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DB Cooper

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The case against Cooper could be won but only with unambiguous untainted evidence like a good print match with a sample taken off the rear stairs... Duane's worst nightmare.

You are right Robert. This case isn't going to be won on DNA alone. Besides, the FBI seems to only have enough fragments to rule out wannabes, not a good enough sample to positively identify the donor of the tie DNA.

I'd love to defend Cooper. I'd do it for free. He'd be better served by some top guns. Too bad Johnny Cochrane died. I saw Cochrane in court early in his career as a prosecutor. He was outstanding.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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377 you may feel that way but Jo has convinced so many people that Duane was Cooper that it is highly posible that a person with a real clue would not come forward.This has damaged the case.She has also wasted hours of there time with all her claims. If it is proven that she made these stories up then there is a crime. A polygraph will prove this. Then she can be made responsible for her actions. Jerry

Lying to the FBI is a felony. I don't think the FBI thinks Jo lied to them, just that her conclusions about Duane being DBC were incorrect.

I'll be amazed if you get the FBI to administer a polygraph exam to Jo.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Jo so what your saying is that you admit you have made all these stories up by not taking the test and proving yourself. Jerry

This kind of reply is so typical of you Jerry - you have reduced this thread to mindless gibberish. You do one line off the wall posts that are only to inflame - and never make any sense at all. You cannot follow the subject at any given time. When it goes over your head - you make what you think is a smart remark instead of being quiet and listening. Between yourself and Knoss - we no longer have interactions that are productive in any manner what-so-ever.

Why? Between you and Knoss anything that anyone would want to share is lost in the rhetoric of you hearing your own voice echoing...or inflaming me to defend myself for no reason at all. I am NOT here to defend myself - I am here to LEARN about other aspects of this case NEVER before talked about in an open forum. We don't have this anymore...and when I am getting bored it is boring!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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377 So your saying that Jo should not be required to prove her story.And of course you would hire a person too watch your Kids without proof of there story also. I suppose you even believe that Ileagle aliens should not be forced to show proof of citizenship just because they said they were leagle.No wonder this country is going to hell.Thinking like this is what gets people killed and all our resources depleted. Jerry

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377 you may feel that way but Jo has convinced so many people that Duane was Cooper that it is highly posible that a person with a real clue would not come forward.This has damaged the case.She has also wasted hours of there time with all her claims. If it is proven that she made these stories up then there is a crime. A polygraph will prove this. Then she can be made responsible for her actions. Jerry

Lying to the FBI is a felony. I don't think the FBI thinks Jo lied to them, just that her conclusions about Duane being DBC were incorrect.

I'll be amazed if you get the FBI to administer a polygraph exam to Jo.


It does NOT make any difference what anyone says to him. This is why I stopped communicating with him in 2001 - he is crazy and it is his way or NO way. If you prove to him the rock is gray he will tell you it is red. We ALL know he has NO say in what the FBI can say or do. WE know the FBI is NOT going to authorized a test on me or any other witness who comes forward regarding Cooper. We know a polygraph will prove nothing. We know I could not be prosecuted for any crime even if I failed every question they asked me. We know I have not kept anyone form coming forward - infact the suspect calls increased since I went public in 2000 not the other way around.

All he has done is make a spectacle of himself. If I could be procecuted for coming forward on a suspect - NO one would ever come forward on any suspect ever again...that is NOT logical. Jerry doesn't understand logic.

If the FBI really wanted me to go away - they could do that real easy - open Duane's lifes file and show me and everyone else what they have on Weber with NO blank spaces. This means they have to fill in the yrs, because if they haven't been able to do that - then they haven't been able to prove he wasn't Cooper.

