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DB Cooper

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'harm coming to you from someone called - Linbaugh, Hinbaugh or Hinball."

HUH?? I have NO IDEA what you are jabbering about. Obviously you are mad and trying to harm me somehow. You aren't very effective because your jibberish is just that. You make no sense. I hit the sore spot with McCoy and you want to do me in right now, totally. Calm down. You can do more damage to me later, when you are cool and collected. Right now, you just look silly.

:oNOW, that one hit home didn't it! Try Linstrom - that is a name you settled on later.

:|Me try to harm you? Jo not making any sense? Senseless jibberish? You think I am Mad? How can I harm you?

I ammm verrrry verrry claammm!
Record keeping - that is what I do - where are those records you claimed to have kept records regarding McCoy, Cooper, Cap and Nickles of those Apartment courtyard sessions? It is time for you to produce the RECORDS you said you kept during the time in question.

What has the Judge got to say about all of this? Now I predict you will say - The judge destroyed them. You are on record NOT only with me, but with others making this claim...these people are reputable journalist and writers who verify their material (most of the time).

How many people have you told these same thing too? Do you remember? I am sorry, but I am not the one who is looking silly right now. I have tried to be kind to you, but I am at my limit and I suggest you produce your proof NOW. Later has a way of never coming. If you actually hold the KEY to Cooper as you have claimed - who would mess with you 42 yrs later? You did claim they did all of this planning in 1968 - right!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Please add that you totally refused to even consider any part of it because you wanted the story about Duane doing it all by himself and not as a directive from Mac and Project Norjak. Tell that one, too, Jo.

1. Number one "Project Norjak" never existed. Norjak was a title given the incident after the fact and not before.

2. Until you prove YOUR story with the records you claimed to possess and to have kept - why should I? I am supposed to take your WORD?

Questions and answers:

1. How many of you out there believe that his MAC was McCoy?

2. How many of you believe he actually has Records?

3. How many of you think the man pictured on the front of the Book about McCoy was NOT McCoy, but an imposture as Knoss has claimed?

4. How many of think the boots where enclosed in the X chute as Knoss has claimed?

5. Name one part of Knoss' story you think might be passible?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jamie Cooper wrote:


police are coming to my home tomorrow to discuss the case and help get permission to locate and recover the briefcase.
will update as applicable.

Be sure there arent any roaches in your ashtrays. ;)

I really doubt if they can get a search warrant, but I dont know the local judicial landscape. There are a few judges who always do what the police want and let the lawyers and appellate courts sort out the Fourth Amendment issues.

Sometimes police can get voluntary cooperation if the person whose home is being searched has no fear or risk of arrest or prosecution.

Good luck Jamie. Wouldnt that be something if you really found a hot twenty? I'd have to eat some crow and so would others. We could roast one at Ariel next November. I wonder if Jerry or Amazon has a good local recipe?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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police are coming to my home tomorrow to discuss the case and help get permission to locate and recover the briefcase.
will update as applicable.

No worries. I already found it for them. See picture...

these guys are able do nuclear and mitochondrial testing too.
which might also help, i have the envelope that card and check from my father came in yet.
maybe that can produce a match?
that looks alot like the case I remember. cept this one didn't have that sticker on it, and looked more beat up.

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Yah, I know. Jennings was with ABC and died in 2005 and Hume left ABC in 1997 for Fox. I watch Fox all the time, but flip often. Juan Williams and a couple other journalists were on the round-table discussion, perhaps Krauthammer, and a New York editor, discussing the ethics of reporting national secrets. Do you kill the story, or do you report it... I've been looking for a trail but have found none. I thought it was strange to have that combination of anchors together. Seems I saw it around the time Jennings died. He was not well. My guess, early 2005, when he was not working. It did happen. Did I watch it live?? Maybe not. I'd like to watch it again. With Williams moderating it could have been a PBS show, too. But with all the Fox guys...... I know I got the important stuff right.

Are you 100% certain you're NOT confusing it with the Ethics in America series that WAS done on PBS that Jennings DID take a part in?

