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DB Cooper

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Yeah, Snow corrects me on all sorts of things too. His memory of past posts is almost photographic and his search abilities are off the charts. Snow is permabanned, but he still helps out in an indirect manner.


Do you think Snow knows off the top of his head how many times Jo has promised imminent revelations (including the latest one). I'm trying to work out how rich I would be if I had a dollar for every one.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Sigh. The Big Tease is just encoded in Jo's DNA. We could deprogram her but she'd have to want to make the change. I said we were all family and that includes Jo. We all have our foibles and eccentricities, myself included.

Would you be rich if you had a dollar for each Jo tease? No, probably only enough for a day of jumps.

It's funny. Jo does this over and over, yet I still wait anxiously for her block buster revelation that will blow the case wide open. I'll bet Jo was one hell of a real estate agent. That girl can sell.

Georger, what is Tom Kaye up to? The Citizens Science Team has lost contact with Houston. Last seen trolling money in the Columbia River.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Sluggo, FBI? Not a chance. I guess you were kidding Bob.

Sluggo is not Quantico material, trust me. He is plenty smart enough and actually would make a very good detective, but the Sluggo I know would not march in line with J Edgar or his progeny.

SA can mean special agent or smart ass or sinister maniac. Take your pick.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Here's my latest on "The Hunt for DB Cooper"

- Looking for Tina, Part II: The convent in Eugene

In 1991, the primary witness to the DB Cooper skyjacking case, flight attendant Tina Mucklow, vanished from public view. This is a report on my latest attempts to ascertain what has happened to Ms. Mucklow.

Tina’s last known address was the Carmel of Maria Regina Monastery in Green Hill, Oregon, a hillside neighborhood on the western fringe of Eugene. Tina is reported to have been a member of that religious community beginning in 1979 or 1980, and on January 31, 2011, I traveled to Green Hill to learn whatever I could of Tina in her last known abode.

Although close to the road and identified by a small sign, the convent is so neatly tucked into the woods that I drove past it once before finding it on my second pass. Entering the parking lot, the first thing I noticed was a soaring wall of stained-glass window.

Ah, the chapel…I must be in the right place..

However, I was uncertain what my next course of action should be. Two years prior, I had contacted the monastery and talked with the Madam Superior, Mother Elizabeth Saint Onge. Although she confirmed that Tina had been a resident there, the Mother Superior firmly resisted my efforts to discuss Tina.

“I really don’t want to get involved,” she had said.

Nevertheless, I had pressed and told her of my concerns about Tina’s well-being and her importance in this felony case. Relenting a bit, Mother Saint Onge did tell me that Tina had lived at the convent in the 1980s and early 1990s, but that was it. When I sought details of Tina’s health, particularly her mental and emotion condition, Mother Elizabeth immediately cut me off and said she was not going to say a single word concerning anyone’s medical status.

In short, Mother Saint Onge is one tough cookie, and I was nervous about encountering her in person.

As a result, I wandered about the grounds of the monastery and sought my courage. First, I visited the chapel, which was open - surprising in this age of locked churches and stolen poor boxes. I took a few deep breaths and a few pictures.

Walking outside, I found a gift shop next-door.

“Press buzzer,” said a sign on the door to the closed shop. I choose not to summon any attention at that moment and continued my stroll. Beyond the gift shop I passed a few bathrooms and “parlors,” the latter I assumed were visiting rooms for family and friends in which to spend time with their cloistered loved ones. I was hoping to find an administrative office and have a receptionist help me break the ice with Mother Elizabeth, but I didn’t find one.

Instead, I discovered a back entrance, “South Gate,” which was a simple, latched doorway. I pulled the handle and walked in. As I rounded the corner, I saw the whole monastic structure, which is a tasteful, wooden building reminiscent of a sorority or frat house, but without the beer smells and adolescent trash.

However, I didn’t see or hear anyone.

Continuing, I came to a door with a medium-sized bell hanging on a near-by lanyard. I rang it. No one responded, so I called out: “Hello,” but there was no answer.

I contemplated walking along the manicured trails through the adjacent woods, but decided not to intrude any further on the sisters’ privacy. I left and headed back to the chapel area. Below the chapel I saw another level. It looked “official” and I found a second buzzer system. This time I rang.

Within a few seconds a female voice squawked through the intercom, “Can I help you?”

“Yes,” I answered. “My name is Bruce Smith, and I’m a newspaper reporter working up a story on the monastery. I was wondering if there is someone I can talk to about the history of the convent.”

“Meet me at the gift shop,” the voice replied. “I’ll be right there.”

I walked up the steps to the main level and waited at the gift shop. Within a minute a diminutive woman about 70 years-old appeared and opened the door.

“I’m Sister Teresa,” she said warmly, extending her hand in greeting.

Shaking it I stepped inside, and gave Sister Teresa my business card. The nun was dressed in traditional Catholic garb - a blue and white habit and a light blue dress with white trim. Despite the habit’s rim, her face was unobstructed.

We began a chatty banter about the chilly fog enveloping the hills around the monastery, a bracing change from the balmy 50-degree weather of the previous few days.

After a few laughs, Sister Teresa got down to business.

“So who do you write for and what’s the nature of your visit?”

I commenced my narrative of writing for the start-up online news magazine, The Mountain News, and my former coverage of the Cooper case for the Eatonville Dispatch. I mentioned my interest in Tina and her capacity to help unravel the only unsolved skyjacking case in the history of the United States.

“We don’t want to get involved with that,” she told me.

“Why not,” I replied.

“We’ve been stung too many times by the newspapers,” Sister Teresa said.

“When? Which papers? I’ve never heard or read anything uncomplimentary about the convent. What did they say?”

“I don’t want to discuss any of that,” Sister Teresa countered.

Undaunted by her rebuff, I launched my spiel on Tina, saying that I believe she may be in trouble. Trying to convince Sister Teresa of the severity of the situation I told her that a friend of Tina’s, Dr Eisenhower-Turner, had told another investigator that Tina had suffered a permanent trauma somehow in her skyjacking experience. I added that at least two FBI agents have reported that Tina’s memory has been seriously impacted in some manner, with one suggesting that Tina may have been brainwashed in the monastery.

“Then maybe I’m brainwashed, too,” Sister Teresa challenged.

“How so,” I asked.

“We pray a lot, here. That’s what we do.”

With that, Sister Teresa thrust back my business card and began to move away. Passing beside me I could see her face clearly in the light from the window and I saw a grimace, as if she had a smoldering rage inside.

“Why are you so angry at me?” I asked.

“I’m not angry,” Sister Teresa replied.

“Well, you look angry,” I countered.

“Well, you’re just seeing the face that God has given me.”

“But why are you angry at me?” I continued.

“I’m not angry,” she stated again, but with more emphasis.

“But you look angry,” I said, with my own elevated enunciation.

“That’s just the face God has giving me,” Sister Teresa insisted.

“Look, Sister Teresa,” I replied, “There is very little I know about the Bible, but one line I do know and one that I truly believe in is, ‘The truth shall make us free.’ I would add that the truth can make us whole, and in doing so will make us healthy, too. There are a lot of people in pain because of the DB Cooper case, in my judgment. A lot of people are afraid to talk, they’re anxious and appear intimidated. I’m not looking to ‘get’ anyone or make their lives more difficult. I’m just seeking the truth. I just want to know what’s going on.”

I paused, and then continued.

“I came here looking for justice,” I said. “In fact, I came here seeking a partner in my effort to find justice.”

“I’m looking for justice, too,” Sister Teresa said, “and I’m going to return to it.”

“That sounds evasive, Sister,” I declared.

“I’m going to return to my prayers,” Sister Teresa stated.

I nodded, but continued, “I was hoping the monastery would partner with me in my search for justice.”

“We’re not looking for partners.”

I paused, and tried a new tack.

“Is Mother Saint Onge available?” I asked.

“Mother Saint Onge is on a personal retreat for ten days,” she replied.

Sister Teresa began walking away and I knew we were done.

“Thanks for your time, and for listening to what I had to say,” I told her.

She smiled wanly and we shook hands, then I opened the gift shop door and departed.


After my return home from Eugene, DB Cooper investigator Galen Cook told me that he has had several conversations with Mother Elizabeth Saint Onge and other nuns at the convent. He has ascertained that Tina entered the convent in the spring of 1980.

Bruce A. Smith

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Here's my latest on "The Hunt for DB Cooper"

- Looking for Tina, Part II: The convent in Eugene

Hi Bruce. Just curious.....you seem to have info on Tina's sister and bro-in-law based on previous posts and they would appear to be relatively easy to locate, so why don't you just get in touch with them?
I suspect you are enjoying the chase and a direct route wouldn't be as much fun? :)Or do you think contacting them would be non-productive as well?

*Edited to say that I enjoy reading your accounts of the "chase".
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Sluggo, FBI? Not a chance. I guess you were kidding Bob.
Sluggo is not Quantico material, trust me. He is plenty smart enough and actually would make a very good detective, but the Sluggo I know would not march in line with J Edgar or his progeny.
SA can mean special agent or smart ass or sinister maniac. Take your pick.

Slo-mo through the video. He left his calling card....... ;) Ha-ha! Blow up to full screen, go to 47 seconds.

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I admire your tenacity and hard work Bruce. We wear out our keyboards while you wear out your shoe soles and tires. Same goes for Blevins who also does some real work trying to solve the case.

Tough nuns out there at the monastery. Might be CIA trained.;)

Tina is clearly a hot button out there at Carmel of Maria Regina Monastery. She must have tore up the place while she was a novitiate.


2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I admire your tenacity and hard work Bruce. We wear out our keyboards while you wear out your shoe soles and tires. Same goes for Blevins who also does some real work trying to solve the case.

Tough nuns out there at the monastery. Might be CIA trained.;)

Tina is clearly a hot button out there at Carmel of Maria Regina Monastery. She must have tore up the place while she was a novitiate.


Thanks, Three-Seven-Seven.

Yup, I think to hot buttons and restless memories...

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Bruce A. Smith

Bruce. WHY are you covering so much old ground?
Tired and truesome ground. Didnt you believe it
the first time when others wrote it? Have you
taken "gag me with a spoon" literally?


Who else has written it? Who else has been to Maria Regina? I'd love to contact them and compare notes.

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Here's my latest on "The Hunt for DB Cooper"

- Looking for Tina, Part II: The convent in Eugene

Hi Bruce. Just curious.....you seem to have info on Tina's sister and bro-in-law based on previous posts and they would appear to be relatively easy to locate, so why don't you just get in touch with them?
I suspect you are enjoying the chase and a direct route wouldn't be as much fun? :)Or do you think contacting them would be non-productive as well?

*Edited to say that I enjoy reading your accounts of the "chase".


Glad you enjoyed reading about the "chase," Smokin'.

As for Tina's sister and brother in law, two issues arise. One, where are they, exactly? Two, are they open to a conversation?

You say "easy to locate." Really? Not so, in my experience.

So far, my requests to AW for a meet with her, Jane and-or the bro' have been unsuccessful.

Personally, I would relish a direct, easy approach to Tina and her family. For it is then that I suspect the real work would begin. What would they say, and what would be the next level of the investigation????

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Actually Bob... I left my calling card at 2:05.
The Mini-14 Tactical on the Trombone case. Figure it out!

Does your mother know you are an FBI assassin?B|

My Gramma was a sniper for the Pennsylvania Dutch. Used to shoot those FBI revenuers in the ass, come around snoopin' where they aren't wanted. She could shoot a fly off a cork at 300 paces and not mess up the cork. If she was feeling grumpy she might even take a wing off the SOB. I was always her little, "fart blossom." Nice old lady!

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Bruce Smith says in part:


'Personally, I would relish a direct, easy approach to Tina and her family...'

I admire your tenacity, but it's never going to happen. I told everyone this before, but I guess you all thought I just made it up:

1) Tina's had issues over the years.

2) She is much better now, but kind of fragile.

3) Her family is well aware about the endless media inquiries. There have been official ones from legitimate, known news organizations.

4) They were ALL turned away.

5) Even if you saw her on the street, cornered her, and tried to talk to her, it would be useless. She is completely hopeless as a witness.

6) Some of this information comes to me from Skipp Porteous, who WAS able to make contact with a family member who told him much of the above.

7) If Skipp and I thought there was even the slightest hope she would be any kind of a witness now, we would have pursued it vigorously.

8) If you cornered her on the street and tried to ask her questions, you may as well ask the same questions of your cat, because you are going to get the same response.

PDF is almost ready, I hear. Big conversion...900 pages is a lot, even for Acrobat 9 Pro.

With all of that said..

WHY do "journalists" persist in harrassing the woman. What gives them the right to intrude into peoples lives that have stated many times they are not interested in talking.????

Does EVERYONE have a right in this country to have their privacy violated day or night??

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Tough nuns out there at the monastery. Might be CIA trained.;)

Tina is clearly a hot button out there at Carmel of Maria Regina Monastery. She must have tore up the place while she was a novitiate.


Dont trash the order. I spent time in a Jesuit
order and I would kick Bruce and you right off
the property ... with a few choice words short
of calling the Sherriff to have you ejected.

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Bruce A. Smith

Bruce. WHY are you covering so much old ground?
Tired and truesome ground. Didnt you believe it
the first time when others wrote it? Have you
taken "gag me with a spoon" literally?


Who else has written it? Who else has been to Maria Regina? I'd love to contact them and compare notes.

Good God Bruce.

Never mind.

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8) If you cornered her on the street and tried to ask her questions, you may as well ask the same questions of your cat, because you are going to get the same response.

PDF is almost ready, I hear. Big conversion...900 pages is a lot, even for Acrobat 9 Pro.

So you are saying Tina Mucklow is senile?

Doesnt DZ own its content? Just asking ...

If Tina is not as senile as you say then what
does that make you?

You seem to be enjoying the sensationalism
you and Bruce foster? That may sell at AB
Houscleaning & Janitorial for lack of anything

It indicates to me you dont have much of a case
in any regard. So what's your real motive for all
of this gang banger (journalism?)?

While Im at it: why dont you schlep on over to
the Wiki Gossett page and remove the false crap
you posted there just to sabotage the page and
stir things up?

I mean if you are in this for edification -
what are all the torpedos about? Cant you
just row your own boat without trying to sink

Was it not you who brought up the issue of:

It isnt all good, contrary to 377's advertising.

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While Im at it: why dont you schlep on over to
the Wiki Gossett page and remove the false crap
you posted there just to sabotage the page and
stir things up?

I mean if you are in this for edification -
what are all the torpedos about? Cant you
just row your own boat without trying to sink

Was it not you who brought up the issue of:

Georger, Thank You so much for that. He deleted the other suspects to almost zero. I do not know how to go into Wiki to rebuild it so maybe one of you guys who can be objective will go back and make it like it used to me - FAIR representation of ALL suspects regardless of how bad the suspect might be to the one doing it. I am not able to do that - tried it once and once was enough for me.

Wish someone would lock in fair stories about all the suspect and leave it be.

Again Thank You, I had heard that just about everything about Weber had been deleted and that this had been done by Blevins. It makes him look like a media mongrel.

I try to be nice to all, but sometimes it gets difficult.

Please excuse me - I have had a very very bad day. Just took some medication and I am going to call it a day. Wish I could go to sleep and wake up and this nightmare would be over.

There is as much if not more "stuff" supporting Weber as there is Blevins, but I didn't have a WRITER reviewing it and contacting "witness" in the same way. Anyone who might be interested can view all of this Tax record from 1969 to 1977 and you will find some strange things - such as creating income (showing the sale of personal goods) to explain the out go of money.

Did anyone bother to view the photos I posted in relation to the old Rose Composites never used?
Just would appreciate some feed back.

A very stressful day - and I am glad it is over. Goodnight.

PS. What is the plural of composite?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Georger, Thank You so much for that. He deleted the other suspects to almost zero. I do not know how to go into Wiki to rebuild it so maybe one of you guys who can be objective will go back and make it like it used to me - FAIR representation of ALL suspects regardless of how bad the suspect might be to the one doing it. I am not able to do that - tried it once and once was enough for me.

PS. What is the plural of composite?

I think its composites, with an 's'?

Why would Blevins delete other people's work?

By what right?

That really stinks... if he did. But I am told
he did.

Does plan to delete and amend DZ posts on
HIS Dropzone pdf?

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Jo How do you no Duane Made a death bed confession when the nurse in the room states it never happened , What was her name again and why could she not verify your statement. A Phone # and Full name will due just fine. Or a living relative for verification will work also For a contact with her to verify your story. Jerry

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Jo How do you no Duane Made a death bed confession when the nurse in the room states it never happened


Your statement above is so erroneus it is not worth replying to. The accounting has been told many time in this thread by me.....

The witness in the room was the day after and she was a friend of Duane's who came to see him and say good-by...she was not present the day before when he made his confession.

No nurse was ever involved.


What was her name again and why could she not verify your statement.

The friend of Duane's who was in the room the next day heard him rambling about putting X number of dollar in a bucket and not being able to find the bucket. Her accounting has been written up many times and she was interviewed by Doug Pasternak.

Who ever made the statement that there was in a witness in the room when Duane told me he was Dan Cooooper, did NOT get their information from me. MY information has NEVER changed.

You are an abrasive man and I would never subject a friend or even my worst enemy to your prisoner of war interrogations.
You are NOT FBI nor are you in the employee of the federal government or any investigative organization.

I was talking to her a few months ago and she really no longer has any memory of that day. It was 15 yrs ago.

No verification needed. The FBI has it on file and Doug Pasternak interviewed her.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Georger wrote:

Dont trash the order. I spent time in a Jesuit
order and I would kick Bruce and you right off
the property ... with a few choice words short
of calling the Sherriff to have you ejected.

I wish more people had been snooping on the Jesuits. They have a disgraceful record of child sexual abuse. It's not slander, millions have been paid in lawsuit settlements. Not all Jesuits abused kids but a lot did. One victim in our area just beat the hell out of the old retired Jesuit priest who abused him as a kid. He's being prosecuted for the beating but most defense lawyers say a trial would be a cakewalk aquittal.


2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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