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DB Cooper

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Your statement "My nick name for much of my adult life was Pete, not Dan." Brings up the question that you do not remember in 1961 when you stayed at my house in Seattle for one month, that I called you Dan as it was easy for me to remember rather than Sheridan. Possibly I am the only one to call you Dan.
Anyway, good to see you posting again and possibly with your expertise you can shed some light on some of the questions that are still not answered.
The four parachutes had only two of interest to DB. The NB6 military issue and the Sport Chute, both back-type. The FBI would like us in the DropZone to believe that DB did not know what he was doing in taking and using the NB6. I believe the choice shows how smart and clever DB was in that he wanted to get down quickly and not be discovered. The Sport Chute would have had a 14 mph forward speed that would have been a killer in dropping into trees at night. The Sports Chute also would have been much easier to spot with its bright colors and float down slowly. The NB6 would have blended into the color of the clouds and dropped quickly. That is why the military use the round NB6 chutes.
So Pete, what is your take on the selection of chute? Do you buy the FBI story or was DB much more clever than they will admit?

Sailshaw, Where are you coming from? What difference does the color of the parachute make on a dark night with several cloud layers and a total overcast? And where did you get the idea that a 1970 era sports chute had a forward speed of 14 MPH?

Coming down fast and coming down slow? I think most parachutists in the early 1970s would vote for the parachute that came down "slow" or at least "slower". Have you made any jumps yourself?

Only Cooper knows why he selected the NB6.

Robert Nicholson

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So pattern recognition worked? Nahhhhhh, this person says they are Sheridan and is being really nice so it would be unfair to pry or probe for proof or validation. You bought the ticket, now take the ride.

But…… in spite of long standing traditions against the afore mentioned I think skyjack71 deserves recognition. For tuning into something very quickly and offering sources and examples even if there may be many. It certainly shifts the curve from the standard value of near zero.

For setting this unique example I created the ‘One with a Clue’ award for skyjack71. You’re welcome.
It sure would be easier (as well as pee my pants funny) if someone would simply register as ‘Dan Cooper’ and make a post claiming to be DB. I know, too weird and freaky.

Snowmman would have had his BS-o-meter operating at an ‘eleven’ or at the very least enjoy a good laugh.

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So pattern recognition worked? Nahhhhhh, this person says they are Sheridan and is being really nice so it would be unfair to pry or probe for proof or validation. You bought the ticket, now take the ride.

But…… in spite of long standing traditions against the afore mentioned I think skyjack71 deserves recognition. For tuning into something very quickly and offering sources and examples even if there may be many. It certainly shifts the curve from the standard value of near zero.

For setting this unique example I created the ‘One with a Clue’ award for skyjack71. You’re welcome.
It sure would be easier (as well as pee my pants funny) if someone would simply register as ‘Dan Cooper’ and make a post claiming to be DB. I know, too weird and freaky.

Snowmman would have had his BS-o-meter operating at an ‘eleven’ or at the very least enjoy a good laugh.

Good One - Hey! I lliked it and it made me laugh. Needed that.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jeez Louise, Jo. take a breath. Before you run him off at least let the man take his hat off. [:/]

BTW.....good to see you've learned how to search for old posts.

Really did NOT learn to search, but I got lucky on that one - everything was in one place.

I have had an INTERESTING evening. In fact an unbelievable 2 hours.

During a coversation with a gentleman - I asked him about the Fountainblue ( I do not know how to spell it any more).

The conversation that ensued had me glue on his every word. Wish I had been able to record it and I cannot spell or pronounce some of the names. I am not even sure what any of it means and I won't even try to relate it in the thread - I would really sound stupid, but I would like to talk to someone about it.

John Collins was in Miami during the 60's and the names I have run by the FBI and others over the yrs....are real. Will it prove Duane was Cooper - No, but I really need to discuss these things with someone. Names I told the FBI about - people Duane knew - he really did know them and knew them well...how and why if he was not involved in something "strange". Duane received a paycheck from one of the individuals (which the FBI had knowledge of if they investigated Duane's past). There was a W-2 from one of these guys who lived in the Miami area and the so called business address was out of Arkansas if I remember correctly without pulling files.

