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DB Cooper

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Incidentally this bit caught my eye

deliberately acted confused and incompetent with the teller who sold him his ticket

Not heard this before. However, it would help explain a question we have asked a number of times before, i.e. why would the ticket seller have remembered him to ID him in the first place?
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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I do think military air traffic controllers in Viet Nam and surrounding areas might have heard about the 727 jumps, especially if controllers in Thailand were involved in the Air America jump tests.

One part of Jamie's account which strains credibility is that an examination of his father' "papers" showed that around 1971 he came into several hundred thousand dollars. Stolen cash doesn't come with 1099 (tax) forms. People who possess stolen cash do their best to hide evidence of it's existence. The "papers" documenting stolen money need some explaining.

Would the real DBC go to the Ariel Tavern Cooper event? Pretty stupid thing to do. Unlikely in my opinion.

I've always wondered if Cooper was an alcoholic. Drinking before such a dangerous jump is nuts, you just degrade your reaction times and physical coordination. If you were addicted to alcohol and drank when stressed it might explain the pre jump Bourbon.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Yeah, the tax thing registered too. Like I said, there are holes. They do seem a bit smaller than some of the ones in other stories though (so far). He reckons the money was laundered through purchase of construction equipment (the pics he posted on the facebook page). Not sure how easy it would be in any era to purchase construction equipment for cash, then again some of the stories I hear about who has been involved in the US construction industry over the years...

Re the Ariel event - my reading was it was chance they ended up there.

Jamie says there may be a chance the briefcase is still around hidden in an attic.... I told him that naturally if it is getting hold of it is the obvious thing to do!!

I must admit the ATC angle piqued my interest. I did ask if he knew of any smokejumper connection but he said no.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Jamie is reading here. (I told him about the site but also in all honesty had to tell him I thought if he started posting it would be like throwing himself to the wolves)

Response re the financial records:


the financial records I was referring to weren't tax documents. they were receipts, checkbook registers, hand written notes, just a mish mash of crap in paper bags and such thrown in a corner of his home office for many years until he paid my mother to help sort thru them.
she was to go thru and make a coherent log of all the papers with his help to fill in any blanks, it also seemed it may have been a ploy to reconcile with her too. they hit a brick wall when he had no explanation for how he came up with the seed money.
there was a file cabinet too btw, which hadn't even been used. lol still had the original packing strings and such.
later my mother told me it was at that moment she figured out he was Db Cooper. this was after the incident in the Bar out west where he was spotted and identified by a man claiming to have been on the plane.

Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Another snippet from my side conversation with Jamie:


He seemed like he had been doublecrossed by boeing.this is just pure speculation on my part.
from the way he talked about it, he was sure they would hire him, like they owed him almost. and then were laying people off after he traveled all that distance during the holiday season.

Grudge, anyone? (This came up in a different context btw - not sure Jamie is even aware that there was talk of a grudge.)
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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not entirely sure how to post properly here yet, right now I"m replying to another post b/c I can't find the button to post.
I'm willing to attempt to answer any questions I am able to regarding the DB Cooper case.
my information is not 100% complete either as I am his son, not a first hand witness to the actual crime.
the things I personally witnessed were in my childhood, during stressful situations.
this is why this subject causes me headaches at times.
I ask that any request stay polite and non-accusing, there is no need for hostility if our goal is to simply share information and uncover the truth.
while I certainly wouldn't turn down money, I have no plans of a book or anything financially profitable from sharing what I know. so please keep that in mind.
hostile or attacking posts will be ignored!
I am going to attempt to attach
a couple photos of my father compared to FBI sketches.

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while your financial motivations are obvious after having published a book on this subject recently, I am surprised to see you take this approach to my offer to share information with you and befriend you.
I don't know where you took that quote from, perhaps it was from a response to one of these hostile posters on facebook? I see no reason to confuse the subject with such smear tactics.
now I ask you to take a look at the photos I've shared with a open mind and read the accounts I've shared on this forum. they don't differ from the posts on facebook other than they are unpolluted by personal attacks from obviously motivated posters to skew the facts.