Juan Williams worked many years for NPR and
began appearing on PBS about this time - if my
memory serves? That might explain Juan Williams
being a part of this?

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Jamie Cooper wrote:


police are coming to my home tomorrow to discuss the case and help get permission to locate and recover the briefcase.
will update as applicable.

Be sure there arent any roaches in your ashtrays. ;)

I really doubt if they can get a search warrant, but I dont know the local judicial landscape. There are a few judges who always do what the police want and let the lawyers and appellate courts sort out the Fourth Amendment issues.

Sometimes police can get voluntary cooperation if the person whose home is being searched has no fear or risk of arrest or prosecution.

Good luck Jamie. Wouldnt that be something if you really found a hot twenty? I'd have to eat some crow and so would others. We could roast one at Ariel next November. I wonder if Jerry or Amazon has a good local recipe?

He made a good move - better to
have the locals on your side vs other way around
... hope the home owners are helpful ... this would
warrant a party ... we could have it at Thomas' place!
B| ....... somebody tell him!

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police are coming to my home tomorrow to discuss the case and help get permission to locate and recover the briefcase.
will update as applicable.

No worries. I already found it for them. See picture...

these guys are able do nuclear and mitochondrial testing too.
which might also help, i have the envelope that card and check from my father came in yet.
maybe that can produce a match?
that looks alot like the case I remember. cept this one didn't have that sticker on it, and looked more beat up.

is there a black Bronco near your
house right now with a parabolic antenna on top?

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5. Name one part of Knoss' story you think might be passible?

Um...I'll have to get back to you on this.

Okay. NOT ONE PART. I have seen his many posts at Facebook. I had to get away from them.

or Clyde on the PDX Radio forum? Who knows
more? Clyde, Knoss, or Bill Rataczak?

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Thanks for having the GUTs to reply with answers that parallel my own.

My own story is the same thing over and over with no proof, but Caretaker has to realize that somethings absolutely cannot BE the way he sees them. You might fool 1% of the people, but you can't fool 99%...such as McCoy not being McCoy. Next thing we know someone will be trying to tell us JFK was not killed as we watched it on TV.

I had to take the step forward and do what I did. It may have hurt me more than it did him, but I knew it was Time. I maintain Weber was Cooper, but if someone wishes to contribute something constructive pro or con that is great as long as it is realistic or just in fun. Most of the claims cannot be supported but for the most part they are realistic.

Perhaps there are thoses who would think - Why would she try to stop someone who agreed with her ultimate goal? Someone with NO knowledge of this case - could easily fall into Caretakers story and most of us have worked hard to keep Myths and Truths from becoming intermingled. Regardless of who Cooper was and how strongly I believe Weber was Cooper - I refuse to be a participant in a ruse or something that far out.

I had hoped the day would never come that I would have to do what I did - but, there have been times the forum and others participants here have had to let me know - OOopps, JO! You just stepped off the deep end!

I believe Weber was Cooper, but even I have my limits. Sluggo is one who thinks I am some what unreasonable - but, he also knows there are certain lines I will NOT cross to convince other of this. There are lines I could have crossed and confidences I could have violated - but if that is what it takes to prove Weber was Cooper - it just won't happen.

Only one person alive knows what the secrets are that I hide...and I promised myself unknowingly to those who are innocent I would allow NO Harm or More Damage to occur to those who are innocent in my quest to reveal what I think is the truth. This has become more and more difficult every yr and the last 2 yrs have been the worse - because I verified these losses.

Strange as you guys might find it the thread WAS the MEDIUM that built the bridge for the exchange of information and solidified my deepest fears of harm to others.
I know there is ONLY one person here who has a clue what I am talking about - and if I had NOT been able to share that secret in some vague manner with someone - I do not think I could have continued to carry the burden of this knowledge.

