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georger 247
Thank you Charlie Sheen.
GEORGER you didn't NOTE
for crazy thur out that post?
Now you say the absense of evidence - explain what you are talking about!
Could the absense of this evidence be the result of this money having been stored in another location in WA or OR for several yrs? Or perhaps someplace else all together?
What if only the bottom of the container the money was stored in was wet - only the bottom layer would need to be destroyed.
And of course I mean thrown into the Columbia. We can be assured that money did NOT come down thru the Bonneville Damn and over the rock of the Washougal....SO how did it get there - and it obviously was NOT in the water from Nov. of 1971 until Feb. 1980. Eight yrs in the water?
Now who sounds like Charlie Sheen?
Question: You are able to actually investigate photos - this is NOT a joke. Last night I noticed something in an old polaroid made in 1970 and enlarged it as large as my system will allow me.
I want you to look at this - I know about your work with the planets and some of the photo work you have done regarding the planets and stars.. I think you might be able to help, but I don't want to be made fun of or for this to become public knowledge, because it may just be a defect in the old print which was taken with polaroid.
I can have it scanned to a disk at the highest DPI's they can do and mail it to you or a 3rd party or a P.O. Box. I cannot email it or post it - as I only have dial-up.
You can PM me here but I cannot PM you...
I also want to learn if that old book of which the lower part was wet might not have the impression of money on it.
I will NOT send the book but have them also scan this very very fragil book so you can see if that is a money image on the back.
Just a request or do you know someone I could take it to that would be capable of doing the same thing...I don't want to have to tell them WHY I want this done. Perhaps you could arrange it thur a University near me. I just didn't see this until last night and stayed up all night trying to enlarge the darn thing.
someone here may be able to help you -
georger 247
Of COURSE it's an opinion/editorial article. I've been posting articles there since March of 2007. More than 450 of them, all illustrated. I have the most pictorial articles on the site, which is why the column averages over 250,000 views a year.
And I stand by the article completely. I got my opinion on Carr by downloading the entire frickin' thread into a massive Word doc and examining it post by post. I saw exactly what happened and why he left. Any other questions?
And I stand by the article completely. I got my opinion on Carr by downloading the entire frickin' thread into a massive Word doc and examining it post by post. I saw exactly what happened and why he left. Any other questions?
1. are you working on the parachute issue you
were pissing and moaning about?
2. are you working on the 'Rat flew over the
Washougal' issue ? You promised you would have
Porteous call Rat and resolve this, as you did the
'Scott went to the back' issue, and 'Rat saw bag'
issue ... all your claims'? Or are you backing out?
3. are you working on the attic issue?
4. did you receive your copy of the Palmer report
from PSU and what do you think about it?
5. what happened to your and Jos Comcast
interview? Is that still on?
6. I didnt know you could download the whole
thread. Where do you do that?
You abandoned ship so quickly we hardly had
time to say Goodbye!
georger 247
I don't care about the other stuff. Let someone else figure it all out. I'm heading up to the Carbon River near Mount Rainier on Friday to pop off mass .22 and have fun in Little Subie. I will return on Monday. While I'm up there I will be wrapping up Revenge Story on my laptop at night in the tent.
Trust me. I deserve this.
now that I can empathise with! I have my haunts
too. Alls well that ends well, sometimes. I did go
over and read your column on John Demjanjuk.
You tackled a difficult one there. You had some
interesting and well informed commenters I thot
you did pretty well with, on the positive side.
anyway shalom and enjoy Nature ...
todah. (thanks)
ps: come back from time to time and we'll
argue more! Take care Robert.
georger 247
QuoteQuoteI don't care about the other stuff. Let someone else figure it all out. I'm heading up to the Carbon River near Mount Rainier on Friday to pop off mass .22 and have fun in Little Subie. I will return on Monday. While I'm up there I will be wrapping up Revenge Story on my laptop at night in the tent.
Trust me. I deserve this.
now that I can empathise with! I have my haunts
too. Alls well that ends well, sometimes. I did go
over and read your column on John Demjanjuk.
You tackled a difficult one there. You had some
interesting and well informed commenters I thot
you did pretty well with, on the positive side.
anyway shalom and enjoy Nature ...
todah. (thanks)
Thanks. Yeah...I should get hold of Skipp Porteous and see if Rataczak is back from his vacation in Mexico. I have some questions for Rataczak, yes.
It would be nice to know what Rat's current
statement is - for the record, so to speak.
Try if you can. Everyone would appreciste that!
Later. I think I will head to the woods asap too.
Thats a good idea ... needed...
In an effort to rise from the valley of sniping and ascend to the plateau of research, can anyone point to s single written record that substantiates the Fazio's claim that a debris field of currency shards was found at Tena Bar? If something this significant were found wouldn't it likely be in FBI and expert reports?
Documentation sure would be nice, wouldn't it, Three-Seven-Seven. Let me know when you find some, or get invited to the back room to see the files, or file an FOIA.
In the meantime, here's what I know. Everyone I know connected to the money retrieval tells a radically different story.
1. Al Fazio adamantly says that not a single shard was found buried; that every shard was on the surface along the tide line. Al's a great guy, but his comments to me have been inconsistent. Nevertheless, I feel that he is telling the truth as he remembers in the moment.
2. PIO Dorwin says that thousands of shards were found evenly buried to a depth of three feet for a radius of 20 yards from the main bundle, and were collected in plastic baggies. He also says they found part of the briefcase. Dorwin is a sweetheart and I have a standing invite to visit "anytime." I have never seen or heard of any shard-filled plastic baggies in anyone's evidentiary collection, however.
3. Ralph writes that a few shards were found to a depth of three feet. My four requests for an interview to review this information have been denied, and only when I evoked the persona of Jerry did I get any info.
4. SA McPheters (spelling?), former FBI and Anglican bishop but now a published author, says there were dozens of shards along the tide line down to the depth of his shovel, "1-2 feet deep." He clammed up when I pressed for more info.
Dat's what I got, dude. You?
GEORGER you didn't NOTE
for crazy thur out that post?
Now you say the absense of evidence - explain what you are talking about!
Could the absense of this evidence be the result of this money having been stored in another location in WA or OR for several yrs? Or perhaps someplace else all together?
What if only the bottom of the container the money was stored in was wet - only the bottom layer would need to be destroyed.
And of course I mean thrown into the Columbia. We can be assured that money did NOT come down thru the Bonneville Damn and over the rock of the Washougal....SO how did it get there - and it obviously was NOT in the water from Nov. of 1971 until Feb. 1980. Eight yrs in the water?
Now who sounds like Charlie Sheen?
Question: You are able to actually investigate photos - this is NOT a joke. Last night I noticed something in an old polaroid made in 1970 and enlarged it as large as my system will allow me.
I want you to look at this - I know about your work with the planets and some of the photo work you have done regarding the planets and stars.. I think you might be able to help, but I don't want to be made fun of or for this to become public knowledge, because it may just be a defect in the old print which was taken with polaroid.
I can have it scanned to a disk at the highest DPI's they can do and mail it to you or a 3rd party or a P.O. Box. I cannot email it or post it - as I only have dial-up.
You can PM me here but I cannot PM you...
I also want to learn if that old book of which the lower part was wet might not have the impression of money on it.
I will NOT send the book but have them also scan this very very fragil book so you can see if that is a money image on the back.
Just a request or do you know someone I could take it to that would be capable of doing the same thing...I don't want to have to tell them WHY I want this done. Perhaps you could arrange it thur a University near me. I just didn't see this until last night and stayed up all night trying to enlarge the darn thing.
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