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DB Cooper

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Orange One. I read a couple of your post and I realize you are upset with a few post.Still it seem's that every one wants there story to beat the presses and have there story in the public eye before the 40th year of this story.Most will fail.At least the one's on DropZone. Funny thing is there failure will be Due to there post on DropZone.To many stories of there's Kept changing To many change's in there book's /storie's.Good fiction though for cartoons. Maybe thats why they've been doing it for all these years.The comic book market is wide open. Maybe Blevens and Jo can get a good paying job in that Industry. Jerry

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Bob wrote:


It is what happened. Wong or not.

I don't doubt your burning barn story Bob. I doubt Janet's alleged story. One appears to defy physics, the other doesn't.


377, Im going to come back to this
but later tonight. I will try to give a bit more formal
exposition but based on the best report I have
of Janet's observation, which must occur at around
8:12pm pst ... they are backing out of the drive
at that very time. BTW her account places her
point of observartion as inside the car, not outside.
Her account says nothing about her husband seeing
the 'prolonged' observation, or the husband stopping the car so they could look, or the children seeing the event, just Janet from the passenger seat of the car. Time to back out of drive is what?
Time Janet says she witnessed this is what? Did
her husband slow the car so she could watch the full event? .......... lots of questions. Its worth examining a bit more.

BTW Galen picked up on the wind issue. He says (only) Bohan's version of the winds at PDX agrees
with the direction of travel Janet describes, so Galen and I are on the same page with that.

Lets pick this apart more -

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Blevins I'm Sure you will be a no show. We both no why. It's time to admit that your storie is made up. You no I can prove it. Run or face the chalendge. Why do you want to run now. Still you were brave enough to chaledge others Galen, Jo, Nettall. But when I come on board you run. Guess your actions tells all.You made the first chalendge. Gallen and Jo. Why run Now. What are you scared of. Jerry

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Georger wrote:

377, Im going to come back to this but later tonight. I will try to give a bit more formal exposition but based on the best report I have of Janet's observation, which must occur at around 8:12pm pst ...

Thanks Georger. Looking forward to it.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Blevins Stated:

Jerry...I'm going to recommend to Comcast that you not be invited onto the show. Go see your 'contacts' and complain about it. If they tell me you ARE going to be on the program, I will be a no-show. I don't do Springer stuff.

Jo Stated:
Blevins DITTO that for me also. Putting up with JT these past few yrs is ALL I can stand. He is the one who sabotaged my interview in WA in 2001. The got with the crew and told them where to take me - which was ALL the wrong places. This is why I didn't find the places until the crew left and some locals pitched in to help. 3 Women and an undercover whose life at that time depended on his being able to know when someone was lieing.

Blevins Stated:
If you're going to call Into The Blast a work of fiction, I give you the same response I give to everyone else.

Prove it, or forever hold your peace.

Jo Stated:
Your book is not a work of fiction - it is narrative taken from your interviews and research and is valid as such.

Blevins stated:
I let Stephens see some of Jerry's latest postings here and I made a few comments.

Jo stated:
I am sure that Stephens would love to do a documentary in a very sutle way with a once thru of the subjects over the yrs. I just would like to have information on Weber up to date as it is today and not as it has been presented by the nay sayers who are unaware of what I have worked on the last few months. Things I should have presented from get go - but I was a novice with NO knowledge of Cooper and the things that have been brought forth since I last went public in 2002.

My finally being able to present the things that I have found in the last few months are very important to me, but may NOT be important to anyone else. All of this presentation is visual and has to be done as that...with a narrative - that asks many of the question none of us have been able to resolve. I do want this ONE final say about Duane Weber versus Cooper without it being about ME or MY STORY, but unanswered Question and Some Explanations that have never happened. I think the public needs to know about these things - and then let the public decide if they are valid points or just more hype.

Then I will rest my case.

377 would you like to represent me on this in the closing arguments as an objective observer? Leave it to the jury (the public to answer the WHY questions?)
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jerry Stated:

Blevins I'm Sure you will be a no show. We both no why. It's time to admit that your storie is made up. You no I can prove it. Run or face the chalendge. Why do you want to run now. Still you were brave enough to chaledge others Galen, Jo, Nettall. But when I come on board you run. Guess your actions tells all.You made the first chalendge. Gallen and Jo. Why run Now. What are you scared of. Jerry

:|At the risk of being banned I believe I am qualified to answer that question:

[:/]You are a rude, abrasive and you should have been arrested for how you victimized me on the phone the night you called me liar over and over and over. Then and only then did I realize just how deranged you are. You treated me like I was a prisoner of WAR that had been captured and nothing I could say had any meaning other than what you wanted me to say.

