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DB Cooper

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Georger asks Gnoss:


You say Duane was trained. Baloney. How do you
"train" an embecile with PKD?

Guru can tell you. I am positive he has trained less capable and less healthy freefall students. Hey, when you gotta make a plane payment...;)

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Georger asks Gnoss:


You say Duane was trained. Baloney. How do you
"train" an embecile with PKD?

Guru can tell you. I am positive he has trained less capable and less healthy freefall students. Hey, when you gotta make a plane payment...;)


Show me a chicken in a parachute. Chickens
canot pull the chord!

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see below.


And stop calling Duane a chicken. He was on the front lines at the Bay of Pigs. It takes a lot of courage to pick pockets and steal coats when you are on parole. He always got the job done. I don't believe for a minute that he lost the loot in a buried milk pail. He was buying new cars with cash right after Norjack. Another FBI Project Norjack screwup: trusting a convicted con artist with $200,000 in cash and expecting him to deliver it. Duhhh...

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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well at least this is germane, in a way - not
book binding and social advice from Bruce and
Blevins Ltd. So Gaylord is a cat! That figures.
Bruce does get his 'gaylords" mixed up.

Planned in 68. Peak year for the Cuban connection.
70+ in one year, over 100 if you add in attempts
and conspiracies broken.


No coincidence.



One problem with your scenario is the schedule
for 11-24 was a late addition, so how can an op
in 68 work if the flight doesnt even exist ...
they must have layed in wait. [edit] ooops. They
add the flight. Got it!

Signed up for it, yes.
"We were not aware of any jumps from a 727
at that time" ??? That's bogus. You know
damned well there had been foreign ops
from ______________ and ______________ orn.
Let's not mention the planning commitee at
Tan Son Nhut. That's common knoweldge!
Snow even finally ventured in to confirm a
piece of that - as you Snow is never wrong,
just always very late and terminally incomplete.
"Light Snow with snow thunder".

Jerry's research showed no jumps made of record. He inquired of the plane manufacturer and got a negative. May have been some sketchy rumors. It was not known to us.



So, your scenario is a bit off, fact-wise.

No, I repeat what I was told and what I heard. Not my facts.


But, let's get to the meat of this. Protocols
and mission purpose. Why do you pick a
North West location? What does that gain
you? You know the CIA and Cuba were already
negotiating - they had a draft by the end of '68!
Revisions 69, 70, and 71 with a continuing
agreement to keep working on this. Other
agreements flowed from this to all countries


That flight was a regular run and easy to manipulate, scheduled to include a minimum number of passengers and coincide with Holiday break from BYU. The Twin Towers was nearing completion and the larger passenger planes were a new threat to air transportation and National Security. (Ref: Empire State collision) There was no screening, no inspection, no regulations and the pilots were unprotected and subject to all kinds of increasing threats.


Why in hell do you pull off an Op staged in
Portland? You might as well pull of an op in
Nome, or at Thule! Explain to me exactly what
this op was supposed to accomplish - outside of
upsetting a lot of chickens (to say nothing about
those ranchers in Montana!).

See above. Could have been instituted anywhere. It was better to have the cooperation of someone in the cockpit who knew the plan and a drop location. 400 pilots? Heard that somewhere....


You say Duane was trained. Baloney. How do you
"train" an embecile with PKD?


Operation BlueBird (Artichoke same thing)

***I will await any response you care to invent.
Im going to go have a nap and dream about
. . . owls?

One final question I cant resist asking! Did J
Edgar know about this. Yes or No? :)

I never asked him. I know it was mostly all pilots and old J Edgar was really pissed the thing didn't get solved right away. Have to ask O'Hara. He's not talking.

Next question?

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see below.


And stop calling Duane a chicken. He was on the front lines at the Bay of Pigs. It takes a lot of courage to pick pockets and steal coats when you are on parole. He always got the job done. I don't believe for a minute that he lost the loot in a buried milk pail. He was buying new cars with cash right after Norjack. Another FBI Project Norjack screwup: trusting a convicted con artist with $200,000 in cash and expecting him to deliver it. Duhhh...


Ok you can stop - Im laughing.


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Georger asks Gnoss:


You say Duane was trained. Baloney. How do you
"train" an embecile with PKD?

Not feeling well at all so I will sit this out - except to say that I want NO more references to Duane Weber's health in 1971.

His physical conditions was great and there are 2 snapshots to attest to that except his hair is very salt and pepper. The pictures are poor quality when it come to facial features - but he has a flat abdomen and is quiet muscular. Was swimming laps everyday during that time period in the apt pool.

Please refrain from the remarks about PKC and embecile. He may not have had the FORMAL education, but he could work circles around any 46 yr old even when I first met him at the age of 53.

Therefore unless you personally knew Duane during these periods of his life - his recently diagnose PKD (in 1970 or 70)meant nothing regarding his physical abilities.

You do KNOW there are football players with PKD in its early stages. It was 18 yrs after the Atlanta diagnosis before Duane needed any intervention other than blood pressure medication.

It would be 20 yrs from diagnosis before he would be placed on the kidney machine.

So GEORGER - do NOT play that CARD - and I need for you all to omit the PDK from your analysis of Weber.

Yes, that upsets me and right now I cannot let myself get upset. Having difficulties breathing and I am on heavy medication.

If you guys expect me to be quiet - then don't insult my intelligence nor that of the medical field on this. I lived this life - none of you did. I lived with this man for 17 yrs and I know what he was capable of even in those yrs. Before he turned 65 he was evaluated and accepted as a transplant candidate and he turned it down...cost was not the reason, but he would be taking a kidney that should go to a younger person.

In Birmingham they took him thru the diaylisis units and introduced him to individuals of all ages on the machine. The younger patients waiting for a transplant pulled at his heart strings - he made his decision based on that and decided to do NO HARM. Taking a kidney might HARM someone much younger than him because he was a better match. He did NOT take that chance....and did what he had been taught.

If none of you understand that now you never will.

P.S. I got the "joke' about the Chicken...
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Georger asks Gnoss:


You say Duane was trained. Baloney. How do you
"train" an embecile with PKD?

Not feeling well at all so I will sit this out - except to say that I want NO more references to Duane Weber's health in 1971.

His physical conditions was great and there are 2 snapshots to attest to that except his hair is very salt and pepper. The pictures are poor quality when it come to facial features - but he has a flat abdomen and is quiet muscular. Was swimming laps everyday during that time period in the apt pool.

Please refrain from the remarks about PKC and embecile. He may not have had the FORMAL education, but he could work circles around any 46 yr old even when I first met him at the age of 53.

Therefore unless you personally knew Duane during these periods of his life - his recently diagnose PKD (in 1970 or 70)meant nothing regarding his physical abilities.

You do KNOW there are football players with PKD in its early stages. It was 18 yrs after the Atlanta diagnosis before Duane needed any intervention other than blood pressure medication.

It would be 20 yrs from diagnosis before he would be placed on the kidney machine.

So GEORGER - do NOT play that CARD - and I need for you all to omit the PDK from your analysis of Weber.

Yes, that upsets me and right now I cannot let myself get upset. Having difficulties breathing and I am on heavy medication.

If you guys expect me to be quiet - then don't insult my intelligence nor that of the medical field on this. I lived this life - none of you did. I lived with this man for 17 yrs and I know what he was capable of even in those yrs. Before he turned 65 he was evaluated and accepted as a transplant candidate and he turned it down...cost was not the reason, but he would be taking a kidney that should go to a younger person.

In Birmingham they took him thru the diaylisis units and introduced him to individuals of all ages on the machine. The younger patients waiting for a transplant pulled at his heart strings - he made his decision based on that and decided to do NO HARM. Taking a kidney might HARM someone much younger than him because he was a better match. He did NOT take that chance....and did what he had been taught.

If none of you understand that now you never will.

P.S. I got the "joke' about the Chicken...

In the 1960-70s there were two recognised types
of PKD. Autosomal dominant and recessive PKD.
The recessive form presented early and was
usually lethal in childhood without treatment.
Duane obviously had the Autosomal dominant

You married Duane in ____ so did not witness
Duane before then. You have never presented
Duane's medical records from the period prior
to knowing you. Very likely there were medical
records for Duane in the various institutions
where he was incarcerated, and perhaps it was
in that context that he was imformed of his
condition (not from his family).

Autosomal dominant PKD ususally presents by
middle age .... Cooper was supposedly middle

In the endless dialogue about Duane I am astounded nobody has connected Duane's
anti social behavior (manifest early) with an
underlying physiological pathology. Sometimes
the connection is dismissed because as a rule
it is no defense in Court.

For you to maintain Duane had not manifest
physiological symptoms by middle age is
tantamount to saying "Duane was a sweet
missunderstood guy with NO criminal history!"

Duane was not the exception as you say.
Duane followed the same PKD prognosis as
anyone else would with that condition. There is
no reason to suppose otherwise. We have been
over this ground before ... TO NO AVAIL!

You dispute everything anyone says. So what
is the point of discussing Duane at all!

The following social-psychological effects usually present by middle age in varying degre:

Anxiety, numbness, dissociation and/or inappropriate calmness coupled with mood
swings and periods of Anger and frustration.
Anti social behaviors. Periods of intense activity
with plateau effect; sudden onset of the need
for excessive sleep. Swings in metabolic function.
Acute stress disorder (ie, distress, memories, avoidance, nightmares, numbing and forgeting).
Depression. Post-traumatic symptoms and/or disorder. Avoidance and public or private anxiety.
Inability to keep to a normal routine. Often
rejects authority or advice, strong need for
personal freedom and control until late stages.

Duane displayed all of the traits of a person
with underlying pathology ... FROM AN EARLY
AGE! Duane clearly had aspirations beyond his
capacity to perform ... FROM AN EARLY AGE.

It is as clear as the day is long that Duane
Weber DID NOT have the capacity to be Cooper.
He definately had the capacity to be enamored
with Cooper as an icon, but this is light years away
from having been Cooper himself.

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Jo wrote:

Not feeling well at all so I will sit this out - except to say that I want NO more references to Duane Weber's health in 1971.

Impossible Jo. Just don't let it get under your skin. You can't expect people to censor the dialog here just because a topic offends or hurts you. If you put Duane forward as Cooper then EVERYTHING is open for discussion including his disease and its symptoms.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Jo, you may not have noticed, but you can't dictate what people post about. Like the incidents thread: if it upsets you, don't read it.

Georger, of course you can train a chicken, at least at first (static line). When it comes to pulling its own ripcord of course you may have a problem. This may be exactly what happened to Cooper, subsequently relieved of most of his money by a lucky hiker and fed to the crawfish or a bear or whatever else calls the area home.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Jo, you may not have noticed, but you can't dictate what people post about. Like the incidents thread: if it upsets you, don't read it.

Georger, of course you can train a chicken, at least at first (static line). When it comes to pulling its own ripcord of course you may have a problem. This may be exactly what happened to Cooper, subsequently relieved of most of his money by a lucky hiker and fed to the crawfish or a bear or whatever else calls the area home.

I definately bow to your superior wisdom in
this area.


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Georger stated:

Very likely there were medical
records for Duane in the various institutions where he was incarcerated, and perhaps it was
in that context that he was imformed of his condition (not from his family).

Duane knew his mother died of PKD and he she was on the machine for several months before she died in 1958. He was a change of life baby therefore his mother was older than his friend parents growing up.

Georger stated:

In the endless dialogue about Duane I am astounded nobody has connected Duane's
anti social behavior (manifest early) with an underlying physiological pathology. Sometimes the connection is dismissed because as a rule
it is no defense in Court.

For you to maintain Duane had not manifest physiological symptoms by middle age is
tantamount to saying "Duane was a sweet missunderstood guy with NO criminal history!"

Duane was not the exception as you say. Duane followed the same PKD prognosis as
anyone else would with that condition. There is no reason to suppose otherwise. We have been over this before ...

