlegs" Peterson? Are the 2 Petersons related? If they are - there would be familia DNA. ======= 377 Stated: And what about Ted Braden? Jo States: Ted Braden was NOT the Braden who Waugh suggested. Someone else DUG him up. ======== 377 Stated: Jo, you seem to think the FBI was intimidating witnesses and trying to get them to change their story about seeing the NWA 727 over certain areas. Why would they care about those stories? What difference would it make? Cooper wasnt found so the witness flight path stories are kinda irrelevant. Jo States: Why are the witness flight path stories NOT relavant. Look at ALL of the controversay over the Flight path 39 yrs later? Different "specialist" keep altering it to fit their stories. It is what it is and what it was. ================== 377 Stated: I also question whether the witnesses could identify the plane type they saw given its altitude, night, rain and scattered clouds. Jo States: Not one witness claimed to identify the plane type by what they could see, but by the sound it made. Only one claimed he could see something behind the cloud layers. I live near 4 bases - I know the sounds. When a transporter does it's thing with a swoop over my house - I know that sound. I can tell you the difference between the ambulance helicopters and larger military copters. I can tell a fast jet from an regular passenger plane - all from the sound they make. I do not think I am that unique...if I hear one unusual close or sounding different - I will go out the door and look up. Unless the sound is out of the norm I seldom look up. What the people talk about is the sound of a large jet flying very low - not a fast chase plane and the chase plane would not be lower than the 727. Those small jets make an entirely different sound than a 727. =============== 377 Stated: Drop all the conspiracy theories and focus on the hard evidence. Conspiracy theories are rat holes Jo. Every time you get stumped you can blame it on a cover up. Investigations usually get nowhere with this method of analysis. Jo States: I am well aware that conspiracy theories are rat holes. It is not that I get stumped - it is part of the story. If I ignored these people and what they think - that also would not be a good thing. It takes only a few minutes to hear their story and their opinions. I only related what I was told. ============= 377 Stated: Still waiting for you to put Duane in a chute. A spoken remark near Ft Benning doesnt cut it. I wonder how seriously the Army was checking IDs in WW 2. There are so many authentic stories of underaged soldiers and airmen making it in and staying in. Jo States: Now that I am able to peg the yrs with the story and if they use the criminal records they have - the windows of opportunity are narrow. I have requested this formally in writing. It is a matter of records. They have been looking for Duane L. Weber - not whatever alias he used. Find the guys who were found outed (has to be recorded sometime somewhere). Reports had to be made and charges made or did the imposter skip before they caught him. Find the names and serial numbers of those guys and you will put Weber in a chute. It is a narrow window - prison time and age are two eliminating factors. I told them NOT to trust the McNeil record because I know he was else where. So they have to look at 1944- 1949. I say concentrate on 1945 to 1947. . Remember the contrast in his appearnce from in-take in 1960 in Canon City to out-take in 1962. Looked like 2 different guys. He is in the CO area from 1960 until 1964. After that he is too old for new training unless it was part a barter trade at Jefferson (the mystery records). They need to investigate "Wavy Green" as I never felt that was just a mistake by a FBI agent. How did he come up with that name? How would one go about doing what this guy supposedly did? Whose orders did he show up with at Ft. Benning ? If Duane traded places with another guy who was active duty the would not the other guy have charges? You just don't walk into a base and say "I am here for paratrooper training". One man was on TV program or in the News several yrs ago - a man who had done this. This guy "the confessor" was ill and wanted to get his life right with God. He was the guy who was supposed to go to combat and someone else took his place. What happened to the guy who took his place? He never named who went to Nam in his place. The TV confess after Duane died in 1995 and before 2002 - because I was still in the other house. Who was this man? What are the army's statues on the soldier who lets someone use his orders and change places with him? Look at Camino and SnowLine near Tahoe - We found NO record of a Duane Weber - but he was there and it is a matter of finding what name he used. These records are spead around the country and it would take