To me one of the most important aspects was the actual prints made each time he was arrested...no more using 1944 prints - show me prints made in 1960, 1966, 1976 and 1979 and 1990. SHOW ME...Prints made at other times - not in 1944. The FBI has a reason they used the 1944 prints and why they have stalled - now all prints of Duane Weber upon more recent encarcerations have now been destroyed...Explain how and why he was encarcerated and commuted as John Collins if the prints matched Duane L. Weber? That is not logical.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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377 you may feel that way but Jo has convinced so many people that Duane was Cooper that it is highly posible that a person with a real clue would not come forward.This has damaged the case.She has also wasted hours of there time with all her claims. If it is proven that she made these stories up then there is a crime. A polygraph will prove this. Then she can be made responsible for her actions. Jerry

Lying to the FBI is a felony. I don't think the FBI thinks Jo lied to them, just that her conclusions about Duane being DBC were incorrect.

I'll be amazed if you get the FBI to administer a polygraph exam to Jo.


It does NOT make any difference what anyone says to him. This is why I stopped communicating with him in 2001 - he is crazy and it is his way or NO way. If you prove to him the rock is gray he will tell you it is red. We ALL know he has NO say in what the FBI can say or do. WE know the FBI is NOT going to authorized a test on me or any other witness who comes forward regarding Cooper. We know a polygraph will prove nothing. We know I could not be prosecuted for any crime even if I failed every question they asked me. We know I have not kept anyone form coming forward - infact the suspect calls increased since I went public in 2000 not the other way around.

All he has done is make a spectacle of himself. If I could be procecuted for coming forward on a suspect - NO one would ever come forward on any suspect ever again...that is NOT logical. Jerry doesn't understand logic.

If the FBI really wanted me to go away - they could do that real easy - open Duane's lifes file and show me and everyone else what they have on Weber with NO blank spaces. This means they have to fill in the yrs, because if they haven't been able to do that - then they haven't been able to prove he wasn't Cooper.

To me one of the most important aspects was the actual prints made each time he was arrested...no more using 1944 prints - show me prints made in 1960, 1966, 1976 and 1979 and 1990. SHOW ME...Prints made at other times - not in 1944. The FBI has a reason they used the 1944 prints and why they have stalled - now all prints of Duane Weber upon more recent encarcerations have now been destroyed...Explain how and why he was encarcerated and commuted as John Collins if the prints matched Duane L. Weber? That is not logical.

"This kind of reply is so typical of you Jerry - you have reduced this thread to mindless gibberish."

whose gibberish? whose 2837 posts of . . . ?

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Jo you stoped comunicating with me when I proved you were making up stories.I have been reading posts from 2 years back and every one to include 377 believes all your stories are made up.They been trying to get rid of you since this thread has started. If you are given any support at all you abuse it. You posted on page 318 that the reason you stoped comunicating with me is because I didn't have a phone and I didn't believe your story your 4th draft about duane stealing a boat and rowing across Lacamas lake.Fact is no one could keep up with your stories.You were so scared of me comming to this forum that you were puting me down trying to discredit me. But there will be the results of one polygraph made public along with tapes and other info.Jerry

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Or this, from the same article:


'Cook said his research has shown winds were blowing from the southeast at more than 60 knots in the Portland area around the time of the hijacking. "This kind of wind speed would likely cause a falling flarepack to appear fiery, as reported by Janet," he said.

Problem: Winds at the time of the hijacking were less than five knots, not sixty knots. Cook's research is pathetic. Heavy cloud cover at 5,000 feet, plane flying at 9,600 feet. He buys into the Janet story hook, line and sinker.

What? Ground wind speeds of 5-7? The winds at 9600 ft. were at gusts to 80 Kts in all reports. That's about 60 MPH of steady winds at altitude against a 200 kt thrust or a ground speed of comfortably 140 kt. You can't seem to get anything right, Blevins. Just give it up. You waste our time.


I have jumped many many times when the winds aloft were over 70 MPH

And the speed of the winds on landing were only 5 to 15 MPH..

The shear where those air masses meet gets a bit bumpy.. but its a fun ride. It has zero effect on the skydive.. and little on the canopy ride... especially if you know how to spot for that.

You should try jumping and learn the reality of what the sky holds in store.... facts always trump bullshit.

You got the wrong guy. It was Blevins with the wrong information. I agree with you. You are just in the habit of beating me over the head and have apparently done it again by force of habit. Beat up on Blevins. I'll hold him down for you.

