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DB Cooper

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Dont let them chase you off the forum guys, just ignore their posts if they bother you and continue. You give them too much power when you let them push you off.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I cant place Gaylord. The issue is who tried to
use a parachute first in an airline hijacking.
If it isnt Cini I dont know who it would be.
Moreover Cini's attempt was just before
Cooper's on 11-13-71.

The name Gaylord just doesnt register -
in any search.


Very interesting information in the attachments, G. Thanks. From what I gather there was no exchange of parachutes, no 727 - rather a DC 8 - and no monetary extortion in this case. It sounds like a typical, albeit violent, political skyjacking by a mentally unstable guy. Instead of Cuba he wanted to go to Ireland and fight with the IRA.

Am I reading this correctly? If so, it makes Ralph's claims very questionable.

BTW, I called Ralph today to schedule a follow-up interview and to ascertain his fee. As before, he graciously declined to continue, citing health concerns, but he did leave the door open to conversations in the future.

BTW II: Before we hung up the phones, Ralph did confirm that Charlie Farrell was the Cooper case agent in Seattle in the initial stages.

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Galen Cook emailed me today and requested that I alert the DZ community that the DB Cooper site on Wikipedia continues to be sabotaged.

Galen has a web master guy posting his Gossett information on the Wiki site and he reports that an individual named "DocJoe3" has been actively removing the Gossett material. Galen's guy has restored the information three times recently, and on the last occasion it was immediately removed again by DocJoe 3.

Perhaps a new mystery for Sherlock Investigations to investigate????

It's certainly a new wrinkle in the DB Cooper case for me to write about - "The Monetization War of the DB Cooper Investigators."

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DC 8s didnt have ventral stairs or doors, just side doors as I recall. Not an ideal jet jumpship by any means.


I rarely see 727s flying these days, just a very occasional exec plane. A few DC 8s still soldier on as freight dogs. I see one take off most mornings from SJC as I drive to work. It is a 70 series re-engined with CFM 56 high bypass turbofans, climbs fast.

Jerry and Georger, come on back. Don't be run off. Stand your ground.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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DC 8s didnt have ventral stairs or doors, just side doors as I recall. Not an ideal jet jumpship by any means.


I rarely see 727s flying these days, just a very occasional exec plane. A few DC 8s still soldier on as freight dogs. I see one take off most mornings from SJC as I drive to work. It is a 70 series re-engined with CFM 56 high bypass turbofans, climbs fast.


It is NOT over until the FAT man Sings. I spoke with George Nuttall tonight, but I was not feeling to well. Since I have been reading his book and regarding some conversations he and I had yrs ago. I knew at that time little about Duane's past and all of the big time Mafia names just were not part of my vocabulary and still are not.

He was dead on in his profile when he said Cooper was a very desperate man making a very desperate action.

Also I found something in his book I find a surprise in the profiling. The proposed that Cooper chose the Mother of Pearl because it was the birthston for June. Duane's birthday was June 28, 1924.

Dan was a code name in the Mafia, but it may also have been a message for Duane's family. That he was going to die with honor and NOT in prison...a sick way of looking at it, but he thought he was a failure and could never succeed at anything, until he actually survived and then he knew nothing was impossible and it changed his life, but he spent that life looking over his shoulder.

I did not get the meaning of Cooper when Nuttall explained it to me as he was rushing and I was not feeling at all well.

Some of the print is so small I am using a magnifying glass to read it with it. Was the Cooper reason for the name in the book or is this just something Nuttall told me today? What does Cooper mean in the Mafia.

Since I was not feeling good anc could hardly talk - and Nuttall had someone picking him up the conversation had to end. He still thinks that Cooper died that night, but were is the evidence.

He and I had talked many many yrs ago, when the article appeared in the Oregonian in 2001 and I just more or less let it go and so did he. We still do not agree, but I did tell him I was enjoying the book and he had cited the many things I found in my search about the mis-reporting of different things.

He is man who you need to have a guide line infront of you and the facts. As all of you know I am getting old and my memory is starting to fail me...but I would love to walk thru his book and talk about all of the comparables. Things that Tosaw said versus what Himmelsbach said and the absence of reports.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Dont let them chase you off the forum guys, just ignore their posts if they bother you and continue. You give them too much power when you let them push you off.


:) How sad!

I do not feel well enough to do anymore of MY WISH LIST tonight, but maybe tomorrow. We do NOT have an emotion con for ALL POOPED OUT!B| But the pirate just might do. I need some R & R.

