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DB Cooper

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I like the handle Blev - if fits.
Not trying to be nasty, but the more you post the less creditable you are. You would really be surprised at WHO reads this thread. Just because they read it doesn't mean they post here...I believe Quade could tell you how many people read this thread - only a fraction of them post.

Perhaps London is reading this and Japan. If they found Sluggo's site - they found this one! But you know that - right?

PS - Gee Whiz - while I was posting this I came back to finish getting caught up and Airtwardo had said almost the identical thing about the Credibility of Blev.

He has pushed too much and NOW no one wants to take another bite....WHY I got out of the public eye 10 yrs ago. I knew I needed much more than I had. I have acquired a lot more information - but, does any of it prove Duane was Cooper. That is the 200 thousand dollar question. I live clear across the country - so I haven't been in WA in the FACE of the FBI. In fact you know they did NOT know I was there for 15 days in Oct of 2010 until I called them from Portland the day I left.

I want to go back, but I won't go back as a whipping post for the media nor to be denounced by the FBI with the "minute" information they make available on Weber. I called them down publically in 2001 and I will do it again in 2011 if I need to do so.
By the time the media entered the picture in 2000 - the agent got his BOSS in on it and they got the answers to the questions the media wanted - without letting the public know they had denied Duane's presence in WA and in the Army.

JT was very instrumental in getting Duane dismissed, but I think now the FBI realizes what I was up against or at least I hope so. He has called everyone a liar who has had a suspect and his interaction in this case has actually damaged investigations of other suspects.

Why was he so ADAMANT about getting me out of this? I will leave that for the readers to decide and to judge after it is made public how he has interfered with the investigation of other suspects and interfered in the research of others - misleading them about things they had been given the opinion he was an authority on.

Why was JT so adamant about the areas I told him about NOT existing and doing everything in his power to make sure NO one took me near any of the places I described to him. Surveyors and hunters have read my original accounting of the things I told JT and - 90% of them couldn't figure out how JT could say they didn't exist or that my husband turned me around...using the same description I gave JT - NO one thought I was talking about the interstate and NOT one had the impression I was on the OR side...because I clearly state we crossed the River onto the OR side and then he thought he had passed his - turn and then realized it had been 4 laned at that point (in 1979). I tell about the little bridge and the Washougal being on my left - Jerry kept say impossible.

NOT one person have I described the body of water to and the "hill or mt" that was not too far away - has missed it with the exception of the "man on the ground" - JT himself. I used the orginal pencil drawing I sent to Himmelsbach to test this...and described the places Duane took me in the same way I originally told JT... with no map of the area to go buy - just my memory.

Why would one person thrust himself upon everyone who has presented a suspect in all of these yrs or just trying to write a story about the skyjacking? Why would one person consistently misinform anyone asking for information - AFTER being told he was the "man on the ground"? Taking that phrase literallly - Wonder if that is possible? The "man on the ground" - how old was JT in 1971? :D;):D

Oh, well no need in rehashing all of this - it just goes to show there are many people out there with reasons to support or oppose a suspect....what I don't understand is why anyone has to make something up. I have been led down many false lanes over the last 16 yrs - and when I find I have taken a wrong turn I try to deal with it

See how much one can twist all of this? :|[:/]:(

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Blevins wrote:

If the chute is nothing, then it won't hurt to give it a second look. It would be an easy matter to find independent experts in the Puget Sound area to examine it and issue a report publicly.

I too think it's a waste of time to pursue further tests on the Amboy canopy but Blevins has a point. It would be very easy to do and would take Cossey out of the proof loop. I can't fault Blevins for seeking verification. Cossey has been known to "play" with people regarding Norjack, but here he'd have every reason including financial gain to ID the canopy as one given to DBC if it was.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Blevins wrote:


If the chute is nothing, then it won't hurt to give it a second look. It would be an easy matter to find independent experts in the Puget Sound area to examine it and issue a report publicly.

