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Blevins tell Georger
Not by you. And not now. And you are the one giving it a name. You say these things but you have no answers. Do you really believe you can simply wave your magic 'horse pucky' wand and make all the evidence about KC just vanish? Because you say so? Now that is funny.
Wave your own magic Wand and make all of your points become evidence. You can't.
1. Kenny Christiansen had hazel eyes and Cooper had dark brown eyes.
2. Kenny was balding and NOT one witness referred to Cooper as balding.
3. All of your witness could have come forward yrs and yrs ago and would have had they actually believed K C was Cooper.
4. It was not memories dancing in the minds of those you interviewed (your witnesses) but $$$$$ signs.
5. Kenny was an employee of N.W. and a current or former employee would have been too identifiable.
6. Your story keeps getting enhance - now you are explaining away the formica - with WHAT proof.
7. Coin collections grow and easy to acquire in small increments. Duane had a coin collection - so what! I have one coin worth several thousands of dollar (you didn't know this did you)? There are other coins, but I never had them appraised - just this one.
8. All of those mistakes you made about the Comic book - did you even credit the DZ about this?
9. Film rights - I believe it is option rights to develope a screen play. Film rights are usually only offered on a screen play and not a book.
10. If you can get 300K up front take it and run - because that is all you will get. I also had offers - but, I wanted more proof. I didn't want to do that without - the FBI coming forth with some hard evidence he was or wasn't Cooper - they never did either.
11. The FBI says Blevins has been out of the running for a long time - based on some of the above.
12. You have NEVER spoke with the agent of record...just desk agents (they hate it when I call them Mouthpieces).
13. Kenny wore a wig! Not one witness thought Cooper wore a wig.
14. Kenny did NOT have a ruddy complexion or latin complexion.
15. Kenny never confessed to being Cooper.
16. Kenny lived in the N.W. Did anyone ever comment about how Kenny hid in Plane site?
16. There was never any comments about Kenny having any bruises or cuts or injuries right after the crime.
17. If that group was so close and could remember all the details - would they not remember something like that.
18. Kenny was actually a sweet guy and he thought of the women in his life as sisters and good friends...he would never have denied them anything they requested.
19. Geestman will boomerang on you - he already has.
20. You never had to put up with Jerry hasseling you - because there was nothing to cover-up.
21. You never interviewed the witnesses (crew members) the individuals who count. You took someone elses word about what the co-pilot said.
22. You have taken Porteous's word for too much. He just wanted a writer to do his book when Geoffry refused.
24. Why did Geoffry walk on writing the book? What does he know you don't know?
25. Kenny had NO real motive to hijack the plane...what he made was NOT a bad salary in the day.
Just Saying!

Just one of Jo's moments. No one will believe a thing I say about Weber, so why would they even consider any of my 25 NAAHHH points. Oh horse puckey what a waste of time.
Farflung 0
I read and brand new tale and don’t know what to do….
No logic anymore I want a blinded view……
I see the evidence and still my resolve grows…..
Just change some data points and find out where it goes……
Yes sir we are approaching the anniversary of the ‘Shady Acres’ teenage girl, line of sight radio intercept of the ground communications of Flight 305 and SeaTac. I sure learned a great deal from that tale and even more about human nature and how some will dismiss item after item in a drive to ignore common sense and physics to add to the myth and lore of this crime. I suppose some review may be in order.
It was said that a girl was riding home on the school bus and heard reports about the skyjacking. Begin an aneurism inducing suspension of disbelief state of mind now.
She lives at the Shady Acres airport with her family and runs into her father’s hangar and turns on the radio and listens to the communications of Flight 305, Tower, Ground and Center. Don’t even think about this part.
Then she monitors the action as it plays out through dinner. The fact that she said this event lasted through dinner was all one person needed to claim that her story had a ring of truth and some more information should be obtained from her. Yeah, I know.
Let’s see what a QWERTY keyboard and internet access can accomplish in five minutes versus someone with a pre plotted curve. Spoiler: The answer is nothing; you can’t win when someone already has the answer they want.
First is the favorite subject of this thread geography and distance. Shady acres is between 2 inches and a million miles from SeaTac. I should ask and ask and ask until someone gives me the answer I like or:
At the bottom of this web page is ‘Radio Navigation Aids’ with the SEA/Seattle VORTAC listed as roughly 22.1 nautical miles from Shady Acres. This makes me happy because it has not interfered with my pre plotted curve.
