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DB Cooper

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Bob. Just told George My real Name. He already knew it. Funny thing it hasn't changed in 59yrs.

OK, I'll bite. Tell him you represent Bill and can speak for him, Let's see if Bill shows up. Bill is very sick and needs your help. His book needs truthful validation from the FBI. You can help him, Jerry. Remember why Bill wanted to write your book? For the family? It won't be salable unless it is the truth and validated by the FBI. George is talking about fiction. In fiction, Cooper would have to perish to be salable, but he already told that story. Bill's family is screwed unless the TRUE story is told. Let Bill speak, Jerry.

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Just got of the phone with George.Thanks Blevins for ignorig the question. But being the author of that new fiction book of your's on Cooper. One should ecpect nothing less. Jerry

Jerry: Tell us on DZ about the letter in KC's will wanting to be another DB Cooper hoax.

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First, Ralph said that Rataczak told him about the easterly flight path nine years after the skyjacking, in 1980 at Ralph’s retirement party from the FBI, which begs the question why the Cooper case agent in Portland never talked directly with the pilot during the earlier portions of the investigation.

“It was the first time I had met Bill,” Ralph added, “and we talked for hours. He flew in just to be at my retirement party.”

So, it was Rataczak who flew in for Ralph's
retirement party, not Scott. Or did they both
fly in?

Who broached the topic of the East Path first?
Scott, Rataczak, Himms? How did Rataczak know
he was over the Washougal basin?


I'm not sure I can answer your questions defintively, G, but here is what I know. I have never heard nor read from Ralph that Captain Scott attended the retirement party. However, Calame and Rhodes claim in their book that Scott did attend the party and while there told Himms that 305 was over Woodland, which is to the west of Victor 23 and in the opposite direction of the Washougal.

As for the confusion between Gaylord and Paul Cini for the honors of the first skyjacking, I will ask Ralph to clear it up at our next meeting, which I hope is soon.

How Rataczak knew he was over the Washougal I do not know. I specificallly asked Rataczak if he knew where he was that night and he told me that he didn't.

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It will take me several days to do this WISH LIST, but it is time to start it and I hope I can finish what I start. Perhaps this should be composed OFF LINE, but I have learn that by being spontaneous I do a better job than trying to Compose something:


I wish that on August 25, 1977 I had not met Duane L. Weber.

I wish that when I put him on that plane around Thanksgiving of 1977 to California (a trip I wanted him to make because I felt was still in love with the ex-wife) that he had NOT returned.

I wish I could remember the woman and her daughter who came to my home because they had some business to take care of. This was the wife of someone Duane knew who lived in WA., but I did not know if this was WA.DC or WA State.

I wish I could remember who the Race Car driver whose home we went to and attended a large Cook Out in Clay Co, Georgia.

I wish I had not made the move of faith I made when I left my job in Atlanta, Ga to move to Colorado with a man I bearly knew with my 15 yr old daughter
I wish I had not married him on March 27, 1978.

I wish he had NOT had that nightmare during the 6 months we spent in Denver - when he screamed out "I left my prints on the Aft Stairs" "I'm going to die!"
And then a blood curdling scream.

I wish he had NOT explained away the "Aft Stairs" as part of a jail. I knew nothing about jails, but he told me he got in some trouble with a couple of guys and they broke into a home and they stole some firearms. Another party was involved, but they chose to NOT involve her.

I wish the trip to Rock Springs, WY had not ever occurred when he made his trip to Lander, WY to see an old friend - the week of the white out.

I wish I had knew Nothing of Paperlegs and why the man's name came up several times in our marriage.

I wish I had never made the trip to UT, OR and WA with Duane around the last week of Sept 1979 or the 1st week of Oct to a managers meeting with Family Life Insurance of Seattle, WA.

I wish he had NOT taken the detours he did - such as Salt Lake City where he looked up a man who was working out of the Vistors Center on the ground of the Mormon Church and I wish I could remember the name of that man who he arranged for me to take a picture of. Duane didn't want the man to see him.

