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DB Cooper

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Jo, As has been explained on this thread any number of times, on the night of the hijacking Boeing personnel had to search for anyone who could provide information about the possible deployment of the aft stairs in flight. This means that such information was not "common knowledge".

Why would the original commercial version of the 727 deploy the stairs in flight anyway? As 377 has also repeatedly pointed out, there is nothing in the aircraft handbooks related to even the accidental deployment of the stairs in flight. Consequently, the airlines and flight crews operating the 727 would not have any handbook information as to what they should do if the stairs deployed on their own.

Did Duane even know how to read the wiring diagrams for the original commerical 727s? Just exactly what did John "consult" with Boeing about? Did John ever even see the blueprints for the 727 and if so for what purpose?

Cooper did know that the 727 could take-off with the aft stairs unlocked and slightly down. He told Tina that despite agreeing to take-off with the stairs up to stop an argument with the crew and get the plane airborne.

Again, only about 5 727s routinely deployed the aft stairs in flight in southeast Asia and those aircraft had probably had some modifications to the stairs, the control panel for the stairs, and the motors that raised and lowered the stairs. After lowering the stairs had served its purpose, the next thing is to close and lock them in the up position so that the aircraft pressure bulkhead door can be closed and the aircraft pressurized again and then climb back to its normal operating altitude.

I doubt if either Duane or John had any knowledge of what unusual activities the southeast Asia 727s were involved in or had the potential to do.

Robert Nicholson

IF the FBI had even talked to JOHN they would KNOW those answers. John was a consultant for Boeing with the ARMY FOR 6 YRS- DOES this explain the above to you? I have stated this time and time again and the FBI was told this.

I have had surgery - and this is ALL I feel like saying. I have said it before - NOW the FBI needs to check their background on John and his ARMY records are something the FBI should have already checked.

Jo, I trust you came through the surgery okay, but will all due respect your response doesn't explain anything. What connection did the Army have with the 727 program? Probably nothing directly.

The program that used about 5 727s in southeast Asia was not an Army program in the usual sense of the word. The Army may have had knowledge of the program, but it was run by those famous Other Government Organizations.

And probably only a handful of people at Boeing were aware of the southeast Asia program and nothing you have written to date indicates a connection of any kind with John. Simply having been in the Army is not good enough. Millions of other people have also been in the Army.

Robert Nicholson

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John was a consultant for Boeing with the ARMY FOR 6 YRS- DOES this explain the above to you?

The Army connection suggests helicopters rather than large jet transports Jo. The biggest plane in Army's fixed wing fleet was probably a piston engined DH Caribou and posiibly one DHC 8 turboprop. I am not sure, but I don't think they had 727s ever. Boeing did make large helicopters for the Army such as the CH 47.



2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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The latest info I received from someone who has no reason to make this up, just like that Preacher claiming to be a SEAL. Would a preacher lie?

This is a transcript secretly sent (at great personal peril, like losing retirement benefits) just days ago.



Maria: What’s wrong Arnold, you seem distracted?

Arnold: It’s diss coo-PAH tread again, dah eff bee EYE won’t properly IN-ves-tah-gayte Duane Wehh-BAH.

Maria: It might be a rumor.

Arnold: It’s not a RUE-mah! It’s not a RUE-mah, at all.

Maria: I’m sure the FBI has looked into his background properly remember when I talked to the Director?

Arnold: NO! You don’t un-DAH-stan they did NOT talk to dee Aye-jent uff reh-CORD, dey blew it.

Maria: Calm down and come to bed, it is especially clean today like the sheets were washed several times and perfumed heavily.

Arnold: How can I go to bet wid diss cooo-PAH on my mind? I’m going to dah office and get pumped up.

Telephone: Ring Ring….. Ring Ring (all Englishy and classy)

Maria: Hello? (all Bel Airish and classy)

Oprah: Hello Mariaaaaahh it’s OOOprahhhhhhhhh!!! Can I talk to the husbandinatorrrrrr? Since he was in Kindergarten Cop, Junior and Twins I thought he would be perfect for my finale show as a ‘sensitive giant of a family man’ guest.

Maria: He’s not here he went to the office to work.

Oprah: It is 3 AM that seems like an odd time to go to work, aren’t you afraid of any monkey business?

Maria: His office is in Santa Monica and my brother is the Mayor who has the police orbit the place anytime he leaves. If he was up to anything untowardly I would be the first to find out.

Oprah: I was just hoping for something really spec-TAC-U-larrrrrrrrrrrrr for my last show. Sorry this could not work out.

Maria: Me too Oprah, I just wish I had some way to contribute to your show but being the former first lady of California isn’t that much of a draw.

Oprah: Don’t sell yourself so short Maria. I’m sure you will be back on the little screen in no time.

Maria: Thanks for saying that Oprah, I hope you’re right, bye.

Oprah: Oprah is always right, bwah bwahhh ha ha ha ha, byeeeeeeeee!

EOM FBI////Brentwood Residential Bathroom Surveillance///Weber cover up///FBI///ccsdkrlee


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On others things I can't absolutely prove, I will admit it's theory, but if you step up and make claims, then I have the same right:


Eye for an eye?

Village for a village?

Abomb for Abomb?

You obviously didnt mean what you said.

You never do!

Retraction No, 353437353436353343535 coming up.

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Jo, As has been explained on this thread any number of times, on the night of the hijacking Boeing personnel had to search for anyone who could provide information about the possible deployment of the aft stairs in flight. This means that such information was not "common knowledge".

Why would the original commercial version of the 727 deploy the stairs in flight anyway? As 377 has also repeatedly pointed out, there is nothing in the aircraft handbooks related to even the accidental deployment of the stairs in flight. Consequently, the airlines and flight crews operating the 727 would not have any handbook information as to what they should do if the stairs deployed on their own.

Did Duane even know how to read the wiring diagrams for the original commerical 727s? Just exactly what did John "consult" with Boeing about? Did John ever even see the blueprints for the 727 and if so for what purpose?

Cooper did know that the 727 could take-off with the aft stairs unlocked and slightly down. He told Tina that despite agreeing to take-off with the stairs up to stop an argument with the crew and get the plane airborne.

Again, only about 5 727s routinely deployed the aft stairs in flight in southeast Asia and those aircraft had probably had some modifications to the stairs, the control panel for the stairs, and the motors that raised and lowered the stairs. After lowering the stairs had served its purpose, the next thing is to close and lock them in the up position so that the aircraft pressure bulkhead door can be closed and the aircraft pressurized again and then climb back to its normal operating altitude.

I doubt if either Duane or John had any knowledge of what unusual activities the southeast Asia 727s were involved in or had the potential to do.

Robert Nicholson

IF the FBI had even talked to JOHN they would KNOW those answers. John was a consultant for Boeing with the ARMY FOR 6 YRS- DOES this explain the above to you? I have stated this time and time again and the FBI was told this.

I have had surgery - and this is ALL I feel like saying. I have said it before - NOW the FBI needs to check their background on John and his ARMY records are something the FBI should have already checked.

Jo, I trust you came through the surgery okay, but will all due respect your response doesn't explain anything. What connection did the Army have with the 727 program? Probably nothing directly.

The program that used about 5 727s in southeast Asia was not an Army program in the usual sense of the word. The Army may have had knowledge of the program, but it was run by those famous Other Government Organizations.

And probably only a handful of people at Boeing were aware of the southeast Asia program and nothing you have written to date indicates a connection of any kind with John. Simply having been in the Army is not good enough. Millions of other people have also been in the Army.

Robert Nicholson

You are NOT listening to me. I commununicate much better by phone - I do NOT have caller ID.
Sluggo can provide you with contact information outside of this thread. I do not know how to obtain John's credentials. Just what he told me and what he wrote in a letter. Also the other stories told to me by his sister and what I have been able to find out with the help of others.

John was an engineer - he was involved with 727's and other planes. Before the 727 there were other planes provided by Boeing to the Governent - but the 727 was on the drawing board for yrs prior to it being built and released. John was a creditiable person and well thought of in his field - I have NO way of tracing any of this but the FBI does and should have done so. Other family connections to Boeing also existed thru an Uncle in Chicago who had CONTRACTS with Boeing regarding the manufacture of the plane - the paint and finishes used on the actual 727's.

You smart know it alls and the FBI and the Government should be able to research the background of Duane's family. John had NO children nor did Duane except for one he claimed which I have never been able to find.

The family has basically died out. A sister had 3 boys (2 of who are deceased). The other had NOTHING to do with his uncles at all.

John had a niece and is the only known living relative I am aware of, but she knowNOTHING about Duane or her uncles. A secretive family. John had NO children of his own.

Duane's father and 2 Uncles - ALL are indidivuals the FBI is able to research - and their connections with airplanes, Boeing and Sherwin William's. Try Lyman Van Buren Weber in Chicago - oh and by the way Lym and his widow who remarried owned a home in Treasure Island, FL (St Petersbury, Fl.)

The "CROOK" was NOT lieing when he said he knew the people on the typewritten list in his possession in 1957 when arrested in St. Pete.

Now - if YOU, guy want to do do some REAL investigation - get off you ASS and do it. I have exhausted my health and my resources....and can do no more than provide the FBI and the Governemtn with what I DO KNOW. If they haven't done anything about it - how can one simple woman with"Dumb Blonde Syndrome" ???????

P.S. I have told these things before in this thread and tried to tell the FBI in this thread and tried to tell the agent. What am I supposed to do - their JOB for them?

I haven't got the resources to do this nor do I any longer have the health or stamina.

Just for those who really WANT to known. Try Blue Tooth Calvary. 1st Calvary Division Air Mobile - Blue Team. Code name Mongoose and throw in Chandler.

This is ALL you guys will get from me!

What does any of this information mean - probably nothing to individuals who DO NOT want to know the truth or a goverment who does NOT want the truth to be known.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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On others things I can't absolutely prove, I will admit it's theory, but if you step up and make claims, then I have the same right:


Eye for an eye?

Village for a village?

Abomb for Abomb?

You obviously didnt mean what you said.

You never do!

Retraction No, 353437353436353343535 coming up.

I don't know how to respond to this stuff. So I usually don't. You have a point buried somewhere in that vitriol?

Had to ask.

Thanks for the retraction.

vitriol? That is yours. I could care less about your
case or your personal issues.

go back to sleep now.

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What does Mongoose have to do with Norjack? What proof do you have that Duane was involved? Without that info all you are doing is is teasing or speculating. Anybody can post a list of covert CIA or Army ops.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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John was an engineer - he was involved with 727's and other planes. Before the 727 there were other planes provided by Boeing to the Governent - but the 727 was on the drawing board for yrs prior to it being built and released. John was a creditiable person and well thought of in his field - I have NO way of tracing any of this but the FBI does and should have done so. Other family connections to Boeing also existed thru an Uncle in Chicago who had CONTRACTS with Boeing regarding the manufacture of the plane - the paint and finishes used on the actual 727's.

An Army based Boeing liason and a paint supplier to Boeing don't impress me as people who would be privy to flight test data regarding in flight 727 stair deployment.

Flight Engineers learn a LOT about an airliner's systems and their operational limits. They were not trained about 727 in flight stair deployment. Their extensive systems manuals made no mention of that subject and shed no light on the possibility of flying with the stairs down. Nobody at NWA maintenance or flight ops knew. They had to call Boeing.

What makes you think an Army Boeing liaison and a paint supplier to Boeing would know more about 727 in flght stair deployment than a qualified 727 FE and the entire NWA maintenance organization?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Flight Engineers learn a LOT about an airliner's systems and their operational limits. They were not trained about 727 in flight stair deployment. Their extensive systems manuals made no mention of that subject and shed no light on the possibility of flying with the stairs down. Nobody at NWA maintenance or flight ops knew. They had to call Boeing.

Or so it appears. We assume. You assume. You
have no proof that was the case, it just appears
that was the case because, it appears no one had
an instantaneous answer ... or was willing to speak
on record? We assume. You weren't there?

And it is a convenient assumption to make, for lack
of facts driving the development of assumptions.

So from this layered body of assumptions we
assume the rear stair data was so "secret" only
three guys at Boeing had the "secret information".

All that matters here, I think, is the knowledge
that Cooper demonstrated. And what Cooper asked
for was that the stairs be lowered before takeoff.
Presumably all the way down? (Recall Rat's
discussion about taking off etc...)

So, whatever 50 guys at SEA and NWA knew or didnt
know or whatever their various lavels of authority to
speak and hand out information with "authority",
we know what Cooper asked for and did.

Moreover, Cooper asked for Tina do it for him,
in the air! (Recall the discussion about having Tina
tied down or not?)

The issue is Cooper, not 50 guys at . . . or Jo
Weber and Duane on Uranus!


They called Boeing. So? Who cares.

Cooper took a concise direct approach He issued
instructions with some authority, more than half of
which turned out wrong! (Would the experts Kenny
and Geestman and Duane do that given that they
were experts and had special top secret info only
a handfull of people on the planet had! ?).

This is a clearcut example of Blevins vrs me. Blevins
and Jo both are trying to claim their dopplegangers
were edxperts and had access to expert info ...
when in fact Cooper was no expert based squarely
on his demonstrated performance and what he said
and did.

This is what happens when people foist theoir
candidates off on the world. They usually forget
about the real case, and the real Cooper. Wooops!
Guess Jo and Blevins must recant some more...
based on the actual evidence.

In other words, this case is about Cooper, and
none other.

Let the next promoter shape his candidate and
his theoretical bullshit, in the image of .... COOPER!

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This is a clearcut example of Blevins vrs me. Blevins
and Jo both are trying to claim their dopplegangers
were edxperts and had access to expert info ...
when in fact Cooper was no expert based squarely
on his demonstrated performance and what he said and did.


We really don't know whether Cooper knew a 727 could be jumped. The evidence doesn't really tell us. Logic says he knew, but that doesn't prove he did. People aren't always logical.

My only point is that knowing someone who worked at or with Boeing or having worked a plane cleaner who used the stairsxon the ground doesn't necessarily equate to having knowledge about whether the 727 could be jumped.

Might someone at NWA have known? Sure, but it wasn't widely known and it isn't documented in the 727 aircraft manuals that I have read. Most flight engineers and some pilots like to know all about their plane's systems and even possible hacks. They have killed people fooling around with such hacks as trying gust locks in flight, pulling circuit breakers to disable warning horns, deploying leading edge slats at high speeds, exceeding altitude limits, rolling airliners with no passengers, etc. The jumpability of a 727 wasn't top secret, but it's fair to say that it was not widely known in 1971.

Jo's frustration with the FBI for refusing to investigate a myriad of highly speculative and tenuous leads about Duane and his cohorts is misplaced. The burden is on her to offer some EVIDENCE that unambiguously ties Duane to Norjack. If she could do this then the FBI would take a renewed interest. Without that she is asking the FBI to investigate her hunches and beliefs. Put Duane in the plane or even in a chute Jo. So far, despite numerous teases, you've not been able to do that.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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377 - You are working to hard on what DB had to know and how he could have learned it. Take Sheridan Peterson as a suspect and he actually worked at Boeing and started the skydiving club. He was even a certified skydiving instructor at the Issaqua skydiving center. He had access to not only the manuals and handbooks but actual people at Boeing that knew the 727 airstairs and flight tested them for the gov. what if's such as could it take off and land with the stairs deployed? Flight tests showed that it could. The gov. might have had a motive for their other undercover uses of the 727. Sheridan could have used his Boeing club as likely use of the 727 for skydiving without raising any questions as to why.

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just like that Preacher claiming to be a SEAL. Would a preacher lie?

So there is this forum my son frequents (a former Ranger) that douchebags claim to be Rangers and SEALs to trying to impress their girl friends and pad their resumes.
The pastimes for the real deal is outing these guys to all the others on this particular forum. Kinda like outing the "Cooper claimers" here.
Some people just don't get it...you can fool some of the people some of the time...but you can't fool the real deal any of the time!
I don't understand what motivates these types of people...pretending to be something they obviously are not, but the stories of outing them are priceless.

Farflung...is this the stuff you're thinking on a CAT lll B or a CAT lll C approaches?...or just in the bathroom?...or are you in the lavy on those approaches...ha ha...
I guess it really doesn't matter...it's entertaining on a twisted level that I seem to operate on...

Thanks for the laughs, hangdiver

"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan

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Flight Engineers learn a LOT about an airliner's systems and their operational limits. They were not trained about 727 in flight stair deployment. Their extensive systems manuals made no mention of that subject and shed no light on the possibility of flying with the stairs down. Nobody at NWA maintenance or flight ops knew. They had to call Boeing.

Or so it appears. We assume. You assume. You
have no proof that was the case, it just appears
that was the case because, it appears no one had
an instantaneous answer ... or was willing to speak
on record? We assume.

377's version gels with the published transcripts between the cockpit and NWA: neither the flight engineer nor NWA knew. This was transcript so not about willing to speak "on the record" or not.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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377 - You are working to hard on what DB had to know and how he could have learned it. Take Sheridan Peterson as a suspect and he actually worked at Boeing and started the skydiving club. He was even a certified skydiving instructor at the Issaqua skydiving center. He had access to not only the manuals and handbooks but actual people at Boeing that knew the 727 airstairs and flight tested them for the gov. what if's such as could it take off and land with the stairs deployed? Flight tests showed that it could. The gov. might have had a motive for their other undercover uses of the 727. Sheridan could have used his Boeing club as likely use of the 727 for skydiving without raising any questions as to why.

If Cooper lived...my guess it had to be "Pete" that's who my money is on...I guess I maybe just want that to be true...not that I want anyone who commits a violent crime to get away with it...but every now and then someone just gets lucky...

eta: don't get me wrong...I really don't think Cooper lived...


"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan

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Those Ranger and SEAL fakers must be some truly empty vessels to have assumed those roles and to have assumed that no one can see right through them. They all use the same lame playbook where they manufacture some tale and when they get caught; pull out the ‘I can’t say anymore’ card because of national security or a threat being made on someone’s life, oh boy.

Having a title or qualifications, regardless the source, allows the average person to place that over worked common sense (assuming any to begin with) into a vegetative coma while trying on their new ‘victim uniforms’. For no one would dare question the claims a ‘man of the cloth’ would make lest they be banished to Abaddon or Fresno. Same for the former chairman of the NASDAQ or that Argentinean ‘Plastic Surgeon’ who serviced Priscilla Presley who both operated for extended periods of time.

Attention Earth: Licenses and Credentials are not for when a person guesses correctly.

But amid all the people living lives of quiet desperation or loud insecurity is that one person who restores my faith in the kindness of strangers and that man may be inherently good:


Now all we have to do is find out what airline that bastard hijacked to get all that cash and I know this thread has the talent to do just that.


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An Army based Boeing liason and a paint supplier to Boeing don't impress me as people who would be privy to flight test data regarding in flight 727 stair deployment.

YOU JUST do not get it. I do NOT know John's and his Uncle's complete involvement with the Boeings. I do know it was a very sore subject for the family and alienated brother from brother and brother from Uncle.

It is not just a "paint contract" - Duane's family was heavily involved in the developement some where along the line. Especially John - he was not a liason as you called it. The FBI should be able to tell you what he was- but they refuse to acknowledge the families involvement with similar aircraft from the mid 50's and until the 727 was put into production.

The aspect of the lower stairway was DISCUSSED in the presence of Duane Weber prior to the 1st 727 being introduced. Prior planes where used in the same way during the war and when Boeing asked for a plane it could use in the smaller airports - the answer was the 727 using the technology used by others companies and in other plans on prior planes produced for the war effort or something else. This is all I remember of my discussion with John.

John was embarrassed regarding Duane's "problems" - there was BAD blood between the brothers.

John tried to become re-aquainted with Duane when he was released from San Quentin and while Duane was living with his mother - this was a disastrous event. Supposedly John took a baseball bat and threatened Duane ordering him to leave Mother Weber's home.
Duane was a BAD boy, but he was NOT stupid nor illiterate as some of you have tried to portray him. He possessed the Weber creativitive, but without the formal education.

John had a serious hearing problem during the yrs I tried to communicate with him - but, these are things he told me. I do NOT know what they mean - that is the JOB of the FBI. All I could do was TELL the FBI what I was told by JOHN and his sister and the ex-wife.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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This is a clearcut example of Blevins vrs me. Blevins
and Jo both are trying to claim their dopplegangers
were experts and had access to expert info ...
when in fact Cooper was no expert based squarely
on his demonstrated performance and what he said
and did.

Georger, I have NEVER presented Duane as having any expert experience - but that he had knowledge of those stairways and knew they could be lowered. My conversations with John confirmed that. I have recalled all I can of my conversations with John yrs and yrs ago. From 1996 to approx 1998 when his hearing became so bad - verbal communication became impossible. Take this for what it is worth - but, it is the truth.

I communicated this knowledge to Himmelsbach as I always thought he relayed everything to the FBI - perhaps he did NOT.

You can Believe it or Not. That is your choice! I have NO beef with you but do NOT put me in the same category as Blevins. NOT one time have I done this for my health or for money - ALL I want is the truth and for the FBI to PROVE Weber was NOT Cooper.

The FBI wants me to prove Weber was Cooper and to put him on the plane - but they cannot do the reverse!

I am sick of Blevins - Cooper DID NOT have Hazel Eyes! There where NO contacts in 1971 capable of making Hazel Eyes appear as DARK PIERCING BROWN!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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This is a clearcut example of Blevins vrs me. Blevins
and Jo both are trying to claim their dopplegangers
were edxperts and had access to expert info ...
when in fact Cooper was no expert based squarely
on his demonstrated performance and what he said and did.


We really don't know whether Cooper knew a 727 could be jumped. The evidence doesn't really tell us. Logic says he knew, but that doesn't prove he did. People aren't always logical.

My logic says he didn't.

I base my logic on what he said and did.

How can you 'know' a 727 can be jumped until
you've done it or seen it done?

He obviously thought it might be jumpable so he
tried it.

I dont expect you will change your opinion. Or
Blevins or Jo either.

He said the word Tacoma which lead to a search
in Tacoma. He jumped out of a 727 so we say he
knew how to jump. He mentioned flaps at 15* so
now we think he had massive avionic knoweldge.

He never mentioned Shemya or stealing lady's
purses and welfare checks once!

Is Blevins saying Kenny who has flown the 727 a
thousand times didnt know how to get the rear door
open and stairs down or calculate basic fuel
consumption of the plane, with Geestman his expert
advisor as backup feeding him info?

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Flight Engineers learn a LOT about an airliner's systems and their operational limits. They were not trained about 727 in flight stair deployment. Their extensive systems manuals made no mention of that subject and shed no light on the possibility of flying with the stairs down. Nobody at NWA maintenance or flight ops knew. They had to call Boeing.

Or so it appears. We assume. You assume. You
have no proof that was the case, it just appears
that was the case because, it appears no one had
an instantaneous answer ... or was willing to speak
on record? We assume.

377's version gels with the published transcripts between the cockpit and NWA: neither the flight engineer nor NWA knew. This was transcript so not about willing to speak "on the record" or not.

The transcripts are heavily redacted and dont tell
the whole story, in any event. I can prove that.
That 377 still choses to ignore that is his bias.

377's version expands a few lines in a redacted
transcript into a whole theory of the case, while
ignoring what Cooper actually said and did. Larry
saw this discrepancy and pointed it out. H and other
technical advisors saw this and built the theory
Cooper died. ... and crossed at Troutdale!

This is not a contest between 377 and me!

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377 - You are working to hard on what DB had to know and how he could have learned it. Take Sheridan Peterson as a suspect and he actually worked at Boeing and started the skydiving club. He was even a certified skydiving instructor at the Issaqua skydiving center. He had access to not only the manuals and handbooks but actual people at Boeing that knew the 727 airstairs and flight tested them for the gov. what if's such as could it take off and land with the stairs deployed? Flight tests showed that it could. The gov. might have had a motive for their other undercover uses of the 727. Sheridan could have used his Boeing club as likely use of the 727 for skydiving without raising any questions as to why.

This was one of the first places Himmelsbach suggested I look.
Issaqua and Sheridan...but whoever responded to me offered NO hope or useful information. Do consider I knew very little about the crime and nothing about Jumping or why it was even suggested I contact the Boeing Skydive Club.

This same thing was suggested to me - that the Boeing Club may have been for that exact reason...to allow use of the Boeing without raising any questions as to why. Who are you and why have you not posted before?

How or why have you taken me back to the earliest part of my investigation after I found out who Dan Cooper was? Co-incidence or by plan?

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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This is a clearcut example of Blevins vrs me. Blevins
and Jo both are trying to claim their dopplegangers
were experts and had access to expert info ...
when in fact Cooper was no expert based squarely
on his demonstrated performance and what he said
and did.

Georger, I have NEVER presented Duane as having any expert experience - but that he had knowledge of those stairways and knew they could be lowered. My conversations with John confirmed that. I have recalled all I can of my conversations with John yrs and yrs ago. From 1996 to approx 1998 when his hearing became so bad - verbal communication became impossible. Take this for what it is worth - but, it is the truth.

I communicated this knowledge to Himmelsbach as I always thought he relayed everything to the FBI - perhaps he did NOT.

You can Believe it or Not. That is your choice! I have NO beef with you but do NOT put me in the same category as Blevins. NOT one time have I done this for my health or for money - ALL I want is the truth and for the FBI to PROVE Weber was NOT Cooper.

The FBI wants me to prove Weber was Cooper and to put him on the plane - but they cannot do the reverse!

I am sick of Blevins - Cooper DID NOT have Hazel Eyes! There where NO contacts in 1971 capable of making Hazel Eyes appear as DARK PIERCING BROWN!

If you have any real knoweldge about the DB
Cooper case, please present it.

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The transcripts are heavily redacted and dont tell
the whole story, in any event. I can prove that.
That 377 still choses to ignore that is his bias.

377's version expands a few lines in a redacted
transcript into a whole theory of the case, while
ignoring what Cooper actually said and did. Larry
saw this discrepancy and pointed it out. H and other
technical advisors saw this and built the theory
Cooper died. ... and crossed at Troutdale!

This is not a contest between 377 and me!

Sure but the redactions are obvious - words physically blacked out. I don't think it changes the conclusion on that subject at all.
And no-one said it was a competition!

By the way has anyone figured out which time zone the 7pm for the rapture is applicable?
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The transcripts are heavily redacted and dont tell
the whole story, in any event. I can prove that.
That 377 still choses to ignore that is his bias.

377's version expands a few lines in a redacted
transcript into a whole theory of the case, while
ignoring what Cooper actually said and did. Larry
saw this discrepancy and pointed it out. H and other
technical advisors saw this and built the theory
Cooper died. ... and crossed at Troutdale!

This is not a contest between 377 and me!

Sure but the redactions are obvious - words
physically blacked out. I don't think it changes the
conclusion on that subject at all.
And no-one said it was a competition!

By the way has anyone figured out which time zone the 7pm for the rapture is applicable?

Tell me the history of the 'transcript'?

Who gave it to the Seattle PI to publish and why?

Why are jets scrambled to intersect with 305 at a
time and in a place (directed by R2 etal) all while
305 is supposedly on a heading that is going to
take it across the Columbia at Troutdale?

The original concept about Cooper was very clear,
at the time this happened and in the days following
the hijack, in 1971. The original concept was scripted
by a lot of technically trained experienced people
directly involved in the case... and delivering their
evaluation(s) to the news media and the public
at large. That formed the public perception of
Cooper which was "some guy who has performed
a stunt, who bailed out of an airplane over the
State of Washington with a bag full of money"!

That was the allure of Cooper. He was just "some
guy" who had pulled off a stunt and now had elluded
being found or identified, and the search for "some
guy" failed . . .

His act was a stunt almost anyone could try! And
he apparently had gotten away with it, or died,
because he could not be identified or found by
some of the best resources on Earth looking for

This was the view supported by all of the experts
at the time, ina nd out of law enforecement and the

This was the basis for Cooper's allure. He fit the
general curve of the general population, was a
stunt man, and middle aged, with a grudge.

This was the original 'theory of the case'. All other
considerations came later ... much later.

This is a skydiving forum with that bias. That does
not mean Cooper had anything in common with
the people here. And if you take a few lines from
a redacted transcript without any of the context of
thousands of words and actions behind it, then
very likely you may be steered in the wrong direction
and never break out of the mold of the assumotions
you made, in the first place.

For all I know Cooper could have been some
grocery store clerk from Cleveland who had
pracxticed putting on a wwII surplus parachute
but who had never jumped out of a plane before,
but who had an idea of how this could be done
(based on his actual talents), and that may be
more in line with the original theory of the case
than anything else ?

I'm not saying anything new here. Just reminding
you of it, as if this was Dec 1st 1971...

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Seattle PI? The transcript comes from the FOIA section of the FBI site.

And I have read the whole thing, not taken a 'few lines'. We had some quite involved discussions about the transcript a while back. I don't recall you questioning its provenance back then.
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Seattle PI? The transcript comes from the FOIA section of the FBI site.

And I have read the whole thing, not taken a 'few lines'. We had some quite involved discussions about the transcript a while back. I don't recall you questioning its provenance back then.

Better go back to those discussions you
refer to above and read them.

The FBI FOIA 'transcripts' are here:

Larry gave Sluggo a further Flight Comm transcript
to share so no link except to Sluggo's website was
ever available for that.

The link to (a b F.B.I. FOIA file part 1, from F.B.I.
FOIA catalogue on the Dan Cooper case,): no longer

The link to "Transcript of Crew Communications
Retrieved February 25, 2011." now goes to Sluggo's
website at: http://n467us.com/Data%20Files/Logs%

The original link to the above pdf "Transcript of Crew
Communications " went to the Seattle PI, before
Sluggo even had the transcript on his website, as I
am sure Sluggo will confirm. This transcript was not,
to my knowledge, acquired through a FOIA

My copy came from the Seattle PI, before
Sluggo even had a website. Your copy probably
came from Sluggo's website later when you joined
this thread here -

But I mentioned this years ago and I dont recall
what Snowmman had to say about it, if anything.
I seem to recall not much was said at the time,
so you may have missed my brief comment -
overwhelmed by other posters at the time. People
at the time were more concerned about parsing the
transcript than examining its origins. And Larry bypassed the issue.

The original PI link to the Crew Communications
transcript was taken down long ago, now.

There has been lots of discussion about the flight
comms "transcripts" behind the scenes never posted
here due to conditions here. That's a fact.

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