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DB Cooper

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Question- we all assume the ocolation bump is the point in time where Cooper jumper. Right?? Wel here is a question I have been wondering about the timeline. are we marking that occurance as to when Ratz reported it to control for the time? Was there or could there have been any delay maybe for discussion between the crew as to what it was before it was reported? A 30 second delay at that speed would shift the estimated LZ a considerable distance. has this time stamp for this ever been questioned ever been addressed?

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Question- we all assume the ocolation bump is the point in time where Cooper jumper. Right?? Wel here is a question I have been wondering about the timeline. are we marking that occurance as to when Ratz reported it to control for the time? Was there or could there have been any delay maybe for discussion between the crew as to what it was before it was reported? A 30 second delay at that speed would shift the estimated LZ a considerable distance. has this time stamp for this ever been questioned ever been addressed?

All time stamps are questionable except the ones in the Air Traffic Control transcripts. Quade will probably dispute this and everything else, but the times shown on the ATC tapes are precise because they are part of a system that is designed to be precise in the first place. Precise times are needed for use in aerial navigation and these times are routinely used in incident and accident investigations.

The other times come from various sources which apparently show the time that the message appeared on the NWA teletype system print outs. South of Portland, the crew contacts with the NWA ARINC system were relayed by other airliners and this resulted in time lags of up to 5 or 10 minutes from the time the crew spoke the words until the message appeared on the NWA teletype.

Robert Nicholson

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Hey.........So, I subscribed to dbcooperxfiles on Youtube.com a while back. While looking at my Youtube homepage I noticed a new upload. It turns out to be the Decoded show regarding KC.

In the tags on the description of the video: Quade ...huh? Is it the same Quade?


Someone having a bit of fun at my expense. I had nothing to do with the program.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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All time stamps are questionable except the ones in the Air Traffic Control transcripts. Quade will probably dispute this and everything else, but the times shown on the ATC tapes are precise because they are part of a system that is designed to be precise in the first place. Precise times are needed for use in aerial navigation and these times are routinely used in incident and accident investigations.

Precision is like navigation. You can point to an area you're fairly certain you're in, but the precision of that is an area of uncertainty.

I'm 100% confident the year, month, day and hour are correct. I'm less so about the minute and I have no confidence whatsoever in seconds.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Parachute shroud lines are very easy to tie and I'll bet Amazon made sure her survival students knew a range of uses for those shroud lines.

Since the typical canopy shroud line on an emergency chute is rated at 500+ pounds or so, the money bag could be easily secured to a parachute harness (tying it around the waist is not recommended) by punching holes in it as Georger has suggested.

Robert Nicholson

You bet your sweet Bippy I did. It was just one of many required skills to pass the field phase.

From the moment they entered my training room just after they assigned the SRO elment leader and his element to me, till the time I cut them loose for E&E in the field a week later..... I had them practicing them at a drop of an order.. Tie me a bowline, tie me a square knot(No Lt that is a granny knot.. try again) Show me a half hitch, .How do you tie a truckers hitch..Lt could you please describe to me what such and such a knot is used for, all designed to teach them proper knots to use while improvising shelters, improvised equipment or building braided ropes utilizing suspension lines ( I taught them to use that terminology.. not shroud lines).


To me, the interesting point is that Cooper had a pocket knife and that he apparently routinely carried such a knife. If he had not had a pocket knife, what do you think he could have used to cut the shroud lines? I can almost completely assure you that there wasn't anything else on that airplane that he could have cut the shroud lines with.

All you need do is form a bight in the suspension line and put another length of suspension line inside the bight pull tension on it ( step on the one length of line with the bight in it) then see saw the line you are holding and the bight will burn thru with VERY little effort and the line is cut.. I always taught that method as well, and then how to burn the ends to keep the inner core from separating from the sheath.

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Quade said:

I'm 100% confident the year, month, day and hour are correct. I'm less so about the minute and I have no confidence whatsoever in seconds.

Well… I’m not so sure about the year, month, day, and hour.

Look at (FBI) page 149 of the transcripts. You will see that Jack Graves , Assistant Chief, Seattle-Tacoma Tower, who supervised the reproduction of the transcript, affirms that it is a true copy of the original recording. If you look closely you will also see that the period covered by this transcript is from approximately 00:11 GMT to approximately 01:05 GMT on November 24th, 1971. Hmmm… That would be 16:11 to 17:05 PST on November 23rd, 1971, a day earlier than the hijack occurred.

My point?
All documents, all reports, all articles, even ones from impeccable sources (in this case the FBI) are full of errors… human errors. Placing unyielding faith and any one document surrounding NORJAK without attempting to reconcile it against other documents and common sense is an approach that leads to less clarity rather than more clarity.

Just IMHO, from one who has been starring at this shit for about 35-years and has dedicated his efforts to add clarity (i.e. separate the facts from the myths).

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Quade said:


I'm 100% confident the year, month, day and hour are correct. I'm less so about the minute and I have no confidence whatsoever in seconds.

Well… I’m not so sure about the year, month, day, and hour.

Look at (FBI) page 149 of the transcripts. You will see that Jack Graves , Assistant Chief, Seattle-Tacoma Tower, who supervised the reproduction of the transcript, affirms that it is a true copy of the original recording. If you look closely you will also see that the period covered by this transcript is from approximately 00:11 GMT to approximately 01:05 GMT on November 24th, 1971. Hmmm… That would be 16:11 to 17:05 PST on November 23rd, 1971, a day earlier than the hijack occurred.

My point?
All documents, all reports, all articles, even ones from impeccable sources (in this case the FBI) are full of errors… human errors. Placing unyielding faith and any one document surrounding NORJAK without attempting to reconcile it against other documents and common sense is an approach that leads to less clarity rather than more clarity.

Just IMHO, from one who has been starring at this shit for about 35-years and has dedicated his efforts to add clarity (i.e. separate the facts from the myths).

Well timed. I love it.. as I am
waiting for a plow to plow me out 4 hours late.
Guess I will have to go do it myself.

Clocks and positions. Positions and clocks.
This case is full of clocks most people have
never heard of, and probably never will...
just depends on whether you want a Rolex, an
atomic clock, or placing your thumb on your nose
and your little fingure at 1:00 oclock.

We have no record of the barge & ship traffic
up and down the Columbia that night. Blevins?
Get to work.


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Quade said:


I'm 100% confident the year, month, day and hour are correct. I'm less so about the minute and I have no confidence whatsoever in seconds.

Well… I’m not so sure about the year, month, day, and hour.

Look at (FBI) page 149 of the transcripts. You will see that Jack Graves , Assistant Chief, Seattle-Tacoma Tower, who supervised the reproduction of the transcript, affirms that it is a true copy of the original recording. If you look closely you will also see that the period covered by this transcript is from approximately 00:11 GMT to approximately 01:05 GMT on November 24th, 1971. Hmmm… That would be 16:11 to 17:05 PST on November 23rd, 1971, a day earlier than the hijack occurred.

My point?
All documents, all reports, all articles, even ones from impeccable sources (in this case the FBI) are full of errors… human errors. Placing unyielding faith and any one document surrounding NORJAK without attempting to reconcile it against other documents and common sense is an approach that leads to less clarity rather than more clarity.

Just IMHO, from one who has been starring at this shit for about 35-years and has dedicated his efforts to add clarity (i.e. separate the facts from the myths).

Sluggo, Your points are well taken. The same date mistake was also made on pages 144 and 150 (and maybe others). Further, whoever typed up some of these transcripts continually refered to "Victor" airways as "Vector" airways and "radial" as "radius". But these are obvious mistakes and easily corrected. They would not be important unless, of course, they were significant to 377's client's defense.