Now what could the internet possibly offer that would help me next?
This looks very technical and was created by a radio amateur which are frequently called HAMs because they are not very healthy and originate on a pigs rump, but that’s enough about these friendless eunuchs. Let’s look at the data needed.
Total height of antenna (first station) in feet for Flight 305.
According to this site the total height of a 727 is 34 feet. I will use that number as it will result in the greatest distance theoretically possible.
The next input is for the second station (Shady Acres) antenna height in feet. This is more difficult since this is a private airport with around 35 homes. Considering this is near an airport the FAA would not be too happy if a tower was erected near a runway so how about an assumption that the antenna is 50 feet or 2.5 times the height of the average single story roof line?
Oh no, when I click on the calculate button the answer is 18 miles and that is not big enough to hear SeaTac. This does not give me a boner and must be incorrect. I think the antenna was probably 75 feet tall because I really, really, really want it to be.
Oh nooooooooo, it still only goes to 20 miles. Wait, someone said that they saw a wicked tall antenna once and it was a ‘known fact’ that it was way high up there like 100 feet.
Yesssssssss. In your face. Now it is 22 miles and though the FAA says 22.1, with shrinkage and conspiracies this should come out to 22 miles which matches my desires and is now true.
Lemme skool you some more on this great LOS calculator. You can also get the answer in Km which is a system used by microphallus’ and cross check that it is 22.4 miles proving that the station is more than close enough.
But the original distance was in some system called ‘Nautical Miles’ and there may be a difference here.
Thank you, Polly Prissy Keyboard for making me do a 2 minute search for the answer I honestly seek because I’m so strong and smart.
Now when I put in 22.1 Nautical Miles we find that equals 25.4 miles and umm …… ????? .... ???? ... but …. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
As a form of preemptive analysis since the FAA mystery chart raised its ugly head again, I thought I would use this as an analogy of how far people on this thread are willing to go in order to ignore the most basic of calculations and sanity checks and avoid going down another rat hole.
But one person still wanted to go to Shady Acres and do an ‘experiment’, isn’t that right georger?
This is not the same as some ‘Lord of the Flies’ environment with some Byzantine hierarchy which involves the sacrifice of virgins with multiple mantras being chanted from various camps.
No...that would be a dropzone at sunset. Just sayin'.

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~
sailshaw 0
What makes you think that I believe the Cooper 727 flew to the East of Portland?
You stated: Perhaps Sailshaw, the pilot, will get out his flight calculator and do some serious number crunching. If he does, then he might change his own mind about an eastern route around Portland.
I have stated in these threads that I buy into the Sluggo Air Chart with the times at several arrow marks. That chart shows the flight path to the West of PDX Portland airport. NOT TO THE EAST. Jo, for some reason favors the East story. Janet's story agrees with the West flight path.
Can't we all agree with the Sluggo Air Chart?
sailshaw 0
You stated: "Manufactured Stories? YOUR story is manufactured. You knew Sheridan Peterson for 1 month and the man is still alive to defend himself (I hope) since the other poster seemed to be a Sheridan imposter. "
I do not have to manufacture a story to prove that Duane was DB as you continue to do. What makes you think Sheridan is not DB? What are your facts that make you think otherwise?
The only thing so far to dispute Sheridan as DB was his alibi that he was in Nepal at the time of the DB caper. Otherwise he fits the facts known about DB. From Nepal he was only one or two days away from the scene of the crime.
The Sheridan imposter (Bulldog) seems to be by way of Snowman. Could Snowman be messing with our thoughts?
Robert99 50
What makes you think that I believe the Cooper 727 flew to the East of Portland?
You stated: Perhaps Sailshaw, the pilot, will get out his flight calculator and do some serious number crunching. If he does, then he might change his own mind about an eastern route around Portland.
I have stated in these threads that I buy into the Sluggo Air Chart with the times at several arrow marks. That chart shows the flight path to the West of PDX Portland airport. NOT TO THE EAST. Jo, for some reason favors the East story. Janet's story agrees with the West flight path.
Can't we all agree with the Sluggo Air Chart?
Sailshaw, Something is definitely getting lost in the translation here.
I have NEVER supported a flight path east of Portland. And for that matter, I also don't believe the flight path shown on the FBI charts between approximately the present day Malay intersection (near Toledo) and a point about 23 nautical miles south of the present day Battleground VORTAC is correct either.
Since you don't want to reveal your experience as a pilot, I will assume that you are a certificated private pilot with an ASEL rating. If you in fact have that rating, then presumably you had to demonstrate some knowledge of a pilot's computer (Jeppesen or A6B).
You presumably know how to calculate true air speed, work wind triangles, determine wind components, determine heading corrections to make good a given ground track, and to determine ground speed among other things.
Don't try to blame those charts on Sluggo. They are FBI work products and they should get the "credit" for them. You say that you buy into the time marks on those charts. Why don't you measure the distance between those time marks?
If taken literally, the distance between some of those marks means that the airliner flew three nautical miles in one minute and then six nautical miles the next minute. To put it another way, the airliner's ground speed increased from 180 knots one minute to 360 knots during the next minute. Since the airliner was in steady cruising flight, that is not a realistic situation.
Also, one minute appears to be missing in that time sequence. Is it really? If so, where did it go?
You can calculate the true airspeed of the airliner from information in the radio transcripts. Why don't you do so and then determine the ground speed and wind direction and see how they all fit together.
Do you really understand what you are looking at, and what it means, when you read something on a clock or a cockpit instrument? Can an aircraft be two places at once?
It's time for you to get your pilot's calculator out and start work.
Robert Nicholson
Farflung 0
On instruments they have much more in common with Helen Keller than an eagle. It is difficult to accept that some deviation from centerline was casually selected without clearance. Not for the sake of some power trip but self preservation just like US Air 2998 holding short while the tower got ‘it’ together.
2998 was all but chided to take off and he stood his ground for safety of flight. Yes, I am glad there is a portion of the population that can think independently and go against the grain and make a good decision with very little data. You’re a good man, ‘Mr. 2998 talking on the radio all cool and hunky averting a disaster’ guy.
Robert99 50
Just for reference when considering that Flight 305 had some sort of clearance to fly where ever they ‘wanted’. This video equally chills my blood and ended with me making an appointment with a seat upholsterer.
On instruments they have much more in common with Helen Keller than an eagle. It is difficult to accept that some deviation from centerline was casually selected without clearance. Not for the sake of some power trip but self preservation just like US Air 2998 holding short while the tower got ‘it’ together.
2998 was all but chided to take off and he stood his ground for safety of flight. Yes, I am glad there is a portion of the population that can think independently and go against the grain and make a good decision with very little data. You’re a good man, ‘Mr. 2998 talking on the radio all cool and hunky averting a disaster’ guy.
Farflung, You are absolutely correct!
While the airliner was told prior to take-off in Seattle to "do whatever you need to do and we will keep people out of your way", the air traffic control tapes for the Seattle Center's sector controllers have an absolute minimum of information.
The airliner was cleared for take-off on the ground control frequency and told to go straight to a frequency that bypassed both the tower and departure controllers. The sector controller had some difficulty figuring out where the airliner was but once that was cleared up there was (if you believe the transcripts) little further communication between the airliner and the Seattle Center's sector controllers all the way down to the Fort Jones VORTAC in northern California.
Again if you believe the transcripts, basically the only information passed between the airliner and the controllers was altimeter settings and instructions to switch to another sector controller.
There is even an 18 minute no transmissions whatsoever gap as the airliner passed through the Portland area (from 8:15PM to 8:33PM).
Essentially, everything that would help establish the airliner's position between about the present day Malay intersection (near Toledo) and the Fort Jones VORTAC has been removed from the Seattle Center's transcripts.
If you don't believe this, take a look at the Oakland Center's transcripts which includes the hand off from Seattle Center near the Fort Jones VORTAC until the landing in Reno. The Oakland transcripts are real life as it was lived in 1971 and includes the phone conversations between controllers. The Seattle transcripts are not the way it was done in that day and age.
The Seattle Center's Chief gave a sworn statement, dated the day after the hijacking, that he was including the complete transcripts in his transmittal to the FBI and nobody had any reason to hide anything at that date.
Consequently, it seems obvious that the Seattle transcripts were "sanitized" at a later date and you know who had them at that time.
You can read these transcripts for yourself on Sluggo's web page.
Robert Nicholson
Farflung 0
I’ve read the transcripts posted on Sluggo Monster’s site and got a sense of things being rushed and the reviews being extremely porous to the point of me questioning if anyone involved had any flight experience at all. Wrong dates, horrible translations like radio for radial, traffic not effective instead of traffic not a factor and Hughes 629 as use 629. I don’t blame the typist for so many misinterpretations but the FAA or whatever official that ‘reviewed’ those transcripts as ‘true and complete’ above his vaunted signature, should have been canned. What purpose was that ‘review’?
