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DB Cooper

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Skyjack 71 says in part:


'Since your BOOK is finished and you are NOT going to change it again - WHY are you interviewing Kaye? Everything he had to say he said in this thread.

What the xxxx is your purpose in interviewing Kaye other than to keep your name out there? All you are doing is promoting your book or you are doing another re-write. Just what do you think Kaye has to offer other than what he has posted here - perhaps you are looking for what he didn't post...'

Let's get something straight here. (again) I don't use Dropzone to 'promote' the book. If I wanted to do promo, I would drop an article on my Newsvine column, which receives tens of thousands of visits a month on those 450+ illustrated articles, whether I post anything that month or not.

There is also the issue of trust. You posted a couple of times previously (I will dig them up for you if you wish) that Geoff Gray had discounted KC as a viable suspect in his new book because a magic fairy said so. Actually, it wasn't a fairy. You said you knew this for a fact. That turns out to be not true, as I discovered on June 20 when that Brit reporter let me have a look at the manuscript. I wish I could say more on this, because I was not happy with your statements, but the book comes out soon enough and then everyone will know you were stretching the truth to the breaking point with that one.

I had no idea who Tom Kaye was before he contacted me. Do I remind you of someone who has obsessed over the Cooper case for the last 15 years?

I think not. It's been more of a headache than anything else, and took valuable time away from the things I really enjoy doing.

I sent Tom a copy of the PDF on the recommendation of the Brit reporter and the next day Tom sent me his cell number. I'm pretty busy lately and I told him I would call him on Saturday. There is no great mystery, and to tell you the truth, after all the crap I've received regarding the Cooper case (some which I deserved) I care less about it with each passing day.

The only thing I want to know is if Skipp and I are right or wrong, and frankly, I don't think anyone who posts to this thread can tell me this for sure one way or another. Maybe I will never know. But anything I say here has zip to do with selling books.

For the 22nd time or so: Adventure Books of Seattle is a wholesale trade publisher. This means we release books at the wholesale rate into normal distribution channels such as Ingram Books or Baker and Taylor, etc. 95% of sales come from these entities, who obtain our titles at the standard 55% off the retail price embedded into the EAN/Bookland barcode on the back.

What does this mean? I don't sell our books. Ingram does. We have accounts with them in the US, Britain, Europe, and Australia, through Lightning Source. It's all automatic and all I do is check sales numbers occasionally.

Maybe 5% of sales come through Amazon and most of those via Amazon jobbers who obtain the book at the wholesale rate. ('Also available from THESE SELLERS...')

Even if everyone at Dropzone who read my posts bought a dozen books each, it wouldn't mean a thing, compared to bookstore and wholesale orders. So please stop with the 'selling the book' stuff. You haven't a clue on how book distribution and sales actually work these days.

377: Questions you subbed copied and will be asked. I had to research to find out who Tom was. I'm told he's one of the few people allowed access to the FBI evidence on Cooper. I don't know if that's true. Just heard it. I will talk to him this weekend.

Well very interesting, especially since Tom just
emailed me saying, quote:

"Now thats pretty darn funny! He emailed me with the subject "we should
talk". NEVER did he say it was an interview or anything to that
effect. He just said that he was the guy that wrote Into the Blast and
wanted to chat.

I will have to decide what to do now. Thanks for the heads up."


Normally I wouldnt do something like this but
I have every faith Tom's side of Blevin;s story
is the true account.

Tom, I hope you dont mind I posted this.

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Since your BOOK is finished and you are NOT going to change it again - WHY are you interviewing Kaye? Everything he had to say he said in this thread.

What the xxxx is your purpose in interviewing Kaye other than to keep your name out there? All you are doing is promoting your book or you are doing another re-write. Just what do you think Kaye has to offer other than what he has posted here - perhaps you are looking for what he didn't post.