I wish he had not told me about.
all of the places we passed on our route to WA before we got to Oregon, such as Lewiston, Moscow, Pullman, Palouse, Coeur'd Alene, Hayden and Spokane. I wish he had never mentioned Bitterroot Range and Missoula and the Kootnai Indians.

I wish he had not told me he could never return there because he got in trouble in the area. I understand this only if his being in that area connected him to another identity and a past unknown to me and others.

I wish he had not told me about a Dam up in the Mountains where he and the Guys worked and the Bar in Goldendale they went to.

I wish he had Not told me about The Dalles and the Old Spillaway Tavern where I now know he worked as a dishwasher.

I wish I knew why the John Day Dam was so important to him.

I wish I knew what WALLA WALLA meant to him. Why did he have Dusty tattooed on his arm?

I wish I knew how he knew were very small airport was located from Walla Walla to Seattle, WA.

I wish I knew where and what he did in Yakima and Toppenish - he spoke fondly of an Indian reservation...and the dismantling of airplanes.

I wish I knew why he knew all about the black jumpers out of Pendleton and the guys in Hood River.

I wish I knew more about the people he knew in Rufus and Biggs - Mattie Findley and Harvey Hansen.

I wish I knew how he knew so much about OR and WA. Such as Crook County and the John Day in that area.

I wish I knew how and why he told me about a small town near Redmond - a place in Prineville the guys used to go to. All of this is near Bend, OR.

I wish I knew how he knew so much about OR and the Greenhorn and Heppener and why everything seems to center around smiles and what seemed to be good memories.

I wish I knew who he knew in Maupin and Wasco...where did he go for those 5 1/2 hours on that fall morning in 1979 as I slept in at the motel East of The Dalles area, but below the dam.

I wish I knew how a man who supposedly never worked or lived (per the FBI) in WA and OR knew all of these things and these people and the places...he knew the names of the counties.

My wish list shall have to continue another day if I feel like it and I have the opportunity to finish my mission.

[:/]After I finish the Wish list - I will have to leave you, because I can no longer continue this battle. Please excuse all of the I's but I know no other way to tell this.

I will tell you that all of this leads up to one FINAL wish - and that is NOT to prove Duane Weber was Cooper, but you will have to bear with me thur my journey...to know what this ONE FINAL WISH IS.

I will try to make this journey as systematically as possible because maybe the problem has been that I have always jumped around in my memories. The trip to WA in 2010 helped me to sort out the sequences, but I didn't find all of the answers.

I will continue this another day as I feel I can...but, 2 of my wishes are that I wish I had never heard of Jerry Thomas or Bob Knoss...they have been a pure waste of my time on this earth and in my search for the truth.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I'm not sure I can answer your questions defintively, G, but here is what I know. I have never heard nor read from Ralph that Captain Scott attended the retirement party. However, Calame and Rhodes claim in their book that Scott did attend the party and while there told Himms that 305 was over Woodland, which is to the west of Victor 23 and in the opposite direction of the Washougal.

As for the confusion between Gaylord and Paul Cini for the honors of the first skyjacking, I will ask Ralph to clear it up at our next meeting, which I hope is soon.

How Rataczak knew he was over the Washougal I do not know. I specificallly asked Rataczak if he knew where he was that night and he told me that he didn't.

First off, you know I do disapprove of your Tina
chase, but I appreciate your reply.

I cant place Gaylord. The issue is who tried to
use a parachute first in an airline hijacking.
If it isnt Cini I dont know who it would be.
Moreover Cini's attempt was just before
Cooper's on 11-13-71.

The name Gaylord just doesnt register -
in any search.


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In his own words:


'I was out riding my racing bicycle on a country road last year on the black top and got hit by a gravel truck. Broke my neck, broke my orbital bones around my eyes, my jaw was wired shut, broken, for eight weeks. I was in a halo for a little over four months...'

Was a case like this in Wsc years ago - was
solved with sound forensic work once the
vehicle was found. Came down to distended
filament in the right side headlamp (old sealed
beam type) ... at just the right angle from
point of impact to victim in the ditch, and
amount of distension (force) consistent
with a hot filament vs lab tests ... with that
party confessed (a lady of the evening -
a Minister's wife! They lived on the same road
but had been passed over in the original

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When Rataczak returns from his vacation in Mexico, he is going to answer this question. And by the way...he's NOT dying. So people should stop saying that junk. He got into an accident a couple of years ago and lives with some pain, but he's not dying.

