377 22 #21126 January 26, 2011 Speaking of the Twilight Zone, remember when Snowmman humorously showed that Rod Serling was a good DBC candidate. Close resemblance to the sketch and Rod was a paratrooper. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #21127 January 26, 2011 Quote The thing is I do understand...You were part of a Big Government Conspiracy. That is fine..go with it. I never said my father was DB Cooper. Again you have misunderstood. Maybe I should start a new discussion called 'Fathers who left their family in 1971 and never were heard from again' What do you think Quade?? It is also not your concern about any path I choose to take, whether that be my career, personal relationships or life in general. By looking at different perspectives I have made new friends - even new family!! As far as you being not so nice on here? You are basically in disagreement with everyone other than Jo, but yet you both disagree with each other. I would not call that being "not so nice". You have your opinion. That is fine. Jerry has never came into this forum and confirmed or denied anything about my Father.....Plus ....I am a big girl and can wade through the sh!t...if you get my drift. Now...if you have something constructive to say in the forum....do exactly that. Off topic - but this must be the day for excrement. Just took my son's dogs for a walk down to the creek and some lazy a$$ redneck hunter had apparently shot a dear and decided to process him right on the walking trail. Needless to say one dog got curious before I saw what he was curious about. The dog got covered from one end to the other in deer poop. Made me cuss like a smokejumper....but when I saw your picture I had to laugh.but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
matthewcline 0 #21128 January 26, 2011 Robert, You keep bringing up "all that money". My question is; was any of it from the high jacking? To date only $5000~ was found ever correct? So wouldn't that make one wonder where "all that money" came from and investigate it? It could confirm the suspect, or more likely, dismiss them. MattAn Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #21129 January 26, 2011 XTRATUF's cooooool Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #21131 January 26, 2011 Joining the procession of bio-flicks like ‘Amelia’, ‘The Aviator’ and “Love Ranch’, I felt it was time for the real story about Flight 305 to be told. Historically recreating every event associated with the famed skyjacking. Not since the Ken Burns series, ‘The Civil War’ has a production been so diligent and intimate with a subject. Look for it to be released in early 2012. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #21132 January 26, 2011 Quote Joining the procession of bio-flicks like ‘Amelia’, ‘The Aviator’ and “Love Ranch’, I felt it was time for the real story about Flight 305 to be told. Historically recreating every event associated with the famed skyjacking. Not since the Ken Burns series, ‘The Civil War’ has a production been so diligent and intimate with a subject. Look for it to be released in early 2012. Teehee. Farflung, you must really be boobed...I mean bored. but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EVickiW 0 #21133 January 26, 2011 Quote Look for it to be released in early 2012. Quote Teehee. Farflung, you must really be boobed...I mean bored. Is that hard, erect, aft staircase, or the fact the money "blew its wad" symbolic for anything? Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03QLnFvk8Fs Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #21134 January 26, 2011 Vicki pruriently observes: “Is that hard, erect, aft staircase, or the fact the money "blew its wad" symbolic for anything?” Already there is the ‘Freudian’ analysis which is a hallmark of a classic in the works. Exactly Vicki, is the erect staircase to ‘Cooper’ analogous to the sled, Rosebud in ‘Citizen Kane’? Is the wrath unleashed upon Flight 305 allegory akin to that ‘launched’ by Colonel Ripper in ‘Dr. Strangelove’; which ultimately serves as a harbinger noir of our collective destinies? Well, I don’t know any of that stuff. Who should play the Ticket Agent? I’ve been considering Mimi Rogers to attract the sophisticates or perhaps appealing to the younger demographic by using Christina Hendricks. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EVickiW 0 #21135 January 26, 2011 Quote Who should play the Ticket Agent? Where should I send my credentials and portfolio? and what is the compensation? I will ask for $200,000. Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03QLnFvk8Fs Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #21136 January 26, 2011 Quote Message I received today, thought it might interest everyone... Especially JO. Quote 'Hello Robert: The D.B. Cooper investigation remains open and has not been solved. Accordingly, the FBI does not have definitive proof that Kenneth Peter Christiansen was NOT the skyjacker D.B. Cooper. Your understanding that “the Bureau’s official position is that he was not the guy” is incorrect; no one has been officially ruled out unless and until the case is solved. There are other individuals currently believed to be more viable suspects, but no one has been officially ruled out. Regards, Fred Special Agent Frederick C. Gutt FBI, Seattle Acting Media Representative Meh . . . "no one has been officially ruled out unless and until the case is solved" . . . essentially says they include anyone alive at the time. Well, that's simply ridiculous.quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #21137 January 26, 2011 Great FBI letter Robert. Amend your book sleeve to include it. I wonder if I could get the FBI to write an identical one about Sheridan Peterson? They did rule him out on a comparison between his DNA and the tie DNA, but maybe they will overlook that and give me a letter like Blevins got. Until the case is solved EVERYONE is a possible suspect, even Vicki and Jo. This sentence in the FBI letter did catch my attention though: Quote There are other individuals currently believed to be more viable suspects OK, Who? 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobKnoss 0 #21138 January 26, 2011 Other more viable suspects than Christensen: Elvis, Gossett, Donald Cooper, Wilson, Dave Haapala, Bernie Rhodes, Jerry Thomas, Duane Weber, Bing Crosby, Gary Crosby, Howard Hunt, Helen Hunt, Richard McCoy, Treat Williams, and my favorite, Jerry's mom, Helen Thomas. She was Arafat's little mobster monster! Everything fits! Jerry is covering for her. Stilts, makeup, chain smoker, and you have DB Cooper right there! Put out an all-points on that woman! Fire up the presses! We got our man! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guru312 0 #21139 January 27, 2011 Quote Quote There are other individuals currently believed to be more viable suspects OK, Who? 377 Not me!Guru312 I am not DB Cooper Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #21140 January 27, 2011 Hello 377: The D.B. Cooper investigation remains open and has not been solved. Accordingly, the FBI does not have definitive proof that Paul Quade was NOT the skyjacker D.B. Cooper. Mr. Quade's involvement with DC 9 jumping at Perris Valley has not escaped our attention, nor has his curious assignment as mediator of what we consider to be a primary source of credible leads and evidence, the dropzone.com DB Cooper forum. Your understanding that “the Bureau’s official position is that he was not the guy” is incorrect; no one has been officially ruled out unless and until the case is solved. There are other individuals currently believed to be more viable suspects, such as Ted Braden, but no one has been officially ruled out, not even Duane Weber. Regards, Larry Special Agent L. Carr FBI, Seattle TDY Wash. DC SAC Project Norjack2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #21141 January 27, 2011 Quote On or about December of 2007 This was posted by Safecrack: I have not read through it, but the reason I am posting this is because I want to see HOW much of this has change in over 3 yrs of my posting. In fact I do not even know when I started to post in the DZ. I am going to put a emotioncon if I think it is something that has changed or may have been incorrect - please do not attack this as I am going to be putting Duane to rest very soon and I just want to get somethings straight for the record. Summary of Weber: VERY LONG I realize there are countless people out there with hundreds of theories regarding Cooper; who he was, whether he lived or not, and how he got away with it (or didn't). Since this thread was started by Skyjack71 to assist her of finding evidence that would help point to Duane or point away from Duane, I will start here. A similar effort could be made for all the top suspects and for yet unknown suspects, but in my opinion, Duane continues to be the strongest suspect for reasons outlined below. First, Duane actually confessed to the crime and confessed to being Dan Cooper. False confessions have happened and continue to happen everyday around the world, but they are generally coerced or an attempt to bring the confessor into some glory. Countless people made various confessions to the FBI about being Cooper. What separates Duane from almost all of these false confessors is that Duane waited until the very last moments of his life to make the confession, and he confessed only to his wife. He signed over his living will to his doctors, basically signing his own death certificate stating that he was to remain off of kidney treatments. He