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DB Cooper

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Maybe some one should ask Rat why he told George Nuttall and Ralph that he couldn't even see the lights of portland because of the cloud cover Or maybe some one should ask Cosey about the conditions that night. Ralph even states to this very day the weather was bad. Your weather reports are wrong.Jerry

OR MAYBE, you should try a source who isn't up to their frickin' eyeballs in the story! THAT would be a really good start, huh, O Great Leader?
Go write your movie. Tom Clancy says, "PPPTTTTHHHHH!" That post was so ripe, the words are curling up on my screen.

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Maybe some one should ask Rat why he told George Nuttall and Ralph that he couldn't even see the lights of portland because of the cloud cover Or maybe some one should ask Cosey about the conditions that night. Ralph even states to this very day the weather was bad. Your weather reports are wrong.Jerry

Jerry, An overcast by itself doesn't mean bad weather.

Robert Nicholson

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Bob. I recieved a phone call today from your Hero today.Spent 4Hrs talking to him. George Nuttalls. His Idea's and your's are quite different. Still it is understood that you are on dropzone to get as much info as you can to write a book or a movie script for the 40th anversvery and your concern to beat Jo webber to the draw because of Jo's 2009 copy right logo. Trust me Jo is Not going to beat you to the punch and you are not going to beat any one else to the punch.The contacts that has been made By others that have books out and finances that have been spent is wasted. Botom line is that the best book will win. The one at this point that is ahead. is the one that states DB Cooper never survived the Jump. This is the only real posible senario. Any other Book will never make the Final cut.So guys give it up. The deal is stop Writing Fiction. I have agreed to Indorse one Author. And agreed to consider certain things for progress, Still nothing will go forward untill one finall Investigation is done .That is comming soon .Jerry

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Robert .You have been a friend for a couple years I have recomended you to many people involved in this case, this will never change. However there are some thing's, and this I have told you in the past, that is diferent, from what you read. Remember you are reading transcripts. Not hearing actual data.Things are deleted from transcripts.conversation is actually condensed,and not precisse you are one of the few that actually know this to be true. If you don't ,You have never actually served in the compacity you claim we both know this .Jerry

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Post #7943 of 21772
Re: [skyjack71] more gossett [In reply to]

Quote | Reply
In Reply To
Snowman Stated in referrence to an artical about Gossett:

"There's a picture of Galen Cook there too."



Assistance Needed

Snowman - I did not see a picture of Cook in that article. Where did you see a picture of Galen CooK?

snipped and attached from the first url I posted.

Tip of the Day:
If you print this pic out and need to stalk Galen, don't throw it in the bushes near his office. If found, the police will be able to trace it back to this thread.

(edit) I just noticed Galen is sitting in front of his folder of pics. Everyone has to have their collection of "stuff" I guess. It's like baseball cards! I was using Picasa to look at all the pics I have on my computer, and was thinking of making a youtube vid with Picasa that flashes thru each pic for just 1/2 sec each. it would still be pretty long. Music selection would be key.

(edit) Look right here for your pic Jo

Found this old post today (above) and thought about this little snippet I watched on YouTube.


Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Robert .You have been a friend for a couple years I have recomended you to many people involved in this case, this will never change. However there are some thing's, and this I have told you in the past, that is diferent, from what you read. Remember you are reading transcripts. Not hearing actual data.Things are deleted from transcripts.conversation is actually condensed,and not precisse you are one of the few that actually know this to be true. If you don't ,You have never actually served in the compacity you claim we both know this .Jerry

Jerry, You are blowing smoke. I have no idea what you are talking about in your last sentence. What "compacity" are you referring to?

Transcripts, unless intentionally changed or "sanitized", are accurate. The ATC transcripts were originally sworn to as being accurate by ATC personnel. But anyone even casually knowledgeable of IFR flight can understand what is being said, and/or not included, in the Seattle to Fort Jones, CA portion of the flight to Reno.

Your claim that the US Weather Service data has been falsified is laughable.

I will plead guilty to not believing all the fairy tales that you have put forth. But that's not my problem.

Robert Nicholson

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Bob. I recieved a phone call today from your Hero today.Spent 4Hrs talking to him. George Nuttalls. His Idea's and your's are quite different. Still it is understood that you are on dropzone to get as much info as you can to write a book or a movie script for the 40th anversvery and your concern to beat Jo webber to the draw because of Jo's 2009 copy right logo. Trust me Jo is Not going to beat you to the punch and you are not going to beat any one else to the punch.The contacts that has been made By others that have books out and finances that have been spent is wasted. Botom line is that the best book will win. The one at this point that is ahead. is the one that states DB Cooper never survived the Jump. This is the only real posible senario. Any other Book will never make the Final cut.So guys give it up. The deal is stop Writing Fiction. I have agreed to Indorse one Author. And agreed to consider certain things for progress, Still nothing will go forward untill one finall Investigation is done .That is comming soon .Jerry

Please get off the bottle, Bill. You are a real hero and need not reduce yourself to this level. I'll help you write a good book as a silent partner, no pay, just the truth. I know things you don't. "Certain things?" Why don't we just go for a Project pardon? Tell the whole truth, the good AND the bad. We all had good intentions and the truth will be accepted and applauded if we just go ahead and do it. Mac can't come out, but he can advise also. There is a lot of good that can come from doing it right. Don't wallow in the mire of lies and deceipt, you deserve much better, my friend. You have always been MY hero, not George. And you didn't talk to him for four hours, HE talked to YOU. Yah-da-yah-da-yahda. Been there, done that. The guy can't be shut up. I finally just hung up. You obviously were too nice. You listen to too many people and are totally paranoid. Let us help you for Christ's sake! Let's do it right.

You will appreciate a couple suggestions Mac gave to me for my notebook: If you are an Agent posing as a mechanic, don't wear your wingtips with the mechanics suit when you deliver the ransom. If you are training a criminal for a hijacking, don't wear a jumpsuit with your frickin' NAME on it. Also, wearing your squadron jacket could be a ...give away. Don't hire a famous actor like Selick for a double. Don't page through magazines, you leave prints. Don't use a paperweight grenade that says, "Made in Japan," on the bottom. Don't forget your notes to the crew. Retrieve them. Don't pay passersby for a ride into town in your jumpsuit. Don't buy a soda at a roadside store, even if you are hungry. Don't bury money in a flood zone. Don't keep your ransom money under the bed. Don't exit rear stairs in flight going face first. Back down. Wear gloves. Don't talk to your big mouth sister-in-law. Watch out for super ambitious, hot-shot agents who won't take a hint. Don't buddy around with the investigating Agent.


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Vicki wrote:

Found this old post today (above) and thought about this little snippet I watched on YouTube.



He is a prime suspect, but he will not confess. Waterboarding didnt turn him.

We are seeking a legal opinion from John Yoo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Yoo stating that it is OK to move to the next level of interrogation. It involves helicopters and skydives, but no parachutes.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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[post deleted in deference to Knoss]

Im simply trying to illuminate the terrain on
which we currently find ourselves deployed,
which is precisely where everyone knew we
were in the first place. Epicycles of certain
uncertainty. 400 guys pulling on one end of
the rope - 20 pulling on the other end - and
a number of trolls here at Dropzone stuck in
the middle casting spells, some trying to write
movie scripts which will guarantee retirement
and lots of Happy Meals.

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"The deal is stop Writing Fiction..."

That is STILL fiction. Less than 1/3 of the truth. Falling on your sword doesn't solve the problem. I will support you with the truth. You are not gaining anything by taking the blame alone as it is then indefensible. Too much evidence to avoid it. I think it is a bad choice, although it does wipe the Project clean without addressing it. Not fair to you though. I still think you would be successful following the whole truth no matter what Nuttall says. You created a cult following.

One fact in your favor is that when the hero dies it's a tragedy; When he lives, it's a comedy. This was NO comedy. And on rode the 400.

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It has been just over a year since Northwest has been gone….


They just couldn’t compete in the sort of sophisticated market that has demonstrated time and time again, that the consumer has contempt for choice and genuine competition.

It’s hard to imagine that there will be a generation of travelers that have never heard of Northwest Orient Airlines or their ‘Boarding Oysters’. Sad really.

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Below Jerry's reply to Bob (not sure which one - Bk or RB.


Bob. I received a phone call today from your Hero today.Spent 4Hrs talking to him. George Nuttalls. .Jerry

Are you willing to swear to that under Oath?!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Just proves the old saying about the way to make a small fortune in aviation; start out with a big one.

How very very true. There is something about the airline game that's like gambling and destroys rational thinking. Pan Am sold off all their profitable businesses in an effort to save the doomed airline.

Sometimes I wonder how DZ can make it even with tandems. As I ride to 14,000 ft for $17 in a million dollar airplane I do feel a twinge of guilt. But then I hear DOOR and ethical concerns are erased by a massive flow of adrenaline.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Nuttall, an 80-year-old retired supercop, is the guy who did the book Cops, Crooks, and Other Crazies, right?

Now that we know who he is, what is he saying?

Just the basics will do -

And, with all of this filming and media shit,
will there be ANYTHING NEW in the Cooper
case? I'm guessing not. By anything new I
mean factually provably new ... not some news
that Lyle has found Kenny's jock strap used in
the hijack.

Hope you realise all this media crap could set
the Cooper case back 1-5 years ... which is
precisely what some are hoping for!

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Nuttall, an 80-year-old retired supercop, is the guy who did the book Cops, Crooks, and Other Crazies, right?

Now that we know who he is, what is he saying?