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Farflung. Whats realy great about Vicki's father is that he fits all the criteria. He was desperate for money to survive and hide.He did have a military back ground. The exstent of his training it not known yet. Well at least I don't know it yet. The FBI is interested in it enough to make this a solid investigation. He is the first real suspect in over 25yrs, that has not been fabricated or brought to the attention of the public through a author writing a book and looking for a movie deal.Or paying some one for info to make up stories.Vicki and a family member who monitors Drop Zone is not claiming that there father is DB Cooper there just saying it is a posibility and if he is they think the public has a right to see this case solved.There making up no stories or applying any presure on any law inforcement agency. There not looking for a book deal or attention. They have not gone to the news media and requested 15 minutes of fame with a exagerated story.Instead they have done it low key. And that my friend is respectfull. I honestly hope it turns out to be him . But if it is not it sure has been exciting.Jerry

Jerry - Congratulations on the only sensible post in about 100 pages. By skydiver rules you owe beer.
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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377 you may feel that way but Jo has convinced so many people that Duane was Cooper that it is highly posible that a person with a real clue would not come forward.This has damaged the case.She has also wasted hours of there time with all her claims. If it is proven that she made these stories up then there is a crime. A polygraph will prove this. Then she can be made responsible for her actions. Jerry

Lying to the FBI is a felony. I don't think the FBI thinks Jo lied to them, just that her conclusions about Duane being DBC were incorrect.

I'll be amazed if you get the FBI to administer a polygraph exam to Jo.


Clue of the day: If you want truth about the Cooper Case, DO NOT deal with the Seattle or Minneapolis offices. The Salt Lake office is much more up front on the subject and can lower the boom on the game playing. New York is an even better approach to putting the kibosh on all this garbage. You just need to speak with the right people. This is still a classified case. Get it?

If you want headline information on the truth of the Cooper Case, go to my posts about the MONTREAL ANTI-HIJACKING CONVENTION and the timeline of the Cooper and McCoy hijackings. All this bickering is probably directed at burying those posts from discussion. Odd that no one has posted on the obvious glaring truth that shouts from the presentation. It is a compilation of FACTS OF RECORD that bring you face to face with what transpired. CAUSE and EFFECT. The Project Norjak package is just a football in FAA politics supported by Richard Nixon. I did not include Squeeky Fromme's arrest in the sequence because it came afterwords. Anyway, that was a football of a different color.

It is there in blue and white and a little bold red for everyone to see. The only people who will refuse to see the obvious are the (as Glen Beck presented last night) paid Government Conspiracy counter-informants. Glen is hoarding gold. Looks like Glen was right on that one too. $1400 per ounce today. Up $300 from last year. My repositioned gold investments are up. Jerry....yours...up too.:ph34r:B|

Jerry: [brown]If you want to use colors[/brown] you make the little enclosures like that, only type in colors that can be activated.

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Bob Knoss says in part:


'Clue of the day: If you want truth about the Cooper Case, DO NOT deal with the Seattle or Minneapolis offices. The Salt Lake office is much more up front on the subject and can lower the boom on the game playing. New York is an even better approach to putting the kibosh on all this garbage. You just need to speak with the right people. This is still a classified case. Get it?'

James Stewart to Hardy Kruger from Flight of the Phoenix:


'No, I don't understand. But maybe I'm an idiot. Maybe you'll have to explain it to me...'

You are a funny guy, Bob. The Seattle office is still assigned to the case. It's not 'classified', either. It's an open case. You should write scripts for Ghost Hunters.

Oh, how very little you know. And the humor in it all this that you could actually believe yourself. Star Trek has a few episodes that apply to you. One was a computer that 'could not lie'. What finally put it out of commission was a two prong statement. "Everything I say is a lie." Then, "What I just told you is a lie." Hopefully you will ponder this for an eon while you push your broom around town and we try to ignor your pointlessness.

It is classified from my point of view as a National Security Secret and to be covered up, not solved. Anybody with real information will have come to the same conclusion. See George Nuttall, Jo Weber, me, the Gossett attorney guy, perhaps Grey and maybe Bruce, any good investigator worth a pinch of salt. Of course, you would not fit because your story is right down their alley, but not a high enough caliber for a second look.

