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quade 4
in America we are all innocent until proven guilty.
so please prove my claims false.
Burden of proof is on the person making the claims.
If you're claiming your dad was DB Cooper, then it's up to you to prove it.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver
The World's Most Boring Skydiver
I don't like the idea of private messages unless it is really essential like to keep private info private.
so please keep the discussion here where the rest can read unless you have something you really must keep private.
If it's in a PM, then you can safely assume there's a reason for it, and ignoring this for your own benefit is opening yourself up for litigation.
Orange1 0
I don't like the idea of private messages unless it is really essential like to keep private info private.
so please keep the discussion here where the rest can read unless you have something you really must keep private.
If it's in a PM, then you can safely assume there's a reason for it, and ignoring this for your own benefit is opening yourself up for litigation.
Litigation?! You gotta be kidding me. If someone sends a PM, while it is not considered the right thing to post it in public thereafter, there is NO obligation on the recipient to keep it private. No-one has signed a legal undertaking to keep anything confidential by accepting PMs! You've been quiet for so long safe and we know you have good stuff to add usually - so where on earth does this sentence come from??
Jamie, you can block PMs from selected people or from everyone. You might find this beneficial so that you don't get inundated with rambling PMs from certain posters. They can be also useful for discussion with certain people though. But it is considered bad form to post publicly what has been sent privately.
Snowmman used to post here, but he got banned. He did some really good investigative work but also went overboard sometimes on his personal comments. 377 tries to get Quade to change his mind about the banning every so often.
Blevins, circumstantial evidence is not hard proof. By hard proof I meant something that can directly connect a suspect to the crime. DNA. Possession of a $20 bill with matching serial number. The confession Jamie says his dad gave him certainly sounds like more than the "confession" Jo says she got. Then again Gossett's sons also say he confessed. So confessions ain't gonna do it without other proof.
Jamie, almost all of us agree with Quade that the burden of proof is on the person making the claims. The exception is Jo, who keeps on telling we need to prove Duane wasn't Cooper. This is ridiculous of course. So yeah the more evidence you can amass, the better it makes your case.
I agree that a DNA sample would be a start. Posting a picture here is not going to do it though. You need to somehow convince the FBI to do a proper comparison. It's easy enough I think for people to dismiss the DNA evidence because their favored suspect does not match, but I would be very interested indeed to see what would happen if we did get a match from someone.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
A private Mail is JUST that PRIVATE:
Please Delete the email asap.
If I had put my private phone number in that - you would also have made that protected number public information?
Any problems you may have experience on the other site may have been you own doing, if this is how you treat private information. The information in that post was VERY private and NOT for public information.
I have not made a post directly to you until this post. I have NOT been negative, nor confrontal - I asked you privately a question, because I thought I might have something that would interest you.
Obviously, you are the same JASON who contacted me before.
If you want to make your home phone number and address public that is your call. There are many things I have not made public and there is a reason for that - PROTECT AND DO NO HARM .
Any posts I made in regards to your subject have only been objective and asking the same questions others would ask.
Now, I will say that it sounds like PARROTING of the story I have told for 14 yrs. What I pointed out about the photo is what anyone else would do and what the FBI would do.
Please Delete the email asap.
If I had put my private phone number in that - you would also have made that protected number public information?
Any problems you may have experience on the other site may have been you own doing, if this is how you treat private information. The information in that post was VERY private and NOT for public information.
I have not made a post directly to you until this post. I have NOT been negative, nor confrontal - I asked you privately a question, because I thought I might have something that would interest you.
Obviously, you are the same JASON who contacted me before.
If you want to make your home phone number and address public that is your call. There are many things I have not made public and there is a reason for that - PROTECT AND DO NO HARM .
Any posts I made in regards to your subject have only been objective and asking the same questions others would ask.
Now, I will say that it sounds like PARROTING of the story I have told for 14 yrs. What I pointed out about the photo is what anyone else would do and what the FBI would do.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
quade 4
Jamie --
It's not against our Terms of Service or "Rules" for you to repost Private Messages, but the general consensus of the site users is, it's very tacky and frowned upon.
Be aware though, that reposting a person's private information; information that is not generally public knowledge, like their phone number or address, does open you up potentially to some problems.
Things like that will be redacted. I would prefer not to have to do that in the first place, so, please refrain from doing so. If I have to warn anybody about that and they continue to post private information, action might be taken including denial of site privileges.
It's not against our Terms of Service or "Rules" for you to repost Private Messages, but the general consensus of the site users is, it's very tacky and frowned upon.
Be aware though, that reposting a person's private information; information that is not generally public knowledge, like their phone number or address, does open you up potentially to some problems.
Things like that will be redacted. I would prefer not to have to do that in the first place, so, please refrain from doing so. If I have to warn anybody about that and they continue to post private information, action might be taken including denial of site privileges.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver
The World's Most Boring Skydiver
Earlier today I came to the thread to make a post, but got side tracked.
Because of something going on in my life right now I was trying to be very objective. When the days get shorter and our time on earth is coming to an end - perhaps we see things more clearly than others.
I had been thinking about WHY did Cooper choose the OR, WA and ID area? Why did he choose Seattle?
1. He had to have been familiar with the area at one point in his life.
2. Seattle in 1971 was considered one of the metro areas and the money would be more accessible.
3. Cooper's association in the N.W. had to be one that went back several yrs...not recent or someone would ID him.
4. Cooper had experience or was exposed to combat jumping or smokejumping.
5. Any related experience Cooper had was obtained using another name NOT connected (by records) to the name he currently used.
6. Cooper was a NOBODY, meaning he had no friends and he kept his distance from close relationships.
7. He probably live on the other side of the US or in Canada.
8. He was able to change his appearance just by how he stood and portrayed himself. Florence Shaffner thought he was making a pass at her.
9. No mention has EVER been made about Cooper's teeth - wonder why?
10. The FBI claims the money went on the plane in a whitish bag, yet other witnesses have stated differently. Not one passenger came forward saying they saw a White Bank Bag.
11. Cooper had to be a NOBODY.
12. How does a NOBODY do what Cooper did and GET away with NOBODY knowing who he was?
I think Cooper did NOT expect to survive and he went back to the only place he had ever felt normal or thought he had a chance for a normal life.
Perhaps this was a place of GOOD memories and one of the only times in his life he was FREE and HAPPY...and thought he really had a chance for a normal life.
It is also why Cooper was very sad - he was going back to die where he had been happy. Not sure if he planned it very far inadvance. In the prisons they always talked about doing the BIG ONE.
This talk about doing the BIG ONE is why the FBI got so many leads from the prison system. The most prevalent of the leads the FBI received came out of Jefferson, MO regarding Coffelt, but he was NOT incarcerated there to my knowledge.
Cooper was a lost soul searching for something or someone to hold on to. He was Co-dependent on the system to provide him security. Perhaps he thought he would be killed or arrested. Maybe he never expected to survive...he had spent most of his adult life in prison. I believe that WA and OR and ID was the only FREEDOM he had ever known - a time when he was HAPPY.
I do know that Duane Weber made an earnest effort to change his life, but he didn't get it quiet right for a while - he had a learning curve. He had to learn how to make a living without stealing - and it amazes me to this day how he sold insurance for the first 12 yrs of our marriage and for several yrs prior to my meeting him.
I think about the story he told a prior wife about going back to CA and WA to see about his inheritance. Because Duane was a bad boy - his brother and sister got everything his parents left. I have not been able to find a copy of the will, so I don't know that for sure. What the brother told me is all I have to go on.
Was this the grudge - did the brother use the inheritance to invest in some property in WA around Tacoma? Both Duane and the brother told me about this property - so this is NO secret. I do know the property was to the East of I-5 and that it was Commercial...what yrs I don't know. The brother had a partner, but I do not know that name.
What would make a man so desperate he would skyjack a plane? How could he possibly think he could get away with this?
All of the rest of them got caught, but Cooper got away.
This mystery will go on and on and on until the day Cooper is revealed if ever. I am trying to say all that I can say in the next few wks - if I bore you just ignore my posts.
Soon everyone who might hold the answers to the identity of Cooper will be deceased - I may be one the only one left and my days may have a number stamped on them. In 1995 I didn't know anything about Cooper other than the fact that a man jumped out of plane and was never caught. It was NOT anything I had any reason to remember.
The strange twists life puts infront of us - you look back and you say why and how, but then you know. At the age of 55 Cooper was dumped into my lap
and it has consumed my life. Now at the age of 70+ I feel like these 15 yrs have been wasted and for what? I was married to him for 17 yrs and for 15 yrs I have chased Cooper....I know the truth - why is it important anyone else know? They don't really care - they like the legend better.
If anyone has any REAL questions to ask me they need to ask them now. You don't need to put it in the thread - as all of you know my email address.
I talked to a PI about doing some research for me in a place I didn't get to go to. I don't feel I can actually afford this, but I have to have answers about Coure D'Alene, ID. The KEY to Cooper is there...his connection there is the KEY. The FBI didn't look at this 15 yrs ago and they won't do it now.
This is one time that if the FBI has any information on Duane Weber's connections to that area they should speak now or forever hold their piece...and I do mean piece, not peace! If my memory holds the one thing that will put Duane in a chute - they will piss in their pants.
If I felt like going out there I know what I am looking for - a PI might not see it, but I would.
I would search arrest records for certain yrs - NOT looking for a name, but for an age bracket in a certain period of time. Then I would search all of the newspaper archives for those yrs regarding solved and unsolved crimes.
Duane Weber could NEVER go back there - WHY? Why did he tell me that? What would be so bad that if you went back after 25 yrs - who would care?
Later remind me to tell you the story about Lander, WY., but right now I have to get some
rest. No one expected me to remember all of this stuff...and I don't know how I do. Today I saw a photo of myself taken on the farm - I don't remember posing for the photo (aprox age 13) or the stupid necklace I had on (vaguely remembered the dress and even though the photo was black and white - the dress was definitely blue).
Because of something going on in my life right now I was trying to be very objective. When the days get shorter and our time on earth is coming to an end - perhaps we see things more clearly than others.
I had been thinking about WHY did Cooper choose the OR, WA and ID area? Why did he choose Seattle?
1. He had to have been familiar with the area at one point in his life.
2. Seattle in 1971 was considered one of the metro areas and the money would be more accessible.
3. Cooper's association in the N.W. had to be one that went back several yrs...not recent or someone would ID him.
4. Cooper had experience or was exposed to combat jumping or smokejumping.
5. Any related experience Cooper had was obtained using another name NOT connected (by records) to the name he currently used.
6. Cooper was a NOBODY, meaning he had no friends and he kept his distance from close relationships.
7. He probably live on the other side of the US or in Canada.
8. He was able to change his appearance just by how he stood and portrayed himself. Florence Shaffner thought he was making a pass at her.
9. No mention has EVER been made about Cooper's teeth - wonder why?
10. The FBI claims the money went on the plane in a whitish bag, yet other witnesses have stated differently. Not one passenger came forward saying they saw a White Bank Bag.
11. Cooper had to be a NOBODY.
12. How does a NOBODY do what Cooper did and GET away with NOBODY knowing who he was?
I think Cooper did NOT expect to survive and he went back to the only place he had ever felt normal or thought he had a chance for a normal life.
Perhaps this was a place of GOOD memories and one of the only times in his life he was FREE and HAPPY...and thought he really had a chance for a normal life.
It is also why Cooper was very sad - he was going back to die where he had been happy. Not sure if he planned it very far inadvance. In the prisons they always talked about doing the BIG ONE.
This talk about doing the BIG ONE is why the FBI got so many leads from the prison system. The most prevalent of the leads the FBI received came out of Jefferson, MO regarding Coffelt, but he was NOT incarcerated there to my knowledge.
Cooper was a lost soul searching for something or someone to hold on to. He was Co-dependent on the system to provide him security. Perhaps he thought he would be killed or arrested. Maybe he never expected to survive...he had spent most of his adult life in prison. I believe that WA and OR and ID was the only FREEDOM he had ever known - a time when he was HAPPY.
I do know that Duane Weber made an earnest effort to change his life, but he didn't get it quiet right for a while - he had a learning curve. He had to learn how to make a living without stealing - and it amazes me to this day how he sold insurance for the first 12 yrs of our marriage and for several yrs prior to my meeting him.
I think about the story he told a prior wife about going back to CA and WA to see about his inheritance. Because Duane was a bad boy - his brother and sister got everything his parents left. I have not been able to find a copy of the will, so I don't know that for sure. What the brother told me is all I have to go on.
Was this the grudge - did the brother use the inheritance to invest in some property in WA around Tacoma? Both Duane and the brother told me about this property - so this is NO secret. I do know the property was to the East of I-5 and that it was Commercial...what yrs I don't know. The brother had a partner, but I do not know that name.
What would make a man so desperate he would skyjack a plane? How could he possibly think he could get away with this?
All of the rest of them got caught, but Cooper got away.
This mystery will go on and on and on until the day Cooper is revealed if ever. I am trying to say all that I can say in the next few wks - if I bore you just ignore my posts.
Soon everyone who might hold the answers to the identity of Cooper will be deceased - I may be one the only one left and my days may have a number stamped on them. In 1995 I didn't know anything about Cooper other than the fact that a man jumped out of plane and was never caught. It was NOT anything I had any reason to remember.
The strange twists life puts infront of us - you look back and you say why and how, but then you know. At the age of 55 Cooper was dumped into my lap
and it has consumed my life. Now at the age of 70+ I feel like these 15 yrs have been wasted and for what? I was married to him for 17 yrs and for 15 yrs I have chased Cooper....I know the truth - why is it important anyone else know? They don't really care - they like the legend better.
If anyone has any REAL questions to ask me they need to ask them now. You don't need to put it in the thread - as all of you know my email address.
I talked to a PI about doing some research for me in a place I didn't get to go to. I don't feel I can actually afford this, but I have to have answers about Coure D'Alene, ID. The KEY to Cooper is there...his connection there is the KEY. The FBI didn't look at this 15 yrs ago and they won't do it now.
This is one time that if the FBI has any information on Duane Weber's connections to that area they should speak now or forever hold their piece...and I do mean piece, not peace! If my memory holds the one thing that will put Duane in a chute - they will piss in their pants.
If I felt like going out there I know what I am looking for - a PI might not see it, but I would.
I would search arrest records for certain yrs - NOT looking for a name, but for an age bracket in a certain period of time. Then I would search all of the newspaper archives for those yrs regarding solved and unsolved crimes.
Duane Weber could NEVER go back there - WHY? Why did he tell me that? What would be so bad that if you went back after 25 yrs - who would care?
Later remind me to tell you the story about Lander, WY., but right now I have to get some
rest. No one expected me to remember all of this stuff...and I don't know how I do. Today I saw a photo of myself taken on the farm - I don't remember posing for the photo (aprox age 13) or the stupid necklace I had on (vaguely remembered the dress and even though the photo was black and white - the dress was definitely blue).
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
I would like to talk to you but I do NOT give out my number to strangers as that makes me a target. I need to know when you were born - the exact date. Don't even ask me why because this is just a hunch. Only one person will be able to tell me if I am correct and she lives in CA. She has been looking for her nephew for yrs. He sister gave birth a child in 1970 who was GIVEN to friends of Duane's and his wife. Duane and his wife of the day were involved in some kinky stuff. A 15 yr old child became pregnant and the child was GIVEN away to some friends.
These friends they knew from N.C. and AZ.
my response:
my name is Donald Jason Cooper but I have always gone by Jamie since early childhood for the reasons I've given in previous posts.
my birthday is June 17th in 1970
I don't like the idea of private messages unless it is really essential like to keep private info private.
so please keep the discussion here where the rest can read unless you have something you really must keep private.
Jamie Cooper
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