georger 247
QuoteI got confusion Bruce. So many different stories about the shards.
What I like about your approach Bruce is that you don't stop investigating when you get an answer that fits a particlar hypothesis that you might favor. You keep digging. You present contrary info if you find it. You wear out tires, shoe leather and your wallet. Most of us just wear out keyboards.
T'anks, Three-Seven-Seven.
One of my ex's favorite expressions is: "Two Jews, three opinions." I think she prepared me well for the Cooper investigation, don't you?
Hey watch it there. Oy vey!
georger 247
QuoteSo many different stories about the shards.
I have a note from JT saying the FBI money
circles on the USGS photos are wrong - they do
not correctly depict where the Ingram bundles
were found. Quote: "That picture of the humps
is not the location of where the money was found. Jerry"
So, since I have been over this with Mr. Thomas
a hundred times before to no avail ....
Give us a map, a verbal description we can trace,
anything ...
Attached is the 1974 USGS photo.
Where were the Ingram bundles found and why
are the FBI circles on all the USGS photos,
The world awaits your answer.
[edit] Mr Thomas has replied as follows:
"The way your map is posted and not knowing the size of your computer screen. It is hard to tell you. If your screen is average the location is about a inch above the top circle.Jerry "
Here is a new photo with guesses ...
Jerry, are any of my guesses correct?
How do you know where the money find was. ?
georger 247
QuoteGeoger some times it pays to actually go to a sight and observe / check out the location on sight experience is the real key.instead of siting in front of a computer acting like a no it all. Your location was PM to you Yes we have been over this before and you have been told many times and it has been pointed out to you.Jerry
whatever... heres a new photo ... are any of these
guesses correct?
QuoteQuoteI got confusion Bruce. So many different stories about the shards.
What I like about your approach Bruce is that you don't stop investigating when you get an answer that fits a particlar hypothesis that you might favor. You keep digging. You present contrary info if you find it. You wear out tires, shoe leather and your wallet. Most of us just wear out keyboards.
T'anks, Three-Seven-Seven.
One of my ex's favorite expressions is: "Two Jews, three opinions." I think she prepared me well for the Cooper investigation, don't you?
Hey watch it there. Oy vey!
My ole honey-bun is now the past-president of her shul, so she should know what she's talking about, nu?
georger 247
QuoteYes just above the circle in the tree line.There is a stump and portions of the tree close to where the money was found still today.The photo in Ralphs book where the agents are looking, is in the tree line Jerry
Are you saying its Guess #1 ? (which circle in which
tree line ... there are two) ?
Posted on March 10, 2011 in The Mountain News WA
Editor’s note: The term “flying saucer” was coined in 1947 by local media when Yelm aviator Kenneth Arnold announced that he had just seen seven disk-shaped craft flying near Mount Rainier.
This story is dedicated to Mr. Arnold and his fellow denizens of the skies, and to all who love a good story.
What To Say When Your Therapist Tells You You’re Her Craziest Patient
I have always believed in UFO’s, even as a little kid. In fact, I have always thought it odd that others don’t.
My fellow true believers and I have a few theories that we place a lot of stock in, and the main one is that, not only are extraterrestrials real, they’ve been here for a long time. Secondly, we believe there are plenty of alien races crusing around, including one species that looks exactly like us – so much so that the only way to tell them apart from regular human beings is to touch them and see if they are clammy-cold. If they are, they’re aliens.
They’re clammy-cold because of a third theory: their bodies have evolved out of emotionality. They are so advanced they no longer have the DNA to carry emotional expression, which is why they’re here on earth, namely to study us and our emotions. read more...
There was tree line between the beach and the house - with the GATE being to my left. Now bear in mind I am on the beach looking back at the house. The house that was there at that time was relative regtangle and with only a door stoop in the back - no deck or porch.
Between the tree line and the beach and to the East of the house was the site they claimed was where the money was found.
I have never been able to understand the pictures because they do NOT show a retangular house - from the Beach side.
That is all I know. There were still some mature trees along the fence row on the beach side.
I refused to pretend to scoop up sand because that was not the place Duane took me where he went down a hill and disappeared.
But did feel I had been there...because Duane did go under an overpass and we drove along the river - there were industrial places and then farm land...How far we went and at what point we turned around I don't remember - I just know that the last stop was the Red Lion on that side of the river.
georger 247
QuoteBingo Guess # 1. Jerry
Thanks. Now ...
this is the same exact location you and I discussed
months ago so nothing new there. Your location is
very clsoe to locations identified by others, not
exactly the same, but very close so nothing new
there either.
What I am puzzled about is why you would bring
this up at all? I said nothing about the"money
location" in my previous posts replying to Farflung
and 377. My posts were about the cubic tonnage
applied in two locations on the Fazio beach front.
I said nothing about the find location, and I did
not draw the FBi circles nor claim they are accurate.
You mention Ralph's book and the photo showing
the 'official location'.
So why would you jump me about this - why is this
issue sensitive?
Guess #3: because, Is there an association between
the location of the Ingram bundles and the dredge
piles? That is what everyone would like to know.
And since Ralph and you are separating the two
by distance, and you are taking the time to point
that out when it wasnt even brought up in the first
place, then the implied answer is "No. There
is no association". Isnt that what you are
concerned about? To make sure people do not
think the bundles came up with the dredging
georger 247
QuoteI pm you letting you know the location of the money find in relation to your picture. Your the one that posted it. I assume it was an attempt to show your importance or imbarass me with your childish comments. Jerry
not at all... this is public info already posted
dozens of times on this thread. You are the only
individual inthe Universe who thinks its still
a private matter for some wierd reason. Im
surprised you allow photos of the State of Washington to be show on the Internet!
Read the thread, is all I can say.
Has nothing to do with embarrassing anyone.
Thatis NOT what Im about and you damned-well
know it! Look in the mirror.
georger 247
QuoteSo what your saying is when you have Pm me with your name and phone # that that is now public info and I can post it. Regardless of your complaints of this action in the past.Geoger when your sent a PM it is private not ment to be posted like you just have today.Does this action on your part make it a trust issue or one I should ignore. So now your upset because I called you on this action and you want to do the childish thing and take your Ball and go home. So you tell me like you told 377 last week to never contact you again. Now I ask you is that the mature thing to do.You posted the PM not Me. Jerry
I am trully sorry. Will never happen again.
I apologise and ask your gracious forgiveness.
Can never happen again.
Farflung 0
The dredging deposits would have to be transported to a ‘sand corral’ to be stored or the very expensive process of dredging would be nullified as the river reclaims what it had been transporting in the first place. The storage area would contain the aggregate in the form of a man made mountain flanked with conveyer equipment, front loaders and a flashing light or two; if they are cool.
How high would the mountain of sand become from the valley excavated at the dredging deposit site and what width would the Columbia have to be in order to arrive at a reasonable, sane and logical answer?
I’m sure that the money would have been stopped by wind, rain or winter’s cold in any event.
QuoteWhen I was out in WA and the TV crew was there and one of the Fazio brothers was there and Himmelsbach. THe area the showed me was slightly East of the Fazion home which is different than what is shown on the maps. From the beach looking back at the Fazion home the gate to the area on my left.
(I was very tired when I posted this and had a early rise for a Dr.'s appt. The gate was on my RIGHT not on my left while standing on the beach behind the Fazio home.)![]()
There was tree line between the beach and the house - with the GATE being to my left (correction on my RIGHT). Now bear in mind I am on the beach looking back at the house. The house that was there at that time was relative rectangle and with only a door stoop in the back - no deck or porch.
Between the tree line and the beach and to the East of the house was the site they claimed was where the money was found.
I have never been able to understand the pictures because they do NOT show a retangular house - from the Beach side. Maybe they built a new home - the one there in 2001 was the old rectangular ranch style from the beach side.
That is all I know. There were still some mature trees along the fence row on the beach side.
I refused to pretend to scoop up sand because that was not the place Duane took me where he went down a hill and disappeared.
But did feel I had been there...because Duane did go under an overpass and we drove along the river - there were industrial places and then farm land...How far we went and at what point we turned around I don't remember - I just know that the last stop was the Red Lion on that side of the river.
Sorry about the error, but I had taken my sleeping pill because I had a early morning appointment. At least I read my post tonight and caught my mistake - unlike drinking and driving and being involved in a fatal auto accident!
I've been a'wonderin' about Babs. If she talked about burying the money at Tina's beach before it was found there that would put her a good position to legitimately claim being DBC.
Here's what Pat Forman sent to me a few days ago:
"Actually, Barb never did confess to us about Tina Bar. About a month or two before the money was found she told us she had a dream that the money was getting wet and she could see the ink running.
"The day after she told us about the dream, she disappeared and didn't show up at the airport the following weekend (Thun Field; to fly her Cessna 140).
"After that, she stopped talking (and) told us she possibly had only dreamed she was Cooper, and when we asked her questions about it she would just say "maybe".
"Yet she would still seem excited when more news was published about the skyjacking and want to talk about it, as if Cooper was someone else.
"That was also about the time that she started talking about me writing the story of her life and telling me that someday she was going to give me something that would change my life and I would never want for anything.
"Shortly after that was when the Ron laid down on her Murphy bed in her apartment while we were talking, and made a comment about how lumpy it was. Her reaction was quite out of character. She got very angry with him and told him to get off his bed. She was so agitated I immediately changed the subject, and we left to tour Seattle with her as our guide. We thought that possibly the money was then hidden in her bed.
"When the money was found on Tina Bar, we thought of her change in attitude and came to the conclusion that she had placed a chunk of the money there to "keep the story going". It was something we thought she would do if she had retrieved the money on that trip. Knowing what we know now about the condition of the money and the rubber bands, the timing of the trip fits.
"I haven't been keeping up with the story lately. Our daughter has been sick and I've been spending most of my time helping her.
"The timing of Tina's breakdown is interesting."
His son, my first cousin, is still a Columbia river pilot, for ships up and down the river, who most likely knows that river better than anyone I have contact with but have never broached the Cooper subject with him.
Anyway, I just dropped in to say I really find your posts very entertaining among other subtle inferences.
Also thanks to everyone else who entertains me through this thread...really.
I just wish I had the time to do some of my own research, as I am a Cooper groupie but have a bit of a cash flow problem myself which takes up a lot of my time, you know, robbing old ladies of their ss checks.
It's not that honorable but pays the bills.
"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan
georger 247
I dont think you will be missing anything or that
much new remains to be found in this case, that
will matter. That is the consensus of a number of
highly placed and well informed people I have
spoken with, especially in the last six months.
The only exception would be new forensic work
which only very highly qualified people can do,
but there is no guarantee that even that would
produce a 'silver bullet'. Too much time has
passed. At the end of the day, people of a
serious nature must move on... new forensic
work, no matter how carefully done, would only
be met with criticism from the diehards and cranks.
I have no prediction whether Cooper will ever be
identified, but the central issues in this case are
well defined, and those who represent the various
positions are also well defined.
I have no idea, for example, what Geof Gray's
book is going to say or what weighting he may
attach to the various competing points of view.
The two primary competitors I see today are
Ralph Himmelsbach and his Jerry Thomas together
perhaps with Rataczak vs. the FBI and its current
stances on the basic issues at stake. Perhaps Geof
Gray will be documenting that disparity - I dont
know. I am quite sure Mr. Thomas does not see
any disparity at all, when in fact there is.
Only time will tell.
What I like about your approach Bruce is that you don't stop investigating when you get an answer that fits a particlar hypothesis that you might favor. You keep digging. You present contrary info if you find it. You wear out tires, shoe leather and your wallet. Most of us just wear out keyboards.
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