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DB Cooper

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Geoger. And these coments are comming from the self proclaimed King of DropZone in person on this 18th Day of March 2011. at 1:19 (13:19) pacific time. King Geoger himself.

Have you been hitting the vodka?


You could help by going out and taking a walk?
It serves no good end to keep this feud going.
Maybe leave the guy alone and he will leave you
alone? ... pretty simple.


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If the coments of alchol or drugs are directed towards me so be it. However be advised that if I was to use Alchol it would kill me.I have never used wacky backy the smell makes me throw up besides it is ileagle.Hell I don't even Smoke. The only meds that I take is for Diabetes. I don't even use Viagra. Don't need it. Jerry

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All of that is between you and the FBI.
And I doubt E-Entertainment Tonight cares one way
or the other. You lost space to Lindsey Lohan!

Wonder why Jerry thinks I am talking to the FBI? I haven't said that. As for TV - the only mention of this was thru Blevins and haven't spoke to anyone.
Wonder where Jerry gets all of these ideas?

Yes, there are somethings going on - but, I am not privey to FBI information. Sure, I called them about what I found in WA before I left and I spoke to the MOUTH PIECE (not a real agent) twice since I was out there in Oct of 2011.

Wonder if Jerry even knows who the agent of record is and if he has ever had a sit down conversation with him? Others have done so. Nothing I ever said to the FBI was negative about another suspect other than what I wrote in the forum
(Cooper had dark brown eyes and Cooper DID NOT have hazel eyes). I don't agree on the other suspects and I looked at all of them as objectively as I can....that one thing (dark brown eyes) is hard to get past.

Oh. well - I am tired - I just stuck my head in the thread to see what was going on and got hit with a HAMMER - been a long haul. I have a lot of thing I have to get ready in the next few days. Trying to get my house on the market. Like I said before - I am making some CHANGES.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Three bundles together is strange. One, I can see. A LOT of the money I can see. Three is a bit weird.

Hvordan er det wierd ? Hvorfor kanne du ikke
udnerstand det tre bunt var rettferdig en anslå
verdi? $5800 er ikke tre buindles! ja?

Asked and answered long ago on this thread. Maybe three of the bundles floated down the river and mysteriously became buddies in the same spot. Or the money fell from the sky when Cooper was a no-pull and landed in the same spot with nothing else ever found. No chutes, no body, no bag or briefcase. Or maybe they were dredged from the river nine years later, found just inches under the sand with some of the bills still reasonably intact.

None of those scenarios is feasible. Don't ask me how the money got there. How the heck should I know? I do know this: People lie for a reason. And all of the people I interviewed were far too quick to start pointing fingers at each other.

You would have to be there, I think.

You keep insisting it was 3 bundles ?

Why? I dont know anyone else who insists
it was 3 bundles but you seem to stake everything
on it being 3 bundles.


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That never made much sense to me either:


RobertMBlevins said about lies:

“They roll off his tongue as easily as a Life Saver candy.”

This is another perplexing simile in that I was not aware of situations where LifeSavers candies had a reputation for rolling out of one’s mouth. I have traditionally placed the confectionary broadside on my tongue as to maximize the flavor experience while maintaining a perfect record of keeping the thing trapped till being completely dissolved.

A ‘Horehound Drop’ is another thing entirely, where a candy with such a misleading name could actually have the flavor of rotting poison. That’s right I said rotting to amplify how bad this invention tastes and actually prefer eating honey bees over this stuff. By the way, should you doubt this description a purchase of these offending treats can be made here and at other locations which specialize in making children cry.


I know a ‘Clam 49’ is a lot to throw down to sample something that will induce such a violent and primal gastro intestinal reaction but look at the glass as still being impossibly full. You will have plenty of temptations left over to place in a candy dish for supervisors, the’ company mooch’ and any relatives you’re cursed with via the institution of marriage. Truly a situation where so very little will accomplish so much.

I do feel a better vehicle for something (lies) being produced easily while using multi-flavored candies as the foil would be PEZ. This has everything for a sweet simile along with universal understanding. Although the candies actually come from the neck rather than the mouth, this has been a long accepted generalization. Plus PEZ dispensers have been produced in a myriad of configurations and there could be some tasty profits (for those who care about money – ewwww) in marketing a ‘DB Coopez’ version to the vast market which would make such a purchase.

Still, I have to wonder if there will ever be a perfect PEZ dispenser created.

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Georger asks:

'You keep insisting it was 3 bundles ?

Why? I dont know anyone else who insists
it was 3 bundles but you seem to stake everything
on it being 3 bundles.


How much money was found there?

$5,800 or so.

How was money packaged for delivery?

Slightly varying size bundles, but about $2,000 per bundle.

Ok. I'll play .

How much of the placard was found?

How much of the placard was packaged for delivery?

Ding! Ball may have just dropped into hole.
But we cant find the damned hole! Where is the
damned hole? The ball did vanish - we saw it
vanish - it isnt there on the board so where did
ball go? Call the marketing division!

* Rule No.1: It is not permitted to avoid a major
fact of the case by saying "I don't know". The
whole reason for advancing someone as a candidate is because facts of that person explain all of the facts of the case and more. The candidate must explain the facts of the case, not the reverse!

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* Rule No.1: It is not permitted to avoid a major
fact of the case by saying "I don't know". The
whole reason for advancing someone as a candidate is because facts of that person explain all of the facts of the case and more. The candidate must explain the facts of the case, not the reverse!

He he he he - Don't get me started Georger! I have this ridiculous he he laugh and when I read your post above I broke out in one of my he he moments and I still have a smile on my face.:D:):)
Best post in a LONG time by anyone. I am sure if I used my suppositions on that theory, Weber would advance very quickly, but I only know what he told me and showed me and what I have learned thru the FBI and researching his past along with retracing our trip to WA.

The problem is that when a candidate tries to do this - they can quickly be accused of creating facts...about their suspect. It is a NO win situations 40 yrs after the crime very difficult...if not impossible. If the suspect lived a very evasive life - that makes it difficult to advance the subject without some proof.

Unbeknownst to most in this thread - this is exactly what I have been working on. I have done a pretty good job of it (in my opinion), but too much too late. I only regret that I did NOT have all of the information in 1996 that I have now - because after 15 yrs no one wants to hear it.

I am sure there is more than one suspect your statement would apply to. In my case I knew little about the crime and why this thread has been one of the pivotal points in my own search.

The adversities that have been over-come, the valuable encompassing knowledge of the DZ, the input of individuals from many walks of life and the outside voluntary assistance from people in all walks of life has been an experience in itself.

No candidate may ever be able to explain all of the facts of the case to advance their subject, because there have been too many yrs...too many unknowns.
Why I chose to take the actions I have been taking recently. No, I will never let it go as long as I live, but I will know in my heart of hearts I gave it all I could.

When all is said and done by the time I have finished my last project - if there are NO answers there never will be. It may be too much too late - but, I never gave up and there is always hope...that others will see what I see, but it won't happen with me sitting at this computer arguing with individuals.

The project I am into is tedious and expensive - but, it seems to be yielding results. What the end results will be is yet to be known...but, like the song Duane sang to me on our wedding night
"If You Don't Know Now You'll Never Know".
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Sheridan Peterson

Interview with Bob and Jane

Bob and Jane A contacted me a few days ago to discuss Sheridan Peterson after reading some of my writings on the DB Cooper case in The Mountain News. I interviewed them on Monday, March 21, 2011 in their home. Below is my report:

In early 1972, an FBI agent named White showed up at the home of Bob and Jane A. and asked about Sheridan Peterson. White told the A's that Peterson's wife in Richland, WA had given the FBI their address as his last known address, even though it was 10 years old.

Here’s what Bob and Jane told Agent White:

A young man calling himself Sheridan L. Peterson II stayed in their rooming house for one month in the fall of 1961, until they kicked him out for non-payment. He had been living in a basement apartment.

Peterson had presented himself as an English major at the nearby University of Washington in Seattle. He also told them he was going through a divorce and that his ex was living in Richland, WA.

The A’s later saw him again in the spring of 1962 as the emcee on the Bubbleator at the Seattle World's Fair.

Jane told me that when Agent White came to their home shortly after the DB Cooper skyjacking, she did not remember Sheridan Peterson initially.

“I remember him distinctly, now” said Jane. “But, when the FBI came I couldn’t find any records of him, and later realized that was because he had never paid rent!”

“He was cool, calm and collected,” said Bob, “even when I kicked him out.”

“He was a very interesting guy,” said Jane. “He had done so many interesting things, and gone so many places.”

After a brief conversation with Jane, Agent White handed her his phone number and asked her and her husband to call when Bob returned from work, which they did. Bob told Agent White everything that is in this report, and Bob himself has written down much of this material.

Much of what they told me was anecdotal types of information, as Bob and Jane had many conversations with Sheridan in his brief stay.


Sheridan called himself “Dan.”

“You can call me Dan,” he told the A's and they did - and still do.

They said Dan was tall – “just over six-foot tall, and very slender,” Jane told me.

“He had an olive complexion, and looked Greek,” said Bob, adding, “he looked just like the FBI’s composite sketch – a ringer.”

They also told me that Dan smoked, and did so outside the house.

In addition, Dan did not speak with any discernible accent.

“He spoke perfect English,” said Bob.

Dan and Bob talked a lot about being fire fighters. Bob is a former member of the Forest Service and Dan was a smokejumper in Missoula. Dan told Bob specifically that he was not afraid to jump at night, in the rain, over water or over forests.

“The only thing he said he was afraid of when jumping, was if he landed on a cliff - where the cliff would break his fall and the chute would collapse,” said Bob.

I asked Bob if he had any indication that Dan was bs-ing him.

“No, he knew too many details about fighting fires,” Bob replied.

Bob also told me that Dan announced on one occasion that he could “walk out of anywhere.”

“Dan was a very rugged, capable kind of guy,” Bob said.

Dan was a bicyclist, as was Bob and Jane.

Also, Bob said that one time, or more, Dan confessed to re-setting forest fires in order to get over-time pay.

“He was an intelligent, clever guy,” said Bob, “but he had never made use of his intellect or his English degree – if he had one. All the work he told us about had to do with him working with his hands – like smokejumping or digging ditches.”

Dan talked incessantly about devising schemes to make money and get ahead, Bob described, and he notes a "DB Cooper letter,” apparently written to the San Francisco Chronicle, in which DBC declared that he had “designed the system that beat the system.”

Bob said Dan had used those exact words numerous times in their conversations.

Bob also said that Dan used to talk about joining forces to “beat the system.”

“‘We’re smart enough to it,’ he used to say,” said Bob. "It was like he wanted me to join him."

Bob was working at Boeing on the 737 as a mechanical engineer in 1961. Bob said that Dan pestered him about the aft stair capabilities of the 727s, asking if they could be deployed in flight, how much would they bounce, etc. The 727s had just been put into commercial production.

In fact, in 1961 Bob was working on the mechanics of the 737s’ starboard aft stairs deployment.

When Bob told Dan that he had not worked on the 727 and didn't know anything about the functionality of its aft stairs, Dan reportedly lost all interest in Bob's work and engineering skills.

Bob and his wife live near the UW campus, and they say that Dan told them he got the Bubbleator job because his English Prof had written the script.

Bob attempted to contact Agent White after the initial round of conversation, asking for a meeting, but was unsuccessful.

Bob said that Agent White had confirmed Dan “was one of our suspects.”

In the past few years, Bob has become interested in the DB Cooper case. In addition, he has crafted a list of “predictions” on how and why Dan did the DB Cooper jump, including the money find at Tina’s Beach. In Bob’s speculation it was planted by Dan to convince a book publisher that he was DB Cooper and thus publish a book about him – but more importantly publish what Dan truly wanted in print, a novel that Bob says Dan was sure to write.

Along those lines, Bob has sent many emails to Larry Carr, detailing what he knows about Peterson and sharing his “predictions.” Bob has not received a single reply from Larry.

Bob has not read extensively on the case, but he has a sizeable newspaper clipping file. He has also read Petey’s autobiography that was written when he was running for Windsor City Council, or some such.

I expect that Bob will be joining the DZ shortly.

Bob also gave me numerous emotional and psychological observations about Dan.

“He seemed like a regular guy,” said Bob. “We trusted him.”

“Yeah, he convinced us to break our number one rule – pay the first and last month’s rent before you move in,” said Jane. “I don’t know how he managed to do that!” she said, laughing.

“He was a calculating kind of guy,” said Bob, adding that Dan had given them lots of excuses on why he didn’t have the rent. “He said he was waiting to get paid, and hadn’t been.”

Bob is utterly convinced that Sheridan “Dan” Peterson is DB Cooper. He also has a nearly unshakeable conviction that his speculative “predictions” about DB Cooper are correct. As a result, Bob had a very difficult time listening to any inforamtion I shared about differing opinions of the case, such as the money find - Bob is adamant that Dan planted the money as part of a literary ploy to get a novel published.

Bob also has a passioante view of the recent parachute find in Amboy, WA, and Bob is utterly convinced it is the Cooper chute.

I will be continuing my conversations with Bob and Jane, and will have more to report in the near future.

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If Bob is being truthful we may have a real breakthrough here. Snowmman is uniquely qualified to help out on Sheridan Peterson research and analysis. We need his help.

PLEASE Quade, as a favor to me, give Snow a trial amnesty and allow him to post. I ask others to join me in this sincere request. Come on folks, Snow could really add some value here. What do you say? Post your support or opposition.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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If Bob is being truthful we may have a real breakthrough here Snowmman is uniquely qualified to help out on Sheridan Peterson research and analysis. We need his help and we need it now.

PLEASE Quade, as a favor to me, give Snow a trial amnesty and allow him to post. I ask others to join me in this sincere request. Come on folks, Snow could really add some value here. What do you say? Post your support or opposition.


I concur with Three-Seven-Seven's request. I have the benefit of receiving Snow's PMs but I think the greater good is served here with a wider distribution of information

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The Bob and Jane story if true is fascinating.

I endeavor to keep two things separate:

1. What Dan said to Bob and Jane and what they observed. This is relevant if accurate.

2. What Bob's "predictions" and opinions about Cooper are. This is just speculation.

Bob's Tena Bar theory seems like a huge stretch. If you want to convince a publisher that you are Cooper, mail them a single twenty and a note. It would have saved thousands and have been far more likely to be immediately noticed.

On what does Bob base his Amboy chute = DBC's chute conclusion?

If the smoking and olive complexion info is true it adds to the possibility that Dan was Cooper. Snow tracked down one photo of Sheridan that looks a lot like the FBI sketch.

Was Dans employment at Boeing started after he lived at Bob's place?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I tried to e-mail him to let him know what the HELL is going on, but the address he has had for YRS is no longer. What happened - does anyone know.

I knew Sheridan was ill, but had not heard he passed away. If these people are coming out and Sheridan is deceased - then I don't believe them. If Sheridan is alive - I hope he defends himself. I read his book and from emails I shared with him - he was able to provide the FBI with a very good alibi - he was NOT in the USA on Nov 24 1971.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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In fact, in 1961 Bob was working on the mechanics of the 737s’ starboard aft stairs deployment.

Does the 737 have deployable stairs??? I thought it only had pressure plug cabin doors and inflatable emergency escape slides.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I tried to e-mail him to let him know what the HELL is going on, but the address he has had for YRS is no longer. What happened - does anyone know.

I knew Sheridan was ill, but had not heard he passed away. If these people are coming out and Sheridan is deceased - then I don't believe them. If Sheridan is alive - I hope he defends himself. I read his book and from emails I shared with him - he was able to provide the FBI with a very good alibi - he was NOT in the USA on Nov 24 1971.

I believe he is still alive Jo. I sure hope so. Cooper or not Copper, Pete is still one hell of an interesting guy. I'd like to take him for a jump if he is up for it. Nobody would let him solo but I'll pay for a tandem. I have self interest. I'd love to talk with him during the drive from Windsor CA to the DZ at Lodi or Cloverdale. He reads dropzone, at least occasionally.

Petes alibi was a doozie. He claimed to have been living in a mud hut in Nepal. I don't think the FBI necessarily believed it. They only ruled him out after taking a DNA swab and comparing it to what they believe was a partial sample of Cooper's DNA from the tie.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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What the Freaking Hell is going on - I just got this site sent to me out of the clear blue.

I don't even understand what is is. Where is Skydiveworld?

There was a Sheridan Peterson there - but, it is it the correct one? But there was also another name I have been looking of for YRS. Some of you guys explain to me what this is? I don't get it and from where this was sent - it has a reason.

Note: Dusty Smith - is someone trying to pull my chain?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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In fact, in 1961 Bob was working on the mechanics of the 737s’ starboard aft stairs deployment.

Does the 737 have deployable stairs??? I thought it only had pressure plug cabin doors and inflatable emergency escape slides.


Snowmman to the rescue. I stand corrected. The 737 did indeed have deployable aft side stairs. Definitely NOT jumpable.


A unique airstair design was used for the aft doors of 737 Combi aircraft, which consisted of a clamshell door which dropped down to open much like a business aircraft, but then had stairs which were stored trifold in the curve of the door, which would unfold to the ground. This system was very cumbersome, was very susceptible to damage, and thus has been removed by many of its users.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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If Snow is up is he playing games and why did I get this list of names from the 60's. Snow what is this all about - I know you didn't send me that list - but then maybe you did - you seem to know how to manuver around things like that. Surely someone is up and playing games tonight and this is a joke - right!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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1. What Dan said to Bob and Jane and what they observed. This is relevant if accurate.

Simple questions -

Why is Pete Sheridan calling himself Dan in the 60's
for a free rental? Dan who?

The eye color issue is being avoided here.

What is this about? (" Bob described, and he notes
a "DB Cooper letter,” apparently written to the San
Francisco Chronicle, in which DBC declared that he
had “designed the system that beat the system.” )

Is Bruce/Bob/Jane saying Sheridan wrote this
letter? I'm confused as usual.

Everyone is describing their candidates as
"dead ringers" - well they can't ALL be
Doppleganers can they?

Not to mention every candidate to date ranks at
the top of the scale on a-typicality ... wierdos-special
skills-psycho. When did Cooper's profile suddenly
require extreme a-typicality? Where is your proof
that a-typical traits are required? What in the
evidence suggests DB Cooper was Superman, or
Super Psycho Dan? Maybe the only thing being
profiled here is the profilers, which has literally
nothing to do with DB Cooper? The myopic focus
on 'supermen' is palpable and noteworthy? Small
man syndrome?

I think somebody is handing out some very bad
(tainted) information here, which probably describes
only themselves? So far ... its only advertising!

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What email address did the list link come from?

That skydiveworld website I believe was set up by Thom Lyons, an old US jumper who emigrated to Australia.

The guy on the list is our Sheridan Peterson, I know that for sure. Not sure about why the double entry with Gary Patmore (listed as Pitmore). Maybe some PCA/USPA license number duplication? I met Gary back in the day.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Bob is utterly convinced that Sheridan “Dan” Peterson is DB Cooper. He also has a nearly unshakeable conviction that his speculative “predictions” about DB Cooper are correct. As a result, Bob had a very difficult time listening to any inforamtion I shared about differing opinions of the case, such as the money find - Bob is adamant that Dan planted the money as part of a literary ploy to get a novel published.

This outcome bias that Bob has worries me. It could be coloring his memory of earlier events when Sheridan "Dan" Peterson was a boarder.

Wonder what led the FBI to target Sheridan as a suspect in 72? Skydiving? Boeing connection?

The FBI has twice investigated him. What made them come back for a second look much later?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Wonder what led the FBI to target Sheridan as a suspect in 72? Skydiving? Boeing connection?


(" Bob described, and he notes
a "DB Cooper letter,” apparently written to the San
Francisco Chronicle, in which DBC declared that he
had “designed the system that beat the system.” )

If true that alone would be reason ... ?

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As far as I know not one of the letters to newspapers contained anything that proved the author was DBC. Sheridan could have written all of them and still not have been the real DBC.

Sheridan sure had the skills and knowledge to be DBC. Accomplished innovative skydiver, night jump experience, smoke jumper in Pacific NW, ex Marine with combat experience, former Boeing employee working in tech documents, etc.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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We had such high hopes in 1962 with the construction of the Space Needle, entry into space flight all the while dreaming of wearing silver Lame’ suits and being all cool and atomicy. What happened to us? We abandoned manned space exploration still build our homes on the ground (ewwwwwww) and still use trains with TWO rails.


Don’t we all long for the good ‘ol days when a guy could take his best girl and her favorite four foot diameter, hoop skirt to a location where man’s progress could be celebrated with cotton candy, line cutting, the harassment of people dressed differently laced with astonished pointing with mouths agape?

This was a vision of how great things were going to be in the future and there has been a long tradition of these predictions being awesomely accurate. The Bubbleator was no exception either. First it is round and more efficient if you don’t care about construction costs or useable space. This was designed by farsighted engineers who knew the future would be powered by the atom with automatic monorails transporting future people from point A to B; excuse me, I meant from Lambda to Epsilon. Yes they even predicted the future would still require a ‘Bubbleator Operator’ to safely move those people one floor. This included a set of molecular devices with flashing lights above the control console. Cause that’s the way things have turned out.

Be that as it may, I managed to find some images of the Bubbleator and several Bubblenauts in hopes of blundering into one of Sheridan Peterson at the controls. The kid operating the Bubbleator in the center is actually Jay North (Dennis the Menace pre Dairy Queen) but the guy behind him could be Dan Cooper.

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If Bob is being truthful we may have a real breakthrough here. Snowmman is uniquely qualified to help out on Sheridan Peterson research and analysis. We need his help.

PLEASE Quade, as a favor to me, give Snow a trial amnesty and allow him to post. I ask others to join me in this sincere request. Come on folks, Snow could really add some value here. What do you say? Post your support or opposition.


The Bob and Jane story sounds too much to me like it was designed to fit known facts.
Nevertheless, I support 377's request for a trial amnesty for Snow.

I cannot remember from before if there was any note that Peterson was a smokejumper as well? Not that it really matters I don't think - his other training more than qualifies him for a successful Cooper jump. Just the little issue, of course, of him saying it was not him..!

Certainly, I agree with 377's opinion on his alibi. It fits our longstanding theory of course - that Cooper though American was not resident in the US at the time, which was why he was not "missed" when FBI began questioning ...US residents.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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