smokin99 0 #19801 December 15, 2010 Cool pics. Pun intended. The site went down today right as I clicked the next to last picture. I started thinking some of Jo's "poof" gremlins had gotten into my computer. but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #19802 December 15, 2010 I have been talking with old jumpers, riggers, etc and it's looking very unikley that the 1946 Amboy canopy was made from ripstop nylon material. Ripstop parachute material was developed around 1946 but didnt make it into production canopies for another few years. Most likely was nylon twill, which can fail catastrophically if a rip starts. No way would Cossey have a twill canopy in a bailout rig in 1971. I'll update when I get more info. canopy specs: smoke jumper canopy history: 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #19803 December 16, 2010 What really frustrates me is that even after Snowmman locates some pictures and gives them to me I cannot find them on the Internet. I used reverse image search engines on a few of the above photos and came up empty. When he found Sheridan Peterson I was simultaneously looking for the same kind of guy, a person associated with Boeing, skydiver, smoke jumper etc and I found zilch. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sluggo_Monster 0 #19804 December 16, 2010 Try here:>itle=D%2EB%2E%20Cooper These are archived photos from the Seattle P-I. They are raw (notice the cropping tape and crop marks). There are a total of 34 or 38 in the archive. They were made public on 11/23/2010 for the 40th anniversary story. Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #19805 December 16, 2010 Quote Quote What really frustrates me is that even after Snowmman locates some pictures and gives them to me I cannot find them on the Internet. I used reverse image search engines on a few of the above photos and came up empty. When he found Sheridan Peterson I was simultaneously looking for the same kind of guy, a person associated with Boeing, skydiver, smoke jumper etc and I found zilch. 377 Maybe he's part of the Illuminati or Trilateral Commission and has access to everything. just a guess but he may have a subscription to a news archive service or....who knows... maybe he's on the inside and has access to stuff or a better internet. but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #19806 December 16, 2010 QuoteQuoteTry here:>itle=D%2EB%2E%20Cooper These are archived photos from the Seattle P-I. They are raw (notice the cropping tape and crop marks). There are a total of 34 or 38 in the archive. They were made public on 11/23/2010 for the 40th anniversary story. Sluggo to the rescue. Thanks for the link!but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wolfriverjoe 1,523 #19807 December 16, 2010 QuoteTry here:>itle=D%2EB%2E%20Cooper These are archived photos from the Seattle P-I. They are raw (notice the cropping tape and crop marks). There are a total of 34 or 38 in the archive. They were made public on 11/23/2010 for the 40th anniversary story. Interesting photos. Clicky fixed. For those who aren't aware, this forum doen't make links automatically. Click on the "Quote" button to see how it's done."There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #19808 December 16, 2010 Quote Cool pics. Pun intended. The site went down today right as I clicked the next to last picture. I started thinking some of Jo's "poof" gremlins had gotten into my computer. See I told ya! Really a good collection of pictures, but I was told that there were NO articles on Cooper this yr in WA or OR...this collection of photos was a real surprise. When I saw that Sluggo had posted - my reaction was "OMG, Sluggo to the Resue" Sluggo the voice of Reason (most of the time).I almost did not turn my computer tonight and now I am glad I did.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #19809 December 16, 2010 Smoking99, You must be a PI. FBI, CIA, Retired Law Enforcement, News Reporter or work for the Gov. in some compacity. The information you compiled about one of the "subjects" is relative difficult if not impossible for most laymen to obtain as quickly as you did. I only know ONE person who was able to lay their hands on that much information that fast...he had good connections. Snowmman was a good researcher, but even he would NOT have been privey to the specific information you obtained so quickly. The verbal tag on your posts is a dead give away. "Yeah, I know. But with over 20,000 posts since this thread began in some form or another since 2001, what HASN"T been talked about already?" Now that took a lot of reading and a lot of research! I made my first post about Cooper in 2000 on a forum and almost 10 yrs later I am still at it. Had I not have believed with all of my heart and soul Weber was Cooper or he knew who was I would have given up yrs ago. What substained me was the fact that I held in my hands the airline ticket, a SeaTac Parking ticket and the Bank Bag and what he told me and showed me. Perhaps that is a question that only the FBI and our Government can answer. The Identity of Cooper..... Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EVickiW 0 #19810 December 16, 2010 Has anyone heard of the FBI closing the case as "Unsolved"? I know we have spoke about Knoss in here recently and the Facebook page he posts on. Well, he is at it again. These were posted in the last 12 hours. or, because Jo does not Facebook the posts are here: QuoteBob Knoss Hey! What's this I hear about finally closing the case as unsolved? Is this true Mr. Carr? Kidnapping is supposed to be forever. You have a deathbed guilty plea from Duane Weber and at least four current witnesses that COULD verify Weber as the hijacker if asked nicely. This way you would have properly disposed of the case instead of allowing it to die under more than suspicious circumstances. You can not prove the case in it's totality for reasons which I have explained, but you could at least pin the tail on the mule. You know who to call. Pretty sure if you guarantee all immunity you can get your man honestly and legally. Wanna bet? Split up the $200,000 reward. They deserve it for all the grief this has caused them. Here is your chance to correct the 'injustices' the FBI helped cause. Set it right, it is the honest thing to do. It is about time we dealt with SOME of the truth anyway. Bob Knoss To clarify a number of misrepresentations on another site, I would like to repeat for the record several facts. First, the parachute training was done at Flying Cloud Airport in Shakopee, MN. There was a flight training school there that provided jumping service. They had to sign in each time, but those records are strangely not available. This is a well-known jump area. Second, the trainer does not want to be identified, so that is up to him. He took a risk he did not have to take and is a very nice person. Mac gave me permission to talk about him, although the truth there presents a lack of credibility on my part, it IS the whole truth. The FAA member has passed away, but has involved family, so I don't want to go there. The involved FBI guys just tell me to go to the FBI! The rabbit comes out of the hole, around the pole, through the loop and back down the hole. That's knot nice. Bob Knoss Third, rather than put words in 'Bad Bob's' mouth, why don't you ask me your questions and consider my answers until you can hear the whole story. Will be happy to discuss the truth, but since I know what happened, please don't try to stuff baloney down my throat, it comes back up immediately. I have a major distaste for, politely, misinformation with intent to persuade, and yes, I will offensively debunk that bunk. I understand some of you have established beliefs, but you must realize I do not deal in very many suppositions. I do not study fiction on this subject. I do listen to key people, and not all of that is even valid to me so I don't repeat everything. It is easy to go down a wrong path like most of you have done. Someday the story will be released, but I suspect it will be just another twist on the truth. God Bless America, anyway.Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #19811 December 16, 2010 Quote Quote Bob Knoss' name should not even be mentioned as any kind of legitimate source, or as any inclusion regarding relevant information. Let's be clear: Bob Knoss just makes stuff up as he sees fit. I wouldn't take his word that night is dark and day is light... I don't have a lot of patience with the facebook chitter chatter so I have avoided, until now, reading all of the posts on that site. (I have a facebook page but am consistently delinquent in visiting it). However, I am impartial when it comes to DB suspects, and I don't immediately dismiss anyone's claims without thoughtful analysis. That said, this guy Knoss does seem to fly by the seat of his pants, so to speak. There are a couple of contradictions in his posts on facebook, but the real tell would seem to be here: (scroll to the right on "blurbs - about me"). His eye crossing, sleep-inducing resume-like bio (an impressive list of accomplishments, but do prospective employers really read that stuff?) might seem to work against his claims that he was where he said he was in 1971. When would he have had the time to be a "witness" or "watcher" or whatever he calls it. Plus he conveniently leaves any mention of Leavenworth off of this bio. I don't necessarily discount a government conspiracy at face value since I have an innate distrust of government bureaucracy, but it seems, to me, that Knoss is working overtime to get a spot on Jessie Ventura's conspiracy theory show. In other words - I think he's pushing a load of BS. But that's just my tongue-in-cheek, but honest humble opinion - which, I realize, means nothing to anyone but moi.but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JamieCooper 0 #19812 December 16, 2010 QuoteQuade wrote:QuoteHow big is your area of uncertainty? The bearing uncertainty was way too large to be of practical use in exit spotting. I said that. Also the radio stuff is hypothetical fantasy. There is zero evidence that Cooper used radio gear. Still, I bet I could use that 1971 radio to get a very rough idea of position. I could tell if Ratazak had taken me offshore for example. I think Cooper just jumped and hoped for the best. The weather was not conducive to visual navigation. Dead reckoning by course and elapsed time was not likely as Cooper had no compass and only a very rough idea of ground speed. Jo, the back brace direction finder is completely impractical, don't waste time on this theory. CB walkie talkie could work to communicate with an accomplice, but there is zero evidence tha Cooper carried one. Your last post was unsettling. I hope the bad news is not about your health. 