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DB Cooper

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Personally, I think the DNA idea is useless anyway since it will always be in question whether the sample is legitimate.

You know the FBI would really be screwing themselves expressing certainty about the tie DNA if in fact it wasnt Cooper's. Can you imagine how tough it would be to prosecute someone if that tie DNA ruled them out? A real Cooper could walk.

Why are they so sure about the tie evidence? It's always a mistake to assume that the FBI is brain dead stupid. They have some faults but they also have some really smart skilled people. They must have some reason for being so confident about the tie evdence and revealing that position to the public.

Sheridan Peterson interested the FBI enough to have them visit him and request a DNA sample which he voluntarily provided. Now Sheridan is very anti govt. and a strong advocate of Constitutional and civil rights. It surprised me that he just said OK when asked for a mouth swab without a warrant or really anything that legally compelled him to consent. If, however, he was Cooper and knew the tie wasn't his or didn't have his DNA on it, he'd be glad to provide such a sample. I have no proof that he was Cooper, but you couldn't have better DBC qualifications than Pete has:

USMC combat vet
USFS smoke jumper
Boeing employee in tech pubs during 727 rollout
Founder of Boeing skydive club
Innovative and experienced skydiver
Night jump experience
Jumped in Viet Nam as a civilian
Huge grudge against US Govt
Looks a lot like sketch, right age and height.
Alibi hard to disprove (living in a mud hut in rural Nepal)

On the other side Pete has no criminal history and is a self described "Peacenik."

Pete won't answer my emails. I'd like to take him for a jump, my treat, and just ask him about who knew what in SE Asia concerning the Air America 727 jumps and what he knows about ex USFS smoke jumpers working for the CIA in Nam doing covert airdrops. The FBI has already cleared him so he has little to worry about.

I've always wondered why Ted Braden was released after being captured with desertion and criminal charges pending. There are no free passes. What did he trade for his release? They ALWAYS get something in exchange, often incriminating evidence about someone higher up the chain, but sometimes an agreement not to burn an informant or blow the cover on an ongoing undercover operation.

No, I do not belive that the US Govt set up Norjack or had anything to do with it until after it happened.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Jamie, do you have any pictures of your father from the late 60s or early 70s?

I know a few guys who have led very hard, outdoor lives and looked well into their 40s before they reached 30.

Look at any meth addict and you see the same thing.

It isn't impossible for the witnesses to have made that serious of a mistake, but it is rather unlikely, unless you can provide some evidence (photo) of him looking much older than he really was.

In case you haven't noticed, the serious contributors to this thread (Sluggo, 377, georger if he wasn't currently banned and a few others) are certainly willing to listen to your claims, but they require supporting evidence. You have made some pretty spectacular claims, you need to provide something to back those claims up if you wish to be taken seriously here.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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Jamie, do you have any pictures of your father from the late 60s or early 70s?

I know a few guys who have led very hard, outdoor lives and looked well into their 40s before they reached 30.

Look at any meth addict and you see the same thing.

It isn't impossible for the witnesses to have made that serious of a mistake, but it is rather unlikely, unless you can provide some evidence (photo) of him looking much older than he really was.

In case you haven't noticed, the serious contributors to this thread (Sluggo, 377, georger if he wasn't currently banned and a few others) are certainly willing to listen to your claims, but they require supporting evidence. You have made some pretty spectacular claims, you need to provide something to back those claims up if you wish to be taken seriously here.

here are 4 such photos as were previously posted, along with comparisons of the handwritten name on the ticket and his actual signature provided for handwriting analysis purposes.

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377 stated:


I've always wondered why Ted Braden was released after being captured with desertion and criminal charges pending. There are no free passes. What did he trade for his release? They ALWAYS get something in exchange, often incriminating evidence about someone higher up the chain, but sometimes an agreement not to burn an informant or blow the cover on an ongoing undercover operation.

No, I do not belive that the US Govt set up Norjack or had anything to do with it until after it happened.

I proposed this same senario over and over - but, no one swallowed it. I believe the Govt. provided the skills by providing certain individual with certain employment they wanted secret.

Perhaps these Coverts (or whatever one wishes to call them)where promised a "clean slate" if they did a "job" for the government. If the Govt. did NOT keep the promise would this not create a grudge? Such as offering a criminal (Weber) a clean slate and then turing around and granting a "commutation of sentence" to John Collins and NOT Duane Weber.

If the individual was as desperate as Weber was in 1971 - he may have used those skills to do the Skyjacking. The Govt. may not have known who the culprit was, but I think they did and their hands were tied.

What if in the process of doing his "duty" for the goverment someone he loved was harmed. This also would create a grudge. (I know of two heart wrenching things regarding those Duane loved.)

