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377 22
I admire your tenacity and hard work Bruce. We wear out our keyboards while you wear out your shoe soles and tires. Same goes for Blevins who also does some real work trying to solve the case.
Tough nuns out there at the monastery. Might be CIA trained.
Tina is clearly a hot button out there at Carmel of Maria Regina Monastery. She must have tore up the place while she was a novitiate.
How do you know what Tina told the FBI?
Dear Family,
Please check the PM in this thread - you have a PM from me.
The Mini-14 Tactical on the Trombone case. Figure it out!
Web Page
I admire your tenacity and hard work Bruce. We wear out our keyboards while you wear out your shoe soles and tires. Same goes for Blevins who also does some real work trying to solve the case.
Tough nuns out there at the monastery. Might be CIA trained.
Tina is clearly a hot button out there at Carmel of Maria Regina Monastery. She must have tore up the place while she was a novitiate.
Thanks, Three-Seven-Seven.
Yup, I think to hot buttons and restless memories...
Bruce A. Smith
Bruce. WHY are you covering so much old ground?
Tired and truesome ground. Didnt you believe it
the first time when others wrote it? Have you
taken "gag me with a spoon" literally?
Who else has written it? Who else has been to Maria Regina? I'd love to contact them and compare notes.
Here's my latest on "The Hunt for DB Cooper"
- Looking for Tina, Part II: The convent in Eugene
Hi Bruce. Just seem to have info on Tina's sister and bro-in-law based on previous posts and they would appear to be relatively easy to locate, so why don't you just get in touch with them?
I suspect you are enjoying the chase and a direct route wouldn't be as much fun?Or do you think contacting them would be non-productive as well?
*Edited to say that I enjoy reading your accounts of the "chase".
Glad you enjoyed reading about the "chase," Smokin'.
As for Tina's sister and brother in law, two issues arise. One, where are they, exactly? Two, are they open to a conversation?
You say "easy to locate." Really? Not so, in my experience.
So far, my requests to AW for a meet with her, Jane and-or the bro' have been unsuccessful.
Personally, I would relish a direct, easy approach to Tina and her family. For it is then that I suspect the real work would begin. What would they say, and what would be the next level of the investigation????
BobKnoss 0
Actually Bob... I left my calling card at 2:05.
The Mini-14 Tactical on the Trombone case. Figure it out!
Does your mother know you are an FBI assassin?

My Gramma was a sniper for the Pennsylvania Dutch. Used to shoot those FBI revenuers in the ass, come around snoopin' where they aren't wanted. She could shoot a fly off a cork at 300 paces and not mess up the cork. If she was feeling grumpy she might even take a wing off the SOB. I was always her little, "fart blossom." Nice old lady!
Amazon 7
Bruce Smith says in part:
'Personally, I would relish a direct, easy approach to Tina and her family...'
I admire your tenacity, but it's never going to happen. I told everyone this before, but I guess you all thought I just made it up:
1) Tina's had issues over the years.
2) She is much better now, but kind of fragile.
3) Her family is well aware about the endless media inquiries. There have been official ones from legitimate, known news organizations.
4) They were ALL turned away.
5) Even if you saw her on the street, cornered her, and tried to talk to her, it would be useless. She is completely hopeless as a witness.
6) Some of this information comes to me from Skipp Porteous, who WAS able to make contact with a family member who told him much of the above.
7) If Skipp and I thought there was even the slightest hope she would be any kind of a witness now, we would have pursued it vigorously.
8) If you cornered her on the street and tried to ask her questions, you may as well ask the same questions of your cat, because you are going to get the same response.
PDF is almost ready, I hear. Big conversion...900 pages is a lot, even for Acrobat 9 Pro.
With all of that said..
WHY do "journalists" persist in harrassing the woman. What gives them the right to intrude into peoples lives that have stated many times they are not interested in talking.????
Does EVERYONE have a right in this country to have their privacy violated day or night??
georger 247
Tough nuns out there at the monastery. Might be CIA trained.
Tina is clearly a hot button out there at Carmel of Maria Regina Monastery. She must have tore up the place while she was a novitiate.
Dont trash the order. I spent time in a Jesuit
order and I would kick Bruce and you right off
the property ... with a few choice words short
of calling the Sherriff to have you ejected.
georger 247
Who else has written it? Who else has been to Maria Regina? I'd love to contact them and compare notes.
Good God Bruce.
Never mind.
georger 247
PDF is almost ready, I hear. Big conversion...900 pages is a lot, even for Acrobat 9 Pro.
So you are saying Tina Mucklow is senile?
Doesnt DZ own its content? Just asking ...
If Tina is not as senile as you say then what
does that make you?
You seem to be enjoying the sensationalism
you and Bruce foster? That may sell at AB
Houscleaning & Janitorial for lack of anything
It indicates to me you dont have much of a case
in any regard. So what's your real motive for all
of this gang banger (journalism?)?
While Im at it: why dont you schlep on over to
the Wiki Gossett page and remove the false crap
you posted there just to sabotage the page and
stir things up?
I mean if you are in this for edification -
what are all the torpedos about? Cant you
just row your own boat without trying to sink
Was it not you who brought up the issue of:
It isnt all good, contrary to 377's advertising.
While Im at it: why dont you schlep on over to
the Wiki Gossett page and remove the false crap
you posted there just to sabotage the page and
stir things up?
I mean if you are in this for edification -
what are all the torpedos about? Cant you
just row your own boat without trying to sink
Was it not you who brought up the issue of:
Georger, Thank You so much for that. He deleted the other suspects to almost zero. I do not know how to go into Wiki to rebuild it so maybe one of you guys who can be objective will go back and make it like it used to me - FAIR representation of ALL suspects regardless of how bad the suspect might be to the one doing it. I am not able to do that - tried it once and once was enough for me.
Wish someone would lock in fair stories about all the suspect and leave it be.
Again Thank You, I had heard that just about everything about Weber had been deleted and that this had been done by Blevins. It makes him look like a media mongrel.
I try to be nice to all, but sometimes it gets difficult.
Please excuse me - I have had a very very bad day. Just took some medication and I am going to call it a day. Wish I could go to sleep and wake up and this nightmare would be over.
There is as much if not more "stuff" supporting Weber as there is Blevins, but I didn't have a WRITER reviewing it and contacting "witness" in the same way. Anyone who might be interested can view all of this Tax record from 1969 to 1977 and you will find some strange things - such as creating income (showing the sale of personal goods) to explain the out go of money.
Did anyone bother to view the photos I posted in relation to the old Rose Composites never used?
Just would appreciate some feed back.
A very stressful day - and I am glad it is over. Goodnight.
PS. What is the plural of composite?
georger 247
PS. What is the plural of composite?
I think its composites, with an 's'?
Why would Blevins delete other people's work?
By what right?
That really stinks... if he did. But I am told
he did.
Does plan to delete and amend DZ posts on
HIS Dropzone pdf?
.Jo How do you no Duane Made a death bed confession when the nurse in the room states it never happened
Your statement above is so erroneus it is not worth replying to. The accounting has been told many time in this thread by me.....
The witness in the room was the day after and she was a friend of Duane's who came to see him and say good-by...she was not present the day before when he made his confession.
No nurse was ever involved.
What was her name again and why could she not verify your statement.
The friend of Duane's who was in the room the next day heard him rambling about putting X number of dollar in a bucket and not being able to find the bucket. Her accounting has been written up many times and she was interviewed by Doug Pasternak.
Who ever made the statement that there was in a witness in the room when Duane told me he was Dan Cooooper, did NOT get their information from me. MY information has NEVER changed.
You are an abrasive man and I would never subject a friend or even my worst enemy to your prisoner of war interrogations. You are NOT FBI nor are you in the employee of the federal government or any investigative organization.
I was talking to her a few months ago and she really no longer has any memory of that day. It was 15 yrs ago.
No verification needed. The FBI has it on file and Doug Pasternak interviewed her.
377 22
Dont trash the order. I spent time in a Jesuit
order and I would kick Bruce and you right off
the property ... with a few choice words short
of calling the Sherriff to have you ejected.
I wish more people had been snooping on the Jesuits. They have a disgraceful record of child sexual abuse. It's not slander, millions have been paid in lawsuit settlements. Not all Jesuits abused kids but a lot did. One victim in our area just beat the hell out of the old retired Jesuit priest who abused him as a kid. He's being prosecuted for the beating but most defense lawyers say a trial would be a cakewalk aquittal.
Slo-mo through the video. He left his calling card.......
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