There is also a big difference between typing ‘15’, ‘fifteen’ or ‘one fife’ as those styles varied with the different agencies. At least there would have been a clue as to referencing frequencies, distance, flight numbers, etc.
In the absence of information I tend to take the position of that US Air 2998 pilot ( I bravely compare myself to a real hero) and wait things out. On this thread all announcements of shattering information have manifested with all the furor of a mouse fart. But in this spirit of this thread, I will admit it was sometimes a very large mouse.
Make some graphics, reference sources and connect the non-emotive dots that should guide everyone to the same independent conclusion. Avoid all possible calls for experience unless you want to see this thread devolve further into endless rounds of scent marking (I was in special forces for XX years), resume postings (I have dimples on my butt) and overall puffing which numerous participants have left thousands of such examples of their parlance in past comments.
What is the Co-pilot going to say that will over ride your existing solution? Is Captain Scott or Anderson’s answers worth anything? Given time and airspeed what is a ‘reasonable’ variance from the centerline of V-23 and the last referenced reporting points excluding FBI intrigue and Roswell Aliens? My silly little checks produced low wind velocities (30 knots or less) with the aircrafts position being within the plus or minus 2 mins and 4 miles centerline. I’m certainly open to read about information that does not require me to simply take one person’s word. That was already tried in Germany.
Obviously I don’t believe in gubberment conspiracies since today’s news features ‘Ant Weiners photographs sent to woman’. Am I supposed to consider some clueless congressman, who is so weird and freaky, that his fetish involves texting images of insect genitalia to citizens?
georger 247
I’ve read the transcripts posted on Sluggo Monster’s site and got a sense of things being rushed and the reviews being extremely porous to the point of me questioning if anyone involved had any flight experience at all. Wrong dates, horrible translations like radio for radial, traffic not effective instead of traffic not a factor and Hughes 629 as use 629. I don’t blame the typist for so many misinterpretations but the FAA or whatever official that ‘reviewed’ those transcripts as ‘true and complete’ above his vaunted signature, should have been canned. What purpose was that ‘review’?
Funny. I got the same sense. And when faced with
such dilemmae I usually resort to the 'pound sand
down a rathole and clarify' technique - example.
When faced with six months of deliberation and
personal atacks over installing a 110vac outlet -
among Rockwell and Boeing retiree engineers ...
I finally resort to basic psychiatry principles and try
to clarify and condense:
"Can we all agree its a 110vac outlet"? Stunned
audience mutters "yea...". "Can we agree it has to
go somewhere near the telescope?" .... "uhhh
yea..." "Can we agree the telescope is in that
building over there?" ....... uhhhhhhhh yea?
"Can we agree the IAEOUMQB Standard for outlets
says this side goes UP?" .... I hold the damned
outlet up and show them. They agree! "Well folks,
Im going overe to that building and take this outlet
and mount it in the recepticle box on the pier to
that telescope, and you guys can go on discussing
this for another three years or whatever.... OK?"
One Boeing domo replies: "Well dont use a hammer
drill!". I reply: "the thought had not crossed my
mind, or Linn County's mind either". And I disappear
quickly into the same fog that shrouded Cooper
to "get the job done". I hear the Boeing domo
mutter convincingly, "I sure like that bio guy. He
gets things done." (Bio guy?)
Thanks for the clarifications...
I did mean you altered the map but, there was a discussion in the thread where the PDX VOR and a bunch of stuff changed - Robert99 understood what I was talking about. The dates all of this changed and what the person who did the map intended.
I couldn't make diddly squat out of the map when you guys put it on the thread - in parts if I remember correctly. If anyone has this map on a CD - I can find some place who can print it. I will appreciate it.
I also need the dates on some kind of change of locations - where you guys talked about what was meant to be this - etc. It was all way over my head.
I was unable to follow the posts at all. I want to understand what you were talking about - but, I have to have a map and a pilot who understands it to explain it to me and overlay it with regular map I can read - like some of the maps you acquired for me. This area is covered up with pilots who can help explain it to me.
Geeze every cotton-picking paragraph started with I. Have tried not to do that - but, I am personally vested in this - because it was my husband who told me things and who claimed he was Cooooper. That puts me on different emotional level than you guys.
Please try to understand my personal connection and how and why this takes away the objectivity you guys have. It is impossible for me to erase my memories and not be emotional.
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