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attending this "celebration in Ariel" I'm not sure of the bar, all I know is it was out west and they have a party in honor of DB Cooper. He didn't verify it was the bar he went to after the jump, my only knowlege of him attending came from my mother.
He did tell me he went to a bar after the jump, where he bought drinks and hooked up a ride home. this may be the location.
it's common for criminals to return to the scene of a crime. especially in my fathers case I could see this as he had a chip on his shoulder about being clever. personally I don't feel he was very clever, a convincing con artist, kind of a evil streak at times, but not all that clever.
I'm sure he went back and admired his handiwork often, and probably sat and drank and laughed, about things everyone else was oblivious to the whole time.
I remember a time where he described to my mother with a full smiling calm kind voice how he planned to take a payloader and tear through the wall of my mothers bedroom and kill her in her sleep if she didn't comply with something he wanted.
he then tried to deny saying what I had just heard with my own ears.
this was at the dinner table in my mothers and my home.
this is the sort of person my father was.

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If you think I'm tough on you, hang around for a while. Some of the folks here have heard it all and they have no patience for baloney. I'm not saying that your particular claim is baloney, but if you can't provide hard proof, some on this thread will refer you to Oscar Meyer, and quickly...

The fact so far is that there is no hard proof provided by anyone yet. Conjecture, speculation, adding things up, claiming things were seen etc etc ... the only thing close to "hard proof" is the DNA on the tie, which everyone now rejects anyway because it's contaminated (though it would be very interesting to see what the response to any potential DNA match is).

Let's face it, no-one with a vested interest in who Cooper is is going to take anyone elses's claims seriously. I hope for Jamie's sake he manages to keep to his intention to ignore flaming.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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I have offered DNA evidence but have never received a reply
I'm attaching a scan of DNA genetic markers that were used to clear my name in a previous paternity case.
if anyone has access to the FBI sample, feel free to compare.
being a visual artist myself, with a fairly well received and raved about collection of my portrait artwork, popular among many high profile celebrities, I know my father looks a hell of a lot like the FBI sketches. it's not realistically debatable.
all the key facial features are present.
you and a certain Bob are the only people in the entire world, so far at least, who don't think my father resembles the FBI sketches.
both of whom, it can be reasonably argued could have conflicting interests and motivations to discredit my claims.
I'm not here to point fingers or accuse. I'm here to share information and bring the truth to light.
if you are going to discredit my photos then please do so, describe what doesn't match.
the 3rd photo shows the tie that may be the one the FBI now has (pure speculation on my part), but that is not the significance of this photo, the significance is the jawline which resembles the FBI sketches better than the latter pics. this is because he had his teeth removed after the heist, and got dentures.
which altered his jawline, also he took to having facial hair.

I have a question of my own, how was the age of DB Cooper established?

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I have a question of my own, how was the age of DB Cooper established?

Purely on eyewitness descriptions. We've had debates before about how for example if he had spent a lot of time outdoors he might look older than he actually was. (I personally think people are notoriously bad at judging age on looks.)

Edit: when Georger gets back he will probably comment on the sketch vs photos. He'll start with the ears no doubt.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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the question of his age is of key importance in my claim. because my father was not the age generally assumed by the majority.
He was younger, I'm not sure by how much but I'm guessing around 10 years or so? however, like you suggested, he was an avid outdoors-man, he was able to spot animals in the dark like noone I've ever seen. some would say he looked more like a native American than the white boy he was. I have other photos to illustrate this more.
in addition to being outdoors more than the average person as a hunter, a road construction worker, a crop duster pilot, and custom combine worker, he looked older than he was from years of hardcore alcohol abuse and chain smoking.

the ears match when one takes into consideration the angle his head is tilted at.
unfortunately I never was able to, or even thought to have him pose for a comparison photo. lol
he was very camera shy to say the least and I wasn't aware of these sketches during his lifetime

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I just received a curious email from this forum from a poster calling himself "snowman"

"Why do you post at DZ.com?
I don't read messages, so don't respond. "

I am posting here because I was invited to check out the thread concerning DB Cooper, I am not involved with skydiving, although I certainly have respect for it.
thanks, Jamie Cooper

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I do not skydive. I posted. It must be similar to "sitting at the COOL table". Keep posting. It is very interesting.B| Just another insight into the discussion of the mystery.

Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Jason stated:


I have a question of my own, how was the age of DB Cooper established?

Orange Replied:
Purely on eyewitness descriptions. We've had debates before about how for example if he had spent a lot of time outdoors he might look older than he actually was. (I personally think people are notoriously bad at judging age on looks.)

Orange I chose to make this post a reply to you rather than to Jason (I call him Jason, because I have been contacted by 3 Jason's) thru email and phone over the 14 ys I have searched). I believe he could be one of those Jasons. There is a 4th Jason I have had no access to and this Jason was connected to Duane Weber in a remote way.
This Jason would be in 60's...and I have tried to get messages to him that I need to talk to him.

One of the Jason's I rule out as he hails from another part of the country. Another Jason is ON target for "Jamie", but this may just be a coincidence.

Much of Jason's story seems to be gleaned from things I have told over the yrs - 101, Unsolved Mysteries and in the DZ. Also a lot of this information seems like information he may have gleaned from Knoss...there was more than one part of his story I believe was fed to him by Knoss, These 2 items are things I NEVER told to anyone, but Knoss.

Remember by mixing fiction with truth was how - tried to find out if the many people contacting me were real or just someone wanting to get on the band wagon. That is not to say that is the case in hand, but causes me to doubt his story. It seems one to be built around information gathered about other suspects and one specific thing that only I know.

As for his question about how the age of Cooper was determined - is in this thread and also answered by the FBI. The witness accounts where all on target regarding approx age.

If Jason was born in 1970 he would be 40 yrs old now. I am supposing I did understand that Jason was only a baby in 1971. I did not read anything about the age of Jason's father. I will state for the record if Jason's father was born after 1934 there is NO way his father could remotely be Cooper.

If a susoect was younger than 35 (in 1971) it just does NOT compute with the known descriptions of Cooper. It is known weather and conditions make a person appear older - but a picture of his father in 1971 or (a date that was close that can be verified) - would hold some weight in his story. If his father was younger than 35 in 1971 - then he was not Cooper.

I expect this person is someone who contacted me yrs ago by the name of Jamie. I would have to pull the email or posts I received from this Jamie to verify this. I also had a person (who claimed to be female) by the name of Jamie claiming she thought Duane was her father....because her mother told her that Dan Cooper was her father.

Orange, I came to the forum to post something about another subject all together and then got caught up in this. Oh, well - I will make the intended post later when I feel like it. I prefer to filter my information regarding Jamie, Jason or whatever name he wishes to call himself in this manner if you don't mind.

This helps keep me from being being "confrontal". So I hope you do not mind. I would have done this thru PM, but you have me blocked. I then would have left it up to your more objective view as to what should be stated in the forum and what should not have been.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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If any of you will take the time to enlarge the photo Jamie presented of his father in the Cowboy outfit. Note: need verification when this photo was taken.

I enlarged and what I found was a mouth full of missing and decaying teeth. If this photo was taken after the crime - then there would have been witness accounting of these missing and decayed upper teeth.

Weber had a lower particial when I met him on his lower teeth, but he never ever removed it - and I never saw him without it. Frankly I wonder why the FBI or the witnesses NEVER mentioned the condition of Cooper's teeth.

Surely the witnesses would have taken note of this. If I was terrified of someone - I would look at their mouth and not just their eyes. The mouth and eyes are representative of how we display anger or pleasure.

With my limited resources I saw NO alterations made on the photo...so it has not been photo shopped.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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in America we are all innocent until proven guilty.
so please prove my claims false.

I say we throw out all the hearsay and circumstantial "evidence" and go right to the DNA.
I've submitted my DNA info here.
compare it to the FBI sample.
end of debate.