In his own words:


'I was out riding my racing bicycle on a country road last year on the black top and got hit by a gravel truck. Broke my neck, broke my orbital bones around my eyes, my jaw was wired shut, broken, for eight weeks. I was in a halo for a little over four months...'

Rataczak goes on to say that he has little feeling below his upper legs, but he can walk, 'and that's the important thing.' (his words)

Himmelsbach who told me that both Bill and his wife where hospital cases...and that he had seen Bill just a short time ago. This was told to me in the last 3 wks. I wonder why Himmelsbach told me this? Did Himmelsbach misinterpert Bill's health situation because the accident left him with some handicaps?

Somewhere along the line - I was told that both Bill and his wife were terminal? This would be by a 3rd party who might have something to gain by telling me that.......to confuse and defuse. I am beginning to see this as a game with some of the Cooper writers. What is their reason to do this?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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One thing to consider: If he and his wife were terminal, or REALLY sick, they probably wouldn't be going on vacation. He's fine.... My best to him.

Sorry to hear I made the list along with Duane and Jerry. I'm in good company.

Mexico is the trip of last resort for cancer patients, i.e. Steve McQueen, etc.


When you really love someone you try everything. Ralph does not lie, he just doesn't tell the truth. There is a difference. Jerry, on the other hand, will only tell a lie 180° from the facts and is unable to tell the truth. Jo won't accept the truth and is a sponge for any lie. She won't lie herself, but re-fabricates the truth to her own rose colored perspective that becomes her indisputable truth. Bruce searches for the truth and may be the only bell weather in the story. McCoy and O'Hara know the truth, but won't say a word. Brevans writes the biggest lie ever concocted about the Cooper incident in total blindness of the truth and declares Washingtonian purity despite an open letter to the contrary. The 'clean-up crew' doggedly follows directions and harasses Jo or Bob or whomever happens to be on an intelligent path of discovery, developing contradictions to every truth. The FBI steers their boat betwix the flotsam as it rises from the murk, resinking anything of critical value. And Tina counts the stars in the heavens, unaware of the magic slippers that keep her afloat. I'll be around to clean up the debris ten years from now when the dust has settled and the light shines a little brighter on the truth. I just keep on recording everything. It really does help to know the truth when you are trying to wade through the flotsam. It refuses to stay down.

I have to keep reminding myself of the big picture: "It is difficult to remember, when you are up to your ass in alligators, that the original objective was to drain the swamp."

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Jo I only have one wish. That is that you had never started these fiction stories of yours in the mid 90's through and up till this date to begin with. Jerry

I too have only one wish. That is that you would either tell the truth or shut up! The problem is not Jo's is is YOURS! She is just another victim of YOUR doing, like my father, Tina, and everyone else you impact. Look at what you do!!

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Bob Lieing is not my style. never has been.

I kinda believe that. Saying you were east of Vector 23 when you were west is not the truth. Saying Scott never went back to sit beside Duane is not the truth, when the NW book says the Captain has to investigate.
Saying Tina is fine is not the real truth when she lives in a hypnotic suggested state. Saying I am not telling the truth is a lie. You only see what you want to see or what you want others to see. You damage people. You waste their lives, like Ralph spending all of his time covering for you, Jo who fights your every step. Or my father who just laid down and died because he didn't want to know any more. The years I spent in protection with Bernie, the mental anguish I went through coming out of BlueBird. Most of us in MKUltra commit suicide because we can't get the proper help. I'm luck, so far. And I'm still willing to help you, if you will tell the truth. Not telling the truth is the same as lying, it is just as deceitful. "I did not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky!" ~President Clinton.

From your crude comments and the French whore perfume to Tina, to the repeated threats to me of physical harm, scaring Jo into the emergency room, Mac's threats to 'Janet', it never stops... Voting to 'whack' Duane on his death bed, years of propaganda presentation to TV audiences. You tried to tell the truth in your black and white movie with Scotty, but you couldn't quite do it. Your time has come to be a stand-up guy for the American people and tell what really goes on. If they do whack you, you haven't lost much. I will stand right beside you. P.S. Don't let them give you any medical pain 'patches' for your back!

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Bob Listen I don't no where this fantasy of your's is leading too. However I'm Not even old enough to be this fantasy person you think I am. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. But if your fantasy Hyjacking involves Duane and Jo so be it. enjoy this trip of yours to the twilight zone. But watch that re entry.I'm told it's mind altering.Jerry

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Bob Listen I don't no where this fantasy of your's is leading too. However I'm Not even old enough to be this fantasy person you think I am. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. But if your fantasy Hyjacking involves Duane and Jo so be it. enjoy this trip of yours to the twilight zone. But watch that re entry.I'm told it's mind altering.Jerry

Why were all of my emails to Bill over the past 15 years addressed to you?? Even if you are who you say you are, you represent who I am speaking to. Simply fax it like you previously did everything else.
The message is the same, I'm talking to the same person I have always spoken to. Schizophrenia, dyslexia, cancer, whatever, it is a lot to deal with.

"But watch that re entry.I'm told it's mind altering.Jerry," Based on what was done to Tina, I take that as another clear threat.

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Bob I did not no we were actually free to call people a lier on this forum now!

Jo and I get it regularly. It has become my middle name. You can mask it with pleasantries but there is not much one can do to address the situation without trying to get to the point one way or another. It is all just opinions, points of view, perspectives, and displays of temper from one and all. Some of us actually believe our own lies, not knowing if it was left or right. We all try to be sincere, we just have different ways of trying to make our points, even if they are deceptive. If none of us agree and everyone is telling the truth, there is an anomaly, call it whatever you like. Something is rotten in Denmark. I have gotten a few things wrong in the past, but it takes a good long heated argument to clear the air. Come on over, sit down and discuss it. Leave your sidearm at home.

You KNOW I'm one Hell of a lot more knowledgeable than Nuttall and my son is a very good publicist. He knows what it takes for your story to be a best seller, and it is NOT a skeleton in the foyer like Mac's DVD, or Duane's bones hanging in a tree.

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I was sad to read about the death of a woman I thought would be perfect in ‘Cooper’, the movie as ‘Passenger #23’.

The brightest of dark stars and leader of a trio of Go-Go dancers, who go on a murderous rampage across the desert to kidnap a bikini clad woman after killing her boyfriend for being too wussie. The queen of high kick boots and low cut shirts with a cigarillo clenched in her teeth while delivering judo chops with the prerequisite shouts of ‘HA!, HA!’ to a freshly severed spine; none other than Tura Satana.

I feel it is only appropriate to rename the movie ‘Faster DB Cooper! Jump! Jump!’ Then go back to researching the best person to play ‘Passenger#23’. Such are the sacrifices one makes for an accurate historical recreation.

Apparently Tura died of a heart attack in Johnny Cash’s favorite town of Reno, Nevada.

I just hope I die like my grandfather, quietly in my sleep rather than shrieking and screaming in terror as the end approaches, like the passengers in his plane.

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Orange, where did you find that piece of art. I have seen some work just like that. A man I used to date had some of his son"s art work in his home.

He was a scream - I thought the art work was ghastly and a scream also. Exactly how I feel right now and why my postings will basically be on MY Wishes to be remembered or not remembered. It is all I can do at this time...just repeat a chronological of the past and then let it go...hoping beyond all hope that one day the truth will be known.

At this point I could tell the story till the end of eternity and it will make no difference...land so if I feel like it to night I will continue my WISH list and when I have come full circle it is over....and then it is The End.

All I can hope for by doing the Wish List is that someone will finally see the story as it played out and then it will die with me, just as it should have died with Duane in 1995.

Hope the Wish List does not bore anyone too much. Just taking it one day at a time and the sequence of events as they come around - one last time, but hopefully in an order so that others can see and understand why I believe Duane Weber was Dan Cooper.

Will try to add to the Wish List tonight.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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