You know the money was NOT in the river until a few months before it was found. You do know that Kaye's expertise may give him some credentials, but why don't you ask him EXACTLY what his educational experience is and what if anything makes him an individual qualified to analyze the money and how it got there. This is out of his realm of experience unless he can produce the credentials that qualify him - and I am talking about all the degrees and doctorates required - such as biology, chemistry, ecology in regards to the rivers and lakes and all bodies of water within the USA.

There was all of the talk about diatomes and spores ---- and I believe what he found was a relative common spore found in many areas. Problem is the material had been handle by mulitple agents and spores could have been transferred even on the exam gloves or just from the dander of ones hair or spores picked up on the clothing worn by anyone who came in contact with that money....and to include the ventilation system of the FBI storage room and any rooms that expose the money to unsterile elements.

Frankly I hope Kaye has enough common sense to see through you and your motive.

I will do Georger one better - he Ba, ba, ba'ed you like a sheep, but I think you deserver more - like

and OH Georger - this one is for you. Are you:o.

Jo, you are ineffable.

I think Blevins wants to try and milk Tom for
anything that would allow Blevins to construct
some kind of story regarding the money find -
something that would be more-or-less in line
with what Tom's knows about the find? That's
just a guess on my part, based on Blevin's
prior history.

Take care.

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Skyjack 71 says in part:


'Since your BOOK is finished and you are NOT going to change it again - WHY are you interviewing Kaye? Everything he had to say he said in this thread.

What the xxxx is your purpose in interviewing Kaye other than to keep your name out there? All you are doing is promoting your book or you are doing another re-write. Just what do you think Kaye has to offer other than what he has posted here - perhaps you are looking for what he didn't post...'

Let's get something straight here. (again) I don't use Dropzone to 'promote' the book. If I wanted to do promo, I would drop an article on my Newsvine column, which receives tens of thousands of visits a month on those 450+ illustrated articles, whether I post anything that month or not.

There is also the issue of trust. You posted a couple of times previously (I will dig them up for you if you wish) that Geoff Gray had discounted KC as a viable suspect in his new book because a magic fairy said so. Actually, it wasn't a fairy. You said you knew this for a fact. That turns out to be not true, as I discovered on June 20 when that Brit reporter let me have a look at the manuscript. I wish I could say more on this, because I was not happy with your statements, but the book comes out soon enough and then everyone will know you were stretching the truth to the breaking point with that one.

I had no idea who Tom Kaye was before he contacted me. Do I remind you of someone who has obsessed over the Cooper case for the last 15 years?

I think not. It's been more of a headache than anything else, and took valuable time away from the things I really enjoy doing.

I sent Tom a copy of the PDF on the recommendation of the Brit reporter and the next day Tom sent me his cell number. I'm pretty busy lately and I told him I would call him on Saturday. There is no great mystery, and to tell you the truth, after all the crap I've received regarding the Cooper case (some which I deserved) I care less about it with each passing day.

The only thing I want to know is if Skipp and I are right or wrong, and frankly, I don't think anyone who posts to this thread can tell me this for sure one way or another. Maybe I will never know. But anything I say here has zip to do with selling books.

For the 22nd time or so: Adventure Books of Seattle is a wholesale trade publisher. This means we release books at the wholesale rate into normal distribution channels such as Ingram Books or Baker and Taylor, etc. 95% of sales come from these entities, who obtain our titles at the standard 55% off the retail price embedded into the EAN/Bookland barcode on the back.

What does this mean? I don't sell our books. Ingram does. We have accounts with them in the US, Britain, Europe, and Australia, through Lightning Source. It's all automatic and all I do is check sales numbers occasionally.

Maybe 5% of sales come through Amazon and most of those via Amazon jobbers who obtain the book at the wholesale rate. ('Also available from THESE SELLERS...')

Even if everyone at Dropzone who read my posts bought a dozen books each, it wouldn't mean a thing, compared to bookstore and wholesale orders. So please stop with the 'selling the book' stuff. You haven't a clue on how book distribution and sales actually work these days.

377: Questions you subbed copied and will be asked. I had to research to find out who Tom was. I'm told he's one of the few people allowed access to the FBI evidence on Cooper. I don't know if that's true. Just heard it. I will talk to him this weekend.

Well very interesting, especially since Tom just
emailed me saying, quote:

"Now thats pretty darn funny! He emailed me with the subject "we should
talk". NEVER did he say it was an interview or anything to that
effect. He just said that he was the guy that wrote Into the Blast and
wanted to chat.

I will have to decide what to do now. Thanks for the heads up."


Normally I wouldnt do something like this but
I have every faith Tom's side of Blevin;s story
is the true account.

Tom, I hope you dont mind I posted this.

I don't mind either. I think fishing this weekend is a better plan and your rather crass post gives me just the excuse I need.

If Kaye is already revealing the contents of emails I sent to him privately, I have no desire to speak to him anyway.

First rule of fishing:


(my kids knew that by age 1)

Blevins, maybe you owe Tom an apology.

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Heresy, sedition and perfidiousness all practiced with the adroitly skilled hand of an apostasist and stuff.

I REBUKE ANY verification and vetting of statements at the altar of all things Cooper.

“Nay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of logic, I will think medieval.
For you think for me; you trod on facts with your staff and it comforts me.”
Phlight 30:5

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Blevins states:


There is also the issue of trust. You posted a couple of times previously (I will dig them up for you if you wish) that Geoff Gray had discounted KC as a viable suspect in his new book because a magic fairy said so.

Ask Grey! I am the one who told him his book needed to be an overall view of the complete crime. Objectively and without any pre-determination of who Cooper was. There has NOT been a book that does this - and I felt that kind of book would still be around yrs from now.

If I made a fancible remark perhaps you need to read the prior posts and see what was going on at that time. Even you are quilty of comebacks that are done spitefully (such as the one I am answering).

I spoke with Grey briefly and he did NOT know what you could be talking about - this was yesterday.

Blevins states:

I had no idea who Tom Kaye was before he contacted me. Do I remind you of someone who has obsessed over the Cooper case for the last 15 years?

Jo Replies:
Come on Blevins then you just stepped into a pile of CRAP. If you didn't read back into the thread - WHY did you even come here other than to PROMOTE your book? In other words you didn't come here to research your subject - but to promote him.

Considering that Kaye posted in this thread and the River Sleuths derived from this thread - with all of this very very public - on TV and in New Papers - YOU claimed NOT to know who Kaye was until he called you!

Blevins states:

There is no great mystery, and to tell you the truth, after all the crap I've received regarding the Cooper case (some which I deserved) I care less about it with each passing day.

Jo Replies
You keep on and on telling everyone you are not here to promote your book and yet you keep coming back to post how much time and money you spent and that if we all bought a book it wouldn't mean a thing. YOU know there are 1000's of skyjumper and 100's if not 1000's in the general population who read this thread. YOU were not born yesterday, nor was I and the people who read and post here are NOT that naive.

Blevins stated:

I had to research to find out who Tom was. I'm told he's one of the few people allowed access to the FBI evidence on Cooper. I don't know if that's true. Just heard it. I will talk to him this weekend.

Jo replies:
You proclaim yourself as a writer who investigated your subject and you didn't investigate the crime itself. You claim NOT to know who Kaye was and the RIVER SLEUTHS - THEY ARE PART of the Cooper story. :|:S:(:o[:/]

How very sad that is - you have used this thread to the max. If you didn't read the thread before you posted here - why did you even post other than for promotion purposes.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Mr. Blevin, leave us be and leave Georger's short fuse out of this. Right now my own fuse is just about to ignite.

Your book is NOT a personal issue with any of us, but your use of our reseach and this thread for personal gain are.
Especially now that we are aware you did NOT read the thread before posting here. So what was your real motive in coming here in the first place?

Mr. Kaye is aware that many of us have had to take time out - because we let our emotions get in the way. You see some of us are not here (on the DZ) for the publicity or to play games - we came here hoping and trying to find answers to questions never fielded in the media.