was expected to die within 5 days. Once the paper work was completed, the nurses left him alone with his wife. Skyjack71 didn't know who Dan Cooper was, but she can clearly remember the name because he pronounced it in a peculiar way. When she continued to challenge Duane on the confession (telling him that his story was non-sense), Duane cursed loudly. Having heard Duane getting upset and thinking he was having trouble dealing with his pain and the idea of his ultimate death, the nurses rushed in and immediately gave him a shot of morphine. No other top suspect that I'm aware of, has ever confessed to being Dan Cooper, and if they did, I highly doubt they would do it at such a serious time in their life. Facing your own death is not the time for fun and games! This is a very serious matter that I'd believe most people would find humbling and would want to speak their mind as honestly as possible. When I spoke to my grandfather for the last time, while he was on his deathbed, part of me knew it would be final time we’d ever speak. This was not a time for practical jokes or flippant behavior; this was a time to tell him that I loved him and to leave him with what could very well be my final words. Beginning with the confession, there's plenty of evidence to support the confession being real and not some prank that Duane decided to play on his wife just following the serious matter of handing over his living will to his doctors. 1. Skyjack71 witnessed Duane having an intense nightmare (1977) where Duane said "I left fingerprints on the aft stairs, I'm going to die, (loud scream)" I think most of us would remember witnessing our spouse having such a nightmare. She remembers asking him what aft stairs were and he said stairs from jail or something to that effect. 2. In Fall of 1979, Duane took Skyjack71 to the NW for a sentimental journey. This journey is chalk full of circumstantial evidence that supports his confession some 15 years later. First, he "had to do something" one morning while just outside of Portland. He left very early and came back several hours later all dirty. Second, he drove Skyjack71 to an area near LaCamas lake and actually said the words "that's where Cooper came out of the woods" and when Skyjack71 asked him how he would know, he replied "maybe I was the one on the ground". Later on that trip, Duane appeared to be looking for a tower and mentioned that he had buried something behind a shed at a tower nearby. Third, they stopped near the river for an extended period of time and he made Skyjack71 stay in the car. He took something out of the trunk and went into a wooded area down near the water. No one knows why and no one knows for how long. Fourth, they stopped by a hotel adjacent to the I-5 and Columbia river just before leaving. Duane had a paper sack with him that he claimed had trash in it. Within 5 months of this sentimental journey, Brian Ingram found four bundles of money close to the water's edge just downriver from each of these two points. While traveling in Seattle, Duane took an unnecessary detour, heading over to the Sea Tac airport. He drove around the airport and to the backside (west) of it. When questioned why they were doing this, Duane said it was a shortcut to a company function they attended. Skyjack71, pulling out the map, could see clearly that a detour into the SeaTac/Burien area is no shortcut to downtown Seattle. Throughout the entire trip to the Northwest, Duane never used a map. In fact, he continually pointed out odd points of interest, such as an out of sight dollar corner store that Skyjack71 was able to confirm 21 years later. 3. In Feb 1980 when the money was found, Skyjack71 was reading the newspaper article to Duane. Referring to the money that had been unearthed, Duane simply said, “it’s worthless.” 4. Shortly thereafter, a television special came out on DB Cooper and the money that had recently been found. Skyjack71 remarked to Duane that she was eager to watch the special, but as it turned out, something “came up” that night that prevented her from seeing it. Duane made arrangements for them to go out with another couple which was something they had never done on a week day. During the dinner conversation, Skyjack71 spoke to the other woman and commented on the fact that they never went out this way on weeknights. This is how she recollects the incident so well. It turned out that throughout their 17 year marriage, this would be the first and only time Duane made such dinner arrangements without consulting Skyjack71 first. Further, they never socialized with other couples unless it was through his work or was business related. 