I need to step back for a few days, but I want to hear about the History Channel segment and if someone would be so kind as to make a disk I can view on a DVD and send it to me I would be deeply appreciative. I only have antennae - and do not let friends in the area know what I am involved in - after all they would think I was Crazy - Right?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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you know, and please don't take this the wrong way Jo but, DW pretty much implied he wasn't the hijacker.
when he pointed out the location he said DB Cooper left the woods from.
explaining" maybe I was on the ground when it happened"
when I look at the tena bar money find, it seems like the money was dumped by an accomplice.
it doesn't make sense to just toss money unless police are on your trail and you know it. if it was deliberate it just doesn't make sense for DB Cooper to have dumped it. bribing someone for a ride and help after coming out of the woods makes more sense.
Jo has stated that DW lived across the river from Tena Bar for some time? and claimed to have money buried.
could he have been exactly as he said" on the ground", and encountered the hijacker by chance, as he left the woods?
I guess what I'm suggesting is DW might have been an accomplice after the fact. and did have some of the ransom money, until it became obvious that it holding on to it was a liability.
it doesn't seem likely that it would be tossed in the paper bag, but whos to say?
and saying he was "Dan Cooper" on his deathbed, and "let it die with me", may have been keeping his word to whomever might have bribed him.
just another possibility.

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you know, and please don't take this the wrong way Jo but, DW pretty much implied he wasn't the hijacker.
when he pointed out the location he said DB Cooper left the woods from.
explaining" maybe I was on the ground when it happened"
when I look at the tena bar money find, it seems like the money was dumped by an accomplice.
it doesn't make sense to just toss money unless police are on your trail and you know it. if it was deliberate it just doesn't make sense for DB Cooper to have dumped it. bribing someone for a ride and help after coming out of the woods makes more sense.
Jo has stated that DW lived across the river from Tena Bar for some time? and claimed to have money buried.
could he have been exactly as he said" on the ground", and encountered the hijacker by chance, as he left the woods?
I guess what I'm suggesting is DW might have been an accomplice after the fact. and did have some of the ransom money, until it became obvious that it holding on to it was a liability.
it doesn't seem likely that it would be tossed in the paper bag, but whos to say?
and saying he was "Dan Cooper" on his deathbed, and "let it die with me", may have been keeping his word to whomever might have bribed him.
just another possibility.

or, the whole thing was a Fantasy.

Jo has never established anything Duane said
or did prior to their moving to Virginia Beach ...
which has any connection to the DB Cooper case.

By that time the Cooper hijacking was long over
and McCoy was already dead, having been killed
at Virginia Beach and Duane found out and took
Jo for a car ride passed where McCoy had been hiding out and was killed.

Prior to that event there is literally nothing which
ties Duane Weber to the Cooper hijacking ...
except for Mr. Knoss' fantastical alliteration which
alleges a government conspiracy deeper than
the Bilderberger Group Fisheree of 1394 at
Njorkiviekket Norway, which altered the orbits of
the planets and changed the mass of the proton.

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Jamie said:

when he pointed out the location he said DB Cooper left the woods from explaining" maybe I was on the ground when it happened

Jo replies:
You have the sequence all scrambled. In 1979 on our way to Battleground in the LaCames area Duane drove by a place and commented - that's where Cooper walked out of the Woods. I asked him how he would know that and he cracked "Maybe I was the one on the ground". This is the only time Cooper was mentioned on that trip, before the trip and after the trip until 11 days before he died.

There was a very short mention when I picked up the paper in Feb of 1980 after the money find but nothing out of the ordinary other than he pinned his resignation the next day (unbeknown to me) and lef town in about 4 or 5 wks - my daughter was having her big birthday and her high school graduation. He leaves us alone in Ft. Collins Co, but did return briefly for her graduation and to load up a u-haul...to carry back with him to Mobile, AL.


Jo has stated that DW lived across the river from Tena Bar for some time?

Not what I said - the is 4 days later on our way home (but with a surprise stop in Tahoe) the area Duane took me to is on the Columbia where he took a shovel and disappeared down to the river in 1979 - I would find that in 1971 there had been an old house or cottag on that property and it was a theory that perhaps Duane took shelter there or that he knew the people who owned the property (his brother did own property in the Tacoma area). This Property was directly across from the PDX.

