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DB Cooper

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Who the hell do we believe!?

Well, I for one, believe some members of society will believe anything they read on-line. I'd call these people gullible, but that's not actually a word in the dictionary and nobody can really prove otherwise.

More than likely they're simply people that don't recognize subtext or satire. My studies show that a full 30% of the population is afflicted by this.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Who the hell do we believe!?

Well, I for one, believe some members of society will believe anything they read on-line. I'd call these people gullible, but that's not actually a word in the dictionary and nobody can really prove otherwise.

More than likely they're simply people that don't recognize subtext or satire. My studies show that a full 30% of the population is afflicted by this.

Quade, You're on! "Gullible" is actually a word in the dictionary, at least the English dictionary. How about giving some details about your "studies", such as they may be, including data that backs up your allegations. Otherwise, everyone on this thread must assume that you are just blowing smoke.

Robert Nicholson

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I said, "More than likely they're simply people that don't recognize subtext or satire. My studies show that a full 30% of the population is afflicted by this.."

And then;

Quade, You're on! "Gullible" is actually a word in the dictionary, at least the English dictionary.

I rest my case.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I said, "More than likely they're simply people that don't recognize subtext or satire. My studies show that a full 30% of the population is afflicted by this.."

And then;


Quade, You're on! "Gullible" is actually a word in the dictionary, at least the English dictionary.

I rest my case.

Quade, Read your previous post! You actually said that "gullible" was not a word in the dictionary! Your case needs to be "unrested".

Robert Nicholson

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Who the hell do we believe!?

Well, I for one, believe some members of society will believe anything they read on-line. I'd call these people gullible...

I don't think you need the words "they read on-line". LARGE numbers of people will believe anything.

Although I am not a professional hypnotist, I've been doing it for 50 years. Over the years I've learned that given certain circumstances and degrees of emotional involvement, most people are not able to think. Whether it be from too much television... or something else, I'm convinced that given the correct presentation, people can be made to believe almost anything.

I don't mean to equate hypnotism to "normal" life or to television. My experiences have shown me that the larger majority of people simply do not know how to think rationally or critically.

People embrace a position on an issue through emotional responses and for emotional reasons, not by rational thought processes.

And, to add to the mix, people are very concerned about what others think of them...and that influences their opinion even more so.

Much of the "reasoning" expressed by posters to this thread is very scary. It's scary because so little reasoning is actually taking place.

It's all quite sad, actually. I'm afraid we really are a nation of sheep.

Quade and I not being in the flock, of course.

I am not DB Cooper

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I said, "More than likely they're simply people that don't recognize subtext or satire. My studies show that a full 30% of the population is afflicted by this.."

And then;


Quade, You're on! "Gullible" is actually a word in the dictionary, at least the English dictionary.

I rest my case.

Quade, Read your previous post! You actually said that "gullible" was not a word in the dictionary! Your case needs to be "unrested".

Robert Nicholson

Are you at all familiar with the meme, "facepalm"?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Are you at all familiar with the meme, "facepalm"?

Quade, the next time you slap someone for getting way off-topic I think I'll post this comment of yours.

Internet Meme: A quade is committed when a forum moderator breaks the forum rules.

Your post commits two quades.

I am not DB Cooper

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Can I help you? You breathlessly ask, trying to suppress your surprise.

Only if you cast Keanu Reeves as Cooper....HE IS SO F'N HOT!!!! plus there is the Hawaiian connection.
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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I said, "More than likely they're simply people that don't recognize subtext or satire. My studies show that a full 30% of the population is afflicted by this.."

And then;


Quade, You're on! "Gullible" is actually a word in the dictionary, at least the English dictionary.

I rest my case.

Quade, Read your previous post! You actually said that "gullible" was not a word in the dictionary! Your case needs to be "unrested".

Robert Nicholson

Are you at all familiar with the meme, "facepalm"?

Quade, "Meme" is a word that is defined in my dictionary. "Facepalm" is not defined in my dictionary. If your intent was to insult, I have no idea what the insult would be.

Language is very important and dictionaries are very important to language.

Earlier this month, and not very far from here, my US Congresswoman met an individual for the second time.

The first time they met was in 2007 and the individual asked her a question something like this, "What would government be if there was no language?". Apparently the individual didn't get the answer he was looking for.

When they met again earlier this month, the individual put a 9mm round through her head from about two feet away and then proceeded to shoot another 18 people for good measure.

So should I start packing heat, which is perfectly legal in this state, and looking over my shoulder?

Robert Nicholson

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I said, "More than likely they're simply people that don't recognize subtext or satire. My studies show that a full 30% of the population is afflicted by this.."
And then;


Quade, You're on! "Gullible" is actually a word in the dictionary, at least the English dictionary.

