377 22 #20751 January 13, 2011 Jerry wrote:QuoteSo out of all the candidates on dropzone there is only one that I would give a chance at being cooper. Damn that Cookie jar. Who is that one person Jerry? Al's response is puzzling. He is acting line he has been threatened but I can't see what he is reacting to. Maybe he can explain. Big conspiracy theories are interesting but 99.9999 pct of them are fantasy. He hasn't presented any tangible evidence to support his claims. Reminds me of UFO abduction stuff. Lots of emotion, but no tangible evidence. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #20752 January 13, 2011 QuoteJerry wrote:QuoteSo out of all the candidates on dropzone there is only one that I would give a chance at being cooper. Damn that Cookie jar. Who is that one person Jerry? Al's response is puzzling. He is acting line he has been threatened but I can't see what he is reacting to. Maybe he can explain. Big conspiracy theories are interesting but 99.9999 pct of them are fantasy. He hasn't presented any tangible evidence to support his claims. Reminds me of UFO abduction stuff. Lots of emotion, but no tangible evidence. 377 I presume Vicki's dad. Jo's response is puzzling too, she is very quick to defend (in red) Duane's health, yet she claims it was his health issues that (supposedly) motivated him to do the crime in the first place.Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #20753 January 13, 2011 Quote Jerry wrote: Quote So out of all the candidates on dropzone there is only one that I would give a chance at being cooper. Damn that Cookie jar. Who is that one person Jerry? Al's response is puzzling. He is acting line he has been threatened but I can't see what he is reacting to. Maybe he can explain. Big conspiracy theories are interesting but 99.9999 pct of them are fantasy. He hasn't presented any tangible evidence to support his claims. Reminds me of UFO abduction stuff. Lots of emotion, but no tangible evidence. 377 I think he is referring to Vickie's Dad because he disappeared in 1971. I do hope Jerry does NOT attack Duane's health again nor the fact that I found the things I tried to tell him about yrs ago. I have courteously asked him not to take me to task on these things in the above post and when I contacted him about "his death".Funny - calling someone to tell them there is rumor going around he or she is deceased. I do believe that is one of the most condeming things Knoss could have done regarding the stories he told. He lit the candle on the cake with that!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EVickiW 0 #20754 January 13, 2011 One of the most insightful and meaningful things my Swedish Grandmother taught me: Quote Don't shit in your own backyard. It can, and will, get messy!! I will not be around to clean up after you forever!- Grandma Mabel I miss my Grandma and her wisdom! The following upload is rated PG - 13 (pretty gross)Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03QLnFvk8Fs Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #20755 January 13, 2011 . Quote Jo's response is puzzling too, she is very quick to defend (in red) Duane's health, yet she claims it was his health issues that (supposedly) motivated him to do the crime in the first place. Orange- the diagnosis of a herditary disease in its beginning stages does NOT mean the person is already sick or disabled. This disease is herediatry and the first signs you might have the problem is high blood pressure. That is all he was treated for until 1990 when he went on the kidney machine. They did all of the renal function tests and a CT's in 1970 or 1971. They found the cysts - therefore confirming he did indeed have the disease. This disease is a progressive disease - and as they later learned it moved in stages with many individuals staying in the first stages for longer periods of time than others. Because of Duane's mother's death on a kidney machine in 1958 - his fears were heightened and he became unrashional in his behaviour. If someone tells you - "you have 5 yrs left" - what do you do? You would LIVE every moment like it was your last moment and try to provide for the people you love. Even in 1970 or 1971 little was known about this disease but it was in an era of advancing technology and medicine. They also learned after or around that time certain forms of the disease progressed more slowly - life style and medications, played a large role in this. This was the case with Duane L. Weber. He went to the Dr only when he needed to get his prescriptions refilled about every 6 months. It would be 1986 when the disease came down on him hard and 4 more yrs before he required diaylsis....then in 1990 he started his 5 yr battle for survival and one he did very well. Prior to his going on diaylsis in 1990 - he went to Birmingham to see about the possiblity of a kidney transplant...