I will state again that we actually all need to read Nuttall's book - it is by far the most all inclusive book I have read regarding Cooper. I do NOT agree with his conclusion, but since I have been playing hit and miss with the book that is understandable. I read about 1/3 of it and then started something I hate to do - turning several pages at a time. NOT because it was boring, but because I could not read it fast enough.

I expect if I feel like it I will be reading some more tonight and if you haven't bought the book and read it - you need to do so.
When I say I am enjoying a Cooper book it has to be good.

This book has facts and more facts and you do not feel forced to come to the same decision he does - but, he does lay thing out there many of us have discussed - such as why the tie was not there and then it was there - he actually makes you re-think these things we have discussed in this thread.

It would not be a good idea if he was on the thread because we would NEVER get to discuss the different issues. He has had his say - now what do WE think about it - collectively...comparing what he says to all the things we have read and studied before.

Georger - even you would love to do this - if you haven't bought the book - BUY IT?

Book Review Time or I do my WISH LIST!:):D
Go BUY the Book!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Galen Cook emailed me today and requested that I alert the DZ community that the DB Cooper site on Wikipedia continues to be sabotaged.

Galen has a web master guy posting his Gossett information on the Wiki site and he reports that an individual named "DocJoe3" has been actively removing the Gossett material. Galen's guy has restored the information three times recently, and on the last occasion it was immediately removed again by DocJoe 3.

Perhaps a new mystery for Sherlock Investigations to investigate????

It's certainly a new wrinkle in the DB Cooper case for me to write about - "The Monetization War of the DB Cooper Investigators."

Several of the entries for the suspects, including Christiansen, have been changed recently. Let me be clear here: I touch nothing on that page at Wiki except for the entry on Christiansen.

Yesterday, I changed a few of the small facts this editor had modified on KC's entry. For example, he said 'KC had $400,000 in the bank when he died'. I corrected it to the real figures, which are $186,000 in savings, and $21,501 in checking. And I cleaned up some of the Shemya history that this editor got wrong. The entry on KC had also been shortened somewhat. I left that alone, since it was too long anyway.

Usually, when the notice at Wiki is up on an article saying 'this article is currently undergoing a major reconstruction,' this means a registered user at Wiki is working on the article.

If you make changes to anything on the page, put some explanation why you did in that little box at the end. Otherwise, the Wiki person will just change it back.

Exactly WHY I never go there - it is people just trying to act important and anyone can get in to it and change the information.
I gave up on that one yrs ago.

I have absolutely no idea what they have on the site about Duane Weber and don't care! It is nothing more than a bunch of kids and writers and researchers more interested in seeing if they can out do the other ones. Recognize WIKI for what it it really is - it is NOT the new encylopedia. It is a tabloid.

Think about all of the individuals who get pissed on on this thread - individuals savy enough to target the Wiki, but I won't name names. Definitely NOT me!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Just to finish Nuttalls book and understand why Duane did NOT get investigated properly.

When the FBI was supposed to be investigating Duane L. Weber the government was being bombarded about Mafia and Cover-ups. Perhaps the goverment really did ignore Duane or he would have been investigated a little differently had Nuttall's own investigation had not already been put in place in 1994. Note all the dates on all of those letters to the goverment organization.

Who would properly investigate a subject that just might swing in that direction - not saying Weber did understand you, but there was reason to put Weber on the back burner, but time just made him go away...and for any evidence to just become jaded by the media.

I expect this is WHY neither Doug Pasternak, myself and others making enquiries on my behalf where NOT able to get into the Mo. records and why they will forever be kept a secret now....the FBI refused until the mother files had been destroyed and all there was is what was available online. No Jefferson photos now exist...No detail duty records now exist and to include visitations.

Why certain names I provided to the FBI were NEVER investigated.
I could not provide the names in the media because I feared retailation by doing so. What if they were NOT or were NOT what I thought and had been told they were? What position would have this put me in?

If I could believe Mafia was involved it would explain the accident I had in 2000 (an accident that I later believed to have been staged). Had I not have have been a cautious driver and have hesitated I would have died and if I had survied I was told I would have wished I wasn't alive. 4 inches saved my life, but left me with injuries I suffer from today - but the accident was made to look like I caused it.

My making a hesitation is all that saved my life...the women who hit me disappeared after they recieved their money...That accident was NO accident and I said that then and I say it now.
My attorney who had been a friend wanted me to take them to task because he knew how I drove and that was defensive.I didn't want to make waves because of my dealing with the FBI...and did NOT realize how lasting and permanent my injuries would be. I thought I was invincible.:D

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo wrote:

If I could believe Mafia was involved it would explain the accident I had in 2000 (an accident that I later believed to have been staged). Had I not have have been a cautious driver and have hesitated I would have died and if I had survived I was told I would have wished I wasn't alive. 4 inches saved my life, but left me with injuries I suffer from today - but the accident was made to look like I caused it.


This borders on paranoia. If someone wanted you dead there are far more reliable and less traceable means to accomplish it. There have been staged accidents, but they are insurance scams, not hits. You may have been the victim of such a scam. There was a ring busted in LA in the 80s that did this numerous times using several cars to force an innocent driver into colliding with one of the scammers' cars. A sharp Highway Patrol officer figured it out.

Were you listed as being at fault in the police report?

Which is more likely:

1. Jo was actually at fault.

2. The accident was staged to make it appear that Jo was at fault?

3. Jo wasn't at fault but it appeared that she was with no staging involved?

Why not scan the police report, post it here and after doing that show us where it is in error? If it was actually staged my money is on insurance scam not a botched mafia hit.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Jo wrote:


If I could believe Mafia was involved it would explain the accident I had in 2000 (an accident that I later believed to have been staged). Had I not have have been a cautious driver and have hesitated I would have died and if I had survived I was told I would have wished I wasn't alive. 4 inches saved my life, but left me with injuries I suffer from today - but the accident was made to look like I caused it.


This borders on paranoia. If someone wanted you dead there are far more reliable and less traceable means to accomplish it. There have been staged accidents, but they are insurance scams, not hits. You may have been the victim of such a scam. There was a ring busted in LA in the 80s that did this numerous times using several cars to force an innocent driver into colliding with one of the scammers' cars. A sharp Highway Patrol officer figured it out.

Were you listed as being at fault in the police report?

Which is more likely:

1. Jo was actually at fault.

2. The accident was staged to make it appear that Jo was at fault?

3. Jo wasn't at fault but it appeared that she was with no staging involved?

Why not scan the police report, post it here and after doing that show us where it is in error? If it was actually staged my money is on insurance scam not a botched mafia hit.


I no longer have the report and I took the blame - as I had never had an accident before...I just accepted it, but was NOT parnoid about it. Just something that should NOT have happened when it did and how it did.

Reading Nuttall's book was reason for me to revisit my feelings about the accident... but I do not and did not dwell on it. I will admit to having a FLASH Back after reading Nuttall's book.

The injuries from that accident still plague me and will for the rest of my life. Just as the injuries from the co-pilots accident will plague him.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Very interesting information in the attachments, G. Thanks. From what I gather there was no exchange of parachutes, no 727 - rather a DC 8 - and no monetary extortion in this case. It sounds like a typical, albeit violent, political skyjacking by a mentally unstable guy. Instead of Cuba he wanted to go to Ireland and fight with the IRA.

Am I reading this correctly? If so, it makes Ralph's claims very questionable.

Cini claimed to be an IRA member but wasn't.
He brought aboard a 12-gauge shotgun under his
black overcoat, a 40lb box full of dynamite, and
another package containing a parachute! Maybe
the tipoff was his ski hat with holes poked through
it for eye holes, he declined to take off upon
entering. 40 miles out from Calgary he pulled
down the ski hat to make a crude mask, pulled
the 12-gauge from under his coat and announced
he was hijacking the plane, and to make things
perfectly clear he fired a blast from the 12-gauge
into a cabin partition, he disclosed his box
contained dynamite, and he asked for 1.5
million dollars and wanted to go to Ireland.

The flight was diverted to Great Falls MT where
he was given $50,000 in cash but he ordered
the plane airborn again refusing to let anyone
off. They headed for Regina but Cinci changed
his mind again ordering the plane back to Grt
Falls where he let everyone but 6 crew members
off. They took on approx 7000 gallons of fuel
and Cini ordered the plane aloft again. The
pilot convinced Cini they needed more fuel so
they set a coarse for Regina. About 15 minutes
out Cpt Ehmann got out of his seat and called
back telling Cinci he was coming back to talk.
Cini allowed it. Cinci said he wanted to get his
parachute on so Ehmann told him he wouldnt
interfere. Cini set his shotgun down to pick up
his chute and Ehmann grabbed him and they
wrestled. A purser ran back with a fire axe and
hit Cini over the head. They tied Cini up and
headed back for Great Falls ...

Cini had previously ordered the "DC-8" to be
flown at 3000 ft and the emergency door/window
opened - he intended to bail through that.

Cini: 5'7", black curly hair, swarthy olive skin
complexion. Cini was 27 years old, a delivery
truck driver who had previously lived in the USA
but had gone up to live with his parents at Calgary
five years earlier.

All of this on Nov 13th 1971, 11 days before
the Cooper hijacking. The whole thing a six hour ordeal -

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Cinci claimed to be an IRA member but wasn't.
He brought aboard a 12-gauge shotgun under his
black overcoat, a 40lb box full of dynamite, and
another package containing a parachute! Maybe
the tipoff was his ski hat with holes poked through
it for eye holes, he declined to take off upon
entering. 40 miles out from Calgary he pulled
down the ski hat to make a crude mask, pulled
the 12-gauge from under his coat and announced
he was hijacking the plane, and to make things
perfectly clear he fired a blast from the 12-gauge
into a cabin partition, he disclosed his box
contained dynamite, and he asked for 1.5
million dollars and wanted to go to Ireland.

The flight was diverted to Great Falls MT where
he was given $50,000 in cash but he ordered
the plane airborn again refusing to let anyone
off. They headed for Regina but Cinci changed
his mind again ordering the plane back to Grt
Falls where he let everyone but 6 crew members
off. They took on approx 7000 gallons of fuel
and Cinci ordered the plane aloft again. The
pilot convinced Cinci they needed more fuel so
they set a coarse for Regina. About 15 minutes
out Cpt Ehmann got out of his seat and called
back telling Cinci he was coming back to talk.
Cinci allowed it. Cinci said he wanted to get his
parachute on so Ehmann told him he wouldnt
interfere. Cinci set his shotgun down to pick up
his chute and Ehmann grabbed him and they
wrestled. A purser ran back with a fire axe and
hit Cinci over the head. They tied Cinci up and
headed back for Great Falls ...

Cinci had previously ordered the "DC-8" to be
flown at 3000 ft and the emergency door/window
opened - he intended to bail through that.

Cinci: 5'7", black curly hair, swarthy olive skin
complexion. Cinci was 27 years old, a delivery
truck driver who had previously lived in the USA
but had gone up to live with his parents at Calgary
five years earlier.

All of this on Nov 13th 1971, 11 days before
the Cooper hijacking. The whole thing a six hour ordeal -


Thanks for clarifying, G. I had scanned the attachments and missed some crucial elements.

Also, is it Cinci or Cini?

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Thanks for clarifying, G. I had scanned the attachments and missed some crucial elements.

Also, is it Cinci or Cini?

Crap, I screwed it
up. You're right - its CINI. I will change the copy above - thanks for asking!

I wonder what his family of origin was - Irish?
Is Cini an Irish name? Italian?

BTW, someone i spoke withg tonight spoke highly
of you saying you are a 'very good' investigator -
thought I would pass that on.

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If I could believe Mafia was involved it would explain the accident I had in 2000 (an accident that I later believed to have been staged). Had I not have have been a cautious driver and have hesitated I would have died and if I had survied I was told I would have wished I wasn't alive. 4 inches saved my life, but left me with injuries I suffer from today - but the accident was made to look like I caused it.

After we discussed your accident I inquired as to any intentional involvement by anyone involved with Norjak. The results were negative, it was just a simple accident type accident, not intentional, although nobody was upset. You probably were at fault and did not stop where you should have? Two women drivers. Two women in a Bronco.... driver's side impact... Gotta be just a high probability coincidence. They didn't back up and hit you a second time. Race car drivers from Georgia.........

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If I could believe Mafia was involved it would explain the accident I had in 2000 (an accident that I later believed to have been staged). Had I not have have been a cautious driver and have hesitated I would have died and if I had survied I was told I would have wished I wasn't alive. 4 inches saved my life, but left me with injuries I suffer from today - but the accident was made to look like I caused it.

After we discussed your accident I inquired as to any intentional involvement by anyone involved with Norjak. The results were negative, it was just a simple accident type accident, not intentional, although nobody was upset. You probably were at fault and did not stop when you should have? Two women drivers. Two women in a Bronco... with a 'cow catcher'.... driver's side impact... Gotta be just a high probability coincidence. They didn't back up and hit you a second time. Race car drivers from Georgia.........

PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND TO ANYTHING I POST. What you posted was so far from the truth it is pathetic.

Number ONE I was NOT hit from the back. Number TWO I was at a full stop. WHY go on and on?
You are what you are - and this is getting RIDICULOUS. Also it was not a Bronco. It did have a thing on the front of it that hunters use. That is the only thing you got right.

This is exactly WHY I do NOT believe anything YOU tell!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I am going to retract my post of last night regarding Tuttall's Book. Which is why I came into the thread so early this morning.

[:/]1st things 1st:

Read Knoss's "story" about my auto accident and this created a major gastric problem keeping my coffee down? Truely hope the post I made about "his story" about my accident gets the point across to him and others.:S

The Mafia and J.Edgar Hoover connection is CRAP! That part was boring and totally unrelated.
Actually took away from a book that might otherwise have been written to be more effective in his complaint regarding the investigative abilities of the FBI and "others".

The book does note some interesting conflicts of stories we have read and which have been reported by others who are officially on record with the reports they have made in the past. Does everyone tell a different story to a different interviewer? How many different ways can you tell one story?


Interesting to note that the first enquiry was dated May of 1994, the yr before Duane died. This was no more than a letter to Himmelsbach introducing himself and explaining his qualification.

During the yrs from 1995 to 2000 he becomes agressive in contacting the agencies of our government. In Sept of 2000 after Margie Boule' of the Oregonian Newspaper had done the article on Duane Weber, Tuttall gets really aggressive writing a very long letter to Senator Harry Reed. He enclosed a 55 page Summary, titled D.B. Cooper, Skyjacking Case Summary.

This summary has mistakes (in my opinion) and new "evidence" or "theory" was interesting, but from one man's point of view.

I can understand some of why Duane was NOT properly investigated because of individuals who march the skyjacking to the Mafia and gambling to grotesque mutilating murders and right on into the white house.

Nuttall does mention a name that has come-up in my research and one Duane spoke of - Jack Anderson. Anderson was a writer and not a profiteer. I have told the story about Jack Anderson and Duane before, but did not know who the man was in the yrs prior to Duane's death. Of course my reseach and his subsequent death and the confiscation of files from his wife thru trickery - was uncomfortable.

That action led me to believe that something Duane told me about Anderson was TRUE, but it was GOOD. Two individual went behind closed door to share information with Anderson, but I forget in relation to what other than it was about 'bad" things involving Kennedy. My memory is really starting to fail me. It was a secret meeting and if they were found out - could have gotten into serious problems with a force to be reckon with. I was not political and did NOT understand what Duane was telling me back in those days - I just thought it was a story, but it was something Duane did during the John Collins yrs and in regards to N. Orleans.

Supposedly Duane knew Anderson from out of his past and contacted him about what-ever it was about. I got the impression Duane knew Anderson from his early life in the 40's. One of the few things Duane told me about himself.
I explored Anderson past before, but I could not get a detailed enough history to pinpoint the connection.

I realize I am just talking to myself, but since this came up in Nuttall's book and it is an old memory I have spoke of before and tried to unravel - it just seems strange it keeps coming up in the Cooper Case...and is introduced by someone other than myself. So does anyone understand what Anderson has to do with Nuttall's book and with Duane's life.

I just found this to be of interest only to me, but I can't remember enough about it and was never able to access the now defunct Prison files of Duane's life as John C. Collins.

Why did the FBI conceal these records from me? WHY!

Now Nuttall has me doing it. WHY?

He puts WHY? in caps behind questions and statements for impact.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Orange, where did you find that piece of art.

Jo, it's a pretty famous painting called The Scream by a Norwegian artist, Edvard Munch (who has also painted some prettier pictures). It's in the Norwegian National Gallery (or equivalent not sure of exact name) in Oslo, and has been stolen and recovered a couple of times.

PS Munch is one of my favourite artists and I hope I will be seeing this in the flesh in July... hoping it will not have been stolen again by then :P
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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What you wanting with the white man’s world?


There are three primary motivators which have manifested in my life that I can only imagine must be unique since others appear incapable of breaking the code. So here it is: Money, Women and Adventure. Well surprise, surprise, surprise.


Knowing full well that on Shemya there is a ‘Beautiful Woman Behind Every Tree’, there can only be a few scenarios to explain a person choosing to work there (Ref: 4th paragraph).


This author went for the career challenge or adventure where the civies did it for the cash. I suppose there could have been some way to feed the carnal appetite, but how?


In any event, Shemya Island (aka The Rock, same as Alcatraz) managed to support one or two of the legs in my personal triad of life. Why people are so baffled at the reason someone would choose to work in such a location must have never been in a coal mine, near a Bessemer furnace or in an insurance seminar. If you work where there is a company store and that store offers and sells 30 year service, lapel pins, you work in my personal definition of the Seventh Level of Hell.


Well shoot, I love my job, when I retire I’ll return and do it for a leisure activity, who was I kidding?

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Just playing my part as one of your triumvirate, Jerry, Bob and Duane the tool. A T-bone is not a collision in the back it is a side-impact. The 'crew' of girls have a Bronco. You are even more wrong than Nuttall as I stated before. Throw half of each of your stories in the trash and you have the truth. As normal, you want to throw out the wrong half! Absolutely astounding!
Mac. Mac. Mac.

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