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Excuse me, but you must not have been reading the thread - or you were out to lunch. Those 25 remarks were discussed with you and by Georger and myself and many others....several times.
You came back with the same evasive rhetoric such as the last posts regarding the 25 points.
The producers go around doing
Movie Options to tie up a story so if they decide to move forward they have something already tied up in a nice little bundle so they don't have to pay the big bucks when the book starts to catch on. That is just how they operate. A movie Option is nothing to get exited about. They may never exercise that option.
Through the Cooper Grapevine I have heard more about the "Bing Crosby" version of Cooper (I think I am the one who started calling it the "Bing Crosby Look-alike" and it just caught on). The "Bing Crosby" version of Cooper was not correct. THIS is why the FBI produced the 1972 "Composite B" rendering. Several of the books used the "Bing Crosby" version even though the writers were aware the old composite was not correct - wonder WHY?
Seems like if someone is writing a book to catch a criminal - they would use any and all composites.
georger 247
QuoteFarflung says in part:
Quote'That’s right, I’ve taken the plunge and joined the ranks of ‘Print On Demand’ delusionals and obtained a Lightning Source account along with a dozen ISBNs and UPCs. Yeah you got it, in spite of the economy and Borders’ going Tango Uniform I’ve bravely started Farflung’s Sophisticated Book Publishing For People Who Don’t Suck Or Read...'
I meant a REAL manuscript. That's a book cover.
Lightning Source? How little you know. They are the printers and distributors for Ingram, the biggest database for book titles in the world, not a second-rate outfit like iUniverse, for example. Or that ridiculous place they call Lulu Dot Com. College and university presses use LSI, as well as thousands of publishers worldwide. They do short run, POD, eBooks, and make it possible for publishers to release titles at 55% off the retail and still make a profit. Try doing that at Lulu. (*laughs*)
On a side note, Print on Demand is rapidly being adopted by the big publishers as well. All of the big boys in the trade now have accounts at LSI so they can keep titles in stock without having to fill up their warehouses. It's cost-effective.
I really like you, Farflung. This is the first time I've ever seen you look uninformed on something. And I still want to see a manuscript from you. Forget about Cooper. I have an idea you have things to say on a number of subjects. Whatever you come up with, I'm sure it would be good. You and Rebecca Latyntseva are the only two people we've ever made an open offer to. (Rebecca is the author of the controversial time-travel story 'Red Monkeys,' which is included in our new sci-fi release)
You pride yourself on being "informed". And don't
hesitate to let us know you are "informed". Your
arrogance is well-known and established.
How could an 'infomed' person omit the central fact
that KC was gay? And that at least some of his
relationships and events in his life were because he
was gay, in a setting where being gay was perhaps
frowned upon? How could you mistake a 'rendevouis'
for a weekend with another gentleman as a plot to
hijack an airplane - the fanous DB Cooper hijacking
no less ?
That's what I want to know.
A person with your self proclaimed 'informed'
background does not make such a choice without
a reason. What is the reason or the facts you have
so far refused to disclose, after months of avoiding
the issue while also claiming we are ignorant
(compared to you) ?
QuoteSluggo - This is the part that I don't get. I mean why? It's a 40 year old case, the perpetrator is either dead or an eighty-ish year old man, the remaining money is probably gone forever in whatever form. Regardless of all this, it's seems likely to be largely unprosecutable (or at least non-convictable) anyway.
I get that the FBI doesn't like this case going down as unsolved, but frankly, the majority of people paying 4 - 5$ a gallon for gas couldn't care less. Many of them had probably either forgotten or never heard of the case until the FBI brought it back into the limelight.
So....other than the reasons from folks who believe all that they see in M. Night Shyamalan movies, the only reason I can think of for people who know stuff not just putting everything out there is for hopes of monetary gain or momentary fame. I'm really not trying to be facetious - What am I missing here?
What I am implying is... There is still some (not much) science going on. The individuals conducting that research (real research) will not publish anything until they are ready (i. e. the work is complete). Jo said: Tom Kaye dropped out (or something like that)". Jo doesn't know anything about Tom Kaye or his activities. The phrase: "Those that are talking, don't know and those that know, aren't talking," is something left over from my days at the "Super-secret Guv'ment Laboratory. I say it to Jo all the time to try to help her understand that those who constantly run there mouths most likely don't know what they are talking about.
BTW: Did you hear me blow my horn when I came by your house today? (Well about 13 miles away). I always honk, but you never wave. Maybe I should get closer.

Web Page
smokin99 0
QuoteWhat I am implying is... There is still some (not much) science going on. The individuals conducting that research (real research) will not publish anything until they are ready (i. e. the work is complete). Jo said: Tom Kaye dropped out (or something like that)". Jo doesn't know anything about Tom Kaye or his activities. The phrase: "Those that are talking, don't know and those that know, aren't talking," is something left over from my days at the "Super-secret Guv'ment Laboratory. I say it to Jo all the time to try to help her understand that those who constantly run there mouths most likely don't know what they are talking about.
That makes sense. Thanks.
QuoteBTW: Did you hear me blow my horn when I came by your house today? (Well about 13 miles away). I always honk, but you never wave. Maybe I should get closer.
Lol....drop by anytime - just watch out fer the south Ga rednecks :). They put secret guv'ment workers in about the same category as dentists. They ain't got no use fer em. :)

Why is the picture of Clarence Anglin driving me NUTs or nuttier than I am?
Is it because he was increditably handsome. Those eyes - I feel like I know those eyes. They are blue and I don't think this guy looks like Huran, Hurand, Horan, Horand. I just can't get that picture of Clarence out of my mind. I have sat and stared at it and keep trying to figure out who or what or why.
Floyd or Lloyd. A man at a FL flea market. He was a little younger than Duane and his hair was white - but, those eyes...they are haunting - pehaps just hauntingly beautiful.
Why would a guy who looked like that be a criminal - he could have been a movie star? I guess my image of criminals back in the day was nasty rough looking men - not drop dead gorgeous.[:)
Exactly what was Tom Kaye's educational creditials? What degrees does he have and in what subjects and when and where did he obtain these degrees. If this man truely had something to offer that might help solve this crime he would already have publicized it. It would open doors for him never opened before.
Sluggo is a good RECORD keeper or so I though... He did a good job categorizing the NORJAK file to the public but, it needs to be on a site that we can all read - even the dummies like me. Most people interested in this subject have some age on them. I STILL cannot open the pictures or the articles. So what is the secret to being able to use Sluggo's site?
I guess it is all how someone words what they have to say. The use of technical language and "wise" remarks make one look and sound knowledgeable, but that is just a "tease" and not unlike the Tease you guys accuse me of being.
I like Sluggo, but he closed his mind and some doors - doors that have been re-opened. For example - his opinion of the knife and the fragment within it.
What if that fragment contained the very same pores or pollen removed from other samples?
What if that thread matched the threads of the chute that was cut?
Not picking on Sluggo. Just Saying.
Doesn't Mueller retire in Sept?
What does this case do for his reputation?
NO explanation of why the FBI went to Colorado AFTER Duane was released from Jefferson and had gone back to working under the name of Duane Weber. NO explanation of why they did NOT continue to persue him in N.O., but then maybe they did - he was hiding in Plain site.
Was Duane hiding in N.O. and AL or was he on assignment? - Keeping his part of the deal!
Perhaps this little assignment in N.O. and AL brought harm to his family? Maybe he was playing with the BIG boys - dangerous ones? Who was he running to or from? What harm did this little assignment cause his family?
The scars suffered forever altered the lives of innocents - and for those I shed tears and the thought renders my heart to the breaking point. When I think about the story I was told by not one but 2 surviors - the tears stream down my face...and I wish I could make it all go away. This is something I cannot talk about, but it may well have been Cooper's motive.
You will never know if you don't know now!
Weber had the motives and the causes and the experience to make the jump. It didn't take a Green Beret or a Smokejumper to make that jump. Someone with just enough knowledge and motive to do it. Survival was NOT important...he had to do it!
377 22
QuoteWeber had the motives and the causes and the experience to make the jump
Dunno about motives and causes, but Jo please tell us what experience you are referring to.
You've yet to prove Duane made even one jump. No, you don't have to be a Green Beret or smoke jumper to make a night jump from a 727, but your chances of surviving it as your first jump are low.
Editing is already complete and this will be offered in hardback only so generations can enjoy this tome for many decades to come. There is no Kindle edition because there is some Byzantine requirement for a word and page count being greater than zero, so I bravely rebuked that product line while maintaining my integrity.
I realize this book has nothing to do with DB Cooper, but neither has any other so where is the foul here? Expect a mid to late November (read 25th) release and feel free to leave any glowing, positive or impossibly exuberant reviews of my opus magnum premier.
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