5. Shortly after the television special aired, Duane told Skyjack71 that his company was reducing his territory and assigning it to someone else. He promptly moved to Alabama, leaving his family behind for a few months. After Duane died, Skyjack71 discovered an old resume and a letter of resignation written to his boss in early 1980. The explanation he had stated to his boss in this letter of resignation was that he was resigning because Skyjack71 and her daughter wanted to “move back to the South.” This, of course, was patently false because Skyjack71 and her daughter (who was still in school at the time), loved living in the Colorado suburb of Fort Collins. Duane completely resigned from his company, moved to Alabama, and began working for a familiar company he had worked for previously. The new job was for a fledgling company trying to stay in business, and Duane was well aware that the company may not remain in business long. 6.In short, Duane had told Skyjack71 that his employer in Colorado was taking away his territory which turned out to be a lie. Duane had actually resigned even though he was making substantial money at the time. (mistake)6. In the 1960s, Duane worked for the insurance company that funded the Cooper ransom. The dollar amount on the insurance policy just so happened to be $200,000. 7. Skyjack71 can only recall Duane reading one book during their 17 year marriage. Duane bought a copy of Norjack and he sat in his favorite chair and read it cover to cover. Skyjack71 asked him what it was about and he said it was about a hijacking. Skyjack71 told him it sounded interesting and to let her read it when he was finished. He agreed, but then days later when Skyjack71 asked him about the book, he claimed someone from work borrowed it from him. The book was never seen again. What’s more is that in the following weeks after reading the book, Duane grew out his hair and took on a full mustache. 8. In 1990, Skyjack71 actually did see a book amongst Duane's possessions. It was during a brief separation due to his emotional stress of becoming dependent on kidney machines. This may have been a similar stress he would have felt in 1971 when he first was told he had kidney disease, a condition he’d seen his mother suffer through until her death. We did finally sort this out and do not believe the handwriting was Webers.Skyjack71 happened to notice a book in Duane’s trailer that he lived in during this time. 6 years later, she saw the book once again.... she had checked it out from the library. In some of the margins, she noticed Duane's handwritten notes. The book turned out to be about DB Cooper. Skyjack71 immediately called the FBI the night she read the first few pages of this book and learned for the first time about some of the details of the crime. 9. Discovery channel's Unsolved History did a story on the Cooper case. As part of their story, they took the 1972 composite sketch of Cooper and fed it into the FRS of a Vegas Casino. They added several pictures to the database, including a handful of the top suspects, such as McCoy and Duane, and then ran a search amongst the entire database against the composite sketch. Of everyone in the database and all the top suspects, Duane's photo came up as the top biometric match. 10. When Skyjack71 pursued Duane's ex-wife (whom he was married to at the time of the heist) regarding Cooper, his ex-wife was reticent. She told Skyjack71 to "leave the past behind". At no time did she ever deny the allegation that Duane was Cooper and she remained reticent about the topic. She was deliberate and adamant that they were separated from October 1971 until February 1972 and she did not have any contact with Duane during that time. His sister also wanted to leave the past in the past and the ex-wife seemed afraid to talk about the past. 11. Years later, this ex-wife was preparing to move into assisted living. With no prompting, she sent Skyjack71 some old original photos (not reprints) of Duane. Amongst the photos was one of the ex-wife and not Duane. It wasn’t as though the widow and the ex-wife had been close, and therefore this picture seemed a little out of place. As she examined this particular photo, it happened to have an unusual object in the foreground... some wrap around sunglasses. Why the ex-wife sent these pictures and also included this photo will always be a mystery as the ex-wife has since died. 12. This ex-wife had a daughter who once told Skyjack71, “I know that Duane was Cooper,” and made some type of elaboration that Skyjack71 has never mentioned. She says the FBI knows what was said because she had called them to interview this daughter who has since passed away. 13. At some point in 1990, Skyjack71 happened to come across a ticket stub of some kind with the SeaTac or Sea-Tac printed on it. It was sitting on his desk in his shop and she saw it there and thought it peculiar. 14. In 1994, Duane had broken his leg. The shop had been closed for years, and there were some boxes with tax information in it. Skyjack71 decided to clean and organize a box from 1990 that had been packed when they closed the shop and she did this despite Duane’s protest. She dumped out the box and began to sort the box from the 1990 tax year. She began throwing some items away and then filing others. One of the items she picked up was an old airline ticket from the year 1971. According to her memory, the ticket was a Portland to Seattle ticket. She remembered this because this was the year she had flown for the first time. Seeing the old ticket, she went to ask Duane about it, and he said that it used to mean something, “but now it doesn’t” and instructed her to throw it away. She then placed it in the garbage bag with all the other non-relevant papers and items she threw away from that box. Later on that day, he asked her what she did with the old ticket. She replied that she threw it away as per his instructions and that it was in a garbage bag in the garage. She then grabbed another old box out of his closet and he again told her not to sift through his things and that he would do it later. She left the second box alone. That night, she went out to the garage and sifted through the garbage bag and did not see the ticket. A few weeks later, Skyjack71 folded up Duane’s clothing and went to put away his socks and undergarments like she always did. This time, Duane told her not to and that he’d put them away himself. Ignoring his comments, she went to his drawer as she frequently did to put away his garments. Upon opening one of the drawers, she saw the old airline ticket lying in the drawer. At this point, she knew Duane well enough not to ask him about the ticket. 15. In the late fall of 1994, the same year as the above incidents, the Webers held a garage sale. Duane had gotten to the point where she had to drive him to and pick him up from dialysis. Amongst the items that would be sold were some false books; the kind that you could hide items in. When Skyjack71 went to pick up Duane from dialysis, there was a young woman who was helping her with the garage sale. The helper asked both of them what to do with one of these false books. Duane instructed her to put it aside and that he’d take care of it. Later that evening, Duane instructed Skyjack71 to retrieve the book for him and she was unable to find it. Many of the items for sale that day were old items from the shop that they had closed. Skyjack71 then called the helper and the helper told Skyjack71 there were old papers and such in the false book and claimed “it should be there.” A weakened Duane was so upset about the lost book that Skyjack71 felt it was important to search through the garage until late at night to find it. Duane finally told her that he would search for himself later on when he could muster the strength. Two years later, Skyjack71 contacted this helper, who may have suffered from addiction, and the helper claimed no recollection of the events or the false book. Skyjack71 happened to find this odd because this helper purposely came in and asked what to do with it and they contacted her later to ask her about it. Incidentally, the old ticket was never seen after 1994. It may or may not have been in the false book. 16. There was a second garage sale after Duane's death. One item was something Duane had kept in his desk. Skyjack71 had no idea what it was, but someone who visited the garage sale purchased it because he collected these sorts of things and told her that it was part of a parachute. 17. On Duane's deathbed, he instructed Skyjack71 to check his van and told her specifically what to check, but Skyjack71’s focus was to comfort him and really wasn’t listening to him. This was during his confession and she thought he was talking non-sense. Skyjack71 just told him she’d take care of it and not to worry. Skyjack71 wound up selling the van. Later, the new owner contacted Skyjack71 and gave her a wallet that only contained some peculiar identification. It was a military ID and some other ID of Duane's under various names. The returned wallet appeared to have held many more items at one time in its life. The purchasers of the van told Skyjack71 about the wallet on the phone there was a license and papers in it and when she arrived they told her they never opened it and could not comment on the contents. Skyjack71 maintains a belief that there may have been more items in the van, but cannot nor will not say for sure. It was by the new owner subsequently torn apart from top to bottom for “rebuilding purposes.” We did read earlier on this thread that the new owners began to fly every other weekend to south Florida right after purchasing the van. Whether or not this happened