a manual investigation. I had someone go to Camino and those areas - the records have all been spread out to other areas. We know they lead to WA and OR. . The guys in The Dalles who said Duane was the dishwasher at the Spillway Tavern - claimed he was AWOL from the Navy. Just how they knew that I don't know. I know Duane was discharge from the name on a Bad Conduct from the Navy in 1942 or 43. His parents move to CA while he was in the Navy, but where living in CA while he did his 3 months in the ARMY at Camp Siebert...1943. Don't have dates infront ofme. Camp Siebert is NOT far from FT. Benning. The brother had a family friend who reported Duane's activities at Camp Siebert as Duane had commandered an Officers jeep for an night on the town. So - anyone have any ideas - how you get into the military files. The FBI doesn't have time and I will do it, but it means getting permission to search the files and / or have access. Won't ever happen! .Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #19581 December 1, 2010 Quote What the people talk about is the sound of a large jet flying very low - not a fast chase plane and the chase plane would not be lower than the 727. Those small jets make an entirely different sound than a 727. Jo, There is a lot of airliner air traffic around any metro area. How could these witnesses tell the difference between a DC 8, 727, 737, 707 or other pasenger or cargo jet just by sound? The may have heard a loud jet. Anything else is speculation in my opinion. Don't bet on the F 106s always being above the 727 if they were trying to intercept it. It is MUCH MUCH MUCH easier to aquire an airborne taget on fighter radar looking up towards it from behind and below. In a "look up" radar scenario there are no ground clutter reflections to deal with. "Look down" fighter radar is still being tweaked today and takes a lot of signal processing to remove ground clutter. I worked a the company that made the F 106's intercept electronics (MA1 fire control system). It had lots of problems and was always getting modified/upgraded. It must have really been an embarassment to the McChord fighter jocks and SAGE operators that the only USAF plane to intercept the NWA 727 was a lumbering C 130 turboprop driven Hercules cargo transport that had no intercept electronics at all. I wonder if the Herc crew painted a 727 under the cockpit window? If Duane took the place of a legit paratrooper trainee then there was a deserter somewhere and those cases were pursued with vigor during wartime. You might have more luck pursuing this angle than trying to find out if someone was busted for posing as an enlistee. I think its a wild goose chase, but some pepole like goose. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #19582 December 1, 2010 Some light and easy research validation (never tried in over 19,800 posts), http://foia.fbi.gov/cooper_d_b/cooper_d_b_part04.pdf Page 3 of the PDF file, Item 5, subset 2. http://www.thestranger.com/seattle/stores--services/Content?oid=4489 See: Best Hotel Hair Salon Best Place to Reenact ‘Leaving Las Vegas’ Then search: “Karl Fleming D B Cooper” and read the story ‘A Fall From Grace’ in the preview of his book “Son of the Rough South: An Uncivil Memoir”. You may find it shocking, the ramifications he experienced from getting a single element of the DB Cooper interview wrong. Or not, probably not. As Sluggo Monster has stated in every conceivable way one can imagine, discount what you don’t like and take what matches your pre plotted curve. Same as it ever was. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #19583 December 1, 2010 Quote Then search: “Karl Fleming D B Cooper” If only Fleming had been a radio hobbyist he would have seen through the hoax before handing over the money for the story. The fake Cooper's story about carrying a radio receiver and having previously set up a wide triangle of three radio transmitters as a "target to hit in his parachute" is laughably absurd in my opinion. According to the story it worked: he jumped when he heard the signals and landed near enough to his car to just drive away. If only radiolocation were that easy. Two way radios would have worked if he had an accomplice. I've shown that communications of over 50 miles are easily made from an open parachute at 10,000 ft using a cheap walkie talkie. You can get 20 miles ground to ground if the accomplice or Cooper was on elevated terrain with a line of sight to the other person. The SOG jumpers in Nam used beacons and DF receivers to find each other after landing. I am still trying to find examples of the gear they used. I like radios and I like parachutes, but I guess you can see that. I wish Cooper had used radios, it would make the case more interesting, but there is zero evidence that he did. He was an idiot not have carried an VHF AM receiver so that he could monitor comms between the cockpit crew and the FBI while on the ground. Radio Shack sold an analog tunable "VHF AM receiver in the 60s and 70s that sold for $21 and would have done the job quite well. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #19584 December 2, 2010 377 States: Quote It must have really been an embarassment to the McChord fighter jocks and SAGE operators that the only USAF plane to intercept the NWA 727 was a lumbering C 130 turboprop driven Hercules cargo transport that had no intercept electronics at all. I wonder if the Herc crew painted a 727 under the cockpit window? Jo Replies: What are you talking about above regarding the Hercules - they used 2 of those small planes so where did this Hercules come into play and at what time in this whole senario taking place Nov 24,1971? =============== 377 States: Quote If Duane took the place of a legit paratrooper trainee then there was a deserter somewhere and those cases were pursued with vigor during wartime. You might have more luck pursuing this angle than trying to find out if someone was busted for posing as an enlistee. I think its a wild goose chase, but some pepole like goose. Jo Replies: That is the word my mind could not find "deserter". I have tried to figure out HOW the guys made this exchange in I think approx 1945 - BUT, I know NOTHING of things like this. Did Duane get hold of someone else's order and if he did how could that possibly work? Did he just impersonate someone without their knowledge? Again how would he do that? The reason I never pursued this to any serious degree is that it seemed so unlikely the government could be so lax. The other window of Opportunity was 1960. Note how different he looks from intake 1960 and release 1962. He shows me a place the guys trained in Canon City and then a place north of Ft. Collins (rocky plaines) and then the place in Leadville. I had NO idea until recently these places meant a DAMN thing. Then his connection to Paperlegs and when I found out Paperlegs was incharge of Paratrooper Communication in those place plus the Intermountain Connection - it hit me like a ton of brick. Everything he told me and showed me and the things the exwife told me about these places and his being gone so much. It took that July 29, 1957 articles out of St. Pete for me to put any validation to the things he told me and showed me in CO. Bet 99 regrets ever posting those articles! I want everyone of you to think about Duanes' abilities with COMMUNICATIONS - where did he learn all of this. Think about his handle "World Grestest Jock Carrier" THERE, is a message in that handle alone. I believe he was in that program, but I don't know how or why other than it was covert and we don't want to go down that road. His wife knew him as John Collins - so it was John Collins who was working with this group. The ex-wife ALWAYS told me she did not know he was Duane Weber until he was being RELEASED from Jefferson in 1968???? Sounds like bull to me - surely there was a trial and a sentencing - did the authorities even at that time NOT know he was Duane Weber? Is this WHY the FBI never allowed me to see the Jefferson file until it was put on line (after CARR posted Duane's history here). What you get on line is very very limited. I just want to unravel all this stuff and get on with my life...and I don't think it is possible without the co-operation of the FBI.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #19585 December 2, 2010 377 Stated: Quote Two way radios would have worked if he had an accomplice. I've shown that communications of over 50 miles are easily made from an open parachute at 10,000 ft using a cheap walkie talkie. You can get 20 miles ground to ground if the accomplice or Cooper was on elevated terrain with a line of sight to the other person. That is why he had to get to that hill Jerry Thomas claimed did not exist - the one I found while I was in WA last month. He didn't land on target and to get away from the area he laned in and he had to stay hidden...why he walked the power lines. With the Dickey he took out of the shed - he just looked like a rail or mill worker or someone checking the ground for BP. He had to find an accessible hill or to make transmissions from pre-arranged locations for the other person to find him. He knew exactly what he had to do to get out - he knew the powerlines and pipelines and the rails. This fits - the walk from the creek, the hill and then what he told me..."That is where Cooper walked out of the woods". Cooper was NEVER lost. Check the graves at the Washougal Memorial Cemetery - who was buried in 1971?Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #19586 December 2, 2010 Jo wrote: Quote It took that July 29, 1957 articles out of St. Pete for me to put any validation to the things he told me and showed me in CO. Bet 99 regrets ever posting those articles! Nahh, 99 doesnt regret it one bit. Id bet on it. The Herc intercept story is on some website documenting the history of McChord AFB and mentions its role in the DB Cooper event. As I recall it was after the F 106s were recalled and the 727 was getting out of the area. I think Snow found it, a safe bet. Man I wish he was back here. We stagnate without fresh stuff and he brought in fresh stuff all the time. If getting on with your life requires the FBI to help you investigate Duane Weber's past you will never get on with your life Jo. Accept it. Make your choice. What makes you think Duane had any special communication skills? People with double digit IQs ruled the CB airwaves in the 60s. World's Biggest Jock carrier is indeed an odd handle. I havent yet figured out that side of Duane's multifaceted personality. Find some Airborne vets association. Use search tools like Google. Dogpile.com is a useful one too. Correspond with some old paratroopers. You can probably find guys still alive who were training at Ft Benning during the time in question. Maybe they can help you. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sluggo_Monster 0 #19587 December 2, 2010 Jo said: Quote Cooper was NEVER lost. Check the graves at the Washougal Memorial Cemetery - who was buried in 1971? Okay I went through 167 pages and found everyone with a burial date of 1971… now… what did I learn? 377 said: Quote The Herc intercept story is on some website documenting the history of McChiord AFB and mentions its role in the DB Cooper event. As I recall it was after the F 106s were recalled and the 727 was getting out of the area. I think Snow found it, a safe bet. man I wish he was back here. We stagnate without fresh stuff and he brought in fresh stuff all the time. Aheeeem! Ah Ah Aheeem! Go HERE and I think you’ll find the reference. Scroll down near the end and you’ll see what the historian sent me. Look for “History of the 39th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Wing”. Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #19588 December 2, 2010 Ya know... I am kinda bummed I coulda been infamous but the weather was just not cooperatin last week. I really wanted to model my NB-6 at the annyal shindig in Ariel. NEXT YEAR in Ariel Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #19589 December 2, 2010 Sluggo said: Quote Aheeeem! Ah Ah Aheeem! Go HERE and I think you’ll find the reference. My apologies Sluggo. It was you who found the account of the Herc outperforming front line F 106 interceptors and the SAGE system in finding and tailing the NWA 727. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #19590 December 2, 2010 Quote Ya know... I am kinda bummed I coulda been infamous but the weather was just not cooperatin last week. I really wanted to model my NB-6 at the annyal shindig in Ariel. NEXT YEAR in Ariel Weather? Amazon, this is not what I expect to hear from a survival intructor. So the weather dog ate your homework?What REALLY kept you from coming? 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #19591 December 2, 2010 There is no such thing. That’s how Bernie Madoff and Jim Jones managed to rise to their respective levels of disrespect. It takes a village…… idiot. How many examples of full frontal insults are imbedded in explanations about suspects wearing colored contact lenses or toupees? Let’s count them shall we? Or not. 1. Colored contacts ASSUMES that ‘whoever’ was wearing the color the unreliable flight attendants described; piercing brown to black (no one says what color contacts). Yes, most people with green, blue or some other exotic eye color go to the optometrist and order what 85% of the world possesses for eye pigment. How stupid must the receiver be? Oh yes doctor, I have the most amazing turquoise eyes, but would like brown…. dark brown. While you are at it, can you give me a massive nose to compliment my eye color selection? Yet no doctor can recall such a request…. In the history of man. But Roswell Aliens are dumb. 2. Kenny had a toupee…. period (fill in the blanks yourself). Well OK then, what color was Kenny’s toupee? Oops…. Thought the average person would assume his hair color to be D B Cooper-ish, auburn. Thank God this isn’t a YouTube video hyperlink…. whew, those exhaust me. 3. What style was Kenny’s toupee? Straight, wavy, curly, flat top, Beatles, Hendrix, Future Trump, nappy or….. let me guess…. ummmm… how bout D B Cooper-ish? Yeah, that’s it; it looked just like D B Cooper’s to include the fact that there is no photographic evidence of either. See how solid and reliable? No distractions to the Cooper story here, just ‘known facts’. 