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Orange1 0
QuoteHey Orange1,
Here is an article about the ticket agent. Someone had posted this article earlier to this thread.
Thanks Vicki - I must have missed that. Interesting from another angle too - in other stuff there has been discrepancy about whether he was wearing black or brown on some items (I forget which).
How are things going with your investigation?
EVickiW 0
QuoteThanks Vicki - I must have missed that. Interesting from another angle too - in other stuff there has been discrepancy about whether he was wearing black or brown on some items (I forget which).
How are things going with your investigation?
I spoke with an agent from Seattle, gave him the FBI# I found on the back of Mel's mugshot. We spoke of the Unsolved Mystery video. He asked me the "the reasons" why I thought my father could be Dan Cooper. (it sounded like he has asked that question before, it was so automatic). I emailed him some pictures, the Unsolved Mysteries link and a video of old 8mm film we had taken in 1969 - 71.
I have not spoke to him is in their hands now.
I finished my last final last night!! (YAY) My daughter and I have planned a trip to San Francisco to see my sister over Memorial Weekend. Life goes on........
Orange1 0
smokin99 0
QuoteHey Orange1,
Here is an article about the ticket agent. Someone had posted this article earlier to this thread.
lol..couldn't resist... "profiling" men in black....
Farflung 0
26. Those include,
27. Johnnie Ray and the equally sexually ambiguous
28. Roswell Aliens along with the Senator from Massachusetts
29. Ted Kennedy who had rededicated his life to
30. public service.
31. All of that would change when some unknown person managed to fool the entire government by pulling one of the most hare brained stunts and get away Scot free. This would serve as inspiration for a third Kennedy to ascend the political ladder in a bid for the Office of the President. Except that Ted forgot that no one knew who Cooper was and the fact that no one was killed during the hijacking of 305. Fortunately there were challenges that would be far more fulfilling than being president.
32. Like taking your nephew out for a little
34. male bonding where men of great accomplishment can toast their station in life with some libations and perhaps
35. some alleged acts of rape on the beach.
32. So the nephew calls
33. Uncle Ted who immediately
34a. puts a plan in action but forgets what that plan is and calls
36. his attorney who crafts the perfect
37. defense which lifts
38. another burden off of Ted’s shoulders so he can get back to
39. being an awesome senator. At least until
40. another relative brings some news that he too has been accused of killing a woman.
41. This event distracts Ted again forcing him to
42. craft the most cunning defense in his legal career. After a few kamikazes’, boiler makers, shots of Jaeger, Long Island Iced Teas, Hurricanes, Salted Margaritas, Unsalted Margaritas, Blended Margaritas, Margaritas on the Rocks and some single malt Scotch; I was able to see the genius in his defense.
43. Michael was just minding his own business in a tree which just happened to be on the Moxley’s property and facing Martha’s bedroom window. Once perched way high up in that tree he became extremely excited about his manly man adventure and did what anyone would have done lest they cast the first load. While Michael was in deep introspection in this high class neighborhood there was some less than honorable activities about to take place in the Moxley home.
44. Some stranger who was probably not very wealthy broke into the Skakel home and stole a golf club then snuck over to Martha’s house and killed her with what most killers choose as a weapon. Just like all golf club killers
45. he carried the body out of the home and across the expansive; estate sized lawn and then placed her on the very spot where Michael had just finished celebrating, twice. So you can see it is all just a misunderstanding about something that everyone on the jury could easily relate to.
46. Not this jury apparently. You would think out of twelve, that one of the former tree squatting self pleasers would have said to themselves ‘there but for the grace of god…’ but no.
47. Ted reminds the country that an innocent man is going to jail and
48. he returns to being a senator with even more gusto.
49. Putting in many late hours till exhaustion has him watching his 70 inch, HD TV with a rerun of the
50. ‘Anna Nicole Show’ which Ted somehow interprets as
51. the ghost of Marilyn Monroe mocking him.
52. Fresh from the sting of the Skakel trial, Ted decided to use
53. the super secret government people to make sure that Anna Monroe… whatever…
54. would be found in bed dead from an overdose of pills.
55. When informed that Anna Nicole just wanted to be like Marilyn Monroe but was NOT the same person; a nonplused Ted said he was
56. only thinking about getting back to his legislative duties.
57. Thus leaving the last remnant of the pre Cooper era as a glaring beacon pointing precisely to who DB Cooper is. There is no argument about the validity of the path taken to this point. All the facts are documented, certified and re-verified by organizations foreign and domestic. There simply is no room left for speculation or ambiguity.
Next DB Cooper will be revealed with the same devastating logic which has no fear of the profound implications which lay on the near horizon.
377 22
QuoteBob and I had an interesting conversation as we drove from Seattle to Kirkland. Could DB have played tag with Flight 305 across America Nov 24, loading jumping gear into the overhead bins, let's say on the first leg at Washington DC that morning, then catch a cross-country flight to beat 305 to Portland, where he rejoined 305? This way he could have had lots of gear on board for the jump. I have never heard anyone discuss this angle.
Intersting angle, but back then nobody cared what you brought aboard as long as it fit. It would have been very easy to board the Norjack flight with a chute in a bag and put it in the overhead. No need for a cross country subterfuge.
georger 247
Mary gave me half a dozen names of colleagues of Petey who are still alive and in the Kirkland-Redmond area. That's on the list of things to do.
Nevertheless, the pix I saw today seemed reasonably similar to the pix that Snowmman had provided of Petey - the pix from the University of Missouri, a yearbook, I believe.
Also, Bob says that a friend of his researched Marine Corps records and found no trace of a Sheridan L. Peterson having served in WWII.
Here we go again. We worship at his feet only to
find he has no shoes!
Manikins all.
Will Kenny pleeeez phone home!
377 22
I think Sheridan joined the USMC either at the end of WW2 or after it and did not see WW2 combat. I'd bet good odds that he is not lying about USMC service. I havent found him to be untruthful in anything he wrote. Some of his claimed extreme skydiving accomplishments (like home made bat wing jumps) raised some skeptical doubt in me but they checked out.
I've offered to buy Pete a tandem jump at Lodi but he wont answer my enmails. I think he would do fine on a solo jump with a round chute, but nobody uses that gear any more at modern DZs. He avoids contact with DB Cooper nuts, which probably proves his present sanity and good judgment.
377 22
I bet he is reading this too, but he no longer posts on dropzone. I keep trying to entice him but he doesnt bite.
Please send me to the post I displayed that picture in.
Remember...Gray was the guy who did the NYM article, and he was fairly convinced at that time that KC might have had something to do with it. Perhaps once he saw Blast, and the pictures, and the documents, and the witness testimony....
You, MR. Blevin are an out and out FRAUD.. Gray and Porteous talked LONG LONG before you became part of the picture.
When Gray did his N.Y. Article - if you were in the picture it was behind the scenes, Gray was supposed to do the book but CHOSE - NOT to do so. He learned more about Christiansen AFTER he did the article and did NOT want to do the book on Christiansen.
Instead he CHOSE to write about the things he learned in the process...of his own investigation.
QuoteOn another tack...
Georger, apart from the ears, if you look at Jo’s frankenweber composite, it seems to me the cheekbones are very different? Could it look that way from smiling or is this a fundamental bone structure thing?
I have explained before how I did that. I used a photo of Duane (his head was slghtly turned - he liked to be posed for photos and did NOT want me to make Straight on pictures).
The composite was straight on.
Yes the angulation of the avatar seems different and the face more narrow due to combining a straight on Composite with an head turned photo.
Here is an article about the ticket agent. Someone had posted this article earlier to this thread.
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