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DB Cooper

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Dead bodies stink... even out ther in the "Death Woods" that attracts attention from people and buzzards. A lot of people have walked all over that area searching.. and far far more hunters.
If a hunter can find the placard... right on the WEST route.... then a body... a parachute a Harness ... a money bag.... a suit with bones... would have been found long ago. If he went into the water... he would have floated up the next summer... they find bloater floaters every year... and money does not float upriver... there is a tide in the area... BUT the river does NOT flow backwards to the south that far up the river at Mile 90+. IT slows..... the level goes up.. but the current still flows north to St Helens .... Longview... Cahtlamet...Astoria.

Amazon - how does that stack up against the Perris Russian? Seems that even with modern technology and in a busy part of the world you can be missed.

I doubt very many loggers ... foresters...timber cruisers...biologists... berry pickers ... mushroom hunters..... hikers... hunters ... or the ubiquitous Cooper or sasquatch "researchers" were out in those fields around Perris for the last 39 years. The area where Cooper bailed is very well travelled public lands, not private farmland as evidenced by the finding of a small placard and none of that which I mentioned. Occams my dear fellow...

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Amazon The interior of the area of where cooper landed is very hard to travel Ther are a few logging roads.and yes it has grown some. However if anyone on the forum doubts this they can contact Richard Seven or Sussane Gilmore from the Seattle time's Or Geof Gray, Brian Ingram.just to mention a few.They will all tell you this area is almost Impossible to negotiate. I've taken many film crews into these locations. One of the documentarys. Opens with a picture overlooking part of the washougal watershed from atop Silver Star Mountain.In which you can see powerlines. Where do you think Jo found her first power lines. Jerry

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Dead bodies stink... even out ther in the "Death Woods" that attracts attention from people and buzzards. A lot of people have walked all over that area searching.. and far far more hunters.
If a hunter can find the placard... right on the WEST route.... then a body... a parachute a Harness ... a money bag.... a suit with bones... would have been found long ago. If he went into the water... he would have floated up the next summer... they find bloater floaters every year... and money does not float upriver... there is a tide in the area... BUT the river does NOT flow backwards to the south that far up the river at Mile 90+. IT slows..... the level goes up.. but the current still flows north to St Helens .... Longview... Cahtlamet...Astoria.

Amazon - how does that stack up against the Perris Russian? Seems that even with modern technology and in a busy part of the world you can be missed.

I doubt very many loggers ... foresters...timber cruisers...biologists... berry pickers ... mushroom hunters..... hikers... hunters ... or the ubiquitous Cooper or sasquatch "researchers" were out in those fields around Perris for the last 39 years. The area where Cooper bailed is very well travelled public lands, not private farmland as evidenced by the finding of a small placard and none of that which I mentioned. Occams my dear fellow...

There are two conclusions that can be drawn from the above. First, Cooper jumped in the "Official FBI Claimed Jump Zone" (where ever that may be), survived, and then walked out with everything he jumped with. Second, Cooper didn't jump in the "Official FBI Claimed Jump Zone" in the first place.

Not all dead bodies stink the same. If Cooper died in the jump and was in a cool or cold area, such as Vancouver and Portland, he could have decayed at a slower rate, been covered with snow part of the time, and not even detectable by people hiking nearby.

Even if he was in a relatively civilized area, people would be driving around with their car windows rolled up, etc., and there would have been a smaller chance of them noticing an unusual ordor. So by the time the next spring and summer rolled around, odor would not be significant. And Cooper could have been very close to civilization without actually being detected.

Robert Nicholson

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I suppose you (Georger) are right in some ways. Look, the basic attitude around the Seattle FBI office on the Cooper case has been fluid over the years. Before the Tena Bar money was discovered, they were still hot to solve the case.

Afterward, not so much, and then that's when more statements began appearing here and there basically saying they thought he was dead. I suppose they have a point.

The problem I have with the money at Tena Bar is the amount discovered. I have always said that. One bundle, okay. A large quantity of the money, okay. Three bundles of the money, not okay.

It fell from the sky and separated somehow, scattering on the way down: Problem with this one is that for three to end up in the same spot is a stretch. One could be explained this way.