When the posters keep records of what they say here and to others - that is NOT snooping around. We usually know when there is someone in our mist we need to watch...you being a writer warranted safe guards.

Mr. Kaye probably could be coaxed back to make a post just to put the likes of you in your place. When you are as public as this thread is - almost anything you say can come back to bite you and pull you under.
I personally didn't agree with Kaye, but we agreed to disagree. I questioned his creditials and wanted proof of his claimed ability to be able to make a call on the river money. I thought that was fair play.

NO one here is trying to TRASH you - you are doing that all by yourself. Saying you didn't know who Kaye was equivocates to your repeatedly listing your 25 reasons to why KC had to be Cooper. When any of us ask for more information, you just repeat them . I assure you we all know them by heart now.

NO one has attacked you.
We all remember the 1st post of this thread - it would do you WELL to go and read POST #1. I know it by heart.

:ph34r::)If you did NOT come here to just promote your book then why do you stay and take the "abuse" you believe we are dishing out to you? [RED]To me your feeble protesting sounds like the kid who GOT caught with his HAND in the Candy Jar.[/RED]

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Regarding Kenny Christiansen not being a viable suspect:

I hope your "Brit" reporter is reading this thread, because if he isn't he should be. If he managed to snag an interview with the FBI agent of record and that agent is honest enough to state what he has stated to others - you will be told that KC is not a suspect.

By the Way before you do a (she said he said), I have NOT personally been told this. My information is second hand. Maybe someone who has sat down with the agent of record or another writer with a personal interest or perhaps someone who knew Kenny or someone with a different suspect. Your choice.

Why don't you just take yourself to the Seattle office and confront the Agent of RECORD yourself!
If I lived in WA I would already have done that...especially if I was writng a book about the man.

You have been told that Kenny was a "sweet guy" and would not have done this crime even though he may have had the capabilities. Perhaps it would be best if you went thru every person you ever spoke to about Kenny. You put a lot of words into the mouths of a lot of individuals and your 'witnesses'.

:$You also took conversations totally out of context . You are a prime example of why my story about Duane Weber will never be written and why I stay out of the media except for this thread.

You are like some of of the sneaky snakes who have slithered into my life in the last 15 yrs. Most of them took away more than I ever got from them and why I stay in this thread and continue to fight the battle. Hoping beyond all hope that just one of them in their intensive and extensive research about Cooper will find a link back to Duane L. Weber or John C. Collins If they find such a link will they even recognize it or even acknowledge it?

That's my job - sit and wait and keep the story alive until I find
that link...and I have found more than one.

In 16 yrs I have encountered several writers and media individuals. Some are students studying criminology, others looking to write a first book, others accomplished authors & researchers & some just plain curious, There have been those who have used me - and I do not know how they will utilize anything I told them - perhaps to place me in the position of having to defend myself as I do in the thread. So far the books that have mentioned me - I never had any knowledge of until the books were published.

The 2 books were Duane was mentioned took their info straight from the media - which all of you know was NOT accurate.

I do not know how Grey will utilize what I told him - but, as far as Tina was concerned - we had a lengthy conversations about her. He called me one night when he was stuck in regards to Tina - and I guess he needed a little inspiration. We talked about how a young 22 yr old would think in 1971 and what would have been going through her mind given the times. I was 10 yrs + older than Tina and my daughter was 10 yrs younger than Tina in 1971. 1971 was a tormentual yr in history. We talked about how a 22 yr old might be able to cope with the incident and the effects it would have on her life...and if his chapter on Tina is worth the price of the book - I hope I was of some use.

We talked about how this incident would have affected her marriage due to the media. No longer was Tina's life about what she wanted to do and her marriage had to have taken a toll from the media attentions during the subsequent yrs.

All she has ever done is try to be FREE of Cooper, but she took the time to call me that one day and this is when she told me Cooper was a very sad man. Something the FBI site would later use and then they took it down when I confronted them about it. IF this was in the FBI reports then there was NO question that the woman on the other end of the line was Tina...and that was a good thing for me. I confronted the FBI because I told this on the thread and to the FBI and yet in the prior yrs they denied this. So who was the probagator of misinformation?

Tina never got to have a normal life like most of us and there are writers and media personnel who do not respect this. They act like she OWES the public a story.
One writer and I have duelled over this for a long time and even I have my weak moments when I want to pick up the phone and dial her number. I do truely want to have a face to face conversation with her before my time comes, but that may not happen because I cannot bear to present to her what I did to Florence.

Florence was older and just more into the world and able to move on. Since she had spoke with the media several times I did try in February to contact her by sending her as package. I included a return envelope with pre-paid postage on it, but I never received the contents back nor any acknowlegement it was received. This was a total of $80 of material I enclosed and the mailing charges - not counting the time and other expenses involved in putting this item together. I regret I never received an acknowledgement - but she never asked that I send this. I would have like to have known it did not go into a dumpster.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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*** sample provided by Lyle Christiansen,

sample of what?

sample of who ? Lyle or Kenny?

Sample prepared by who?

Sample certified by who?

sent via ... ?

Do you know what the 'latest' protocols are ?

(unsolicited uncertified samples for nonsuspects)


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Report on Interview with Alex Hannaford, June 21, 2011
Removed by request of the original poster and this poster as well.

Is there an association between the rising tide of interest in DB Cooperism and the cataclysmic spread of Type II diabetes?

The IDF and other organizations recently launched the Unite for Diabetes campaign to rally for a United Nations Resolution on Diabetes, which would bring attention to the disease and ask that November 14 be observed as "World Diabetes Day," already informally recognized. Ninety-six member countries need to vote for the resolution for it to become official; campaign organizers are hoping for this to appen before November 2007.

If passed, the U.N. resolution would be the first to address a chronic, non-communicable disease; historically, diabetes has been overshadowed in both aid and attention by the heavy-hitters of global health, such as HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis.

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I am currently trying to determine the truth via the Seattle FBI on one statement I keep seeing on this thread, and that has been also been claimed by Tom Kaye: That KC was eliminated on a DNA test. So I asked the FBI a simple question:


Has the DNA test been run against the sample provided by Lyle Christiansen, and if so, was KC eliminated as a suspect by such a test?

I think it's time to cut through the baloney and find out the truth on this question once and for all.

I do NOT remember anyone stating KC was eliminated by DNA. He was eliminated due to other factors - some of which have been discussed and the cursive investigation the FBI may have done on KC. I have also heard via the grapevine - the DNA on KC was not done, but not from the FBI.

I will repeat Myths versus Facts - they have really been scrambled over the last 40 yrs. Couple that with the over-turn of agents this case has been assigned to and you have Utter CHAOS.

Remember the agent who came to interview me was from the local office and didn't even know who Cooper was. Think about this - how did he know what to ask me and what to take as evidence. This same situation that has occured over and over with each new witness.

Seattle depends on the assigned agents in the suspects domain with no knowledge of the crime. How effective is that?

The agent who came to my home had to do a lot of reseach and he was overwhelmed by the amount of information I had. He took and copied many things and even took the original resume - which I have never received back from them. All I have is copy. This resume was in a plastic binder and would have had Duane's prints and DNA plus those of the preparer and myself along with a friend of mine who is now deceased. Hopefully they COMPARED that DNA and prints to DNA and prints on other items. This friend had also tried on the gloves and slippers. He also clowned around with a couple of Duane's pipes and I was clowning with him. So even IF THEY HAVE COOPER"S DNA how reliable is evidence provided by survivors of a suspect?

The "supposed" tie DNA it has been compromised and we do NOT know if that tie was actually Coopers. The story on the tie is a mystery, but I still think I know the significance of the tie and its source.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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It is my personal opinion the FBI is not comparing DNA they acquire because they cannot be assured the multi particial DNA in their possession actually belonged to Cooper. The only DNA they could be certain of would be the cigarette butts and they supposedly LOST those.

