Orange1 0
Quoteskyjack 71 says in part:
Quote'Note this:
Blevin's book title: "Into the Blast," sounds very familiar. There was a book writen by a Seattle author called "Into Thin Air".'
Jon Krakauer's book is about climbers dying on Mount Everest during an expedition that went very badly south.
I thought that was an excellent book. So was "Learning to breathe" by Andy Cave. Mountain climbers and skydivers seem to have a lot of the same drivers.
Btw I attended a couple of lectures on behavioral finance/economics today. Some of it made me think of some posters on this thread :)
Robert99 50
QuoteQuoteskyjack 71 says in part:
Quote'Note this:
Blevin's book title: "Into the Blast," sounds very familiar. There was a book writen by a Seattle author called "Into Thin Air".'
Jon Krakauer's book is about climbers dying on Mount Everest during an expedition that went very badly south.
I thought that was an excellent book. So was "Learning to breathe" by Andy Cave. Mountain climbers and skydivers seem to have a lot of the same drivers.
Btw I attended a couple of lectures on behavioral finance/economics today. Some of it made me think of some posters on this thread :)
Orange, Please elaborate on what you call "behavioral finance/economics". Some of us are not always hip to these modern terms.
Robert Nicholson
Orange1 0
Orange, Please elaborate on what you call "behavioral finance/economics". Some of us are not always hip to these modern terms.
There was some discussion of cognitive bias, confirmation bias, anchoring etc which is what I was thinking of here... I think these factors have been mentioned in this thread before... Can find descriptions of all these on wiki tooSkydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
Orange1 0
Robert99 50
QuoteThis is a fun introduction to the subject. I saw the author speak last year; excellent.
Orange, After visiting the above link, I see your point and it is certainly correct when applied to this thread.
Robert Nicholson
EVickiW 0
Not sure what HE knows, but it looks like the FBI DOES investigate and solve old crimes!
smokin99 0
Not sure what HE knows, but it looks like the FBI DOES investigate and solve old crimes!
One of my all time favorite movie quotes.....
Mr Blevins needs to wake-up to the fact there is more to selling a book than the title. Is there such a thing as Title infringement?
On June 18th - a collage of photos will be posted - and NONE of them are of Weber. Duane's birthday is June 18th and the pictures you will see are going to shock you - something NONE of you ever expected.
You guys will actually be in more shock than I was when I received an item in the mail a couple of months ago. This will explain my mental disconnect to Blevins and certain individuals who only want to classify me as some repressed individual or obsessive delusional personality.
Orange1 0
Blevins I am surprised you were surprised considering you are in the industry!
Blevins just how in the world did you extract the statement below for the state I made>
Blevins stated:
About your letter: If you are saying that someone wrote you a bad letter, I am sorry for that. Wasn't me, of course. I'm not into the poison pen thing. My letters are always nice, except the ones I occasionally write to politicians in our district.
The statement that I (Jo Weber made).
On June 18th - a collage of photos will be posted - and NONE of them are of Weber. Duane's birthday is June 18th and the pictures you will see are going to shock you - something NONE of you ever expected.
You guys will actually be in more shock than I was when I received an item in the mail a couple of months ago. This will explain my mental disconnect to Blevins and certain individuals who only want to classify me a repressed obsessive delusional individual or personality.
Explain yourself Blevins:
Note: I did NOT say it was a BAD letter nor did I say anything that would indicate you sent this information. Is THIS the same way you hear, read, record and make reports on your interviews with witness?
I do not mean to attack you, but I think it is time someone made a point on this issue. You expect the public to believe every interview per your word and your interpretation of the interviews to make your case that K.C. may have been Cooper. Your interpertation of one statement on my part is so far out it is unbelieveable - glad your book is NOT about Weber and exactly WHY I chose NOT go forward with a book yrs ago. All too often - What the writer hears and what he says is nothing like what the person stated or tried to state or explain.
P.S. What I got in the mail was a GOOD surprise NOT a bad one - NOTHING I said in the statement would indicate a negative.
georger 247
Domestic situation vrs. historical hijacking ?
Seedy situation all the way around.
377 22
The judge tacitly acknowledged the FBI's right to "mislead" FOIA requesters by withholding info under section 552 (c), but said it was an entirely different matter for the FBI to conclude that it could lie to a federal judge. To be fair to the FBI SAs, the lies were made by FBI lawyers, not working agents.
Jo will say "I told you so", and she did.
Blevins just how in the world did you extract the statement below from the statement I made?
Blevins stated:
About your letter: If you are saying that someone wrote you a bad letter, I am sorry for that. Wasn't me, of course. I'm not into the poison pen thing. My letters are always nice, except the ones I occasionally write to politicians in our district.
The statement that I (Jo Weber made).
On June 18th - a collage of photos will be posted - and NONE of them are of Weber. Duane's birthday is June 18th and the pictures you will see are going to shock you - something NONE of you ever expected.
You guys will actually be in more shock than I was when I received an item in the mail a couple of months ago. This will explain my mental disconnect to Blevins and certain individuals who only want to classify me a repressed obsessive delusional individual or personality.
Explain yourself Blevins:
Note: I did NOT say it was a BAD letter nor did I say anything that would indicate you sent this information. Is THIS the same way you hear, read, record and make reports on your interviews with witness?
I do not mean to attack you, but I think it is time someone made a point on this issue. You expect the public to believe every interview per your word and your interpretation of the interviews to make your case that K.C. may have been Cooper. Your interpretation of one statement on my part is so far out it is unbelieveable - glad your book is NOT about Weber and exactly WHY I chose NOT go forward with a book yrs ago. All too often - What the writer hears and what he says is nothing like what the person stated or tried to state or explain.
P.S. What I got in the mail was a GOOD surprise NOT a bad one - NOTHING I said in the statement would indicate a negative.

Bernie Geestman requesting the witness deny everything - was simply because he could foresee what was in the future and not how he wanted to spend his last days on this earth. It is the same thing as buyers remorse.
In our area one of our music teachers was accused of inappropriate touching of a 10 yr old and he was charged with Child Molestation. Within 2 wks her story destroyed his career and his life as he knew it. She has now admitted she lied because she wanted to change classes.
New books coming out and I know that I was interviewed during the course of one book and wonder how I will be portrayed. Will it be factual and will it be what I actually said or how he interpreted what I tried to say? Will I be made to appear delusional and did he bite into a claim about Weber which I was adamant in this thread and to him, was NOT true? Will he use my ploys to extract truths from this individual and other individuals contacting me with "stories" they contocted and wanting me to bite into?

If the FBI had nothing to hide about the past of Weber (they would have been forthcoming in a personal and explanatory letter to me yrs ago). They did NOT do this as all of you well know.
I don't have to worry about any of this any more - I have crossed over the mountain and now it will be a fast trip down the other side - maybe too fast!
Farflung 0
Now I’m on the Google page to research and typed as far as “Why won’t my para….” when the search suggestion application told me all I needed to know about DB Cooper and his minions.
I can’t even complete some simple research without the government placing millions of ‘bots’ which hinder what must be my encroachment on the one true answer. Whatever you do, you must not attempt this search lest you become another target for the FBI.
It is better that they only know about me. Being heroic and dauntless come at a very steep price and I’m no stranger to dauntlessnessly heroics.
377 22
QuoteWell I couldn’t get my leg straps to hold any tension and the webbing would simply slide freely through the hardware
In between being hunky and dauntless kindly post a photo showing how your straps are threaded through the hardware. The NB6 leg straps shouldn't be slipping.
377 22
QuoteWhen he jumped off the airstairs of that 727, it wasn't the FIRST time he had used a parachute. Nobody in their right mind would even plan such a thing without at least a minimum of experience.
That is logical, but it may not be what happened. Snow posted info about other successful jet skyjack jumps and at least one of the guys had no prior parachute experience as I recall.
I suspect Cooper knew a lot about 727s and about parachuting too. His orders about flap angles and altitude tell me he was well informed.
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