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DB Cooper

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I havent posted ANY pictures as per your-Jerry's

Hey Georger.....Sluggo took the still pics from Unsolved Mysteries episode and I just asked him to please cut out any pictures of my Mother. He wants to put the pictures on his D.B. Cooper site.

See everyone later......I am going out for Sushi. YUM!!
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Sluggo labeled them. The pictures are from Unsolved.

I suggest you pull them while you can still correct the lables. Once false information is out there it forever stays and it never gets corrected. Been there and done that.

I want to know which is the correct photo upon his arrest in 1971. If it is the one I orginally saw then it is very slim that the photo of your father labled 1971 with the sun glasses was taken in 1971. - People get older - not younger.

This is why I do these things myself - someone else gets it all turned around and upside down.
Once these things are made public with the wrong labels then before you know it - No One gets it and they just move on.

I am sure Quade or someone can get the photo taken down until they are labeled correctly.
To me the one important photo is the arrest photos of 1971...it is the best to find your father.

I had wanted to print it out - because I got a hunch about something...but, I can't use my memory - I need to download the photo and print it....I got a hunch and we need his prints.

There was a man from Central Florida who contacted the media about his friend who had died and he claimed the man was Cooper - I will really have to dig for all of that information and maybe Sluggo remembers the claim out of Central FL This was AFTER I went public. I can't remember the name use by this man - but if my mind remembers - the name Wilson or Melvin was either the person who was supposed to be Cooper or the friend. There were never any pictures of this available to my knowledge. What IF!

Seems like the person who contact the media was a Minister.

Sluggo - get it right for her - she doesn't need her life bogged down the way mine has been for 15 yrs.

SURELY someone remembers that story out of central Fl. I am drawing a blank and I know I studied it and even contacted this man's son....but it has just flew out the window of the coocoos nest - my brain. Too many blanks spots lately - I called green bananas - green tomatoes yesterday so I know I am not far from the Funny Farm.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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377. That flight is also a mystery.It is like the flight /crash that happened in the 30's. The pilots skull /remains! was not found untill the 80's.Still there are many aircraft accidents that has taken place over the year's, in this area.Some have been found other's, are still listed as missing.A few years ago a man left his family at his car and went for help.(in sothern Oregon) He died .They Searched for days.Then they decided to walk the stream.They found him on a stream dead.In coopers case they searched the wrong area.All Cooper had to do was put his shoes (If he could find them) on and pick up and Or pull the fir tree out of his 4th point of contact and find a way out according to most survival belivers. Yes he may have his lighter as, sugested by a previous poster.(smoker) More than lickly it was fluid filled. A point most people have forgeten.Still examine the conditions on the ground. Every thing is wet or frozen. Wiill enough of that.Just consider all condition's circumstances , he would have had to over come. The problems are endless. If this guy needed a break for survival he could not find it.At the time of his jump ,at his altitude was - 0 degree's. On the ground in that area it was below freezing . It is will known that the true search area should have been 12+ miles to the east.All this info can be found in my past post. Jo! Back off.You do not have any proof of your stories.Fabrication is a sought out field.Especialy in mental science.Look for a company that will hire you. Maybe Walt Disney in there field of animation.If you can Qualify.At any rate the area is very dense and hard to search. Shocking to me you even ask this Question. I've answerd it before in past post .Check. I think they may start around 340+not shure.Now for the question on tying the money bag to him.He cut crd of of one of the chutes.He made a loop and secured it to his equipment.He took another piece of the cord and tied it to the money bag then he looped them both together.How do we know this.The answer is we measured the amount of cord he cut off.Not much room for error. Jerry

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Not much room for error. Jerry

You got that much right.

Do you understand what some us are saying about tying the money to his harness or his body in some way?

Have you ever worked with parachute suspension line?

Have you ever attempted to tie something bulky to a harness with suspension line all by yourself?

Your "explanation" is naive and shows that you know very little about the subject matter.

I am not DB Cooper

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Well acording to you. Im 'naive.Still. He was observed Tying the cord to his harness. I have plenty of suspension line as you call lt.Funny thing is knots or easy to tie.After your coment about working with suspension line and tying knots .A 5th grader could do it. What grade are you in.Jerry

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Go to utube and check out the last second shot for the ISU win over Creighton. It should make ESPN highlights. it was incredible. 6-1 in the valley. Need some help putting some L's in Missouri State record, Bradley ain't helping us tonight.

Good grief!
Thanks for the link ...

I have to thank you for never mentioning the
Hawkeyes. I would lose it. B|

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Well acording to you. Im 'naive.Still. He was observed Tying the cord to his harness. I have plenty of suspension line as you call lt.Funny thing is knots or easy to tie.After your coment about working with suspension line and tying knots .A 5th grader could do it. What grade are you in.Jerry

Guru and Jerry, I think Jerry is right on this point. Back in the "old days", Boy Scouts (and I used to be one) had to practice and demonstrate the tying of a range of knots including the simple square knot.

Parachute shroud lines are very easy to tie and I'll bet Amazon made sure her survival students knew a range of uses for those shroud lines.

Since the typical canopy shroud line on an emergency chute is rated at 500+ pounds or so, the money bag could be easily secured to a parachute harness (tying it around the waist is not recommended) by punching holes in it as Georger has suggested.

To me, the interesting point is that Cooper had a pocket knife and that he apparently routinely carried such a knife. If he had not had a pocket knife, what do you think he could have used to cut the shroud lines? I can almost completely assure you that there wasn't anything else on that airplane that he could have cut the shroud lines with.

The cutlery would not get the job done (based on my personal experience with airline cutlery in that time frame) and it is unlikely that anything in a first aid kit or anything else available in the aircraft cabin could do the job.

Robert Nicholson

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He could burn through it with a lighter quite easily.

The thing with 550 is that it's round and slippery, a couple of overhand knots can and will pull out under a load.

Most jumpers either 'gut' it making it flat and more knot-able, or use a bowline knot to kept it tied.

Did Cooper tie it right?
My contention is he did not, am I mistaken... has ANY of the money ever been found back in actual circulation? (I mean 'spent' money, other than the decomp bills)

Edited to add: ~actually around the waist would be better in that there would be some give during the shock load of opening. Might leave a mark, but the 'package' would IMHO be more secure than on the harness, especially if tied where something sharp might cut the line...like the hardware.

Could he do it himself?
You bet, but it is hard to rig something like that when wearing a harness...it would have taken some time to do right, even if it was 'practiced' before hand on the ground. I've rigged packages of similar size & weight, you almost have to kneel, sit or squat with the item in your lap to use your hands to tie it.

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Jerry stated:


Jo! Back off.You do not have any proof of your stories.Fabrication is a sought out field.Especialy in mental science.Look for a company that will hire you. Maybe Walt Disney in there field of animation.If you can Qualify.

Mr. Thomas, you do NOT have the authority to tell me what to do in this case. As for the trip of 2001 - I proved in a Black and White documents dated prior to my trip to Wa in 2001 - many pages back that you were the one distorting the truth. I even posted a link to a radio program recorded BEFORE I went to WA in 2001. The documents and radio program are fact.

Prior to 2001 I had to depend on YOU for the names and locations of what I described to you...and I had NO knowledge to dispute you until I went to WA.

ONLY because a female truck driver asked me if she could help me - and I gave her the very same descriptions I gave to you - I was directed to the places I should have been with that documentary crew. You made sure that documentary would discredit me...by sending the crew every which way, but right.

You never expected I would ever be able to make the trip again on my own and now you still dispute what I have maintained about the trip Duane and I made in 1979. There is absolutely NO reason for you to do this when I have retraced my steps and proved these things existed and were NOT figments of my imagination.

Why does that upset you to the point of calling me another word for liar?

Could it be that you can NO longer control things?

Why do you disputes the places and my finding them? What is the point? They do not prove Duane was Cooper, so what is your Beef and why do you hound me about this?

This is why I ended up in the ER several months ago - because in a conversation with Jerry threatening me and repeatedly saying "Tell me you are lieing and I won't release those tape" over and over and over and over. I could have hung up. but I kept trying to tell him he was the one who provided the names of the places - all I did was describe them. The most important thing is Duane and I crossed the Columbia before going to Lake Lacames, but
Jerry insisted Duane doubled back and I was on the Columbia and that we went to Portland and up I-5. I knew we were on 500 and did NOT go to Portland until the return trip on our way to Tahoe.

I even have a letter I wrote to Himmelsbach in 1996 with a drawing (elementary) describing what I was talking about - and I tried to explain this to Jerry.

Since Jerry was not posting after that incident - he has NOT even bothered to read back and find out that I did PROVE what I said. He cannot handle the fact I was in WA and OR for 15 days and what I found and that I have notes and tapes and names of people. He didn't want to know about the people Duane knew in Rufus and Biggs - because he cannot deal with any part of my story being true even those these things do NOT prove Weber was Cooper.

I am sorry - I just do not get it.
I am willing to listen to anyone's story and see if any of the knowledge I have acquired will help them to find resolutions.

Otherwise why would I even remind you guys of a remote story that has been long lost in the Cooper stories, but one that did indeed happen. Since this was not something I actual saw or held in my hands - it is a matter of trying to pull it out of my memory. I had been informed of the article and contacted someone involved. The individual was not well and I never got to talk to him. I do not remember how long ago this was - it may have been prior to 2002 and before my posting days.

Vickie's story is what caused me to have this flash back. It may be something as simple as one of the individuals having the last or first name of Melvin or Wilson and be entirely unconnected...I really do NOT know why Vickie's story caused me to remember the article...but, it is worth a look see....I have always follow my gut even when it was wrong or if it made a fool out of me.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Well acording to you. Im 'naive.Still. He was observed Tying the cord to his harness. I have plenty of suspension line as you call lt.Funny thing is knots or easy to tie.After your coment about working with suspension line and tying knots .A 5th grader could do it. What grade are you in.Jerry

Guru and Jerry, I think Jerry is right on this point. Back in the "old days", Boy Scouts (and I used to be one) had to practice and demonstrate the tying of a range of knots including the simple square knot.

Parachute shroud lines are very easy to tie and I'll bet Amazon made sure her survival students knew a range of uses for those shroud lines.

Since the typical canopy shroud line on an emergency chute is rated at 500+ pounds or so, the money bag could be easily secured to a parachute harness (tying it around the waist is not recommended) by punching holes in it as Georger has suggested.

To me, the interesting point is that Cooper had a pocket knife and that he apparently routinely carried such a knife. If he had not had a pocket knife, what do you think he could have used to cut the shroud lines? I can almost completely assure you that there wasn't anything else on that airplane that he could have cut the shroud lines with.

The cutlery would not get the job done (based on my personal experience with airline cutlery in that time frame) and it is unlikely that anything in a first aid kit or anything else available in the aircraft cabin could do the job.

Robert Nicholson

were there razor blades
in those first aid kits?

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He could burn through it with a lighter quite easily.

The thing with 550 is that it's round and slippery, a couple of overhand knots can and will pull out under a load.

Most jumpers either 'gut' it making it flat and more knot-able, or use a bowline knot to kept it tied.

Did Cooper tie it right?
My contention is he did not, am I mistaken... has ANY of the money ever been found back in actual circulation? (I mean 'spent' money, other than the decomp bills)

Edited to add: ~actually around the waist would be better in that there would be some give during the shock load of opening. Might leave a mark, but the 'package' would IMHO be more secure than on the harness, especially if tied where something sharp might cut the line...like the hardware.

Could he do it himself?
You bet, but it is hard to rig something like that when wearing a harness...it would have taken some time to do right, even if it was 'practiced' before hand on the ground. I've rigged packages of similar size & weight, you almost have to kneel, sit or squat with the item in your lap to use your hands to tie it.

A cigarette lighter can definitely burn (or melt) through shroud lines and melting the ends of a fresh cut is an effective means of preventing the lines from unraveling further.

Cooper carried a cigarette lighter because he smoked and needed a light. He apparently had no idea that he would have to cut shroud lines since he thought he was asking for parachutes with D-rings and for a knapsack, or backpack, that had loops that he could run the parachute harness through.

So in my opinion he was just lucky that he normally carried a pocket knife.

Robert Nicholson

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He could burn through it with a lighter quite easily.

The thing with 550 is that it's round and slippery, a couple of overhand knots can and will pull out under a load.

Most jumpers either 'gut' it making it flat and more knot-able, or use a bowline knot to kept it tied.

Did Cooper tie it right?
My contention is he did not, am I mistaken... has ANY of the money ever been found back in actual circulation? (I mean 'spent' money, other than the decomp bills)

Edited to add: ~actually around the waist would be better in that there would be some give during the shock load of opening. Might leave a mark, but the 'package' would IMHO be more secure than on the harness, especially if tied where something sharp might cut the line...like the hardware.

Could he do it himself?
You bet, but it is hard to rig something like that when wearing a harness...it would have taken some time to do right, even if it was 'practiced' before hand on the ground. I've rigged packages of similar size & weight, you almost have to kneel, sit or squat with the item in your lap to use your hands to tie it.

A cigarette lighter can definitely burn (or melt) through shroud lines and melting the ends of a fresh cut is an effective means of preventing the lines from unraveling further.

Cooper carried a cigarette lighter because he smoked and needed a light. He apparently had no idea that he would have to cut shroud lines since he thought he was asking for parachutes with D-rings and for a knapsack, or backpack, that had loops that he could run the parachute harness through.

So in my opinion he was just lucky that he normally carried a pocket knife.

Robert Nicholson

Larry said the lines had been cut (frayed) - melting would have been

Pure conjecture on my part.

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Well acording to you. Im 'naive.Still. He was observed Tying the cord to his harness. I have plenty of suspension line as you call lt.Funny thing is knots or easy to tie.After your coment about working with suspension line and tying knots .A 5th grader could do it. What grade are you in.Jerry

Guru and Jerry, I think Jerry is right on this point. Back in the "old days", Boy Scouts (and I used to be one) had to practice and demonstrate the tying of a range of knots including the simple square knot.

Parachute shroud lines are very easy to tie and I'll bet Amazon made sure her survival students knew a range of uses for those shroud lines.

Since the typical canopy shroud line on an emergency chute is rated at 500+ pounds or so, the money bag could be easily secured to a parachute harness (tying it around the waist is not recommended) by punching holes in it as Georger has suggested.

To me, the interesting point is that Cooper had a pocket knife and that he apparently routinely carried such a knife. If he had not had a pocket knife, what do you think he could have used to cut the shroud lines? I can almost completely assure you that there wasn't anything else on that airplane that he could have cut the shroud lines with.

The cutlery would not get the job done (based on my personal experience with airline cutlery in that time frame) and it is unlikely that anything in a first aid kit or anything else available in the aircraft cabin could do the job.

Robert Nicholson

were there razor blades
in those first aid kits?

If the first aid kit was a "professional" level kit it probably did contain sterile blades (or razor blades). I have heard of MDs carrying sterile blades in their wallets.

But if the kit only contained scissors, then they probably would not be of sufficient quality to cut the lines easily.

Robert Nicholson

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He could burn through it with a lighter quite easily.

The thing with 550 is that it's round and slippery, a couple of overhand knots can and will pull out under a load.

Most jumpers either 'gut' it making it flat and more knot-able, or use a bowline knot to kept it tied.

Did Cooper tie it right?
My contention is he did not, am I mistaken... has ANY of the money ever been found back in actual circulation? (I mean 'spent' money, other than the decomp bills)

Edited to add: ~actually around the waist would be better in that there would be some give during the shock load of opening. Might leave a mark, but the 'package' would IMHO be more secure than on the harness, especially if tied where something sharp might cut the line...like the hardware.

Could he do it himself?
You bet, but it is hard to rig something like that when wearing a harness...it would have taken some time to do right, even if it was 'practiced' before hand on the ground. I've rigged packages of similar size & weight, you almost have to kneel, sit or squat with the item in your lap to use your hands to tie it.

A cigarette lighter can definitely burn (or melt) through shroud lines and melting the ends of a fresh cut is an effective means of preventing the lines from unraveling further.

Cooper carried a cigarette lighter because he smoked and needed a light. He apparently had no idea that he would have to cut shroud lines since he thought he was asking for parachutes with D-rings and for a knapsack, or backpack, that had loops that he could run the parachute harness through.

So in my opinion he was just lucky that he normally carried a pocket knife.

Robert Nicholson

Larry said the lines had been cut (frayed) - melting would have been

Pure conjecture on my part.

If the shroud lines were cut by making a U loop and then using a sharp pocket knife to cut it, the cut should be at an angle (roughly 45 degrees) rather than directly across the line. If he had a rather dull pocket knife blade, then he might need to make two or three cutting motions to complete the cut and that would result in fraying type cuts (rather than a single neat one).

Robert Nicholson

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If the shroud lines were cut by making a U loop and then using a sharp pocket knife to cut it, the cut should be at an angle (roughly 45 degrees) rather than directly across the line. If he had a rather dull pocket knife blade, then he might need to make two or three cutting motions to complete the cut and that would result in fraying type cuts (rather than a single neat one).

Robert Nicholson

The only photo I have showing the shroud
line ends is this one - maybe someone has
something better?

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To me, the interesting point is that Cooper had a pocket knife and that he apparently routinely carried such a knife.

Excuse me? How the hell is THAT in evidence? How is it known "he apparently routinely carried such a knife"? How could that possibly be known to anyone unless the identity of Cooper is known with certainty?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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This was his booking picture on 4.20.1971 when booked into Dane County, Wisconsin on the counterfeiting charges.

why would a counterfeiter risk his life to steal only $200,000 when He could just print up more money or forge another payroll check?

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This was his booking picture on 4.20.1971 when booked into Dane County, Wisconsin on the counterfeiting charges.

why would a counterfeiter risk his life to steal only $200,000 when He could just print up more money or forge another payroll check?

He wasn't very good? :D

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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He wasn't very good?

No....actually he was very good. I was told his "money" was "near deception quality".

US Marshal John Donahue stated to me over the telephone in 1996: He was a very intelligent man with a very quality product. He could have picked the right path and been a very wealthy man.
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Hey.........So, I subscribed to dbcooperxfiles on Youtube.com a while back. While looking at my Youtube homepage I noticed a new upload. It turns out to be the Decoded show regarding KC.

In the tags on the description of the video: Quade ...huh? Is it the same Quade?

Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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