377 haven't had military confirm this yet but it appears from the orbit that my father was a ATC in Korea during the Vietnam war. still no positive confirmation on what that tattoo of his was. so I don't know if this fits with whatever theory you had with SE Asia? as for radio gear? my mother took a police scanner from his home that may have been stashed with the briefcase. I know he had at least 3 police scanners, complete with non publicly known frequencies according to my Father. one of which he either kept on his person or in his vehicle depending on the situation. aside from this, he had a couple CB base units and mobile units that were modified with toggle switches and labeled with a plastic labeling gun, to access (side band) and a limited amount of ham radio channels with what he claimed were illegal "leanier" power boosters. no idea if any of this would have any tangible connection to the "DB Cooper" case, just thought you might get a kick out of it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #19813 December 16, 2010 All these DBC candidates who were CBers and all these DBC forum sleuths who are ham radio operators. I'll have to ask Snowmman what it all means. Did Barb Dayton have a CB? Gosset? Others? Now we have a tangible possibility that Duane, the Worlds Biggest Jock Carrier, actually comunicated with Jamie's Dad whose CB handle has yet to be published. I've always wondered why more crooks didnt use radio scanners. In my years of defending accused criminals I only had one defendant who was scanner savvy, but he was REALLY knowlegeable about police radio freqs and procedures. He even knew when shift changes occured and planned crimes accordingly. He had a Bearcat 210, one of the first synthesized scanners (didnt need custom crystals for every frequency you wanted to listen to). He was eventually jailed on a mortgage fraud conviction, something the scanner souldnt help him avoid. He never missed a payment on his loan, but it didnt matter, he lied on the application. The feds couldnt pin anything else on him but they knew he was a major bad guy and wanted him nailed, so they started looking at taxes, loans etc. Jamie, do you ever recall your Dad monitoring aircraft radio communications on one of his portable scanners? 10-4 Good Buddy. 73. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JamieCooper 0 #19814 December 16, 2010 QuoteAll these DBC candidates who were CBers and all these DBC forum sleuths who are ham radio operators. I'll have to ask Snowmman what it all means. Did Barb Dayton have a CB? Gosset? Others? Now we have a tangible possibility that Duane, the Worlds Biggest Jock Carrier, actually comunicated with Jamie's Dad whose CB handle has yet to be published. I've always wondered why more crooks didnt use radio scanners. In my years of defending accused criminals I only had one defendant who was scanner savvy, but he was REALLY knowlegeable about police radio freqs and procedures. He even knew when shift changes occured and planned crimes accordingly. He had a Bearcat 210, one of the first synthesized scanners (didnt need custom crystals for every frequency you wanted to listen to). He was eventually jailed on a mortgage fraud conviction, something the scanner souldnt help him avoid. He never missed a payment on his loan, but it didnt matter, he lied on the application. The feds couldnt pin anything else on him but they knew he was a major bad guy and wanted him nailed, so they started looking at taxes, loans etc. Jamie, do you ever recall your Dad monitoring aircraft radio communications on one of his portable scanners? 10-4 Good Buddy. 73. 377 it was mostly jibberish to me I kinda wanna say his handle was like "bulldog" or something simular but I can't remember for sure, I'll see if anyone still living remembers. I remember "CQ" something and a instance in which I was messing with one his radios and I got in trouble because someone who worked at the hospital recognized my voice and called my mom, saying I was coming over their intercom speakers in the ER. I bet all it means is CB's and radios were more popular before the internet and cellphones kinda replaced them for the general populaton anyway. as for why more crooks didn't use them? I know one who was never caught who did. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #19815 December 16, 2010 "Now we have a tangible possibility that Duane, the Worlds Biggest Jock Carrier, actually comunicated with Jamie's Dad whose CB handle has yet to be published." Correction: WORLDS GREATEST JOCK CARRIER not biggest. If I have said biggest before that was in error. I still think from things the ex told me and the things I knew about Duane - the probabliity CB's or some type of communication was used. Does anyone know what "Jamie's" mothers name was and her previous married name along with her maiden name? Since Jamie has not provided me with this - the thing I am chasing is hard to do. I will not make these names PUBLIC knowledge, but I have a hunch based on things I was xx and xxx and xxxx. This hunch if it plays out it might explain a lot of things for Jamie. . What I am chasing may have absolutely NOTHING to do with Jamie, but needs to be investigated. If it has NOTHING to do with Jamie then it is a dead issue. "I was hoping he would be born on Duane's birthday." This is an exact quote from a third party. Jamie's birthday is June 17th and Duane's was June 18th. NO, Duane would NOT be Jamie's father - and I did NOT suggest this. Jamie's father was his father and that is very evident from the position the Father took the day he held Jamie in his arms when his life was falling apart. I hope Jamie realizes I am only trying to find solutions and I really don't like even going public with this part as it creates the opinion that I am trying to make Jamie part of this or that I am trying to be part of Jamie's story. NOT at ALL. This is something VERY real and has been a heart wrenching search for those concerned. Jamie could be a fraud, but if he is for real and really wants answers to his childhood and his past - there is a slim chance what I know might be part of it. He needs to at least let me rule it out....if he is sincere in the things he has told us. This would be something specific he could actually prove or disprove. I ask that all of you encourage him to talk to me about this and there are those in this thread and who read the thread that do KNOW I DO keep thing private that are private. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JamieCooper 0 #19816 December 16, 2010 my mothers name was "Evangeline" sometimes "Vangie" or "Angie" for short. married last names were "Dunker" and "Cooper". I don't feel comfortable making her maiden name public. I'm 100% positive my Mother was my Mother. I don't know why you think I have alot of questions about my childhood, I don't. my memory is quite good, I can actually remember a few things from before my first birthday, it's the more recent things that I have problems remembering at times. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sluggo_Monster 0 #19817 December 17, 2010 JamieCooper, If you can remember events that occurred as far back as when you were 9 mos. old, then you did not experience “infantile amnesia”. Infantile amnesia is a process that we all go through as our brain develops. Since you didn’t experience this process, I suggest that you stop trying to find out if your father was involved in NORJAK and, instead, find a good neurologist, because you are truly “a medical miracle”. Your brain developed in a way that no other human’s ever has or at least has ever come to the attention of brain and memory researchers. To help you get started on your new quest, I suggest you read the following (this is much less reading than the two threads): Goleman, Daniel (1993). Studying the Secrets of Childhood Memory, New York Times, Tuesday, April 6, pages C1 & C11. Howe, M. & Courage, M. (1993). On resolving the enigma of infantile amnesia. Psychological Bulletin, 113, 305-326. Pillemer, D.B. (1998). Momentous Events, Vivid Memories. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Pillemer, D.B., Picariello, M.L. & Pruett, J.C. (1994) Very long-term memories of a salient preschool event. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 8, 95-106. Pillemer, D. B., & White, S. H. (1989). Childhood events recalled by children and adults. Advances in Child Development and Behavior, 21, 297-340.Back to text White, S.H. & Pillemer, D.B. (1979) Childhood amnesia and the development of a socially accessible memory system. In J.F. Kihlstrom and F.J. Evans (Eds.) Functional disorders of memory (pp. 29-73). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JamieCooper 0 #19818 December 17, 2010 QuoteJamieCooper, If you can remember events that occurred as far back as when you were 9 mos. old, then you did not experience “infantile amnesia”. Infantile amnesia is a process that we all go through as our brain develops. Since you didn’t experience this process, I suggest that you stop trying to find out if your father was involved in NORJAK and, instead, find a good neurologist, because you are truly “a medical miracle”. Your brain developed in a way that no other human’s ever has or at least has ever come to the attention of brain and memory researchers. To help you get started on your new quest, I suggest you read the following (this is much less reading than the two threads): Goleman, Daniel (1993). Studying the Secrets of Childhood Memory, New York Times, Tuesday, April 6, pages C1 & C11. Howe, M. & Courage, M. (1993). On resolving the enigma of infantile amnesia. Psychological Bulletin, 113, 305-326. Pillemer, D.B. (1998). Momentous Events, Vivid Memories. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Pillemer, D.B., Picariello, M.L. & Pruett, J.C. (1994) Very long-term memories of a salient preschool event. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 8, 95-106. Pillemer, D. B., & White, S. H. (1989). Childhood events recalled by children and adults. Advances in Child Development and Behavior, 21, 297-340.Back to text White, S.H. & Pillemer, D.B. (1979) Childhood amnesia and the development of a socially accessible memory system. In J.F. Kihlstrom and F.J. Evans (Eds.) Functional disorders of memory (pp. 29-73). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. in your condemnation and obvious superiority, you somehow managed to miss some key facts. I didn't come here to discover if My father was involved with "Norjack" I already shared that He admitted to it, gave details as to how he accomplished it, and how the money was spent. I came here to share information and relay the facts I have to the best of my abilities and in doing so, satisfy a moral obligation. this is also why I haven't bothered with the claims of others, their so-called facts, and have done very little to present my case. I was invited here to share my story. I was warned I was being proverbially tossed to wolves. if my existence offends you for some reason, then perhaps you should learn to come to terms with the existence of other beings inhabiting both the physical world and sometimes the same thread you chose to post on and read. while I still have curiosities, the Identity of "DB Cooper" is not one of them. for example some of my curiosities right now are, what medical school did you attend? and how many years experience do you have in the field of human development studies? because you should consider a refresher course, I'm not the first or only person to have the memory ability. oh and one other thing, I'm completely ok with it, if you want to consider me a nutjob. not believe me, or even ignore me. hell I'm fine with being booted from this forum even. like I said, I already know the, who, how, why, and where the money went, at least most of it. everything I've said will check out over time if it's investigated, just as the records check did. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #19819 December 17, 2010 Jamie - NO one is condeming you or claiming superiority. We have not missed any KEY facts because you haven't presented any. Your father may very well have been involved in the Skyjacking, but the FBI NEEDs facts you seem to NOT want or NOT be able to present. You can talk and type till you are blue in the face (I have been there and done that), but without something no matter how minor it is that connects your father to the crime - you are talking to yourself. Everyone is willing to listen, but NOT to ramblings and you take the offensive instead of working with those who have offered their help. You lash out and misinterpert things said to you - as has been the case with me - twisiting private information to make it sound sordid and not at all how it was presented. This is NOT Twitter or Face Book as most came here legitimately to search and share ideas. Study your fathers past - surely your father had friends and relatives back in the 60's and early 70's. You need to go talk to those people - it took me yrs to locate some of Duane's past and still there are yrs I can't prove what he was doing and yet like yourself I think I know. That is not enough. It is NOT your existence here that offends anyone, but your refusal to accept to help even privately. Sluggo and myself (although on opposing sides) have offered to help. You have made a valuable contribution you are totally unaware least on my part, but it is NOT something I will discuss in this thread. As for curiosities about the crime - read and research so you can make a valuable contribution. You are up against some highly trained and very well educated individuals in this thread. Sluggo was an adopted child (something that if you took the time to study this thread you would know). He is well educated (probably genius level). I have met this man - he spent 2 days at my home and we talked for several yrs before that. He and I agree to disagree, but you don't see or hear the 2 of us throwing out the kind of abusive remarks you have made. He over anaylzes and I go on impulse. Read the Books Sluggo suggested - in fact I intend to find a couple of them myself. I also have an excellent memory, but I do NOT remember anything from the time I was 2 or 3. My first memory I believe was when I was 3 - but, then maybe it is a story the family told