Robert Nicholson

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Sluggo, can you or one of the other sleuths find who and what that article was about. My mind will not let me remember the things it used to...

Need to see if it will be of any assistance to Vickie.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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airtwardo adroitly observed:

“Here’s a guy in a creepy motel……”

Upon reflecting on the texture of the program and the ‘challenging production values’ (the host is anchored to a chalk board after all), there would be an equally limited area of consideration for accommodations (code for close and painfully cheap).

Since they were in Bonney Lake they probably used some local flop house. So a quick search for “Creepy Motels in Puyallup” and Bingo….. third listing is the “Motel Puyallup”. But could it be one in the same?

Well you can decide for yourself. Sure is good they went to that super secret (read crack whore country) location.

Bernie could have simply been stunned by the surroundings and trying to recover after running the gauntlet of drug users, ladies of ill repute, stained carpets, poorly placed air fresheners and orphaned peanuts.

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Sluggo, Your points are well taken. The same date mistake was also made on pages 144 and 150 (and maybe others). Further, whoever typed up some of these transcripts continually refered to "Victor" airways as "Vector" airways and "radial" as "radius". But these are obvious mistakes and easily corrected. They would not be important unless, of course, they were significant to 377's client's defense.

Robert Nicholson

Unless there is unambiguous tangible evidence that puts a defendant on the plane, then it would be very tough to get a conviction. The FBI "appears" (I put that in quotes because I know they are usually quite good at crime scene maagement and evidence preservation) to have really messed up the case by failing to preserve material evidence. Just the lost cigarette butts could be the basis of a successful motion to dismiss based on spoliation of evidence.

Don't rule out the possibility that the FBI has a bunch of aces up its sleeve, things that were found but not yet revealed. It's possible that they have a good print but cannot match it to any record. I doubt that, but it's possible. If that print matches a suspect who is arrested and printed BINGO. It appears that the 727 crime scene was mismanaged, but the FBI is usually pretty good at doing it right, so it may not be as bad as it appears. I wonder if they pumped out the lav and sorted through the tank contents? That exercise would tell you right away who was the lowest SA or crime tech on the totem pole.

Did they take fiber samples? What really happened to the cig butts? Were they tagged and bagged and then discarded or might they still reside in some evidence locker?

I once tried a kidnap case. Many many years later I received a notice that certain trial exhibits were going to be discarded unless I claimed them. Governments have ways of losing things and then finding them again.

The reason there are such harsh remedies for losing evidence is that evidence can prove innocence as well as guilt if all the other evidence is ambiguous or circumstantial. The loss of evidnce that could have resulted in an aquittal can derpive the government of the right to prodeed further. The don't even get a chance to take the case to a jury, it is dismisssed.

If the FBI had a defendant's fingerprint on a bourbon glass from the flight, then the loss of the cig buts won't get the case dismissed, but unless the FBI is holding back something (like prints), the prosecution may be doomed from the outset.

I bet Sheridan Peterson is happy to see new faces in the DBC spotlight like Vicki's and Jamie's fathers.

What makes me doubt that the FBI has good prints is that they didnt rule out Sheridan until they took a DNA swab and ran it (presumably) against the tie sample. If they had a good DBC print I am sure that with Peterson's extensive federal employment (USMC, USFS, AID etc) they could have compared the DBC prints to ones in Sheridan's military or smoke jumper or refugeee worker files.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Associated Content? The pay-for-posting site? That's a laugh. That place is full of nuts, hate-mongers, and sockpuppets galore and the moderation is pathetic.

How about a legitimate news site link instead?



It's very leigitimate, and has no criticism of you or your case theory.;)

I still want to see the hinge picture. If there was a hinge why on earth didnt they show it on the video???

Tell us how the radio interview went.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I still want to see the hinge picture. If there was a hinge why on earth didnt they show it on the video???

The mechanical engineer on board left her
gas chromatigraph in the car, so could not
"show" the hinge(s).

Think this out. Frame. Board being held in by
frame 'from the top". That requires quarter round
or what we call 'parting stop' underneath the board,
to hold it up - otherwise board falls into the room
below. What does that add up to? Ordinary attic
access hole, framed in, with cover over the hole.
Sheeeeesh! I thought this needed DECODED.

Good night Mary Ellen. Good night Grandpa. Good night Benjamin. Good night Grandma. Good night Erin. Good night Mom. Good night Elizabeth. Good
night Mom. Good night Hinge. Good night John Boy.

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Georger wrote:

'Think this out. Frame. Board being held in by
frame 'from the top". That requires quarter round
or what we call 'parting stop' underneath the board,
to hold it up - otherwise board falls into the room
below. What does that add up to? Ordinary attic
access hole, framed in, with cover over the hole.
Sheeeeesh! I thought this needed DECODED.'


Blevins remarked:

You figured that all out from the limited amount of video available on the show?

Georger used this: http://tech.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/05/10/0310241&from=rss

Basically they photograph an object with the photosensor at one point, and the light projector at another, and use the Helmholtz reciprocity algorithm to virtually switch the locations of the camera and projector, showing exactly what the light source "sees"!

Georger is a very clever guy.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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It wasn't that Kenny was gay, I already asked his family about that. They knew this clear back when he was in high school.

I'm sorry Mr. Blevins, you just explained why Kenny could not have been DB Cooper.

You probably don't realize it but everyone here on DZ.com knows: gay men can't breath in freefall.

I am not DB Cooper

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It wasn't that Kenny was gay, I already asked his family about that. They knew this clear back when he was in high school.

I'm sorry Mr. Blevins, you just explained why Kenny could not have been DB Cooper.

You probably don't realize it but everyone here on DZ.com knows: gay men can't breath in freefall.

Good night Grandpa. "Good night Hinge".

God help us!

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I suppose at some point I will have to drag myself up to Bonney Lake with a ladder and ask Rattenbury if I can go into the attic.

Make sure to note if they are righthand or lefthand
hinges. It matters.

Not a chance would I go near Bonney Lake to check this out. No one would believe my results anyway. If this is done, it needs to be done by an independent third party or someone from the local law enforcement community.

Robt could it be it doesnt matter? It proves
nothing apriori lacking authenticated linkage
to Mr. Christiansen or the Cooper case.

I think that's what everyone is trying to suggest?

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I have pulled some old files trying to find the information on the old case in FL several yrs ago...and decided to clean house.

Old book from the beginning:

1968 - Duane and his wife go to N.Y. and WA?
In this conversations she talks about San Diego Aircraft and I am trying to describe Ed Huran to her - blue eyes and pock marked or scared face.

Ray Griffin a man Duane worked for on occasion - who had Connections?

Tommy G..... threatens me on the phone. I am upset. Duane knew people in High Place and for me to get rid of everything and destroy it and not to look back if I want to be around to play with my grandkid.

Galen Cook even contacted me in those pre-computer days - prior to 2000,

An attorney in MA contacts me about another Cooper subject.

All of my contacts with Bill Mitchell the college student - and he really didn't remember a lot.
Contact no longer valid because someone asked me about them and I tried and no bananas - or is that green tomatoes.

Ah this is good:

MJ tells me about President Johnson and this note dated before Snow ever figured it out on the thread:

Why would this ex lie to me if such detail...American Legion Convention in WA. Aug 1966 and Sept 1966. Obviously there were 2 events attended. She tells me about the dress and the fur she borrowed. Now wasn't Duane "supposed" to be in prison at that time? We discussed this later and no one has ever figured it out.

These entries are just before the Margie Boule article so I must have already gone public.

Enter night clerk and 2 other calls from WA regarding witness accounts.

Knoss is contacting me - about Denny Nickols and wife Hallie in Mn. Again find my wife and you will find me. He wore that one out over the last 10 yrs...and the person it is about changes.

For some reason the ex-wife has told me things about James Earl Ray.

Agent Hope calls about DNA 2002
March 2003 local FBI calls for DNA. March 28 DNA retrieved from a subdivision I am sitting. I did not want to do this in the home I shared with my new husband.

Blevins will LOVE this one. I am contacted by a man with the name Fayal and he knew a man who worked with Northwest Airlines named Bob "Bullet" who claimed he could jump the Boeing and then a few wks latter it happened.

Was in touch with Brian Ingram's wife - she found me.

Found saving acct. abandoned Securtiy Pacific National Bank
for Duane Weber 974 1/2 W 32nd St. Los Angles, Ca 90007
# 000511410 Never checked it.

Both ex-wives worked for airports.

Wayne (our Sluggo) contacts me.
Was living in WA at that time.

Doug Butch Hoover contacts me about suspect he believe was Duane Weber. Texas prison, racist, California, escaped, Jackson Co. - Metford OR
Jerald Albert Cooper was the name his suspect was using.

More abandoned accounts.
John C. Collins
Yucappa, AL (must not be able to read my own writing) never heard of it.

John C. Collins
Box 1454
West Hampton, N.Y.
Trust Com[pany

John Collins
Oakland Ave
DeerPark N.Y.

FBI would not provide me with the Jefferson record so I was unable to prove I was Mrs. John C. Collins. Unable to access contents.

There is that producers name - the woman I sent the emails to about the location prior to going to WA in 2001 - Perri Cole. Proof I did NOT change my description of locations and sequence.

Ahaaa this is a good one
Man who was and then wasn't.
Lt. Co. Hayden
Birmingham, AL
Ft. Benning Historical Records.

Memory of old TV program I watched when Duane told me some strange things. He told me to watch a shadow just outside of what looked like french doors - claimed that was where the shots came from. This is the one I believe when they showed this what I believe to be tall man in fatigues with a rifle across his chest. Duane told me he knew that man. Americans where NOT supposed to be there. When this was being televised - seems like it was a story that was not supposed to be told at that time. Duane was really surprised it was being made public. Then there was something in the news about the controversary this segment created....I guess why I remember it. Also since it had never been aired HOW did he KNOW about the shadows just outside of those doors unless he knew someone who WAS there. The man who they showed with the rifle.

I would give anything to see that program in its entirety as it was shown on TV that first time - sometime between 1988 and 1995. I have seen an edited edition that did NOT show the men in Fatigues and the conversations that ensure on the clip discussing some individuals who where there and showed their pictures.

April 4, 1966 Jefferson incarceration - no way he and the EX could be at that convention in fall of 1966 (this came up many times and she was adamant about the convention)....at that time I told her he was in prison and she insisted they went to that convention...He was sent to the prison and given a leave - NOW why would that happen? Mone of this make any sense at all...but, then I have told this story before. Of course, I have no proof - I have a woman on the other end of the phone who had been bending her arm a few times to many that evening and I am trying to stay awake - it is 2 AM and I have to be at the office at 9 AM.

That is as good at the one where a family member sees Duane in Miami at the Fountain Blue and he is supposed to be in prison.
What year was that -the Bay of Pig?. Did I check that one out?
Was he in prison or not?

I talk to Folsom and SanQuentin.
Names and addresses and phone numbers for the Wardens.

Elwwod Reid contacts me - Doug warns me about him. Sure enough yrs later he comes out with a fiflty Book with D.B.Cooper in the title. I didn't read it but heard it was really nasty.

Now I am in WA at the Tavern, but we won't go there - because it supposedly didn't happen because the building wasn't there per another poster. But, it was and I have a list of the men who we talked to and their contact information...all written in the handwriting of Scott Coburn who was the man there with me.

Larry Nelson, Scothe Neal, Wayne Hansen, Bill Guerlerson and John Snow.

Snow sent us to find a man called Harry Buscik who played at Happy Days and Don Joy an old hermit type who knew the guy who looked like Duane in the late 40's.

