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georger 247
Georger states to Blevins and JO;
Do you actually think the whole world is as stupid
and gullible as you want the world to be?
How Many Composites are there?
1. The Bing Crosby
2. The Ben Gazzara
3. The Old Roy Rose
4. The Shaffner TV Composite
What other composites are out there. Each one of the above shows a different shape.
1.The Crosby is more angular than oval.
2. The Gazzara is oval and angular but discloses the slanted forehead as does number 1.
The slanted forehead the artist
depicted seems to be lost to
individuals with who have had
NO art or portrait training.
3. The Old Rose - the witnesses could NOT agree, because Roy Rose could not get the mouth in an acceptable rendering to satisfy Tina and Florence.
4. The Shaffner composite was an artist trying to unofficially create another composite because during the filming for the program - it is obvious the witnesses complained about the two composites in circulation. Otherwise they would not have used an artist to try to create another composite.
The FBI artist Roy Rose was interviewed by another party on my behalf about 14 yrs ago. The artist indicated there was something he was UNABLE to depict to the satisfaction of the witnesses and the FBI used the generic composite. None of the witnesses concurred with the 1st composite. #1 The Bing Crosby
I am posting 2, 3, and 4.
I do NOT have the Bing Crosby on my computer since the witness were ADAMANT that composite looked NOTHING like Cooper during the production of the documentary in which the Shaffner composite was done.
I will include another composite I uunderstand was a Rose Composite but the face seems fuller that the other Rose Composite and the mouth looks different. Can anyone explain that composite it will be the last one and I will ID it with Question.
What's the question?
I was not asking a question, but now I will state that over the yrs and the few photos I have of Duane they go from angular to round and in between, depending on the angle of the camera and if he had gained weight and as he got older.
The slanted forehead is very very difficult to sketch - and a person with a slanted forehead will appear differently to the viewer depending on the height of the viewer. I have some things I have done that show how this works, but file page is TOO large to put in the thread.
I tried it one time - just doesn't work. I did them on Office - so they are large files.
Using the attached - realize the hair is VERY VERY SHORT and I have had to relabel it since I have learned that shot was made in 1970 and not 1971.
Put the sideburns on Duane and then put the fullness of the hair there. Take the composite with it shading and try to turn it - surely you have the software that will do this or talk to your FBI friends and see what they can do. With the turn and the slanted forhead - it goes from oval to angular and back. The bone structure is there.
377 22
Wanna explain why exactly zero people know about Philo Farnsworth yet billions are aware of the Mayans?
The Mayans predicted Farnsworth's invention of scanned television and also his lesser known Fusor. Its in their hierogliphics plain as day. If you view the Mayan pyramids from space they form a perfect video test pattern, remember those? The FBI and CIA have massive files on Mayan predictions. Look at Duane's sloping forehead and tell me he isn't a Mayan time traveller.
georger 247
Its spacetime. Space and time areFarflung wrote
Wanna explain why exactly zero people know about Philo Farnsworth yet billions are aware of the Mayans?
The Mayans predicted Farnsworth's invention of scanned television and also his lesser known Fusor. Its in their hierogliphics plain as day. If you view the Mayan pyramids from space they form a perfect video test pattern, remember those? The FBI and CIA have massive files on Mayan predictions. Look at Duane's sloping forehead and tell me he isn't a Mayan time traveller.
inseperable since General Relativity. The energy
requirements for spacetime travel above the
quantum level are prodigeous, at a minimum,
and very distruptive.
So, do as Arthur Clarke advised and place the
Moon between the Earth and your spacetime craft
when starting it up - otherwise there will be no Earth
to return to, or anything else either! And Clarke
was only talking about a vehicle hoping to achieve
a fraction of the speed of Light.
377 22
General relativity sounds too common. I prefer special relativity because I like to feel special. The Laurentzian contractions might be put to good use on a relativistic trip. You'd have to get the spin orientation just right but skydivers are good at that.
Janet did not lie. She saw a holographic projection. The misty cloud layer provided a perfect medium. Duane did a CIA sponsored post doc in electro optics at the University of Rochester. He had it all figured out.
So who was Bulldog really? Definitely not Sheridan. Jo saw the ruse before I did. Snow could do it but he is normally more nuanced and subtle. Bulldog was kinda gross. Any guesses?
sailshaw 0
Get over it.
Kenny does not measure up! You would loose any debate without a candidate that matches the height description. That is one of the physical descriptions that people can get right and agree on. Your guy is two to four inches too short.