4. By simply adding colored contacts and toupees, the reader is demanded to accept the descriptions offered by those who are considered in error when it comes to those attributes which don’t match their curves. What a crock of intellectual guano. 5. Notice how the details are constantly lacking and modified on an ad hoc basis? Oh yeah, the toupee was Cooper’s color and style as depicted by all the composites, WE thought that was understood. Even though WE will regale you with minutia about every other subject. Gosh. At least this type of comment is guaranteed to keep the largest offenders quiet on the subject. Or not. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #19592 December 2, 2010 On Grape Vine I just read a story that parallels the capabilities of Clive Cussler - with the Numa files. By the way - I just finished Polar Shift. Very surprised you would even stoop to do a Cooper book...but, you live and you learn. Others I have read within the past 7 yrs are Fire Ice, The Sea Hunters II, Raise the Titanic, Frozen Oddessy, Crash Dive, Black Wind. How can I trail the titles off? Because I kept buying books I had already read so I started a catalogue of authors and the books as I read them. This way when I go to a garage sale or buy a book from the Friends of the Library - I don't end up with a book already read. I donated the books I read to The Friends of the Library, but wihen I found an assisted living place which had NOTHING for the patients - but a very limited library, I decided that was a better way to deal with my gently used books. I even pick up books I would not read and out of my genre if they are in excellent condition and with the larger print or hard backs - just to take to the assisted living library. You see I am NOT all about Cooper, but I haven't been reading as much the last 3 yrs, because my eye makes reading very tedious as it does on the computer...left eye droops real bad. but he Dr. I went to thinks I would have more difficulties if she did anything to it because of the dry eye - Catch 22. I use Visine and that give me about 1 hour of computer or book time at least 3 times a day, I fall asleep most nights with a book and my lamp on - depending of the difficulty of the book. Seniors need to continually challenge themselves by reading books that have more substance in them rather than the short romance books - I tried to read one recently by Nora Roberts and I just do NOT like them. There is no story. My "light" and fun reading is James Patterson - but, I haven't enjoyed them as much in the last few yrs after he took on writing partners. He let Dilallo screw up his Alex Cross with the title of TRIAL. OK - Off subject Attention 377: Actually I came in to ask about the plane that was large that joined the search. I could not get the article to download from Sluggo's site. What I need to know - how long after the 727 did they use this plane. Was it in the air at the same time as the 727? I was unaware of any plane being in the area except the 2 chase plane and was told they actually cleared the air space. There was another plane (don't know if it was a 727) that was allow to go into Portland shortly AFTER the Skyjacked Plane was out of the area... While the highjacked plane was in the air - I am not aware of any other plane being in that air space other than the 2 chase planes...and another plane trailing, but I don't know what kind of plane that was...I do know the pilot made statements about the weather he encounters from Seatac to PDX. I read about some small planes going out - but it was ALL OVER by the time they got in the air..and it was dark.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #19593 December 2, 2010 Quote Quote Ya know... I am kinda bummed I coulda been infamous but the weather was just not cooperatin last week. I really wanted to model my NB-6 at the annyal shindig in Ariel. NEXT YEAR in Ariel Weather? Amazon, this is not what I expect to hear from a survival intructor. So the weather dog ate your homework?What REALLY kept you from coming? 377 Uh yeah... I learned that my survival is based on not doing stupid shitI have ZERO desire driving that far in Western Washington on roads covered with ice. These friggin morons are clueless on how to clear the roads of it.. and the imbeciles out there driving on their summer tires too fast is just stupid.. It is far better to stay the hell off the roads. It took my friend over 4 hours to get home from work on that Monday that it started. Its only a 25 mile commute that takes about 45 minutes MAX then the exceedingly brain damaged drivers of Western Washington are not being subjected to any weather challenges. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #19594 December 2, 2010 Quote I had forgotten about the snow. That was the other reason I wouldn't have made it to Ariel this year. It snowed all over Puget Sound. The rest of it was family and football. Next year is the 40th anniversary. Now that I know the correct weekend, I'll try to attend. I don't know, though. Maybe by then I won't be involved in this Cooper stuff anymore. I like to write about space stuff, or crime novels. Non-fiction writing? That's work. Fiction is FUN. Articles are FUN. Non-fiction is definitely work. Side Stuff: You know how people are always saying we should be sending people to Mars? (or maybe not, depending on how you feel about it) NASA and JPL and a few other outfits have been working on it for years. You just don't hear about it. They even tell how they're going to do it, show the pictures, let you download the PDF, and when they're landing: April 15, 2025. http://adventurebooks.newsvine.com/_news/2009/09/05/3228198-nasa-sets-the-date-we-finally-land-on-mars-april-15-2025-and-heres-how-they-plan-to-do-it- Sometimes I do short stories. Once in a while they're okay. This one's a warning: http://adventurebooks.newsvine.com/_news/2010/06/28/4576448-the-earth-and-the-lion Actually, this is the stuff I really like to do. Whomever Cooper really is, I just hope someone finds out, one way or another. Hell I am old and decrepit and I would take the one way trip if I had the gear and the ride. I am thinking 1/3 the gravity would be nice on my old bones. Considering I have worked in computers ,servers networks and infrastructure for 20+ years and was a geologist by training... and I do have a few skills in going camping in "interesting" places my risk assesment of the one way trip I think the odds of survival are good. Give me plenty of food... a way of recycling water and air ... and shelter as a start.. I would be good to go. What an adventure Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #19595 December 2, 2010 Quote Is anyone planning on attending the DB Cooper thing in Ariel, WA this year? Greg Page, AB of Seattle tech advisor, and yours truly will be there. I tried to talk Greg into dressing up like Flo Schaffner, bouffant hairdo and all, but he wasn't going for it. Blevins - did you not post this? In another post you even told us what hat you would be wearing?Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #19596 December 2, 2010 Quote Weather? Amazon, this is not what I expect to hear from a survival intructor. So the weather dog ate your homework?Wink What REALLY kept you from coming? 377 Uh yeah... I learned that my survival is based on not doing stupid shitSlySly I have ZERO desire driving that far in Western Washington on roads covered with ice. These friggin morons are clueless on how to clear the roads of it.. and the imbeciles out there driving on their summer tires too fast is just stupid.. It is far better to stay the hell off the roads. It took my friend over 4 hours to get home from work on that Monday that it started. Its only a 25 mile commute that takes about 45 minutes MAX then the exceedingly brain damaged drivers of Western Washington are not being subjected to any weather challenges. I was kinda hoping someone like Amazon would jump in. That would solve the 'ice road morons" problem. Is it even possible? I'll have to check it out on Google Earth. Farflung, I think Mr Paul needs to be interviewed to see if he did any hair work on a Mr Collins in Nov of 71. Jo, what ever happened to your Night Clerk? 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #19597 December 2, 2010 377 Stated: Quote Jo, what ever happened to your Night Clerk? He is in China and I talked to his ex-wife (they are good friends). She said he is well and still teaching there, but well ingrained in the China culture. He was in a remote area of China - and the internet excessibility just did not exist.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #19598 December 2, 2010 The below post was by one posted by Georger after I told about witness reports in the Heisson area: Quote Ran across something unexpected ... flight path noise and pullution complaints, at Heisson WA ? Wierd, maybe not. Maybe related to the xxxxx xxxxxxx report? It seems to center around the fact of Heisson being on the flight path (downslope?) to PDX? Found several noise studies of the area and some pollution studies which specify Heisson. Then he continued with the below report: Quote "0000 Location: Heisson, WA ... I live under the flight path.... Dude that must suck! ... its horrible at times." I find a large number of noise abatement businesses advertising at Heisson and nearby ... aviation noise abatement. Maybe xxxxxxx xxxxxx's report was a mistake and some other plane, not 305 ? Especially if Heisson is known for aviation (flight path) noise problems as a general fact of life there ??? All that report did was enforce this the fact that the flight path would have gone right over that area. Because the plane was LOWER than usual it sounded to them