I know for a fact that even "contaminated" samples can produce sequences that show linage.
it's been done with ancient Egyptian mummies but, can't be done with DNA only a few decades old?
not likely.
as I've said in the past, and I'm saying again, I find it suspicious how there are multiple stories concerning the identification of DB Cooper from the region i live in.
it would seem there must be a common origin. did my father blab when drunk? I know I myself have shared parts of the story on many occasions beginning from age 5. is it possible others have tried to capitalize on that?
also another poster saying there have been multiple claims from persons with my name even?
my full name is Donald Jason Cooper but I always went by Jamie because my mother and everyone else, even including my father, called me that.
later she explained it was in case there was ever a connection made to my fathers crime. she always had suspected him of it but didn't have proof until 1982 when helping him sort thru financial records.

while I am a fan of the History channel, i've seen some very unreliable claims about many subjects there as well. ie the "Ancient aliens" series for one.
I applaud you for plugging your show that you obviously have a vested interest in but, see no reason to assume it factual for simple existing.

specifically your attempt to discredit me b4 I had even posted here makes your claims suspect in my book.
just as anyone who goes on the attack without being provoked should be considered immediately suspect.
there is no reason to point fingers and make accusations against others. unless bringing the truth to the light is not the primary goal.
lets stick to sharing information and photos if available, and perhaps even comparing the DNA?
seems like the best plan.

lastly I don't appreciate the suggestion that I am some sort of shady person crawling out of the woodwork.
my main website is www.jamiecooper.net but I have many websites and a fan base of over 11,000 people worldwide.
I am well known, and have even been a political candidate.
you will notice that I haven't tried to capitalize on "DB Cooper" on any of my websites concerning my music, or during my political campaigns, or in my artwork.
it has been suggested that I should on many occasions but I chose not to.
why? because its a very personal thing to me, and as expected I'm being attacked and almost demonized here for opening my mouth.
those of you casting stones need to produce more than circumstantial evidence and supposed statements from witnesses.
I heard the flight attendant who received the note is still alive.
heard from her yet?

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The fact so far is that there is no hard proof provided by anyone yet. Conjecture, speculation, adding things up, claiming things were seen etc etc ... the only thing close to "hard proof" is the DNA on the tie, which everyone now rejects anyway because it's contaminated (though it would be very interesting to see what the response to any potential DNA match is).

Let's face it, no-one with a vested interest in who Cooper is is going to take anyone elses's claims seriously. I hope for Jamie's sake he manages to keep to his intention to ignore flaming.

Orange1...as usual a voice of reason. Ditto to her post. Emphasis added by me. Hope you hang around, Jamie.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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private message I received from skyjack71:
I would like to talk to you but I do NOT give out my number to strangers as that makes me a target. I need to know when you were born - the exact date. Don't even ask me why because this is just a hunch. Only one person will be able to tell me if I am correct and she lives in CA. She has been looking for her nephew for yrs. He sister gave birth a child in 1970 who was GIVEN to friends of Duane's and his wife. Duane and his wife of the day were involved in some kinky stuff. A 15 yr old child became pregnant and the child was GIVEN away to some friends.

These friends they knew from N.C. and AZ.

my response:
my name is Donald Jason Cooper but I have always gone by Jamie since early childhood for the reasons I've given in previous posts.
my birthday is June 17th in 1970
I don't like the idea of private messages unless it is really essential like to keep private info private.
so please keep the discussion here where the rest can read unless you have something you really must keep private.
Jamie Cooper

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in America we are all innocent until proven guilty.
so please prove my claims false.

Burden of proof is on the person making the claims.

If you're claiming your dad was DB Cooper, then it's up to you to prove it.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I don't like the idea of private messages unless it is really essential like to keep private info private.
so please keep the discussion here where the rest can read unless you have something you really must keep private.

If it's in a PM, then you can safely assume there's a reason for it, and ignoring this for your own benefit is opening yourself up for litigation.

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I don't like the idea of private messages unless it is really essential like to keep private info private.
so please keep the discussion here where the rest can read unless you have something you really must keep private.

If it's in a PM, then you can safely assume there's a reason for it, and ignoring this for your own benefit is opening yourself up for litigation.