It fell from the sky and landed in the same spot. Problem: Where's the bag and the remainder of the money? Only three percent?

Cooper landed in the river upstream or nearby, and was killed. Problem: Where is Cooper, the chutes, the other things he had, and again...how did only three bundles out of a hundred end up in the same spot?

Either the whole bag washed down the river, fell into the river when Cooper was a no-pull, or the bag snagged somewhere on the river and the money eventually leaked out somehow. Problem with this one is the same. How did three end up in the exact same spot and nothing else?

It was dredged from the bottom of the Columbia. Problem: Palmer report (somewhat) disputes this, and the condition of some of the bills (damaged, but reasonably intact) puts this in doubt, since in this case the bills would have been underwater for three years or so. (71-74).

At least three bundles were put into a bag and tossed into the river as a red herring. This scenario is entirely possible.

At least three of the bundles were buried at the site they were found sometime after the hijacking, perhaps a few years afterward. This scenario is also possible.

I will ask about the east route. Rataczak is in Mexico on vacation, but I wlll have Skipp clear up this point with him, and FOR SURE, when Rataczak returns. I would like to know, too.

Mr. Blevins, Could you also ask for Rataczak's comments on where the aircraft actually was when it made the position report that is given in the "FBI Notes" at 8:22 PM PST? The position listed is "23 DME south of PDX" and that would be 23 nautical miles from the present day Battleground VORTAC. Specifically, was the airliner on the centerline of V23, or anywhere laterally on V23, at the time that report was made.

The exact position and time that the above report was made is of great significance in determining the flight path. It should be noted that the report could only have been made in about a 20 second time window.

Robert Nicholson

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Robert. It's a well known fact that Cooper did not land in the original search area.The location of the Placard doesn't mater either. Because of wind forces.Sure if you believe in miracles Cooper may have walked out of the Woods.As to that theory! you dreamers dream on.We do know however that the published flight path is wrong. The flight path was to the East I've explained this on the forum in the past.Still as for the smell I do agree with your explanation. Jerry

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Amazon The interior of the area of where cooper landed is very hard to travel Ther are a few logging roads.and yes it has grown some. However if anyone on the forum doubts this they can contact Richard Seven or Sussane Gilmore from the Seattle time's Or Geof Gray, Brian Ingram.just to mention a few.They will all tell you this area is almost Impossible to negotiate. I've taken many film crews into these locations. One of the documentarys. Opens with a picture overlooking part of the washougal watershed from atop Silver Star Mountain.In which you can see powerlines. Where do you think Jo found her first power lines. Jerry

In the 1970's the area was far different than the immature scruffy forest there now. The original loggers in the late 1800's took out most of the old growth by oxen drags and rail line spurs all over the area. They moved on and let the forest grow back. At the time of the jump the forest was again getting mature fir trees over 100 ft. high with a forest floor covered in duff, mosses and sword fern in a second growth forest. The wet areas would have been covered in cedar groves along the watercourses.

That was a distinctly different forest that was all whacked down in the late 70's and 1980's with HUGE clear cuts in a greedy rush to cut everything in site before the tree huggers and spotted owl petters got a chance to shut it all down. When they finished.. very little of the 1971 forest remained. the entire area was reduced to stumps with tiny strips of useless remnants left along the streams by mandate from the government. The resultant forest of today.. the third growth is still an immature forest that is indeed hard to navigate and probably will never return to the forests that were there due to the cyclic "harvesting" that will occur going forward, on an accelerated schedule that will never again allow a tree to get over 40 years old.

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Robert. It's a well known fact that Cooper did not land in the original search area.The location of the Placard doesn't mater either. Because of wind forces.Sure if you believe in miracles Cooper may have walked out of the Woods.As to that theory! you dreamers dream on.We do know however that the published flight path is wrong. The flight path was to the East I've explained this on the forum in the past.Still as for the smell I do agree with your explanation. Jerry

Jerry, I agree with you that subsequent facts indicate that Cooper did not land in the original search area. The location of the placard is of secondary interest, but it would still be wise to put its landing point in the record.

I don't believe in miracles in the context of the Cooper hi-jacking and, in my judgment, he died in the jump without a canopy opening.