He told me about the 2 sets of tracks at this point and how slow the trains when through there...and at times actually stopped. It was after this stop that we went to the place on the Columbia with be big Tank and then to the Red Lion where he threw the paper sack in the river.

Jamie said:

saying he was "Dan Cooper" on his deathbed, and "let it die with me", may have been keeping his word to whomever

Jo replies:
That part I agree with as he was very loyal to his friends - the people I met who knew him from the past all thought well of him - no one ever said a thing bad about him except his sister and then she danced with the words.

Oh, there was an ex-wife who wanted to Kill him! I sort-of forgot about her. The only person Duane knowingly hated and she hated him.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo has never established anything Duane said
or did prior to their moving to Virginia Beach ...
which has any connection to the DB Cooper case.

Wrong Georger: I did find the places he took me and I have tried to tell what happenend on that trip and what he said.


McCoy was already dead, having been killed at Virginia Beach and Duane found out and took Jo for a car ride passed where McCoy had been hiding out and was killed.

You are short changing there - I don't even know when McCoy was killed but it was BEFORE we moved to Va. Bch, Va - we moved there in late 1983. He did NOT go out of his way to point the house out, but he was showing me where the shopping centre was and it was not to far from there. I did not think much about it.

P.S. Please leave me out of Knoss's liberations.

You are right in one aspect - he did NOT talk about his past - Cooper or otherwise. Until 1984 he was very closed mouth about his past. That was the first yr his sister had an address for him and he called her...he was so proud of that house. You would never believe how much pride he took in the house and we were really making GOOD money - very good money...and this would continue until 1988 at which time I basically became the breadwinner and the shop and his disability supplemented us.

When the book on Norjack came out I asked what the book was about and he made an off the wall remark that I wouldn't be interested in it (note Duane NEVER read books). This was the 1st book I had ever known him to purchase.

When I asked for the book so I could read it - it convenienenty was in the hands of one of the guy who worked for us. I did NOT get to read that book until Late 1996 AFTER his confession and AfTER my conversations with Himmelsbach when he sent me a copy.

The book I read first was fictional book - D. B. Cooper, What Really Happened by Max Gunther in May of 1996 and after reading just a short way was on the phone to the FBI. I actually had nothing else until Himmelsbach sent me his book about 5 months later.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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There was a very short mention when I picked up the paper in Feb of 1980 after the money find but nothing out of the ordinary other than he pinned his resignation the next day (unbeknown to me) and lef town in about 4 or 5 wks - my daughter was having her big birthday and her high school graduation. He leaves us alone in Ft. Collins Co, but did return briefly for her graduation and to load up a u-haul...to carry back with him to Mobile, AL.

Jo -- is this Duane? This is a sales opportunity ad in Mobile paper June of 1980 -- Looked like this person worked for a financial institution based out of Atlanta -- maybe trying to get students into college loans. Says to call Duane Weber if you're interested in this sales job.

Just saying...if this is him, doesn't seem like he was worried about advertising his name -- maybe he left Fort Collins cause he got a better job opportunity in sales. ??
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Jo has never established anything Duane said
or did prior to their moving to Virginia Beach ...
which has any connection to the DB Cooper case.

Wrong Georger: I did find the places he took me and I have tried to tell what happenend on that trip and what he said.


McCoy was already dead, having been killed at Virginia Beach and Duane found out and took Jo for a car ride passed where McCoy had been hiding out and was killed.

You are short changing there - I don't even know when McCoy was killed but it was BEFORE we moved to Va. Bch, Va - we moved there in late 1983. He did NOT go out of his way to point the house out, but he was showing me where the shopping centre was and it was not to far from there. I did not think much about it.

P.S. Please leave me out of Knoss's liberations.

You are right in one aspect - he did NOT talk about his past - Cooper or otherwise. Until 1984 he was very closed mouth about his past. That was the first yr his sister had an address for him and he called her...he was so proud of that house. You would never believe how much pride he took in the house and we were really making GOOD money - very good money...and this would continue until 1988 at which time I basically became the breadwinner and the shop and his disability supplemented us.

When the book on Norjack came out I asked what the book was about and he made an off the wall remark that I wouldn't be interested in it (note Duane NEVER read books). This was the 1st book I had ever known him to purchase.

When I asked for the book so I could read it - it convenienenty was in the hands of one of the guy who worked for us. I did NOT get to read that book until Late 1996 AFTER his confession and AfTER my conversations with Himmelsbach when he sent me a copy.

The book I read first was fictional book - D. B. Cooper, What Really Happened by Max Gunther in May of 1996 and after reading just a short way was on the phone to the FBI. I actually had nothing else until Himmelsbach sent me his book about 5 months later.

obviously, something started all of this. Either
Duane was Cooper or it's something else. Can't
be both.

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5. Name one part of Knoss' story you think might be passible?

Um...I'll have to get back to you on this.

Okay. NOT ONE PART. I have seen his many posts at Facebook. I had to get away from them.

or Clyde on the PDX Radio forum? Who knows
more? Clyde, Knoss, or Bill Rataczak?

I have to go with Bill Rataczak. He was there. I don't know what Clyde has said, but I will put him second because I believe the Knoss Fable is just that.

see http://feedback.pdxradio.com/topic/db-cooper-where-are-you if you dont already know it.

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How many of think the boots where enclosed in the X chute as Knoss has claimed?

Not me. Makes little sense PLUS you couldn't fit boots and a 28 ft canopy in a chest mount reserve container. There is not enough room. Not even close. Ask anyone who has experience with that old school gear.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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How many of think the boots where enclosed in the X chute as Knoss has claimed?

Not me. Makes little sense PLUS you couldn't fit boots and a 28 ft canopy in a chest mount reserve container. There is not enough room. Not even close. Ask anyone who has experience with that old school gear.


next to the self- inflating raft ....
and the Mickey snuggy slippers.

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"How many of think the boots where enclosed in the X chute as Knoss has claimed?"

Like normal you don't read well. The dummy chute with the X was the good chute, sewn shut to be sure nobody tampered with it. If he took his boots aboard, they were probably in the bag or maybe the second rig. I stand by everything I have said, with a few updates of deleted Jo stories and double-ups on conversations with Richard McCoy, Jr. (Mac) If what I have said is in conflict with more recognized individuals, I recognize their right to say what they wish. I may not agree. What I saw and heard through 1968 was first-hand. After that date information was telephoned to me by Sgt. Richard Floyd McCoy, Jr., up through 2000+. I will not make any claims against the crew. This was an authorized exercise and not intended to be a criminal event. It is the court system that declared otherwise. It is a stalemate and for my part, will stay that way by mutual agreement. My intent is to inform without disrupting that balance. My documents are secure, like Jo's records, and in my mind carry far more credibility. They are, however, nothing more than history and prove absolutely nothing without corroboration from certain other parties. THAT will eventually happen, but NOT of my accord. Disbelieve all you want. Profess 'til you are blue in the face, but keep a copy to double check the book to end all. I predict you will drop your jaws, blush with embarrassment and offer your apologies for not taking me seriously. No skin off my nose, yet. Your responses are the intended response. It was all intended to work this way. NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS. EVERYTHING STANDS ALONE AND TIES TO NOTHING. EVERYTHING HAS BEEN PURGED. The 'crew' is still at work with damage control. It is just that this remains a stalemate, but I'd like to see Weber gets the credit. I guess there is some kind of problem with that, but nobody will explain it to me. I'm not a team player. I believe in as much full disclosure as possible, but I'm not in charge here. I have no hard and fast agenda, but I am very angry with how it affected the stews, Jo, me, and others. THAT is bad news and has not been addressed. So much waste! Cruel in fact, and for what purpose? Airline safety? Had to be another way. Sucks!

That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Laugh all you want. Not funny.

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