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Jerry wrote:

377 So your saying that Jo should not be required to prove her story.And of course you would hire a person too watch your Kids without proof of there story also. I suppose you even believe that Ileagle aliens should not be forced to show proof of citizenship just because they said they were leagle.No wonder this country is going to hell.Thinking like this is what gets people killed and all our resources depleted. Jerry

Slow down Jerry. All I've said is that I doubt if you'll get the FBI to give Jo a polygraph. I also think Jo believes what she posts. I disagree with her conclusions and have stated so MANY times. I call her to task for teasing too. She never delivers on the teases. There is one pending right now but she once again fails to deliver.

Somehow you translate this into me being one of the reasons this country is going to hell. I'd love to see Jo's stories tested by all means. I just don't think the FBI will assist.

Before you get too carried away with polygraphs do some research done to investigate their reliability. They aren't lie detectors. They are stress detectors. If Jo believes her story she won't have much trouble passing.

You think she is a cynical manipulative liar and that Duane was not connected with Norjack. I think she believes her story but I reach the same conclusion as you do about Duane and Norjack.

I doubt if Jo's posts here and elsewhere have done any serious harm to the case. I dont think Jo keeps potential witnesses from coming forward. Vicki is a prime example. Jo didn't scare her away. Same goes for Jamie.

Few believe Duane was Cooper or part of Norjack. I don't. No reason to beat on Jo so hard even if she enrages you with what you consider to be knowing falsehoods and constantly changing versions which adopt newly found info and incorporate it into her Duane story. She is an elderly woman on her last legs who believes her con man late husband who seemed to ways get arrested and convicted was a mastermind criminal who evaded the FBI for decades. Let her believe it.

Who besides Jo and Bob believes Duane was Cooper? The silence is deafening.

I rest my case.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Who besides Jo and Bob believes Duane was Cooper? The silence is deafening.

I rest my case.


Cap, Jim, Denny, Karen, Confetti, Rick, Lupe, Scott, Nick, Ralph, Jo, Bob, Mac, Julie, Tam, Hallie, Mike, Mary, Etc., it's a long list, but they are not talking. Still in 'cover up' mode. Watergate type stuff. Resting is a lazyman's surrender to persistence. Guys on the front lines used to shoot themselves in the foot all the time. Sometimes they were not so good a shot and actually lost a foot. Jo's ability to put her foot in her mouth only shows dexterity, not marksmanship. Her basic claim is true, but that does not make MLK, JFK, Tony and Tommy, or RFK stories credible.

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Or this, from the same article:


'Cook said his research has shown winds were blowing from the southeast at more than 60 knots in the Portland area around the time of the hijacking. "This kind of wind speed would likely cause a falling flarepack to appear fiery, as reported by Janet," he said.

Problem: Winds at the time of the hijacking were less than five knots, not sixty knots. Cook's research is pathetic. Heavy cloud cover at 5,000 feet, plane flying at 9,600 feet. He buys into the Janet story hook, line and sinker.

What? Ground wind speeds of 5-7? The winds at 9600 ft. were at gusts to 80 Kts in all reports. That's about 60 MPH of steady winds at altitude against a 200 kt thrust or a ground speed of comfortably 140 kt. You can't seem to get anything right, Blevins. Just give it up. You waste our time.


I have jumped many many times when the winds aloft were over 70 MPH

And the speed of the winds on landing were only 5 to 15 MPH..

The shear where those air masses meet gets a bit bumpy.. but its a fun ride. It has zero effect on the skydive.. and little on the canopy ride... especially if you know how to spot for that.

You should try jumping and learn the reality of what the sky holds in store.... facts always trump bullshit.

You got the wrong guy. It was Blevins with the wrong information. I agree with you. You are just in the habit of beating me over the head and have apparently done it again by force of habit. Beat up on Blevins. I'll hold him down for you.

Bob Knoss, YOU have got the wrong weather information and Blevins has the correct information!

If the airliner had experienced a 60 MPH (or knots?) headwind, it might not have made it to Reno that night.

Do you have a source for your weather allegations? If so, please cite chapter and verse.

Robert Nicholson

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Jo. you posted exactly what i accused you of in reference to Ralph here on dropzone a few months back I will repost your words when I can find it. it may take awhile. But Im sure people here on drop zone remembers it.Jerry

I do actually remember this incident. I can't remember Jo's exact words but it was something along the lines Jerry said, then someone else (was it Bruce? Blevins?) spoke to Himmelsbach who confirmed he was a friend of Jerry.

That aside, this thread is getting really tiresome. It seems to have become more about egos and agendas than anything to do with Cooper.
I don't know who he was but I am pretty sure he was not Duane or KC. Oh btw Knoss, the more you write on here, I think the less anyone believes it was Duane.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Bob Knoss, YOU have got the wrong weather information and Blevins has the correct information!

If the airliner had experienced a 60 MPH (or knots?) headwind, it might not have made it to Reno that night.

Do you have a source for your weather allegations? If so, please cite chapter and verse.

Robert Nicholson

Yah. I simply Googled "DB Cooper wind speed," and got a bunch of 80Kts references. So many in fact I was surprised. NONE said 5 Kts. George Nuttall told me the same thing. Actually, I think it was 60°F with no wind at all, full moon and clear skies. I don't believe anybody at all. I'm adopting Jerry's perspective. It never even happened even. Everything is a lie. Orange1 is a paid counter-conspiracy expert with telepathical talents that surpass Doctor David Black's. I'm zombied out. I'm going to write a report and send it to Moramar Kadaffi. Maybe he gives a shit. He wants to be a martar. Not me. More-a-martar DeDaffy. Postmortum script found in Mori's will: "It was really Mohammud Cooper! I lied." signed, Kenny Christiansen.

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Orange one. I do agree, maybe when the FBI finishes this investigation on Vickis father a screeching hault will come to Jo and Blevins story. "Brain Storm or fart "of an Idea we all should put our energy together and see what we can come up with on vicki's father. We may uncover good evindence that can be turned over to the FBI and ignore Blevins and Jo's postings for the time being. Turn this thread around and make it productive again by using solid research and sharpening our skills. Where the hell is snow man when he is realy needed. I understand why Quade ousted him but maybe a short probationary period wouldn't hurt.He's been ousted for months now he could have learned his lesson by now.But Quade hands could be tied and he isn't allowed to let snow back. Jerry

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Jo you stopped comunicating with me when I proved you were making up stories.I have been reading posts from 2 years back and every one to include 377 believes all your stories are made up.They been trying to get rid of you since this thread has started. If you are given any support at all you abuse it. You posted on page 318 that the reason you stoped comunicating with me is because I didn't have a phone and I didn't believe your story your 4th draft about duane stealing a boat and rowing across Lacamas lake.Fact is no one could keep up with your stories.You were so scared of me comming to this forum that you were puting me down trying to discredit me. But there will be the results of one polygraph made public along with tapes and other info.Jerry


JT knows the communication lines went down when I returned from Wa in 2001. Yes, he was hard to reach and it was ON my nickel, but I did without things just to make the communication if I was able to reach him. I had been told he was the "man" on the ground and would know the area.

The only reason the communications STOP are because I DISCOVERED Jerry had LIED to me while I was in Wa in 2001. There was NO other reason.

Yes, I feared his coming to this thread because in the past he made no viable contributions and his focus was only to ATTACK me and to discredit me by any means he could.

He reduce this thread and another one to repetive gibberish destroying any research value - he FOCUSED only on me and repeatedly called me names as he does here - WHY? This is why this MAN is a scary person and needs to be dealt with as such.

Why is JT encapable of being civil to JO? Why does he target ONLY JO?. What does he have to hide that can ONLY be done by destroying JO?

He knows the time lines and he knows a boat was taken from the Marina on the Columbia. (Why would anyone steal a boat to row across a lake? This is laughable if you guy could see the size of this lake he is referring to. Yet, he continues to reference the Lake and NOT the Columbia).

By the way Duane made 2 references to the Marina on that trip. When he showed me from Lake LaCames the farm land and forests on the South side of the lake. He described how it was all the way to the Marina on the Columbia. He described also a forestry building (which I now know to be a feeding station) located on the Southside of the Lake (again something Jerry had denied). He told me about a tower in that general direction before you got to the river.

The other time Duane mentioned the Marina was when we left the area several days later. We had crossed the Vanouver bridge (the 1st time I had been on that bridge until 2001) into Portland and I thought we were going home as we drove along the Columbia River toward the EAST. He pointed out the tressel across the river in the Washougal area and told me about the Marina that we could not see because of the tressel. This was AFTER we passed the Troutdale airport and and the industrial park.

This is when he told the boat story just before he announce he had a surprise (we were going to Tahoe) and we turned around back toward Portland and then went So on our way to Tahoe.

This was the only time I was on the Portland side if the River (on the return trip in 1979) and I repeatedly told Jerry this and he even called me a liar on the phone - it was sensiless for me to continue to take his abuse on the phone - just as it is here in the thread.

We were on the Southside of the River on our way to Seattle. but we crossed at the Bridge of the Gods over to the WA side and went down Hwy 14. This is around the Hood area. I had remembered the Dams and thought we crossed there - until I made the 2011 trip in Oct...but I found the exact spots he and I parked and got out of the car. My mind concept of time and distance made the things I remembered seem very close together. That trip - was the most valuable 5K I ever spent in my life.

You Will Never Know If You Don't Know Now.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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After some discussion by the staff of Adventure Books, this is our official position regarding Jo Weber and her claims about Duane Weber:

1) We can't say for sure whether she is right or wrong.

2) If there are inconsistencies in her story, much of it is probably because anyone is going to make occasional mistakes after years of posting on the internet, not because they deliberately lie.

3) We think Jo WOULD pass a polygraph.

4) When we encouraged her to appear on the upcoming DB Cooper show for Comcast, we had to talk her into it, which proves she isn't just seeking cheap media coverage.

5) Since Jo is not constantly hounding the media with her story, this ALSO proves she isn't seeking cheap media coverage.

6) Everyone who supports a suspect in the case has had mix-ups, mistakes, and inaccuracies sometimes. That means us, as well as Jo, so we understand how this happens. (*see 'after years of posting on the internet...* back there)

7) Whether she is right or wrong about Duane Weber, we do NOT trust the FBI DNA evidence, which is the main reason the FBI discounted Weber in the first place. No matter how you cut it, that tie was handled by a lot of people for years before it was tested.

8) Adventure Books has NOT absolutely proven that Ken Christiansen was the guy, but in our opinion, no one has absolutely proven Weber was NOT the guy, either. In our opinion, he may not be the guy, but he hasn't been 100% DISproven, either.

Side Note regarding Jerry Thomas saying this:


'Jo I was refering to Duanes interest began in virgina beach with McCoys death...'

I don't understand this. McCoy was killed when? 74-75? Duane didn't become a suspect until what...twenty years later? What the heck are you talking about?

The above looks very superficial to me,
especially when combined with the fact you
dont know why Virginia would be relevant ?

I hope Jo doesnt give you any surprises, as it
applies to AB's agenda.

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YOU ARE SO very behind the TIMES - LARRY CARR has NOTHING to do with the COOPER case. NONE - IOTA!.

I wouldn't piss in a bottle for Larry Carr - he has NO jurisdition in the Cooper CASE.

You immediate reaction to me and to Blevins - shows how disoriented you are and how corrupt your mind is....anything you are involved in I want NOTHING to do with...because everywhere you go you disrupt lives and only for your benefit.

Im glad you finally decided to be you! And speak
from your heart as you really are.

It defines what your whole agenda has been
from the start. You really are a lot like Duane.

It is almost like having Duane here, to read!

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Where the hell is snow man when he is realy needed. I understand why Quade ousted him but maybe a short probationary period wouldn't hurt.He's been ousted for months now he could have learned his lesson by now.But Quade hands could be tied and he isn't allowed to let snow back. Jerry

Snow won't come back on his knees Jerry, you know that... and Quade isnt even offering Snow that unappealing opportunity. Too bad. I honestly think we wouldnt be caught in this name calling dead zone if Snow had been on the forum. He always came up with new facts that kept things lively and interesting. Without that input we become stagnant and start attacking each other rather than trying to solve the DBC mystery.

I must be a Polyanna. I dont see why just about everyone slams Blevins. He said from the outset that he had no proof that KC=DBC and that his case was 100% circumstantial. He had an interesting but (to me) incorrect theory to explain KC's actions and wealth. He used it as the basis for a book and TV show. Big deal. I'll bet he barely made minimum wage on that project when all the accounting is finished. There will be hell to pay when Gayla wrpas up the accounting. Can't we disagree with Blevins without making personal attacks?

Same thing with Jo. I don't agree with any of her conclusions that DW=DBC, but we remain cordial.

Vicki has somehow learned to navigate the forum Maelstrom without getting pulled under. She could write a book on how to advocate a DB Cooper suspect without getting trashed on dropzone.com. My hat is off to her. She has leaned to live in harmony with hungry vicious wolves and jackyls. Vicki has amazing adaptive abilities.

I'll again make my often repeated request to Quade to grant Snow amnesty and let him back on the forum. Nothing Snow did deserves PERMANENT banning. If he breaks the rules just give him some more time outs. We need his brain on this forum. I know it buys nothing here, but in real life Snow is a remarkably nice generous and helpful guy. He still will not admit to making DORKZONE on YouTube. It could be Farflung, but I doubt it.

Wherre have Sluggo and Safe gone to? I miss those guys.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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The McCoy Connection:

This one eludes me Georger because it was so insignificant.
We had just moved and Duane was showing me how to get around the area and where the shopping was and I was marking these on a map for my future reference until I learned the area.

We had transferred to VA from Atlanta, GA with our company and Duane went on ahead of me to secure living quarters and lay the ground work for the area.

1983 (approx)
The location of the McCoy incident was VERY close to the Mall and he did NOT make a big deal out of it. It was no different than his pointing out other places of interest to me - such the location of the bases and other points of interest.. This area was a community of several small towns that had merged into what on the map looks like one large city.

:)during my marriage to Weber was the statement he made in WA - in 1979 and filed in my memory bank.

:)Feb 1980 about the money find.

So explain to this broad who has Dumb Blonde Syndrome - the significance of VA.

[:/]Also Note My LAST WORD
regarding Jerry and his claims:

:SIf Jerry's accusations about my story are true - WHY did I wait for 5 yrs before going public. Would it not have been better just to contact the FBI and then immediately go FOR IT - book, movie - you name it!

:)Perhaps Jerry needs to see the written documentation that was going between myself and others where I am pleading for some help with the research...for several yrs prior to going public.

It was this research done very privately that was the reason for my going public in 2000. REMEMBER if the FBI agent had NOT made statements in direct opposition to the Government files and records that had been acquired - I would never have gone public. This alone was reason for me to doubt the validity of the investigation. Now I HAVE much more.

This to me and others basically states I was NOT looking for publicity, nor trying to deceive anyone for the purpose of a book. It is natural to "think" about a book or a "movie" if the information I provided to the FBI had proved out...but I was NOT out there in the MEDIA during those yrs while the FBI was supposedly working on the information I provided.

It took a phone call in March of 2000 for me to get my dander up and contact the media...but I only contacted Doug...since he was the one who found the papers I had in my hands that directly disputed what the FBI had told me. Doug had anwered one of my pleas for help with the research about an old crime. I did NOT want to go public and somewhere I have a copy of the old letter. Any other media exposure was a result of the U.S. News and World Reports Article...it was at this point that other media became involved.

NOW, these things regarding 1996 thru 2000 I can prove. NO further discussions will be made about this. I know I held this thing very close to me - and only told my family and friends I trusted regarding to what I was doing in my "spare" time. During these yrs, I was talking "PRIVATELY" to the FBI, Himmelsbach, Jerry and making enquires of friends and relatives and ex-wives...but there was NOT a peek to the media.

Does this sound like someone LOOKING for a story based on lies? Hardly.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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