Enough said, closed issue!
Farflung 0
Once in a while we do manage to hit the nail on the head and show the entire planet why we’re Number Uno. Yep it’s our succinct non verbal communication skills. Just like those transcripts which appear to have a fairly large representation of non verbal communications.
An attempt was made to detangle some of the diction but I probably made the answer worse than the problem which I was trying to relieve as quickly as possible but not too soon after children’s laughter and such things which I’m pro, for and not con, against like the gentle humming of elephants.
georger 247
Get over it.
Kenny does not measure up! You would loose any debate without a candidate that matches the height description. That is one of the physical descriptions that people can get right and agree on. Your guy is two to four inches too short.
Enough said, closed issue!
So you say. Unfortunately, witness testimony from actually-alive-people and a wealth of circumstantial evidence still point to Kenny Christiansen as a viable suspect.
Case not quite closed.
actually-alive-people ?
I have every faith that your 'work' will be judged
on its merits by the appropriate people, and
anything else is actually-alive redundancy on your
You can drop your Sham-Wow commercials any
NO ONE has really heard and if they did they didn't listen. The FBI is NOT investigating Cooper at all. It is a dead issue with them.
They are fed-up with the Blevin's issues because he has been a thorn in their side. It is easier give him a neutral response than to say "We are NOT doing any more investigations in this case and Kenny Christiansen has NEVER been a viable suspect".
Blevins has claimed in the past the FBI told him Duane was not a suspect, but that is NOT true.
Duane Weber is more of a viable suspect than Christiansen has ever been. The FBI is no longer expending in monies or time on the Cooper case and as far as they are concerned the case is close to investigation processes until someone presents a Cooper $20 bill or puts their suspect on that plane.
Blevins cannot put KC on the plane. I think I can put Weber on that plane - but, it will require some effort on the part of the FBI. I cannot just walk up to someone's door and accuse them of lieing to the FBI about what they found - and I cannot offer them immunity from prosecution.
I also do NOT have the courage to confront one of the witnesses with something I have. I just do NOT have it within me to do this, but when one can see the handwriting in the clouds it is time to do everything one can do to accomplish their mission on this earth.
If the Creator sees fit to help me make it back to WA - I have a job to finish. A visit to the Seattle office to speak with the AGENT in-charge of the case. A visit to the places I went to in 2010, plus a few others I didn't make it to. Then there are two more things I have to do. One will require the assistance of the FBI and the other is very personal.
I think this finishes my WISH LIST.
georger 247
Blevins I Have never been so thankfull to someone for proving Jo Weber a Lier as I am to you. Jo Weber I have never been so thankfull to you as for your ability to proving yourself and Blevins The most remarkablile fiction and BS writers of all times as you have in the past Two months on DropZone. At Least this is what has been thought by most.Jerry

How Many Composites are there?
1. The Bing Crosby
2. The Ben Gazzara
3. The Old Roy Rose
4. The Shaffner TV Composite
What other composites are out there. Each one of the above shows a different shape.
1.The Crosby is more angular than oval.
2. The Gazzara is oval and angular but discloses the slanted forehead as does number 1.
The slanted forehead the artist
depicted seems to be lost to
individuals with who have had
NO art or portrait training.
3. The Old Rose - the witnesses could NOT agree, because Roy Rose could not get the mouth in an acceptable rendering to satisfy Tina and Florence.
4. The Shaffner composite was an artist trying to unofficially create another composite because during the filming for the program - it is obvious the witnesses complained about the two composites in circulation. Otherwise they would not have used an artist to try to create another composite.
The FBI artist Roy Rose was interviewed by another party on my behalf about 14 yrs ago. The artist indicated there was something he was UNABLE to depict to the satisfaction of the witnesses and the FBI used the generic composite. None of the witnesses concurred with the 1st composite. #1 The Bing Crosby
I am posting 2, 3, and 4.
I do NOT have the Bing Crosby on my computer since the witness were ADAMANT that composite looked NOTHING like Cooper during the production of the documentary in which the Shaffner composite was done.
I will include another composite I uunderstand was a Rose Composite but the face seems fuller that the other Rose Composite and the mouth looks different. Can anyone explain that composite? It will be the last one and I will ID it as Old Rose.
I believe the Old Rose seems to have been taken from a news clipping - and that created the sketchy appearance...but the two Rose Composites - as they were sent to me appear different. Perhaps this effect was created by the sender as it had to have been scanned from something.
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