I rest my case.

Quade, Read your previous post! You actually said that "gullible" was not a word in the dictionary! Your case needs to be "unrested".
Robert Nicholson

Are you at all familiar with the meme, "facepalm"?

Quade, "Meme" is a word that is defined in my dictionary. "Facepalm" is not defined in my dictionary. If your intent was to insult, I have no idea what the insult would be.

Well, you could always google it, but let me save you the trouble.

It refers to when somebody just doesn't seem to understand the common usage of a word or phrase or joke and they've reacted in such a way that really the only thing left to do is put your face in the palm of your hand and wonder what the hell is wrong with them.


You sir, truly exemplify exactly what I was speaking toward earlier about gullibility and/or people that just don't understand subtext or satire.

You have gone well beyond proving my point.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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You have gone well beyond proving my point.

It isn't everyday that I agree with you, Quade, but I concur that he doesn't get it.

This sub-plot within the DBC thread is funny but it doesn't compare to Blevins threatening copyright legal action over a link to a document on his company website.

Never the less, I have to charge you a quade for instructing him on the nuances of words totally not connected to this DBC forum thread.

I am not DB Cooper

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I said, "More than likely they're simply people that don't recognize subtext or satire. My studies show that a full 30% of the population is afflicted by this.."
And then;


Quade, You're on! "Gullible" is actually a word in the dictionary, at least the English dictionary.

I rest my case.

Quade, Read your previous post! You actually said that "gullible" was not a word in the dictionary! Your case needs to be "unrested".
Robert Nicholson

Are you at all familiar with the meme, "facepalm"?

Quade, "Meme" is a word that is defined in my dictionary. "Facepalm" is not defined in my dictionary. If your intent was to insult, I have no idea what the insult would be.

Well, you could always [rel "http://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=facepalm&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8"]google[/url] it, but let me save you the trouble.

It refers to when somebody just doesn't seem to understand the common usage of a word or phrase or joke and they've reacted in such a way that really the only thing left to do is put your face in the palm of your hand and wonder what the hell is wrong with them.


You sir, truly exemplify exactly what I was speaking toward earlier about gullibility and/or people that just don't understand subtext or satire.

You have gone well beyond proving my point.

Quade, You are talking about the "common usage of a word" that has not made it into my dictionary yet. Also, as I remember it, you made some disparaging comments about the use of satire a couple of weeks ago and, again as I remember it, those comments were addressed to me.

I may not be hip or use jive talk, which I guess makes me as boring as you claim to be.

Robert Nicholson

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Never the less, I have to charge you a quade for instructing him on the nuances of words totally not connected to this DBC forum thread.

Hey, I'm not entirely certain it ought to count if a completely different person than a post was intended for doesn't get the original joke and you have to explain it to them and they still don't get it so you have to explain it to them further and they still don't get it and . . .
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Gullible, Meme, subtext or satire.

You guys have me putting my FACE in my PALMS and Wondering what the Hell do we do when OUR Moderator and one of the Elite posters gets caught up in a Web of Words and their meanings.

Are you two Bored? You have me sitting here looking at the screen with my face in my palms - wondering - Damn, Where do we go next?

I don't know about you guys, but I am going to do something be sides sit here in front of this computer and expect this case to get solve. It is time to do some things I have put off.

Hell the world already thinks I am this delusional old woman claiming her husband was D.B. Cooper - and sitting at her keyboard actually thinking the FBI has time or motivation to dig up this old case and actually solve it.

Maybe I can provide some motivation?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Robert, Paul Quade has a tough Job. We all have to bite our lip's on this thread.Keeping it civil and ignoring some posters, is the reason I've slowed down on my posts.This statement does not refer to any one period. But maybe a new thread could be started called the liars thread.It could help some people

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"First, I might get something wrong, but if I do I'm going to correct it."

PLEASE address the letter in Christensen's will asking to be a patsy Cooper?? Why would Cap relay that message to me?? I believe him long before you. Of course, this creates a pickle, doesn't it? Deny, deny, deny.

Bruce Smith will get there, eventually. He likes that stuff.

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All of you missed the point on why I posted the message:
Because Jo has been claiming she has a source in the Bureau who said KC was definitely eliminated as a suspect. And I wanted to refute that.

I sent Agent Gutt a copy of the print-ready PDF of the book. He's going to forward it on to the agent of record.

I also pointed out a couple of places on the internet where Galen Cook's been saying he has private sources inside the Seattle office. I don't believe THAT either.

No. You missed the point.

You dont like Galen Cook much do you? A
fellow competitor? Somone who knows more
about the Cooper case than you ever will - unquestionably.

Dont get too puffed up, Blevins. You seem to
have missed Gutt's sentence:

"There are other individuals currently believed
to be more viable suspects..."