Absolutely no way I could possible relate this in the thread but Duane had ties to the Fountainblue...and to "individuals" in the area. Farflung - to borrow your expression I have not heard in a long time "Jeeze Louise" what the hell did I step into today?

The FBI probably would NOT even take my phone call if I did call them, but I really need to talk to someone about this.

Who can research the name Ray Griffin? This was NOT the only name, but the one I can prove a connection to in Black and White.
Our trip to Miami has always haunted me and Duane's OBVIOUS connection to certain individuals while we were there.

The woman by the name of J. Meier (correct spelling) and that darn Yacht we went out on...and the owner or manager of the Fountainblue during the 80's. Things I personally witnessed regarding Duane Weber or John Collins. All I can say is what I have said before, but now I know there was more to this and the FBI did NOT acknowledge this or they just plain MISSED it because they didn't feel it had anything to do with Cooper.

Please NOTE that Cooper was NOT part of this conversation and the person had NO idea why I was glued to his every word or why I asked so many questions.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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The night was dark if you believe DB jumped at Amboy as the FBI would suggest. However, jumping close to Vancouver, Portland, or PDX Portland would have a lot of light. Also, DB made his selection when there was daylight and had no idea it would be after 8:00 pm Check out the 5 mph slip speed of a round chute and compare it to the 14 mph of a sports chute. Some of our experts can verify or dispute this info. Would you want to jump into a forest with the higher forward speed. I don't think so and that is why the military and smoke jumpers use the round chutes. I am not a jumper, just a pilot. "Who would want to leap out of a perfectly good airplane." An old joke.

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Konnichiwa, Bruce. And gozaimasu to you on the interview.

I don't have a problem with people on this thread questioning the legitimacy of my posts. However, sometimes I have questions as well.

I am reasonably familiar with Japanese television programming.

After an extensive search, I find absolutely NOTHING regarding a current TV series in Japan (either in Kanji or English) that even makes a reference to the series you mentioned, i.e. 'Amazing Stories'. And you say that this series is now in its tenth year, but there doesn't seem to be a website for it, or any references to it on either Japanese internet, or the internet in general. There are no listings for this show on what passes for a 'TV Guide' in Japan, either. The only reference at all belongs to the American series from the 80's.

Just saying. I would appreciate a response to this. I could be wrong, but I would like to see proof.

Arrigato, Robert for your kind words.

The lady told me she was filming a piece for "Amazing Stories" and that it was a show that has been running for ten years. Maybe I got bamboozled.

Maybe it was a fake interview! Maybe it was two folks who want to know all I know about the DB Cooper case and just can't get enough reading the Mountain News and the DZ. Maybe they are fans who wanted to spend a few hours with their beloved, but didn't have the courage to just ask me for an audience?

I don't know, Robert. I just don't know.

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The night was dark if you believe DB jumped at Amboy as the FBI would suggest. However, jumping close to Vancouver, Portland, or PDX Portland would have a lot of light. Also, DB made his selection when there was daylight and had no idea it would be after 8:00 pm Check out the 5 mph slip speed of a round chute and compare it to the 14 mph of a sports chute. Some of our experts can verify or dispute this info. Would you want to jump into a forest with the higher forward speed. I don't think so and that is why the military and smoke jumpers use the round chutes. I am not a jumper, just a pilot. "Who would want to leap out of a perfectly good airplane." An old joke.

Sailshaw, When Cooper hijacked the airplane, it was almost exactly 3:00 PM PST and he demanded that the money be ready by 5:00 PM PST. Unfortunately for your theory, sunset in Seattle that evening was about 4:45 PM. So Cooper had to know it would be after sunset before he could possibly be airborne again with the money.