(he had not even gone on the machine at that time). They evaluated him and were going to put him on the donor list - he decided he could NOT do that, because it would mean someone younger and or a child might not get a kidney. At that time he was not yet 65 yrs old. He told me he had had a full life and was happy with his life and decided to forego the kidney transplant for the above reasons.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #20756 January 13, 2011 Personally, I think one should always live life to the full and provide for loved ones, no matter how much time you think you have left. Many people do ... without resorting to criminal activities. It's interesting how extremely angry and defensive you get when someone mentions Duane's health, Jo. Saying someone is sick - even erroneously - is not "derogratory". Knoss is right about one thing - you do have buttons that get pushed very easily. Personally I find your red bold comments rude, but maybe that's just me. Jerry - baby O technically I guess is no longer a baby Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #20757 January 13, 2011 Quote Don't shit in your own backyard. It can, and will, get messy!! I will not be around to clean up after you forever!- Grandma Mabel I miss my Grandma and her wisdom! The following upload is rated PG - 13 (pretty gross) OMG that was GROSS! But, it sure did put a smile on my face and made me giggle like a kid.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #20758 January 13, 2011 My very first sport rig was a B-4 with a sleeved Papillion with dual cheapo MA-1 pilotchutes with a right side outboard large D-ring swaged to the cablewire with the pins. It was ALWAYS a super pain in the ass to close that damn thing. The folds had to be damn near perfect to get all that crap stuffed in there as well as compressing the first pilot chute sort of under the first pin. Even harder still to get pilot chute #2 in since it eas lower down the pack and even tighter. I only used the bungees to pull the pack material away because once you did pull the D-ring there was nothing on earth that was going to keep all that crap in there. The point of this exercise is very simple... it had a hella hard pull on those pins to open it while on the ground. People I knew at the time were afraid I might have trouble with a rig that was that hard of a pull. I NEVER had a hard pull on it in a couple hundred jumps while on a skydive. It must have been the ADRENALINE.. because every pull seemed to be quite easy whether I pulled with my whole hand... or by just hooking my THUMB thru it which got to be my normal pull . ( I NEVER lost my handle either even when I had to cutaway from the crap that came out of that container on two occasions) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #20759 January 13, 2011 Hi 377. Its this new person Vicki. After reading all the past post I found her story the only credibble one thus far. lets face it Her father has been missing since 1971. She has not written any fiction into her story.She is just currious if this could be her father. It will be easy to find out if it was her father with the pictures she has and Dna. Also there are people still alive that can make a positive Id by pictures alone. I for one would like the opurtunity to turn her info over to Ralph and The FBI.If she will allow me to The new agent on the case would be very interested. This I'm sure of. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #20760 January 13, 2011 Jerry - baby O technically I guess is no longer a baby post em! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #20761 January 13, 2011 QuoteThere, now you can please ban me too, QUADE. Understand, a person never really has to ask to be banned all they need do is simply never log in again, or at the minimum never make another comment. Of course, that takes a certain amount of self restraint. Some people find a remedy in behaving so badly, they force a ban upon themselves to relieve themselves of the responsibility of behaving. Perhaps this is what you've been attempting to achieve in the last few postings. In any case, your wish is granted.quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #20762 January 13, 2011 QuoteIt's interesting how extremely angry and defensive you get when someone mentions Duane's health, Jo. I get defensive when it is used in derogatory way - excusing Duane Weber because of his health claiming he could not have made the jump for that reason. In NO way would Duane's health have prevented him from making the jump in 1971. Too many people do not understand the disease and disqualify Duane based on unsubstantiated claims - that is WHY I get defensive and the statments made are used ONLY for that purpose - to disqualify Duane Weber. In 1984 Duane was in Good Condition physically - he could out swim most people and did so often. He was a strong swimmer and swimming in the Atlantic is not always easy. It was only after we moved to the Gulf in 1988 that he became hesitant about his capabilities in the water due to the fistual that had been placed in his arm - so when the time came he would be ready for the machine.