so many time that I thought it was my memory. See what I mean? My brother who is very well educated claims memories from early childhood. If your father had those discussion with you - there is a chance he also did with others.Could your mother have just been vindicative (the marriage was short)? Your father was really too young to be Cooper, but that does NOT mean he didn't have something to do with it or conditional knowledge of the crime Read back into this thread and the closed thread - I have not always been treated kindly by some and I am considered Crazy and dislusional. Do you want that kind of classification? I have been called a lair and fantasy story teller by one individual - yet the paper work I kept and an radio interview done yrs before proved other wise. Take others up on their offers to help - out of the public eye - then when you have the amunition you need, you can come back and say "See I told you so." They tolerate me only because I am an old woman and fondly refer to myself as having Dumb Blonde Sydrome. Some of them just feel sorry for me and wish I would hurry up and die. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #19820 December 17, 2010 QuoteJamie Cooper says in part: Quote'I was invited here to share my story. I was warned I was being proverbially tossed to wolves...' No. But you need more than hearsay evidence. Your story remains just that, a story, until you provide adequate evidence. If I were interviewing you right now I would start with this question: Quote'How old was your father in November 1971?' If the answer is less than 37 years old, I will discount your claim at face value. Every witness who described the hijacker placed him in his mid-to-late forties and I believe them. You could start there on your father. It's easy to find out someone's true age in the US if they are deceased. You simply search the Social Security Death Index. No personal info is given, but it will tell you the year they were born and the year they died. It also gives their ss number, state issued, county of birth and county of death, last residence and lump sum payment if this info is available. But his dob, Jan 28 1943, dod, Mar 12, 2005 and age in 71 (28) has already been posted (I think I just posted years before) and, not to speak for him, but Jamie alluded that this was an issue, and addressed why he feels it is not an insurmountable one.but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #19821 December 17, 2010 QuoteAll these DBC candidates who were CBers and all these DBC forum sleuths who are ham radio operators. I'll have to ask Snowmman what it all means. I think you have to put it into context of the time. Radio of the late 60s-70s was internet chat rooms of today. If a person was "serious" they got a HAM license. My guess is at least one of "those guys" on just about every block and at least a half dozen or so CB guys in my neighborhood. My point here being, just because somebody had a walkie-talkie, CB rig or was a HAM, doesn't mean a whole hell of a lot in terms of the DB Cooper case; especially since nobody has ever established a radio was even used as a tool in committing the crime.quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #19822 December 17, 2010 QuoteBut his dob, Jan 28 1943, dod, Mar 12, 2005 and age in 71 (28) has already been posted Not sure you stated his age and I didn't take the time to figure it out - but 28 yrs old and Jason is claiming his father was Cooper! That didn't take guts - it took unfortunately an idiot attitude. This speak volumes about why he kept just hammering us with trivia. I have been reading and couldn't read myself to sleep tonight, so decided to see what was happening here. I knew you had said his father was born in 1943, but I didn't even take the time to check out how old the man was. Believe me a 22 yr old stewardess would have nailed a 28 yr old passenger. NO WAY was Donald Cooper - D.B.Cooper. I can't believe we let this go on for as many post as it has. He needs to say 'I'm Sorry for the intrustion and the lost of your valuable time " and excuse himself from the discussion declaring his father was D.B. Cooper....even a idiot would know how ludicrous that was. What a waste of time and I was actually feeling sorry for him. I had been told he was a muscian who was trying to make a name for himself by declaring his father was Cooper - geeze he is not even in the ball park. Call me Sick, Call me delusional, Call me old, Call me a liar, Call me a teller of fantasy stories . Jason is all of those things to boot. I just feel stupid for not getting it 3 pages ago - that it had to be spelled out for me.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JamieCooper 0 #19823 December 17, 2010 should I or anyone else be surprised that those whose claims have been proven false by the FBI using DNA evidence with a 0.001% chance of error, are so quick to attempt to discredit the facts I've shared? again, all I ask is that a portion of any profits made, based on your own conscience be given to a suitable charity, for example a salvation armory or homeless shelter. as with all things in this universe, the DB Cooper/Norjack reality is emergent, and so regardless of what I or others say or do, the evidence to support the story I relayed will emerge. it is only a matter of time. the past is unchangeable. I've known the identity of DB cooper since I was age 5, and now I've shared the story to the best of my abilities, and in doing so have freed my own conscience. I am grateful for this outlet to do so! thanks! I want those who he kidnapped to know He is dead, and cannot come after you in any way. it is my hope that the lives of others who have been affected in pursuit of this criminal, can now be improved. my only regret is that I wasn't able to share these facts at an earlier time. thanks and be good to yourselves, and to each other. as my father was fond of saying "there is no more fun here" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nigel99 528 #19824 December 17, 2010 Quote Believe me a 22 yr old stewardess would have nailed a 28 yr old passenger Oh I can only dream that will happen to meExperienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JamieCooper 0 #19825 December 17, 2010 QuoteJamie: I'm trying to be polite here, but you have to face reality. If your father was only 28 years old at the time of the crime, there is just no way he was the hijacker. The ticket agent, both stews, and a couple of other folks were very consistent in their descriptions. The hijacker was in his mid-to-late forties. I have to agree with much of what Skyjack 71 says back there. You need to move on. As far as the DNA evidence held by the FBI, they claim to have some epithelial (sic) cells from the tie, and although they can't produce a full DNA profile from them, they (supposedly) CAN eliminate suspects using what they have. Better example is this: If they had the hijacker's actual DNA right now, they couldn't match it, but they could tell you if that person is a 'possible'. So they say, anyway. I have questioned the so-called DNA evidence previously because the tie was handled by dozens of people over the years before DNA technology came along, and I have suggested the sample could be tainted. But, who knows for sure? I certainly don't. The FBI has said that Duane Weber was eliminated in this manner, but no one can be sure because no one knows if the sample is untainted and viable. They are using skin cells, and since the tie was handled by others for more than twenty-five years before they got around to trying to extract a sample...well, you can see where this is going. This is part of the reason that although I believe Kenny Christiansen was the guy, that I still keep an open mind regarding Jo Weber's claim. She does have at least a basic case to present. If the FBI is eliminating him solely based on their shaky DNA evidence, well... Personally, I think the DNA idea is useless anyway since it will always be in question whether the sample is legitimate. However, your father can be easily eliminated as a suspect based solely on his age. Sorry...but I think you've run into a brick wall here. I guess I could see your reasoning in regards to the DNA, if what you're saying is true. so lets toss out the DNA evidence that was used to disqualify your claims. so now what are with left with to determine if we should spend our hard earned money on your claims? eye color? I heard all of the witnesses said he had Brown eyes, that they remember quite vividly? how does that fit your claims? what about his height? well maybe in one of the estimates, but not in the majority of the eyewitness accounts, huh? is thre reason to believe he was wearing platform shoes? other than this we have? conflicting eyewitness accounts? that weren't able to produce a single coherent sketch? even to this day? the best the FBI can produce is a computer composite of all the sketches? conflicting accounts about the color of his suit?, shoes, they even botched the name he used to the point we call him "DB Cooper" so we really should throw all this out, as well. except the eye color thing. what are we left with then? unqualified guesses as to his age? this is as incompetent as thinking his brand of cigarettes or drink preferences mean anything more than simply being the choices he chose on that particular occasion. because thats what these age estimates are, uneducated guesses just tossed out there. flimsy at best. so we are left with unforgettable "brown eyes", and a "swarthy" possibly Latin appearing complexion. thats it! your suspect doesn't fit this description. so enough already with your "authoritative BS". your suspect should have been disqualified by your own rules. especially considering the "Stews" made a point of stressing that his eyes were "unforgettable." the only thing they were absolutely sure of, which the perp couldn't change simply at will doesn't fit with your Kenny Christiansen claims. please explain why this is? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites