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georger 247
exactly. But the Death Woods and the Big Slurp are convenient excusesQuoteQuoteSo, look at this from a different point of view.
Reasonably reliable description and sketches,
finger prints, some dna evidence ... and still Cooper
escaped. Ponder that scenario for a while.
Not excluding the scenario that the "escape" may have been to the hereafter that very night. Or...out of the country. Both scenarios have been discussed extensively here.
where there is no evidence whatever that happened.
Im saving the rest to last ...
I asked you how you obtained the photo of Duane you posted.
The rare smiling photo. If you have ALL the photos taken on THAT SAME DAY - WHY did you use that particular one? Why not these other taken on that SAME day.
I can anwswer that one for you. The other photos look more like the composite - and I will now post 2 more made on that very same day.
Did you notice that Weber seemed to have a scar in the forehead up near the hairline.
A place where the little tuff of hair seemed to be in the Canon City frontal pic and in the 1970 picture of Duane in the Brown Suit and gold shirt and tie (I had "mistakenly" stated that photo was made in 1971, but recently learned it was made in the fall of 1970.)
His wife of the days told me that when she went back to him in Feb of 1972 that he had a gash on his forehead and he was having trouble with his knee and his back. The picture you posted was made AFTER 1971.
Oh and for your information and the information of others - the lips you are using are from the Crosby composite - try the Gazzara Composit Lips below.
georger 247
QuoteQuestion Georger.
I asked you how you obtained the photo of Duane you posted.
The rare smiling photo. If you have ALL the photos taken on THAT SAME DAY - WHY did you use that particular one? Why not these other taken on that SAME day.
I can anwswer that one for you. The other photos look more like the composite - and I will now post 2 more made on that very same day.
Did you notice that Weber seemed to have a scar in the forehead up near the hairline.
A place where the little tuff of hair seemed to be in the Canon City frontal pic and in the 1970 picture of Duane in the Brown Suit and gold shirt and tie (I had "mistakenly" stated that photo was made in 1971, but recently learned it was made in the fall of 1970.)
His wife of the days told me that when she went back to him in Feb of 1972 that he had a gash on his forehead and he was having trouble with his knee and his back. The picture you posted was made AFTER 1971.
Oh and for your information and the information of others - the lips you are using are from the Crosby composite - try the Gazzara Composit Lips below.
These are nice photos. No doubt about it, Duane
was a good looking man ... some would saay a hunk.
But notice how manly his features are compared with
Cooper. Compare the chin structures, Cooper delicate
lips and nose compared to Duane's (especially in
mid age). Duane was a good looking man and he
knew it, a charmer - he had positive traits as well
as negative. But the features and cranial proportions
are different. No way around it Jo. As I have said
multiple times ... if I thought for a second Duane
was Cooper based on physical traits I would have
said so months ago ... and stuck with that.
Let me also say, we both know Tina described
Cooper as being sad or having a sadness about
him, a sad look perhaps? Look at the original
Cooper sketch. Note the eyes. The artist tried to
convey a note of emotional neutrality or sadness?
That is the reported scenario I have and I think the
artist pulled it off, at least to my eyes. I think the
sketch is a remarkable artifact that will pass down
through the ages. It caught the notice of editors at
LIFE Magazine and that is one reason they
published it - they thought the image was a
Ooops! All I have is the eyes. I will have to go into the scans to see what I did with the photo. I believe I didn't use it because of the angle of the picture and the style of the glasses making the nose look much larger than it really was.
Wish there was someway to put the glasses I am enclosing on him in that the design of the glasses changes the nose appearance. The picture of the glasses was sent to me by the ex-wife. She was holding the glasses and claimed the picture was to show me what she looked like.
She had sent other pictures of herself, but the one with the glasses was a very unflattering picture of her - the hair was over bleached fuzzy blonde. She focused on the glasses with this comment "We both had a pair of these glasses"
I also noted in the same photo under the table was a briefcase...probably just co-incidental. This was with the photos she sent to me of him in the brown suit a yr before the crime. The one that shows what appears to be a tie tac similar to the Cooper item. I just thought it was flaw in the pic - but recently you know I revisited that photo and it looks like a tie tac - centered on the tie...which was wide per the photo.
As the yrs progressed and the kidney enlarged - his abdomen increased. Some of this was due to age, but most of it was the enlargement of this kidneys.
His charm was how protective he was of me and my daughter. He had a mannerism I considered inappropriate, but after I made a comment about this - he quickly corrected the problem.
When he was mad - he was a terror - and the expressions he made - let you know he meant business.
So many times I saw this "Giddy" thing Cooper did on the plane when the money was delivered.
Such as this photo taken in Seattle after he had disappeared that afternoon and we were rushing to get down to the banquet. Yet, he made time to do this ....see the picture.
Remember this picture was in Seattle in Sept or Oct of 1979.
georger 247
QuoteI never viewed Weber as a hunk.
As the yrs progressed and the kidney enlarged - his abdomen increased. Some of this was due to age, but most of it was the enlargement of this kidneys.
His charm was how protective he was of me and my daughter. He had a mannerism I considered inappropriate, but after I made a comment about this - he quickly corrected the problem.
When he was mad - he was a terror - and the expressions he made - let you know he meant business.
So many times I saw this "Giddy" thing Cooper did on the plane when the money was delivered.
Such as this photo taken in Seattle after he had disappeared that afternoon and we were rushing to get down to the banquet. Yet, he made time to do this ....see the picture.
Remember this picture was in Seattle in Sept or Oct of 1979.
Well he was a good looking man, with a good
looking wife - you! This Seattle photo is nice because
it shows his lower denture pattern. You see? Im
about physical evidence, when I can get it. Thanks
for the dental photo!

Have a good evening ...
QuoteLarry said the odds were better, that the sketches were a good general description of Cooper based on highly "consistent" witness agreement, then the
FBI had the artist omit certain specific features off the sketches. So odds maybe as high as 8-in-10 with specific undisclosed features being held back.
I don't remember Carr stating this " the FBI had the artist omit certain specific features off the sketches" - but, after almost 40 yrs WHY hold back anything if it will help someone ID Cooper.
What specific "features" could they possibly omit in the sketch they would keep a secret after all of these yrs. Such as you mentioning a mole on Duane's cheek...if he had one - he had it removed before I met him. It was stated Cooper had NO tattoos. No mention was made of a watch or a ring or a chain or medallion or key ring or a good description of the knife.
No comment was made about missing teeth and I have often wondered about this because I know that Weber had a bridge when I met him and that was done prior to my meeting him and he NEVER removed it except to clean it....I never saw him with out the bridge.
I told the FBI about the bridge - in fact for DNA evidence I gave the frame to the old bridge to them - and they returned it. It had been clean and put in a pill bottle so I guess there was NO DNA on it. The FBI knew Duane had a bridge prior to my knowing him.
He had the bridge redone, but I don't remember if it was because of the loss of another tooth or exactly why. Again - he kept the old bridge in his mouth. This must have been uncomfortable, but Duane never complained about pain or being sick.
I know he had to have felt pain when he broke ribs, when he fractured his leg and when he was so sick that last yr - but, this man never complained about anything. He did NOT complain about the violent vomiting and diarrhea those last few months. He was NOT a complainer, yet he was bitter about things in his life and his face would get contorted at the mention of the wife prior to me.
The thing with his mother and father he had accepted - the fact that he had been disinherited.
Now I know why, but I never questioned him - I accepted only the parts of his past he wanted to share - we all have secrets.
Duane had this stupid coin he always carried - had a woman on it and the size of quarter, but not a real quarter. A Heads or Tails coin.
Just more trivia - I guess.
QuoteYou are implying that Bernie G was gay? And that this homophobic-based argument means KC couldn't have done it? Or that sexual orientation determines criminal activity? Off the mark on all points for you. Bernie's been married twice, has kids galore, and is living with a woman right now. He wasn't out with KC over Thanksgiving 1971 to play hide the salami with him, I can assure you.
First off...I'm not gay...not that there's anything wrong with that...
I worked for a couple of gay guys for eight years...yes they paid well...carpentry work...and confidant...I was safe...not gay and didn't repeat anything said in private..
The one owner was divorced with two great kids...grown...and neither one gay.
I am a good listener...I have been paid to listen to these guys talk about there lives...with that said, I was blown away at how many men that were "straight" would have casual sex with other men...and yes they were married with I'm just sayin...
I'd give you 100/1 odds Blevins...
"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan
Not excluding the scenario that the "escape" may have been to the hereafter that very night. Or...out of the country. Both scenarios have been discussed extensively here.
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