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DB Cooper

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Some of you guys give the impression you have some sort of secret Clearance with the FBI and have access to privileged information which I just do NOT believe.

Exactly what was Tom Kaye's educational creditials? What degrees does he have and in what subjects and when and where did he obtain these degrees. If this man truely had something to offer that might help solve this crime he would already have publicized it. It would open doors for him never opened before.

Sluggo is a good RECORD keeper or so I though... He did a good job categorizing the NORJAK file to the public but, it needs to be on a site that we can all read - even the dummies like me. Most people interested in this subject have some age on them. I STILL cannot open the pictures or the articles. So what is the secret to being able to use Sluggo's site?

I guess it is all how someone words what they have to say. The use of technical language and "wise" remarks make one look and sound knowledgeable, but that is just a "tease" and not unlike the Tease you guys accuse me of being.

I like Sluggo, but he closed his mind and some doors - doors that have been re-opened. For example - his opinion of the knife and the fragment within it.
What if that fragment contained the very same pores or pollen removed from other samples?
What if that thread matched the threads of the chute that was cut?

Not picking on Sluggo. Just Saying.

Doesn't Mueller retire in Sept?
What does this case do for his reputation?

NO explanation of why the FBI went to Colorado AFTER Duane was released from Jefferson and had gone back to working under the name of Duane Weber. NO explanation of why they did NOT continue to persue him in N.O., but then maybe they did - he was hiding in Plain site.

Was Duane hiding in N.O. and AL or was he on assignment? - Keeping his part of the deal!
Perhaps this little assignment in N.O. and AL brought harm to his family? Maybe he was playing with the BIG boys - dangerous ones? Who was he running to or from? What harm did this little assignment cause his family?

The scars suffered forever altered the lives of innocents - and for those I shed tears and the thought renders my heart to the breaking point. When I think about the story I was told by not one but 2 surviors - the tears stream down my face...and I wish I could make it all go away. This is something I cannot talk about, but it may well have been Cooper's motive.

You will never know if you don't know now!

Weber had the motives and the causes and the experience to make the jump. It didn't take a Green Beret or a Smokejumper to make that jump. Someone with just enough knowledge and motive to do it. Survival was NOT important...he had to do it!

"After repeatedly smearing people with falsehoods,
THEY AND THEM AND WE claims "the things that we are saying ... are true"


Who set you up to be judge and jury and hangman?
HIMMELSBACH !? Sluggo? Blevins? JWT ? Tina?

Duane was a smear-mechanic. The nut doesnt fall
far from the tree, does it ?

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Some of you guys give the impression you have some sort of secret Clearance with the FBI and have access to privileged information which I just do NOT believe.

Exactly what was Tom Kaye's educational creditials? What degrees does he have and in what subjects and when and where did he obtain these degrees. If this man truely had something to offer that might help solve this crime he would already have publicized it. It would open doors for him never opened before.

Sluggo is a good RECORD keeper or so I though... He did a good job categorizing the NORJAK file to the public but, it needs to be on a site that we can all read - even the dummies like me. Most people interested in this subject have some age on them. I STILL cannot open the pictures or the articles. So what is the secret to being able to use Sluggo's site?

I guess it is all how someone words what they have to say. The use of technical language and "wise" remarks make one look and sound knowledgeable, but that is just a "tease" and not unlike the Tease you guys accuse me of being.

I like Sluggo, but he closed his mind and some doors - doors that have been re-opened. For example - his opinion of the knife and the fragment within it.
What if that fragment contained the very same pores or pollen removed from other samples?
What if that thread matched the threads of the chute that was cut?

Not picking on Sluggo. Just Saying.

Doesn't Mueller retire in Sept?
What does this case do for his reputation?

NO explanation of why the FBI went to Colorado AFTER Duane was released from Jefferson and had gone back to working under the name of Duane Weber. NO explanation of why they did NOT continue to persue him in N.O., but then maybe they did - he was hiding in Plain site.

Was Duane hiding in N.O. and AL or was he on assignment? - Keeping his part of the deal!
Perhaps this little assignment in N.O. and AL brought harm to his family? Maybe he was playing with the BIG boys - dangerous ones? Who was he running to or from? What harm did this little assignment cause his family?

The scars suffered forever altered the lives of innocents - and for those I shed tears and the thought renders my heart to the breaking point. When I think about the story I was told by not one but 2 surviors - the tears stream down my face...and I wish I could make it all go away. This is something I cannot talk about, but it may well have been Cooper's motive.

You will never know if you don't know now!

Weber had the motives and the causes and the experience to make the jump. It didn't take a Green Beret or a Smokejumper to make that jump. Someone with just enough knowledge and motive to do it. Survival was NOT important...he had to do it!

"After repeatedly smearing people with falsehoods,
THEY AND THEM AND WE claims "the things that we are saying ... are true"


Who set you up to be judge and jury and hangman?
HIMMELSBACH !? Sluggo? Blevins? JWT ? Tina?

Duane was a smear-mechanic. The nut doesnt fall
far from the tree, does it ?

I do NOT understand what you are talking about. I am NOT smearing anyone - simply stating my questions and my opinions. In Deed many have been made about me by you and everyone else. I have NO credentials other than I have lived this life for 15 yr and spent 17 yrs with a man whose past seems to be sealed in cement.

When Himmelsbach and I have spoke in the last few yrs we do NOT discuss Cooper. If I do ask him a question - he simply states that he has no opinion and he is NOT privey to what the FBI is doing on the case.

I have no idea what you are talking about when you say Duane was a smear mechanic. All I want are answers and to see the FBI file on Duane Weber. I want to know if they actually investigated the things I put forth to them. I as his widow should be able to have knowledge of this man who is now deceased and who made a confession to a crime before his death.

Absolutely no idea what you are referring to in your post. I do not talk to Sluggo or JWT and I discussed Himmelsbach above.

I do not know who your "they" was. "We" when I use it simply refers to a several people who have done research for me - research that was very difficult to find at times. Research that I am now leading others to in the event something developes when I am NO long around.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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FBI Director Mueller retires in Sept?

What does this case do for his reputation?

Geoffry Grey's book comes out in September!

Perhaps just a co-incidence, but right now I would NOT bank on that.

Top secret - from 1962 to 1974.
There are still individuals who served our country during that time period who hold secrets and some of them are still alive.

Their "secrets" are so sensitive that when they have surgery - they are monitored while being in the hospital - to make sure they do not talk. Who monitors them? These monitors even go into the surgery room. Why are the secrets so secret and why are they still shielded with so much security?

Secrets do NOT stay secrets forever! Eventually some supposedly senile veteran or participant spills the beans. Oh, but he is senile so that doesn't count. Oh he is dying - he is just trying to make a name for himself. This senario has been repeated serval times in the last few yrs.

The younger ones (70 yrs old) are afraid of loosing their retirement. Fact or useless trivia?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo wrote:

Their "secrets" are so sensitive that when they have surgery - they are monitored while being in the hospital - to make sure they do not talk

Your evidence proving this? I've worked with surgeons for many years. Never heard if this.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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FBI Director Mueller retires in Sept?

What does this case do for his reputation?

Geoffry Grey's book comes out in September!

Perhaps just a co-incidence, but right now I would NOT bank on that.

Top secret - from 1962 to 1974.
There are still individuals who served our country during that time period who hold secrets and some of them are still alive.

Their "secrets" are so sensitive that when they have surgery - they are monitored while being in the hospital - to make sure they do not talk. Who monitors them? These monitors even go into the surgery room. Why are the secrets so secret and why are they still shielded with so much security?

Secrets do NOT stay secrets forever! Eventually some supposedly senile veteran or participant spills the beans. Oh, but he is senile so that doesn't count. Oh he is dying - he is just trying to make a name for himself. This senario has been repeated serval times in the last few yrs.

The younger ones (70 yrs old) are afraid of loosing their retirement. Fact or useless trivia?

Aside from cooky conspiracy theorists show one piece of proof about this.

And then if you CAN find proof how does it relate to this?

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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I don’t think people are blabbing secrets or necessarily suffering from the effects of senility as much as it is a continuation of a life lived in oblivious ignorance and blissful self importance. Yes, history repeats because it is entirely polluted with insecure humans.

Special Agents who audit surgeries performed on people with security clearances in case they talk? Really? Reeeallllllllly???

So how does this play out exactly? If the ‘patient’ starts to talk about when the deep purple falls, over sleepy garden walls and the stars begin to twinkle; in the night. Does the agent deliver a chop to the patient’s throat and tell the medical staff to never speak of what just happened? Or would the Men In Black conspire and fabricate some other impossibly unlikely use for those careless words uttered while they in an induced sleep?


What would happen if one of these super secret people got into a car accident and put under without proper notification of the Secret Agent Man? Perhaps all emergency rooms are staffed with such an agent for just this occasion.


Sage advice indeed, “be careful what you say or you’ll give yourself away”; makes me shudder just to think of the unimaginable pressure these people must be under. This must be true as two functioning adults have clearly created and propagated this ‘known fact’. I just hope there is something better waiting beyond the blue horizon. Since I’m not a glass half empty sort of guy no more than being a half full type.


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just thinking that if I was under surgery and started talking... it would probably mean I had not gone under properly and I would be more likely to be yelling about pain than spilling state secrets. (Then, if I was in the US, I would probably start muttering about suing the anesthetist next.)
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Jo wrote:


Their "secrets" are so sensitive that when they have surgery - they are monitored while being in the hospital - to make sure they do not talk

Your evidence proving this? I've worked with surgeons for many years. Never heard if this.


There were very few individuals who did this type of secret work and it has never been made public. These teams were very small and well selected. If they disclose anything about the secret missions they did - they loose their retirement and/or worse.

Some of these guys disclosed some of their life to relatives on a need to know basis. Big mistake. They are dealt with severly and quickly. I will say no more about this. Maybe this was told to partner or family member to make themselves seem important. Most of the participants are elderly or ill or deceased. If they say too much they may spend the rest of their life confined or in a mental facility.

When I heard the part about someone having to be in attendance when the subject was under anethesia - I thought the same thing that FarFlung thought - how? I also had never heard of this, but I believe both parties this information came from - but then right! Mikie (Jo) will believe anything someone tells her. Both stories seemed genuine with one story being from the Cuban Crisis and the other from Viet Nam.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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just thinking that if I was under surgery and started talking... it would probably mean I had not gone under properly and I would be more likely to be yelling about pain than spilling state secrets. (Then, if I was in the US, I would probably start muttering about suing the anesthetist next.)

Don't talk about suing docs while you are still under their knife and needle Orange. That is high risk behavior. ;)

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Jo wrote:

Some of these guys disclosed some of their life to relatives on a need to know basis. Big mistake. They are dealt with severly and quickly. I will say no more about this. Maybe this was told to partner or family member to make themselves seem important. Most of the participants are elderly or ill or deceased. If they say too much they may spend the rest of their life confined or in a mental facility.


You've been told a bunch of BS. Eventually we all run into blowhard fake heroes, claiming to have been CIA, Special Forces, Rangers etc. A standard part of their made up story is that they are under constant govt. surveillance because of their importance and the super secret stuff they know.

Y A W N....

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Americans have a rich heritage of keeping and covering up secrets.

For yrs I have heard - Prove It!
Put Duane Weber in a chute. Put him on the plane.

Now I am going to ask ALL of you this one Question:

Prove Duane Lorin Weber was NOT Cooper. Reverse things and see what you come up with.

1.You can't prove where he was on Nov. 24 1971.

If someone claims he was with them - produce pictures or testimony from other family members who could have accurately accounted for Weber's - whereabouts 25 yrs after the fact? Duane Weber was NOT with his wife on Nov. 25 1971 and no member of that family has stated this. The 2 stepchildren who lived with Duane Weber and his wife told me they where in KS that Thanksgiving with relatives.

2. Prove he was never in a chute.

3. Prove the FBI had Cooper's DNA.

4. Verify Weber's background with records. Military, work, the penal system. The FBI has never been able to account for all of the yrs of Duane's Weber's life and that of his alias. They have access to SS records.

5. Find people from his past who knew him prior to 1971.

6. Talk to all living relative s(I did this and now all of them are dead). :| So on this part you will just have to take my word.

All of the things you guys and the FBI has asked me to prove - you guys and the FBI prove to me Weber was Not Cooper...use facts and not some kind of fabricated story.

Do an accurate detailed accounting of Weber's life as I have done - the FBI couldn't do it, but maybe you guys can. I have more than the FBI has, but not the power and the tools to get the verifications the way the FBI could have done in 1996 when I first contacted them.

I am asking you guys to do what you have asked me to do.


Then tally up what you have - you can't prove Weber was or was Not Cooper, yet he confessed to the crime when he removed himself from treatment and died 11 days later. It has been rumored that over 1000 men confessed to being Cooper.
That ALONE is NOT true. The FBI has investigated more than that, but only 2 ever confessed to being Cooper. Weber and Coffelt. Can I prove this - well, Can you disprove it with facts and not something JT told you.

I am sure the Agent of record will tell you how many men have actually confessed to being Cooper on their death-bed. Sure there were drunks and prisoners who did this to get a charge out of it...but NONE on their death-bed.

If you think Weber was NOT Cooper - PROVE IT!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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just thinking that if I was under surgery and started talking... it would probably mean I had not gone under properly and I would be more likely to be yelling about pain than spilling state secrets. (Then, if I was in the US, I would probably start muttering about suing the anesthetist next.)

Off topic, but if you are having general anesthesia, you might have an endotracheal tube in place for respiratory ventilation and receive meds that temporarily paralyze, so even if you become aware of pain you can't let them know that you are in pain. Happens rarely..and supposedly only a third of those who are aware actually feel pain...but when it does happen it is extemely terrifying. I used to work in surgery and risk management and I personally know of two patients this happened to. They were able to relate things that were done and said in surgery - as well as the terror they experienced. It always pissed me off that both the patients and I were written off when we tried to get the issue addressed. And these patients weren't even wanting to litigate - they just wanted the docs to be aware that it happened and to try to prevent it from happening to someone else.
Of course now it's given more credence to the extent that medical equipment such as BIS monitors has been developed that attempt to address the issue, but then it was like the doctors' and senior administration's position was "hey it happened, but it's over now and the patient survived the scariness and the pain ----what ya whining about"


Okay...off of my quality of care and patients' rights soapbox......sorry.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Off topic, but if you are having general anesthesia, you might have an endotracheal tube in place for respiratory ventilation and receive meds that temporarily paralyze, so even if you become aware of pain you can't let them know that you are in pain.

I have heard about that ...but still no talking right?
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Prove Duane Lorin Weber was NOT Cooper

So you are back on this hobbyhorse because you cannot find any proof.

I bet that you cannot prove that my father was not Cooper, either.
I bet you cannot prove Guru was not Cooper.
I would bet there are probably a few hundred thousand people, at least, that you cannot prove are not Cooper.
If this and conspiracy theories are all you have to fall back on, Jo, don't you think it's time you faced up to the truth? I realise you have spent 12 years or whatever trying to prove it, and you are way past the time when you should have cut your losses, but better late than never. Real estate is an analogy you understand; it's like a Nevada homeowner who is now 70% underwater still desperately clinging onto the hope that property prices will suddenly boom and make all the pain of the past few years worthwhile. It just ain't gonna happen.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Prove Duane Lorin Weber was NOT Cooper

So you are back on this hobbyhorse because you cannot find any proof.

She never left the hobby horse, and never will.
The only thing to do is ignore it.

The same applies to Blevins and KC and his

Cooper simply escaped the net for one reason or
another. But I get a kick out of these tiresome folks
who come up with a name and ten anecdotes and
then basically say: "prove he wasn't Cooper". They
might as well be saying: "Prove he wasn't Cooper
because he wasn't George Washington".

I ask Blevins about Kenny being gay (I never said
Geestman was gay, did I !) and Blevins immediately
jumps to: 'Georger is a homophobe'. And cows are
marigolds because they seek grass ?

Jo has done everything in her power to degrade and
diminish AND CHANGE the evidence so saying 'prove
Duane wasn't Cooper' makes sense also, in her
strategy. The problem in Duane's case is we have
very strong proof he not only was not Cooper
but "could not have been Cooper".

Still Jo persists. Its her whole life.

The only mystery in Jo's life is herself. Not Duane.

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Georger says in part:


'How could an 'infomed' person omit the central fact
that KC was gay? And that at least some of his
relationships and events in his life were because he
was gay, in a setting where being gay was perhaps
frowned upon? How could you mistake a 'rendevouis' for a weekend with another gentleman as a plot to hijack an airplane - the fanous DB Cooper hijacking no less ?

That's what I want to know.'

Stereotyping? That would be you, not me. Don't try to weasel out of what you said already. Your own words are right there above my head. You are saying that maybe Kenny and Bernie were having a 'rendezvous' (frankly, a big laugh) over the weekend of the hijacking, and I already explained why that idea is impossible. And why exactly in your mind is KC's sexuality a 'central fact'? Because gay people are always honest, or have never pulled off a crime?

Helen Jones, her daughter, and Margie G all put KC and Bernie together for at least five days over the date of the hijacking. They WERE supposed to be at Jones' house to eat, just like the previous year, and that's where they were the next Thanksgiving in 72. In the case of Jones and her daughter (very credible witnesses, by the way) I have these statements on tape. In fact, Jones was the last person I interviewed and she turned out to be one of the best witnesses about KC and Bernie because she knew them so well. In fact, 13 months after the hijacking, just before Christmas in 1972, her house caught fire and was damaged. Bernie lent her the Airstream trailer and her family stayed in it until the house was repaired. Then Bernie sold it to a guy who took it to Arizona.

None of these things makes KC and Bernie the guys. Not for sure. But it's just another piece of circumstantial evidence against them. You should be asking yourself why Bernie bothered to drive down 120 miles from the Port Angeles area to do the interview with Decoded and then refused to answer where he was on the weekend of the hijacking. I can tell you the answer: He had no answer. Not one he was willing to admit. And he wasn't gay, and he wasn't out with KC on some 'rendezvous,' unless you mean a trip to the Portland Airport. The only reason he agreed to appear on the show in the first place is because History Channel caught him in more lies than Pinnochio and he basically had no choice.

There is no baseline for Pinnochio. It's all allegory.

There is no baseline for Geestman (you have given)
because it's all your allegory.

You havent presented one thing that ties these
guys to the hijacking.

Why does it takes 5 days (or more) to hijack
305, right in your own back yard? At least Teddy
Mayfield got home fast in time to call Himmelsbach.
Wouldn't vanishing for 5+ days raise suspicions?

If Geestman's wife investigated enough to find out
Geestman was with Kenny for the missing 5+ days,
why did she fail to ask Kenny where they were and
what they were doing, and jump immediately
to "Kenny was Cooper!" ?

You say Kenny was calm and cool and tough. What
accounts for Kenny jumping up and down like a child
and exclaiming, when the money was delivered on
the plane? Why did Kenny offer bundles of money
to Tina knowing a stew could not accept it? Did
Kenny just suddenly lose it?

Give us some other examples of Kenny having a
split personality, losing it, and being a bastard.
Or, did Kenny hijack flight 305 as a favour to
Geestman? Was Kenny impersonating Geestman?

I fail to see Kenny having a grudge sufficient to risk
going to prison for the rest of his life, or taking a
risk especially after he had survived WWII. Most
guys just wanted to settle down and build a stamp
collection, and spend weekends at the park fishing,
watching sunsets, and getting a testosterone fix?

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Since I’m the sole voice of logic and hunkyness, I felt it was time to produce the quintessential pedigree of this DB Cooper saga once and for all. It is of a complex nature but is entirely sourced and attributed so that others may validate the information. I believe this is a first for the thread. Without the benefit of any background how can one comprehend the present situation? For those who benefit from a graphic representation along with textual be sure to open the attached file, let’s begin:

1. A pleasant November day in a convertible.

2. Everyone enjoyed the fashionable hot pink, pill box hat.

3. JFK shared everything with his younger brother,

4. RFK to include their desire to get inside

5. The White House where Marilyn Monroe had visited.

6. Marilyn is seen with Dorothy Kilgallen as they loved to share secrets and gossip.

7. JFK told Marilyn to keep quiet,

8. Marilyn said “Over my dead body.”

9. She was discovered dead from an overdose of pills.

10. Dorothy Kilgallen went on to fame as a panelist on ‘What’s My Line?’ She was also a published expert on three related subjects.

11. a. That Dr. Sam Sheppard was innocent of killing his wife (the first one that is) and his present wife who he married in prison had a sister,

12. That also married a Doctor,

12a. Dr. Joseph Goebbels who coincidently,

13. Died of a drug overdose which is double witchy since his wife,

13a. did the same thing. The second subject Dorothy had a passion for were,

11b. UFOs. That’s right, she said they needed to be investigated rather than covered up just like her third area of expertise,

11c. the fact that Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone. She did this all the while carrying on a torrid affair with Johnny Ray while promoting his act in Las Vegas and what did she get for her sacrifices?

14. Here is the last televised image of Dorothy which was broadcast a few hours before she was discovered dead in bed from, yeah you got it,

15. an overdose of pills. Next the younger brother (RFK) enters a campaign for the Presidency and is killed while cameras snapped and rolled producing yet more evidence of how impossible it is for someone to orchestrate such a deed. Thus leaving a few survivors to ponder their collective futures.

16. Johnny Ray was shocked to hear of Dorothy’s ‘death’ and continued to deny any affair with Kilgallen in spite of his multiple arrests for soliciting men in public restrooms in Detroit. After all he was married so that proves he was not gay or bi. Johnnie Ray was also portrayed as nearly deaf but that can’t be true because he was a singer (helloooooooooo).

18. Johnny Ray finds other pursuits.

17. Sam Sheppard divorced his NAZI wife and began to,

18a. ‘Practice Medicine’ until he accidentally killed a couple patients then transitioned to

19. Professional wrestling but continued to

20. study medicine until he was found

21. dead from an overdose of studying.

22. Enter another Kennedy political hopeful,

23. In a rare moment of poor judgment, Ted leaves the scene of an accident and swims for help on an opposite shore. After taking a nap and changing clothes and buying a newspaper and having a robust breakfast he decides it is time to call his attorney.

24. Fortunately he was able to find medical assistance for his injuries.

25. Ted returns to his legislative duties to the American people.

Next: steps 26 – 57 where it starts to congeal and get weird a little bit.

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Prove Duane Lorin Weber was NOT Cooper

So you are back on this hobbyhorse because you cannot find any proof.

I bet that you cannot prove that my father was not Cooper, either.
I bet you cannot prove Guru was not Cooper.
I would bet there are probably a few hundred thousand people, at least, that you cannot prove are not Cooper.
If this and conspiracy theories are all you have to fall back on, Jo, don't you think it's time you faced up to the truth? I realise you have spent 12 years or whatever trying to prove it, and you are way past the time when you should have cut your losses, but better late than never. Real estate is an analogy you understand; it's like a Nevada homeowner who is now 70% underwater still desperately clinging onto the hope that property prices will suddenly boom and make all the pain of the past few years worthwhile. It just ain't gonna happen.

By no means desperate regarding what I am doing. Not trying to sell you anything - the deed was done a long long time ago. What I was trying to do was to make someone like you to think this through.

Since ALL of you want me to prove Duane was Cooper - then all I am asking is that you guys prove to me he WAS NOT. This was NOT meant to start a derogatory conversation and/or concessions on my part. I want to hear what you guys have to say...after listening and read this for all of these yrs.

The point is that NONE of you will be able to prove conclusively he was NOT Cooper - but, I want to hear each individual point of view. NOT the kind of post Orange made which had no substance or reason to it.

We are NOT talking about your father Orange - we are talking about a man who confessed to the crime and the goal is to prove he WAS NOT Cooper. This has been done with many suspects since 1971. I am looking for REAL answers.

I want to see how many facts you guys have gathered in the last few yrs that PROVE Weber WAS NOT Cooper. Just curious.
Pretend it is a movie and you are trying to figure out the ending.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Johnny Ray grew up around Salem Ore. He was a Boy Scout and attended a scout Jamboree near the Dalles. He had brown eyes. Look at his photo, he's at least a good an FBI DBC sketch match as Duane Weber. His famous rendition of "Just Walkin in the Rain" was a preview of his planned egress from the Norjack landing area.

"Just walking in the rain
Getting soaking wet
Torturing my heart
By trying to forget."

Jo, prove he was not DB Cooper. ;)


2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Farflung wrote (sarcastically):

In a rare moment of poor judgment, Ted [Kennedy] leaves the scene of an accident

Rare... yeah right.

Had JFK and RFK shown a little brotherly love and shared MM with Teddy, he never would have been in that Chappaquiddick mess to begin with.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Duane Weber did NOT have a mole nor a scar in that location.
Perhaps it was a pimple or a blotch on the paper or the picture. Take into consideration the thickness of the stems on those glasses and the fact that he had a prison hair cut in both pictures. Take the frontal picture of Canon City and blow it up to letter size and SEE what I am talking about - the thickness of the stems I have never seen on glasses before - they actually bring his ears down and make them appear pointy in the frontal shot.

I will attach one for you but the quality they allow on the thread may not allow you to get what I got - but try. I can send a better one thru email - but you want to stay SECRET.

Note the hair cut was very SHORT in both pictures.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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The point is that NONE of you will be able to prove conclusively he was NOT Cooper - but, I want to hear each individual point of view. NOT the kind of post Orange made which had no substance or reason to it.

(1)That is really rich coming from you Jo!! Conspiracy theories and twisted logic don't count as substance and reason. And (2) just because you do not want to face up to the truth of something does not make it "without reason".

If you cannot see (and many posters have countless times made you try to see how stupid - sorry there is no other apt word - it is to demand that anyone (FBI, us, whoever) prove someone was "not" Cooper, then you truly are desperate. Again, no other word is apt (and in fact your own posts show that desperation - go back and read them).

And Georger is right about your story changing. One simple example: your early posts have no certainty about what you saw in the air ticket you found; your later ones do. You yourself have said it was lost so it is absolutely impossible that you could have reason for that other than that it is what you want to believe. There are more examples of this "development" of your story.

Incidentally, Jo, have you managed to prove (and proof is not conjecture or half baked stuff) that Christiansen was not Cooper? That Gossett was not Cooper? That Peterson was not Cooper? Could you start trying, properly, so that you can see how ridiculous your demands are?

And surely you realise that (a) not everyone confesses to their crimes and (b) sometimes people confess to crimes they did not do. And in any case, there are still a good number of people who do not necessarily believe that Weber said what you said he did - not that you are lying, but that you may have misheard. We have no independent witnesses to confirm he said what you say he did. Why is this more plausible than Gossett's alleged confession?

Farflung - you have far too much time on your hands, but that was great and I am waiting for part 2 :D
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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The point is that NONE of you will be able to prove conclusively he was NOT Cooper - but, I want to hear each individual point of view. NOT the kind of post Orange made which had no substance or reason to it.

(1)That is really rich coming from you Jo!! Conspiracy theories and twisted logic don't count as substance and reason. And (2) just because you do not want to face up to the truth of something does not make it "without reason".

If you cannot see (and many posters have countless times made you try to see how stupid - sorry there is no other apt word - it is to demand that anyone (FBI, us, whoever) prove someone was "not" Cooper, then you truly are desperate. Again, no other word is apt (and in fact your own posts show that desperation - go back and read them).

And Georger is right about your story changing. One simple example: your early posts have no certainty about what you saw in the air ticket you found; your later ones do. You yourself have said it was lost so it is absolutely impossible that you could have reason for that other than that it is what you want to believe. There are more examples of this "development" of your story.

Incidentally, Jo, have you managed to prove (and proof is not conjecture or half baked stuff) that Christiansen was not Cooper? That Gossett was not Cooper? That Peterson was not Cooper? Could you start trying, properly, so that you can see how ridiculous your demands are?

And surely you realise that (a) not everyone confesses to their crimes and (b) sometimes people confess to crimes they did not do. And in any case, there are still a good number of people who do not necessarily believe that Weber said what you said he did - not that you are lying, but that you may have misheard. We have no independent witnesses to confirm he said what you say he did. Why is this more plausible than Gossett's alleged confession?

Farflung - you have far too much time on your hands, but that was great and I am waiting for part 2 :D

Recall: Jo said Duane told her to STOP! Implored her to STOP! And "let it die with me!".

I suppose that has changed too ?

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