This goes right back to what I said yrs ago...and to this date not one agent has produced those smokes. There were too many hands handling the materials - and DNA was unknown in 1971.

I could almost put money on my conjecture below:

The FBI LOST the butts, but before that did they check the butts for fingerprints - LOGICAL, right? So what happened to the butts - some agent just discards them as useless evidence. FBI agents and examiners dropped the ball and now they are trying to redeem themselves with DNA, accept they have NO evidence the tie actually belonged to Cooper and it was never handle in a manner that would protect the DNA.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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There has been some question as to my assertion that 727s were used to "jettison commandos and material into the covert wars in Laos, Cambodia and North Vietnam."

I received defintive information on that happenstance in the past few days. I have the name of the pilot who has claimed he was part of those operations. I have the registraition numbers of the 727s he flew and the cover name of the airlines that supplied the aircraft. I'm in the process of directly confirming this information with the pilot.

I'll keep y'all posted.

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I'm new to the site, but came across some interesting photos and details recently. The man in this picture is Colonel Hugh Gordon Waite, 1930 - 2003. He was a paratrooper trained at Fort Bragg and was a native of Albany, Oregon.
Below is a link to many photos of the Colonel throughout his career.

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I'm new to the site, but came across some intersting photos and details recently. The man in this picture is Colonel Hugh Gordon Waite, 1930 - 2003. He was a paratrooper trained at Fort Bragg and was a native of Albany, Oregon.
Below is a link to many photos of the Colonel throughout his career.

Welcome to the Twilight :)
You mentioned details.... anything other than the pictures and paratrooper training that you can post?

BTW...seems Colonel Waite was a photographer. For those of you interested in history, some good pictures of pre-1975 Saigon...
Check out those cars....
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Well I can not put the Colonel in Portland on Nov 24th, 1971, but I can't put him anywhere else either. I know that's not a good analysis.
Some facts about the Colonel
He was 6' about 180 lbs, brown eyes.
He was a smoker, pipe and cigs.
He graduated high school from Albany, OR that
looks to be close to where he jumped out.
He was an para-trooper.
He spoke French and lived in Belgium in the 50s
Another photo is attached.

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Well I can not put the Colonel in Portland on Nov 24th, 1971, but I can't put him anywhere else either. I know that's not a good analysis.
Some facts about the Colonel
He was 6' about 180 lbs, brown eyes.
He was a smoker, pipe and cigs.
He graduated high school from Albany, OR that
looks to be close to where he jumped out.
He was an para-trooper.
He spoke French and was lived in Belgium in the 50s
Another photo is attached.

Certainly looks interesting.
Two more questions if you want to comment.....
1) Do you know when the suit picture was taken?

2) What was the catalyst for thinking he might have been DB? Like..did you know him (family, friend, acquaintance) and then one day just thought ..."hmmm, all this fits.....I wonder if..."? or something more specific? Or is it just random speculation because of his looks and background?
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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There has been some question as to my assertion that 727s were used to "jettison commandos and material into the covert wars in Laos, Cambodia and North Vietnam."

I received defintive information on that happenstance in the past few days. I have the name of the pilot who has claimed he was part of those operations. I have the registraition numbers of the 727s he flew and the cover name of the airlines that supplied the aircraft. I'm in the process of directly confirming this information with the pilot.

I'll keep y'all posted.

Bruce, There is plenty of information on this thread and elsewhere about the 727 operations in Southeast Asia. I think it was a professor from the University of Texas (?) that has written a paper on the subject. That paper is referred to in a number of earlier posts on this thread and can also be located by Goggle.

The paper identifies the aircraft by their registration numbers and uses.

Your use of the word "jettison" is a bit misleading and the term "dropped by parachute" would be more precise. Basically, "jettison" just means thrown overboard or discarded. And I don't think the commandos would like that.

Robert Nicholson

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1) Do you know when the suit picture was taken?

Let's guess. Three button suit with narrow shoulders and a narrow tie.

I did note this man had circles under his eyes and like yourself would like to know when it was taken. He was born in 1930.

Where was he living when he died?