Just the basics will do -

Oh, God. I haven't a clue. I think it's just a general review of the case, but don't quote me. The Cooper section is just part of the book. In the Amazon description for the book, it describes this part as 'unsolved'. (*shrugs shoulders, scratches head*)

Oh so its a 'I talked to 500 agents' type thing -
an overview of Jack Daniels from the grinny's point
of view, blocking the view of the mountain.

Who gets to play Hancock - Betty White?
Rataczak - Jürgen Prochnow
Scott - Joe Pesci
Tina - Uma Thurman

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Nuttall, an 80-year-old retired supercop, is the guy who did the book Cops, Crooks, and Other Crazies, right?

Now that we know who he is, what is he saying?

Just the basics will do -

Oh, God. I haven't a clue. I think it's just a general review of the case, but don't quote me. The Cooper section is just part of the book. In the Amazon description for the book, it describes this part as 'unsolved'. (*shrugs shoulders, scratches head*)

Oh so its a 'I talked to 500 agents' type thing -
an overview of Jack Daniels from the grinny's point
of view, blocking the view of the mountain.

Who gets to play Hancock - Betty White?
Rataczak - Jürgen Prochnow
Scott - Joe Pesci

Not sure what you mean here. Are you talking about Nuttall's book? It's a 400-plus page book about his life in the San Diego Police Dept. and the California Highway Patrol. I think the Cooper section isn't that much of the book. Haven't seen the book. It came out in 2008.

well,,,,, a certain 'person' knows Ben Affleck. Fact.

Flo Schafner - Eva Longoria
Himmelsbach - Brad Pitt
Cooper - PEE WEE HERMAN, in a dramatic role.
Pee Wee played Richard III once, if you can
believe that.

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Sands may come and sands may go,
kinda like that buried dough.
The truth is clear, or so says Jo.
These facts we claim because we know
Old Duane L. Weber said it's so.

The facts run deep and spread afar,
To the cash they found on Tena Bar
The plan came off without a mar,
When Duane took off in his car...
And the pilots cheered! Har! Har! Har!

Now forty years have come and gone,
And pilots noses have grown long
with stories told and put to song
The truth they bury, the word they gong,
The lives they ruined is just wrong.

The beating rain can drive you insane,
as easy as their crap inaine.
And then to stand and act so vain...
Like they never gave ol' Tina her pain.
I make no claims, I'm just say'n.


My favorite entry in the Cooper Poetry category to date. Superb, Bob.

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I had a couple of the staff help me modify my previous post into a statement:

We've shifted gears at Adventure Books. We know a lot about Kenny Christiansen. But we don't know everything. Although we've presented
a fair amount of circumstantial evidence, the case is not entirely proven against Christiansen.

Our official position is now one of cooperation with law enforcement. The print PDF of the latest edition of the book has been sent to the Seattle FBI office and they are taking a look. This also comes with risks.

It means one of two things, assuming they start checking out those 100% alive witnesses in the book: Either they'll bust our theory to pieces and Kenny will be eliminated for good as a suspect, or they're going to find out more and break the case.

If I were not interested in the truth, and only interested in making money, I would NOT try to involve the Bureau, because they are the one organization who, if they take an interest in the KC angle, could also disprove it and force us to pull our book from the shelves. We would lose thousands of dollars, but we would have to do it. However, we may have gone as far as we can on our own regarding the case, and we'd like to know the truth, even if it hurts.

We submit that putting ourselves out there with the Bureau proves our sincerity.

You rolls the dice with the FBI...you takes your chances.

... something Lyle could have done decades ago
without paying Porteous, the producer of Sleepless
in Seattle, or you and AB books ?

Or did Lyle need agents and middlemen ?

I know - Im just old fashioned. I still boil my
own water for tea and jello. Ten hands arent
required unless its a feast.

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And I still say this action by AB proves our sincerity. It never WAS about the money. It was always about the truth. The Cooper case is not my life, and if we are wrong, if we fail in this effort, I will simply move on, take the hit, and start working on other projects.

I have put 14 yrs in this and every penny I could spare - so I guess I have no sympathy for any loss you might have, but I do admire the efforts and the statement. What I want out of this is to clear my name and let everyone know I did NOT make any of this up. It is what it is!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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and we'd like to know the truth, even if it hurts.
We submit that putting ourselves out there with the Bureau proves our sincerity.
You rolls the dice with the FBI...you takes your chances.

You should have known the truth from what was in the will. Get thee to a tailor, money changer! Request black and white horizontal stripes in brushed cotton, pink underwear and beach loafers, a crew-cut and a big burly buddy with no teeth.... You rolls the dice with the FBI...you takes your chances. (That's racist which will help you greatly.)

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Troll definition is relative. If Bob believes what he writes then he sees us as trolls. Heros and villians, its all in the eye of the beholder.

Everybody is welcome at the DBC Diner. Even trolls can get a meal if they are civil.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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