So you are saying ALL PDK patients have this physiological behavior -so Duane must have had it. I did not notice anything out of the ordinary until 1988 as far as mood swings and I attributed that to the fact he was on disablility and he was trying to figure out what he could do to contribute to the income. After 1987 there was some of that, but NOT before. Evidently NOT ALL PKD patients experience this and it depends on how much the kidney is pumping...Duane defied a lot of what they expected in how long it was before he went on the machine and that he was able to substain himself on only 2 sessions per wk.

Even when he died - they expected him to die within 5 days but he would live 11 days with no dialysis and frankly I think they gave him a whopper of morphine the night they sent me home. He was strong as an ox the day before he died - he had been putting the morphine in a tissue under his pillow, when I found it. He told me the reason was we had to talk. But I told the nurses so they started making him open his mouth and then the next night they put a patch on his back - he had plastic under him - He fought the nurse and me - and said they are going to kill me. He was on his feet and strong as an ox. He died the next day and we never got to have that talk.

So you see - Duane never fit the profile you claim. And I do not believe it was found in the prison system unless it was at Jefferson...I was never able to get the FBI to allow me access to that file. Actually they didn't allow me access to the others, but I got them. Jefferson was a different Story - they didn't want me to have the Jefferson file while it showed pictures and details. A man who made a trip there for me was turned away and every request I made was denied. Only what was accessible after 2008 yrs was made available on line - no details and no pictures. After so many yrs they destroy the details...how convenient the FBI didn't want anyone to know see the detailed records from Jefferson.


Georger stated:

Anxiety, numbness, dissociation and/or inappropriate calmness coupled with mood
swings and periods of Anger and frustration. Anti social behaviors. Periods of intense activity with plateau effect; sudden onset of the need for excessive sleep. Swings in metabolic function.
Acute stress disorder (ie, distress, memories, avoidance, nightmares, numbing and forgeting).Depression. Post-traumatic symptoms and/or disorder. Avoidance and public or private anxiety. Inability to keep to a normal routine. Often
rejects authority or advice, strong need for personal freedom and control until late stages.

After 1986 he had some numbness in his leg and they gave him Klonipin for that. He had the NORMAL mood swings any person has in a business that is commission only. In 1990 did he experience some things related to the profile you elated above but, NOT all of it.

Anger and frustation when you depend on a machine to keep you alive - that would be normal under any circumstances. He never required excess sleep nor did he appear to experience unusual stress even during the yrs on the machine - he accepted it as a way of life. He did have some nightmares - but, only rarely. He was social person and never avoided the public and did not show anxiety to me or others.

This last one is a laugh. The strong need for personal freedom and control - well, he had the perfect wife for that as I have said before...I was a good and dutiful wife. I was a wife who did NOT question his past. I accepted what he did tell me and wish the few times he had mentioned the past I had not make this remark. "I know you have a past - it's the now that counts".

Now I have told you this repeatedly till I am BLUE all over, which is why you got the answer in BLUE - but to NO Avail as you said to me. DUANE WEBER did NOT fit the PROFILE you claim. Therefore NOT all PDK patients fit the SAME profile.

Now this is the END of this conversation and there is NO NEED for you or anyone else to address this PDK profile again.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo wrote:


Not feeling well at all so I will sit this out - except to say that I want NO more references to Duane Weber's health in 1971.

Impossible Jo. Just don't let it get under your skin. You can't expect people to censor the dialog here just because a topic offends or hurts you. If you put Duane forward as Cooper then EVERYTHING is open for discussion including his disease and its symptoms.


It gets under my skin:S One minute he was so sick that he knew he had "nothing to lose" and the next minute he is healthy and strong. It doesn't stack up. Even in this modern age of the metrosexual man, how many men go to the doctor BEFORE symptoms show up? Men are known to ignore symptoms for far to long 40 years ago it was much worse than now.

I don't buy it - personally I think Duane was healthy and had nothing to do with Cooper. I would almost put money on the fact that he was a cooper fantasist.In most of our lives we have heroes often related to our line of work, Cooper was Duanes idol. Cooper was the James Bond of thieves he pulled of a massive caper, dazzled the girl(Tina) and got away with a lot of loot. Duane was bumbling along as a petty thief.

