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Nope, never heard of a Tena Bar in Camas, but I'm pretty much a tourist in those parts....
I think its nonsense. I thought that when I heard
it. Until someone offers something better I think
TENA came straight out of the Seattle PI, and
nowhere else.
Early in this thread I was using Tena. Some guy
jumped me saying "its Tina". He never explained.
I started using Tina then and still do. I'm a
a tourist in this whole Cooper thing!
What I heard about "Tena's Bar".
A journalist used a map and did the mark himself getting it in the wrong place (I think you posted the new article map). He spelled it Tena and put it in the wrong place on the map and hence 2 "Tena" or "Tina" sites came into existence.
This was told to me by more than ONE person involved in the investigation and others who have lived all of their lives in the area....knowing the river well and it's landmarks.
Tena or Tina - it is a mute point.
The money was found behind the Fazio Farm along the banks of the Columbia.
I wasn't Talking about JAMIES's Mother. I was talking about one of the SECRETS I have kept. I just never expected this one to come up in the forum.
Because of Privacy issues I could not address this or spell it out for the thread and public ridcule.
Therefore I pursued it the only way I knew and always with Compassion for Jamie. Most of my communications with him are by PM.
Oh Jo for crying out loud, are you deluding yourself on this now as well? The posts are in public for everyone to see... where you repeatedly asked Jamie if he was sure his mother was his real mother ... and including Jamie's repeated pleas to you stop. "Compassion" is hardly the word that springs to mind. It appears you don't only selectivly filter the evidence but also selectively filter your memory of what you yourself do!
What you my dear where unaware of was that I did NOT want to expose something that I felt was private. Jamie was off making what I said in PM's and trying to be discreet - sound like trash talk.
Do this senario:

I have already checked the law in the state this transpired in.

The ex-wife also mentioned Willie Vocks during my yrs of interviewing her. It was still insignificant.
Then here comes Jamie - and he mentions Willie Vocks and claims his father was Cooper.

Duane and Maragerita (the last name I will not publicize).
The location of the Vock's murder was in Wilkins County.

We needed a different type of DNA other than what Jamie provided on the thread and one that would be verifiable.

Orange, never judge until you KNOW what is going on behind the posts. You often do this - jumping to conclusions about what someone claimes I am saying and letting the ramblings of others fill in the blank spaces.
I knew the Willlie Vock's story before I heard it in the thread.
Why amongest all the crimes in the world was I familiar with this specific crime?
The baby was born the yr before the skyjacking. Was Donald Cooper the father of the child born on June 17, the step-daughter of Duane Weber? That question just might be NO, but if it were a yes - think about the can of worms that one opens up.
You don't make this "SHIT" up.
This is one of the very reasons I think that Cooper will be solved.
Shit Happens!

BobKnoss 0
377 "
He brought a fake looking bomb because the hijacking was planned by the manual. The manual said if it looked like a bomb, you must assume that it is a bomb and act accordingly. This was a demonstration for the Aviation Industry to illustrate the lack of control to prevent hijackings. It was not a real hijacking except to the courts. It was planned by pilots to force action on passing legislation for the new FAA rules put forth by the Pilots Union and the FAA. McCoy's
jump was an extension of the same program. It was named Project
Norjak in 1968, and held up waiting for negotiations to get the law passed. Look at the dates of Nixon's actions and the reason for giving a 'go' to the project. And that is the truth.
Likewise, McCoy had a paperweight grenade and an empty gun. The football looking jock across the isle from him made him sweat blood.
Guess who the Union leader of the safety push was............
So you can thank ol' Duane for the manual gropings at the airport. He would have really liked that.
I dealt with them outside of a thread - and this is typical of the same garbage I have heard all of these yrs. Yet, I maintained through out all of these yrs my stand and still do.
Struggling with the legacy Duane left behind and my health has taken its toll. I have been sick for about 10 days and tonight I am exhausted...physically. (I caught some kind of virus and/or cold on top of my other conditions). Good Night.
georger 247
[/reply'Another suspect in the case, Duane Weber, was named by his widow as possibly being the hijacker. She told the F.B.I. that her husband said ‘I’m Dan Cooper’ while he lay dying of kidney disease in March 1995. Jo Weber began a dialogue with Ralph Himmelsbach of the F.B.I. and later submitted some of her husband’s personal articles for DNA testing. However, the evidence against Weber is inconclusive at best, and he cannot be placed anywhere in Washington state or Oregon at the actual time of the crime. Weber, a con man and small-time crook, visited the Northwest occasionally, but had no parachute experience. The Bureau closed their investigation on Duane Weber in July of 1998. Later, they announced that Weber’s DNA had not matched a small amount of DNA evidence the F.B.I. collected from the tie left behind by the hijacker on the plane. Jo Weber continues to insist that her late husband was Cooper, no matter what the F.B.I. says. To be fair, this supposed DNA evidence the F.B.I. offers is suspect in itself, since the tie was previously handled by dozens of people over a period of years before the technology for DNA came along...'
glaring errors of fact as always.
"Weber, a con man and small-time crook, visited the Northwest occasionally"
Are you aware Weber was incarcerated in the
State of Washington for a period of time? I
guess that qualifies as a visit . . .
The point is: I think you have failed to capture
the "essence" of Mr. Weber ... and the essence
of his widow's practisement all these years.
BobKnoss 0
Perhaps all of you understand that where I have been has NOT been easy. I have had to deal with the likes of Jerry Thomas for 15 yr and Knoss for 11 or 12.
I dealt with them outside of a thread - and this is typical of the same garbage I have heard all of these yrs. Yet, I maintained through out all of these yrs my stand and still do.
Struggling with the legacy Duane left behind and my health has taken its toll. I have been sick for about 10 days and tonight I am exhausted...physically. (I caught some kind of virus and/or cold on top of my other conditions). Good Night.
The over-riding truth of the situation, Jo, is that your really don't look for the truth. You look for any reinforcement to your cast-in-concrete perspective of what you WANT the story to say. You completely ignor any real facts out of hand unless they fit your outline. As much as it hurts me to say it, Jerry has a good point and I can see how he gets there. I know Duane was the DB Cooper hijacker, I have sworn to the fact that your Duane was trained for parachuting in Minnesota.
Why you go bananas about someone else's perspective is beyond me. We can't FORCE what we know on others. Especially when they have agendas stronger than ours. Seems a little egg is worse that a big effort to rewrite History. Muscle the Congress and hide in the weeds for the rest of your life, playing tiddly-winks with people's lives.
Has it ever dawned on you that your congregation is a flock of trained buzzards and maggots, and not curious children of God?
"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan
Orange1 0
I wasn't Talking about JAMIES's Mother. I was talking about one of the SECRETS I have kept. I just never expected this one to come up in the forum.
Because of Privacy issues I could not address this or spell it out for the thread and public ridcule.
Therefore I pursued it the only way I knew and always with Compassion for Jamie. Most of my communications with him are by PM.
Oh Jo for crying out loud, are you deluding yourself on this now as well? The posts are in public for everyone to see... where you repeatedly asked Jamie if he was sure his mother was his real mother ... and including Jamie's repeated pleas to you stop. "Compassion" is hardly the word that springs to mind. It appears you don't only selectivly filter the evidence but also selectively filter your memory of what you yourself do!
What you my dear where unaware of was that I did NOT want to expose something that I felt was private. Jamie was off making what I said in PM's and trying to be discreet - sound like trash talk.
Do this senario:Duane has a common law wife who had children from a prior marriage. One of these children became pregnant at the age of 15. On June 17, 1970 a boy was born. (Jamie's birthday). The mother gave custody of the child to another party - the child was NOT adopted. In those days a mother could give custody of a child to any relative she chose to.
I have already checked the law in the state this transpired in.Jamie grew up hearing his father was Cooper. Jamie's mother had secrets she kept from him.
Jamie's father used his son as leverage during a situation Jamie spoke of. A father's love caused him to give Jamie over to someone else during this siege when Jamie started to fret. Jamie's father was only 6 yrs older than the mother of a child born on June 17, 1970
Jamie lived near the Willie Vock's murder site and is part of Jamie's history. I had heard the story of Willie Vocks 2 other times in my life in regards to the past of Duane Weber. Once when Duane Weber told me about it just in passing or at a time it made the media.
The ex-wife also mentioned Willie Vocks during my yrs of interviewing her. It was still insignificant.
Then here comes Jamie - and he mentions Willie Vocks and claims his father was Cooper.I contacted the cold case agent and was told about 2 witnesses;
Duane and Maragerita (the last name I will not publicize).
The location of the Vock's murder was in Wilkins County.I enquired about pictures of Jamie with a clean cut look and it was supplied and contacted the family of the young mother (who is now deceased) - but, the young lady who gave birth in 1970 gave birth to 2 other sons later in life.
After comparing the photos of the 2 siblings and Jamie - a resemblance was found that meant perhaps this needed to be pursued. I contacted Jamie about this and told him after one of the possible siblings agreed to do a DNA for comparision.
We needed a different type of DNA other than what Jamie provided on the thread and one that would be verifiable..
Orange, never judge until you KNOW what is going on behind the posts. You often do this - jumping to conclusions about what someone claimes I am saying and letting the ramblings of others fill in the blank spaces.
I knew the Willlie Vock's story before I heard it in the thread.
Why amongest all the crimes in the world was I familiar with this specific crime?
The baby was born the yr before the skyjacking. Was Donald Cooper the father of the child born on June 17, the step-daughter of Duane Weber? That question just might be NO, but if it were a yes - think about the can of worms that one opens up.
You don't make this "SHIT" up.
This is one of the very reasons I think that Cooper will be solved.
Shit Happens!![]()
Oh FFS Jo your long rambling post does not at ALL contradict what I posted or justify anything you have done. It's OK, I understand, you're living in your own little world. Yes I'm sure the stuff going on in the "background" is about to lead to yet another imminent revelation - what would this be now, are we in the 200s yet?
And on another matter I know you are getting on and sick and I'm sorry for that, I do not wish poor health on anyone, but what I AM sick of is your constantly using it to deflect criticism of yourself when you do go too far. "Compassion" - I'm sorry Jo, but your posts here just do not back that up. I sometimes think you must think the rest of us are really dumb. Newsflash: we're not.
"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan
Hangdiver Jo does.Funny thing is you know it too if you've been following this thresd. I sugest you go back and read her post from the very beginning. Also Jo's original story was that her husband said he new who DB Cooper was. Not that he was DB Cooper I have that recorded.Still there are those of you for some strange reason seem to want to help her stories along. Feed the Trolls so to speak. Go figure Jerry
I know Jerry...that's my point...yep been reading for years...very entertaining when sitting home recovering from the Docs trying to fix about 60 years of self inflicted physical abuse...not that I'm complaining...
"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan
BobKnoss 0
I figured out something.....
I sincerely doubt you can. Jamie Cooper wants you to come out and play. Maybe you can write another hoax! You could do a full cardfile of Cooper wannabes. That appears to be the only thing you can write. Certainly nothing credible. You definitely do have an open mind. From an incomplete frontal lobotomy? Be careful, you could get an infection in that cavity, what with all the poop you spit out.

One of my commercial fishing friends has around the same number and he too honestly views his collection as "small".
How many firearms do you need to have a medium or large collection?
An unnamed poster banned from here has some home made cannons that use compressed air. They fire big projectiles very far. No federal regs.
I have another friend who is working on a capacitor discharge electromagnetic rail gun.
Wonder why Cooper didn't also bring a gun aboard? If hid "bomb" was detected as a fake he had no backup weapon.
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