to be related to them purchasing the van, we’ll never know and at best could only speculate. They may have inherited money or won the state lottery or just enjoyed prosperous sales in their flea market endeavors… we do not know. 18. In 1990, around the same time that Skyjack71 saw the ticket stub with SeaTac printed on it, Skyjack71 and Duane were in his van. He left her in the van to go grab something out of the shop. On the console, Skyjack71 happened to notice a grayish money bag. From her recollection, it had printing on one side of it, but she did not pull the bag out of the console all the way because Duane was coming back to the van. This was a very trying time of their marriage (he was staying in the trailer) and she didn’t want to get him upset. Duane had been arrest when he attempted to obtain a fraudulent driver's license. Among his possessions was a new, or barely used, hand gun. In his paranoia, Duane blamed Skyjack71 for the arrest thinking she ratted him out. She actually saved him from more serious charges because her and his doctor pleaded with authorities and told them Duane only attempted this because of his illness. The real reason Duane attempted to obtain a fraudulent driver’s license is unknown. 19. In 1971/early 72, a Reno newspaper received a letter or note of some kind from someone claiming to be Cooper. There were several of these received by various news outlets at the time, but this one in Reno had been postmarked in a suburb of one of Duane's family member's. 20. According to his ex-wife, Duane was unaccounted for in the fall of 1971 through February of 1972. In February of 1972, Duane got back together with his wife. Further, his employer at the time was unaware of his whereabouts. In February of 1972, Duane returned to work and claimed he was injured when he fell out of a tree in his yard. He told them he had been trimming the tree. Skyjack71 later got the ex-wife to confess that there was no tree in their yard at the time. 21. Duane and his wife made very little money in 1972. Their tax return, however, shows that they claimed a significant portion of their income from selling things they already owned. From what I've heard, this wasn't filed on any capital gain or investment schedule. Do most people who hold a garage sale claim 25% of their income from items they sold around the house? Why was Duane and his wife so eager to claim income that could never be traced? 22. In June of 1972, according to the ex-wife’s daughter, Duane and the ex-wife had recently purchased two brand new cars. The daughter vividly remembered this because she helped her mother move to Kansas and she had the privilege of driving the new car. 23. Shortly before Duane passed away, in March of 1995, Skyjack71 was helping him get dressed since he was injured with a broken arm and several broken fingers. She was attempting to help him put on long johns when she asked him if he was ever going to disclose how he had hurt his leg. He didn’t have trouble with the leg, but due to scarring and/or deformity, it was apparent to Skyjack71 that he had once injured it fairly severely. She had asked him about it before but he never disclosed the cause of his injury. Duane’s response was that he had injured his leg jumping out of a plane once. Skyjack71 immediately laughed at his answer because she found it funny. Duane later reiterated this story during his confession. 24. At various points throughout their marriage, but only beginning in the very late 1980s, Duane would tell Skyjack71 that a famous invention was named after him. Time and time again, she'd say Weber grill. She even once made a sarcastic reply saying "Weber Bread". Every time she made one of her guesses, Duane just gave her a childlike grin and would say "you'll never know". We don't know of any invention named specifically after Duane Weber. We do know, however, that an invention was named after Dan Cooper, and it was called The Cooper Vane. 25. In 1987, Duane and Skyjack71 were on a commercial airliner in Miami. They were either boarding or exiting, and Duane pointed at a door with a wheel on it as they walked by. He mentioned to Skyjack71 that if a person were to turn that wheel that stairs would lower from the belly of the plane. 26. Skyjack71 just made a post about Duane serving time in McNeil prison. This prison is located in Tacoma. According to Ckret, Cooper stated that McCord "is only 20 minutes from Tacoma. It shouldn't take that long." I have included some photos of Duane along side some composite sketches of Cooper. I will only repeat the post done by Safecrack in 2007. With the garbage being spewed around in this thread now, I believe I have something better to do tonight. 