BTW 377 the significance of stealing kool-aid was to tie him in to the CIA:D
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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His physical conditions was great and there are 2 snapshots to attest to that except his hair is very salt and pepper. The pictures are poor quality when it come to facial features - but he has a flat abdomen and is quiet muscular. Was swimming laps everyday during that time period in the apt pool....

His physical condition was excellent, that is correct. He did not swim in the pool everyday, because his apartment complex did not have a pool. Our complexes were 100+ feet apart. My complex did have a nice large pool, however, I NEVER saw Duane in our pool, EVER. Let's stick to the truth, no need to exaggerate. Obviously he did not NEED to swim in any pool at that time, and correct, flat tummy and tough.

Duane exhibited NONE of the conditions you attribute to PKD while I knew him. EVER! He was NOT stupid, likewise he was no Thomas Edison. From my perspective he was a friendly, willing, even eager participant. Only once did I ever see him exhibit any negative behavior. That was when Mac told him they wanted him to return to prison to serve the rest of his sentence. He turned around and kicked the gravel with an objecting whine. Mac said he would see what he could do. Then he returned to a regular normalcy. THAT is the actual truth. Your assumptions about his abilities are totally wrong. He was fine in 1968.

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Georger, of course you can train a chicken, at least at first (static line). When it comes to pulling its own ripcord of course you may have a problem....

We used to hypnotize chickens by holding their heads down and drawing a line in the ground out from their beak. They would freeze in that position and not move at all. If you let them go too long, they would never come out of it. I think you could probably get a dolphin, a dog, pig, horse, monkey, chimp, etc., to pull a rip-cord. Holy Cow, just look at you guys! Some of you have done it thousands of times and you can't even spell! :ph34r: Now I understand some chickens have been able to do that...... Give the poor chicken the benefit of the doubt.

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I'm reading this thread lately.
I'm just not believing its real.

I know. The whole thing was designed to be so unnecessarily unorthodox that it would be impossible for anyone to swallow.

You are very correct about burning books. I was wrong to suggest poluting. You reminded me of all the weekends we spent on Boy Scout paper drives filling up semi-trailers with books and newspapers. I remember several full collections of Playboy and Esquire magazines that wives put out for us to recycle. We recycled them, alright. You betcha. Lots of thing have changed since then. Now we are going to get digital daily magazines. I'm not believing THAT is real either. Amazing.

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I’m watching this video about Cooper suspect Christiansen in short little segments because of my painfully short attention span.


At (8:35 – 8:45) the investigators begin to compare the composite sketch from the FBI to a photo of Kenny. As the overlay is slid across the photograph they can’t contain their oohs and ahhs as it becomes apparent that it is a spooky match. That was very exciting and made me happy.

Then one minute later (9:35 – 9:50) long after I had forgotten about the comparison of the composite, they review eye witness descriptions of DB Cooper. Well we all know that eye witness descriptions are dubious, at best. Yes, we all know this. Stupid eye witness descriptions are always making things more difficult because they are wrong so frequently. That was a bummer and made me feel un-groovy.

Any ideas on where the composite sketch came from? Doesn’t matter, I’m thinking about something different now anyway.

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That was a bummer and made me feel un-groovy.

The un-groovyness is curable Farlflung. Time for you to become a skydiver. Even the dorkiest jumper appears pretty groovy, at least to whuffos, and some of the whuffos are cool women, so it all works out.

You sat on a chute for years. Time to actually use one.

Don't you agree Orange?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Thanks to my terribly tiny attention span I hardly noticed all the images of Kenny which were broadcast. From his time in the Army to Shemya to Washington were photos of this suspect to track his movements. I thought some images had distinct characteristics which looked like Kenny (see top three photos, Faces of Ken).

Then my poor ability at pattern recognition kicked in with other images characterized as being of Kenny actually appeared to be a different man (see bottom three photos, Faces of Ken) to me anyway.

Now I feel even more un-groovier, yet manage to maintain being cool and hunky; weird.

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If you put Duane forward as Cooper then EVERYTHING is open for discussion including his disease and its symptoms.

We just wont refer to it by name, as ordered by
Jo. We wont use the name(s).
But, I am sure I saw what looked like holes
and pock marks, and a pink band that moved
as the day went forward, albeit this thing the
Dutchman has made, is less than perfect. a "telescopium"?

And of this other thing, the camera obscura, I
am sure I see cells in motion. Tiny little darters
which move around. There is no doubt they
exist and must be there for some reason?

We shall not speak of Hypoxia, platelette count,
blood chemistry, platlette production and other
things at some high altitude, unpressurised,
or primary or secondary polycythemia. THAT IS
THE WERK OF THE DEVIL which we must avoid,
as ordered by whoever is in charge of the
candidate concession. 3 for a shilling and the
price is in freefall! Write a book ... about rules
and allowances.

We have been ordered to suspend in our perfect
celestial sphere and say nothing, and so we will.

I do not want my forehead branded. Let someone
else take the risk. It shall not go forward to alter
perfection which we have so much of here, and I
shall be in avoidance of the task saying that
the hijacker was a walled cellular organism
raised to 10,000 feet fore some period and then
let drop like a stone, and something must have
happened inside his cells? Especially if they had
some procognition to form blasto cysts in a
genetic dance formed pre birth?


The physics and the metaphysics shall not be
mentioned, in favour of Alchemy. Or something
like that. . .

adue Goodfellas.

adue Candidate Concession two for a $dollar.

Copyright©1066 by Magna Carta

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Jo Weber stated:

His physical conditions was great and there are 2 snapshots to attest to that except his hair is very salt and pepper. The pictures are poor quality when it come to facial features - but he has a flat abdomen and is quiet muscular. Was swimming laps everyday during that time period in the apt pool....

Knoss replid:

His physical condition was excellent, that is correct. He did not swim in the pool everyday, because his apartment complex did not have a pool. Our complexes were 100+ feet apart. My complex did have a nice large pool, however, I NEVER saw Duane in our pool, EVER. Let's stick to the truth, no need to exaggerate. Obviously he did not NEED to swim in any pool at that time, and correct, flat tummy and tough.

Jo Weber replies - angerly!

You knew Duane all of 2 months per your statements to me and to the verification I received from the wife. Per my understanding it was Fall or Spring and may have been too cold for swimming...there was a discrepancy between her memory and your memory of the time period.. By the way you know she claimed NO knowledge of Duane's friends during that time,

My conversation about his swimmIng habits HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE TIME PERIODS YOU HAVE PLACED YOU STORY AROUND. I speak of stories from the ex-wife and her daughter regarding Columbia, S.C. and the pool at the complex she and Duane lived in - did laps every day...weather permitting - that was 1969-1970.

Now I will cool off and go blue:

Duane had a traveling sales/managers contract and always stayed in motels with pools (we did this ourselves). He would be in that pool weather permitting and if they had an indoor pool used that).

In the yrs I knew him he did LOTS of swimming. I could not match his speed and strengh and I used to be a lifeguard. During the time he was a manager in Virginia we owned a home and it did not have a pool, but when we had time and went to the beach - He swam the Atlantic with the ease of a professional swimmer. When we traveled with our travel trailer to work or for leisure - he hit the pools.

When we moved to Alabama in 1987 - we rented a home with a LARGE pool. He used it constantly until it got too cold. After moving to Fl. in 1988 we spent as much time as possible at the beach...he did swim the Gulf. but he was starting to feel the full effects of the PDK and after 1992 he no longer ventured very far into the water and even stopped going to the beach with me those last 2 summers.

Your statement below will stand as I know nothing of his behavior or stamina prior to the times above:

I do not agree with your story about his being outside of Jefferson during his imprisonment, but because the FBI refused me the Jefferson File, I have let the statement below stand alone on your behalf.

The statement Knoss made:


Duane exhibited NONE of the conditions you attribute to PKD while I knew him. EVER! He was NOT stupid, likewise he was no Thomas Edison. From my perspective he was a friendly, willing, even eager participant. Only once did I ever see him exhibit any negative behavior. That was when Mac told him they wanted him to return to prison to serve the rest of his sentence. He turned around and kicked the gravel with an objecting whine. Mac said he would see what he could do. Then he returned to a regular normalcy. THAT is the actual truth. Your assumptions about his abilities are totally wrong. He was fine in 1968.

Jo Comments:

I will note that the ex-wife claimed on a couple of ocassion when she went to see him he was not available. She was told he was in solitare (I found this odd since they gave John Collins a commutation of sentence and he was a many time offender)!

Guys, I am NOT agreeing with Knoss on this point - merrily pointing out things I have told you in the past when we dicussed the Commutation of Sentence and how ODD it seemed.

This is NOT an endorsement of Knoss's story - only verification of things I can prove or not prove.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Georger...you are a funny guy, man. I mean it. 'That is the werk of the Devil...' Love it. B|

Man, I don't even CARE if KC was the guy today. I really don't. (*laughs*)

He was insulting my intelligence, but then I have Dumb Blonde Sydrome therefore it supposedly goes over my head.

What he said or quoted makes a mockery out of the Christian Religion most of you base you faith on ...and Miracles!

I believe only in a CREATOR, but I also believe in MIRACLES!

"I do not want my forehead branded. Let someone else take the risk. It shall not go forward to alter perfection which we have so much of here, and I shall be in avoidance of the task saying that the hijacker was a walled cellular organism raised to 10,000 feet fore some period and then let drop like a stone, and something must have happened inside his cells?Especially if they had
some procognition to form blasto cysts in a genetic dance formed pre birth? "

Are you saying your Jewish faith has NO MIRACLES? Remember that maybe a higher power was at work that night on Nov 24, 1971. "He was a very sad man" this is what Tina told me on the phone in 2004 - the call NO one ever believed ever happened, but it did.

Of course, that is just my word, because I can't prove it. It could be anyone who had access to the number Tina called...but, at that time NO ONE had access to that number...unless I gave it to them.

Have any of you ever thought about What Tina may have said to Cooper - if for no other reason than to calm herself out of fear? Perhaps she was able to counsel this desperate man with words he could understand...and to wish him a safe haven. What did Cooper say to Tina that made Tina remark about this sadness. Perhaps the same words he said that night in his nightmare in 1978 when he was talking about the aft stairs. "I'm Going to Die!" But instead of a blood curdling scream it was a tear going down his face.

Miracle do happen:
You'll Never Know If You Don't Know Now. The very song he sang to me on our wedding night before a FULL band.

He excused himself from the table and the next thing I knew the band leader annouced an old friend had a special song to sing.
He did NOT give Duane's name I don't remember who the band was or where we went...but, it was in Denver,Co.

I was shocked to see Duane walk onto the stage and ask me to come up and then he annouced me as his bride and started to sing. I did NOT even know he could sing! I learned something about Duane - people took notice when he sang and he became a different man.

That would the first of many songs I would hear Duane Weber sing over the yrs...I wish I had recorded one of them.

Now you know the rest of the story. Maybe one of these Miracles you MOCK did occur.

:PBy the way does anyone remember when I told in the forum about "He was a very Sad man" and then it was on the FBI site? They must have taken it out because I can no long find it.

It was a question someone asked me recently. Does anyone else remember or anyone print the site when that was up. I did make an enquiry to the FBI about this at the time and remarked if it where true how did I know it, Now it is not on the site...but I am hoping someone printed it while it contained the part about "He was a very sad man". I have been told this is not in the FBI transcripts and it has since been taken off the FBI sites

This all happened when CARR was tooting his horn. Truly hope some one printed it...if so I need a copy.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo Weber stated:

Jo Weber replies - angerly!

You knew Duane all of 2 months per your statements to me and to the verification I received from the wife. Per my understanding it was Fall or Spring and may have been too cold for swimming...there was a discrepancy between her memory and your memory of the time period.. By the way you know she claimed NO knowledge of Duane's friends during that time,

So, it is merely my word against hers? A senile old BLOND protecting her own crimes? From early May to the middle of August is closer to FOUR months. Not sure where you learned to count, but it may have been the same school Brevens went to. (Attached)

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