I too think it's a waste of time to pursue further tests on the Amboy canopy but Blevins has a point. It would be very easy to do and would take Cossey out of the proof loop. I can't fault Blevins for seeking verification. Cossey has been known to "play" with people regarding Norjack, but here he'd have every reason including financial gain to ID the canopy as one given to DBC if it was.


so the other "experts" beisde Cossey who examined
the chute don't count? Dont exist or aren;t believable? Only Blevins can determine this outcome?

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It’s tragically come full circle again this week with another graduate of the ‘University of Hold My BEER And Watch This’, home of the Fightn’ Face Plants.


Whom may you ask has dared to grasp this distinction through nothing more than sheer determination?

Anthony Weiner has rapidly traversed the slippery slope from, elected representative to internet photo sending denier to DB Cooper suspect to internet photo sending admitter to attending rehab then to the world’s most ‘cringe worthy’ airport greeting when his pregnant wife came home to resigned elected representative.



What a difference a week makes. The ripples of this action have cast a wide net of relief to those who traveled a similar path of self absorbed behaviors, in a universe where there is no risk or consequences to certain select individuals. At least until that universe is destroyed by some teenager in Seattle, porn star who was sworn to secrecy or some other domestic whose sole purpose is to serve and be humble.


Who will Cooper bring down next?


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Does anyone know how to find out what Day June 18th fell on in 1970 and 1971. For some reason I just want to know this.

Of course June 18th 1924 was the birthday of Duane Lorin Weber. A grandson was born almost on his birthday - as the mother (Duane's step-child) told me the young man had a mind of his own and just couldn't wait till the 18th....the child was born in 1970 or 1971, but right now that fact eludes my febble mind.

The mother died several yrs ago after she told me she knew Duane was Cooper - but, the FBI never went back to see her without her mother present. I did contact them and request that they do so. Without going back to my notes - I don't know how much time lapsed before she OD'd.

Some things just do not seem relevant when they happen, but in retrospect it is easy to READ things into the above. I try not to do so - but, because of the strange behaviour of the FBI in this case - it does in retrospect cause me to think "What if?"

;)Now maybe Blevins and others will top that one off! There are only 365 days in the yr -so what are the odds.:D:D:D How many babies where born on that day in 1970? I have a better chance of winning the lottery!:D

Happy Birthday Duane!
If he had lived he would be a grand 87 yrs old. Could Fathers Day have fell on his birthday in 1970 or 1971?

I guess this is what I am thinking about and I have a tendancy to think out loud or with my fingers.

What is the Birthstone for July 18th?

Was the tie and tac if it belonged to Cooper - a message for someone?

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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You say:
"Sailshaw, The story put out by "Jannet" is not a "fairytail" (your words). It is pure bullshit! And any number of people on this thread have already explained to you the reasons why that is so. "

So, Robert you might be right that we can not believe Jannet's story. However, we might be able to understand her story from what we now know.
The part of her story that is hard to believe is seeing a plane at 10,000 feet and through a cloud layer down to 5,000 ft. I don't think she was trying to lie but did see a plane. It could have been the one that was 5 minutes behind the Cooper plane and it was lower and under the clouds ready to land at PDX Portland. Her seeing a platform under the plane could have been the power of suggestion from hearing the radio reports in her car. So, I don't think she was trying to lie but she did see a plane.

Bullshit - No, but Mistaken - yes!
Fairytail is what Blevins calls her story. I call her story an honest mistake. She was only trying to tell what she observed.


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You say:
"Sailshaw, The story put out by "Jannet" is not a "fairytail" (your words). It is pure bullshit! And any number of people on this thread have already explained to you the reasons why that is so. "

So, Robert you might be right that we can not believe Jannet's story. However, we might be able to understand her story from what we now know.
The part of her story that is hard to believe is seeing a plane at 10,000 feet and through a cloud layer down to 5,000 ft. I don't think she was trying to lie but did see a plane. It could have been the one that was 5 minutes behind the Cooper plane and it was lower and under the clouds ready to land at PDX Portland. Her seeing a platform under the plane could have been the power of suggestion from hearing the radio reports in her car. So, I don't think she was trying to lie but she did see a plane.

Bullshit - No, but Mistaken - yes!
Fairytail is what Blevins calls her story. I call her story an honest mistake. She was only trying to tell what she observed.


