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georger 247
That would be good. I hope this can be done.
Dont get hung up on 3 bundles or any other
'whole number'. Nature is fractional by nature.
Amazon 7
I am sure one of the experts in da house....... can put the appropriate x on the map.
From Wiki
In late 1978 a placard containing instructions for lowering the aft stairs of a 727, later confirmed to be from the rear stairway of the plane from which Cooper jumped, was found just a few flying minutes north of Cooper's projected drop zone near Amboy, Washington. In March 2008, children unearthed a parachute in the same area,[6] but F.B.I. experts later determined that it could not have been used by the hijacker.[7]
Pic from another site... cant remember where.. I think it was about the guy from Arizona "researching the money" and I saved it
georger 247
Generally 13 miles east of Castle Rock.
Or, "descriptions are something like this: “15
miles NW of the search area,” or “On the side of Brokeback Ridge”." (Sluggo post).
You can use the search box to search back posts.
georger 247
The factors that favored the Washougal in 1980
were *it drains from a large geographic area,
*it drains directly into the Columbia *upstream
of Tena Bar and *its flow into the Columbia has
been known to be large at times.
Water table data I and others have found suggest
the Washougal's outflow was over 12 feet only
once (perhaps twice in some areas) between
The Washougal Theory was well in hand with the
FBI by Feb 12-14th 1980, which is before Scott's
meeting with Himmelsbach around the time of
Scott's retirement at the end of February.
I know of no evidence that suggests the FBI
had considered an east route prior to the discovery
of the money in 1980, and it is interesting the
FBI still uses the mid-route map as its guide
to this day; at least I think that is the case.
BobKnoss 0
BobKnoss 0
That is simple. NONE of us ever kissed the man. His teeth made no 'impression' on us. They looked normal to me. It was his smile that everyone remembers, so his mouth was not full of obvious cavities or fillings.
BobKnoss 0
Read further. Up to three feet deep.....
nigel99 512
Dead bodies stink... even out ther in the "Death Woods" that attracts attention from people and buzzards. A lot of people have walked all over that area searching.. and far far more hunters.
If a hunter can find the placard... right on the WEST route.... then a body... a parachute a Harness ... a money bag.... a suit with bones... would have been found long ago. If he went into the water... he would have floated up the next summer... they find bloater floaters every year... and money does not float upriver... there is a tide in the area... BUT the river does NOT flow backwards to the south that far up the river at Mile 90+. IT slows..... the level goes up.. but the current still flows north to St Helens .... Longview... Cahtlamet...Astoria.
Amazon - how does that stack up against the Perris Russian? Seems that even with modern technology and in a busy part of the world you can be missed.
BobKnoss 0
A five gallon milk can full of milk with it's lid on will spill about 3/4 of its milk when tipped over. The lid does not 'lock' in place, it is a press-fit of sorts. I have seen milk cans tip over in the back of a pick-up. The lid flies off.
A five gallon milk can buried standing up in a hole and covered on top will act like a cork when subjected to a flood, just like a casket would in New Orleans, if they tried to bury it instead of putting it in an above ground burial as they have since 1789.
Given that the money was buried in a can, I say milk can, and the area was flooded, a matter of record, the can would have popped up and floated with the current down the river until it became grounded and was unable to float further.
Tena Bar was a shallow water area where the can would have grounded. As the can grew more and more horizontal, it would reach an angle at which the lid would fall off, assisted by the weight of the contents. That angle might be 20° or thereabouts.
The river rose and fell with the tide. This would wash the contents of the can out over time. Time would also saturate the bundles and cause them to sink, accounting for the close proximity of the bills, bundles and chards. Subsequent dredging would relocate, perhaps mulch and bury relative to the directions of the dredger.
This seems to be a lot more practical to me than stories about dying or landing in the drink which I know to be not correct. Given what is known and what was reported to me, and my experience, this is my supposition.
BobKnoss 0
AMBOY??? Obviously a planted bit of evidence. Wrong location and too convenient. As obvious as a big red nose and 2' shoes on a clown!
This is Keystone stuff, here! [B] Go (north)WEST young man! [/B]
Dead bodies stink... even out ther in the "Death Woods" that attracts attention from people and buzzards. A lot of people have walked all over that area searching.. and far far more hunters.
If a hunter can find the placard... right on the WEST route.... then a body... a parachute a Harness ... a money bag.... a suit with bones... would have been found long ago. If he went into the water... he would have floated up the next summer... they find bloater floaters every year... and money does not float upriver... there is a tide in the area... BUT the river does NOT flow backwards to the south that far up the river at Mile 90+. IT slows..... the level goes up.. but the current still flows north to St Helens .... Longview... Cahtlamet...Astoria.
The Lewis empties into the Columbia at Mile Marker 87 Catepilar Island Marina is about 97.5
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