"Angel" Udell
Vanvouver, WA. but the address and phone number she gave never heard of her.

Well, still haven't found what I was looking for and I am tired and this is all just repeating what I have said for yrs...Good Night.

P.S. Vickie, I will find that old article and the notes I made - might be 4 months from now.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Blevins wrote:


I'll make mincemeat out of Cook if he's actually got guts enough to appear.

We have apparently transitioned from soap opera to pro wrestling. ;)

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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It has been a struggle and I’ve spent hours and hours searching for anything which would illustrate the operation of these complex stairs. The video is a sort of training film about the average day a person spends working on a small commuter airline. Most of it is admittedly drudgery with equipment checks, lavatory inspections and the loading of food stuffs and liquor.


Around 1:50 you will observe a thoroughly trained Stewardess, resplendent in white aviator’s scarf, operate the aft stairs.

This is followed by the usual mind numbing, air ops like: take off, gear retraction, cruise configuration, starting in-flight entertainment, beverage service and then a shower. I know, yawwwwn. I wish it could be as exciting as extruded plastic sales, reading insurance actuarial reports or some other slow death with a promise of a retirement program; but it is not to be.

This was the golden age of aviation when the customer was welcomed in the cockpit and they could smoke and thoroughly enjoy their transportation experience. Low level flights were common place and enhanced the ‘look at me’ element of going from point A to B with a display of superiority, just the way it should be.

A Stewardess to passenger ratio of 4:1 was the norm with lobster and bruschetta gingerly placed on hand crafted china with linen napkins and the fuselage completely filtered of non-beautiful people so the chosen ones could properly digest.

What better way to stay beautiful then having a little dance after your dinner? Whew, that was a work out, now it is time for an evening movie to round out the journey.

Kinda funny how this attempt to make some jobs appear exciting just makes one more appreciative of the Monday to Friday, 8 to 5, routine we all enjoy. There was a reason for that shower after all. The never ending trysts with thousands and thousands of women was difficult to wash away, no matter how much French milled soap was used.

Oh well, hope the aft stair operation was of some small value.

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It has been a struggle and I’ve spent hours and hours searching for anything which would illustrate the operation of these complex stairs. The video is a sort of training film about the average day a person spends working on a small commuter airline. Most of it is admittedly drudgery with equipment checks, lavatory inspections and the loading of food stuffs and liquor.


Around 1:50 you will observe a thoroughly trained Stewardess, resplendent in white aviator’s scarf, operate the aft stairs.

This is followed by the usual mind numbing, air ops like: take off, gear retraction, cruise configuration, starting in-flight entertainment, beverage service and then a shower. I know, yawwwwn. I wish it could be as exciting as extruded plastic sales, reading insurance actuarial reports or some other slow death with a promise of a retirement program; but it is not to be.

This was the golden age of aviation when the customer was welcomed in the cockpit and they could smoke and thoroughly enjoy their transportation experience. Low level flights were common place and enhanced the ‘look at me’ element of going from point A to B with a display of superiority, just the way it should be.

A Stewardess to passenger ratio of 4:1 was the norm with lobster and bruschetta gingerly placed on hand crafted china with linen napkins and the fuselage completely filtered of non-beautiful people so the chosen ones could properly digest.

What better way to stay beautiful then having a little dance after your dinner? Whew, that was a work out, now it is time for an evening movie to round out the journey.

Kinda funny how this attempt to make some jobs appear exciting just makes one more appreciative of the Monday to Friday, 8 to 5, routine we all enjoy. There was a reason for that shower after all. The never ending trysts with thousands and thousands of women was difficult to wash away, no matter how much French milled soap was used.

Oh well, hope the aft stair operation was of some small value.

But all good things must come to an end and Hef's DC-9 was last heard from while flying packages for the package delivery service that used to be located at the Wilmington, Ohio airport.

Robert Nicholson

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