377: I have NO way of knowing what he was like prior to our marriage and he was definitely not a model citizen by any means during our marriage. All I can attest to is the man he became and not what he was...or the stories I learn about his past. I will agree with Himmelsbach that Cooper was a "dirty rotten criminal" and some of the things I learned about Weber are worst than a "dirty rotten Criminal". I definitely do not look at Duane thur the rose colored glasses, but I did NOT know the man with the same name I have been told so many stories about. motivated to do the right things, never complaining, always having a smile and being friendly, a take charge person who tried to do the right things. I saw 3 rages in our 17 yr marriage, but I backed off and gave him space and he worked out whatever the problem was. Duane was NO angel! He was like a mischievous child at times, but he tried to become the best he could be. In the last few months of his life I found out he had shoplifted some items at the grocery store (we lived in a small town). It was a pocket full of Kool-Aid (why Kool-aid I will never know). I went down to the store and spoke to the manager and they were aware he had been taking other little items. I offered to pay for anything he took...and they all knew him and told me he had taken some other small items in the past. Because of his age and health they had NOT contacted me.The manager was actually smiling when he listed some of the simple items Duane had taken in the past. They refused to allow me to re-imburse them, because they had witnessed his generosity to others who couldn't afford things they needed. The reason he was doing the grocery shopping is that I working 60 hour a wk and I did all the cooking for a whole wk on Sunday so he would have his meals in the freezer and refrigerator....while I worked. Going to the grocery got him out of the house for a while and gave him a sense of being needed and useful and the store was only 2 blocks from the house with no need to be on a major road...2 stop signs. with a grin no one will ever forget.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobKnoss 0 #21142 January 27, 2011 "First, I might get something wrong, but if I do I'm going to correct it." Please address the letter in Christensen's will asking to be a patsy Cooper?? Why would Cap relay that message to me?? I believe him long before you. Of course, this creates a pickle, doesn't it? Deny, deny, deny. Bruce Smith will get there, eventually. He likes that stuff. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #21143 January 27, 2011 Quote In the last few months of his life I found out he had shoplifted some items at the grocery store (we lived in a small town). It was a pocket full of Kool-Aid (why Kool-aid I will never know). Puzzling. Any explanation for his choice of things to shoplift? Classic Duane though, couldnt even shoplift Kool Aid without being detected. What are the odds he could pull off Norjack? 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #21144 January 27, 2011 Quote Yes, he remained a mischievous little boy and now maybe if there is really a heaven he is being a mischievous little with a grin no one will ever forget. Love is a wonderful thing Jo. Through the eyes of love Duane is cleansed, rehabilitated and completely transformed into a loveable charitable guy. He's dead, so why not recall him as you wished he were. No harm in that, no harm at all. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #21145 January 27, 2011 Quote Quote In the last few months of his life I found out he had shoplifted some items at the grocery store (we lived in a small town). It was a pocket full of Kool-Aid (why Kool-aid I will never know). Puzzling. Any explanation for his choice of things to shoplift? Classic Duane though, couldnt even shoplift Kool Aid without being detected. What are the odds he could pull off Norjack? 377 Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #21146 January 27, 2011 I didnt ask why he took things in general, I wondered why he chose Kool Aid as the particular item to steal. It just seems odd. Do you have an explanation Jo? Didnt you say he had a huge stash of Kool Aid? Just wonderin... 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #21147 January 27, 2011 Hello 377: The D.B. Cooper investigation remains open and has not been solved. Accordingly, the FBI does not have definitive proof that Paul Quade was NOT the skyjacker D.B. Cooper. Mr. Quade's involvement with DC 9 jumping at Perris Valley has not escaped our attention, nor has his curious assignment as mediator of what we consider to be a primary source of credible leads and evidence, the dropzone.com DB Cooper forum. Your understanding that “the Bureau’s official position is that he was not the guy” is incorrect; no one has been officially ruled out unless and until the case is solved. There are other individuals currently believed to be more viable suspects, such as Ted Braden, but no one has been officially ruled out, not even Duane Weber. Regards, Larry Special Agent L. Carr FBI, Seattle TDY Wash. DC SAC Project Norjack Just when was that letter dated? We know that Carr has stated in the past that Duane's DNA ruled him out. Also Carr is NO LONGER the agent of record for D.B.Cooper. Now we have Blevins producting communications from Fred Gutt. 