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can we be sure the mush would be decomposed bills?
visual and chemical tests would make this an easy identification. plus, there are some advantages to
dealing with a ground up mixture of a thing; makes
assays easier (in bulk). Harold and Pat Ingram
described 'decayed material' being in the vicinity
of the found money. So obviously they probed and inspected the area where the bundles were pulled from and very likely they were observing decayed
money or perhaps a combination of decayed cotton
fibres and some biological material. The group Brian pulled out was wet.
Harold and Pat Ingram are the parents of the boy who found the money right?
are you basing this notion that the mush might have been cotton fibres and/or biological from their opinions?
,photos? or some kind of tests?
georger 247
are you basing this notion that the mush might have been cotton fibres and/or biological from their opinions?
,photos? or some kind of tests?
Harold and Pat Ingram are the parents of Brian
The $20 bills given Cooper were printed on
standard cotton fibre banknote paper emulsified
with titanium dioxide. The fibres and chemical constituents of the paper are easily seen or determined with testing even after the paper decomposes ..... has nothing to do with the
Ingrams; is just a fact about the bills.
In my old age I am trying to set my DVR, (dangerous task for us old guys). What is the date and time for the History channel upcoming show?
smokin99 0
EVickiW 0
a quote from the articles that 99 linked -
QuoteThe fourth letter was sent to the Reno Evening Gazette and published on Friday, December 3, 1971. That letter said, “Plan ahead for retirement income. Signed, DB Cooper.” Interestingly enough, this fourth letter was mailed on November 22, 1971, from Oakdale, California, where Gossett had been living, a couple of days before the hijacking.
Cook believes that Gossett/Cooper sent this final letter to Reno because it was the place the plane landed after the hijacking.Quote
This makes no sense. According to the F.B.I files on D.B. Cooper, he gave the name Dan Cooper and D.B. was a moniker that stuck because the press printed it by mistake. How could a letter be sent to Reno 2 days prior to the hijacking with a name that was a mistake? In addition, Cooper asked the plane be flown to Mexico.....Reno was a detour for more fuel. A decision made "on the fly". I might not be a lawyer or a scientist, but this looks a little "wonky".Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:
smokin99 0
Quotea quote from the articles that 99 linked - ***The fourth letter was sent to the Reno Evening Gazette and published on Friday, December 3, 1971. That letter said, “Plan ahead for retirement income. Signed, DB Cooper.” Interestingly enough, this fourth letter was mailed on November 22, 1971, from Oakdale, California, where Gossett had been living, a couple of days before the hijacking.
Cook believes that Gossett/Cooper sent this final letter to Reno because it was the place the plane landed after the hijacking.Quote
This makes no sense. According to the F.B.I files on D.B. Cooper, he gave the name Dan Cooper and D.B. was a moniker that stuck because the press printed it by mistake. How could a letter be sent to Reno 2 days prior to the hijacking with a name that was a mistake? In addition, Cooper asked the plane be flown to Mexico.....Reno was a detour for more fuel. A decision made "on the fly". I might not be a lawyer or a scientist, but this looks a little "wonky".
Yeah i saw that too. I thought at first it was a typo and maybe they meant December 22 -- since they were talking about the fourth letter. But, looking again, I agree, it sure reads funny. I didn't listen to the interview, though - just read the article.but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill
not unless the prints match imo
EVickiW 0
Gossett probably sent the letters......bring a little excitement to his job/career. The letter that was sent prior to the hijacking was probably back postmarked on an office stamping machine in the mail-room of the precinct.
smokin99 0
Quotea quote from the articles that 99 linked - ***The fourth letter was sent to the Reno Evening Gazette and published on Friday, December 3, 1971. That letter said, “Plan ahead for retirement income. Signed, DB Cooper.” Interestingly enough, this fourth letter was mailed on November 22, 1971, from Oakdale, California, where Gossett had been living, a couple of days before the hijacking.
Cook believes that Gossett/Cooper sent this final letter to Reno because it was the place the plane landed after the hijacking.Quote
This makes no sense. According to the F.B.I files on D.B. Cooper, he gave the name Dan Cooper and D.B. was a moniker that stuck because the press printed it by mistake. How could a letter be sent to Reno 2 days prior to the hijacking with a name that was a mistake? In addition, Cooper asked the plane be flown to Mexico.....Reno was a detour for more fuel. A decision made "on the fly". I might not be a lawyer or a scientist, but this looks a little "wonky".QuoteYeah i saw that too. I thought at first it was a typo and maybe they meant December 22 -- since they were talking about the fourth letter. But, looking again, I agree, it sure reads funny. I didn't listen to the interview, though - just read the article.
According to the Reno Gazette of Friday Dec 3 and I've paraphrased: They received this letter on Thursday (which would be Dec 2). The newspaper says it was mailed Wednesday,(which would be Dec 1). It was postmarked US Postal Service CA 956 which means the letter was cancelled in Sacramento, but could have been mailed at any one of 50 or so post offices in the Sacramento area.
Unless Gossett was psychic...looks like another case of someone getting over excited trying to connect dots.but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill
should almost be considered tampering with evidence.
smokin99 0
Quoteeven if Gossett sent these taunting letters, does that make him the skyjacker?
not unless the prints match imo
No more than smoking raleighs, buying stuff beyond ones means, throwing bags in rivers, confessing, or any of the other myriad anecdotal tidbits that have been related on this forum over the years...But you have to admit it would be a pretty interesting turn of events.

QuoteQuoteeven if Gossett sent these taunting letters, does that make him the skyjacker?
not unless the prints match imo
No more than smoking raleighs, buying stuff beyond ones means, throwing bags in rivers, confessing, or any of the other myriad anecdotal tidbits that have been related on this forum over the years...But you have to admit it would be a pretty interesting turn of events.![]()
not so interesting to me. they've doctored actual evidence numerous times and posted it all over the web to support this BS story.
the truth requires no lies.
this is why I'm so adamant about maintaining the integrity of the evidence.
I know people like to call my claims anecdotal but come on.
how stupid would I have to be to claim my father was DB Cooper and then give info about a murder case he was a suspect in, if I didn't expect the prints in the case file to match? or give the last known location of the briefcase if I was making it up?
my story wouldn't be all that hard to prove one way or the other if the right people were to investigate it.
and my story doesn't require altering any of the evidence.
it does however call in to question the handwriting (believed to be Hal's) on the ticket.
suspicious how it bears so many similarities to my fathers signature.
I'd love to get a look at another example of Hal's writing from something outside this case for comparison.
georger 247
my story wouldn't be all that hard to prove one way or the other if the right people were to investigate it.
and my story doesn't require altering any of the evidence.
Find that briefcase and produce a Cooper $20
and I assure you the world will sit up and pay
attention. Short of that, its just another story -
my story wouldn't be all that hard to prove one way or the other if the right people were to investigate it.
and my story doesn't require altering any of the evidence.
Find that briefcase and produce a Cooper $20
and I assure you the world will sit up and pay
attention. Short of that, its just another story -
I agree
but don't ignore the vocks murder case file either. could be prints that match the ones from norjack there too.
the last place I saw that briefcase was going into an attic right down the street from where i live right now.
I see the house every day. many years now I've spent hoping to get a peek inside that damn attic.
you have no idea how frustrating it is.
every few years someone claims they solved the case, and I breathe a sigh of relief, then every time, it turns out it's BS.
while I've sat here with the knowledge I've had since I could talk. if my parents were just making it up, they did a hell of a job doing so, and somehow managed to keep it within the perimeters of the available evidence better than they should have been able to.
not to mention what a long term scam it wold be to keep it secret like they did for the most part even going to the point of having me use an assumed name, and ultimately with no payoff.
as far as i know I'm the only person other than my mother who my father admitted it to, he didn't like it when people accused him of being DB Cooper, like some seem to think here.
He denied it except for the one time to me.
Actually the more pertinent question is if she even saw him watch a bag in the first place. There seem to be an awful lot of things Jo "just knows".
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