I proposed this early on, but NO one would swallow it. Even in this thread - I have suggested this and been rebuffed for doing so. It is the only logical explanation of WHY Cooper was never "caught" or identified!

Perhaps the goverment trained him so well - he was able to hide his identity - leaving NO prints and perhaps leaving something behind that only his family could identify in the event he died. Such as a tie - he believed belonging to Robt. Kenney stolen 2 or 3 wks after he was released from Prison under the name of John Collins.

I have never discounted the fact that here may have been more than one individual involved.

Oh, well! I have proposed this so many times I am sure everyone is sick of hearing it just as I am tired of telling it. Makes me sound like poor Jamie.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jamie's post below edited to be brief:


I've known the identity of DB cooper since I was age 5, and now I've shared the story to the best of my abilities, and in doing so have freed my own conscience.
I am grateful for this outlet to do so! thanks!

Thanks and be good to yourselves, and to each other.
as my father was fond of saying "there is no more fun here"

[:/]If you are grateful for this outlet then respect it. You cannot change "facts". Certain things are subject to possiblities, but the Ticket "thing" you keep harping on is a DEAD ISSUE. The age descrepancy is doubtful...28 yrs of age versus approx 45 is a long stretch.

;)When you made one specific statement - you said a mouthful
"there is no more fun here". If you are here for FUN, this is the WRONG PLACE to be. Most of us are here to actually find an answer or answers...and not for FUN!

Perhaps in that statement alone you summed up your father's life.
Claiming to be Cooper was a game and one he knew created absolutely NO JEOPARDY for him considering his age. Old bar jokes - about being Cooper were very Common if the person was not Cooper. Ask Guru! He's Not Cooper!

We do have a little fun with Cooper, but we are 99% serious in our research and sharing of ideas about subjects and the crime itself. Weber has been worn out, but if the DNA is disqualified it makes him one of the most likely subjects the FBI ever had.

The FBI has never been able to prove the validity of the DNA evidence they think they have and have not produced the only conclusive DNA they possess which is the cigarette stubbs they suppposedly lost.

Another thing is more "lost evidence" - the drink glasses. I do not know for sure, but didn't they use glass in 1971?
Had I have been an agent in 1971 the first thing I would have done was confiscated the drink glasses - finger print every passenger and crew member and rule out their prints.

What is left? The remaining unidentified prints probably belonged to Cooper or an employee who cleaned the glasses or put them in the racks.

This loss of evidence is suspect to me - because it seems to me so simple. Wonder if the FBI ever compared the DNA on the clasp against - FBI employees who handled this over the 35 yrs prior to their extracting DNA?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Whenever you use your passport to enter or leave the US, a record is kept. FBI probably already checked this anyway.

It wasn't hard at all for a white guy to enter the US from Canada in 71 without going through immigration or customs. It doesn't make Peterson Cooper, but the lack of passport based US entry records does not mean that Peterson was in his mud hut in Nepal during Norjack.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Jamie Cooper says in part:

'...along with comparisons of the handwritten name on the ticket and his actual signature provided for handwriting analysis purposes.'

Ticket was filled out by NWA ticket agent. Passengers did NOT fill out their own tickets. EVER. The ticket agent's last name was Williams. I don't recall his first name at the moment. These facts were established long ago and the agent was interviewed extensively by the FBI at the time of the hijacking.

I'm not doubting that this was normal procedure, only pointing out the similarities in the handwriting, hoping that they could be compared by qualified analysists in the future.
I would also like to know more about this ticket agent. a photo would be great.
again I'm going to point out that despite the normal protocol of ticket agents writing names on tickets, I'm relatively sure it wasn't normal for persons to hijack airplanes and get away with ransom money either.
therefore we should expect to see out of the norm occurances.
presumptions and discounting newly found potential clues are counterproductive.
why wouldn't you want every possible clue investigated?
shouldn't be any skin off your ass unless you don't want the truth to surface?
for example, why doesn't your "Kenny Christiansen" suspect have brown eyes? or match the height requirements to be DB Cooper?

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Jo wrote;


The FBI has never been able to prove the validity of the DNA evidence they think they have and have not produced the only conclusive DNA they possess which is the cigarette stubbs they suppposedly lost.

Another thing is more "lost evidence" - the drink glasses. I do not know for sure, but didn't they use glass in 1971?
Had I have been an agent in 1971 the first thing I would have done was confiscated the drink glasses - finger print every passenger and crew member and rule out their prints


If you had managed the crime scene after the 727 landed Duane would have been identified as Cooper in a few days. ;)

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I would also like to know more about this ticket agent. a photo would be great.

I don’t know why I am doing this, because I don’t think you are very serious. If you had taken my (and others) advice you would have found these photos posted previously. This photo from a newspaper article is in horrible condition, but it is the only one I know of.

Now, if you really want to find out “the facts” of this case… do a little digging!

The previous post is: HERE.

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I would also like to know more about this ticket agent. a photo would be great.

I don’t know why I am doing this, because I don’t think you are very serious. If you had taken my (and others) advice you would have found these photos posted previously. This photo from a newspaper article is in horrible condition, but it is the only one I know of.

Now, if you really want to find out “the facts” of this case… do a little digging!

The previous post is: HERE.

while I appreciate your advice, I wasn't able to access the link you posted the first time, and 2 of them this time say they are expired.

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I would also like to know more about this ticket agent. a photo would be great.

I don’t know why I am doing this, because I don’t think you are very serious. If you had taken my (and others) advice you would have found these photos posted previously. This photo from a newspaper article is in horrible condition, but it is the only one I know of.

Now, if you really want to find out “the facts” of this case… do a little digging!

The previous post is: HERE.

while I appreciate your advice, I wasn't able to access the link you posted the first time, and 2 of them this time say they are expired.

The two links Sluggo gave in the previous post worked for me less than one minute ago.

Robert Nicholson

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You have to be a mental case or someone wtih a vendetta!

You can't change the FACTS of the case - The ticket agent wrote the name.

Now you are claiming to recognize the Ticket Agent.

I have asked you for some very specific information that you have not provided, but you even evaded that. I didn't ask for this information to be disclosed in a post - but, privately.

You refuse to take genuine help and now I think you are getting a charge out of all of this attention. You are treating this thread like a game!

Frankly I think you are someone here for only one purpose - to trash this thread so NO one will want to read it. Maybe you are Agent Carr taking revenge under another avatar in a new location.
He is in the DC area and being an FBI agent he can create - connections.

Note: His replies to my posts - sounds like someone we all know...what in the world did I say in my post about the DNA that cause him to ask me about a vendetta?

What do you think Guys!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I think you are full-of-shit!

Why would you say that? What did I say that is full of shit! Or was that post meant for Jamie or was it actually meant for me?

OH! I get it you think I am full of Shit because I think Jamie and Carr could be one and the same.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo, my website is www.jamiecooper.net, perhaps one of the photos there might help illustrate why I feel this "Hal Williams" could pass as a relative.
I don't recognize him, and haven't even remotely suggested so.
I would be willing to submit to testing to see if he is a relative though. does anyone know of other examples of his handwriting? (specifically not connected to the DB Cooper case)

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While searching for info on Arvidis J. Kiperts, I stumbled across this newspaper article that (for some reason) I had never seen before:

Woman searches for clues as elusive as D.B. Cooper
Sunday, August 13, 2000 By Margie Boulé, Columnist, The Oregonian

For more than a week, a handful of people scattered around the country have turned from the present to look back, to pull from their memories the face of a man they looked at, briefly, too long ago. He called himself Dan Cooper.

In the media frenzy that followed his successful skyjacking of Northwest Airlines Flight 305 on Nov. 24, 1971, he was mistakenly called D.B. Cooper. It stuck. Today millions remember the man by a name he never used. And a handful believe they still remember a face they hardly saw.

For five years, a Florida woman named Jo Weber has searched for the truth about her late husband. Eleven days before his death in 1995, in one of his last moments of lucidity, Duane Weber told Jo he had a secret: "I'm Dan Cooper." The name meant nothing to Jo until later, when a friend told her that D.B. Cooper actually had referred to himself as Dan Cooper.

Duane always had been secretive about his past; now Jo began to recall odd bits of information, objects and incidents that made her believe her late husband may, in fact, have been the skyjacker. He had a history of incarceration. He had a history of military service. He chain-smoked and drank the same liquor Cooper had drunk on the flight. She'd once seen an old Northwest Airlines plane ticket that disappeared after she asked about it; Duane had taken her on a trip to the Northwest and had driven her to a spot in Southwest Washington where he told her Cooper had walked out of the woods.

After five years of personal investigation and after becoming frustrated when the FBI did not launch an extensive investigation based on her suspicions, Jo decided to go public with her search. U.S. News and World Report printed her claims in late July. Several newspapers ran stories soon after.

But last week Jo still was trying to locate witnesses who might have seen Cooper on the day of the skyjacking in 1971. In particular, she was looking for two witnesses: William Mitchell, a college student who'd been flying from Portland to Seattle to go home for Thanksgiving and who had been seated near Cooper, and stewardess Tina Muklow, who Cooper kept with him in the back of the plane during the return flight south from Seattle after he released the passengers and received the $200,000 ransom money and parachutes he'd demanded.

After Jo's story ran in this column, pieces of the Cooper puzzle began to turn up. Eye witnesses -- or those who knew them -- cautiously, reluctantly, began to write or call.

William Mitchell was called Billy Mitchell when he was a student at the University of Oregon, several men informed me. One woman remembered taking an Italian class with him at UO: "He had to give a speech in Italian, and he told the story of the flight with D.B. Cooper." Childhood friends of Mitchell called and e-mailed, offering to find him.

Finally, William Mitchell's daughter wrote on his behalf. He did not want any more public attention, she said. He does not live in Oregon. But he would be willing to look at pictures of Jo's late husband and tell Jo if this was the man he remembered.

Several people called with the phone number of a man named Hal Williams. Then Hal called.

"I was the Northwest Airlines gate agent who worked on Flight 305," Hal said. "I personally saw Dan Cooper, and I was probably one of the few people who ever saw him without sunglasses."

Hal had his fill of media attention back in the 1970s, he said. In fact, the whole Cooper incident became a burden over time.

"I looked at hundreds of pictures over the years," he said. "You can't believe how many pictures, over and over and over. The FBI came to my house frequently. I suppose it was exciting at the beginning but then it got to be a real pain. I wished that I'd never been there. It just never seemed to end."

Still, Hal has not pushed out memories of the event that has been strapped on his back all these years.

"It was a raging, rainy, stormy day," he recalled. "A nasty day. As I explained to the FBI years ago, he was conspicuous. This was 1971, when we wore polyester and plaid and funny shoes and gaudy shirts. The boarding area had lots of businessmen dressed just like that. All except this one man, Dan Cooper, who was dressed all in black. It was unusual: black pants, shoes, black raincoat. It was like he was trying to hide, in black. But when you try to look inconspicuous, sometimes you make yourself even more conspicuous.”

"He stood right smack in front of me while I was doing the things you do when checking people in at a ticket counter and boarding area," he said.

Later, Hal was one of the witnesses who helped the FBI create composite drawings of Cooper. "But I never did think they were very good. They didn't look like him at all. But I was just one of many who helped put them together."

Hal doesn't own a computer, so a friend went to the Oregon Live Web site where this column and two old photographs of Duane Weber were displayed. He printed out copies, and Hal took a look. He said he did not recognize Duane. But after he learned from Jo that the photos were taken as many as 10 years before and about 10 years after the skyjacking occurred and that Duane was like a chameleon who often changed his appearance, Hal asked Jo to mail him more photos.

He said he's happy to help Jo. And he'd still like to see Cooper apprehended. It bothers him that Cooper became so famous after the skyjacking. "He's not a hero, he's a criminal, and they celebrate him because he got away with it," Hal said. "It's ridiculous."

Jo particularly wanted to find former Northwest Airlines stewardess Tina Muklow. She had discovered, in her research, that Tina had become a Catholic nun. But she'd been unable to locate her.

Last week, a Catholic journalist telephoned and said she had met and spoken with Tina, who changed her name when she took her holy vows. It's not yet known whether Tina will be willing or will be allowed to meet with Jo or look at pictures of Jo's late husband. But even if her request is denied, at least Jo will know she has left no stone unturned in her attempt to get answers.

Even if all three witnesses -- the passenger, the stewardess, the gate agent -- do examine Jo's old photos of Duane, they may not be able to provide a definitive answer to her question: Was her late husband D.B. Cooper?

Because even though these three people were dramatically affected by Cooper's crime, 29 years can pull memory a long way from the truth; trying to stir recognition from too-old photographs may be futile, like watering last year's crop.

They say memory paints pictures. Cooper's crime may be a landscape that has become too dark to see.

You can reach Margie Boule at 503-221-8450, 1320 S.W. Broadway, Portland, OR 97201, or marboule@aol.com.

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Good find. I don't think I've seen this either.

I've got some articles on Kiperts but they basically just tell about the bank robbery and note and then regurgitate the cooper tale -- doubt they'd be of any use to you.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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I have to tell you I was a bit tough on Galen Cook, especially on his 'Janet the Witness' story he tried to sell to Scott Schwebke of the Utah Standard-Examiner.

I've corresponded with Galen in the past and found him to be a sharp and open minded guy. I can't see him believing that part about "Janet" seeing Cooper on the 727 steps, which makes me wonder if there is something I am missing or some part of the story is being distorted. Still, Janet's alleged description of the flare following an arcing descent path caught my attention because it isn't intuitive and it is exactly what you'd see if a flare were tossed. You see it when skydivers exit with smoke.

Galen isn't a dummy, far from it, so whats up with the Janet story?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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