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DB Cooper

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Below an inflammatory post made by Jerry Thomas


I sugest you go back and read her post from the very beginning. Also Jo's original story was that her husband said he new who DB Cooper was. Not that he was DB Cooper I have that recorded.Still there are those of you for some strange reason seem to want to help her stories along.

:|When someone takes someone else's words and twists them to suit their own agenda - that is one of the lowest forms of life on this earth.

:(Not one time have I ever stated that Duane stated he knew who Cooper was.

The statement as recorded and repeated through out the last 15 yrs is as below:

:)When my husband and I passed a tributary passing under the road ( in the area between Lake LaCames and Brush Prairie) - Duane made this comment. "That's were Cooper walked out of the wood." I asked "How would you know that." His reply was "Maybe I was the one on the ground".

This was on the trip to WA in 1979 and the only time Cooper was mentioned the entire trip. It was a very vague conversation because he did NOT want to call attention to the subject. Nothing else was said about Cooper during that entire visit.

Jerry Thomas' twisted mind refused to accept the locations I explained or tried to explain over the phone 15 yrs ago. Mr. Thomas within his short circuited brain and for reasons of his own insisted I was on I-10. My trip in 2001 quickly revealed to me that Mr. Thomas was deranged and had his OWN motives or agenda regarding Cooper. I ceased contact with him at that point. His scrambled unknowledgable comprehension was a handicap to me and to anyone else trying to put this together.

:|Jerry made this statement "Also Jo's original story was that her husband said he new who DB Cooper was. Not that he was DB Cooper I have that record".

I have been posting in this thread and other threads since 2003 and NOT ever did I make a statement that indicated Duane claimed or said who D.B.Cooper was. Perhaps Thomas is using my statement and my own thoughts which I have repeated many times "If Duane was not Cooper he sure as hell knew who WAS".

I suggest Mr. Thomas please refrain from making any more deflamatory statements or telling anymore lies regarding me....or I might end up owning those Gold Mines he brags about.:)
Perhaps I should fight fire with fire and put maps on the thread showing the world where his Gold mines are just as he threatened to endanger and expose me infront of my neighbors and hometown.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Bob if you want to be a effective writer take lessons from Bruce Smith or Quaid They do actual research. Or Blevins at least his story is original.Research is one thing you fail in.When you make up these stories try to be original.And last but not least remember that Man has a equal and that is Woman.(Orange One and Vicki deserve the highest respect and there good mothers. Amazon will set you straight she will prove equality) Man and Woman think different but thank God for that. Jerry Ps. I didn't forget Shelly she is the greatest but Im predjudice

People are individuals to me. Everyone is different, some are skilled in different areas. I respect that. There are also traits that separate the sexes. These are well known and easily recognizable much of the time. Not all inclusive. I am a bad person as I don't buy into female logic, you are correct. Don't get it, never will. Never met a female engineer in 50 years who could carry her share of the load! (And I'm ducking under the desk now.)

I have no interest in being a writer. Look at what it did to Blevins. My only real interest is to have you explain why all this cover-up has to continue. The FBI apparently doesn't care. Is there some recourse that nobody is talking about? There are no arrests going to happen. There are no undercovers to be exposed anymore. The Nixon/Hoover junk is pretty much known, including MLK, etc. So, why the big deal with not wanting to release what really happened? Is our Hero embarrassed by his heroism? Is gallantry the better part of valor?
Is egg on the face of the FAA and the FBI important, really? They can deal with it just like Ruby Ridge and Waco. It's this blinders attitude that caused Tim McVeigh to go bonkers. Why? A private call would be OK, if you can explain without going bonkers.

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Jo please be my guest post the location of my mines. I'll do you one better.The name of the mine is Stices Gulch Placer gold mine. It's located off of HWY 245 15 Mi west of Baker City Oregon. It was Pattened on May 7 1906. and signed by President T Rosevelt. And recorded in the Baker County Book of Records in Baker City Oregon. It assays out at 12 ozs of gold per ton. and produces 5 to 6 ozs of gold per day when I operate my equipment. See Jo no made up stories here and nothing to hide. Is there anything else you would like to threaten me with. Im sure I can remove any of your threats.Oh there is a case here you can try and solve . The original owner of the property was murdered back in 1907.He was the Baker County Sheriff.Solve that case and you will be famous. Jerry

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Jo as far as your locations are concerned. One would think that you would have at least recognized I5 when you were out here doing a documentary. Still you learned to operate a computer and used google maps to falsify your locations. I'm confused where was it again Duane hid the money after he stole the boat from ledbetters mansion and rowed across Lacamas Lake then walked through Camas and across Hwy14 to the Columbia river to a cabin and buried the money.Thats the story you sent me along with a map. The Cabin never existed and there was no boat stolen in that time frame from Lacamas lake. Or the other stories about the fire tower or the power lines or him throwing money off the I5 bridge or him saying that Cooper buried the money under the Cowitz river bridge or the many other stories you have come up with.As I said you are your own worst enemy. I for one am tired of your false complaints against me. I tried to help you but your stories kept changing.Oh you'd wait a year or two before you would come up with another story you would ask me to check out and I would because Ralph would ask me too regardless of how much I'd protest he would still insist I do it and I would. Do you have any Idea how many man Hours I have wasted on these stories of yours. Jerry

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Jo please be my guest post the location of my mines. I'll do you one better.The name of the mine is Stices Gulch Placer gold mine. It's located off of HWY 245 15 Mi west of Baker City Oregon. It was Pattened on May 7 1906. and signed by President T Rosevelt. And recorded in the Baker County Book of Records in Baker City Oregon. It assays out at 12 ozs of gold per ton. and produces 5 to 6 ozs of gold per day when I operate my equipment. See Jo no made up stories here and nothing to hide. Is there anything else you would like to threaten me with. Im sure I can remove any of your threats.Oh there is a case here you can try and solve . The original owner of the property was murdered back in 1907.He was the Baker County Sheriff.Solve that case and you will be famous. Jerry

5-6 oz of GOLD per working day???

Jerry, why arent you working that mine every day? That's roughly $7000 a day or close to $2,000,000 a year working five day weeks.

How many oz can you pull out befroe depleting it to where further mining is uneconomical?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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It is terribly difficult to actually nail down a source for any Cooper information. One can only ponder the origin of such a wellspring of information……


But why do I read this thread along with so many others?


There is a common theme in the dialog,


What is the underlying subtext being exchanged?


I’m waiting to hear some more details about the woman who actually testified independently that Cooper was hucking flares out the tail of Flight 305 and she seen the whole thing.

What was her name?


Lucky I got a short attention sp

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377 to much snow and ice it starts snowing here at the end of september or mid october. The last snow fell last year the first part of June. I hope for a early spring this year I'd like to start back up in May.I plan on heading to Alaska in July I have another claim up there.As far as depleting this claim. I won't be able to do it in my life time.Not at the rate I operate. Beside's I realy don't need to produce anymore than I do, when I operate.It supplies Shelly and I with plenty of toys and spending money.Not to mention Im retired and have been for many years. Jerry

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5-6 oz of GOLD per working day???

Jerry, why arent you working that mine every day? That's roughly $7000 a day or close to $2,000,000 a year working five day weeks.

How many oz can you pull out befroe depleting it to where further mining is uneconomical?


I thought that too, of course that is gross revenue ... Jerry what grade is your ore? Do you extract the gold yourself or just sell the ore?

I been down a gold mine - a deep one :)
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Its pure gold flakes and nuggets.I have a gold Trommel. Back hoe, Pumps, Grisly, Seperator, The normal equipment. I just bought my Gold Trommel last year. The mine has not been worked since 1907. Then I opened it up last year just before the Snow flew. If you pull up the Baker City Oregon Library on the web you can pull up pictures of the original operation in 1907. My house now sits just above the creek where they were presure washing. The Mines name is and always has been The Stices Gulch Placer Gold Mine. There is a company in Arizona that gives the best prices for gold. Thats where the minors in this area send there gold. Jerry ps I just pulled the mine pictures up off the web it works better if you type in Stices Gulch Placer Mine.

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Its pure gold flakes and nuggets.I have a gold Trommel. Back hoe, Pumps, Grisly, Seperator, The normal equipment. I just bought my Gold Trommel last year. The mine has not been worked since 1907. Then I opened it up last year just before the Snow flew. If you pull up the Baker City Oregon Library on the web you can pull up pictures of the original operation in 1907. My house now sits just above the creek where they were presure washing. The Mines name is and always has been The Stices Gulch Placer Gold Mine. There is a company in Arizona that gives the best prices for gold. Thats where the minors in this area send there gold. Jerry

I will offer $35 an ounce. ! B|

Severe weather has finally broken here. Its in the
40s! 50s by Thursday they say. The break is very
welcome. Time to plant snow peas.

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Blevins The bottom line is that you do not believe that your suspect is cooper if you are not ready to discount all others. So the point being is that you either believe that Duane was not Cooper and your suspect is with out a doubt Cooper. Or your Book is a Hoax. As of your post you do not believe your suspect is Cooper.Your own words is what puts your book in doubt. If I see it that way how do you think others will see it and do. Jerry

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Funny post! Threatening to sue some one because he called out, in his opinion, a lie?


Matt, I didn't mean for that to be a threat of a lawsuit. Simply trying to impress on his simple mind that he does NOT go around calling neighbors or the senior citizens of my small town and the media to expose where I live. I have worked so very hard to keep where I live a private thing...because I do NOT hide behind a security gate nor can I afford to do so.

This was the only point I was trying to bring home to him and was hoping beyond all hope his "gold" would do that.

Should have know it was impossible - to point out how out-of-mind Jerry's words and behaviour are toward me. I do NOT understand how anyone can be as inconsiderate as he is.

Perhaps every post I make should call Jerry a liar and fantasy story teller. ALL I ever do is defend myself and yet my story has change very little over the past 15 yrs.

I give up!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I'm confused where was it again Duane hid the money after he stole the boat from ledbetters mansion and rowed across Lacamas Lake then walked through Camas and across Hwy14 to the Columbia river to a cabin and buried the money


What you just said is a ridiculous LIE and you know it. I had NO idea where this stuff was - you gave me the names of the places and then 5 yrs later I find out they are NOT what I tried to describe to you.

I have NEVER ever mentioned a stolen boat from the Ledbetter mansion or rowing across the lake.

What I have done is tell the story about a homestead on the South Side of Lake LaCames - the one I asked you to look up in property records which you NEVER did. This last yr. with the help of a very smart young lady in WA, I located the owner of the small farm where Duane told he he used to know the family who lived there and that they had a son about his age. 15 yrs ago when I asked you to go to the county records to find this - you had some song and dance story about it. Until recently the homestead was still in the family.

There were actually 3 boys and 2 of them where close in age to Duane's - 2 are deceased and the other confined with severe AZ to a nursing home. It would have been this man's parents Duane claimed to have known. Even 10 yrs ago if you and the FBI had made enquiries a lot of the answers would have been easier to find.

Duane claimed to have known the Ledbetter caretaker - but you nor the FBI ever checked that out.

The I - 5 Bridge story is your story - even though I insisted over and over NO NO.

You ARE THE ONE who TOLD ME it was the COWITZ river and I kept telling you NO NO and it would not be until I went to WA in 2002 that I was able to find the places you TOLD ME DID NOT EXIST. You lied to the crew and to me, WHY?

Had it not been for my extra day in WA in 2002 - I would have had to accept YOUR WORD which was all I HAD UNTIL I made the last day in 2001.

:|I have already presented the thread the email I exchanged with the producer that disputes your word along with a live radio interview. They are dated prior to my coming to WA in 2002. Had it not been for the ANGEL Udell - I would have left WA in 2002 and would never have known that you had LIED to me.

I still DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY YOU HAD TO LIE! Now you have me calling you a liar and I don't like to have to do that. I don't like this kind of encounter.

The stolen boat was from the Marina at the Port of LaCames and NOT the lake. NO we never found the report - because it had been REMOVED from the archives by someone who viewed them about the time YOU supposedly went to RECORDS. Many of the articles are missing from that era and NOT all of it was microfished.

YOU actually spent NO time doing the research...you did NOT go to county records and if you did you DID NOT have a clue what to look for. Even recently when I threw names at you - you were a blank. You even told me since I returned from WA this past Oct of 2011, that my "hill" did NOT exist.

ASK Bruce - he was with me when I found my "hill" in Oct of 2011.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Well Jo I can post your letters and maps and make our phone coversations public. Lets not forget That just reading your past posts shows how often your stories change. You loose Jo. No one can take your claims seriously. I doubt that even your friends at the local senior center do. I'll ask them as soon as I get the the contact #. Jerry Ps what ever you have come up with from your most resent trip to this area is nothing more than the product of manipulation of info you have aquired over the past 15 years in your atempt to build this fantisy of yours and convince people of your quest. To mislead them into thinking you were MRS DB COOPER it doesn't mater who the man was deception has been your goal all along. Your posts prove it so has your letters and coversations.

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Jo it has dawned on me that responding to your post is a waste of time.I have the proof and facts. and I will make them available to those that doubt my word and request proof privately or for those writing a book. Jerry

Duh! Now you get it!
Remember YOU provided the names and places even though I argued with you. I also have a hand drawn map I sent to Himmelsbach in the very beginning - and remember I did NOT have a map of the area - just the GARBAGE you were feeding me - and you totally ignored anything I tried to explain to you. WHY?

The hand-drawn map refutes the things you continuely made claims about. As I have said before LEAVE ME ALONE! All I had was memories, descriptions and NO map....but, when I went to WA in 2001 - REMEMBER at that time I STOPPED listening to you and NO longer communicated with you. Now I can't remember the yr I went to WA - 2001 I believe (it makes NO difference - I have the emails I sent to the producer) and I have the letter I sent to Himmelsbach in the VERY early part of my search.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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We know Kenny probably hid one bundle of the money on his property,

How do you know that?

Who is "we"?

What inclines one to think he hid Cooper money,
as opposed to say "meth sales" money, as opposed
to say 'somebody else hid money on the property'?

;)Georger I don't think Meth was the thing in those day, but MJ was - some of our veterans really got into that stuff...along with some of the harder drugs. I would think any drug KC might have been involved with would be purely recreational such as MJ.

His image just does NOT spell hard drugs to me... just a personal observation from his pictures. Basically I can't believe KC was Cooper because he just does NOT fit what anyone has ever described as a profile of Cooper. I would choose a long forgotten suspect such as Coffelt over KC. The Coffelt story just sort of 'went by the way side'.

;)Since it was before JT's days he doesn't know much about Coffelt if anything at all. Maybe you should see that JT has all versions of the information - might give him something useful to do. (not just the Las Vegan thing), but the orginal London Observer Article - Then he can go down into Brown Country and dig around for a while!

Does he know the meaning of the word plagurism? The London Observer article was written a long time before the Las Vegan.
Most casual Cooper searchers had no knowledge of the Original article in the London Observor, yet Brown's article was almost word for word. This really upset old DS. By the way is DS still alive?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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We know Kenny probably hid one bundle of the money on his property,

How do you know that?

Who is "we"?

What inclines one to think he hid Cooper money,
as opposed to say "meth sales" money, as opposed
to say 'somebody else hid money on the property'?

Well...two different witnesses who do not know each other testified to it. Sure, someone else could have hidden that money. Maybe it came from meth sales. Maybe leprechauns left it there. I never said I knew for sure it was money from the ransom. I only tried to establish that it existed, and unlike some others around here, I provided names, locations and circumstances. I even contacted Treasury about it. You ask a question, or want confirmation, then I will try to answer.

Carolyn Tyner of Boulder, CO confirmed on the money. So did Rattenbury. Both gave the same story, even though they have never met and do not know each other. Either they're both lying or something was there. Tyner and her ex-husband Robin Powell were left the house, but not the lot out back. That went to Ken ('Mac') McWilliams, who sold it within weeks of getting his hot little hands on the paperwork. He interviewed with Geoff Grey in 2007 and has been dodging interviews ever since.

That's all I know.

If that site had never been linked to Kenny and
Kenny linked to the Cooper case by Lyle, that
money would never have been linked by you or
anyone else, to the Cooper case. It would be
just money someone found like in a billion other
such instances of money being found...

For all we know Lyle put the money there! He has
far more proven motive than Kenny is DB Cooper.

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Great story this week on This American Life.

It's the second story of the show and starts at 26:22.



Well worth the listen to especially for those that are trusting souls taking the stories of others at face value.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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