Gutt is talking about KC, and you.

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The problem child is NOT Cook, it is the common denominator, Porteous who is a consistent confirmed hoaxer, even though he seems to have a paved road to Rataczak. Can you figure THAT one out? Grey gets thrown under the bus when he tries that road. Must be a perspective issue? How about an answer on KC's will?? Fab one up for that. We are all ears. Anyone care to do some REAL work? The truth is there for the taking.....

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The problem child is NOT Cook, it is the common denominator, Porteous who is a consistent confirmed hoaxer, even though he seems to have a paved road to Rataczak. Can you figure THAT one out? Grey gets thrown under the bus when he tries that road. Must be a perspective issue? How about an answer on KC's will?? Fab one up for that. We are all ears. Anyone care to do some REAL work? The truth is there for the taking.....

I dont know anything about KC's will.

And wont spend 2 seconds looking into it.

Why? I dont care about that.

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I don't know anything about KC's will.
And wont spend 2 seconds looking into it.
Why? I don't care about that.

Selective on your facts to disseminate? Even if that would show KC as just another hoax? But you don't care about that..... Not 2 seconds worth. OK. Gotcha. Loud and clear. Move Georger to column 2.

Anybody else?

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Look for it to be released in early 2012.


Teehee. Farflung, you must really be boobed...I mean bored.

Is that hard, erect, aft staircase, or the fact the money "blew its wad" symbolic for anything?


Sounds like you are good skydiver material Vicki:$
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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Remember what happened after they found the money? The FBI changed their stance on the hijacking. They started saying more strongly that they thought the hijacker probably died in the jump, which is exactly what I believe Kenny WANTED them to think.

I dont see that at all - in the historical record.
You are giving a sermon here, not historical
reality. Who have you ever interviewed, that gave
that point of view. Nobody because you are blowing
smoke and bloviating again.

I dont mind your screwing around with the Kenny
nonsense. I do mind you spouting total
nonsense as fact. Your bloviation license just
ran out ... Im getting involved.

Stick to the Kenny case, because you dont know
Jack-shit about the Cooper case. That's 100%
obvious to the least among those on this forum
and elsewhere. The time has arrived -


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I did not see this rather pointed question before by 377, but it's a good one:


"How do you explain KC's alleged abrupt transition from law abiding guy, loyal wage earner, soldier, etc to one of the most clever innovative criminals of the 20th century?

That's not usually the case on major crimes. There is almost always a long history of escalating criminal behavior..."

Well, first...it may have been Kenny's idea, but I think Bernie had a hand in the planning. Maybe even his wife, but we've proved she wasn't in SW Washington on the afternoon/evening of the hijacking.

Kenny's letters home are a key. He was constantly talking about how broke he was and how unhappy he was with the airline. They only showed a couple of them on Decoded. We have maybe a dozen of them written over a period from about 1960-1970. Lyle says there were a lot more, but it's been seventeen years now since Kenny died and some have been lost.

He busted butt for the airline for almost five years on that freezing rock in the Aleutians. Most NWA employees stayed 12-18 months, tops. Then he quits the airline for a year or two and eventually ends up back in Seattle, where he re-applies as a purser and takes training. He's happy - at first. Then come the strikes, the layoffs, year after year, the same thing. No money, no job a lot of the time. He's a proud guy, a former Army paratrooper, and after another ten years with the airline, he's still stuck in a crappy little apartment in Sumner making $512 a month.

I think he decided enough was enough and it was time to stick it his employer. I don't think he would have done it without some influence from Bernie, though. Not on his own. He wasn't the type. Besides, you would need some help on this, otherwise the plan is completely crazy.

Bernie had the easy part. He just gets to sit at Paradise Point and wait. Of course, when he got home Margie was furious. Helen Jones didn't believe Kenny was the guy, but she DID testify that both men were missing in action for Thanksgiving dinner and that Margie went through the roof about it. Not about Kenny , though. Margie thought Kenny had gone back to Minnesota maybe. But Jones found out later the two men were together.

I think I reminded people to see where Paradise Point State Park is located. Isn't it on a riverbank and just up the street (figuratively speaking) from Tena Bar? Yeah...it is.

Might make it easy for you to just take a few bundles of the money, put them in a bag, and toss them into the river. Too bad it took the FBI nine years to find the money. I'm pretty sure Kenny would have preferred eight or nine DAYS. Where is the rest of it? None of it was used in the "throwing around of money" by your suspect. Where did he get the "throwing around": money?

Remember what happened after they found the money? The FBI changed their stance on the hijacking. They started saying more strongly that they thought the hijacker probably died in the jump, which is exactly what I believe Kenny WANTED them to think.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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