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His physical conditions was great and there are 2 snapshots to attest to that except his hair is very salt and pepper. The pictures are poor quality when it come to facial features - but he has a flat abdomen and is quiet muscular. Was swimming laps everyday during that time period in the apt pool....
Knoss replid:
His physical condition was excellent, that is correct. He did not swim in the pool everyday, because his apartment complex did not have a pool. Our complexes were 100+ feet apart. My complex did have a nice large pool, however, I NEVER saw Duane in our pool, EVER. Let's stick to the truth, no need to exaggerate. Obviously he did not NEED to swim in any pool at that time, and correct, flat tummy and tough.
Jo Weber replies - angerly!
You knew Duane all of 2 months per your statements to me and to the verification I received from the wife. Per my understanding it was Fall or Spring and may have been too cold for swimming...there was a discrepancy between her memory and your memory of the time period.. By the way you know she claimed NO knowledge of Duane's friends during that time,
My conversation about his swimmIng habits HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE TIME PERIODS YOU HAVE PLACED YOU STORY AROUND. I speak of stories from the ex-wife and her daughter regarding Columbia, S.C. and the pool at the complex she and Duane lived in - did laps every permitting - that was 1969-1970.
Now I will cool off and go blue:
Duane had a traveling sales/managers contract and always stayed in motels with pools (we did this ourselves). He would be in that pool weather permitting and if they had an indoor pool used that).
In the yrs I knew him he did LOTS of swimming. I could not match his speed and strengh and I used to be a lifeguard. During the time he was a manager in Virginia we owned a home and it did not have a pool, but when we had time and went to the beach - He swam the Atlantic with the ease of a professional swimmer. When we traveled with our travel trailer to work or for leisure - he hit the pools.
When we moved to Alabama in 1987 - we rented a home with a LARGE pool. He used it constantly until it got too cold. After moving to Fl. in 1988 we spent as much time as possible at the beach...he did swim the Gulf. but he was starting to feel the full effects of the PDK and after 1992 he no longer ventured very far into the water and even stopped going to the beach with me those last 2 summers.
Your statement below will stand as I know nothing of his behavior or stamina prior to the times above:
I do not agree with your story about his being outside of Jefferson during his imprisonment, but because the FBI refused me the Jefferson File, I have let the statement below stand alone on your behalf.
The statement Knoss made:
Duane exhibited NONE of the conditions you attribute to PKD while I knew him. EVER! He was NOT stupid, likewise he was no Thomas Edison. From my perspective he was a friendly, willing, even eager participant. Only once did I ever see him exhibit any negative behavior. That was when Mac told him they wanted him to return to prison to serve the rest of his sentence. He turned around and kicked the gravel with an objecting whine. Mac said he would see what he could do. Then he returned to a regular normalcy. THAT is the actual truth. Your assumptions about his abilities are totally wrong. He was fine in 1968.
Jo Comments:
I will note that the ex-wife claimed on a couple of ocassion when she went to see him he was not available. She was told he was in solitare (I found this odd since they gave John Collins a commutation of sentence and he was a many time offender)!
Guys, I am NOT agreeing with Knoss on this point - merrily pointing out things I have told you in the past when we dicussed the Commutation of Sentence and how ODD it seemed.
This is NOT an endorsement of Knoss's story - only verification of things I can prove or not prove. are a funny guy, man. I mean it. 'That is the werk of the Devil...' Love it.
Man, I don't even CARE if KC was the guy today. I really don't. (*laughs*)
He was insulting my intelligence, but then I have Dumb Blonde Sydrome therefore it supposedly goes over my head.
What he said or quoted makes a mockery out of the Christian Religion most of you base you faith on ...and Miracles!
I believe only in a CREATOR, but I also believe in MIRACLES!
"I do not want my forehead branded. Let someone else take the risk. It shall not go forward to alter perfection which we have so much of here, and I shall be in avoidance of the task saying that the hijacker was a walled cellular organism raised to 10,000 feet fore some period and then let drop like a stone, and something must have happened inside his cells?Especially if they had
some procognition to form blasto cysts in a genetic dance formed pre birth? "
Are you saying your Jewish faith has NO MIRACLES? Remember that maybe a higher power was at work that night on Nov 24, 1971. "He was a very sad man" this is what Tina told me on the phone in 2004 - the call NO one ever believed ever happened, but it did.
Of course, that is just my word, because I can't prove it. It could be anyone who had access to the number Tina called...but, at that time NO ONE had access to that number...unless I gave it to them.
Have any of you ever thought about What Tina may have said to Cooper - if for no other reason than to calm herself out of fear? Perhaps she was able to counsel this desperate man with words he could understand...and to wish him a safe haven. What did Cooper say to Tina that made Tina remark about this sadness. Perhaps the same words he said that night in his nightmare in 1978 when he was talking about the aft stairs. "I'm Going to Die!" But instead of a blood curdling scream it was a tear going down his face.
Miracle do happen:
You'll Never Know If You Don't Know Now. The very song he sang to me on our wedding night before a FULL band.
He excused himself from the table and the next thing I knew the band leader annouced an old friend had a special song to sing.
He did NOT give Duane's name I don't remember who the band was or where we went...but, it was in Denver,Co.
I was shocked to see Duane walk onto the stage and ask me to come up and then he annouced me as his bride and started to sing. I did NOT even know he could sing! I learned something about Duane - people took notice when he sang and he became a different man.
That would the first of many songs I would hear Duane Weber sing over the yrs...I wish I had recorded one of them.
Now you know the rest of the story. Maybe one of these Miracles you MOCK did occur.

It was a question someone asked me recently. Does anyone else remember or anyone print the site when that was up. I did make an enquiry to the FBI about this at the time and remarked if it where true how did I know it, Now it is not on the site...but I am hoping someone printed it while it contained the part about "He was a very sad man". I have been told this is not in the FBI transcripts and it has since been taken off the FBI sites
This all happened when CARR was tooting his horn. Truly hope some one printed it...if so I need a copy.
BobKnoss 0
Jo Weber stated:
Jo Weber replies - angerly!
You knew Duane all of 2 months per your statements to me and to the verification I received from the wife. Per my understanding it was Fall or Spring and may have been too cold for swimming...there was a discrepancy between her memory and your memory of the time period.. By the way you know she claimed NO knowledge of Duane's friends during that time,
So, it is merely my word against hers? A senile old BLOND protecting her own crimes? From early May to the middle of August is closer to FOUR months. Not sure where you learned to count, but it may have been the same school Brevens went to. (Attached)
EVickiW 0
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