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DB Cooper

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Occam’s razor!
the least complicated answer is most likely the truth!
his name was Don Cooper, Dan being misunderstanding or deliberate exploitation of the similarity
He was a pilot, and ATC, and had a relative who was involved with the 727 CIA Jump tests in Japan in 1970, that were recently revealed via the freedom in information act.
He was there for a job interview, which explains the clothing.
it was a reversible jacket, black on one side, tan on the other.
he was 6 foot tall (estimate not fact) but matches, dark complected, brown eyed, possibly in his 40's(estimate not fact) my father was 28 and recenlty been discharged from the army, recently was a murder suspect, on 2nd marriage, new baby, 2 other kids not his, was told not come home empty handed meaning without getting the boeing job, which he didn't. all of which along with the clothing made him seem older.
Caucasian or of Latin decent (also opinion not fact)but matches.
being from MN meant the cold wasn't even a factor, being an outdoors-man meant the terrain wasn't an impossible problem.
being a good tipper and sociable drinker meant he could make friends easily and dissapear just as easily.
the Tena Bar money? was never mentioned but the dollar amount and Tina Mucklow being offered almost the same is a possibility, who knows? its doubtful anyone would dump it without a motive deliberately.

(Jo, any explanation as to why DW would chose that dollar amount?)

on top of this we have a confession, and explaination of where the money went (Fairmount readymix, and construction equipment)

or we have a guy claiming he did it, and his wife divorcing and blackmailing a lookalike since a couple years after norjack, over it without any proof even to the point of making her child (ME) use a fake name because it was just taken for granted he would eventually be caught but again all BS?
seems like alot to go thru and put a child thru just to fake it, what would the payoff even be? i wasnt supposed to even tell anyone. better yet why would he tolerate being blackmailed over a lie?
most reasonable explanation, according to Occam’s razor is My father was DB Cooper like he admitted.

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That should be an epic party:D

I'm thinking seriously of making the 40th. I feel as if I've been a part of this whole DBC thing for almost all of that time. It'll be a fun road trip from New Jersey. I'd much rather drive it and see some country. Haven't done that for over 40 years.

I am not DB Cooper

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That should be an epic party:D

I'm thinking seriously of making the 40th. I feel as if I've been a part of this whole DBC thing for almost all of that time. It'll be a fun road trip from New Jersey. I'd much rather drive it and see some country. Haven't done that for over 40 years.

I have a vintage NB-6 to wear to the party not that I would jump the thing on the demo... altho the last time I jumped surplus mil gear in 2003 I landed 20' from dead center under a T-10 with a 7 TU . I spotted the load from a C-182 from 3500' on a hop and pop ( That did convince me the days of jumping rags onto Terra-Way-Too-Firma were over)

Now a Night jump with a tree landing.... that would be far easier to do in the trees:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

Both of my tree landings were reallly soft and I got a good hangup and a real easy to get down out of:)

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Jamie States:
He was there for a job interview, which explains the clothing.
it was a reversible jacket, black on one side, tan on the other.

Jo Replies:

A reversible dress jacket and/or a reversible rain coat??? Which are you stating? There was NO such thing as a reversible Dress Jacket in 1971. Maybe a raincoat? I never saw one, but then that doesn't mean they don't exist.

The description of Cooper fits someone everyone has known at one time or another in their life, even if it is just the bum on the street.

Jamie States:
(Jo, any explanation as to why DW would chose that dollar amount?)

Jo Replies:
What are you talking about - the found money or the amount of money demanded for ransom?
Other know why 200K was chosen - do you? Go back and read the thread (all of it).

You have absolutely NO clue where your father got that money - none - iota. Show us the proof - that it was not there in in 1971, but there in 1972. You do NOT even have his tax reports.

If you think someone is hiding papers from you - they are NOT what you think they are. Besides would not that home have changed hands a several times since 1971?


Jamie state:
we have a guy claiming he did it, and his wife blackmailing for years over it without any proof even to the point of making her child (ME) use a fake name because it was just taken for granted he would eventually be caught

Jo states:

Think - again - Think! Please!
Your mother was angry at your father for something he did and it was not skyjacking a plane. There is a reason your mother may have hid things from you. Go to the man who has them and politely ask him what big secret is hidden in his attic. The secret will surprise you. Perhaps these things are being kept from you because they do NOT feel you are emotionally able to handle them...that you will be more lost than you are now.

:(The DNA profile is under Cooper - so what makes you think you were forced to take a fake name? What your mother was trying to protect you from had NOTHING to do with D.B. Cooper. Cooper is a common name and so is Dan.

I am going to go out on a limb here, but please listen.

Your mother was protecting you from exactly what you are putting yourself thru today. She had a secret and your father had a secret and you are the secret.[:/]:S

GO to the person who you think knows the secret. Are you really ready for answers or are you happier destroying your life and in the process what life your own child may have. (I am to understand he is disabled).

:|He needs a REAL and WHOLE father - not the shell you are now. He needs the unconditional love your mother tried to give you and your father was not able to face the wrongs he had done (why he could not stay with your mother - because she would not let him forget). You make it sound like you were used as a pawn between the two of them and I agree. It was wrong, but it is how they handled the situation.

Jamie your head is screwed on wrong right now - stop and think and be rational. You need to listen to everyone here or you need to see a shrink.

:oYou have taken what was most times a productive thread with lots of intellectual postings and turned it into a senseless twitter. You will notice Elvis and his crew have all left the stadium! All that is left is the support crew.

:|:([:/]With that I believe most of us will leave you with your one man show and of course Blevins might stay around doing some maintenance.

I am no Dr. but I am a mother and a Grandmother and Great Grandmother and I have lived on this earth for over 70 yrs. Jamie send me the answers to the question I asked you. Most important GO see the friend of your parents who is keeping something from you...he may not realize how much it is eating at you and he may just have forgotten. He may not even know what you are talking about.

I don't think he is deliberately keeping a secret from you. Sit down with him and tell him these doubts you live with and I betcha he will take you up to that attic and let you see whatever you think there is. In your current state of mind - I suggest you use a minister or mutual older friend as a mediator...since you may have the tendancy to fly off the handle the same way you do here. In Fact I definitely think you need a mutal party the age of the friend you think is keeping something from you.

Remember what I said - write it down and keep it with you until you resolve the relationship between your mother and your father.

Your mother was angry at your father for something he did and it was not skyjacking a plane. There is a reason your mother may have hid things from you. Go to the man who has them and politely ask him what big secret is hidden in his attic. The secret will surprise you. Perhaps these things are being kept from you because they do NOT feel you are emotionally able to handle them...that you will be more lost than you are now.

Write it down and read it several times and try to understand exactly what I am trying to tell you. Do you realize that people are AFRAID OF you? Do you realize that people who could help you will not because they FEAR you? If strangers FEAR you might not your own son?

I have never gone out on a limb like this trying to help someone on line...but, someone has to do it. You do realize if the authorities where monitoring this thread YOU could loose your child. You might be considered an unstable parent.

The answers I am looking for are buried, but the answers you need are right infront of you...unless you are a sham just to deep six this thread.

The stadium is being locked down and the lights will be shut off by remote. The night guard walks away to his car on the furtherest end of the parking lot and as he pulls out he looks up at the stadium and tips his hat to the Grand Ole Stadium remembering all of the Greats who played there. As he leaves the entrance - he replaces the banner on the gate that reads:



Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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the name, I use Jamie because my parents though my father would eventually be found out.
thus I being jr. would have the modern day equivalent of "Bernie Madoff jr." for a name. thats why my first name became an alias.
it would be much more difficult to change the last name, involving far too many other people.

the jacket I am referring to was my fathers, given to me as a teenager, I considered it a trenchcoat, it was black on one side and tan on the other, a overcoat, or raincoat, made to match well over a suit ,for example on a rainy day. I don't know if I still have it or not, I will have to dig around and see.

the dollar amount i'm asking about is the Tena bar find, why would DW chose roughly $6k?, why would he throw it in the river?
as for the $200k, none of you know why! you might have a plausible theory but you don't know why! neither do I!

this incessant, "Go back and read the thread" claptrack is tired!
I have read it, it's many posts just proving you(Jo) wrong, fruitless searches, speculations, and obviously some very valuable info as well, but this crap that I should read literally thousands and thousands of rambling posts about a subject I apparently already seem to know better than most without even researching it. is just ridiculous!
while I'm lacking physical evidence in some instances, isn't odd how everything I've said fits perfectly? none of it requiring any improbable stretches of the imagination?
all of it easily provable with a couple search warrants or even just checking an existing casefile.

the house i last saw the proof in, has changed hands a couple times, the owner who built the house and hid the briefcase died a few years ago.
this is why a search warrant would be best.
that way there would be reliable witnesses of its discovery, with authority to look inside the wall or under a floorboard.
police could analyze and gain access to the accounts, and records, that there are papers from in the briefcase, which in and of itself is evidence.
I can't access bank accounts of which I don't know the numbers of, or tax info on my fathers or anyone other than my own.
it would require law enforcement to do so.
I can't dig into the "Willy Vocks" case file to access my fathers fingerprints, law enforcement would have to.

and lastly, these threats that I could seem like a bad parent? if authorities were reading?
are you insane? my children are adults, except one teen who is an honor roll student.

try doing at least minimal research before trying to threaten and slander the names of people!
better yet, just stick to the facts, theres no justification for making threats or freaking out over another poster having a db cooper story or theory that doesn't match yours.
I personally hope others come up with a better theory, or prove me wrong.

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Jamie States:
He was there for a job interview, which explains the clothing.
it was a reversible jacket, black on one side, tan on the other.

Jo Replies:

A reversible dress jacket and/or a reversible rain coat??? Which are you stating? There was NO such thing as a reversible Dress Jacket in 1971. Maybe a raincoat? I never saw one, but then that doesn't mean they don't exist.

The description of Cooper fits someone everyone has known at one time or another in their life, even if it is just the bum on the street.

Jamie States:
(Jo, any explanation as to why DW would chose that dollar amount?)

Jo Replies:
What are you talking about - the found money or the amount of money demanded for ransom?
Other know why 200K was chosen - do you? Go back and read the thread (all of it).

You have absolutely NO clue where your father got that money - none - iota. Show us the proof - that it was not there in in 1971, but there in 1972. You do NOT even have his tax reports.

If you think someone is hiding papers from you - they are NOT what you think they are. Besides would not that home have changed hands a several times since 1971?


Jamie state:
we have a guy claiming he did it, and his wife blackmailing for years over it without any proof even to the point of making her child (ME) use a fake name because it was just taken for granted he would eventually be caught

Jo states:

Think - again - Think! Please!
Your mother was angry at your father for something he did and it was not skyjacking a plane. There is a reason your mother may have hid things from you. Go to the man who has them and politely ask him what big secret is hidden in his attic. The secret will surprise you. Perhaps these things are being kept from you because they do NOT feel you are emotionally able to handle them...that you will be more lost than you are now.

:(The DNA profile is under Cooper - so what makes you think you were forced to take a fake name? What your mother was trying to protect you from had NOTHING to do with D.B. Cooper. Cooper is a common name and so is Dan.

I am going to go out on a limb here, but please listen.

Your mother was protecting you from exactly what you are putting yourself thru today. She had a secret and your father had a secret and you are the secret.[:/]:S

GO to the person who you think knows the secret. Are you really ready for answers or are you happier destroying your life and in the process what life your own child may have. (I am to understand he is disabled).

:|He needs a REAL and WHOLE father - not the shell you are now. He needs the unconditional love your mother tried to give you and your father was not able to face the wrongs he had done (why he could not stay with your mother - because she would not let him forget). You make it sound like you were used as a pawn between the two of them and I agree. It was wrong, but it is how they handled the situation.

Jamie your head is screwed on wrong right now - stop and think and be rational. You need to listen to everyone here or you need to see a shrink.

:oYou have taken what was most times a productive thread with lots of intellectual postings and turned it into a senseless twitter. You will notice Elvis and his crew have all left the stadium! All that is left is the support crew.

:|:([:/]With that I believe most of us will leave you with your one man show and of course Blevins might stay around doing some maintenance.

I am no Dr. but I am a mother and a Grandmother and Great Grandmother and I have lived on this earth for over 70 yrs. Jamie send me the answers to the question I asked you. Most important GO see the friend of your parents who is keeping something from you...he may not realize how much it is eating at you and he may just have forgotten. He may not even know what you are talking about.

I don't think he is deliberately keeping a secret from you. Sit down with him and tell him these doubts you live with and I betcha he will take you up to that attic and let you see whatever you think there is. In your current state of mind - I suggest you use a minister or mutual older friend as a mediator...since you may have the tendancy to fly off the handle the same way you do here. In Fact I definitely think you need a mutal party the age of the friend you think is keeping something from you.

Remember what I said - write it down and keep it with you until you resolve the relationship between your mother and your father.

Your mother was angry at your father for something he did and it was not skyjacking a plane. There is a reason your mother may have hid things from you. Go to the man who has them and politely ask him what big secret is hidden in his attic. The secret will surprise you. Perhaps these things are being kept from you because they do NOT feel you are emotionally able to handle them...that you will be more lost than you are now.

Write it down and read it several times and try to understand exactly what I am trying to tell you. Do you realize that people are AFRAID OF you? Do you realize that people who could help you will not because they FEAR you? If strangers FEAR you might not your own son?

I have never gone out on a limb like this trying to help someone on line...but, someone has to do it. You do realize if the authorities where monitoring this thread YOU could loose your child. You might be considered an unstable parent.

The answers I am looking for are buried, but the answers you need are right infront of you...unless you are a sham just to deep six this thread.

The stadium is being locked down and the lights will be shut off by remote. The night guard walks away to his car on the furtherest end of the parking lot and as he pulls out he looks up at the stadium and tips his hat to the Grand Ole Stadium remembering all of the Greats who played there. As he leaves the entrance - he replaces the banner on the gate that reads:



just quoting this in case Jo changes it later as has been the case in the past, seriously, how are these threats that I could lose my child tolerable?
Jo the most likely explanation to your search is this.
DW was a DB Cooper fan, he researched and thought he knew who DB Cooper was. maybe thats wht he was trying to relay on his deathbed? or he went a little delirious on his deathbed, it happens to pretty much everyone when their braincells are dying.
I am sorry that there haven't been any good answers for you, especially after so much time and money has been spent on looking for these answers.
I know from my own experiences, that this had to occur to you at least once.
I personally doubt my parents story just as much as I believe it. or at least I used to doubt it, since coming here, I only found more supporting evidence.
I didn't want it to be true. the problem is, it's the only story I have. I can only relay what I saw and heard.
my mother is my mother the family resemblance is obvious, as is my father, my father.
I know you feel you have something to suggest otherwise but can't you hear how bizarre that sounds?
if you really have something share it here for us all!
I'm not afraid for everyone on earth to know whatever it is you think you know about me!
did you uncover something in your search that connected my name to the DB Cooper case?
was there a statement somewhere about my name and birthdate that you are hiding?
jo u are either under a number of misconceptions or deliberately trying to twist my words.
I saw wgat was inside the briefcase, it wasn't hidden from me, it was hidden from my father and police for bargaining power with both.

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how are these threats that I could lose my child tolerable?

Easy; they aren't threats.

She's saying what could happen if somebody thinks a parent is crazy.

When it comes to crazy, there are a couple of folks here that probably shouldn't be quite so obsessive about their claims and state them too vociferously, yet they do over and over.

Kind of a glass house thing.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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[skyjack71] said in part
"Write it down and read it several times and try to understand exactly what I am trying to tell you. Do you realize that people are AFRAID OF you? Do you realize that people who could help you will not because they FEAR you? If strangers FEAR you might not your own son?'

Are you really ready for answers or are you happier destroying your life and in the process what life your own child may have. (I am to understand he is disabled).

UnimpressedHe needs a REAL and WHOLE father - not the shell you are now. He needs the unconditional love your mother tried to give you and your father was not able to face the wrongs he had done (why he could not stay with your mother - because she would not let him forget). You make it sound like you were used as a pawn between the two of them and I agree. It was wrong, but it is how they handled the situation.

Jamie your head is screwed on wrong right now - stop and think and be rational. You need to listen to everyone here or you need to see a shrink. "

jamiecooper replies:
everyone here is afraid of me? and thinks I need to see a shrink rather than simply compare some fingerprints or do a proper investigation for a briefcase full of evidence pertaining to db cooper?
what would there be to fear? im not the one begging for birth certificates,phone numbers, personal info. ect...
im simply offering either another deadend or the proof youve all been claiming to want.
is the purpose of this form to try and solve the db cooper case? or something else

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I've done some digging including corresponding with the history professor who literally wrote the book on Air America covert flight ops in SE Asia. All my info says the 727 parachute jumps took place in Thailand, but you insist it was Japan. Give us your sources. Names. References. People we can ask.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Go to: http://mensa-test.com/

If you can't get by these tests you certainly shouldn't be playing in the multi-tiered Norjak Theory Tournament. It is over your head. Counting to 20 on your toes and fingers does not an expert make. You cannot win in a game with loaded dice and a deck stacked with 21 jokers and no 'get out of jail' cards. It is Ambush City and the death of Bonnie and Clyde all over again, only in a reversal of the rule of law, kinda like Kangaroo Court. As indicated, I have first-hand evidence that excuses your father, so I am probably extraneous to your particular collection of beliefs as I am with this assemblage of struggling addicted Cooper fiction writers. Take the tests, they are fun!

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You don't have to pass MENSA or USPA tests to play in this game Al. Stop acting superior. We welcome all comers. The only qualification is an interest in the subject and the only rule is common courtesy.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I've done some digging including corresponding with the history professor who literally wrote the book on Air America covert flight ops in SE Asia. All my info says the 727 parachute jumps took place in Thailand, but you insist it was Japan. Give us your sources. Names. References. People we can ask.


well I guess it depends on what youre referring to as "wrote the book"?
if it's this "snoman" character who uploaded the misleading segment to DZ or this "dbcooperxfiles" who uploaded the misleading segment to youtube from the CIA/air America financed film "flying men, flying machines" portraying various military operation in Asia during the Vietnam war era, then you have been mislead.
his clip was misleadingly edited to support this "Thailand theory". download it yourself and then download the original unedited film from the Govt.website and compare.
extract the audio and compare it in a audio editing program, the "Thailand" part is louder and obviously added"

thats not to say there weren't tests conducted in Thailand as well, (in fact the segment immediately following the Japan located 727 jump tests is in Thailand) only that the tests in the film in question were in Japan, near Tokyo. how do I know? because it flat out says so in the film, and a relative of mine was there, his voice narrates a segment in the film, and He owns an object that is shown in the film. an object that wouldn't seem unique to the average person, but is because of the backing story, which is most likely why it was on camera in the first place. it's a trophy, a ceramic pagoda looking garden statue. it was stolen as part of a persistent prank/tradition among the Men involved with these tests and put in my Uncles office on one occasion as part of this prank/tradition. later when He was leaving Japan to come home, it was presented to him as a parting gift and memento.
the following url is a link to this clip which I edited to remove the added "Thailand" audio that was added by someone trying to fabricate evidence of this "Thailand test theory" remember there is a url at the end of the video to download the full film from the Govt. archives.
I recommend doing so and comparing for yourself.

as for iq tests, it's a well known fact that mine is 174.
all Al would have had to do was read any of the promotional materials from the last election I was a candidate in to bring that up. which is also most likely his motivation along with supporting my latest internet stalkers claims.

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I am now going to join the quest of a few of the other jumpers that are left reading this forum have pleaded the case before. I think Snowman has leardned his lesson. In reading Young Coopers accusation towards Snowman, I am asking you to give pardon and let Snow back as long as he behaves and kept on a short leash. Georger should only have a few days left, and he should be able to post. This place needs some real talent again. I think the majority of the people who were here before Snow was sent to time out have asked for him to be brought back. Come on Quade ol' boy even Jim Morrison was pardoned.

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I am now going to join the quest of a few of the other jumpers that are left reading this forum have pleaded. I think he has leardned his lesson. In reading young Coopers accusation towards Snowman, I am asking you to give pardon and let him back. Georger should only have a few days left, and he should be able to post. This place needs some real talent again. I think the majority of the people who were here before Snow was sent to time out have asked for him to be brought back. Come on Quade ol' boy even Jim Morrison was pardoned.

I support this as well! Snowmans skepticism is a valuable asset to the DB Cooper case as a whole!
We should always welcome any potential source of information regarding this case, obviously moderation is needed in some instances but as for, Snowman, I agree that He should be given a chance to participate in the conversation and stay within the forum rules again. Skeptics keep us honest, and in my personal experience can help bring out otherwise discounted or unnoticed facts which may be the key to solving this case.
I will point out that I have not made an accusation against snowman, only against a film clip He uploaded here. I don't know who edited it in this misleading manner.

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You are correct. I think Mensa requires an IQ of 145. I can't qualify, but I understand the group specializes in crime solving on difficult cases. Their tests are difficult and fun to take. Thank you for my first civil response on this forum. You must be a human being (from a Dustin Hoffman film). I understand where Jamie is coming from, and it is a different situation than an author. I tried to help in my crude way, but everyone is so headstrong on here that it is impossible to discuss anything. My discussions have been with the guys you all want to interview. Long and involved discussions about everything you want to know. If you choose to continue to plow me under as a matter of "maintenance" and protection for the trainer, I expected it, but no intention of opening that door. I believe you all really know what happened. I KNOW some of you do, right from the horse's mouth, so you're afraid of what I'll say. Not going there. Can't be proven. Fabrication is not the solution. It is illegal under some circumstances... That is what gets my goat.

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... I think Mensa requires an IQ of 145.

... That is what gets my goat.

I have a Mensa card, I jump out of airplanes and I've stared at a few goats. None of which has a bearing on the discourse in this forum.

Caretaker, why don't you tell your story and simply leave out the proper names? So far, your presentation of information here is hardly more than titillation.

At least in Jamie's case, I think he's totally sincere and believes what he's writing. For that matter, I can say the same for Jo. I think they are both wrong about DB's identity but that's immaterial in regard to their sincerity.

There is no statute of limitations on what DB did as I understand the law. But you can certainly tell us what you know without revealing names. Explain things like: the found money and how it got where it did, how the money was tied to the harness, and what was in the paper bag. And maybe DB's actual experience as a jumper.

You don't need a Mensa card and you don't need to divulge names.

Go for it...

I am not DB Cooper

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Second human response. I agree totally with what you state. I can briefly summarize some of what you outline. The money was secured to the hijackers body with parachute cord cut from one parachute. He landed in the woods and walked down a clear-cut to a location he knew. He buried the money in a can in a spot he thought would be easy to find, but when he returned much later, the objects he used for identifiers were gone. The area was flooded. Apparently the can had floated out of it's burial and down the river where the boy found the bundles of cash. The only money that was kept by the hijacker was a portion he took at the time he buried the can. The rest of the money could be anywhere, but it was never found by anyone of record. How is that? It is what officially happened.

The paper bag? I don't think anybody knows for sure, but there was a discussion about his combat boots and how to get them on board. I believe the probability is that his boots were in the bag. He had the stews draw the first class curtains, I believe, for the purpose of changing into the boots, etc. He definitely jumped with boots.

Actual experience as a jumper? My opinion is that from the conversation, he had never jumped before. They started at low altitude and worked up to 10,000 feet. He expected to go higher, but was told that was as high as he could go without oxygen. He did not show any signs of having done it before and indicated no flight time. He took a tour of a 727 at dock on the tarmac, his very first time on one. The maintenance crew gave him a personal tour of the entire plane, stairway lock and all.

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He buried the money in a can in a spot he thought would be easy to find . . .

Please describe for us this can and where he got it from.

I am BEGGING the rest of you do not post anything about it until this question is answered by CaretakerAl.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Second human response. I agree totally with what you state. I can briefly summarize some of what you outline. The money was secured to the hijackers body with parachute cord cut from one parachute. He landed in the woods and walked down a clear-cut to a location he knew. He buried the money in a can in a spot he thought would be easy to find, but when he returned much later, the objects he used for identifiers were gone. The area was flooded. Apparently the can had floated out of it's burial and down the river where the boy found the bundles of cash. The only money that was kept by the hijacker was a portion he took at the time he buried the can. The rest of the money could be anywhere, but it was never found by anyone of record. How is that? It is what officially happened.

The paper bag? I don't think anybody knows for sure, but there was a discussion about his combat boots and how to get them on board. I believe the probability is that his boots were in the bag. He had the stews draw the first class curtains, I believe, for the purpose of changing into the boots, etc. He definitely jumped with boots.

Al, You are leaving out some simple details. Where did Cooper get the can and the shovel to dig the hole where you claim he buried the can. Surely you cannot be claiming he had the can and shovel with him when he jumped.

Your story is just another fairey tale which continues to hinder real progress in solving the Cooper matter.

Robert Nicholson

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It was described to me as a milk can he had found nearby. The person describing it to me was a third party repeating the report from the hijacker.

In other words, something that would not hold up in court.

Not exactly helpful.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Your story is just another fairey tale which continues to hinder real progress in solving the Cooper matter.

Sir: You are awfully quick to light a match. Perhaps you should see what is in the barn before you burn the barn down. Or do you have an agenda? I am giving you what was provided to me by my supervisor. I was not there, and did not hand him the shovel, if there even was a shovel. You do not have to have a shovel to dig a hole.

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