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DB Cooper

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He is also a licensed amateur radio operator as is Snowmman, Georger, Sluggo, Guru, myself and perhaps others who post here. Odd isn't it?

Hm, now I'm feeling inadequate. How do I become a licensed amateur radio operator? And is a licensed amateur kind of like an A license in skydiving?!
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Yes, I am not Bob Knoss and was a Boring Engineer for 34 years and have been retired for 16 years.
I would like to address the money found at Tena's Bar. There were three packs of 100 $20 and I believe they were the ones offered to the crew that were refused. I think DB took ten $20's (for pocket money) from one pack and put $5,800 still in three packs (held together by the rubber bands) in the paper sack he had brought onboard. He then upon being refused the offer by the crew, rolled up the sack with the three packs and stuffed them in his coat pocket (or somewhere on his body) before the jump. Then the buffeting caused the sack and the Tena money to fly out of his pocket and land near or at Tena's Bar. In the paper sack as protection the Tena money stayed together and could have floated to the place found. The wind from the South East could have blew the sack in the direction of Tena's Bar and even dropped in the Columbia. The sack could of rotted away but did provide protection for the three packs of $20 inside. When found on Tena's Bar, the sack could have been rotted away. Now if this thought is correct, a vector from Tina's Bar in the direction up wind and where it crosses the 727 flight path would be the most likely point of where Cooper left the plane.
Just something to chew on as the group is solving this case and what could have happened. This gets us away from the travel down rivers and up stream on the Columbia by the Tena money.

Sailshaw, Unfortunately for your theory, the winds aloft at the time of the jump were from the southwest, not the southeast. That is a 90 degree difference. Little details like this can derail even the most wishful theory.

Robert Nicholson

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OK 377 I think this just might work,

Here we sit in a global credit crunch which is going to last for some indeterminate amount of time. I dig how the financial experts are on TV talking about earnings curves and company stock ratings like they have any idea what’s going on. How come not one of them forecast the latest melt down? That just proves how short term our collective memories are.

So take a look at this beauty,


Former Part 135 rig with records and already painted to look like a jump plane. Man this is perfect and at a price that would barely cover the down payment on a one bedroom condo in the Bay Area four years ago (code for rationalization). Now look at these numbers.


They seem reasonable as in not too low where deferred maintenance becomes a temptation. Using the 500 hour annual rate and removing the debt service (Principle & Interest) renders an hourly rate of $675. At two loads per hour and 25 jumpers would cost out at $13.50 per jump in rough numbers.

The debt service would be absorbed by a group of skydiving fractional owners called 1%ERs. Yep for $999 (suggested retail) a person could become an owner of a genuine gubberment DC-3 and enjoy or loath the privileges associated. Which includes discounted jumps, lease backs to other DZs, amortized jump revenues from lowly non fractional aircraft owners (NoFOs), exhibition at air shows and awesome, chick magnet, bragging rights. You know….. Hey baby, see that plane over there……?

Now you as a lawyer could form the holding company named ‘Fallin Angles LLC’ for example and start circulating a prospective to the many, many jumpers at Byron. Let’s face it, we’ve all gone to Vegas at one time or another and another…. and dropped at least $999 just to wake the next day and have no idea where that money went; or the pants it was in.

I’ll give you some time to rub down the goose bumps.

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And then the Bureau says they think it's a chute left behind by a pilot who bailed out in the same area in 1945. I have read this report from the Seattle P.I. and the report says that the pilot used the chute to stay warm, left it behind, and walked out of the woods the next morning.

Didn't the data panel on the canopy show a 1946 mfr date? If so that chute couldnt have been the one used in 1945. It has an airtight alibi.

Why would the FBI lie about the Amboy chute? They want to solve Norjack.

I also wonder if the FBI DNA is from a Bourbon glass or cig butt and not the tie. If it's from the tie I don't see how they can be so sure it's Coopers.

I've defended criminals in cases where the FBI was the investigating agency. Sometimes what they tell the news media about evidence and what they actually have are substantially different. They sometimes have a LOT more than they reveal publically. It comes out in the pretrial discovery process, but not before.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I will be flying into SFO at 9:00 am. Male sure to wave when I fly overhead. I am sitting on the tarmac in MSP as I type.;);)

By coincidence I am at SFO waiting for a plane to Chicago. Too bad I missed you Vicki. It would have been fun to get some coffee and compare notes. Have a great time in SF. It's a beautiful city. A ferryboat ride to Sausalito is recommended. Cheaper than the tourist cruise boats and you can take a walk around Sausalito too. They depart from the Ferry Bldg near the foot of Market St. Muir Woods is also recommended if you've never seen a Redwood Forest.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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That DC 3 is tempting. It even has working deicing boots which is
rare. Engine times look good too.

As far as being a chick magnet, the steeply sloping floor of the 3 means that unless your date is a jumper (acclimated to unusual attitudes), she'll probably insist that you rent a room, which immediately kills the appeal to jumpers who sleep in their cars and on hanger floors to save enough to jump. Bill Dause, once a DBC suspect, now has the tail of his now derelict DC 3 elevated on a big stack of railroad ties, which tells you something.

I absolutely love DC 3s. There is one that really stands out in performance, the Southern Cross. It has Wright 1820-86 engines as I recall and MAN can she climb. First time I rode on her I was taking my usual snooze expecting a 40 minute ride to 14,000 ft when I was quickly shaken by another jumper who said we were on jump run. Impossible, I thought, not nearly enough time had elapsed but there we were.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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We probably just passed each other. We just arrived at the car in parking A/B. Thanks for the info....might check it out. Going home on June 1
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Yes, I am not Bob Knoss and was a Boring Engineer for 34 years and have been retired for 16 years.
I would like to address the money found at Tena's Bar. There were three packs of 100 $20 and I believe they were the ones offered to the crew that were refused. I think DB took ten $20's (for pocket money) from one pack and put $5,800 still in three packs (held together by the rubber bands) in the paper sack he had brought onboard. He then upon being refused the offer by the crew, rolled up the sack with the three packs and stuffed them in his coat pocket (or somewhere on his body) before the jump. Then the buffeting caused the sack and the Tena money to fly out of his pocket and land near or at Tena's Bar. In the paper sack as protection the Tena money stayed together and could have floated to the place found. The wind from the South East could have blew the sack in the direction of Tena's Bar and even dropped in the Columbia. The sack could of rotted away but did provide protection for the three packs of $20 inside. When found on Tena's Bar, the sack could have been rotted away. Now if this thought is correct, a vector from Tina's Bar in the direction up wind and where it crosses the 727 flight path would be the most likely point of where Cooper left the plane.
Just something to chew on as the group is solving this case and what could have happened. This gets us away from the travel down rivers and up stream on the Columbia by the Tena money.

There are a finite number of scenarios that could
have brought money to Tina Bar. Unfortunately
your guesstimates are not among those statistically
possible scenarios, nor the longshot of a Washougal
washdown Rolling Thunder scenario, either.

Guess you, Jo Weber, and JT are all out of luck!

How did the 'brown paper bag' get into this!?
Why not the taco shell bags from the galley that
we know was ransacked - a feature which I am told
will be covered in Geof Gray's forthcoming book?


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I also wonder if the FBI DNA is from a Bourbon glass or cig butt and not the tie. If it's from the tie I don't see how they can be so sure it's Coopers.

Larry Carr couldn't find the cig butt - remember. Also NO agent before him could find them or just didn't look.

There has never been a mention of DNA retrieval from the butts or for the drink glasses. I addressed both of those many time with the FBI - Remember that the Tie did NOT show up in Reno for 4 hours or 4 days - I have heard both...myths and truths - will anyone ever know?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Yes, I am not Bob Knoss and was a Boring Engineer for 34 years and have been retired for 16 years.
I would like to address the money found at Tena's Bar. There were three packs of 100 $20 and I believe they were the ones offered to the crew that were refused. I think DB took ten $20's (for pocket money) from one pack and put $5,800 still in three packs (held together by the rubber bands) in the paper sack he had brought onboard. He then upon being refused the offer by the crew, rolled up the sack with the three packs and stuffed them in his coat pocket (or somewhere on his body) before the jump. Then the buffeting caused the sack and the Tena money to fly out of his pocket and land near or at Tena's Bar. In the paper sack as protection the Tena money stayed together and could have floated to the place found. The wind from the South East could have blew the sack in the direction of Tena's Bar and even dropped in the Columbia. The sack could of rotted away but did provide protection for the three packs of $20 inside. When found on Tena's Bar, the sack could have been rotted away. Now if this thought is correct, a vector from Tina's Bar in the direction up wind and where it crosses the 727 flight path would be the most likely point of where Cooper left the plane.
Just something to chew on as the group is solving this case and what could have happened. This gets us away from the travel down rivers and up stream on the Columbia by the Tena money.

Geeze - that is the most ridiculous theory you could ever make judging from the things that have been presented in the past in this thread. A paper sack????? Come on.

Obviously you know even LESS than I do about this crime - Geeze.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo wrote:

Larry Carr couldn't find the cig butt - remember. Also NO agent before him could find them or just didn't look.

Don't assume that the FBI is telling the whole story about what evidence was found and what was preserved. In my experience they often did not disclose the whole physical evidence story to the public if the suspect was still at large.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Makes you want to Cry? I thought it was gruesome - because you do know Weber claimed to have known Dorthy Killgallen and told me she did NOT kill herself.

Supposedly she stayed in a place he worked at. When she was a guest she wanted her paper delivered to her door. She did NOT want them to leave it outside of the door, but to knock on the door and hand it to her.

If my memory serves me right he was a doorman in this hotel, but I do not really know which one. It could have been one of 2 in CO or in New Orleans. How many other jobs Weber held in Hotels and their locations is unknown to me. He told me which Hotel, but time has taken its toll on some of my memory. I want to say it was the Broadmore or Bourbon New Orleans, but uncertainty leaves me to say "I don't know, anymore".

So many individuals who have died strange deaths and all of them seemed to be linked to each other.

Oswald was supposedly connected to Davie Ferrie.

According to members of Duane's extended family he knew Davie Ferrie and they spent a couple of weeks in an apt. he owned when Weber was on the run from the FBI. I believe I had a problem making the yrs work on this story - but, then again time is robbing my memory.

One of the individuals who told me this story was only 14 when they stayed in New Orleans. She also told me she knew Weber was Cooper and then within a few months she met the same fate as Dorthy Killgallen.

Just more co-incidences! Or are they fabrications? Did this person tell me a lie? She had NO reason to lie. I did not know who Davie Ferrie was when she told me the story. I only learned who Ferrie was since this thread started.

You see there are things I too do not talk about because they seem so far fetched NO ONE would ever believe them - but, most of this story I can prove.

If anyone of you had walked in my shoes for the last 15 yrs and talked to the people I have talked to and been told the stories I have been told - you would either be running scared or fighting the system. I chose to stand up and fight .

Why I have just told this story in its entirety. I did NOT solicit the story the girl told me. I did NOT make the facts fit....they just did.
I do not know if she even realized the story she told me would eventually fit pieces of the puzzle together. I do not know the extent of her education and if she really knew who Ferrie was at that time...one thing for sure I didn't know who Ferrie was when she told me that story.

If none of you ever remember anything I have ever told you - remember this story. I do NOT know what the significance is - but it is NOT very comforting.

;):([:/]:|Ever Notice that when I make a post like the one above - it is ignored? :)
Puzzling? Not really, because the truth is stranger than anything anyone could ever make up. All of the above post is FACT.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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The artist tried to portray the action with the mouth - but, NONE of the witnesses felt it was right - so they used the generic version.

He tired to portray the SLANTING forehead. Depending on the angle one viewed Cooper at - the forehead was different. This is because of the SLANT of the forhead.


Could you elaborate on the exact "action" that was made with his mouth? as well as the "slant" on the forehead?


Action Jo alledges ie Being Angry ................ dont

Its another one of Jo's claims and attempts to invent evidence see her post below along with her original photo composite trying to show Duane's
mouth was Cooper's 'surly' mouth and expression.

In fact, Jo is NOT using the mouth from the original sketch for her demonstration but one she selected from one of her favorite 'remakes'. Jo always rigs
the deck in her favor when she can ... I have posted her composite and the original mouth
from the original sketch in a composite below...

The problem is: the original FBI sketch does not show that angry look Jo claims! The FBI sketch is
neutral. See that original sketch attached.

(portioned edited out for the sake of time and space, but Georger goes on to say the below).

Keep in mind: its a fact the FBi has never released all of the physically defining traits witnesses testified to. All sketches omit those traits. There also are no official side views of Cooper which were released.

NOW let's get Down to the Nitty Gritty Georger.

Have YOU talked to Doug Pasternac? I am sure he has ALL of his notes from that interview with the artist, but he is NOT going to relate it someone on the phone or by email - FACE to FACE. This WAS not made available to the Media - but something I held on to and so did Doug.

The lip Comparisons I used are
the old Rose composites and the Shaffner composite and a prison photo of Duane on intake in
1960. He was not very happy - the lip compares to both old composites. I have pictures of Duane Weber YOU have NOT seen.

Yet, YOU Georger come back with " its a fact the FBI has never released all of the physically defining traits witnesses testified to. All sketches omit those traits. There also are no official side views of Cooper which were released"

Explain yourself here Georger! Explain how and why you could make that statement above I just pasted in RED. You have denied being connected to the FBI or CIA. So how would you be PRIVEY to that infomation. PROVE it just like you and others have asked me to prove this or that about Weber.

Explain to the thread and to the World - WHY the FBI would NOT make or omit physically defining traits regarding the description of Cooper IF they really wanted to catch him. Most important EXPLAIN how you would be privey to that kind of information,

I held on for years waiting for someone just like you to make that kind of statement. Are you a spokesman for the FBI or CIA or some other operative group?
Georger - my roots ARE NOT blonde.

You have belittled me and made fun of me at times - and now I GOTTCHA! I have even waited for sometime since you made the statement to see if you would put the banana in your mouth again. You didn't, but you did NOT go back and delete or edit your post...you thought it would just go away!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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A short time ago you promised to make a major revelation that would be a blockbuster. I haven't seen it.

Promises promises.

Harold Camping comes to mind.

I do hope your recovery is going well and that's sincere.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I agree with everything you said about the money and the bag, pretty much anyway. But I favor a drift down the river (probably from Paradise Point State Park) or a deliberate trip to the river later to plant the money.

And your 'passionate strong opinion' repeated
many times, is based on what?

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Yes, I am not Bob Knoss and was a Boring Engineer for 34 years and have been retired for 16 years.
I would like to address the money found at Tena's Bar. There were three packs of 100 $20 and I believe they were the ones offered to the crew that were refused. I think DB took ten $20's (for pocket money) from one pack and put $5,800 still in three packs (held together by the rubber bands) in the paper sack he had brought onboard. He then upon being refused the offer by the crew, rolled up the sack with the three packs and stuffed them in his coat pocket (or somewhere on his body) before the jump. Then the buffeting caused the sack and the Tena money to fly out of his pocket and land near or at Tena's Bar. In the paper sack as protection the Tena money stayed together and could have floated to the place found. The wind from the South East could have blew the sack in the direction of Tena's Bar and even dropped in the Columbia. The sack could of rotted away but did provide protection for the three packs of $20 inside. When found on Tena's Bar, the sack could have been rotted away. Now if this thought is correct, a vector from Tina's Bar in the direction up wind and where it crosses the 727 flight path would be the most likely point of where Cooper left the plane.
Just something to chew on as the group is solving this case and what could have happened. This gets us away from the travel down rivers and up stream on the Columbia by the Tena money.

According to co-pilot Bill Rataczak, Flight 305 was at least ten or more miles EAST of the Interstate 5 freeway. The Tena Bar location is maybe three miles or so WEST of the freeway. This means the money would have had to fall in such a way that it drifted at least 13-20 miles WEST of where Cooper jumped.

I agree with everything you said about the money and the bag, pretty much anyway. But I favor a drift down the river (probably from Paradise Point State Park) or a deliberate trip to the river later to plant the money.

Mr. Blevins, Just who did Rataczak tell that the flight was 10+ miles east of Interstate 5? Some authors and other people report that Rataczak told them otherwise.

And how did Rataczak determine that his flight path was as you have claimed?

Some people on this thread seem unable to understand that claims about the airliner's flight path must be backed up with facts. Times, positions, aircraft headings and speeds, and winds aloft direction and speed must be considered consistently and systematically.

Claims without supporting evidence don't mean anything.

Robert Nicholson

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Again you are off base and have forgotten that I believe the flight path on the Air Chart put together by Sluggo with times on it of 20:14, 20:16, and 20:17 passes to the West of PDX Portland. Much closer than you think to Tena's Bar and a strong wind could have placed it in the Clombia up stream of Tena's Bar so that the current could have delivered the bag of money with the three $20 packs. Sluggo's Air Chart is at www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment
The flotation provided by the bag would be tempory and maybe an experiment could be performed to see how long a paper sack could have provided the flotation.

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Makes you want to Cry? I thought it was gruesome - because you do know Weber claimed to have known Dorthy Killgallen and told me she did NOT kill herself.

Supposedly she stayed in a place he worked at. When she was a guest she wanted her paper delivered to her door. She did NOT want them to leave it outside of the door, but to knock on the door and hand it to her.

If my memory serves me right he was a doorman in this hotel, but I do not really know which one. It could have been one of 2 in CO or in New Orleans. How many other jobs Weber held in Hotels and their locations is unknown to me. He told me which Hotel, but time has taken its toll on some of my memory. I want to say it was the Broadmore or Bourbon New Orleans, but uncertainty leaves me to say "I don't know, anymore".

So many individuals who have died strange deaths and all of them seemed to be linked to each other.

Oswald was supposedly connected to Davie Ferrie.

According to members of Duane's extended family he knew Davie Ferrie and they spent a couple of weeks in an apt. he owned when Weber was on the run from the FBI. I believe I had a problem making the yrs work on this story - but, then again time is robbing my memory.

One of the individuals who told me this story was only 14 when they stayed in New Orleans. She also told me she knew Weber was Cooper and then within a few months she met the same fate as Dorthy Killgallen.

Just more co-incidences! Or are they fabrications? Did this person tell me a lie? She had NO reason to lie. I did not know who Davie Ferrie was when she told me the story. I only learned who Ferrie was since this thread started.

You see there are things I too do not talk about because they seem so far fetched NO ONE would ever believe them - but, most of this story I can prove.

If anyone of you had walked in my shoes for the last 15 yrs and talked to the people I have talked to and been told the stories I have been told - you would either be running scared or fighting the system. I chose to stand up and fight .

Why I have just told this story in its entirety. I did NOT solicit the story the girl told me. I did NOT make the facts fit....they just did.
I do not know if she even realized the story she told me would eventually fit pieces of the puzzle together. I do not know the extent of her education and if she really knew who Ferrie was at that time...one thing for sure I didn't know who Ferrie was when she told me that story.

If none of you ever remember anything I have ever told you - remember this story. I do NOT know what the significance is - but it is NOT very comforting.

Ever Notice that when I make a post like the one above - it is ignored?

Puzzling? Not really, because the truth is stranger than anything anyone could ever make up. All of the above post is FACT.

People ignore them because (a) they discount wild conspiracy theories and more importantly (b) there is no connection to Cooper.

And it is interesting that you say "All of the above post is FACT" when your own post is peppered with "supposedly" this and that, uncertainty as to exactly who what and when. How is that "FACT"???? The absolute hallmark of a conspiracy theory is to present a number of "suppose this" suppose that" "if this because of that" "maybe" and then somehow conclude it all happened and that supports the conspiracy. That is what you've done!!!
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Robert I was told the same thing Blevins was told, only miles was not mentioned....just East of Portland. The objective was to STAY out of populated areas in the event of a disastor because there was supposedly a bomb on board.

The plane crossed the Columbia approximately East of Vancouver and West of Cames...and then made a slight curve East to continue West but did NOT fly over Portland nor was the plane West of the Vector at any time.

Remember I am a layman who knows Nothing about airline terminology so what I was told was kept on my level and very general. This conversation took place between 2004 and 2006. It was BEFORE the co-pilot had his accident...since I was using a cell I have no record to give the exact date of the conversation.

The mention of the plane being West was in a media article and the only source I had found that mentioned this. I believed this to be a media error and why I even mentioned it to the co-pilot. They were very close to Troutdale Airport.

The reason Troutdale came up in the conversation was because Duane had taken me there and he told me a couple of things about the airstrip and the industrial park. We were on OREGON side on our way home (so I thought at that time). Duane again talked about the pipelines and power lines that came over from near the Port of Cames in Washougal -he had pointed them out several days before on our way to Seattle but from the WA side as we went thru Washougal.

You do know that since 1979 when I was there and then when I was there in 2011 - I found the had moved the Port of Cames. This was my first night in Cames and I was very distraught having left St. Helens, OR that morning and exploring I-5 and then to Battleground and 500. It got dark on me and I stopped in Ferndale to go to the bathroom (all they had was an outdoor privey). It was getting dark and I didn't know how from Washougal I was.

My chest and arm was hurting and someone called the police.
As I got to Washougal I was approached with Blue lights for the second time in my life. When the patrol man stopped me I pulled into a well lit public area.

He said one of the Cames employees thought I was in trouble. I explained I was exhausted and that I didn't drive at night and I had NO recent maps of the area (I did NOT explain why I was there and why the maps I had were very old).

I carried these OLD maps so I could filter out the new from the old and ignore the new.

I followed the patrolman to a motel on the Columbia, but I was exhausted. Too exhausted to even go find a place to eat.
That night with a soda and chips for dinner, I went outside in the parking lot to smoke (yes, I occassionally smoke under stress). I just asked the Creator (God) and Duane to guide me and to give me a sign that WHAT I was doing and the money I was spending was NOT for nothing. I went to bed crying and exhausted.

The next moring after having a very ample breakfast I went out that same door to smoke and to decide what I should do that day. I looked up and saw the Power towers - the very same towers Duane had shown me. I ran in and as the desk clerk what was behind the hotel. She told me the Port of Cames and I stated that I thought the Port was East of the Towers. She explained to me they moved the Port after or when they built the new highway.

That was my "signal" on that second night of my venture and part of why I stayed 15 days spending money I did not need to spend. After that I just kept finding more and more of the things and places he took me and showed me - things I had been told by the FBI and JT that did NOT exist - but, they were ALL there. EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM.

I expect it may have been because my memory did not take into consideration time and space between the places Duane took me. My memory was putting all of these things closer together - but, anyone who knew the area would have known the places I described and would not have told me they did NOT exist or that my husband turned me around or have called me a liar.

I left WA and OR after 15 days in Oct of 2011 knowing that I was NOT delusional and I had NOT misremembered the details of the trip and that Duane did NOT lie to me. I knew everything was OKAY with me and with the Creator and each day I learned more and I came home knowing I had found some pieces of the puzzle and with some peace of mind.

I did NOT get to go back to all of the places - I ran out of time and money (also I was only good for about 5 hours everyday) and I tried to make the best of those 5 hours each day except for the 2 days I had a reaction to the cleaning chemicals used and was not able to see well enough to drive...I did manage to change lodging accommodations - when I got me eyes where I felt safe enough to seek other lodging.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Again you are off base and have forgotten that I believe the flight path on the Air Chart put together by Sluggo with times on it of 20:14, 20:16, and 20:17 passes to the West of PDX Portland. Much closer than you think to Tena's Bar and a strong wind could have placed it in the Clombia up stream of Tena's Bar so that the current could have delivered the bag of money with the three $20 packs. Sluggo's Air Chart is at www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment
The flotation provided by the bag would be tempory and maybe an experiment could be performed to see how long a paper sack could have provided the flotation.

well at least you are thinking about it and doing some background work, which is more than most people do - congrats!

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The artist tried to portray the action with the mouth - but, NONE of the witnesses felt it was right - so they used the generic version.

He tired to portray the SLANTING forehead. Depending on the angle one viewed Cooper at - the forehead was different. This is because of the SLANT of the forhead.


Could you elaborate on the exact "action" that was made with his mouth? as well as the "slant" on the forehead?


Action Jo alledges ie Being Angry ................ dont

Its another one of Jo's claims and attempts to invent evidence see her post below along with her original photo composite trying to show Duane's
mouth was Cooper's 'surly' mouth and expression.

In fact, Jo is NOT using the mouth from the original sketch for her demonstration but one she selected from one of her favorite 'remakes'. Jo always rigs
the deck in her favor when she can ... I have posted her composite and the original mouth
from the original sketch in a composite below...

The problem is: the original FBI sketch does not show that angry look Jo claims! The FBI sketch is
neutral. See that original sketch attached.

(portioned edited out for the sake of time and space, but Georger goes on to say the below).

Keep in mind: its a fact the FBi has never released all of the physically defining traits witnesses testified to. All sketches omit those traits. There also are no official side views of Cooper which were released.

NOW let's get Down to the Nitty Gritty Georger.

Have YOU talked to Doug Pasternac? I am sure he has ALL of his notes from that interview with the artist, but he is NOT going to relate it someone on the phone or by email - FACE to FACE. This WAS not made available to the Media - but something I held on to and so did Doug.

The lip Comparisons I used are
the old Rose composites and the Shaffner composite and a prison photo of Duane on intake in
1960. He was not very happy - the lip compares to both old composites. I have pictures of Duane Weber YOU have NOT seen.

Yet, YOU Georger come back with " its a fact the FBI has never released all of the physically defining traits witnesses testified to. All sketches omit those traits. There also are no official side views of Cooper which were released"

Explain yourself here Georger! Explain how and why you could make that statement above I just pasted in RED. You have denied being connected to the FBI or CIA. So how would you be PRIVEY to that infomation. PROVE it just like you and others have asked me to prove this or that about Weber.

Explain to the thread and to the World - WHY the FBI would NOT make or omit physically defining traits regarding the description of Cooper IF they really wanted to catch him. Most important EXPLAIN how you would be privey to that kind of information,

I held on for years waiting for someone just like you to make that kind of statement. Are you a spokesman for the FBI or CIA or some other operative group?
Georger - my roots ARE NOT blonde.

You have belittled me and made fun of me at times - and now I GOTTCHA! I have even waited for sometime since you made the statement to see if you would put the banana in your mouth again. You didn't, but you did NOT go back and delete or edit your post...you thought it would just go away!

Georger - ANSWER the QUESTION and QiUT trying to CHANGE the Subject.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.


Time to get those creative juices flowing and craft a new cover for the anticipated Fourth Revision of ‘Into the Blast’. This appears to take a great deal of time and money so I thought I would invest a little of one and none of the other as a sort of sky geek exercise. I just give and give.

I felt the cover should have an instant impact on the target customer therefore limiting text or multisyllabic words combined with things that blowed up real good.

Additionally I wanted to convey a sense of well being with building stages of dread and fear as the truth is discovered. Parallel to that would be the story structure and how it has withstood time and ‘revised research’. I just hope I have come close to achieving these goals.

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