Sailshaw, Do you realize that you are saying that Janet may have seen another airliner flying at 5,000 feet this time that had the rear stairs down and someone standing on those stairs and throwing flares out?

Janet's story is nonsense!


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Where-ever you are or who ever you were - perhaps I will never know, but where you are is by far a better place than what this world has become in the 17 yrs since you left your physical body.

:|When you were a young man and made your first mistakes you paid the price by spending most of your adult life in and out of the "hard" prisons.

Today - they get a slap on the hand and a free trip.

I found the McNeil stay was actually because of the judge had a strong distaste for young men who had been been dishonorably discharge or dismissed as undesirable. You were scared and I understand why you ran-away. Then the judge just threw the book at you and sent you to a prison filled with what we refer to as child molestors and P (another word that is not in my old dictionary). They also sent draftees there who would NOT serve - but, that is when others stepped in and created organizations where these individuals could serve their country, but not in the battlefield. I also know your family rescued you from the bowels of the earth (called McNeil) before harm could come to you.

When you were sentenced to McNeil it destroyed everything you could have become - there was NO future on the horizon for you and so you chose to continue on the path of destruction. You then spent from 1950-56 in SanQuention and Folsom - never being able to be a father to the one child I know you are responsible for putting on this earth and you named her Zona.

Your father died while you were in SanQuentin and when you were released your mother was very ill - on a kidney machine to substain her life. You were on probation, but having spent so many yrs in prison - you wanted to "live" again (this caused you to be ejected from your mother's home by your own brother).

Only recently did I find you violated the parole in CA to take off to FL where your Uncle had a vacation home - you had NO place to go and no way to make a living. I did find it amusing that you actually took me to Treasure Island and told me about that part of your life, but in the 3rd person. I remembered laughing when you told they asked him his occupation and he said "Crook". I remember my remark - "That was Stupid".

Now in retrospect I believe or want to believe that when you told me that story - is when you for the first time really started to turn your life around. I had already threaten to leave you because of an incident during that time - but, that may have been the pivotal moment in your life.

We moved back to Atlanta and there you really started to live your life - you started to excel in everything you did. I know I pushed you - but, you did good.
After learning your background I am even more proud of your accomplishments. I wish I had actually known more about the man I was married to for 17 yrs. You never shared yourself with me, because you were afraid I would leave you. You were right to do so, but now I have to face your past head on.

I am the one needing quidance now. You told me your deepest secret before you died, but I didn't understand. I didn't understand what you were telling me about the van. I did find coins in the Safety Deposit Box we had jointly - but, I was aware of those. I do NOT understand about the safety deposit box you had in your own name - all they brought out to me was that 1994 issue of Soldier of Fortune. I almost threw it away, but then tucked it into the tax records.

Damn, you for not making me understand what you were telling me. I found "things" but didn't know what they mean't. I just thought they were junk and threw them away. I didn't know they were proof of what you told me and now all I have is the Book and the picture of the little girl and do not want to thrust them infront of the young lady I think they belong to.

You told me that you knew a woman who had a store in St. Helens. In one of those books is artwork done by Helen Garrity who I have found did live in St. Helens, OR - but, she wasn't on that plane and if she was she was using another name. Strangly one other person in one of the books was married to a Van Buren.

I have found an Uncle of your's named Lyman Van Buren Weber and yet you are the only one in your family to mention this Uncle.
Was he also disowned by the family? I learned that Lyman had 2 children and one whose name was Richard. He was 2 yrs older than you if I remember, but I have NOT been able to find him nor his sister. What happened - why did your father's family suddenly around 1949 just decide to disown each other?

John hinted at this, but would never tell me...and he took it to his grave. The only surviving relative from your family had no idea what drove the family apart and she didn't even know about Lyman herself or all of the distance Cousins she had...you never got to meet her...she is the grand daughter of your only surviving nephew...he maybe deceased now, because this is old news.

I think of you everyday - of course! I have tried to tell the story you left me with, but I need a little more help. There are people I need to talk to but I am afraid of disrupting their lives. One is the stewardess and another is the man who bought the van and then your nephew.

I guess I keep thinking one of them will contact me, but I am a timid snail. You know I never pried into your past and it is difficult for me to disrupt the
lives of others. After 15 yrs your spirit is so far removed from this realm you can't help - but thank you for the past guidance.

I know - what I need to do - and that regards the book and picture and the van - just do NOT know how to start.

There is not much else to say - other than Happy Birthday and that now these guys know I have indeed kept private parts of my investigation.:)

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Blevins said:


What about the part where she says she mailed a letter about her sighting to the Portland office of the FBI...

And that two weeks later, a 'mysterious man in black,' showed up at her door and told her to 'shut the &*%k up' about what she'd seen?

Jo States:

:oOther sightings along a route East of the proposed flight path by THIS thread also were visited by the FBI. Two of them noted the agent made NO written notes. I heard nothing about anyone being threatened, but one mentioned fear of loosing their land. Georger understood what this was about - I did not.

Makes one wonder - right!

Blevins said:


Here's what Cook said about it:


'...Cook believes the mysterious man was an FBI agent warning Janet not to go to the press because the FBI and other law enforcement agencies were expending considerable resources looking for Cooper near Lake Merwin, 35 miles north of Vancouver.'

"This would have splintered the FBI's progress and maybe prevented them from capturing D.B. Cooper," he said.

Jo States:

:oI will defend Galen at this point. He had to take her word until he knew differently and as you have done yourself tried to explain or find a reason for any such actions. Somewhere in the 15 yrs of my searching I heard the same thing regarding the FBI being reluctant to pull searchers away from the area they targeted in the beginning.

Right now you sound to me like the pot calling the kettle black.
Read YOUR own theories and explain them - and not picking apart any other researcher. Galen has spent yrs at this just as I have. At least he and I knew the details of the crime, but this thread had to correct your errors. So I will follow with the resounding "Bullshit" that someone else used above.

Blevins stated:


Here's the problem: He was never able to make any of his claimed evidence pan out, so he began 'reaching,' by swallowing baloney and calling it real. I think his investigation into Gossett as the hijacker began to fall apart years ago, when he announced he was going to Alaska for the summer (2006 I think) to 'finish the book'.

JO states:

:(:| You have a lot of Gall and you will stop at nothing to exploit Christainsen for the sake of MONEY and your book. How does your "investigation" stack up against his or mine. It doesn't. How much BALONEY did you swallow and you staked your reputation as a writer on this - but a researcher YOU ARE NOT!

Remember how many of the details you had wrong? You have a VERY SHORT memory and I am sure others like myself find your feeble defenses and accusation toward others nauseating.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Blevins said:


Years later. No book. No safety deposit box. No key. Not even the name of the bank. And a ton of other stuff that just didn't pan out for him.

Jo states:

:S You put a book out and you have NO proof other than a bunch of stories you extracted from people who knew Kenny and when all of this is said and done - they will regret allowing you to extract and publish the stories you have told.

No, I do not believe Gossett was Cooper and I do know that Galen has taken some long shots, but he has NOT been blatently in the face of people the way you have been. Memories of the public are short, but when it is in a book - it will NEVER go away....you are the one who will have egg on his face when the truth is known.

You, Blevins stated that Gossett looks absolutely nothing like the sketch and doesn't come close to fitting the description. YOUR own proposed Cooper - looks nothing like the sketch, he is too short and he is balding - yet you explained all of this way with every excuse you could find. Toupee?, Not being able to know how tall a person is in a plane? Hazel Eyes? Again you put the fault on witnesses testimony.

Blevins said:


My cat looks more like the sketch, no kidding. When I showed a comparison picture to the audience at the Auburn Avenue Theatre last August (shows sketch and Gossett's retirement picture in the same scale)...they laughed.

Jo states:

[:/]:| You are a joke - look at yourself in the mirror. You did NOT explain that your own suspect looked nothing like Cooper and did NOT expose the flaws related to this.

:ph34r:Are you sure you have a cat?