You apparently don't seem to understand that the weather in the Portland area at the time of the jump consisted of several cloud layers plus a complete overcast. Cooper could not see even the lights of Portland when he jumped. Regardless of the parachute's color, it would not be overly visible to anyone who happened to be on the ground and looking up.

The forward speed of a 1971 era "sports parachute" was only on the order of 5 MPH. But that wouldn't be of any particular help to Cooper since he couldn't see where he would be landing in the first place.

As far as landing in trees, the only thing Cooper could do is keep his feet and knees together and put his arms up to protect his face and head.

Robert Nicholson

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Konnichiwa, Bruce. And gozaimasu to you on the interview.

Just saying. I would appreciate a response to this. I could be wrong, but I would like to see proof.-

Found this in about two seconds on google. Could this be the same show?
On Youtube also.


Once again, Smokin' you deliver.

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lol...whether there's a tv show or not....gotta admit that guy in the face painting video is pretty cool to watch. :)

They contacted me through Sluggo, but supposedly told Bruce that I would not give them the rights to any photos. I did NOT tell them that - I agreed to give them more than they had just as long as they were ACCURATE in what they said about WEBER. Look at Wikepeda - that is NOT accurate, but I can't change it..because I don't know how to make the references they require. Things Bruce said are not accurate about Weber either. Belvins references his BOOK? What could I do that I could reference, probabley the only place I have ever been able to tell most of the story has been at Dropzone.com. All the other subjects have book references that are fiction and with authors promoting their subject - HOW objective is that.

All I asked for was for them to run what they were going to say about Weber and let me proof it for ACCURACY - not he said and she said nor would I change anything unless it was absurdly inaccurate. Such as Weber confessed on his death bed 5 days before he died (How Many times to I have to tell people it was 11 DAYS before he died) and he was not on drugs during that entire time. Remember he was hiding the morphine tablets in his pillow and stupid me told the nurses - yet, when I found them he told me we had to go for a ride and he had something he had to talk to me about.

Well, when I told the nurses he wasn't taking his pills they checked his mouth and then put a patch on him and he was gone in 48 hours. I guess he wasn't dieing fast enough for them. Stupid me didn't realize what they were doing.

I am sad and tired tonight - Too much Crap! The FBI is crappy and life is crappy....why can't anyone get the facts about the crime straight and keep them straight.


I am carving "11 Days" into my desk top, Jo, so that I never make this mistake again!


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I wish Bruce would surface with the passages from
Calame's book which Bruce thinks support his
contention? It can't be more than a couple of
sentences, can it?


What I referenced I got straight from Calame and Rhodes' book, pages 155-162, where they list the top 23 parallels between Danny B and Richard Floyd.

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Here's my own experience with Bruce Smith:

He called our office in Auburn and represented himself as being with a newspaper in Pierce County, WA. I found out later he was only an occasional free-lancer for them and at the time he interviewed me over the phone, he was no longer with them anyway. So he lied about that.

Then...when I wouldn't answer some of his questions, he posted the entire so-called 'interview' at Dropzone and blasted me about it. His main complaint was that I refused to give him the true names of the witnesses used in our book Into The Blast. I tried to explain to him that legal ramifications made this impossible. Later, the History Channel revealed their true names anyway, but he wasn't listening. He was simply pissed off I wouldn't just hand out sensitive information to a guy I didn't know and had never met in person.

After that, I blocked his email address from my Gmail. I'm going to go out on a limb here. I believe his story about the interview with 'Amazing Stories' is either completely false, or he's been had. Take your pick.


Now you are lying Roberto-san. As we have discussed here before, I was a full-time freelancer with the Dispatch, from Nov 2006 until September, 2010, writing nearly 1,000 stories for them.

As for your other characterizations of my actions, why do you smear me? Have I smeared you? You get a rough ride here, Robert, but not from me.

By the way, I have been contacted about covering your possible gig in Graham. I have declined.

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Also, DB made his selection when there was daylight and had no idea it would be after 8:00 pm

There is some merit in what you say -n the second
part, but as to selecting a route he had no way of
knowing and did not know, which route they were
taking, except by visual cues on the ground if there
were any.