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EVickiW 0 #20763 January 13, 2011 http://social.zune.net/bingplayer/?v=1.0#mid=69999C01-0100-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933&title=Dancing%20In%20The%20Streets%20(Live%20At%20Fillmore%20East-%20February%2013-14-%201970)&artist=Grateful%20Dead&album=Dick's%20Picks%2C%20Vol.4%3A%20Fillmore%20East%2C%202%2F13-14%2F70&artistid=2D110000-0600-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933&albumid=63999C01-0100-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933&dto=1&preview=0&explicit=0&lyrics=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bing.com%2Fmusic%2Flyrics%2Fdetail%3Fq%3DGrateful%2520Dead%2520Dancing%2520In%2520The%2520Streets%2520(Live%2520At%2520Fillmore%2520East-%2520February%252013-14-%25201970)%26songID%3D69999C01-0100-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933%26lyricsID%3DT%2520%2520%2520238832%26albumID%3D63999C01-0100-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933%26pc%3DLRFD%26form%3DDTPMUZ THANK YOU......!!Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03QLnFvk8Fs Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #20764 January 13, 2011 Good looking kid's Geoger No wonder your so prowd. Yea Orange one I'd sure like to see your kid's bet there as good looking or better than there mom. But I will understand if you don't want too.Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #20765 January 13, 2011 Quote Hi 377. Its this new person Vicki. After reading all the past post I found her story the only credibble one thus far. lets face it Her father has been missing since 1971. She has not written any fiction into her story.She is just currious if this could be her father. It will be easy to find out if it was her father with the pictures she has and Dna. Also there are people still alive that can make a positive Id by pictures alone. I for one would like the opurtunity to turn her info over to Ralph and The FBI.If she will allow me to The new agent on the case would be very interested. This I'm sure of. Jerry Name ONE person who was a witness that could do that after 40 yrs. You don't know much about this do you? Go back and read all of the post done about recognition after many yrs. NOTE the FBI is NOT going to process anything just because you say so and Ralph is retired and is no longer allowed to process subjects. She will speak for herself and if you read the posts you will know she has taken the first steps herself. Since her father has been missing since 1971 - DNA is probably not going to work, plus the FBI needs to produce the only viable DNA they had - the cigarette, butts. If by this statement you made "She has not written any fiction into her story" you are referring to me - then perhaps you need to be he one behind Vicki's Elephant.Messy right? 1. You claimed Duane's health kept him from making the jump. 2. You claimed I lied about what I saw and the places I told you about and these places did not exist. Sounds like to me you are the one creating Fiction. 3. On my trip - one of our own joined me for a period of time...the place you made such a to-do-about in this thread - claiming it did NOT exist and calling me a liar did indeed exist. 4. Did you deliberately lie or are you not the authority you claim to be...or is it your inability to understand and comprehend what others are saying or describing? Right off the bat you mentioned Duane's health and fiction even after you promised not to do so. Therefore don't hold me to any promises either.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airtwardo 7 #20766 January 13, 2011 Quotehttp://social.zune.net/bingplayer/?v=1.0#mid=69999C01-0100-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933&title=Dancing%20In%20The%20Streets%20(Live%20At%20Fillmore%20East-%20February%2013-14-%201970)&artist=Grateful%20Dead&album=Dick's%20Picks%2C%20Vol.4%3A%20Fillmore%20East%2C%202%2F13-14%2F70&artistid=2D110000-0600-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933&albumid=63999C01-0100-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933&dto=1&preview=0&explicit=0&lyrics=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bing.com%2Fmusic%2Flyrics%2Fdetail%3Fq%3DGrateful%2520Dead%2520Dancing%2520In%2520The%2520Streets%2520(Live%2520At%2520Fillmore%2520East-%2520February%252013-14-%25201970)%26songID%3D69999C01-0100-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933%26lyricsID%3DT%2520%2520%2520238832%26albumID%3D63999C01-0100-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933%26pc%3DLRFD%26form%3DDTPMUZ THANK YOU......!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNQRfBAzSzo ~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #20767 January 13, 2011 Now Jo you sound mad. If I didn't know better I'd think you might be scared that her father could realy be Cooper and all your time would have been proven wasted once and for all. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #20768 January 13, 2011 Your pics are gorgeous Georger I'll post soon - a recent pic with both of 'em bundled up for the Northeast winter (we were in NY during the 20' snowstorm - which we like a number of other tourists from warmer climes found loads of fun ) Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #20769 January 13, 2011 QuoteQuoteAnd, ladies and gentlemen, we've now seen the last of JamieCooper. Goodbye sir. I wish you well. Permaban? Come on Quade. Give him 30 days like you've done with others. He really doesn't deserve a life sentence. The guy gets emotional because his story involves family. Please reconsider. 377 I think the time off of 1 day, 15 days, 30 Days, or my 120 day from a certain forum, holds for attacking the general user on Dizzie Dot Com... especially if you ignore a WARNING. But attacking one of the MODS ... even Quade who is probably the most tolerant of all the MODS( past and present)... repeatedly.... will get you gone. I was amazed he blew off the stuff Jerry was aiming at him a few months back... I am THOUROUGHLY amazed that Jerry is still here. That is evidence that Paul has and will put up with a lot, but it is not boundless. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #20770 January 13, 2011 QuoteNow Jo you sound mad. If I didn't know better I'd think you might be scared that her father could realy be Cooper and all your time would have been proven wasted once and for all. Jerry Was it Farflung who posted the list of factors and said it sounded the most plausible of all we have seen so far? Why do we all fall into the trap of listening to those who bang their drums loudly when the truth might be sitting quietly in the corner?Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #20771 January 13, 2011 QuoteNow Jo you sound mad. If I didn't know better I'd think you might be scared that her father could realy be Cooper and all your time would have been proven wasted once and for all. Jerry Right I am MAD - because you didn't keep your promise. AND you know exactly what that was. I never worry about other suspects, because I know what Duane told me, what he showed me and what I held in my own hands. I have said from the very beginning that if Duane Weber WAS not Cooper he knew who was...and I go back to the statement he made in WA. that day in 1979. "That's were Cooper walked out of the wood" I replied "How would you know that" He then retorted "Maybe I was the one on the ground". I found everything I needed to find in WA. everything you told me did NOT exist....so maybe you have a motive in discrediting everything I say...because maybe you were part of it. If I were to buy in to what Caretaker said McCoy was involved and the fact that you claimed to know McCoy which you yourself stated....maybe you are part of the "conspiracy". Didn't you claim to be good friends with the co-pilot. Caretaker also claimed he was in on it. You are good friends with Himmelsbach and Caretaker also claimed he was part of it. Caretakers list goes on and on and on. What about Denny Nickols didn't you claim to know him also?Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #20772 January 13, 2011 QuoteGood looking kid's Geoger No wonder your so prowd. Yea Orange one I'd sure like to see your kid's bet there as good looking or better than there mom. But I will understand if you don't want too.Jerry Popping in, have a few seconds Thanks! Double thanks! Post yours! Orange too.. May get back to you later tonight ... G. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #20773 January 13, 2011 Quote Your pics are gorgeous Georger I'll post soon - a recent pic with both of 'em bundled up for the Northeast winter (we were in NY during the 20' snowstorm - which we like a number of other tourists from warmer climes found loads of fun ) I would love to see anything you want to post! G. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SKYWHUFFO 1 #20774 January 13, 2011 quade, You have two confirmed kills today, and a lot of day left. Trouble is brewing between Jo and Jerry, Do I see a Hat trick coming today?? HA! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guru312 0 #20775 January 13, 2011 QuoteThat is evidence that Paul has and will put up with a lot, but it is not boundless. I agree. I've had disagreements with Quade over the years but my take on these last banishments are that he is totally correct and within the DZ.com guidelines. I don't agree with having *any* such guidelines at all, frankly, but I don't own or control the domain. I consider myself, all of us, actually, as guests here, no matter what our collective skydiving experiences. That written, I can reiterate: I am not DB Cooper.Guru312 I am not DB Cooper Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites