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mark 107
The chute Dan used in practice was a parchment white. It was NOT silk. It was a round canopy and it looked plenty big to me. 28 feet is awfully big. Don't think it was that big. Maybe more like 20-24 feet? Long though, as they stretched it out to fold it up. I understood you could kinda steer it by pulling on one of the four straps. They said it was not as steerable as a sport chute. I didn't jump with them, just watched and listened as they put stuff away. He was given a different chute for the exercise, one disguised as a "dummy" chute.
Parchment white? Really? That eliminates military or civilian manufacture. Aliens, maybe?
Disguised as "dummy" chute? The chest-mount? Have you any idea what a terminal velocity opening on a 24' flat circular is like, especially in that configuration?
377 22
Have you any idea what a terminal velocity opening on a 24' flat circular is like, especially in that configuration?
I made over a hundred C 9 jumps and I too thought an unsleeved round canopy would give a horrendous opening shock on a 727 jump. The films of the Air America 727 S/L jumps show otherwise. The 727 is flying faster than terminal velocity (I'd guess 160?) and the jumpers are S/L deployed right out the ventral door. The canopies "squid" and open actually pretty slowly, not the pop bang I expected.
I don't think I ever saw a white modified C9 skydiving main on the US West Coast , but maybe things were different in other areas. Mine was a alternating panel orange and white and there were a lot of 4 color ones around too. I sure do not miss those bone crunching landings backing up at ten or more knots on a breezy summer afternoon.
You know that is NOT true! You know I talked to MJ and I have her recorded - Duane was NOT with them on that Thanksgiving. They had supposedly separated prior to Thanksgiving and she was in KS with her family there. She went back to him in Feb of 1972.
Duanes best friend
I am sending a copy of your post to him - it is grounds for a lawsuit. He has been waiting for you to do this! Your detailed accounting is inaccurate and he was under the impression he was TALKING to an FBI agent. You are guilty of impersonating a Federal Agent.
Book Deal?
I was approached by people who wanted to do something, but THEY could NOT keep their facts straight and you were feeding me BULL about the sites I depended on your locating.
There was only one man I attempted to do this with and I fired him after he did a 3 page query letter with NOT one word of truth...and after 10 plus hours of interviewing....
I also talked to the lady that was going to write the book for you "at your request "she said you were very persistance and couldn't keep your story straight then.
Number one, I received some enquiries and did NOT feel a WOMAN was approriate for the subject background. Perhaps this person was offended as I remember one person taking exception to my refusal of female writers.
Note an enquiry by a writer and my agreeing or asking them to do something are to different animals. Perhaps I should pull out my old note book and name all of the writers who CONTACTED me.
Yes your right I have been working with you since 1995.
No you are WRONG - it was late Fall of 1996 and I have in this thread posted the date of the first phone call.
One would think that if there was any doubt in his families mind they would be pursuing this quest, if for no other reason but just to know or have bragging rights like the Jesse James family.
[Blue]Duane's family members had social standing in CA and DID NOT want to be public.
They were dignified professionals of high social and economic standing...I have letters from the sister asking me NOT to continue to pursue this. Unlike you there are people in this world who DO NOT WANT to be remembered as the family of
D. B. Cooper or an ex-con. The family had already disowned Duane (prior to my contacting them) because of his criminal past and their social standing.
Your doing a great job of destroying your own credibility on your own you don't need any ones help especially mine.
The destruction of YOUR own credibility is what you need to worry about. Especially AFTER the friend in Atlanta receives your post. We let it go the last time, but you have now repeated it and that is the last straw. Your accounting of the call to Duane's friend is pure BULL.
Also note this friend did NOT meet Duane Weber until 1973.
Sorry if my posting all these facts causes you frustration.
NO frustration here - but you NEED to worry about Repercussions. Someone in Geogia might own a Gold mine in WA.
georger 247
Duanes family says he was with them on thanksgiving that year. The FBI says he was with his family that year.
You know that is NOT true! You know I talked to MJ and I have her recorded - Duane was NOT with them on that Thanksgiving. They had supposedly separated prior to Thanksgiving and she was in KS with her family there. She went back to him in Feb of 1972.
Duanes best friend
I am sending a copy of your post to him - it is grounds for a lawsuit. He has been waiting for you to do this! Your detailed accounting is inaccurate and he was under the impression he was TALKING to an FBI agent. You are guilty of impersonating a Federal Agent.
Book Deal?
I was approached by people who wanted to do something, but THEY could NOT keep their facts straight and you were feeding me BULL about the sites I depended on you locating.
There was only one man I attempted to do this with and I fired him after he did a 3 page query letter with NOT one word of truth...and after 10 plus hours of interviewing....
I also talked to the lady that was going to write the book for you "at your request "she said you were very persistance and couldn't keep your story straight then.
Number one I received some enquiries and did NOT feel a WOMAN with was approriate for the subject background. Perhaps this person was offended as I remember one person taking exception to my refusal of female writers.
Yes your right I have been working with you since 1995.
No you are WRONG - it was late Fall of 1996 and I have in this thread posted the date of the first phone call.
One would think that if there was any doubt in his families mind they would be pursuing this quest, if for no other reason but just to know or have bragging rights like the Jesse James family.
[Blue]Duane's family members had social standing in CA and DID NOT want to be public.
They were dignified professionals of high social and economic standing...I have letters from the sister asking me NOT to continue to pursue this. Unlike you there are people in this world who DO NOT WANT to be remembered as the family of
D. B. Cooper or an ex-con. The family had already disowned Duane (prior to my contacting them) because of his criminal past and their social standing.
Your doing a great job of destroying your own credibility on your own you don't need any ones help especially mine.
The destruction of YOUR own credibility is what you need to worry about. Especially AFTER the friend in Atlanta receives your post. We let it go the last time, but you have now repeated it and that is the last straw. Your accounting of the call to Duane's friend is pure BULL.
Also note that the friend did NOT meet Duane Weber until 1973.
Sorry if my posting all these facts causes you frustration.
NO frustration here - but you there WILL be repercussions. Someone in Geogia will own a Gold mine in WA.
Gee Jo. You said you were a "private" person?
Threats, talk of lawsuits, trying to get FBI agents
fired, teases, alleged false facts, picture of Tina?,
drove by McCoy's house at Virginia Beach, ....
you are claiming Duane was Cooper and have
a huge myth about it which includes JFK and
multiple other connections (with Knoss) ...
Jerry is claiming to be: Jerry Thomas.
Huge difference if you ask me. It may be YOU
who winds up paying legal fees? Jerry;'s legal
fees ... among others' legal fees ? Jerry and
Larry Carr may wind up owning your house and
your canary, and your alleged picture of Tina?
Greed is not good.
Maybe Tina will sue, for invasion of her privacy!
377 22
Want to see if a lawsuit has substance? See if you can get a lawyer to take it on a pure contingency fee basis
if you are paying a lawyer by the hour then your lawsuit is always meritorious etc etc. Ask if they will bet their own time and money on the outcome and suddenly your brilliant lawsuit, the one with the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, morphs into a risky uncertain highly speculative enterprise in which a contingency fee arrangement is out of the question.
This DBC squabbling would get laughed out of most courtooms. The judge would hold an off the record conference in his chambers and counsel would be told to "get this POS case off my GD docket."
georger 247
Jo is threatening lawsuits again. Sigh. will she ever learn?
Want to see if a lawsuit has substance? See if you can get a lawyer to take it on a pure contingency fee basis
if you are paying a lawyer by the hour then your lawsuit is always meritorious etc etc. Ask if they will bet their own time and money on the outcome and suddenly your brilliant lawsuit, the one with the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, morphs into a risky uncertain highly speculative enterprise in which a contingency fee arrangement is out of the question.
This DBC squabbling would get laughed out of most courtooms. The judge would hold an off the record conference in his chambers and counsel would be told to "get this POS case off my GD docket."
What!? The ANNUNAKI dont get to sue!?
No X flare alerts here either. People keep asking
me! Why me? Hell I dont know any more than
they do! So I called the State coordinator and
he said: 'Ive been deluged by reporters all day.
Damn. Ive leaving at 4:00pm. Im referring
everyone to noaa and you!" .... and he hung up!
Jo! Please keep your emergency alerts down to
3 per day. The network cant handle more.
Im leaving my office right now - phone is off.
See y'all on Monday.

Jerry is claiming to be: Jerry Thomas.

If anyone is stupid enough to sue regarding my research - then go ahead. It could result in World Wide media attention to this old crime exposing our own government's inabilities to solve the crime and open-up the entire investigation to be scrutinized by all. Due to my age I would not live to see it through.
I am TIRED of my words being twisted to suit the needs of others who have their own agendas.
377 22
Those ANNUNAKIs have obviously developed technology that can detect CCD and CMOS image sensors and stay out of range. They never could perfect their photo film detectors.
georger 247
Jerry is claiming to be: Jerry Thomas.Jerry Thomas has NEVER produce ONE piece of evidence regarding any suspect nor has he ever produce Cooper's bones.
If anyone is stupid enough to sue regarding my research - then go ahead. It could result in World Wide media attention to this old crime exposing our own government's inabilities to solve the crime and open-up the entire investigation to be scrutinized by all. Due to my age I would not live to see it through.
I am TIRED of my words being twisted to suit the needs of others who have their own agendas.
Damn straight.
Tina will come and get her picture back soon.
georger 247
Isnt it funny that the incidence of alleged genuine UFO photos hasn't skyrocketed with the advent of cell phone cameras?
Those ANNUNAKIs have obviously developed technology that can detect CCD and CMOS image sensors and stay out of range. They never could perfect their photo film detectors.

377 22
No X flare alerts here either
I am being blasted by protons as I write this Georger. Oh, the horror. We should all be taking refuge in deep caves or mines. I've wrapped all my radio gear in tin foil. What precautions are you taking?
Snow is using a ten mile Beverage antenna to charge up capacitors for his EMP cannon. Green as can be.
Sluggo is no fool. I'll bet he knows just where to go to put a few feet of lead between himself, Sugar and the sun.
I'll bet Janet can see solar flares. She had better STFU if she can or those MIBs will be all over her again.
According to Bruce we didnt really rule out Ted Braden, we just sort of ran out of steam.
Jerry Thomas seems to NOT have the ability to read and comprehend the written word.
Jerry do you not read nor comprehend TIME and SPACE.
Dial - 1-999- 2Heaven
Are you aware they have profiles for liars they claim are more reliable than a polygraph?
Yes, you have shown your true color and intellect - it is NOT to solve this case nor to contribute anything that will help to solve it. ALL you want is publicity - Jerry Springer and Maury Povich! I find those shows appalling just as I find posting replies to you a waste of time. Exploit yourself - as you have done in numerous news articles
The DROPZONE made this thread available on D.B.Cooper for the research and exploration of this old crime and the suspects. Now it has become chat room mentality and no longer the valuable and productive learning tool it has been in the past yrs.
I do NOT expect the DZ to continue to HOST what is now happening in the thread. What a waste of all the expertise and talent put into this thread by prior posters. The knowledge acquired in this thread has been the most valuable information ever put in one place regarding the facts and mechanics behind the jump, the flight path and the landing zone - the money find, etc.
Thank you,
You have served the public and serious Cooper researchers well.
Hopefully the knowledge held within this thread will be available long after the thread is closed and the knowledge contained within - just might help close this very old case. At the current rate of decline in quality we might not make it to the 40th Anniversary.
The GAME and FLAME throwing has to stop because all it causes is defensive and repetivitve posts. The petty calling you out is childish, but what does the victim do - do you crawl under a rock and hide or do you stand-up for yourself? Do you risk being banned or put on vacation?
Or do you just turn around and walk away?
Tina will come and get her picture back soon.
Duhhh! What did that post mean Georger?
BobKnoss 0
The chute Dan used in practice was a parchment white. It was NOT silk. It was a round canopy and it looked plenty big to me. 28 feet is awfully big. Don't think it was that big. Maybe more like 20 feet? Long though, as they stretched it out to fold it up. I understood you could kinda steer it by pulling on one of the four straps. They said it was not as steerable as a sport chute. I didn't jump with them, just watched and listened as they put stuff away. He was given a different chute for the exercise, one disguised as a "dummy" chute.
Parchment white? Really? That eliminates military or civilian manufacture. Aliens, maybe?
Disguised as "dummy" chute? The chest-mount? Have you any idea what a terminal velocity opening on a 24' flat circular is like, especially in that configuration?
Yes, not a pure white, white. A dirty white.
You funny guy! Obviously you not too well informed. Go back and study facts before assuming faulty conclusion. We been through all that dribble. Man who open mouth in bi-plane bound to eat crow. Man who jump mouth first bound to have crack-up.
Why is shilling still practiced? Because it must work.
Apparently the social stigma of having to stoop to such a level has done little to abate the activity. Of course it has within itself the seeds of its own destruction in that an organization would feel the need to ‘puff’ their product since nobody else will.
What are some of the better known shill products and how have they fared?
Yep, that’s the brand doctors enjoy so kick back and light em if ya got em. After all, it was a doctor and they are qualified to make such a judgment; always rely on other credentials to suppress your own suspicions. Besides did you see that scorching honey at the end? I may get to hang out with her some day if I use this product.
Hmmmm…. Guess you can figure out how this turned out. When was the last time you had lobster? Stupid seafood commercials.
The Dale was a car long forgotten which materialized from the Hollywood Hills in the 70’s. A three wheel marvel capable of an amazing 70 MPG and the company was headed by a woman… or was it a man? This is one of those situations where you are right on both counts. The 6’ 2”, president of the company with a husky voice named Elizabeth Carmichael was a transvestite/gendered con named Jerry Michael who had bilked investors out of millions while producing precisely one vehicle. Sure would be nice to see an honest car commercial.
Doubt that will ever happen any more than a ‘less than 5 star’ shill review. I suppose these companies get the customers they deserve and the customers get the products they deserve.
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