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Farflung 0
I know, how about a list of reasons why I may be DB Cooper?
1. Male
2. Painfully familiar with operating cargo doors, airstairs, hatches and bomb bays (bonus items here).
3. Thousands of hours of professional flight experience.
4. Thousands of hours in a parachute.
5. Trained in jungle, desert, water and alpine survival.
6. Owns sunglasses
7. Owns a sissy, little cosmetics case and calls it a ‘Flight Bag’ to overcompensate for a Munchkin winky.
8. Intimate with airline operations.
9. Vast knowledge of aircraft systems and things with blinking lights.
10. Encyclopedic knowledge of aircrew parachute rigs.
11. Complained about low wages.
12. Employee of commercial aircraft manufacturer.
13. Drinks bourbon.
14. Likes to pass Flight Attendants notes.
15. Pays cash for things and uses twenties as primary currency.
16. No accent.
17. Was a Boy Scout and knows how to tie wicked good knots from parachute line.
18. Understands Victor Airways and how to calculate time over target.
19. I knew using the interphone to communicate directly with the pilot would betray my hunkyness so used notes instead.
20. Let everyone off the plane except the crew and the hottest Stewardess (helloooooooo).
21. No ex-wives to piss off or turn me in.
22. Never brags about wealth or money nor displays either.
23. Knows where to lurk free of detection, in airport jetways then board the aircraft last.
24. I can’t prove where I was on either 24 or 25 November 1971.
25. Have owned and used paper bags of various volumes.
26. I cut and cross- pasted fragments of the serial numbers on all of the ransom money. None of the numbers matched but all other checks for counterfeiting passed and the bills were easily accepted (HA!).
27. No one has ever suspected me as DB Cooper.
28. Know what flap setting to demand.
29. Familiar with counting One Mississippi, Two Mississippi.
30. Spent extended periods of time in aircraft lavatories (if you know what I mean and I think you do).
31. I have a collection of DB Cooper articles and clippings.
32. Trained in spoofing radar and had the ultimate Heath-kit work bench.
33. Speak Oregonian fluently.
34. Chaffed the 106s while preparing to jump knowing the Herc would get credit for the Talley on 305.
35. Pay cash for ‘legal immigrants’ to manicure my lawn, knowing the money will be absorbed south of the border.
Well, there you have it. Pretty damning evidence in the form of a long ass list of some items best described as completely true and innocuous. Yet using traditional wisdom from this thread, I must be DB Cooper.
377 22
QuoteChaffed the 106s while preparing to jump knowing the Herc would get credit for the Talley on 305.
Farflung 0
When Cooper was handed that Mogambo bag of money did he exclaim, uff da? Oh fer stupid, he did no such thing. Proving that Cooper could not have been from that part of the country and all these ‘investigators’ should have noticed that something was starting to smell lutefisky.
Should others have picked up on this linguistic nuance? Ya, you betcha.
georger 247
QuoteChaffed the 106s while preparing to jump knowing the Herc would get credit for the Talley on 305.
Holy Cow!
I gather he thinks Cooper came from Henderson MN.
No doubt he was a Brown. Danuel 'Joseph' Fletcher
Brown! There. I named him.
EVickiW 0
Quote30. Spent extended periods of time in aircraft lavatories (if you know what I mean and I think you do).
Sometimes I get airsick too!!!
georger 247
QuoteSkyjack 71 says in part:
Quote'Jo Replies:
That would have been a STUPID thing to do if it was true - spending Cooper money in the area within 5 months. Gimme a break! Kenny was single and frugal. Was it a loan or a gift? Do you have proof of the transaction?
Blevins Stated:
Or perhaps Helen Jones telling the Decoded guys that Kenny smoked Raleighs.'
First, within 120 days of the hijacking, most NW banks had given up even LOOKING at their twenty dollar bills. List was 34 pages of non-sequential numbers, 10,000 total, with several rows of numbers per page. It was a nightmare. You should know this already because Agent Carr already admitted it in his radio interview. (available at the DB Cooper WIKI page)
I can also tell you haven't read the book. Do you think I can lay out all the evidence against Kenny in a post? Not that I haven't tried. Documentary evidence? The pictures are in the book.
As far as the Raleighs and Kenny and Helen Jones, it wasn't the cigarettes that was the most important testimony from her. It was the fact that she put KC and Bernie together over the weekend of the hijacking. Did you notice on Decoded that Bernie refused to answer where he was when the hijacking occurred? Doesn't matter. Helen Jones (and her daughter, who confirmed) says that three weeks after the hijacking she ran into KC in Sumner and he wouldn't explain why he and Bernie just split town like that. Then she said she always thought the FBI would question them, and she was surprised they never did. There's more, but it's all in the book.
As far as the loan, Bernie, his sister Dawn, and Margie Geestman all admitted to it at different times, and yes...we do have the mortgage record and tax records from the house she purchased.
Have you been abducted by an alien from another
planet and cant say anything new?
You have repeated the same vacuous drill now
26,904,458 times. That is the same number of
times the same spot on a 15 inch tire hits the
same spot on the road every 20,000 miles.
Congrats. Play it again Sam.
Gag me with a spoon.
QuoteNope. The key is in your taking a Polygraph. The polygraph would tend to say you are tellingthe truth, since there were no witnesses to anything
you say.
I have been told a polygraph this late in the game would be useless - and if the FBI had requested a polygraph during those first few yrs - I would gladly have done one before 2000 in my pre-computer days. That would have ensured my memory had NOT been contaminated by things I found on the internet.
I am not saying I would not do one now - but, just not sure how one would work after 15 yrs of exploration on a subject. It has been my understanding it would not be valid.
QuoteThe problem in your case is your Obsession. Your Obsession is larger than Duane being Cooper! If Duane were proven to be Cooper tomorrow people would still wonder because 'Duane being Cooper'
would arrive as a mere anticlamatic anecdote to the
rest of your stories and your tactics you have actively
employed during the last 15 years.
Yes, it is an obsession but not for the reason you think. It has to do with my integrity and what people think of me. I am not sure what you mean by the rest of my stories - unless you mean the things I have explored to unveil Duane's background. Somethings were "wild goose" chases and some ploys to smoke someone or something out. I can readily identify these. There were time when I was misled and followed trails that led me right back to the source....such as Knoss and JT.
QuoteDuane being Cooper is almost beside the point, at this point. It would almost be a relief if Duane was Cooper! (Would the rest of the shit stop?)
If by "the rest of the shit" means the things I have had to throw at the FBI and accusations of wrong doing - the answer is YES, that would stop. If there is something they missed that I have pointed out over and over...such as specific places or incidents I told them about - not sure I could resist rubbing that in a little.
QuoteI think Blevins is using you as a foil, to enhance
his own chances of getting a foothold in the publicity wars which attend all media adventures.
I agree with that - as I feel he is using not only me, but the thread for his own gain.
QuoteSo which is most important to you? Having Duane
be Cooper? Proving the FBI is a bunch of incompetent corrupt fools?
There is only ONE answer to that Proving Duane was Cooper. As far as the FBI is concerned the problem has been the mulitple chain of command during the last 40 yrs.
Proving my stamina had nothing to do with what I have done - it has been proving that I was NOT someone seeking 15 minutes of fame based on a fabrication. Had I not have gone public in 2000 and the media had NO knowledge of Duane Weber - I would still have been fighting this battle with the FBI, but in a more private way. The last 10 yrs plus on the computer was enlighting regarding information I would never have acquired in any other manner.
I do NOT want to leave this world until I have been vindicated - it is a matter of integrity. If Duane was not Cooper - he must have been a magician (the items I found). I had NO reason to make-up the things he showed me and told me (remember I did NOT go public for almost 5 yrs).
I don't know if the gentleman I was dating is still alive - but, I talked to him about the things Duane said in the hospital. I had been told if one met a nice man they wanted to keep as a friend, but did NOT want to be romantically involved with to talk about the deceased spouse. I told him the story about the things Duane said in the hospital. He was the one who told me about D.B. Cooper, but until I found a book in the library I did NOT know the name Cooper gave was "Dan Cooper".
That was May 24, 1996 the day after taking my Real Estate Exam. Which by the way I ACED with a 98. The results was so high I was held after the others had left - and asked to swear under oath I had not had access to the test question. The score was so high they took the liberty of checking the score card and had I Not have erased 2 incorrect answers I would have had a 100.
This test was immediately changed and when I went back a couple of yrs ago - I was introduced as "the one responsible for your tests being so difficult". I mention this so that you and others can understand how my memory worked. Age has taken it's toll and most days I have to look at the Newpaper to know what day it is and it takes me forever to read a book I could have read in one sitting back in the day.
You and I were discussing the Vancouver money find of 1980.
Did the Seattle agent for NORJAk resent Himmelsbach? The original case agent in Seattle did almost all of the ground work on NORJAK and Himmelsbach got the headlines of the case.
Himmelsbach himself has stated to me he never met with or interviewed Tina Mucklow and this has been told to others also. I have often thought about this as sounding strange. Tina was living in WA not too far from the money find in 1979 (this comes from some research done by me way before 2000 and recently confirmed by others).
Coordination between the various offices and personel may have been a primary reason why the case is still unsolved. Also most if not all of my information was given to Himmelsbach even though he was already retired. I felt when I spoke with him I was speaking to the FBI. I now realize that most of the information I provided to him in our many conversations may never have been relayed to the active FBI. This was a mistake on my part not to send mail regarding things I had found or been told and replying on someone else to be sure the FBI had this information.
The lack of coordination between the various Field Offices of the FBI has previously been stated as the primary reason the DB Cooper case is still unsolved today.
Do you believe this? I do NOW know that I should have taken the time to send the FBI any new information I may have relayed to Himmelsbach during those yrs.
I should also have made sure that I communicated with the actual FBI the things I told JT.
Stupid Old Women make Stupid mistakes - and they have been costly. The times I contacted the FBI I didn't think the message was going any further than the woman who was the mouthpiece or earpiece at that time (note this is referencing secretary like positions within the FBI who field the phone calls and is not an insult or complaint).
A young man performing this duty recently claimed I made a complaint - it was NOT a complaint as I found the communication to the agent of record. Obviously the agent taking a prior phone call was insulted at being called a mouthpiece. Perhaps I should have used the wording duty desk agent.
georger 247
I addressed all 25 at least five times and you chose not to reply.
I guess its: "Fayyur to commmunebate."
Have it your way.
QuoteQuote[The FBI puts JT to work to deter her, but she goes public in 2000.
With all the crap he has thrown at me - and this thread - this would be a reasonable deduction - maybe it is not a joke?.
I suggest it was not at the direction of the FBI, but the Project, and that is MORE than a reasonable deduction. It is a certainty, right Jerry??? They also discussed a "Tina" approach for Jo. They did NOT authorize her "T" bone accident, however. Jo is not totally off base on everything. Some things are too obvious for even her to misinterpret.
smokin99 0
QuoteI never interviewed Tina's ex husband. I don't know what you are talking about.
She's talking about a post you made identifying Tina's ex where you subsequently realized you erred and retracted. Who knows why that is relevant.
QuoteRe: Tom Kaye:
Remember... Those that are talking don't know and those that know aren't talking.
Sluggo - This is the part that I don't get. I mean why? It's a 40 year old case, the perpetrator is either dead or an eighty-ish year old man, the remaining money is probably gone forever in whatever form. Regardless of all this, it's seems likely to be largely unprosecutable (or at least non-convictable) anyway.
I get that the FBI doesn't like this case going down as unsolved, but frankly, the majority of people paying 4 - 5$ a gallon for gas couldn't care less. Many of them had probably either forgotten or never heard of the case until the FBI brought it back into the limelight.
So....other than the reasons from folks who believe all that they see in M. Night Shyamalan movies, the only reason I can think of for people who know stuff not just putting everything out there is for hopes of monetary gain or momentary fame. I'm really not trying to be facetious - What am I missing here?
Robert99 50
QuoteQuoteI never interviewed Tina's ex husband. I don't know what you are talking about.
She's talking about a post you made identifying Tina's ex where you subsequently realized you erred and retracted. Who knows why that is relevant.QuoteRe: Tom Kaye:
Remember... Those that are talking don't know and those that know aren't talking.
Sluggo - This is the part that I don't get. I mean why? It's a 40 year old case, the perpetrator is either dead or an eighty-ish year old man, the remaining money is probably gone forever in whatever form. Regardless of all this, it's seems likely to be largely unprosecutable (or at least non-convictable) anyway.
I get that the FBI doesn't like this case going down as unsolved, but frankly, the majority of people paying 4 - 5$ a gallon for gas couldn't care less. Many of them had probably either forgotten or never heard of the case until the FBI brought it back into the limelight.
So....other than the reasons from folks who believe all that they see in M. Night Shyamalan movies, the only reason I can think of for people who know stuff not just putting everything out there is for hopes of monetary gain or momentary fame. I'm really not trying to be facetious - What am I missing here?
Smokin99, You are not missing anything.
QuoteI pretty much gave up on people around here after I posted up the '25 Best Reasons We Believe Ken Christiansen was DB Cooper' post...and it was completely ignored. No one really addressed a single point. All they did was dismiss the post in its entirety.
I addressed all 25 at least five times and you chose not to reply.
I guess its: "Fayyur to commmunebate."
Have it your way.
I also addressed his 25 points with 25 points for Weber that equaled or exceeded his own opinions regarding his subject.
His points are only for profit - and a book.
He took 2 yrs to do his investigation. I have been at it for 15 yrs, but I didn't have a party digging into Weber for the purpose of writing a book. Yea, I have gotten lots of help and lots of offers, but that is all they wanted - A Story. Usually after a few contacts you figure them out - the writer for profit versus someone who wants to help in anyway they can with NO strings attached.
I have been very grateful to those individuals who took the time to help me with different tasks. When I would be contacted I would be very very person contacted me and this person's knowledge of my background was scary. Identity theft was the first thing I thought of - this person knew details about me NO one knew.
Turns out this person had been given the assignment of HOAXING me. Two yrs of researching me and it couldn't be this person decided to help me. The information provided to me has been among some of the most valuable I have received - this involved more "secrets" about the Weber family.
This person even came to this site and read every site I ever posted on. The research into my background was intensive and extensive...unfortunately this person became ill and has not been able to offer anymore assistance in the last few months. When it happens you gotta love it and accept it as a gift from the Creator.
She's talking about a post you made identifying Tina's ex where you subsequently realized you erred and retracted. Who knows why that is relevant.
This is important because there are individuals who claim to know ALL and yet, have not been where I have been regarding key individuals in the Cooper story.
I have often "sat" on information that I didn't want to use or expose for reasons of my own and for the privacy of the other person. When the subject is broached in the thread I post some trivia about it pleading ignorance or need to know.
The reason for making my post about the Tina "interview" was because of the statement you mentioned. "Those that are talking don't know and those that know aren't talking".
The only reason I do NOT put everything I know out in this thread is to protect the privacy of other individuals. Even if Sluggo's post had been false or true - it was still an invasion of the privacy of key individuals. In his case it was pure trivia just to get a reaction since he redacted it.
I understand the reluctance of the FBI not to re-interview the witnesses, but it has been rumored within the last yr - certain witnesses have been re-nterviewed. The lively hood and privacy of individuals is what you are over looking...but to come to a conclusion after 40 yrs...the FBI needs to do these interview if they have NOT already done so.
The interviews need to be made by agents in the know and not a rookie on assignment. The witnesses have a right to view "all" photos of all given suspects and NOT just what the FBI wants them to see. The witnesses need to be Reminded of their depositions and view ALL composites to refresh their minds about what they may have been trying to describe with each different composite.
Putting a bunch of pictures in front of the witnesses after almost 40 yrs if of little value unless a concerted effort is made to help the mind travel back in time to the date of the skyjacking and the interviews with the FBI and the artists. Even then - it is doubtful any real results would surface.
Farflung 0
What do any of us really know about what life was like for the Stewardesses and what possible technique could be used to ‘readjust’ their mindset or recall what things were like in the 70’s? What were their dreams, goals and how did they view life?
Was there some coded message or hidden meaning? When he said “that says a lot OK”, then she gets all attitudy and fires back with “That doesn’t say a damn thing”. From their lips to this thread the exact dialog has found new life and endless replays.
Farflung 0
Now not every manly weekend has to involve pigs or state parks. Sometimes guys just enjoy getting together and talking about football and going all the way.
I dare say I don’t have the foggiest idea why Bernie would stay so tight lipped about what he was doing on Thanksgiving Eve. If only there was some sort of answer to why a man would leave his wife and then be at a loss for words about all his ins and outs for that period of time.
What exactly were they doing in Paradise ‘by the AIrstream Lights’ Point Park?
Here you go Bernie. Do you see what happens? Do you Bernie? See what happens when you spend Thanksgiving weekend in an Airstream Bernie? Well this is what happens when you ignore you ex-wife Bernie. Are you watching Bernie?
Their actions being anything other than executing a hijacking would be inconceivable.
georger 247
I also addressed his 25 points with 25 points for Weber that equaled or exceeded his own opinions regarding his subject.
His points are only for profit - and a book.
He took 2 yrs to do his investigation. reply]
We all commented on Blevins 25 reasons.
I dont think Blevins gets it? That may be the sum
of the whole thing.
georger 247
QuoteSo what exactly were Kenny and Bernie doing at Paradise Point Park along that riverbank? Just poking around in the wilds of the PNW and being all butch and manly man perhaps?
Now not every manly weekend has to involve pigs or state parks. Sometimes guys just enjoy getting together and talking about football and going all the way.
I dare say I don’t have the foggiest idea why Bernie would stay so tight lipped about what he was doing on Thanksgiving Eve. If only there was some sort of answer to why a man would leave his wife and then be at a loss for words about all his ins and outs for that period of time.
What exactly were they doing in Paradise ‘by the AIrstream Lights’ Point Park?
Here you go Bernie. Do you see what happens? Do you Bernie? See what happens when you spend Thanksgiving weekend in an Airstream Bernie? Well this is what happens when you ignore you ex-wife Bernie. Are you watching Bernie?
Their actions being anything other than executing a hijacking would be inconceivable.
We are not allowed to talk about that - and Blevins
wont discuss it or the possibility, in any event.
Why admit data that is counter to an arguement?
Why admit data that says Kenny had two feet?
And why speak about Kenny and Lyle and their
relationship, at all?
Hector and Achilles disappeared for a weekend,
and it brought the whole damned city down!

I do really have some questions for Bernie - and these are questions NO ONE else would ever ask about his past. He did not appear to be in good health on that TV program - so I really think I need a good stab at getting the answers.
smokin99 0
QuoteI understand the reluctance of the FBI not to re-interview the witnesses, but it has been rumored within the last yr - certain witnesses have been re-nterviewed. The lively hood and privacy of individuals is what you are over looking...but to come to a conclusion after 40 yrs...the FBI needs to do these interview if they have NOT already done so.
With all due respect I think this line of reasoning is ridiculous. I just don't see anyone's livelihood or privacy being overtly affected by the legitimate particulars of this 40 yr old case unless they want it to be. Those that don't seek it out may be inconvenienced, might even feel harassed by some, but except for that, seems that those people that get dragged into this case appear to either have nothing to hide or they could give a rat's tail about it or they get a little kick out of seeing their name in print.
As far as the FBI questioning old witnesses, I don't see why they should hesitate to question someone if they thought there was any reason to. There is a family here in Georgia that still gets occasional visits from federal marshals and reporters just checking in to see if they've heard anything from two of their brothers. You might remember hearing about them. The Anglin brothers teamed up with one Frank Morris to escape from Alcatraz around 1962. BTW....they were never found either and some people think at least one of em made it.
Hmmmmm...Frank Morris (apparently the brains of the bunch) was around 35 yrs old in 1962...lets see he would have been about 44-45 in 1971. You know they also met in an Atlanta prison. Shoot,... I think I might be on to something.

Damned near brilliant. The golden mean. The rest
is only application ... and fear of impending failure.
Landing gear giving out or some-such piece of crap!
You just gave Safecracking 30 more videos to make.
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