As to after 8:00pm, it does appear his schedule,
if he had one, got screwed up. We covered this
ground here years ago. What botched any schedule
was the long wasted period in the air waiting for
things to be delivered, then what some say was an
intentional stall at SEA (the fueling snafu). Cooper
got very aggitated and finally demanded the plane
get airborn. Any 'schedule' was probably fouled up
by that point, but the precise route 305 would take
south was never disclosed to Cooper. BTW, normal turn around time for the 727 refueling was less
than 30 minutes.

If Cooper id'd Tacoma from the air and knew the
area from the air, perhaps he did find a few visual
cues along the way. He does appear to have waited
before bailing, maybe ?

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I wish Bruce would surface with the passages from
Calame's book which Bruce thinks support his
contention? It can't be more than a couple of
sentences, can it?


What I referenced I got straight from Calame and Rhodes' book, pages 155-162, where they list the top 23 parallels between Danny B and Richard Floyd.

How big a deal would it be to post the sentences?
GYNORMOUS, I guess. Forget it.

What you say is out of synch with Calame himself.
I talked to his friend ...

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So interesting. Just out of curiosity I Googled my name and was amazed. Page upon page of all sorts of information about me. Some was quite flattering. For a lonely old geezer it was inspiring. However I was stunned to find out that people were reading my book, The Idiot's Frightful Laughter. How could this have happened? Several years ago I was quite chagrin to learn that Bruce Smith had phoned my brother and crazy sister-in-law and printed their conversation on the site. So shocking.

I several interesting tales that occurred to me the other day, but I'll save them until later.

My nick name for much of my adult life was Pete, not Dan. It's interesting that so many people still imagine that D.B. Cooper is still alive. I thought that I solved that issue.

I sent an email the other day to the drop zone in Cloverdale about 16 miles from here. They are a bit dubious about letting an 85 year old geezer make a jump and I sure and hell am not going to make a tandom. Well, I am a bit hesitant having osteperosis.

Carr and Smith are FBI I assume.

Enough said.



Welcome back, Pete. So glad to see you are still on the planet, and poking your nose into the this little Cooper soiree online.

I'd love to continue our conversation and email correspondence. May I call and write?

By, the way, Bull Dog Pete, I am not FBI, nor any other kind of law enforcement or intel guy. I am very much what I say I am, a reporter, and now the publisher of the Mountain News, a new gig after my exalted career at the Dispatch came to an abrupt end last September.

But, Pete, even if I was FBI, why can't we talk? You talked with Mary Jane Fryar for hours, and she told me you were the most fascinating suspect she'd ever interviewed during her FBI career. Hey, man, I'd love to listen to your stories, too!

Also, Pete, your old buddy from the U District, "Bob," has his knickers in a super twist over you being DBC. I hope you have a chat or two with him and give him some peace of mind.

As for posting my interview with your brother, I ask your forgiveness. I shouldn't have done that, and these days I don't. In my defense, I didn't know who I was dealing with exactly. Most of what I knew about you I gathered from your postings on the Internet, so that makes you a public figure in my eyes. Further, when I called you, you hung up on me and said you weren't Sheridan Peterson - at least that's what I thought happened. Maybe the guy I spoke with wasn't you, so again, if I'm wrong here I apologize.

But in the communciations we have had, I find you a cagey guy and you don't always play it straight with me, in my view. That's why I posted about your family.

Pete, I'm just looking for an honet, open conversation. If you want it off-the-record, we can talk about that. I'm flexible.

You up for a visit? An in-person interview? A phone call to start things off? Emails?

I'm up for the whole story: Your father, WWII, Vietnam, Mississippi, Nepal, the Philippines, China, Saudi, PNG, skydiving at 85, teaching Kangaroos how to write English, even.


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Another post by Sheridan replying to Snowmman. You see why I think Bulldog is an imposture - OUR Sheridan had already addressed this in the past and Bulldog just does NOT sound like Sheridan - note the difference in the use of the English language. I know the post below is Sheridan, but the new post seems on a complete different level and sounds like a different person - talking about the same subject.

The old post regarding his book:



Outside of the library of congress you are surely the only guy who has a copy of my book. I cancelled their connection after they goofed up the publication by putting the cover in the middle of the text. I wonder if anyone else has a copy? I wonder who got the $25? I don't know what to imagine.

I'll get back to you later after I can absorb this. I'm a bit overwhelmed.



Now below is the new post by "Sheridan" - do they sound like the SAME person to you guys?


So interesting. Just out of curiosity I Googled my name and was amazed. Page upon page of all sorts of information about me. Some was quite flattering. For a lonely old geezer it was inspiring. However I was stunned to find out that people were reading my book, The Idiot's Frightful Laughter. How could this have happened? Several years ago I was quite chagrin to learn that Bruce Smith had phoned my brother and crazy sister-in-law and printed their conversation on the site. So shocking.

I several interesting tales that occurred to me the other day, but I'll save them until later.

My nick name for much of my adult life was Pete, not Dan. It's interesting that so many people still imagine that D.B. Cooper is still alive. I thought that I solved that issue.

I sent an email the other day to the drop zone in Cloverdale about 16 miles from here. They are a bit dubious about letting an 85 year old geezer make a jump and I sure and hell am not going to make a tandom. Well, I am a bit hesitant having osteperosis.

Carr and Smith are FBI I assume.

Enough said.
Note: The real Peterson already knew about this site and what was on it because he posted here.

As for Peterson's stories that occurred to him the other day and he said he would save them till later - well, I for one would love to meet Pete in person and listen to and record all of the stories he can tell about his past - I personally think it is fascinating.

This is the past that will just disappear into oblivion and the new generations will have no records of the early days of skydiving or the experiences caucasions faced with their involvement during the days of intergration.

A good example is how little there is on the early days of forestry and smokejumping. Absolutely nothing to speak of on the Camino and Snowline areas. The records have been mininized, lost and thrown way. No one recorded these things in history. What is left of the history has been dispursed to different Fire districts in lots of states - Nothing was compiled in sequence and order and in its entirety,

I regret I was NOT interested in the past before Duane died - I didn't realize he held History within his memories of prisons and what life was like back in the 20's and 30's. I was NOT looking back - only forward and now I realize how important the past is and was.

Wish I could just travel back in time and redo my life...knowing what I know to day. I would have recorded everyday of my life no matter how insignifcant it was to me. I would have questioned everyone I met about their life and any involvment with any thing of historical interests. Wish I could remember the stories my great grandsmother used to tell about a wagon trains and the Indians - Now all of that is lost except the fragments I do remember. These Fragments are not enough for one page.


I agree Jo, so when are you gogin to write your book?

Also, sharp analysis here on the inconsistencies in Bull Dog Pete's posting. However, that is the hallmark of Mr. Pete, in my view. His story is fascinating and filled with so many mysteries....

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The sky over Portland the night of the DB caper had a lower layer at 5,000 ft. So it was clear visibility for DB and for anyone on the ground with all the lights of the Vancouver and Portland cities and the Portland airport. A brightly colored sports chute, lighted by the city lights would have shown up much better than the military chute that was almost the color of the clouds. I fly over Portland many times at night and certainly know the condition. Where do you get off attacking me? Are you related to Jo? We need to get along in order to make progress in the case.

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The sky over Portland the night of the DB caper had a lower layer at 5,000 ft. So it was clear visibility for DB and for anyone on the ground with all the lights of the Vancouver and Portland cities and the Portland airport. A brightly colored sports chute, lighted by the city lights would have shown up much better than the military chute that was almost the color of the clouds. I fly over Portland many times at night and certainly know the condition. Where do you get off attacking me? Are you related to Jo? We need to get along in order to make progress in the case.

You still are avoiding the question:

How did Cooper know where he was?

There could be a simple pausible answer which
does not involve trigonometry and celestial
mechancs, but what is it?

Possible answer: The plane had come from Portland
so he assumed it would go back through Portland
or closeby? He left the engineering up to the pilots
and the system?

Also: do you know anything about Cooper's note
being on an FAA Flight Plan form as per Calame,
Bruce & Blue Fairy ? Have you read Calame's book?

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The sky over Portland the night of the DB caper had a lower layer at 5,000 ft. So it was clear visibility for DB and for anyone on the ground with all the lights of the Vancouver and Portland cities and the Portland airport. A brightly colored sports chute, lighted by the city lights would have shown up much better than the military chute that was almost the color of the clouds. I fly over Portland many times at night and certainly know the condition. Where do you get off attacking me? Are you related to Jo? We need to get along in order to make progress in the case.



Not Related to anyone on the site! No one is attacking you - what they need for you to do is go to the old thread (read it). Then read this thread in its entirety - then throw your "stuff" out there. Some of what you have "suggested" - has been dicussed by those who know much more about the subject than you do.

You will notice when they dicuss chutes and jumping I might ask a question, but I do NOT become part of the discussion. Why? Because I know nothing about it.

The weather conditions have been debated - over and over, but the weather was NOT the same from Seattle to Vancouver. This is a given. Visual reports from the ground of individuals who lived along the route are different - and that is what I base my findings upon wrapped around the weather reports from the different areas.

I came to the DZ seeking assistance to learn what some of these guys have been able to provide...regarding the chute and the jump. Other sites I had gone to offered NO aid or expertise because they were strickly Cooper or Crime related.

The parachute information you come off with - well, I don't know enough about that to comment. I do trust certain individuals currently on this thread and past posters who came into the thread to offer professional advice regarding the jump and the equipment, plus the Old Timer Professionals as to their expertise on the subject of the chute and survival possibilities of the jump.

I do NOT know anything about your parachute experience and you have NOT posted what your experience is in regards to chutes and jumping with older equipment. When you do this maybe others won't be so put out by your posts. Until then - you are going to be what you call "attacked" by those who actually KNOW what they are talking about.

You have NOT stated your experience and how you acquired your knowledge of jumping and parachutes. When you present your "Credentials" - perhaps they will take you more seriously. Otherwise it is something already discussed with "professionals" - young and old.

How many jumps have you made? What equipment have you used and the age of that equipment? If you want respect here you have to earn it. If you don't have the experience ask questions, but don't go giving experts a layman's opinion unless you have actual first hand knowledge. ASK Question!

P.S. I have argued the visibility issues in the thread to NO avail.
Weber knew were very Dam was, every airstip, every tower, every signal light, all the big power lines and pipe lines, and where the parks were - he knew the area WITHOUT a map. He told me things NO man could possible know if he had NOT lived and worked in the area. What Duane told me - it was all there. He pointed out the "HAT" and took me by one of them and he told me what they were used for. He knew the back roads (without a map). He was too familiar with the area - therefore he had to have lived and worked there - but, I expect under the name of Dusty or Melvin or Marvin - NOT Duane.

Duane even took me to the back part of the airport - claimed it was a short cut to where we were headed that night in Seattle to banquet. It wasn't and it was actually out of the way. He commented about the fence - in 1979 and said I don't remember that. When I did view 1971 pictures - the fence had indeed changed...a completely different kind of fence. It had gone from a low fence that appears to be wood from the old pictures and the fence I saw in 1979 was chain link.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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The sky over Portland the night of the DB caper had a lower layer at 5,000 ft. So it was clear visibility for DB and for anyone on the ground with all the lights of the Vancouver and Portland cities and the Portland airport. A brightly colored sports chute, lighted by the city lights would have shown up much better than the military chute that was almost the color of the clouds. I fly over Portland many times at night and certainly know the condition. Where do you get off attacking me? Are you related to Jo? We need to get along in order to make progress in the case.

Sailshaw, As Jo has already pointed out, I am not attacking you or anyone else. While Jo and I are not related, we both seem to have inherited or otherwise acquired a low tolerance for BS.

And as Georger has already pointed out, you need to answer some questions with facts.

You have previously stated that you were a retired "Boring" Airplane Company engineer. Assuming you were referring to Boeing, what speciality is your engineering degree in? Do you have any experience with aircraft flight mechanics and dynamics? Do you have any experience with parachuting?

Are you pushing a specific Cooper suspect or a book? Just some facts please.

Robert Nicholson

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Also, McCoy conducted himself in a similar fashion to Cooper. They both used FAA small plane flight plans as paper to send their instructions to the cockpit during the skyjackings despite the fact that the use of this stationery was not made public by the FBI after Cooper’s skyjacking.

I know it's in Calame's book, but it just isn't true.

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This is why people go after Blevins:


I am reasonably familiar with Japanese television programming.

After an extensive search, I find absolutely NOTHING regarding a current TV series in Japan (either in Kanji or English) that even makes a reference to the series you mentioned, i.e. 'Amazing Stories'. {Enphasis Sluggo's}

Here is an e-mail I recieved from Yuki Ito:


Dear Mr. Sluggo

This is Yuki with TopSpin Creative Corp., a television production company located in New York City. I'm writing on behalf of Fuji Television Network in Japan to inquire about D. B. Cooper case in 1971.
The production in Japan is interested in featuring the case in the upcoming episode, and I've just started working on the research. Then I've found your website. There were lots of sources and information, and I found it very very helpful for us to learn about the case. We are actually looking for some photos of several suspects and case-related materials to use in the show, and I was wondering if you have information on the materials on your website as to who owns the rights.
Having said this, I'd like to inquire if you would be willing to provide us information if you have any.

Our Program Information:
TV station: Fuji Television Network
Title: Amazing Stories
Airdate: June, 2011
Territory: only in Japan
'Amazing Stories' is a news magazine format entertainment program, which has been on the air every Thursday night from 9-10pm for over 10 years in Japan. It is a prime time show that features stories from around the world that inspire, amaze and educate Japanese audiences.

I'd very much appreciate if you call me at 212-532-0901, or email me at ito@topspincreative.com to discuss this further at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your time in reading this. I look forward to hearing from you.


Yuki Ito

TopSpin Creative Corporation
220 Fifth Avenue, Suite 800
New York, NY 10001
Tel: 212-532-0901 Fax: 212-532-2110

So much for an "extensive search"!


You want to apoligize to Bruce?

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You don't seem to be able to handle the truth so you call it BS. With your lack of knowledge of the Para-Commander sports chute, you claim it can't have a forward speed of 14 mph but it was designed in 1961 to have a forward speed of actually 15 mph . You can check this out and learn something about parachuting at ASK.com. Yes, I worked at Boeing for 34 years and had a EE degree from the UofW. Most of my Boeing work was in Mechanical Systems (including Airstairs and Flight Control Test Rigs) and Structural (including full size Static and Fatigue testing). As a pilot I have many skydiving friends who know what they are talking about. However, you don't seem to and are too quick to jump on others. Too bad, that is your problem and not mine.

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‘The Real McCoy’-Pages 14 and 58 mention the notes typed on ‘Federal Aviation Flight Plan Forms’.

I have no idea what those could be other than the boilerplates Robert99 mentioned.

These forms are in reference to McCoy’s hijacking and not Cooper’s.

How did this 40 year old story manage evolve to this point?


From "D.B. Cooper - The Real McCoy by Bernie Rhodes and Russell P. Calame:

"But Cooper had no intention of going to Mexico. He had Tina Mucklow take up a typed federal aviation flight plan form to the cocpit, instructing Scott to fly...."

This is one of the elements Calame/Rhodes uses to "prove" Cooper and McCoy were the same person. Since it isn't true, I have concluded Calame/Rhodes' whole book is bullshit.

Myths + myths + myths + (a little) fact = Bullshit

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