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377 22
Crow (with or without feathers is optional) seems to be on my menu a lot this week.
Bruce Smith checked out with the Dispatch. So I would call him a reporter.
How refreshing. So much crow is on the menu in this forum but so little is actually eaten.
Jo wrote:
This POOF thing is getting to me.
It doesn't happen when I am just rambling.
You are implying that someone is making your substantive posts disappear before you launch them but ignores your rambling ones. I'd bet HUGE odds that this is a delusion.
Orange told you how to prevent losing drafts, but you apparently ignored it.
Not delusional and I seriously feel I will never be able to relate what I was talking about.
The post had me thinking about the Knife and Duane using ropes.
I think the most important thing was a knife I showed Sluggo.
I had a hole in one end which I assume made it possible to connect to your body some how so one would not loose it.
When I showed this knife to Sluggo I took a tweeser to remove what I thought was apiece of cord. He thought it was a dust bunny - don't really remember, but I put the piece back into the knife...and put it in a plastic bag.
Pocket Knives collect Pocket Lint.
Unless the man, using the alias "D.B.Cooper", was a Paratrooper, beyond just graduating US Army Airborne School, he had LIMITED Knowledge and Experience in Night Airborne Operations, not enough to survive this jump unless Extremely Lucky.
550 Cord can and has been tied by many a person in knots that are a pain in the ass to undue after words. A Cub Scout would have learned these knots and a Boy Scout most assured in the 60's.
Opening the canopy and "hand deploying" off of the tail mounted stair case would be deadly for an inexperienced jumper.
Weather is a factor, even if it is not as cold as some reports say and was warming as Amazon will confirm, hypothermia can happen in 50f when wet or windy, This situation had all three, temp, wet and windy.
No money has ever been found except on a river bank. Doesn't that mean no money was ever spent or deposited from this event, yet?
We will never fully answer this as his body was consumed in the woods. Heck we are still looking for a A-10 Pilots body and we know where he went, right?
So, start being safe, first!!!
377 22
Opening the canopy and "hand deploying" off of the tail mounted stair case would be deadly for an inexperienced jumper.
I am not so sure about that. Watch the videos of the Air America 727 S/L jumps. If the deploying canopy didn't snag on anything, I think even a whuffo would end up alive under an open C9. Still, lots of drama ahead trying to land safely, survive the night and exit the area undetected. I think the NB6 with its MA1 spring loaded pilot chute would make it pretty easy. Just face backwards at the bottom of the steps and pull. I was firmly convinced that the opening shock of an unsleeved C9 on a high speed 727 jump would be huge, but the Air America videos show the canopies "squidding" and slowing down the opening a lot. I changed my mind.
All in all I do not think we are talking about a man who lived after exiting the plane, at least not very long.
I see no hard evidence to say he did.
So, start being safe, first!!!
377 22
To me, a pragmatic engineer, it's just melted nylon, but Georger may be correctly describing it in more "physics" detail. I infer, from reading a lot of his posts, that Georger has an advanced degree in some physical science.
On fishing boats we'd tightly wrap a synthetic line in vinyl electrical tape along several inches, then use a knife to cut the line in the middle of the taped section. Next, you'd take a propane torch and melt the exposed end of the line. It made a better frizz free end than cutting with a hot knife. More BTUs and a deeper melt area.
Remember that serial killer in CA who was a parachute rigger? He was caught by some really good forensic work that identified some colored fibers on a victim as being unique to parachute suspension lines that had been used to tie her up but were not left at the scene.
377 22
Robert, what's up with the text overlay seen during the first 5 seconds?
georger 247
Remember that serial killer in CA who was a parachute rigger? He was caught by some really good forensic work that identified some colored fibers on a victim as being unique to parachute suspension lines that had been used to tie her up but were not left at the scene.
Here is this image from the vid showing the
cut line ends ...... cant tell much except why
would anyone have melted-sealed the
'parachute side' of the same cut lines? He
wouldnt. So I guess you are looking at the
frayed cut ends ...
Amazon 7
A few point if I may:
Pocket Knives collect Pocket Lint.
Unless the man, using the alias "D.B.Cooper", was a Paratrooper, beyond just graduating US Army Airborne School, he had LIMITED Knowledge and Experience in Night Airborne Operations, not enough to survive this jump unless Extremely Lucky.
550 Cord can and has been tied by many a person in knots that are a pain in the ass to undue after words. A Cub Scout would have learned these knots and a Boy Scout most assured in the 60's.
Opening the canopy and "hand deploying" off of the tail mounted stair case would be deadly for an inexperienced jumper.
Weather is a factor, even if it is not as cold as some reports say and was warming as Amazon will confirm, hypothermia can happen in 50f when wet or windy, This situation had all three, temp, wet and windy.
No money has ever been found except on a river bank. Doesn't that mean no money was ever spent or deposited from this event, yet?
We will never fully answer this as his body was consumed in the woods. Heck we are still looking for a A-10 Pilots body and we know where he went, right?
Getting hypothermia can be done at just about any temp under body temp.
I have been in those very same woods while hunting in Oct and Nov in some really shitfull nasty rainy sleety sucky weather and been soaked to my very core, but due to strenuous exercise I was not cold nor anything other than mildly hypothermic.
georger 247
An allegorical tale. Why do I chose this form?
In order to protect forensic data ... from
book writers!
The story: Dick and Jane went down to the
sacred river to drink and be blessed. Jane was
simply thirsty but Dick was looking for immortality.
After a long arduous journey they arrived at the
river Isotope. Jane bent down to drink but Dick
stood motionless. Jane looked up at Dick
and said: "Drink! We have arrived at the river
of our desire." But Dick continued to stand and
finally said, "I will drink, when God gives me a mouth"!
Jane looked up at Dick and for the first
time ever she realised: "Dick has no mouth".
'What a cruel endictment by the gods',
Jane thought. 'I wonder what Dick has done to be
given such a cruel fate .... Dick can never have
immortality. And I must look elsewhere for mine!'
Jane drank her fill and stood up, kissed Dick
on the cheek, and walked aaway. After another
long journey Jane met Adam and they populated
the world. 'Aadamah' means 'Mankind'.
And that is why you never hear about Dick from
that point on, or Duane either, who was standing
behind a bush watching it all. And why Duane's
alleged money could not be the money that was
found downstream from where Dick and Jane
drank, at the River Isotope which is the tears
of the gods bound twice with Hope.
This is not a statement of opinion but a statement
of fact.
All candidates who stand at the River Isotope
had better think twice because the world was
only created once, and will not be stopped and
re-created for them alone.
377 22
georger 247
Good find!From frosty permaban exhile comes a much clearer picture of the cords Cooper cut.
377 22
All candidates who stand at the River Isotope had better think twice because the world was
only created once, and will not be stopped and
re-created for them alone.
Amazon and Snowmman both think they could survive the Cooper jump, but Jerry disagrees.
Some Hollywood production company is missing a good bet. Recreating the Cooper jump wouldnt be horrendously expensive, no need to use a jet, just add footage of a real 727 exit or use computer animation. I think an interesting half hour show cold be made.
Farflung 0
I drink bourbon and have worn a black raincoat in Seattle.
I do not have a single bill with a matching serial number.
My DNA does not match the FBI’s sample.
When I returned from a camping trip the ‘old lady’ asked if I caught any fish or just did the sodomy thing the whole time.
I don’t have the carbon copy of the ticket.
No one can ID me as 100 percent for sure not to be the suspect.
I can’t prove (with work records) that I was not on the plane that night.
I smoked in the 70’s and it was the brand with the coupon on the back of the package. It was called… ummm… oh yeah, all of them.
I have worked in aviation my entire life and complained about how little I was paid to family, friends and anyone in public gathering areas.
I have a secret past which I have concealed through the cunning ruse of ‘camping trips’ or unexpected business travel to Bangkok.
How can I shake this DB Cooper sphere of suspicion? I feel the noose getting tighter.
georger 247
You might not duplicate the exact conditions part of which are not known, ie Quade'sG wrote:
All candidates who stand at the River Isotope had better think twice because the world was
only created once, and will not be stopped and
re-created for them alone.
Amazon and Snowmman both think they could survive the Cooper jump, but Jerry disagrees.
Some Hollywood production company is missing a good bet. Recreating the Cooper jump wouldnt be horrendously expensive, no need to use a jet, just add footage of a real 727 exit or use computer animation. I think an interesting half hour show cold be made.
upper air facts .... and who in their right mind
would carry the insurance?
Thw problem with tests of this kind is there are
people who will chip away at any results claiming
'not a strict duplication of the conditions at the
time ... which apparently knowbody knows'. I
have NEVER- been able to get the govt people
who have the upper air charts to release them.
Tey have a backlog of 6-8 months and rarely
answer emai - you have to snag them by phone.
And if youthink that is bad, it only starts to
describe the situation at Treasury - Bureau of
Printing and Engraving Forensic Section run by
_____________________________ .
I know there is disagreement with me on this
point (upper air condx) but I happen to agree
with Quade's concerns 100% and I have strong
reasons to suspect Quade is right and maybe
even more correct than he knows. I am sure
there were convection cells in that area during
the time period at stake. How high up these cells
went I do not know. But they were there at 6:00am
at 5000ft and higher that day. That is a fact I can
I do not think Scott and others talked about
"turbulence at 10k feet" for nothing. I dont
think they were making that up ........
I know exactly where the data is. I just cant
get the folks to release it... the data is in storage
at a specific facility. There is a universoity that may
also have a copy of the charts for that evening
..... its on my list of things to do when I ever
get to it.
So test away but be ready for a mountain of
criticism (from high places).
Those are my opinions.
quade 4
On fishing boats we'd tightly wrap a synthetic line in vinyl electrical tape along several inches, then use a knife to cut the line in the middle of the taped section. Next, you'd take a propane torch and melt the exposed end of the line. It made a better frizz free end than cutting with a hot knife. More BTUs and a deeper melt area.
Remember that serial killer in CA who was a parachute rigger? He was caught by some really good forensic work that identified some colored fibers on a victim as being unique to parachute suspension lines that had been used to tie her up but were not left at the scene.
Here is this image from the vid showing the
cut line ends ...... cant tell much except why
would anyone have melted-sealed the
'parachute side' of the same cut lines? He
wouldnt. So I guess you are looking at the
frayed cut ends ...
I don't think the point of any of this little side trip into how to properly whip the ends of cut lines is to imply that he did, but rather the video shows that he didn't and therefore the only conclusion we can come to is that just about any tool could have been used to cut them except a hot knife.
The tool used to cut the lines could have been anything from a razor blade to hook knife to swiss army to special forces survival knife . . . they'd all leave the ends looking just about the way we see them in the video.
The World's Most Boring Skydiver
377 22
Why didn't Cooper come aboard better equipped? He took a lot of time and effort to make a fake bomb, but as far as we know didnt carry anything aboard to secure the loot which was the most important item and the reason for the skyjack. The Tena Bar money tells Occam that whatever Cooper used as a secure container didn't work very well.
You are implying that someone is making your substantive posts disappear before you launch them but ignores your rambling ones. I'd bet HUGE odds that this is a delusion.
Orange told you how to prevent losing drafts, but you apparently ignored it.
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