'Hello Robert: The D.B. Cooper investigation remains open and has not been solved. Accordingly, the FBI does not have definitive proof that Kenneth Peter Christiansen was NOT the skyjacker D.B. Cooper. Your understanding that “the Bureau’s official position is that he was not the guy” is incorrect; no one has been officially ruled out unless and until the case is solved. There are other individuals currently believed to be more viable suspects, but no one has been officially ruled out. Regards, Fred Special Agent Frederick C. Gutt FBI, Seattle Acting Media Representative The FBI even told me on the phone "your husband was ruled out DNA". Carr even stated this in the thread - but sends a letter to 377 stating other wise. Who the hell do we believe!? Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #21148 January 27, 2011 Should it not be leapt? (Ref: Correct Context) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #21149 January 27, 2011 Quote Where should I send my credentials and portfolio? and what is the compensation? I will ask for $200,000. Vicki, I have used the Unsolved Mysteries segment as your combination screen test/credentials and they appear to be perfect. The footage of you in Hawaii adds to the Five-O and Jack Lord mystique as well. Here is your scene: Cooper (Salma) will come in out of the pelting rain as the camera pans across Cooper’s soaked shirt which does little to conceal the chill Cooper has acquired. You give a somewhat disinterested glance but can’t help but notice Cooper is all alone. The camera re-establishes just how cold Cooper feels, yet the shot remains below the shoulder line as not to reveal who Cooper is while the sense of mystery grows. Now Cooper begins to walk towards you. The background is oddly void of other people and activities as each step goes by. You are tending to other tasks when Cooper finally arrives at the Northwest Orient Airlines ticket Jacuzzi where you are working that day. Can I help you? You breathlessly ask, trying to suppress your surprise. “Seattle, One Way.” Cooper responds with little inflection. “That comes to $18.52.” You respond equally breathlessly. Cooper gently gives you a 20 dollar bill and your hands touch briefly. The camera zooms into your eyes which instantly dilate while the sound of a thumping pulse fills your ears. You glance around and notice no one is near. You say to yourself “That touch was electric” and out loud to Cooper, ‘I’ll get your change”. Your hand deftly passes over the Oregon State Sales Tax Schedule and a perfectly manicured finger stops at $1.48. The camera returns to your eyes which are now focused and betray a sense of anxiety while you say to yourself, “One forty eight; that totals twenty dollars exactly!” You turn to Cooper and announce “With tax, the total is twenty dollars”. With the camera fixed on the anonymous and completely soaked shirt and thin black tie the customer is wearing, you ask one last question, “Name?” The faceless torso draws a heavy breath and heaves a pair of syllables which construct the name “Cooooo-per”. You write the name down and say “The plane is about thirty minutes late, you can wait here in the Jacuzzi with me, if you like”. Cooper reaches forward and you involuntarily shiver only to see Cooper continue to grasp the handle of a briefcase and vanish in a few steps. The camera, in a tight shot of your eyes begins to pull back. Something is running down your face (sweat, tears, condensation from the Jacuzzi?). Your gaze is fixed and emotionless like that of a war veteran, trauma survivor or long term employee in a corporate environment counting down the last 8345 bitter days of living death till you can collect a retirement check. The camera continues to retreat while the background begins to fill with the ephemeral noises of commerce while grey and black figures cross in front as if in some dire hurry. Back out of a pair of automatic doors to a flash of lightning and thunder clap which serves as segue to the next scene. I’m updating the poster now. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guru312 0 #21150 January 27, 2011 Quote I'm finding it difficult to take this thread seriously anymore. Me too! You and I agree on _one_ thing.Guru312 I am not DB Cooper Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites