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DB Cooper

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Blevins Stated:

Your opinion is that it is a bad story. That's your opinion. Others may differ.

It's almost as if you blame me because the Bureau wrote off Weber as a suspect. That's not my fault, and it happened long before the KC story became public.

Jo States:

Now you have me laughing. I have NO opinion about you book because I have NOT read it. All I know is WHAT you POST in this thread and the program I watched on TV you did on Christiansen. Wasn't that Decoded?

How can I blame you for something that has NOT happened? The screen the Mouthpieces read from has an old 1998 statement they read off
regarding Weber and what the results of the DNA indicate.

P.S. Decoded and the other program are 2 different animals.
Surely someone on this thread remembers the other program that Blevins talked about AFTER Decoded.

This was something called Comcast Sports TV and it was supposedly schedule to be done in April. You mentioned me to him and then I contacted you telling you I did NOT want to appear in person, but do the slides and provide the wording to go with them. They did NOT correspond with me so I assumed they were NOT interested. I did break down and do an email and I did not even keep the answer. I assumed they didn't intend to include Weber or they were not going to do the program.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Hi everyone -

I was interviewed by a Japanese TV film crew today. Their show is "Amazing Stories" and has been running for ten years in Japan.

They are doing a one-hour special on DB Cooper. They contacted me after reading a lot of my Cooper writings at the Mountain News magazine and viewed me as a neutral historian - someone who wasn't pushing a suspect or scenario.

I was very impressed with their knowledge of the case. In addition, the producer, who also led the interview, Yuki, is exceptioanlly well read on the case, having read both Himm's and Calame's book.

In fact, they had wanted to interview Russ as well, but their budget wouldn't stretch for a flight to Utah and another day of filming. They were passing up Ralph for reasons they never disclosed.

They got up at 3 am in NYC this morning, flew cross country, filmed "B-roll" stock at Sea-Tac and got to my place by 3 pm. Whew. After about two hours with me, they were off to Portland and Tina's Bar, the Ariel Tavern, Lake Merwin and the Washougal River, which they will film tomorrow.

I thought y'all might be interested in the kinds of questions they asked. I enjoyed it.

Notes: Interview with Japanese TV film crew: “Amazing Stories;” June 2, 2011.

Hi Bruce,

Thanks a lot! I really appreciate it.
I'll call you when we are around. But I guess we'll be there by 2pm.

Here's the list of the questions. Thanks for your patience.

Please let me know if you have any questions, or if there's any questions you don't have answers.

Q1. At the time of the Cooper case, airlines and airports didn't do much to prevent hijackings, such as ID check, security, etc. Why was it?

BAS: Airline execs thought increased security would be bad for business – more expense, increased fear of flying by passengers.

Q2. When Cooper ordered the flight plan to the pilots, he specified that the landing gear remain down, in the takeoff/landing position, and the wing flaps be lowered 15?degrees. What was the reason for that?

BAS: Plane was flying at its slowest speed possible to maximize safety for the jump; hence it needed increased lift. The extension of wing flaps to 15 degrees provided that.

Q3. Cooper opened the aft door of the flight 305 during the flight, and he jamped out of the door. Is it easy or possible to open the door from inside?

BAS: Yup, just lift the lever. But Cooper didn’t know that – one of the few things he didn’t know about jumping out of a 727.

Q4. Why did FBI think Cooper has died?

BAS: From what I gather via Special Agent Larry Carr’s numerous TV appearances and similar sources, the FBI now believes the jump to be very risky – it took place at night, in the rain, wintertime cold, over mountainous terrain, lots of trees, dark, Cooper couldn’t have known exactly where he was, etc. Further, the FBI presently seems to be trying to portray DB Cooper as a fool, i.e.: he was not dressed properly for a jump, e.g.: no boots, loafers, thin coat, probably no goggles or gloves, etc.

Nevertheless, many commandos – especially guys in the US 5th Special Forces from Vietnam – indicated to me the Cooper jump was not only immensely doable – it was done all the time in Vietnam.

Q5. How did FBI profile Cooper?

BAS: Initially as a master criminal. Over time that changed and by Himmelsbach’s retirement, DB was called a sleazy, rotten crook who acted foolishly and probably was a burnt-out ex con with nothing to live for.

More specifically, the FBI thought he was ex-military and probably ex-Airborne because he used the military chute that was provided and not the civilian sport chute.

Now, however, the profile seems to be pretty wide-open.

Q6. Did Cooper leave any physical evidence on the flight?

BAS: Clip-on tie, six cigarette butts, one glass used for his bourbon and water, and the cut-up reserve chute

Q7. What kind of investigation and manhunt did FBI do right after the incident?

BAS: From what is public knowledge, primarily from Tosaw and Himmelsbach’s books, the day-after search was a hybrid affair of local law enforcement, FBI, and borrowed helicopters from timber companies searching in the area around Ariel. Plus, Himmelsbach flew on the flight path from Portland south to Reno. My sense of the ground search in Ariel was that it was rather superficial and not well-organized. I think they were just looking for a parachute, something easy to find, so they just gave everything a quick once-over.

Q8. How did public see Cooper? What did they think about him?

BAS: DB was almost universally perceived as a hero, and he still is. He beat the system, he beat the man. Movie, songs, T-shirts and more. 40 years later, even Japanese TV film crews are talking about DB Cooper!

Q9. Are there any examples of them?
(In Q8, they are expecting answers like, people see him as a hero.)

BAS: Ariel has a festival every year to celebrate DB Cooper. It’s well-attended.

Q10. Do you know the copycat cases that happened in the following year?
(If you have any specific number of the copycat cases in 1972, please include that as well.)

BAS: In his book, Himmelsbach says there were something like 18 more DB Cooper-style skyjackings in the year or two afterwards. Four made it to the ground with their money. One turned himself in after a month on the run, and the rest screwed up once they were on the ground, such as Richard McCoy in Utah. His was a well executed skyjacking but his end-game was poorly planned and performed, which got him arrested a day or so after the skyjacking.

I wouldn’t call them copycats. In my view that is an incorrect perspective. The evidence is quite strong that Richard McCoy was not a copy cat, and in fact was in training for the jump before Cooper’s skyjacking. According to Richard Tosaw in his book, McCoy began advanced skydiving training in the early fall of 1971. McCoy also had a PTSD experience during that time, which landed him in a hospital – however, he was released after a few days and returned to work. I wonder if the hospitalization was related to the skyjacking preparation.

Q11. Why does Mrs. Jo Weber believe that her husband, Duane Weber, was Cooper?

BAS: As I understand Jo Weber’s story, in 1995 her husband Duane confessed from his hospital bed, about five days before he died of kidney disease. Jo’s been on a quest ever since and has found circumstantial evidence, such as Duane’s writings in the margins of books about DB Cooper. Most notably, she had an extraordinary road trip with him in the fall of 1979 through the areas of Portland and the Columbia River that convinced her Duane was Cooper. In fact, Jo claims that at one point Duane told her that a particular trail near Lake Camas in Washington is where DB Cooper came out of the woods. She says that when she challenged Duane as to how he knew that, he replied, “Maybe I was his ground man.”

At the same time, Duane also threw a bag of unknown contents in the Columbia River - five months later the ransom money was found six miles downstream at Tina's Bar. Jo thinks that maybe Duane threw the ransom money into the river.

Q12. Why did FBI rule out Duane Weber?

BAS: It is my understanding that they have conclusively ruled out Duane Weber based on DNA.

Q13. Why did FBI suspected Richard McCoy as Cooper?

BAS: Many in the FBI felt that Mc Coy was Cooper in the months after McCoy’s skyjacking. Russ Calame and Bernie Rhodes, in their book, DB Cooper – the Real McCoy, indicate there are many compelling pieces of evidence to draw that conclusion. Most notably are the credit card receipts for gas the day of the skyjacking, and a collect call on Thanksgiving Day, the day after the Cooper skyjacking – all from Las Vegas. It blows McCoy’s alibi that he was home having T-Day dinner with his family. Why the Seattle office of the FBI believes McCoy’s alibi, I have no idea. But Calame didn’t buy it and still doesn’t – nor does Himmelsbach, one of many aspects of the case in which Ralph disagrees with the established FBI perspective. Ralph also disagrees with the current view on the flight path, the wind direction and speed, and a few other things.

Also, McCoy conducted himself in a similar fashion to Cooper. They both used FAA small plane flight plans as paper to send their instructions to the cockpit during the skyjackings despite the fact that the use of this stationery was not made public by the FBI after Cooper’s skyjacking.

Also, McCoy and Cooper both sat in identical seats relative to the size of the plane – McCoy’s was a newer and longer 727 than Cooper’s, so that they had an optimized view of the activities on the ground during the transition phase of the skyjacking, particularly the loading of fuel and the position of the fuel trucks. Both Cooper and McCoy orchestrated their operations in a very similar manner.

Q14. Voulunteer team, including Mr. Tom Kaye, has been working on the scientific research on this case, especially the bills found at the river bank in 1980. What kind of conclusion/persumption do they have?

BAS: Tom Kaye and the Citizens Sleuth Team worked with Larry Carr on the case and investigated in some very creative and innovative ways, such as trying to determine the biological signatures of the ransom bills found at Tina’s Bar. What creeks and rivers did those bills pass through, if any? Were there any diatoms on them, or other aquatic creatures, that would suggest where the money had spent the previous 8.5 years?

Also, Kaye looked at the pollen on the tie, again, to see where the tie had been. The CST also investigated the ransom money, determining that the rubber bands could not have stayed intact around the money for the eight years. Also, they determined, as I understand it, that the black discoloration of the money was from the sliver nitrate the FBI used in searching for fingerprints. Why the FBI hadn’t made that information known prior, I don’t know.

However, I have not seen or heard any definitive conclusions, or a written report, from Kaye or the CST. When I last asked Tom about his pollen findings he said he needed more time, and he had already been on the hunt for over a year. I had asked him a year ago, so, Kaye’s had the stuff for two years or so. I don’t know what’s going on.

Q15. How did FBI get the partial DNA from clip-on tie? From what, from which part of the tie, etc.

BAS: It is my understanding that the DNA samples are from epithelial cells found on the clip. I believe they are finger tip skin cells. I got that from Larry Carr, the case agent a few years back.

However, Carr acknowledged to me that the FBI doesn’t know for sure that these cells came from DB Cooper’s fingers. They could be somebody else’s, too.

Further, the tie is a suspect piece of evidence. Calame says in his book that none of the FBI agents gathering evidence in Reno saw the tie, nor did they collect it. In addition, Calame writes that the tie did not enter the evidentiary collection in Seattle until four days after the skyjacking, so where was the tie during those four days? Plus, it has been handled by many agents in the past forty years who had no knowledge of how to protect it from microscopic skin cell contamination.

Is it possible to conduct a reasonable DNA matching test with the sample?

(See above)

In addition, I have quick questions about Tina Bar.
Would it be possible to film the sign of Tina Bar without entering the property?
Do you know the specific place of the sign?

BAS: The sign is on the river bank, far from the road. You’d have to get permission from the Fazio’s to enter their property and head on down to the river. I spoke with Al last week and he told me the Columbia is at flood stage and the water is up to the top of its banks. He feels it is too dangerous to go there and film.

However, you can go the County Park a few miles from the Fazio’s, Frenchman’ Bar, and take pix of the Columbia from there safely.

Many thanks,

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Georger says:


'So what explains the paucity (outright obtuseness)
of your "25-reasons" and the fact you wont discuss

Is it just the introduction to the case, and a real
book, you intend to produce, someday?'

Which reason in particular? I gave twenty-five of them, although it could be thirty or so.

I previously posted a point-by-point (reason-by-
reason) reply to your 25-reasons, socalled. You
bypassed it three times and never responded at all.
Now you come back with this obscure "reply" above.
You obviously dont wish to discuss anything but
disgress off into smart-ass remarks which have
nothing to do with anything, as usual.

You might as well have replied to me: When will you
stop beating your dog?". That would be as relevant
as anything you've ever said so far.

But I will say it again, Sam.

My broad critique is that many of your 25 "reasons"
are not reasons at all (about anything) but just
editorial statements. Do you know the difference?
At this juncture I dont think you do, or your whole
tactic is denial and to hell with ever discussing
anything (like an adult). I dont understand why you
bothere to reply at all? Are you trying to educate me
about something?

When I subtract what are editorial statements (and
not reasons) from your reasons list of 25, it comes
down to four or five "reasons" which may or may not
be well founded, and I dont think anything you have
said on the whole KC topic is well researched or well-
founded commentary. And I don;t think you know
the difference or care. I am not the first to make
this criticism of you, and I won;t be the last.

"My aunt likes strawberry jam", is not a reason!
"Geestman is a liar" is not a reason. Its an
editorial statement. That is what I mean
by "reasons" vs "editorialism" on your part.
Editorials don't belong in a list of "reasons",
be it yours or anyone elses. And at this late date,
Blevins, I literally have decided you dont know the
difference, are in denial, or will not discuss the
difference between reasons vs editorialism, in any
event. You refuse to admit there is any distinction
at all! You won't even discuss it. You wont even do
me the courtesy of using the words back to me,
when I say it. It's all you and you and you and what
you want to say. Me me me!

Have it your way.

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Also, McCoy conducted himself in a similar fashion to Cooper. They both used FAA small plane flight plans as paper to send their instructions to the cockpit during the skyjackings despite the fact that the use of this stationery was not made public by the FBI after Cooper’s skyjacking.

I was unaware of this Bruce. If true it would sure be relevant to the question of whether DBC and McCoy were the same person. Your source? Is it from the Real McCoy book?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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377 opined:

“Blevins seems to attract vitriol and spite here in a quantity and intensity disproportional to whatever imagined or real transgressions he makes.”

I guess I don’t have a scale to suggest. Any ideas 377? Accuracy and honesty?

This is too complex for my tiny, warped noodle to figure out. It all seems so freaky and weird every time I try to find ANY source or reference because it is almost like someone may be just a little bit less than genuine.

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I give Blevins more slack than Georger, Farflung and Jo do because he has always said KC=DBC is a theory and admits that he has not proved it. I disagree with a lot of his conclusions but he did do a lot of feet on the ground investigation of a DBC suspect and that has some merit. His book and TV work keeps public interest in DBC alive and that's a good thing. Somewhere sometime someone might be watching that TV rerun and remember a critical fact that could lead to IDing DBC. Perhaps a car was abandoned, a tenant never returned, a relative went missing right after NORJACK or something similar. Keeping the DBC pot stirred up has value of it's own and Blevins has done some serious stirring.

Meanwhile, while we squabble and speculate, Bruce connects with some TV journalists from Japan and gives a decent interview. Bruce Smith, Robert Blevins, Sluggo, Galen Cook and a few others have actually travelled, investigated, interviewed etc. That distinguishes them from me and others who don't go beyond a keyboard.

How about giving Blevins some slack? I don't think he deserves all the hostility and sarcasm he receives here. I've taken some shots at him but they haven't been character assassinations.

His $2.99 book pricing tells me that he isn't being driven by money here. He responds civilly to uncivil attacks. He admits that he can't absolutely prove his theory. He admits errors when they are brought to his attention. So why slam him so hard?

No, I am not his publicist or handler.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I can see now that the goal was never accuracy associated with validated research which is cross checked by a group with various skills but simply a publicity ploy to keep the DB Cooper name in the ‘spotlight’.

I for one certainly had it wrong and 100% wrong at that. No wonder there is such titanic resistance to technical details like operating the aft stairs, seeing people at 10,000 feet MSL and dropping the gear to slow the plane. None if it mattered and never has.

By Jo harping on the FBI not investigating properly and offering one conspiracy after another to this information gumbo, also keeps the Cooper name in the spotlight and should not be challenged.

Bigfoot is certainly in good company along with the UFO spotters and the Kennedy (JFK and RFK) conspiracy buffs and should be referenced and associated with this thread as long as they can stir interest somewhere on the planet.

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[Blevins seems to attract vitriol and spite here in a quantity and intensity disproportional to whatever imagined or real transgressions he makes. He only has a theory, not a solved case, by his own words. To me, that makes him a benign presence. I don't get all worked up about him or KC.


Incidentally I use slideshows when I give presentations. 99% of the talks and presentations I attend also use slideshows. I can state categorically the idea did not come from Jo Cooper.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Bigfoot is certainly in good company along with the UFO spotters and the Kennedy (JFK and RFK) conspiracy buffs and should be referenced and associated with this thread as long as they can stir interest somewhere on the planet.

You nailed me Farflung. I like Coast to Coast AM and although I absolutely do not believe ETs have ever visited Earth I have a lot of UFO books and am one of the few people who has read the USAF's Condon Report cover to cover. I have books about alien abductions, Lee Harvey Oswald, crop circles and the like. Its just a fetsih I guess because I am a dyed in the wool skeptic who believes that the laws of physics have no criminals.

The difference between DBC and UFOs is that DBC was a real person and the skyjacking was a real event. The event was not the product of hallucinations, misperceptions or faked evidence. There is a big diff bewteen looking for ET and looking for DBC. Stirring the pot does have value in unsolved cold case crimes.

Doesn't it sound really unlikely that Cooper and McCoy would use FAA flight plan stationary to relay messages to the cockpit? I am not a pilot. What are these forms and how are they obtained? I thought flight plans for general aviation planes were mostly submitted by phone or radio in 71.

Has it been verified that both Cooper and McCoy used these unique forms for their notes? If so maybe we ought to be reexamining the DBC=McCoy theory.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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As 377 asks in a post above, where did the FAA flight plan forms come from? A commerical airliner in revenue service is "dispatched" by an individual authorized by the airline to do so. A dispatcher must be FAA rated.

These "small airplane FAA flight plan forms", as you call them, would have no use in normal airline service. So why were they on NWA 305 in the first place?

You are right about the current flooding around Portland and Vancouver. The Columbia River's water level gage in that area is on the Vancouver side of the river and just a few hundred feet east of the Interstate 5 bridge.

Yesterday afternoon, the water level was 17.2 feet (above sea level) with the flood stage being 16.0 feet. This means that the Fazio's probably have water at their doorstep. The highest elevation on the Fazio property is probably only about 20 feet.

In addition, water is currently being released by the Grand Coulee dam in order to make room in their reservoir for the spring mountain snow melt. This means that the Columbia River is going to have flood conditions along its entire length.

Robert Nicholson

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Also, McCoy conducted himself in a similar fashion to Cooper. They both used FAA small plane flight plans as paper to send their instructions to the cockpit during the skyjackings despite the fact that the use of this stationery was not made public by the FBI after Cooper’s skyjacking.

I was unaware of this Bruce. If true it would sure be relevant to the question of whether DBC and McCoy were the same person. Your source? Is it from the Real McCoy book?


Bruce makes other citations which may be factually wrong.

So many historical experts - so little time!

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Doesn't it sound really unlikely that Cooper and McCoy would use FAA flight plan stationary to relay messages to the cockpit? I am not a pilot. What are these forms and how are they obtained? I thought flight plans for general aviation planes were mostly submitted by phone or radio in 71.

What is "FAA Flight Plan Stationary"? Have Farflung
or Robert ever seen such stationary, or anyone else,
whatever Bruce is talking about?

In case you forget we already had testimony on
the paper Cooper used for his notes.

Smith's allegation is brand new.

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I was reading a beautiful review of ‘Into the Blast’ which I felt represented an opus magnum of just what the 21st century is shaping up to become. Empty platitudes of multi syllabic non-diction that are really, really nice.


Gosh I sure like Janet and her niceness (see attached). I think Blevins should invite her to this forum to share insights and spread the interest in solving DB Cooper. Don’t you think that would be a nice thing for Blevins to do 377? It sure would be nice to have a fresh voice that could speak without prejudice, vitriol or bias and be nice.

The analysis shows just how neutral the review appears when made analogous to an un-emotive subject like a restaurant. A restaurant that serves ice cream, ice cream 377….. children’s ice cream.


It’s incredibly obvious isn’t it?

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Doesn't it sound really unlikely that Cooper and McCoy would use FAA flight plan stationary to relay messages to the cockpit? I am not a pilot. What are these forms and how are they obtained? I thought flight plans for general aviation planes were mostly submitted by phone or radio in 71.

What is "FAA Flight Plan Stationary"? Have Farflung
or Robert ever seen such stationary, or anyone else,
whatever Bruce is talking about?

In case you forget we already had testimony on
the paper Cooper used for his notes.

Smith's allegation is brand new.


This information comes from Calame's book.

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Doesn't it sound really unlikely that Cooper and McCoy would use FAA flight plan stationary to relay messages to the cockpit? I am not a pilot. What are these forms and how are they obtained? I thought flight plans for general aviation planes were mostly submitted by phone or radio in 71.

What is "FAA Flight Plan Stationary"? Have Farflung
or Robert ever seen such stationary, or anyone else,
whatever Bruce is talking about?

In case you forget we already had testimony on
the paper Cooper used for his notes.

Smith's allegation is brand new.


This information comes from Calame's book.

Ok so tell us what "FAA Flight Plan Stationary" is.


Dec 27, 2008, 1:24 AM
Post #6585 of 23799 (4654 views)
Copy Shortcut
Registered: Mar 30, 2008
Posts: 4497

cooper didn't write on ticket, right? [In reply to] Can't Post

georger said:

His writing on the ticket does not appear abnormal in size or slant or structure, in fact very simple and without telltale visual issues.


I'm pretty sure we know Cooper didn't write on the ticket?
(that was the ticket agent)

There are no samples of Cooper's writing.
We also don't know if the note was handwritten or typed. There are some claims in some articles, but Ckret has never confirmed?

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Doesn't it sound really unlikely that Cooper and McCoy would use FAA flight plan stationary to relay messages to the cockpit? I am not a pilot. What are these forms and how are they obtained? I thought flight plans for general aviation planes were mostly submitted by phone or radio in 71.

What is "FAA Flight Plan Stationary"? Have Farflung
or Robert ever seen such stationary, or anyone else,
whatever Bruce is talking about?

In case you forget we already had testimony on
the paper Cooper used for his notes.

Smith's allegation is brand new.

Georger, You can Goggle "FAA Flight Plan Form" and download a copy of FAA Form 7233-1 (8-82) where the "8-82" means that the form was approved for FAA use in August 1982.

For general aviation purposes, this form only has to be filed for IFR flight operations and as otherwise required. I am not aware of any reason why this form would be on a commercial airliner.

The commercial airliners were formally dispatched using other forms. If you flew the airlines in the 1970s, you probably noticed that at the end of the passenger loading the gate agent or someone else would walk on board, hand a flight attendant some paperwork which she promptly took to the cockpit, then step out of the airplane and help close the cabin door. At that point, your flight was on its merry way.

Robert Nicholson

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Doesn't it sound really unlikely that Cooper and McCoy would use FAA flight plan stationary to relay messages to the cockpit? I am not a pilot. What are these forms and how are they obtained? I thought flight plans for general aviation planes were mostly submitted by phone or radio in 71.

What is "FAA Flight Plan Stationary"? Have Farflung
or Robert ever seen such stationary, or anyone else,
whatever Bruce is talking about?

In case you forget we already had testimony on
the paper Cooper used for his notes.

Smith's allegation is brand new.

Georger, You can Goggle "FAA Flight Plan Form" and download a copy of FAA Form 7233-1 (8-82) where the "8-82" means that the form was approved for FAA use in August 1982.

For general aviation purposes, this form only has to be filed for IFR flight operations and as otherwise required. I am not aware of any reason why this form would be on a commercial airliner.

The commercial airliners were formally dispatched using other forms. If you flew the airlines in the 1970s, you probably noticed that at the end of the passenger loading the gate agent or someone else would walk on board, hand a flight attendant some paperwork which she promptly took to the cockpit, then step out of the airplane and help close the cabin door. At that point, your flight was on its merry way.

Robert Nicholson

Where (and why) would McCoy have obtained the
form to be writing his hijacking notes on it - likewise
Cooper if it's true?

Sluggo must be choking reading this - its brand new?


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Farfllung, your annotated review had me LOL, really.

Keep up the good work.

... and speaking of Dr. Stranglove, you are a lot closer to being Slim Pickens than I will ever be.

Did bomber pilots have nicknames stenciled on their helmets like fighter pilots do? What was yours? Don't tell me it was Farflung, that isn't manly enough and I will know you are lieing.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Georger, Sluggo has pictures of these notes on his web page. It looks like all of them were written on 2x3 or 4x6 plain paper.

It also looks like someone in the cockpit did all the writing since such remarks as "Tina called" indicate that Tina did not do the writing.

Could one of the other flight attendants have been in the cockpit doing the writing and talking to Tina on the intercom? Otherwise, one of the flight crew would have to do the writing.

Robert Nicholson

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Georger, Sluggo has pictures of these notes on his web page. It looks like all of them were written on 2x3 or 4x6 plain paper.

It also looks like someone in the cockpit did all the writing since such remarks as "Tina called" indicate that Tina did not do the writing.

Could one of the other flight attendants have been in the cockpit doing the writing and talking to Tina on the intercom? Otherwise, one of the flight crew would have to do the writing.

Robert Nicholson

No, those are the cockpit notes written by Scott
and maybe one or two by Tina?

What Bruce (and evidently Calame) are talking about
is the original note(s) McCoy and Cooper handed
the stews, which alerted them to a hijacking.

If I understand what Bruce is saying, Cooper's
original note given Flo was written over an FAA
Flight Plan form of some kind ?

Bruce is saying this information is in Calame's book.

I might as well add I literally just spoke with
someone who has talked to Calame numerous
times, and this matter of an FAA Form never came
up, Calame never has mentioned this, and my
friend says it is untrue that Cooper's note was
on some FAA form, but only on a white piece of
paper ... so far as my friend knows. My friend says
that in all of his conversations with Calame this
has never come up.

That is all I know .

I wish Bruce would surface with the passages from
Calame's book which Bruce thinks support his
contention? It can't be more than a couple of
sentences, can it?

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‘The Real McCoy’-Pages 14 and 58 mention the notes typed on ‘Federal Aviation Flight Plan Forms’.

I have no idea what those could be other than the boilerplates Robert99 mentioned.

These forms are in reference to McCoy’s hijacking and not Cooper’s.

How did this 40 year old story manage evolve to this point?


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Doesn't it sound really unlikely that Cooper and McCoy would use FAA flight plan stationary to relay messages to the cockpit? I am not a pilot. What are these forms and how are they obtained? I thought flight plans for general aviation planes were mostly submitted by phone or radio in 71.

Doesn't anyone remember that Cooper RETREIVED his only NOTE from Florence Shaffner and that the Stewardess wrote the notes sent to the Crew up front.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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‘The Real McCoy’-Pages 14 and 58 mention the notes typed on ‘Federal Aviation Flight Plan Forms’.

I have no idea what those could be other than the boilerplates Robert99 mentioned.

These forms are in reference to McCoy’s hijacking and not Cooper’s.

That is exactly what my source for Calame says:

It refers to McCoy's hijacking but has nothing to do with Cooper's.

Pending further clarification(s) from someone ...

Maybe Bruce will quote the passages when he gets time?

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There is STILL a lot of snow in the mountains. We have had 1 70 degree day here so far this year... BUT warmer weather is finally breaking out. I was up on Mt Baker Ski Area last Saturday... and there was at least 15 to 20 ft of wet packed snow at Heather Meadows..approx 4500 ft on a 10,781 ft mountain

It was a VERY good snow year in the high country.


As all that melts.... the water is going to get high.


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