The cat who lives under my back porch - has light medium length gray hair and small - but, not a kitten as she has a kitten with her. Her ears are pink and way out of proportion to her body. What is she? She looks almost alien and I was shocked the first time I saw her.:D:D:D

I think I could make more money off this weird cat - than you will make off of Christiansen.
At least she really exists, but like the elusive Big Foot she is camera shy!

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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:ph34r:Are you sure you have a cat?

The cat who lives under my back porch - has light medium length gray hair and small - but, not a kitten as she has a kitten with her. Her ears are pink and way out of proportion to her body. What is she? She looks almost alien and I was shocked the first time I saw her.:D:D:D

I think I could make more money off this weird cat - than you will make off of Christiansen.
At least she really exists, but like the elusive Big Foot she is camera shy!

;);) That is the funniest thing Ive read
here in quite a while!



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You said: "Sailshaw, Do you realize that you are saying that Janet may have seen another airliner flying at 5,000 feet this time that had the rear stairs down and someone standing on those stairs and throwing flares out?
Janet's story is nonsense!"

That is not what I said. You obvou8sly don't read very well and are in a hurry to comment in the negative. Try reading slowly what I said. You might learn something from it.


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You say: "My cat looks more like the sketch, no kidding. When I showed a comparison picture to the audience at the Auburn Avenue Theatre last August (shows sketch and Gossett's retirement picture in the same scale)...they laughed."

I bet your cat is 5 feet 8 inches tall, just like your Kenney Christiansen! Both too short to be DB Cooper.


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You said: "Sailshaw, Do you realize that you are saying that Janet may have seen another airliner flying at 5,000 feet this time that had the rear stairs down and someone standing on those stairs and throwing flares out?
Janet's story is nonsense!"

That is not what I said. You obvou8sly don't read very well and are in a hurry to comment in the negative. Try reading slowly what I said. You might learn something from it.


Sailshaw, You don't seem to understand what you are writing. NWA 305 was NEVER at 5000 feet in the Portland area on the flight to Reno. So if you believe Janet's story about seeing someone standing on the rear stairs of an airliner that was below the overcast, it would not be NWA 305.

Janet's story about MIB, presumably FBI agents, visiting her and making threats two weeks after she wrote the FBI a letter is probably nonsense as well. The FBI would have to be incompetent to take that long to get out to see her if it was an important matter.

The only reason you support Janet's baloney is because you are pushing a specific candidate and need Janet to try to undercut valid informaton.

Robert Nicholson

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I think I could make more money off this weird cat - than you will make off of Christiansen.
At least she really exists, but like the elusive Big Foot she is camera shy!

Does this cat answer to the name Schrodinger? Georger will get it, Sluggo and Snow too.;)

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Blevins posted:


The truth is, if I had it to do over again, I would NEVER have become involved in the Cooper case. But the thing is this: Because of Geoff Gray's article in the New York Magazine, someone, somewhere, was bound to investigate Ken Christiansen further. If not me, then someone else.

It is not my fault that everything I found seemed to point in Kenny's direction.

Jo states:

;)Nothing you found pointed in Kenny's direction - you wrote a book at the expense of some very vulnerable people and you should be ashamed of yourself. You also took the reputation of a nice guy and sullied it..

Did you ever ACTUALLY talk to Geoffry Gray after you took over the assignment on Kenny? I really doubt you did or you would know how Gray felt about Kenny - WHY he did NOT do the Book!

Blevins posted:

In December of 2010, I seriously considered shutting the whole thing down for good.

Jo States:

[:/]That is exactly what you SHOULD have done. Your continuation of this has destroyed and harmed you in many ways....and will cause even more harm to the people you involved. When the truth is known about Cooper - they will feel humilitation and this "story" may even alienate some of them from their families not to mention their physical decline will be accelerated when the FBI denounces Kenny and they will.

[:/]:|These people got caught up in your blatant enthusiam and you allowed it for the all mighty buck. Had you been objective and a true Cooper researcher - your book would never have been done. This was cleary represented by the first edition you allowed to be printed.

Blevins posted:


This year at the Auburn Avenue Theatre, I'm going to put us into the hole even further by not trying to SELL any books. I'm giving them away free. Hundreds of them, and even for us, that is a substantial investment. And it's not just the Cooper book, but other books aimed at the younger set, or sci-fi fans, or some of the others titles we have.

Jo States:

How very very sad that you would put this book even free into the hands of impressionable young people who will then believe what you wrote as fact.
You are probagating a Myth and this is a promotional effort - NOT the charity you are making it out to be. You are trying to put yourself into history - me all anyone hears or sees is what is in this forum - mostly adults who ARE NOT impressionable, but have the ability to look at the pros and cons of a suspect. They enjoy interacting with their ideas, but they are ADULTS not the impressionable children you are preying on.

Blevins posted:

No one at AB is here for the money, this I assure you. As far as the Cooper case, the only thing we're interested in is the truth, because that's the only satisfaction we will ever get from the whole thing. I've never said 100% that I can prove KC was the hijacker. All I really did was run with what we had and publish the results.

Jo States:

Right! You can't prove KC was Cooper, but you continue to ignore the harm you are causing to those you involved. Are they reading this thread? Betcha have never told them about it.
Betcha you never mentioned it in any promotions you made on the book
. Considering all of the flack the thread has given you and the presentations on other subjects - your book would never have happened.

Blevins Posted:


Maybe he wasn't. Maybe it WAS Duane Weber. To determine the truth whether we are right or wrong, I must leave that to others. People such as the good folks at the Seattle FBI, or other investigators who might take it further in the future


Jo States:
You should have left it up to the FBI and you should have taken your investigation further, but you CHOSE to throw a book together. You committed literary suicide when you should have been providing the witness testimonies you collected to the FBI for verification.

More of my faces and not just for me but for Georger, Sluggo, Robert99, 377 and all of the others who have worked so hard to try to show you KC was NOT Cooper. You have gone about this ALL wrong, because of greed and publicity. It will catch-up with you and you can Bet on that.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I think I could make more money off this weird cat - than you will make off of Christiansen.
At least she really exists, but like the elusive Big Foot she is camera shy!

Does this cat answer to the name Schrodinger? Georger will get it, Sluggo and Snow too.;)


The cat, like Cooper either made it or didn't...or BOTH! ;)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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I think I could make more money off this weird cat - than you will make off of Christiansen.
At least she really exists, but like the elusive Big Foot she is camera shy!

Does this cat answer to the name Schrodinger? Georger will get it, Sluggo and Snow too.;)


The cat, like Cooper either made it or didn't...or BOTH! ;)

:):ph34r:Feral Cats - from yr to yr they change and every once in awhile you will see one you saw the yr before. Many become victims - of snakes, alligators, bears, hawks and our black panthers.

Like Cooper - either made it or didn't or BOTH. Now I have a name for that CAT - I will call her COOPER.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo stated:

Did you ever ACTUALLY talk to Geoffry Gray after you took over the assignment on Kenny? I really doubt you did or you would know how Gray felt about Kenny - WHY he did NOT do the Book!'


Because he wanted to do a book on the WHOLE Cooper case and not just KC. I have not spoken to Geoff Gray, but Skipp Porteous is in communication with him regularly. Gray even let Porteous see the galleys to his new book. Porteous, after reading it, says Gray is now leaning toward KC as probably the best overall suspect, not Duane Weber, and certainly not Gossett. To be fair, Gray (like us) does NOT name KC as 100% the guy, but there was a reason Crown Books delayed the release of Gray's book after Blast appeared. Figure it out. It was because they (and probably Gray, too) wanted changes to the manuscript to reflect the additional information gathered about Ken Christiansen.

Jo replys:
You are so vulnerable and you have been use (but maybe it is I who has been used).

Blevins you poor poor man - do you believe everything that Porteous tells you? Everyone has seen the Galleys of Gray's book. I am the one who TOLD Gray that the ONLY book that would survive time would be an overall view of ALL of the suspects and the details of the crime itself....this is when he was actually considering doing the KC book. Gray has been secretive about the content of his book and the delay was created because he needed photo permissions and some changes. Also his job with NYM had to be done. The release date was changed by Crown - it is a matter of timing for publicity purposes.