Also, as I have pointed out to you privately over the past couple of years, as well as on this thread, there is not a single fact to support a flight path east of Portland. An east flight path would be irrational since the airliner was already well west of Portland and would have to loop around to rejoin V-23 west of Portland. Such a detour would add an additional 10 to 15 nautical miles to the route for no reason whatsoever.

Robert Nicholson

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Bob. ...If your an adult and a combat vet The VA. Realy need's to see you.Jerry

No, I'm NOT a vet as you well know. I'm a convicted draft dodger, who has been pardoned. I am doing my duty as an American Citizen exercising my rights under the Freedom of Information Act as a whistle-blower. My MMPI-2 test indicates no problems, and my pharmaceudical intake is closely monitored. I remember more every day, and am sharing everything. I appreciate your medical advice, but if it as acute as your spelling and typing skills, it is probably also dyslexic. Game over. I don't need the help that Tina got, thank you.

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Thats funny you must have forgotten the forest fire's of the early 1900's an the Yacolt burn in the 30's However How do you explain the old growth of Dougan fall's area or the Old growth still in the National Forest. You are wrong and any one that takes a drive up to the larch mountain corectional center or Rock creek camp ground then over Silver Star mountain to Dougan Creek camp ground then up towards the old mines then east above the head waters of the washougal Tributaries will tell you this.Or they can just ask a few people I mentioned earlier. That has been there in the past 2 yrs.The Wife and I just sold 10 acres. a half mile from the Washougal River store. Belive me there was plenty of forest still in that area. Still depleating fast though. However the forest boundaries covers most of the search area.as will as the head waters of the washougal. Maybe you might want to get out of your truck and follow one of the creeks stating at its headwaters in the winter months.Then we can talk about how easy of a walk it could be for you.When I was over with Tom Kaye's research Team A reporter fom the Orgonian By the name of Edward Walsh. Was with us. He fell and got hurt trying to nogotiate the terain. This is just a few thing's you can follow up on. Jerry

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"Also, as I have pointed out to you privately over the past couple of years, as well as on this thread, there is not a single fact to support a flight path east of Portland. An east flight path would be irrational since the airliner was already well west of Portland and would have to loop around to rejoin V-23 west of Portland. Such a detour would add an additional 10 to 15 nautical miles to the route for no reason whatsoever."

Robert Nicholson

"Janet"s report was correct. The recorded flight path is correct, it is just superimposed on the map in the wrong place. Move the flight path overlay so it flies over Janet's location and you will find that everything becomes very obvious. The clear-cut pipeline, the lighted pump station, Jo's power lines, I-5, plus other locations Jo describes. If you place ALL of the facts NOT presented by the FBI or others, you will see what Mr. Nicholson has perhaps not yet seen. The truth of the matter.

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Thats funny ...

You are funny, too. The only thing Cooper got was a whap on the right leg when he hit the stairs coming back up on him. Mac took this to heart and went down BACKWARDS. Yes, he landed in the woods, but woods is a relative term. The bottom line is that he was able to bury the money and clear out with his pockets full. Your rugged brushy areas are not where the guys dropped him. See attached typical terrain.

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Robert. The crew had permission to alter the flight path According to Smith they did. And it was 12 to 14 miles. This info was relayed to Ralph by Smith. How ever the Co Pilot was in control of the aircraft.Smith new the exact position. Jerry

Small technicality there; the crew didn't need permission. It was an emergency and they could do whatever was necessary.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Thats funny you must have forgotten the forest fire's of the early 1900's an the Yacolt burn in the 30's However How do you explain the old growth of Dougan fall's area or the Old growth still in the National Forest. You are wrong and any one that takes a drive up to the larch mountain corectional center or Rock creek camp ground then over Silver Star mountain to Dougan Creek camp ground then up towards the old mines then east above the head waters of the washougal Tributaries will tell you this.Or they can just ask a few people I mentioned earlier. That has been there in the past 2 yrs.The Wife and I just sold 10 acres. a half mile from the Washougal River store. Belive me there was plenty of forest still in that area. Still depleating fast though. However the forest boundaries covers most of the search area.as will as the head waters of the washougal. Maybe you might want to get out of your truck and follow one of the creeks stating at its headwaters in the winter months.Then we can talk about how easy of a walk it could be for you.When I was over with Tom Kaye's research Team A reporter fom the Orgonian By the name of Edward Walsh. Was with us. He fell and got hurt trying to nogotiate the terain. This is just a few thing's you can follow up on. Jerry

Nope not forgotten at all..The Burn did not cover the entire area and it did occur after the initial logging took place. Some old growth areas were left because of inaccessability to the styles of logging in the late 1800's. or to private ownership that set those tracts aside. Those stands may have been true over on the Washougal.. but certainly not in the Lewis River basin. All of the area around BattleGround... Hession... Amboy had been whacked down. The western area where he landed is just not that rugged. Again... this is 40 years after the fact. You can not look at the area today... and get anything close to a clear picture of what it was like back then..unless like I did... got out of my truck..and hunted the area in the 70's and 80's. and hiked all over the area back when I was in good shape and could wander miles and miles thru those forests that existed THEN. Fantasys about the area abound.... there have been lots of Cooper and sasquatch hunters over that area in the last 40 years... they have yet to find either of them.... funny dat.

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Got to admit my typing skill's and spelling is bad, But I dont use the spell checker like most of you. I don't even know how. Computer's and I have a agreement to disagree. Still your comments are a we bit out there. Jerry

Dear Sir, Do you forget that I was in the loop for 35 years before speaking out? My JOB was to know. Remember?? I sure do.

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Robert. The crew had permission to alter the flight path According to Smith they did. And it was 12 to 14 miles. This info was relayed to Ralph by Smith. How ever the Co Pilot was in control of the aircraft.Smith new the exact position. Jerry

Small technicality there; the crew didn't need permission. It was an emergency and they could do whatever was necessary.

Quade, You are absolutely correct. In addition, the flight crew had been specifically told by ATC in Seattle that they could do anything they wanted to do and that ATC would keep other people out of their way. However, there is not a single fact to indicate that the airliner passed east of Portland.

Robert Nicholson

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Paul According to what was relayed to me From Ralph and others involved they had permission given to them by there head quarters to either fly over the ocean or east of Portland they choose East. Jerry

Jerry, There is nothing in the radio transcripts to support your statement.

Robert Nicholson

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Since this article is relatively fresh, I thought a little review was in order. This is not about the source of info, the suspect or the pseudo-investigator/author. It is about simple, (pour pee out of your boots with instructions on the heel) basic, rudimentary, room temp IQ validation of data. That is all.


Let the micro analysis of postmarks, paper sources and drop locations begin. Hey, someone who happens to be a suspect lives in Oakdale, California where one of the letters was mailed.

The data begins to flood with claims of relatives, friends and other suspects with ties to Oak-f’ing-dale, California, which is probable since this is a well know tourist spot with a population of around 20,000 people today. Uh huh.

Where exactly is the ‘Cowboy Capital of the World’ and why is everyone else so very aware of it? It’s off to the ‘Farf-mobile’ to find some answers.


That was quick. But then I’m well known for that attribute.

Look at the starting point for this little exercise (Ref: How Friggin Long Is It). Yes, it is yet another example of some graduate from the ‘Helen Keller School of Map Reading’, interpreting the data with some unknown scale (probably metric system).

How many have seen this data and accepted that it is 25 miles from Reno to Oakdale and went on to dissect other parts of the story? If a history book included an error akin to Pearl Harbor being bombed by the Nazis, I would in all likelihood discredit the entire publication.

A little background on Reno first:


Listen to the sage advice at (0:34 – 0:49), “Always be a good boy, don’t ever play with guns”.

I realize everyone knows the words to this ballad, but I made this profound re-discovery.


(0:45 – 0:51) What was that first city? Yeah, coincidence my firm, round, beefcake-y, endlessly stared at supple ass. What are the odds?

Play this song for a soft bit of gentle, comforting background ambiance (I said play it) while solving for the following:


You are departing Portland, Oregon for Reno, Nevada to shoot a man, just to watch him die.

How many miles have you gone when the day is done?

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This info was given to them while on the ground in Seattle

Point being though, they didn't need permission. By declaring the hijacking, they were declaring an emergency. They could do anything they deemed necessary and didn't need permission from anyone; not their company nor ATC.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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