Litigation?! You gotta be kidding me. If someone sends a PM, while it is not considered the right thing to post it in public thereafter, there is NO obligation on the recipient to keep it private. No-one has signed a legal undertaking to keep anything confidential by accepting PMs! You've been quiet for so long safe and we know you have good stuff to add usually - so where on earth does this sentence come from??

Jamie, you can block PMs from selected people or from everyone. You might find this beneficial so that you don't get inundated with rambling PMs from certain posters. They can be also useful for discussion with certain people though. But it is considered bad form to post publicly what has been sent privately.

Snowmman used to post here, but he got banned. He did some really good investigative work but also went overboard sometimes on his personal comments. 377 tries to get Quade to change his mind about the banning every so often.

Blevins, circumstantial evidence is not hard proof. By hard proof I meant something that can directly connect a suspect to the crime. DNA. Possession of a $20 bill with matching serial number. The confession Jamie says his dad gave him certainly sounds like more than the "confession" Jo says she got. Then again Gossett's sons also say he confessed. So confessions ain't gonna do it without other proof.

Jamie, almost all of us agree with Quade that the burden of proof is on the person making the claims. The exception is Jo, who keeps on telling we need to prove Duane wasn't Cooper. This is ridiculous of course. So yeah the more evidence you can amass, the better it makes your case.

I agree that a DNA sample would be a start. Posting a picture here is not going to do it though. You need to somehow convince the FBI to do a proper comparison. It's easy enough I think for people to dismiss the DNA evidence because their favored suspect does not match, but I would be very interested indeed to see what would happen if we did get a match from someone.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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A private Mail is JUST that PRIVATE:
Please Delete the email asap.
If I had put my private phone number in that - you would also have made that protected number public information?

Any problems you may have experience on the other site may have been you own doing, if this is how you treat private information. The information in that post was VERY private and NOT for public information.

I have not made a post directly to you until this post. I have NOT been negative, nor confrontal - I asked you privately a question, because I thought I might have something that would interest you.

Obviously, you are the same JASON who contacted me before.
If you want to make your home phone number and address public that is your call. There are many things I have not made public and there is a reason for that - PROTECT AND DO NO HARM .

Any posts I made in regards to your subject have only been objective and asking the same questions others would ask.

Now, I will say that it sounds like PARROTING of the story I have told for 14 yrs. What I pointed out about the photo is what anyone else would do and what the FBI would do.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jamie --

It's not against our Terms of Service or "Rules" for you to repost Private Messages, but the general consensus of the site users is, it's very tacky and frowned upon.

Be aware though, that reposting a person's private information; information that is not generally public knowledge, like their phone number or address, does open you up potentially to some problems.

Things like that will be redacted. I would prefer not to have to do that in the first place, so, please refrain from doing so. If I have to warn anybody about that and they continue to post private information, action might be taken including denial of site privileges.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Earlier today I came to the thread to make a post, but got side tracked.

Because of something going on in my life right now I was trying to be very objective. When the days get shorter and our time on earth is coming to an end - perhaps we see things more clearly than others.

I had been thinking about WHY did Cooper choose the OR, WA and ID area? Why did he choose Seattle?

1. He had to have been familiar with the area at one point in his life.

2. Seattle in 1971 was considered one of the metro areas and the money would be more accessible.

3. Cooper's association in the N.W. had to be one that went back several yrs...not recent or someone would ID him.

4. Cooper had experience or was exposed to combat jumping or smokejumping.

5. Any related experience Cooper had was obtained using another name NOT connected (by records) to the name he currently used.

6. Cooper was a NOBODY, meaning he had no friends and he kept his distance from close relationships.

7. He probably live on the other side of the US or in Canada.

8. He was able to change his appearance just by how he stood and portrayed himself. Florence Shaffner thought he was making a pass at her.

9. No mention has EVER been made about Cooper's teeth - wonder why?

10. The FBI claims the money went on the plane in a whitish bag, yet other witnesses have stated differently. Not one passenger came forward saying they saw a White Bank Bag.