Perhaps I won't be happy about what Grey says about Weber, but he did see something he had never seen before and was unaware of when he came to my home for a couple of days. This involved the Chameleon changes Duane Weber was able to make.
There was also something I told HIM he COULD not use. This was put in writing and he was disappointed - Crown was also aware of this. This required a minor rewrite...to avoid a lawsuit as I did NOT ask for any compensations - other than NOT to make false statments or use this one specific detail which was specific.

Also a package I sent out was delivered on Feb. 14th. You still want to believe that Blevins is the reason the book dead-line was delayed.

Also - I know that Grey lost an interview with a KEY player in the Cooper saga, because of another subject he interviewed. One I told him was a WASTE of his time, but he spent 4 days on the "chase" with this man only to find dead ends. The end result was Grey being told NOT to contact a certain Key Witness under any circumstances and this message was relayed through your truely (old crazy Jo).

So you figure it out - your book on Blevins had NOTHING to do with the delay of Grey's book
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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To be fair, Gray (like us) does NOT name KC as 100% the guy, but there was a reason Crown Books delayed the release of Gray's book after Blast appeared. Figure it out. It was because they (and probably Gray, too) wanted changes to the manuscript to reflect the additional information gathered about Ken Christiansen.

Blevins the more you post the deeper you are burying yourself.
You have to STOP - your lasts posts are commiting litererary suicide. You have never listened to anyone - but, right now you need to keep quiet. I truely hope you ARE NOT saying the things you say in this thread when you make public appearances. YOU have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what is happening or what Grey's book is about....and until then you just need to CHILL....! NOT one more word about Grey's book or what you theorize about his book.

EXACTLY why your credibility has gone down the tubes in this thread and as SLUGGO always said. Those who know are NOT talking.

P.S. I was a specific -maybe you need to read the posts one more time or go play with your cat in the mean time I will try to get a picture of Cooper. .
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Blevins stated:

As far as Grey's book, I think it's a great overall view of the case and the best one done on Cooper yet.

Jo Replies:

What have I been telling you for months? Because when he was going to do the book on Blevins, I advised him that the only book that would stand the test of time would be one that was all inclusive with fair prepresentation to all subjects. He took my advice and I know full well that like any other writer he will put his own toppings on the subjects.

I also told him - the specifics of the crime itself needed to be correct - because of all of the myths and mis-information created by the media and others.
There should be ONE factual book on the subject - just one.

I believe he took my opinion to heart and did just that - but, I like yourself will NOT know this until we have the book in our hands and read it from cover to cover.

I have had it - tired of the Bullshit for the day.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I'm sorry I can't oblige your request to keep quiet.

Who is this about?

YOU or Kenny ?

YOU or DB Cooper ?

When will you bring KC back into the story?
He was supposed to be the central character -

I mean, if you wanted a platform for preaching and haarraassing people, I guess you have it.

Do you have the public and the city of Auburn solidly behind your shit?


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I'm sorry I can't oblige your request to keep quiet.

Who is this about?

YOU or Kenny ?

YOU or DB Cooper ?

When will you bring KC back into the story?
He was supposed to be the central character -

I mean, if you wanted a platform for preaching and haarraassing people, I guess you have it.

Do you have the public and the city of Auburn solidly behind your shit?


It's about The Truth. You'd have to ask the city for the answer to your other question. I do NOT harass people. That job has been taken already by others on this thread...and you must include yourself on that list. If you deny it, I will go back and quote you on at least a dozen instances. Maybe even the ones where you got banned for a while doing it.

I don't have to bring Kenny 'back into' the story. He's been there since the Geoff Gray article in 2007.

You havent developed Kenny - the real Kenny - at
all. All you ever talk about is the other people and
you avoid any analysis of your so-caled alleged
facts regarding Kenny. You say yourself 'it isnt
proof', so evidently you have gone as far as you
can developing Kenny. Then you switch to other
topics and issues ... including my history here at

You even avoid (or dont know) the full facts of that!

I guess you are a "tactician" as oppsoed to a
researcher. A debater without facts?

A preacher without a church?

Another voice in the wind.

What if I know things about Kenny you don't know?
What then?

Sounds to me like you're having just another bad day ... on Father's Day?


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