B|Remember all of the threats you made in this thread (they cannot be erased) when you said you had contacted the TV programs in my area and threatened me over and over and over. Had you have shown up at my home you would have been arrested.

B|You cannot erase these - they are right here in this thread. Why would anyone want to bring a person on their program who is coersive and attacks others? If the TV program is interested in making this an objective presentation of Cooper - then it needs to be done without you.


:|Quade if this post is out of line I apologize, but it is time some things got said. I hope to be able to finish the Wish List, but if that is not to be it is not to be. Basically it is an outline of my search in the last few months. Things I never expected to find and asking for assistance with the rest of it - which will only be accomplished by photo studies (slides) and new things being presented in an organzied manner.

:)They need to see the procedure and then see the final analysis that comes forward.

;)The general public will be amazed at what they themselves see. I had never enlarged multiple photos of Weber to standard page size. I am talking photos I thought might jeopardize a witness rejecting a photo because of age. I was picking the photos I thought looked like the composites - I wasn't looking at the complete picture.

;)Two individuals came to my home in the last 18 months and when they saw these photos (no Sluggo did NOT see these) - they were mind boggled as to why I had withheld these items.

:(The truth is - I didn't see it.

:SThen there is the tape - I thought the age and his being hoarse from a procedure might damage things more than help. These things are the very things that has caused others to encourage me to go public again. I didn't want to do that - because my life is quiet and my community is small.

[:/]Jerry has used my need for privacy to threaten me with media exposure. In the real world he would have been arrested.

I informed Himmelsbach at the time this occurred and was promised Jerry would never bother me again.

:oWHY do you guys think I stayed so private in WA and OR for 15 days? Do not anyone of you feel that if there had been someone who was capable of assisting me that I would not have drawn from that pool. I did not - to many biases - and I needed the freedom to do it my way. I knew I would only have that ONE last chance...I ran out of time and money and energy so I had to come home. So much more that I should have done, but now the rest of this will have to be up to the general public and the ONLY reason I agreed to be presented on the program.

:|There are several VERY important parts of Duane Weber's life unanswered and one answer lies along the State line to Coere d' Alene and in the Bend area of OR. Will they prove he was Cooper? Probably not, but they will give me some peace of mind. The full un-edited version of Duane Weber's stay in Jefferson might help also, but the FBI has made sure that is NON-existent now. WHY?

:|A good explanation of how Duane Weber and his wife lived for 6 yrs under the name of John Collins and Ross went undetected for all of those yrs.

Often they used her last name since his ID's were usually fake.
Was there a warrant for Duane L. Weber during those 6 yrs? NO so WHY did they live under multiple alias? She was constantly changing her first name - WHY? They lived in multiple places never staying anywhere for more than a few months until he went to work for Pyramid Life Ins under John Collins in MO.

:SWhat information did John Collins provide in 1997 that got him out of Jefferson? This was NO ordinary commutation of sentence. He snitched big time and since what he knew was under the name of John Collins all the protection he was given was to take his REAL name again.

:SNO explanation has ever been given as to why a 15 yr felon could have been encarcerated under an alias of John Collins if his fingerprints showed he was Duane L. Weber? Just ONE more reason I question the prints on file for Duane L. Weber. He was arrested, tried, sentence and release as John Collins - what happened to Duane L. Weber's file?

I will probably never know the answers to the WHYs? But, I have to give it one LAST try.:|

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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The Silence is Deafening!

Yes, What else is there to say?
Strange how things end so quickly - everything has a beginning and an ending.

Suddenly eyes are wide open and minds are clear with only a few words mincing none. When the objective is simple and straight forward - you go forward.

It is said that life becomes very clear when you stare death in the eye....perhaps when you know you have to draw on every mental moment you have - the picture becomes more focused.

What physical energy you have you use to bring things to a close putting your house together.

It is time to put my house in order...and I started right where it began - with Jerry Thomas.

That man had done more to stymie the Cooper Hunt than anyone out there in the last 30 yrs. WHY? Because of Jerry and a lots of others just like him - the Cooper investigation got bogged down in rumors and wannabes. The truth became vague and forgotten. Facts got lost in the shuffle and everyone has tried to make finding Cooper impossible.

Then when the REAL thing comes along - it is too unbelieveable, because he kept it KISS. And with a KISS Cooper just went on back to Georgia and lived his life.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Comcast producer says this about Jerry Thomas in an email to me this evening:

He was never asked to appear on the program in the first place, and he has no 'contacts' with the producers. And he certainly won't be invited now.

However, they are still a go for doing an interview with Jo Weber, as far as I know. I urged them to try and get Galen Cook, as well. I may send Cook a message myself on this, although I would try to be more polite about it. I've made some jokes about this, but the truth is maybe the best presentation would be all sides having their say, showing their evidence and see which one more carries the ring of truth or possibility.

The thing that really bugs me on this thread is when people just make up any old thing they please when it suits them. There are some exceptions, and then there are two very guilty people. One of them completely trashed the Facebook page for DB Cooper. The other I don't know as well, but I just addressed his latest effort.

Early Morning Edit: Email sent to Galen Cook urging him to contact Spencer Stephens at Comcast about appearing on the program. I was nice. (*smiles*)

You can stop with the BS Blevins. Dont make it
any bigger than it is! The President hasnt
invited you to dinner . .

Dont you mean Spencer Stephens at:

Spencer Stephens
Producer at Comcast Sportsnet Northwest
Demographic info
Greater Seattle Area | Broadcast Media
Current: Producer at Comcast Sportsnet Northwest Past: Producer at Screaming Flea Productions, Producer/Writer at Spencer Stephens, Producer at Screaming Flea Productions, Producer at FSN, Producer at...Education: Washington State University, Washington State University

Comcast SportsNet Northwest (CSN Northwest) is a "member" of the Comcast SportsNet network of sponsored regional sports networks, an
independent associate of Comcast Corporation Inc.

Casey Waage, Director of Sponsorships
(503) 736-5146

Comcast hasnt invited you to anything. Spencer
Sephens has ... maybe after you lobbied to get
the part?

You will deny of course. You have had a denial
and a major correction almost every day since
you came here?

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But... which does not seem...If...perhaps... This means.....This implies....Janet's observation might be...I seriously doubt...unless...
... and I have reason to doubt...I think ...
The specifics of Janet's (DO NOT REALLY) report matter.
Did she see....which could mean....
As for her being visited by 'black suits' who told
her to 'shut the fuck up', was her husband there
and witnessed that?... Something tells me...could be..
It could also...almost...


Janet made a report to the FBI. McCoy called on her. She was scared. She talked to Cook. Her information is consistent with the balance of information confirmed by Nicholson, Rataczak, McCoy, Jo Weber, Himmelsbach, and perhaps others.

Sorry, dude. You can coulda shoulda woulda til you are blue in the face. Facts are facts and Janet is an indisputable fact. Every detail of her story does not have to be proven to be critical. She saw the frickin' plane where it really was and THAT is all that I care about. It PROVES the proposition that the Victor 23 path was erroneous and the flight path was really 15-20 miles West of where the Air Force plotted based on mis-information. I don't know how, but I do know they did it. Ask Nicholson how it was done. He appears more qualified to resolve the how. I can verify the words that were uttered, that's it.

Sorry, dude. You can't put this story together by intimidation and logic. It was built on dyslexic reversals and illogical actions. That is what made it work, along with lengthy detailed planning by knowledgeable PILOTS. I know that you know better. You are too friendly with the powers that be. Even the best laid plans of mice and men can go astray. No secrets last forever. Time is up on this one. "Knuckle dragging Neanderthals...." Always enjoyed that phrase. Aperpos to be sure. If it fits, wear it.~ Forrest Gump.

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But... which does not seem...If...perhaps... This means.....This implies....Janet's observation might be...I seriously doubt...unless...
... and I have reason to doubt...I think ...
The specifics of Janet's (DO NOT REALLY) report matter.
Did she see....which could mean....
As for her being visited by 'black suits' who told
her to 'shut the fuck up', was her husband there
and witnessed that?... Something tells me...could be..
It could also...almost...


Janet made a report to the FBI. McCoy called on her. She was scared. She talked to Cook. Her information is consistent with the balance of information confirmed by Nicholson, Rataczak, McCoy, Jo Weber, Himmelsbach, and perhaps others.

Sorry, dude. You can coulda shoulda woulda til you are blue in the face. Facts are facts and Janet is an indisputable fact. Every detail of her story does not have to be proven to be critical. She saw the frickin' plane where it really was and THAT is all that I care about. It PROVES the proposition that the Victor 23 path was erroneous and the flight path was really 15-20 miles West of where the Air Force plotted based on mis-information. I don't know how, but I do know they did it. Ask Nicholson how it was done. He appears more qualified to resolve the how. I can verify the words that were uttered, that's it.

Sorry, dude. You can't put this story together by intimidation and logic. It was built on dyslexic reversals and illogical actions. That is what made it work, along with lengthy detailed planning by knowledgeable PILOTS. Even the best laid plans of mice and men can go astray. No secrets last forever. Time is up on this one. "Knuckle dragging Neanderthals...." Always enjoyed that phrase. Aperpos to be sure. If it fits, wear it.~ Forrest Gump.

Next time just quote me. Skip making up your own
version of what I said. Just quote me. Otherwise
you are quoting and then replying to ... yourself!


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It's just a local TV show. I never said it was anything else.

There we go! Thanks for the timely correction.

Jo may lose interest now that we have established
this a neighborhood swap meet and no Oscar is

As for Jerry: I seriously think Jerry is laughing
his ass off. I could be wrong. But as you so ably
said last night:

Prove it, or forever hold your peace.


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Georger asks:
***'You can stop with the BS Blevins.

REPEAT: Let's discuss Lyle's letter from Kenny asking to be a strawman Cooper. Rataczak told me about it before you started your book. If you are so honest and diligent, you should be able to clear up this matter in short order.

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Georger asks:
***'You can stop with the BS Blevins.

REPEAT: Let's discuss Lyle's letter from Kenny asking to be a strawman Cooper. Rataczak told me about it before you started your book. If you are so honest and diligent, you should be able to clear up this matter in short order.

You have me mistaken for somebody else!

Post the letter. Lets see what it says. How
can we discuss a letter nobody but you and
Blevins have ever seen.

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Georger asks:
***'You can stop with the BS Blevins.

REPEAT: Let's discuss Lyle's letter from Kenny asking to be a strawman Cooper. Rataczak told me about it before you started your book. If you are so honest and diligent, you should be able to clear up this matter in short order.

You have me mistaken for somebody else!

Post the letter. Lets see what it says. How
can we discuss a letter nobody but you and
Blevins have ever seen.

Not intended to be addressed to you, Georger, sorry. Blevins! Ask him to explain the letter. It's his story. He should have checked out the story before doing it. Little Rataczak told me about it, I haven't seen it yet, but I sure would like to. Blevins refuses to discuss it. WHY? Because it exposes another hoax? Lyle knows the answer to that one.

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But... which does not seem...If...perhaps... This means.....This implies....Janet's observation might be...I seriously doubt...unless...
... and I have reason to doubt...I think ...
The specifics of Janet's (DO NOT REALLY) report matter.
Did she see....which could mean....
As for her being visited by 'black suits' who told
her to 'shut the fuck up', was her husband there
and witnessed that?... Something tells me...could be..
It could also...almost...


Janet made a report to the FBI. McCoy called on her. She was scared. She talked to Cook. Her information is consistent with the balance of information confirmed by Nicholson, Rataczak, McCoy, Jo Weber, Himmelsbach, and perhaps others.

Sorry, dude. You can coulda shoulda woulda til you are blue in the face. Facts are facts and Janet is an indisputable fact. Every detail of her story does not have to be proven to be critical. She saw the frickin' plane where it really was and THAT is all that I care about. It PROVES the proposition that the Victor 23 path was erroneous and the flight path was really 15-20 miles West of where the Air Force plotted based on mis-information. I don't know how, but I do know they did it. Ask Nicholson how it was done. He appears more qualified to resolve the how. I can verify the words that were uttered, that's it.

Sorry, dude. You can't put this story together by intimidation and logic. It was built on dyslexic reversals and illogical actions. That is what made it work, along with lengthy detailed planning by knowledgeable PILOTS. I know that you know better. You are too friendly with the powers that be. Even the best laid plans of mice and men can go astray. No secrets last forever. Time is up on this one. "Knuckle dragging Neanderthals...." Always enjoyed that phrase. Aperpos to be sure. If it fits, wear it.~ Forrest Gump.

Knoss, Ask Nicholson how it was done? Hell's bells man, if you are referring to this Nicholson then I have already explained about 10 times how it was done! Would anyone believe the 11th time either?

And for the record, I agree with Jo Weber's assessment of Jerry Thomas.

Robert Nicholson

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Knoss, Ask Nicholson how it was done? Hell's bells man, if you are referring to this Nicholson then I have already explained about 10 times how it was done! Would anyone believe the 11th time either?
And for the record, I agree with Jo Weber's assessment of Jerry Thomas.

Robert Nicholson

Try using 6th grader terms and keep it brief. That seems to work for me lately. "Hit broad, grab hair, drag to cave." Can you show a map of the real fight path around the West of Portland? See my map guesstimate, attached. Jump point may not be accurate. The red and black line is the oil pipeline clearing that matches the flightpath pattern. The pink RR track is the reported path and the red x is the reported jump. Look West of the reported jump and you will see Tena bar. WOW! Look at that! Amazing, huh? Move the reported path mentally over the pipeline. Walha!

Now, look at how the flight path would so neatly skirt the Portland airspace as they were instructed! DUH! Amazing? No, just so frickin' obvious I am ashamed to have to explain it to everyone except Nicholson. This is 6th grade stuff, guys.

Now, Google Map Janet. Guess where Janet was??? Right on the flight path. Wow! How did that happen? Must be an error because of the aperture relationship of Georger's eyeball, huh? Really! PPPPFFFFTTT!

Now, given that this was no accident, how did the airplane follow the pipline clearing verbatum? Must have been the winds? Must have been a misunderstanding? Must have been intentional, flying manual?
I'm not claimin', I'm just sayin'.


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Orange I used your reply because I am sick of the name Knoss and Jerry and the title that comes down in the replies.

Today I went the grocery and purchased things for a very special meal. Crab, asparagus, etc. Things I do NOT usually purchase to prepare.
This is a special day!

Then I went to the post office to mail a package I prepared wks ago and have been carrying around for 2 wks using every excuse in the world NOT to mail it.

Today - I start living what is left of my life...and as humbly as I have always lived it. Honest to the point I come across unkind sometimes. Perhaps there are those who would consider what I did today - throwing stones, but I did what should have been done in 1976 on or about May 24 when I called the FBI that first time. I put everything together in a written narrative and with a pictorial NEVER seen by anyone.

With-in there is NOT one altered photo nor one written word that is not TRUE. I wish it could have been done professionally and not something an old woman did on her computer, but it is better than nothing.

After I got back into my car, I actually said a Prayer with my head up and my hands up for the world to see. I did what I had to do...it was time.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Hey DZ'rs,

Just hung up the phone with an FBI agent from Seattle. They are starting an investigation of my father on Jerry Thomas's recommendation, in addition to the agent looking at my father' FBI file.

Thank you Jerry for being a sweetie!

Vicki B|

Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Hey DZ'rs,

Just hung the up phone with an FBI agent from Seattle. They are starting an investigation of my father on Jerry Thomas's recommendation.

Thank you Jerry for being a sweetie!

Vicki B|

Good news Vicki - hopfully you will get some
answers and resolution. You have done well
with this. Congrats and our best!

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Hey DZ'rs,

Just hung the up phone with an FBI agent from Seattle. They are starting an investigation of my father on Jerry Thomas's recommendation.

Thank you Jerry for being a sweetie!

Vicki B|


Good news Vicki - hopfully you will get some
answers and resolution. You have done well
with this. Congrats and our best!

Well said, Georger! Wonderful news, Vicki!
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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I just don’t get it.


Sometimes the technology that we embrace for convenience and comfort can turn on the very people trying to use manipulation veiled as a public service.

At least with such readily available technology you can count on the fact that your best performance will be captured and broadcast to the planet and beyond.


You gotta hand it to ‘Mini Bob Geldof’ for giving it his best, twice; then having a blonde woman offer aid and prolonged comforting. My kinda guy.

Sometimes we just take ourselves a tad bit too seriously and typically enjoy the consequences of such machinations.


Where does on begin? The fact that there is not a singular form of the word ‘groupee’ because the root word is in fact group and requires a value greater than one, should serve as warning to your perceived coolness.

If you were unsure if Capri pants were ever manufactured in denim, your concerns can be assuaged.

Chivalry is dead. I would have had someone call 9-1-1 for medical assistance while getting on my knees and trying to relieve the tightness in my chest, from laughing too hard then patiently wait for the paramedics to give me oxygen.

Sometimes dancing with yourself is a metaphor for…. Just dancing with yourself as the balance of society is admittedly slowly, but none the less in full retraction from your ‘headbanging’ demonstration.

That device in your right hand is not an anti-gravity chalice, but good thing to act as if it holds such a value even if incapable of performing as anticipated.

Top it all off with some hair whipping with a woman entering to engage in some sort of pseudo lesbian act and all will congeal in an ‘I was soooo cool again’ story at work. Who will ever know, right?

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Hey DZ'rs,

Just hung the up phone with an FBI agent from Seattle. They are starting an investigation of my father on Jerry Thomas's recommendation.

Thank you Jerry for being a sweetie!

Vicki B|


Good news Vicki - hopfully you will get some
answers and resolution. You have done well
with this. Congrats and our best!

Well said, Georger! Wonderful news, Vicki!

Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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