11. Cooper had to be a NOBODY.

12. How does a NOBODY do what Cooper did and GET away with NOBODY knowing who he was?

I think Cooper did NOT expect to survive and he went back to the only place he had ever felt normal or thought he had a chance for a normal life.

Perhaps this was a place of GOOD memories and one of the only times in his life he was FREE and HAPPY...and thought he really had a chance for a normal life.

It is also why Cooper was very sad - he was going back to die where he had been happy. Not sure if he planned it very far inadvance. In the prisons they always talked about doing the BIG ONE.

This talk about doing the BIG ONE is why the FBI got so many leads from the prison system. The most prevalent of the leads the FBI received came out of Jefferson, MO regarding Coffelt, but he was NOT incarcerated there to my knowledge.

Cooper was a lost soul searching for something or someone to hold on to. He was Co-dependent on the system to provide him security. Perhaps he thought he would be killed or arrested. Maybe he never expected to survive...he had spent most of his adult life in prison. I believe that WA and OR and ID was the only FREEDOM he had ever known - a time when he was HAPPY.

I do know that Duane Weber made an earnest effort to change his life, but he didn't get it quiet right for a while - he had a learning curve. He had to learn how to make a living without stealing - and it amazes me to this day how he sold insurance for the first 12 yrs of our marriage and for several yrs prior to my meeting him.

I think about the story he told a prior wife about going back to CA and WA to see about his inheritance. Because Duane was a bad boy - his brother and sister got everything his parents left. I have not been able to find a copy of the will, so I don't know that for sure. What the brother told me is all I have to go on.

Was this the grudge - did the brother use the inheritance to invest in some property in WA around Tacoma? Both Duane and the brother told me about this property - so this is NO secret. I do know the property was to the East of I-5 and that it was Commercial...what yrs I don't know. The brother had a partner, but I do not know that name.

What would make a man so desperate he would skyjack a plane? How could he possibly think he could get away with this?
All of the rest of them got caught, but Cooper got away.

This mystery will go on and on and on until the day Cooper is revealed if ever. I am trying to say all that I can say in the next few wks - if I bore you just ignore my posts.

Soon everyone who might hold the answers to the identity of Cooper will be deceased - I may be one the only one left and my days may have a number stamped on them. In 1995 I didn't know anything about Cooper other than the fact that a man jumped out of plane and was never caught. It was NOT anything I had any reason to remember.

The strange twists life puts infront of us - you look back and you say why and how, but then you know. At the age of 55 Cooper was dumped into my lap
and it has consumed my life. Now at the age of 70+ I feel like these 15 yrs have been wasted and for what? I was married to him for 17 yrs and for 15 yrs I have chased Cooper....I know the truth - why is it important anyone else know? They don't really care - they like the legend better.

If anyone has any REAL questions to ask me they need to ask them now. You don't need to put it in the thread - as all of you know my email address.

I talked to a PI about doing some research for me in a place I didn't get to go to. I don't feel I can actually afford this, but I have to have answers about Coure D'Alene, ID. The KEY to Cooper is there...his connection there is the KEY. The FBI didn't look at this 15 yrs ago and they won't do it now.

This is one time that if the FBI has any information on Duane Weber's connections to that area they should speak now or forever hold their piece...and I do mean piece, not peace! If my memory holds the one thing that will put Duane in a chute - they will piss in their pants.

If I felt like going out there I know what I am looking for - a PI might not see it, but I would.
I would search arrest records for certain yrs - NOT looking for a name, but for an age bracket in a certain period of time. Then I would search all of the newspaper archives for those yrs regarding solved and unsolved crimes.

Duane Weber could NEVER go back there - WHY? Why did he tell me that? What would be so bad that if you went back after 25 yrs - who would care?

Later remind me to tell you the story about Lander, WY., but right now I have to get some
rest. No one expected me to remember all of this stuff...and I don't know how I do. Today I saw a photo of myself taken on the farm - I don't remember posing for the photo (aprox age 13) or the stupid necklace I had on (vaguely remembered the dress and even though the photo was black and white - the dress was definitely blue).
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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