like a plane in trouble and why they went running out their doors to look up. I live near flight paths and many times I have gone out of my way to look up because of an unusual sound that was out of the norm. To me this report posted in the forum - was only making it more probable the plane did NOT divert that much from the fight path it would normally have taken except to stay out of heavily populated areas...and that would be Portland - the flight path went East of Portland and West of Cames. Witness accounts follow that path all the way to the Portland/ Cames area. If you go to the PDX and watch those planes coming and going out of that airport - you will understand that the flights depart in a Easterly direction. Any air traffic cross traffic from the North going South has to go East or West of Portland. That plane did NOT go West of Portland because if they had they would have RATTLED their passenger and if he had a REAL bomb it could have cost them the plane and the crew. This was the diversion the pilot took when he made the curve around Brush Prairie, but I think Cooper was already gone. Before I thought he jumped in that area and/or it was his target area. I was unaware of how close all of the areas are. If you are in question get on a plane and go to WA. Then take a flight from Portland to Seattle and back, Study the airport as it was in 1971 - (they have enlarged a lot). Note the location of the airport from the areas Duane took me...the 3 locations on the river he and stopped at. They are ALL three across the river in Vancouver across the river from the PDX. The place he went down a hill. The place where the big Tank was. The Red Lion at base of the bridge in Vancouver (I had dinner there while I was in WA. with Bruce). The Red Lion is ALL new now, but it was the place Duane threw that bag in the river. Remember he took me into Portland going home. The road he took me on was NOT the expressway, but a road that went down along the river. He kept me focused on the river and I hardly noticed our passing the airport. Airports I had seen, but I had never been to WA. and I was soaking in the things that create memories. Some of the things along between the PDX and the small airport in Troutdale changed, not enough to impair my memory of the area as it was in 1979. One night I spent at the new Holiday Inn located across the street from the Troutdale Aiport. This was the day I drove from The Dalles to Portland - I was tired and pulled off the road at the first exit with any amount of activitity and a place to get something to eat plus smoke a cancer stick. I had no intentions of spending the night there until I realized where I was and then with a map noted this road along the river. This was one of the most enjoyable parts of my trip and it was a part I remembered well.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #19599 December 2, 2010 Quote Quote Is anyone planning on attending the DB Cooper thing in Ariel, WA this year? Greg Page, AB of Seattle tech advisor, and yours truly will be there. I tried to talk Greg into dressing up like Flo Schaffner, bouffant hairdo and all, but he wasn't going for it. Blevins - did you not post this? In another post you even told us what hat you would be wearing? So Jo why are you going on and on at Blevins about this? I mean, I realise it's a lot easier than more trying to connect non-existent dots to Duane, but still. As for your night clerk... well, Blevins may not have been at Ariel but at least we know he actually exists Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #19600 December 2, 2010 Blevins made this post prior to the Ariel Shindig: Quote I regret titling the book '...the True Story of DB Cooper'. That was not my choice, but Skipp Porteous insisted on it since he's 95% convinced KC was Cooper. I'm at 80-90%, but I will freely admit we still have no smoking gun, although I think we're getting closer. But 'getting closer' is not certainty. I can't change the title without screwing up the metadata at Google, Amazon, Bowkers, Ingram, and changing the ISBN. More hassles, more money. So it is what it is. We present our full case in January, and pull the other version of the book. Then we're moving on. On a side note, I'm still planning to attend next weekend's Cooper celebration in Ariel. I won't be there to 'push' the book or make a big deal of it. In fact, I'm not going to tell anyone who I am unless they ask. I hope to see some of you there. I'll be the one in the Washington Huskies hat. Still Planning to attend the Cooper Celebration - and would be one of the guys in the WA. Huskies hat! Then he turned around and claimed he forgot or had no intentions of going. Gottcha! as one of Duane's bosses used to say - one who lived in Seattle by the way.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites