377 22 #19751 December 13, 2010 Jamie wrote:Quote( you may want to update and add the words "ALL RIGHTS RESERVED" and your name in capital letters otherwise the copyright notice is invalid) You are right about the 2009 date Jamie, but not about the rest. Don't feed Jo legal tips. Copyrighting posts here is absurd. If people do it wrong leave it be. The fear of lawsuits related to forum posts is also absurd. There is no money in it. Forget about it. Libel and slander all you want. Unless there are big bucks involved no lawyer will take it on a contingency and only a moron would pay by the hour. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #19752 December 13, 2010 Ya know, for being "the new guy" you sure do get hot under the collar like a lot of "the old guys." Ya might wanna slow down a bit and take a deep breath.quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JamieCooper 0 #19753 December 13, 2010 I don't mean to come off as hot under the collar. thats one of the limitations of a text only discussion, it doesn't allow for knowing ones, cadence, breathing, facial gestures and so forth. I'm not angry or hot under at anyone, I didn't appreciate being labeled a "nut" before I even posted here, that is true but thats now water under the bridge. I'm here for noble intentions, to share information, and to learn more. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JamieCooper 0 #19754 December 13, 2010 "Yet the hijacker gets a bit defensive here, and instantly denies he has anything against the airline itself, even though Tina didn't ask him that. What does this tell me? He had a grudge against the airline. He was far too quick in his denial there. " - Blevins this is pure conjection, understandable but not factual. has anyone who was on the plane during the incident backed any of this up? could it be that he was responding to unspoken ques? facial, breathes, sighs, and the like? it seems likely to me that someone would have recognized a co-worker, even with sunglasses. also what would that grudge against the airline stem from? I don't have anything but memories, statements, photos, DNA, and conjecture to back of my story either. I understand your previous notion that we should be skeptical of anyone. so how would this apply here? again it's obvious this case cannot be solved unless the FBI allows for comparison with the DNA they have. and even then that would only prove lineage. (and would be debated by those claiming it's tainted) I see many possible holes in the portions of your story that I've been able to read. sale records between friends involved with a conspiracy could easy be fabricated, most of your story seems to be from statements made by conspirators who have even at times retracted them. while I don't doubt your desire to uncover the truth, unlike some I won't mention, I do understand that you are wishing to complete this subject and move on to another one. you have already invested both time and money into your research and don't want it all to have been for naught. all of which is reasonable and understandable. but does this bring us closer to the truth? do we have any solid evidence coinnected to DB Cooper as a result? or does the evidence rely on statements from "witnesses" that haven't been proven to been on-board the plane during the incident? this is a genuine question, I don't mean to appear attacking, so please don't feel so. thanks. on a side note are you referring to "Geoffry Gray" who is a reporter for a New York based publication? if so, I may have some emails from previous communications I had with him on the subject some years ago. they ended when I got tired of answering the same questions over and over on a daily basis, and I started getting recurring headaches. He seemed uninterested for the most part, other than the photos I showed him. in the end I asked and he agreed to stay silent about the communications until a future time when I felt more comfortable sharing information. I'm going to look for those emails and see if they spark any memories for me. thanks. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #19755 December 13, 2010 my download of the FOIA docs was on my old PC and did not survive transition, and i am too busy on other stuff to download again now (much less read through them again) - i'm pretty sure i recall mention of the grudge in the actual transcripts being relayed - can anyone else who has read those remember??Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JamieCooper 0 #19756 December 13, 2010 skyjack71, please stop sending me private messages suggesting my mother was some 15 year old this "Duane" messed around with. My parents were married and adults. My DNA markers are posted, compare them if you like. why is it arrogant or less than polite to question your claims? or to hope for an opportunity to find out what a proven eye-witness thinks of the photos of my father? why would you seek to prevent that from occurring? the general tone of your last post is as if you are calling out for someone to shut down this entire subject to silence me. you attempt to paint me as a "scary" person, there is no mystery to who I am, no realistic reason to fear me at all, my DNA has been provided, my contat info is publicly available, I can be contacted thru many websites but, my primary site being www.jamiecooper.net has links to all my other officially recognized sites. I'm 40 years old, you can stop suggesting I'm a teenager and attempting to belittle me based on age at any time, thank you. why do you continue to send private messages to me if you feel so offended by me? I am here to share true and accurate information to the best of my abilities and to learn more about the case and possible situations my father may have endured. (on a side note perhaps the ability to both be liked and considered vulgar by people in the same room may be another trait I inherited form DB? lol) it is in part for entirely selfish reasons, but at the same time I ask for no financial compensation or even seek ownership of my story. I do this in the hopes that removing financial motives will create a more viable environment for the truth to emerge from. again I understand many of you may feel you years of involvement deserve a pay off, and why not, you do. the only question is, what sort of pay off are you seeking? if it's truth, then it will be impossible to obtain if you stifle and silence all other voices I'm adding a photo from sept. of 1970 from my baptism. and a photo of my father in 1982 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JamieCooper 0 #19757 December 13, 2010 Quotemy download of the FOIA docs was on my old PC and did not survive transition, and i am too busy on other stuff to download again now (much less read through them again) - i'm pretty sure i recall mention of the grudge in the actual transcripts being relayed - can anyone else who has read those remember?? I did a google search and this came up http://foia.fbi.gov/foiaindex/dbcooper.htm let me know if you can't access it from South Africa Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #19758 December 13, 2010 Quote the general tone of your last post is as if you are calling out for someone to shut down this entire subject to silence me. Oh, don't worry about that. Every so often when someone says stuff she doesn't like she says similar sorts of things about how terrible things have got here and the thread will surely be shut down, and/or she threatens to leave the thread. But so far Quade has been patient and the thread has not been shut down, and Jo never manages to stay away for very long. If you go into "my account" on the left, then into "my skydiving profile" and scroll down to "forum settings", you'll see your PM options. You can either say "no" to "allow private messages" to block all of them, or in the next block you can type in, one name per line, the individuals you want to block.Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JamieCooper 0 #19759 December 13, 2010 attached are photos the first is from September of 1970 of myself, with my Father and Mother. the 2nd pic is of my father in 1982 immediately after I snapped this photo, He became mildly rude and sort of angry saying " don't take anymore fucking pictures please" I apologized and asked why? ( I hadn't seen him for around 5 years prior) He replied "I just don't like how it makes me feel". My mother claimed that my father was a nice neat dresser wearing suits and ties, sometimes imitating Elvis Presley but that about a year after I was born He drastically changed. taking to dressing like a cowboy, in denim jeans, western shirts, a black cowboy hat, facial hair, had his teeth removed and got dentures, He never wore a suit or tie ever again after 1971. I have found a uncashed check dated 1-10-05, in a xmas card I received as a gift from my father. the majority of it is in his girlfriends writing but his initials are penned by his own hand. also this check has his social security number on it. would that be of any significance? added a pic of my fathers military tattoo was wondering if anyone could identify what it stood for? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #19760 December 13, 2010 Jamie Posted: please stop sending me private messages suggesting my mother was some 15 year old Below is the actual PM I posted and Quade has my permission to verify this: Is you mother actually your birth mother? The first PM he has already quoted. How he read what he read into ONE line I do not know. I had asked in the early PM or in the thread for his birthdate as I had a reason to do so. My reason was some research information I had made available to me many yrs ago. I wanted to see if there was any correlation that connected the 2 stories. Since Jason had 2 older siblings, there is NO WAY I was suggesting what I am being accused of. Note that Jason admitted his father tossed the other siblings aside - and took him during a seige. Not because he was a baby, but because it was his own baby. I sent 2 PM's and he made one public knowledge - the other one is 1 sentence (question) which I just put up for ALL to see. If he is reading ALL the "things" he is reading into that post and the questions - then he is WAY off base....how much of the story he grew up with is then real or is it sugggestive? Connecting Dots that don't connect...as I have been accused of doing. Maybe neither one of us are connecting DOTs that do NOT connect? I refuse to release information that might be important and information that involves other people in the public eye - and there is NO need to do this when it proves to have NO connection. Since he seems to be making a big deal our of 2 small PM's asking entirely innocent private questions - yes, he scares me! Outside of those 2 PM everything I have said is right here in the open. He did send me a pretty decent PM that was not abrasive this last time - but, I cannot put what I may know in writing --- may be pure coincidence and I do NOT speculate with other peoples lives. All in all I think I have been pretty nice to Jason - I DO understand where he is coming from - remember been there, done that and still there. His story may not be as berserk as it sounds on the surface - he is telling stories he heard as a child and stories told by others who may have had their reasons. I have not been clear on exactly what his father ACTUALLY told him about himself. With no structure in his sentences and no caps - it is very very hard for me to follow. Sentences without caps and puntuation and coherence - are a way of expressing rage. I know this FIRST hand...and I understand this. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JamieCooper 0 #19761 December 13, 2010 Skyjack1, just to refresh your memory, in the first pm you suggested my mother was a 15 year old that may have had some sort of inappropriate relations with this "Duane". thanks for your concern but I'm confident of both of my parents validity, and still a bit confused with your motives. also, My name is Donald but I am also known as Jamie, I don't go by "Jason", that is the name of one of my 4 children, so please stop using it. it's offensive and misleading, almost delusional sounding. I did more research today and I now know that my DNA is essentially worthless in this case. the lineage sequence isn't available. I also discovered that Duane Weber was excluded by comparing the DNA sample the FBI has. so I can't help but question why you are so intent on discrediting others with realistically possible candidates for the identity of DB Cooper. every single criteria of my father compared to the FBI profile of DB Cooper matches except, his age, which could easily be off as there is no tangible proof of this, only speculation. after reading what "Flo" said in regards to this most recent candidate, I think my father is even more likely it. the photo of my father with my mother and myself as an infant is the best match for Her description, and the sketches I've seen. this photo was taken in sept. 1970 she should be given the opportunity to give an opinion on it. his tattoo seems to be an uncompleted Air Force Thailand command and control symbol, which would make sense for a air traffic controller. this fits the FBI suspected description quite well. a ex military man who wasn't a pro jumper but had seen others do it. the notion that he worked for an airline was based on recognizing Tacoma from the air, is derived from his expressing happiness when a local on the plane looking out the window said "looks like Tacoma" as told by "Flo" this doesn't show he was able to recognize anything from the air, only that heard the other passenger and seemed happy about it. therefore it's erroneous unless there is yet unreleased evidence to suggest this. I feel all the circumstantial evidence points to my father, along with his personal account of it, and my mothers supporting claims, I no longer have any reasonable doubts about it. all I need now is tangible proof. so I need to look into getting that briefcase, or finding something that might have a fingerprint. you're certainly reasonable to be skeptical without it. I have a xmas card that might? and the check he initialed but it sat around under a keyboard for a few years, very slim chance of lifting prints. would the military have prints? I don't know the military very well as He told me to never enlist. I haven't followed this case over the years and don't know as much as the rest of you about it, most likely. I've been sharing what I have, simple as that. I had doubts off and n throughout my life about the claims my parents made but after the research I've done recently, it all fits almost too well. it fits better than I anticipated actually. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #19762 December 13, 2010 Anyway you can enhance that tattoo? Are you sure it is a Military Tattoo? Do you remember any wording on it? Duane had 2 tattoos - one appeared to be Military - US NAVY and all that - but I was told it was a tattoo that had been altered in prison. I note that is on his left Forearm....please try to remember what the wording was and what you think it was. Kids usually ask parents these things. What was his answer? I am trying to work you thur some of the very same things I have had to work thru. Getting mad and misquoting people or being rude or angry doesn't help. There is NOT a soul here who will not go out on the limb to help you. If Georger was here he will give you your opinion, but don't battle with him if you don't agee...just accept it or ignore it. You are free to do the same with any comments I make. Just keep your cool...I guess that is how you kids say it. I don't want to encourage you because it can destroy you - and your life and what it can be, but I also will NOT discourage you. I am NOT going to blurt out in this thread or in any other thread things I have been told in CONFIDENCE and should the time come I need to share something like that with you - your confidentiality will be necessary. I have some old negatives I never had developed - it was Duane with some other people. Now I am going to dig it up and find someone who can make a pic from the negative. Maybe just another man with a mustach. I know it is a picture of Duane with some others. I have pushed this negative aside because couldn' find anyone who would make a picture without mailing the negative off...NOW, I think I need to see what is in that picture....this picture would have been made prior to 1978.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #19763 December 14, 2010 Jamie wrote: Quotehis tattoo seems to be an uncompleted Air Force Thailand command and control symbol, which would make sense for a air traffic controller. What do you base that on? Do you have a picture of the USAF Thailand command and control symbol you think was partially tattooed on your father's arm? This is all I could find: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e5/United_States_Air_Force_Command_and_Control_Badge.svg/286px-United_States_Air_Force_Command_and_Control_Badge.svg.png&imgrefurl=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:United_States_Air_Force_Command_and_Control_Badge.svg&usg=__IQiAfEePlxlsFd4Ym8FX3EvazJU=&h=130&w=286&sz=42&hl=en&start=9&sig2=onYaxErlZaf-7njHu5D_cw&zoom=1&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=bZGizxWuIUj6uM:&tbnh=52&tbnw=115&prev=/images%3Fq%3DUSAF%2Bcommand%2Band%2Bcontrol%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG%26rls%3Dcom.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox%26rlz%3D1I7GGLL_en%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=brkGTZnpHIGisQP_wqWUBw How do you think Cooper knew that a 727 could be jumped? 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #19764 December 14, 2010 JASON stated: just to refresh your memory, in the first pm you suggested my mother was a 15 year old that may have had some sort of inappropriate relations with this "Duane". Jo Replies: I never suggested what you are stating...you have siblings older than yourself. Jason states: My name is Donald but I am also known as Jamie, I don't go by "Jason", that is the name of one of my 4 children, so please stop using it. it's offensive and misleading, almost delusional sounding. Jo states: Seems like you told us your name was Jason but you went by Jamie - if you didn't say that then I guess I am delusional? Jason states: I also discovered that Duane Weber was excluded by comparing the DNA sample the FBI has. Jo States: The DNA - I have made my formal statement about the DNA and the FBI will not accept the only reliable DNA I possess - they want me to mail them a very valuable item. The DNA they extracted from items I had washed and cleaned and put on garage sales. The hair may have been from a man who tried the suit on (it was too long and too straight to be Duane's). Also the tie was not handled according to DNA procedures - DNA was not protected in 1971. The items I kept had been kept in a FL humid attic for 8 yrs when they retrived it. It was almost 5 yrs before they did the test on the items they retrived. 13 yrs afters after Duane Weber died before they tested his DNA from things I expect had none of Duane's DNA. The FBI - goofed and left the DNA report - names of technicians and date and report in the BOX with the items when they returned them to me 5 yrs after they collected them. Since the tie was not reported until several hours after the plane was on the ground in Reno and was between the seat neatly folded over - until a witness report states that tie and the one they saw on Cooper are one and the same - there is NO proof the tie belonged to Cooper. The plane was on the last leg of route with many stops. Jason states: reading what "Flo" said in regards to this most recent candidate, I think my father is even more likely it. Jo States: Over the yrs Florence claimed per the writers - when she saw Coffelt's Photo. "Oh, my God " and claimed she didn't think she would ever see face again - I would have to look it up to get her exact wording. Upon viewing a photo of Christiansen she said 'I think you are on to something" She has so far been unreliable being consistent with identifying photos of suspects...per the 2 I just quoted. Tina is the one with the most "Cooper" contact and she isn't talking. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #19765 December 14, 2010 " My birth name is "Donald Jason Cooper" but I've always used the name "Jamie" because of my mothers worries that there could be a connection between my name and my fathers name if he ever was caught for the hijacking." JASON: Did you not make the statement above? Are you now stating your name is NOT Jason! I knew your name was Jason because you had introduced yourself as Jason. I call my own grandchildren by their given names and not by their nicknames. Therefore I expect I will continue to address you as Jason...and I would not be incorrect. You may have a preference, but if Orange told me her real name today - I would still call her Orange. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JamieCooper 0 #19766 December 14, 2010 Quote " My birth name is "Donald Jason Cooper" but I've always used the name "Jamie" because of my mothers worries that there could be a connection between my name and my fathers name if he ever was caught for the hijacking." JASON: Did you not make the statement above? Are you now stating your name is NOT Jason! I knew your name was Jason because you had introduced yourself as Jason. I call my own grandchildren by their given names and not by their nicknames. Therefore I expect I will continue to address you as Jason...and I would not be incorrect. You may have a preference, but if Orange told me her real name today - I would still call her Orange. even in the quote you cite above it says that I go by the name of "Jamie" and that my full nmae is "Donald Jason Cooper" never have I stated or suggested that I go simply by my middle name. this seems painfully obvious. as for my wish to find out the opinion of "Flo" regarding my fathers photo, I flat out said I didn't seek a phone number or anything too personal, hoping instead she had a email address or website for this purpose. and on top of all this, my request was made to "Blevens" not you at all. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #19767 December 14, 2010 You will never get thru to Florence - Grey knows where she is and how to contact her and so do others. You have placed me in a precarious situation - when you posted that PM. You have NO idea what is going on - and you have a pleasant and perhaps a very confusing situation ahead of you. I am still trying to evaluate your fathers past. Where was he in 1962 to 1964? Most important where was he from 1968 to 1970? Do the very best you can do - there are lots of things riding on this - for everyone ever involved in this convoluted situation.....it could be I AM AGAIN connecting Dot that do not Connect...but this one is worth a shot. I made a phone call tonight and the persons I needed to talk to are with their LAWYERS. You have unleashed the Dragon and I did a stupid thing by making a post to someone I thought I could help. Unfortunately for me I made the wrong choice...but I won't be alive when all of it comes down, but it will make what is left of my life HELL. I wondered why I got a strange phone call a couple of weeks ago and now I think I know why. This is not just a sounding board - some of the things discovered in this thread are helping to bring the Cooper saga to an end - even when the FBI thought they would never find Cooper or what is left of him. Do you know any of your mothers friends from before you were born (just 1st names if you feel compelled to post it publically)? Also names of people who knew your father. Where was your father in 1969? Did he make a trip during that time perhaps explaining it as business or looking for a job. If you don't know do you have aunts or uncles who might have this information? Was he in the Atlanta area, S.C. or N.C. or Alabama (Mobile /N. Orleans area)during 1969? I need for you to be as specific as you can be. If you do not want to or do not care to share this information with me privately - that is your choice. There are those in this thread and who read this thread that KNOW I do not repeat confidences. What you tell me in confidence stays there. Right Jason, oops Jamie. Jamie sounds like a little boy, Jason sound more mature.I have neighbor child named Jamie - so I associate the name with a 4 yr old. I don't care if you call me Hey You, but just call me (rather PM me). We read a post and we respond and no one is signaled out when information is asked for. There are others who may have the answer....I read the post and if I can offer any information I do so. I will TRY to remember not to answer anymore of you post, but that is NOT to your benefit if you are for real and not creating a fantasy (as I have been accused of). Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #19768 December 14, 2010 Quote The PM read: Is you mother actually your birth mother? The first PM he has already quoted. How he read what he read into ONE line I do not know I sent 2 PM's and he made one public knowledge - the other one is 1 sentence (question) which I just put up for ALL to see. If he is reading ALL the "things" he is reading into that post and the questions - then he is WAY off base.... I'm calling absolute bullshit on this one Jo. You clearly insinuate something and then you ask him if he is sure his mother is his birth mother? How else is anyone meant to interpret this. YOU are way off base - I would be deeply insulted on behalf of ANYONE who was subjected to this (yes, if someone did this to you I would feel exactly the same way) You seem to think you can get away with what - really - I can only call despicable behviour because it is not out in the open. I also find it interesting by the way that you seem to be heading down this track. Almost as though as you are scared there is truth in Jamie's story and you are now desperately looking for some way to link it back to Duane. All in the worst possible taste and way. And you wonder why I've blocked your PMs??Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #19769 December 14, 2010 QuoteBelow is the actual PM I posted and Quade has my permission to verify this: I couldn't verify it if I wanted to. Private Messages are just that and the Moderation Staff doesn't have access to them. We do not now, nor have we ever, had the ability to read other people's Private Messages. This is why when you guys complain to us that somebody sent you something via PM, we can't really do anything about it because we have no first hand knowledge of it. If you do no wish to receive PMs from people, then simply turn it off.quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #19770 December 14, 2010 QuoteQuoteBelow is the actual PM I posted and Quade has my permission to verify this: I couldn't verify it if I wanted to. Private Messages are just that and the Moderation Staff doesn't have access to them. We do not now, nor have we ever, had the ability to read other people's Private Messages. This is why when you guys complain to us that somebody sent you something via PM, we can't really do anything about it because we have no first hand knowledge of it. If you do no wish to receive PMs from people, then simply turn it off. Thank, Quade - I though maybe you guys had access, but the P.M. is copied and saved - for my protection. I do not make PM's public - as a courtesy and because it is the right thing to do. If one fears a PM will be made public - it really limits how others can help anyone asking questions if the information is of a personal nature...and/or confidential.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #19771 December 14, 2010 he PM read: Is you mother actually your birth mother? I assure you I am NOT trying to connect his Father to Duane. As I said maybe I am connecting dots that do not connect. Think about WHY his father singled out Jamie when he went "off" that day! I and some other individuals have been looking for a child "given" away around the time Jason was born. The child was NOT Duane's (I do not know who the father was). Why I wanted to know if his mother was really his mother....and maybe why his mother was so guarded. Since there was NO mention of bad teeth which was evident in the photo taken in 1980 - maybe that is what the FBI didn't make public...maybe the REAL Cooper was missing teeth or had a space between his teeth or maybe he wore a bridge that he removed prior to making the jump. Something never mentioned by the FBI - NOT one person made a statement about the condition of Cooper's teeth. If his fingers were yellowed from Tobacco as someone stated in the past (we never knew if that was a statement made by the witnesses) then his teeth or what teeth he had may have been yellow. I was doing no more than trying to help - the same as you guys. It is natural for anyone with a suspect to cross reference the past and see if there are any connections...how else are they going to investigate the situation. Is it all ' he said and she said 'and with no one being about to provide any proof. If I were to put binders on everytime a new suspect came up there would be no reason to be here. How many suspects have we explored and how many of you absolutely seem to know NOTHING about the first suspect named Coffelt whose past also pareled Duane's. All of you had binders on when it came to Coffelt. So far Jamie has offered nothing that can be checked out to connect his father to Cooper. I am waiting to see what he has - as it stands his story is very close to the story I have told for 14 yrs. At least I had a chronology and we knew where Duane was at specific times...it is the unknown yrs that stifles me and you and the FBI and everyone else. Along wiith DNA results.. Donald's mysterious trip to look for work at Thanksgiving. Duane's wife saying she separated from Duane the 1st of part of Nov 1971 and went back to him in Feb. 1972. Jason being born in 1970 and a child being given away in 1970. I know the family has looked and looked for that child and never found him - but, he existed. The baby was "GIVE" to friends according to 2 sources and I understood the family lived in N.C. or S.C. or AZ at that time. I have been trying to reach the family to check the Birthdate - I know what I wrote down, but I need to verify it. Now you know WHY I asked him is he was sure his mother was his mother. A simple yes or no would have done. Obviously he has had some doubts himself. The birth mother had chose a name, but, she never knew if it was used. She never knew who her baby was given to. The family has been unable to locate the child because there are no formal records...all efforts to locate any files have failed. Call it a shot in the dark - but it is what it is. Nothing I have contrived and nothing I expected. The father's reactions when he took Jason and left the siblings during a squabble - maybe a baby was just more convenient, but he obviously loved the child.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #19772 December 14, 2010 Jason stated he was here to share true and accurate information to the best of his knowledge and to learn more about the case. Jason also claimed he was not seeking Financial compensation or ownership of his story then he turns around and claimes that others may think they deserve a pay-off. Then he addresses the subject of the truth - which all of you know is what I seek. Then he asks "What sort of pay off are you seeking?" and in his own words made this statement: "if it's truth, then it will be impossible to obtain if you stifle and silence all other voices". I have to look at his reactions and the reactions of other posters - What have I said or done to Stifle or Silence his voice? NOTHING! I have tried to help and the thanks I get is a kick in the teeth verbally from him and from Orange. I am treated like I am trying to get on his story when I want only the truth...the same as Jason (Jamie) claims. The flip side of this is in a later post Jamie grants everyone permission, but me. If I wanted to use his information I would have the same rights the rest of you claim in regards to public knowledge. Sounds like children in the 2nd grade. We can either work toward one goal - the truth or go our own ways. I am trying to stay in here - not for the story, but for the truth. Why, I found it necessary to make this post. If it was not for confidentiality and co-operation and the sharing of information - NONE of you would be here. NO ONE would need any ONE ELSE. This is the last post I will make regarding this squabbling and territorial attitude. How about we get past childish squabbling and complaining and try to figure this damn thing out. Think about why there are suddenly so many Cooper suspects and why so many individuals are claiming their father or husband or spouse was Cooper. Jamie and Vicky are NOT the only ones. There are others who chose NOT to present their suspect publicly. I had several communciations with an Attorney in the N.E. who represents a woman who claims Cooper was her husband. She was not from the N.E. but had family in the N.E. We shared limited information as he was her legal representative. She chose NOT to be identified, but information regarding suspects was compared... It has been suggested before that Cooper was NOT alone or that he was part of a covert action. If any of that is true - then other individuals where involved. All of you are familiar with the one statement Duane made about Cooper on the1979 trip to WA. when Duane took me to a location and said "That's were Cooper walked out of the Woods". I retorted "How would you know that" He quickly added "Maybe I was the one on the ground". Now this has been told since DAY ONE - in my first phone call to the FBI...I am sure the FBI has recordings and it is in letters I wrote to Himmelsbach and others. Then 15 yrs later he tells me "I'm Dan Coooooper". That is a long time in between the two mentions of Cooper in our 17 yr marriage. So I don't know the truth and that is what I am looking for. Since this is the same story I have told for 15 yrs - and it is recorded. Therefore I am NOT making anything FIT anything - just trying to sort thur all the muck to find the truth.What I do know is that I held the Ticket, the bag and the stub - a memory NO ONE can ERASE and WHY I will stand by the statement in blue in an above paragraph...if he wasn't Cooper how did he obtain those items? No need to attack this - as there is NO proof - JUST MY WORD: I DO SWEAR to all of you and before GOD, THE CREATOR and before a jury of my peers these items were in the possession of Duane Weber and I did hold those items in my hands. My having actually held those things in my hands is the only force that drives me forward ---otherwise it would have been easier to have step away from the plate a long time ago. There is NO need to create anomosities and more Muck - I have said before - Waugh suggested Braden, but I believe we went after the wrong Braden. No one was interested when I suggest a different Braden. Snowmman was the one who decided which Braden, Waugh was speaking of. Perhaps Waugh threw something out there to throw the dogs off the trail of the game. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nigel99 528 #19773 December 14, 2010 Jo and Jamie - PLEASE PLEASE stop this bickering Jamie - you have a fresh story to tell, so do Vicki and Jo but if you let squabbling get in the way it really becomes tiresome quickly. Frankly all 3 of you have interesting stories regarding family members just focus on that angle and it will keep the thread interesting - regardless of whose actual relative was Cooper. Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #19774 December 14, 2010 Quote Jo and Jamie - PLEASE PLEASE stop this bickering Jamie - you have a fresh story to tell, so do Vicki and Jo but if you let squabbling get in the way it really becomes tiresome quickly.[ It is not me squabbling - I have to defend myself because every time I make a post - Jamie or Orange pounce on me. Makes it sound like I said horrible things. If I am attacked I will defend myself and that is all I do lately - defend myself. No one seems to understand that it take a group of unified individuals to do this if it can be done. I keep trying to get them to talk like civilized people rather than rant and rave at me. I get accuse of jumping on Jamie's bandwagon by Orange when I am definitely NOT doing that. I have tried to help, but they turn that help on me. It is ridiculous and childish. Just because there are other suspects I am NOT going to erase my memory, nor will I LIE about anything to incorporate their story into my own. I have been trying to sort out Jamie's story, because there is something there - but, it is not exactly what he thinks it is. Perhaps all of these guys knew each other and maybe I have found the common denominator. I can't disclose it without privacy which was envaded when Jamie made my PM public. NOT working to gether is exactly the same mistake the FBI made. Left hand didn't know what the right hand was doing. There was not a problem with talking off the radar - when the Super Slueths where doing their thing...yet I am supposed to reveal EVERYTHING and make myself liable...perhaps Jamie has nothing to loose. If I loose what I have (tied up in a lawsuit)I will spend my last days in a Medicare ward rather then the comfort of my home. I would not last 2 wks in a facility because they can NOT feed me. Nor do I want someone telling me when to go to bed and when to eat. I called several place to make arrangements for my care when I can no longer do it alone - NONE of them can feed me - I would have to have my food catered....therefore I have to have care at home. If Jamie causes my monies to get tied up in a lawsuit - what little life I have is gone...and he made that a possibility when he posted that PM...he never considered what consequences might result. NOT all things are public knowledge - and I was offering up what I know to help.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nigel99 528 #19775 December 14, 2010 Jo, 377 and others have pointed out - only an idiot would get involved in a lawsuit over web chat. Internet forums are the adult version of a kindergarten playground. Just ignore their posts and focus on your story. I know that you are given a hard time on here for your story and I don't see that changing. I am as frustrated as others with the teases and taunts that the "big revelation" is simply days or weeks away. Just focus on your story - Duane led an interesting life, he may or may not have been Cooper. Feed your information into the mix and let others do the analysis. Don't take anything personally 9 times out of 10 it isn't mean't that way.Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites