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377 22
Jo wrote:
QuoteDamn that Jo just didn't give up.
I think that is one thing that we can ALL agree on Jo.

Web Page
I thought Caretaker was just being funny. Sadly, I was mistaken.
So, start being safe, first!!!
377 22
QuoteHowever, if KC had been brought in for questioning by the Bureau maybe ten or twelve months after the hijacking, he would have had a lot of explaining to do
If KC were my client I'd tell him to remain silent regardless of whatever he told me about his innocence or guilt. Lying to the FBI is a felony all by itself. You can be innocent of the crime you are suspected of committing and end up being convicted for lying during questioning by FBI agents. Best policy is to say nothing and request a lawyer. So many people think they can talk their way out of an FBI inquiry. Not much chance if that working.
georger 247
QuoteQuoteThis is all so sad.
Very true. Unlike many others around this thread, I never said for sure that KC was the guy. Truth is, I don't have the smoking gun that could prove that he was. My gut feeling tells me he was involved, and that Bernie G probably helped him. Much of this comes from catching Bernie in numerous lies and the fact that practically everyone I interviewed (whether or not they appeared in the book) were of the same mind about Kenny, even from the beginning. There is also the matter of the circumstantial evidence, which is substantial, but probably not enough to convict. However, if KC had been brought in for questioning by the Bureau maybe ten or twelve months after the hijacking, he would have had a lot of explaining to do. Personally, I think he was a very lucky guy.
Update: Filming for the Comcast show is next week. Where and exactly when is a secret, due to those annoying confidentiality agreements. You will be surprised at what I have in mind, though. I made some requests from Comcast about what I wanted to cover and how we should do it...and they went along with this plan. They gave me plenty of time to think about it.
What is the essential difference between you and
Jo Weber? You have to have been there to know?
Orange1 0
QuoteThe FBI puts JT to work to deter her, but she goes public in 2000.
Jo, do you really, truly, honestly believe this?

Farflung 0
Of course nothing of the kind could exist since other people with various skills would supply feedback in order to prevent such a freakish idea from being produced. Still I have to wonder what the thing would look like if someone could become that isolated or oblivious while being completely free of any logic.
QuoteThis is all so sad.
You have no idea I was trying to be funny - that post was for fun and nothing else. Just a bunch of gibberish that sounds like the stuff Knoss is tooting. I am capable of making jokes and that is what that darn post was about. 377 got it why can't you guys?

Let's see what logic or gibberish I can muster up!

Please NOTE how I started that post above.
Duane confides in his wife before he dies. true
She contacts the FBI. True
The FBI puts JT to work to deter her, but she goes public in 2000.
With all the crap he has thrown at me - and this thread - this would be a reasonable deduction - maybe it is not a joke?.
OOPS! JT failed. Jo went public - Damit! joke
So here come Knoss out of the blue. Referencing his contacting me in 2000
Knoss keeps Jo quiet for a while until she sees thru him and strings him along.
Jo learns how to navigate the internet.

Jo just keeps on plugging...and finds the DZ - AH so the FBI can relax a little. They WERE glad to get me out of their hair for a while
DZ ends up heating the Cooper story up so they send in Carr. True
Carr failed so "they" put JT back on the Job. joke
Then the River Crew heated things up - but their efforts failed. (although something they thought insignificant surfaced). true
Suddenly book writers are crawling all over JT and Knoss and others.true
No one planned on Jo keeping records.true
So they throw Knoss back into the mix. Joke
Jo gets fed up and gets on a plane to WA. NO one expected this.true
She confronts JT who is lost for words about finding the things he said did NOT exist.true
She confronts Knoss and realizes he is part of the "conspiracy". Come on give me a break - I am not an idiot. I told you guys from the start there was only one thing about his story I could confirm.
Knoss goes bananas! Well, he was already up the damn tree anyway.

Jo decides to plunge into the River. That shook things up. Yep, that one is true.

Damn that Jo just didn't give up.
Nothing else to do but to kill her off. JOKE You know I can have a little fun also with this thing...I do have a sense of humor.
The chemicals are released to finish the job. She just won't die.
Nothing different than what FarFlung does and others - joking around - just having some f or un.
The "authorities" are at their wits end. They can't shut this woman up. Joking and playing with this like everyone else.
OK last ditch - send Knoss in and then she won't have the means to continue. Joke
Surprise, Surprise, Surprise! The JOB is done...and the truth will survive. True
P.S. Blevins is still talking to a mouthpiece - he has NO clue how the FBI and the authorities can "fix" things. True or Joke - you be the judge.
Truth or Consequences?

![[:/] [:/]](/uploads/emoticons/dry.png)

Jo exits and now Blevins enters.
Am I not entitled to have a litte FUN with this.
Now if I could just do a poster like FarFlung.

Who actually had jurisdiction over the case - Seattle or Portland? The find was in Vancouver? Who exactly went to the media about the find and why was the Seattle office not made aware of the find before it hit the media?
Since this was right before Himmelsbach retired - is this why? Does anyone know all the players and who came first and who was on second or third?
This case has been screwed up since get go!
georger 247
Seems like Himmelsbach or someone went over the head of the Seattle case manager regarding Cooper in 1980. It is my understanding he read about the Money Find in the Seattle Times!
Who actually had jurisdiction over the case - Seattle or Portland? The find was in Vancouver? Who exactly went to the media about the find and why was the Seattle office not made aware of the find before it hit the media?
Since this was right before Himmelsbach retired - is this why? Does anyone know all the players and who came first and who was on second or third?
This case has been screwed up since get go!
Seattle had over all case management. Technically,
the agent at Vancouver had 'jurisdiction' as the find
occurred in his territory. Portland assisted. Seattle
had 'case management' control.
The senior Vancouver agent was very competent
and informed - had actually studied the Cooper
case. Vancouver was a small two person office and
the agent in charge there was long tenured.
Portland stepped in immediately to assist and
did the initial interviewing and locked the scene
down at Tina Bar. Seattle agents were dispatched
also. By February 14th (if not sooner) everything
was being managed out of the Seattle office. It
was the Seattle office who technically managed the
excavation at Tina Bar and all evidence collected.
Himmelsbach's retirement was incidental to these
events and protocols. Vancouver, Portland, and Seattle all worked very closely together right from the start. Press coverage came out of both Portland
and Seattle, and Washington. The Vancouver agent
was fully involved and active. Himmelsbach didnt
go over anyone's head but worked closely and
effectively with everyone.
If anyone has better information, please post it.
georger 247
QuoteGeorger asks:
Quote'What is the essential difference between you and
Jo Weber? You have to have been there to know?'
Two things. First, when I started investigating the case, I had no pre-conceived notions. Skipp Porteous just sent me out to do interviews. It wasn't long before I realized we might be on to something, due to people freely offering up info or else trying to lie to me and then getting caught in their lies. Like Bernie, for example.
I especially liked the part where his ex-wife Margie came running out to me to my car and said this:Quote'You're not going to make Kenny look bad, are you? No matter what he may have done, he was still a nice guy...'
Of course he was. I believed that, too. But I didn't believe the letter she sent to our office a week later saying that even if KC were aboard Flight 305, he was just doing his job as the purser, and yes...we kept the letter. I interviewed this lady five times between January and August of 2010, and I was convinced she knew everything. But she's afraid to tell. She's an old lady and she believes if the truth comes out she could lose her ranch, her home, everything. But she knows, I am certain of it. I tried to convince her that the statute of limitations on all of this is long gone, but she is still afraid. This is a lady who puts padlocks on the interior doors of her house.
Or maybe Bernie's own sister (Dawn) telling me that she figured KC was the guy right from the start. And admitting to receiving all that cash from him only five months after the hijacking. The part where Bernie got caught by History Channel execs telling his sister Dawn she needed to retract everything she said was a good one. That's how they got him to agree to an appearance on Decoded. He knew he was busted, so he tried to convince them he wasn't involved. Truth Time: The show's producers decided it might be better NOT to name him as the accomplice, since it was a lot of he said/she said. And although the cast says they believed Bernie's story, I received emails from the producers later setting me straight: They thought he was lying, but they couldn't prove it, so they took the easy way out, with the cast saying they thought KC was the guy, but that Bernie was not the accomplice. I saw the sense of that, in other words, it was the only way they could end the show.
Or perhaps Helen Jones telling the Decoded guys that Kenny smoked Raleighs, and verifying that both KC and Bernie disappeared over the weekend of the crime when they were supposed to be eating dinner at her house. Boy, was Margie pissed off about THAT, she said. I think Margie found out that the two of them did it later, and then was forced to keep the secret for decades. I wish Decoded would have used the video I provided them in my last interview with Margie, when she finally admits she believes KC was the hijacker. I kept a copy anyway.
Second, all of the information I was able to obtain came from live witnesses, many of whom had no motivation to lie, with the exception of Bernie. They were generally ordinary folks. I don't know how many times I have to explain this to people. They had no axes to grind, they weren't seeking glory or money. They just WERE.
One of the really strange things we discovered was WHO KC bought his house for cash in Bonney Lake from. His name was Joe Grimes, and (surprise) just happened to be a good friend of Bernie's. KC got the adjoining lot a year later for ten dollars. Sure he did. I think it was a bit more, but paid under the table. We have all the property and mortgage records.
NOTE: Comcast filming date is set. I wish I could tell you where we're going and what we're doing, but I can't. But I think you'll agree we may get to the bottom of things. Personally, I just want to finish this stuff and move on. I am much more excited about our sci-fi book that is coming out in three weeks. 48 stories, 44 authors from around the planet, and that beats the Cooper deal anytime. That one was a pain in the ass. This is fun, and cost us a LOT less money to do. I've presented my case on KC and that's pretty much the end of it. I have to leave it to others to see if we hit the mark. Only time will tell.
Just like Myers and Dvorak presented their case
on Teddy Mayfield. Not one of their socalled
circumstantial facts proved correct much less
sufficient and complete.
You are "convinced" Margie knows everything!
Everything what? Margie isnt talking but you
are glad to fill in the details anyway based on
your 'esp' about human psychology and this
woman in particular ... while also avoiding more
plausable fact-based scenarios which dont happen
to fit your need to prove Kenny was Cooper.?
You have been at this for months and have yet
to even give your 'criminal profile' on Kenny.
First week candidates of any State police academy
do that! You evidently think its not required ...
in your methodology. And you still avoid even
mentioning several of the core facts of Kenny's
life which any profile of Kenny must account for,
especially as regards motive.
Margie and you need to put Kenny on the plane.
Like Geestman, you are hiding something important.
Orange1 0
Quote[The FBI puts JT to work to deter her, but she goes public in 2000.
With all the crap he has thrown at me - and this thread - this would be a reasonable deduction - maybe it is not a joke?.
It's not the first time you made that claim either.
I guess some of us have different opinions as to what constitutes "reasonable".
I especially liked the part where his ex-wife Margie came running out to me to my car and said this:
Quote'You're not going to make Kenny look bad, are you? No matter what he may have done, he was still a nice guy...'
Of course he was. I believed that, too. But I didn't believe the letter she sent to our office a week later saying that even if KC were aboard Flight 305, he was just doing his job as the purser, and yes...we kept the letter. I interviewed this lady five times between January and August of 2010, and I was convinced she knew everything. But she's afraid to tell. She's an old lady and she believes if the truth comes out she could lose her ranch, her home, everything. But she knows, I am certain of it. I tried to convince her that the statute of limitations on all of this is long gone, but she is still afraid. This is a lady who puts padlocks on the interior doors of her house.
Blevins do you understand WHAT her fear is? REMORSE.
She is an old lady who like myself has worked hard all of her life to have what she has. In this world of SUE SUE SUE, everyone is afraid - to tell the truth or to embellish on a truth.
You do NOT know if she really knows anything or NOT. I lay ODDs if she suspected KC was Cooper, she would have spilled her guts way before you ever knocked on her door or KC ever "became" a suspect.
Have you EVER discussed KC's eyes with her? Bet, that is a little detail you never told her about. Cooper had DARK PIERCING BROWN EYES.
Perhaps she is afraid someone will prove she embellished what she told you and Porteous and now is fearful the REAL Cooper will be revealed.
She is well aware of the statue of limitations - because anyone or her age is. She is fearful of being proven a liar or being made fun. She is also fearful of all the publicity which makes her fair game for every scam artist out there...
I hava some of the same fears any senior would have in coming forward about information but, I know I am telling the truth so I STAND-UP and try to account for my words and my claims. IF I had embellished anything about Duane's past or lied, I could not do WHAT I DO and would back off the way she has done regarding KC.
Porteous, you and the media along with the story written by Gray - planted the seeds for a complete fabrication to occur. She got caught up in it and now may want to bow out gracefully with as little embarrassment or harm as possible. You have made public the pictures of her and the inside of her home. I do NOT allow this. It is a matter of saftey and privacy.
Did she receive any monies from you or the TV or the book?
These are the UN-answered Questions.
Even though I was telling the truth - I regret the yrs this saga has taken from me...but I KNOW I am telling the TRUTH and will continue to FIGHT for this. IF I was NOT CERTAIN Duane Weber was involved - I could and would have walked away a LONG LONG time ago.
Farflung 0
Favorite and only (continue to deny you have tunnel vision here) suspect was:
A man – 2 points
Brown Eyes- 5 points
Heterochromia iridium – 15 points
Colored contacts – 25 points (after all this was 1971 and those were rare)
Worked for Northwest – 20 points
Worked for Boeing – 20 points
Had little money – 20 points
Was bald, wore a toupee or had copious hair – 20 points
Owned a raincoat in Seattle – 5 points
Was secretive and would not tell everything he knew (oh brother) – 10 points
No documentation to whereabouts on 24/25 Nov 1971 – 25 points
Never spoke of the hijacking – 5 points
Smoked – 2 points
Smoked Raleigh’s – 10 points
Has someone else claim he smoked Raleigh’s – 20 points
Has matching DNA – irrelevant
Drank bourbon – 5 points
Drank mimosas – 75 points
Owned a Towncraft tie – 25 points
Hid things that no one would know about – 5 points
Now every suspect can be accurately weighted against this certified list of things with dire and significant value. The suspect with the highest cumulative score is clearly DB Cooper and all other suggestions will be dropped. After all, this has been the very technique favored by all the self proclaimed experts and should be quickly accepted and used since they also feel the need to declare how they are only interested in the truth. And I’ve always believed people who say they're honest. I just wait for those people who tell me they are crooks, liars and social rejects then I expose them and avoid contact. Everyone should do this as it is a nice way to get things done.
Always get the testimony certified. I learnt this on jury duty where witnesses’ took an oath to tell the truth or be punished to the fullest extent of the law. When the suspect denied robbing the bank under oath in this certified courtroom it was obvious that I had to vote not guilty. Gosh people, is it really this hard? Now eleven of the other jurors said I was batshit crazy but the court disagreed because they listened to me, the sole voice of reason and released him that day. Just another example of the power of logic.
The gamma radiation output alone already stripped
the thread of its atmosphere - life ended here eons
ago. The survivors continue in their mediocrity,
certain of the inevitable. Who will become the head
cockroach with the last piece of gibberish? Im betting
on Blevins.
Maybe yes and maybe no!
Let's see what logic or gibberish I can muster up!
Duane confides in his wife before he dies.
She contacts the FBI.
The FBI puts JT to work to deter her, but she goes public in 2000.
OOPS! JT failed. Jo went public - Damit!
So here come Knoss out of the blue.
Knoss keeps Jo quiet for a while until she sees thru him and strings him along.
Jo learns how to navigate the internet.
Jo just keeps on plugging...and finds the DZ - AH so the FBI can relax a little.
DZ ends up heating the Cooper story up so they send in Carr.
Carr failed so "they" put JT back on the Job.
Then the River Crew heated things up - but their efforts failed. (although something they thought insignificant surfaced).
Suddenly book writers are crawling all over JT and Knoss and others.
No one planned on Jo keeping records.
So they throw Knoss back into the mix.
Jo gets fed up and gets on a plane to WA. NO one expected this.
She confronts JT who is lost for words about finding the things he said did NOT exist.
She confronts Knoss and realizes he is part of the "conspiracy".
Knoss goes bananas! Well, he was already up the damn tree anyway.
Jo decides to plunge into the River. That shook things up.
Damn that Jo just didn't give up.
Nothing else to do but to kill her off.
The chemicals are released to finish the job. She just won't die.
The "authorities" are at their wits end. They can't shut this woman up.
OK last ditch - send Knoss in and then she won't have the means to continue.
Surprise, Surprise, Surprise! The JOB is done...and the truth will survive.
P.S. Blevins is still talking to a mouthpiece - he has NO clue how the FBI and the authorities can "fix" things.
Truth or Consequences?
Jo exits and now Blevins enters.
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