Would have been very daring to use his own name and somewhere I have heard a similar story before, but without the pictures.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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1 From what I gather the suit picture was taken in 1969 or 1970.
2 I was looking through FLICKR one night about 4 years ago and came across some photos of a South Vietnamese army/air force officer that was traveling across the United States for several months in 1971. That in and of itself interested me, but then I noticed the some of the styles of suits, and photos of this gentlemen with sunglasses on looked like D B Cooper. I will post that link below. This Viet officer is about 5' 8" and only about 25 years old, and obviously Asian, so I started thinking Cooper might be more than one guy. This Viet officer was traveling with 3 other men, all young, 1 white and 2 Asian, so I started thinking along the lines of a stowaway was all ready on board, but kept coming back to the police sketch and physical descriptions. Well last week I was going through this Viet officers FLICKR pictures again looking for a someone in the pictures that might pass for Cooper. The Viet officer had linked to some photos by the Colonel's daughter that she put up in 2008. When I ran across that photo of the Colonel I was startled to say the least. Here are the links that were the beginning of my interest in the Colonel.

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Welcome to the thread Pat. You bring something new and intriguing to the sandbox which is kinda neat.

OK, I’ll have to betray a slight tingle going up my spine when I opened the Colonel’s photo. He may hold some slight resemblance to the FBI composite sketch but the light may be distorting him or making him look taller since he is not in an aircraft. But then what do I know?

Then I feared I would be the first one to begin the filtration process which has been long established on this thread. Of course we all (code for just me) want to know about the Colonel’s arms. Were they all hairy and not DB Cooperish or did they resemble some of the arms on the attached graphic?

Take your time and remember there is no wrong answer nor is there only one, so pick as many as you wish.

I know smokin99 will back me up on the hairy arms details and the left handed tie clasp. Smokin99, I said – back – me –up. Because if two of us say this; it becomes truer.

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1 From what I gather the suit picture was taken in 1969 or 1970.
2 I was looking through FLICKR one night about 4 years ago and came across some photos of a South Vietnamese army/air force officer that was traveling across the United States for several months in 1971. That in and of itself interested me, but then I noticed the some of the styles of suits, and photos of this gentlemen with sunglasses on looked like D B Cooper. I will post that link below. This Viet officer is about 5' 8" and only about 25 years old, and obviously Asian, so I started thinking Cooper might be more than one guy. This Viet officer was traveling with 3 other men, all young, 1 white and 2 Asian, so I started thinking along the lines of a stowaway was all ready on board, but kept coming back to the police sketch and physical descriptions. Well last week I was going through this Viet officers FLICKR pictures again looking for a someone in the pictures that might pass for Cooper. The Viet officer had linked to some photos by the Colonel's daughter that she put up in 2008. When I ran across that photo of the Colonel I was startled to say the least. Here are the links that were the beginning of my interest in the Colonel.

you have a good eye.

Where was he on Nov 24 1971 ? Do you know where
he was living in '70-71 ?

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1 From what I gather the suit picture was taken in 1969 or 1970.
2 I was looking through FLICKR one night about 4 years ago and came across some photos of a South Vietnamese army/air force officer that was traveling across the United States for several months in 1971. That in and of itself interested me, but then I noticed the some of the styles of suits, and photos of this gentlemen with sunglasses on looked like D B Cooper. I will post that link below. This Viet officer is about 5' 8" and only about 25 years old, and obviously Asian, so I started thinking Cooper might be more than one guy. This Viet officer was traveling with 3 other men, all young, 1 white and 2 Asian, so I started thinking along the lines of a stowaway was all ready on board, but kept coming back to the police sketch and physical descriptions. Well last week I was going through this Viet officers FLICKR pictures again looking for a someone in the pictures that might pass for Cooper. The Viet officer had linked to some photos by the Colonel's daughter that she put up in 2008. When I ran across that photo of the Colonel I was startled to say the least. Here are the links that were the beginning of my interest in the Colonel.

added url clicky to website
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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