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DB Cooper

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Jo - no. Wong is not a Vietnamese surname - would be Vu'ong or Uông.

I am terrible at determining Chinese from Vietnamese and Japanese. Unfortunately they all look the same to me. I alway get it wrong. I never knew anything other than Duane and this man had a past and his name was Tony Wong.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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The Money? If the Colonel jumped out of the plane and obviously lived, where is the money. One possibility is he sent it back to Vietnam with the Vietnamese Lt. to be laundered or to fund some covert operation. Maybe the Colonel took the money to Europe with him and was able to launder it there. Still, hard to believe the serial numbers never popped up.

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Jo - no. Wong is not a Vietnamese surname - would be Vu'ong or Uông.

I am terrible at determining Chinese from Vietnamese and Japanese. Unfortunately they all look the same to me. I alway get it wrong. I never knew anything other than Duane and this man had a past and his name was Tony Wong.

I knew who you were referring to when you posted
the name. Thats why I piped up -

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The Money? If the Colonel jumped out of the plane and obviously lived, where is the money. One possibility is he sent it back to Vietnam with the Vietnamese Lt. to be laundered or to fund some covert operation. Maybe the Colonel took the money to Europe with him and was able to launder it there. Still, hard to believe the serial numbers never popped up.

Obviously he must be here first, on leave,
something? But I share Farflung's positive reaction
about the photos vs sketch.

What we need is someone who can do the crime
without 10-million assumptions & maybe's.

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What is the question?

she wants to know if the Viet officer's name is
TONY WONG ... :)

Can anyone identify the uniform the officer is wearing? To me, he looks more Chinese than Viet. And in 1971, the only Chinese allowed into the US would not be from mainland China.

Robert Nicholson

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Can't answer the question about motivation for pulling off the crime. Debt, greed, a girlfriend? If you look through the photos he does seem to have a taste for the high life. Bottom line the crime was committed, someone did want that money, the person that did it has not been caught, and if the person died they were not missed. Do you have any photos of former suspects that look as close as the Colonel that you could post?

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Can't answer the question about motivation for pulling off the crime. Debt, greed, a girlfriend? If you look through the photos he does seem to have a taste for the high life. Bottom line the crime was committed, someone did want that money, the person that did it has not been caught, and if the person died they were not missed. Do you have any photos of former suspects that look as close as the Colonel that you could post?

I have viewed lots of pic of this Colonel and I don't see it. His jowls are too different and I believe that Georger will agree his face is NOT the right shape.

This is a well know and public figure - he was too public to have commited this crime. Again why don't you discuss this with his family. If you can find all of this surely you have the guts to face a family member with what you are proposing before making him a suspect in a high profile case.

There are few photos of Weber prior to 1979 and he confessed to the crime in 1994 - 11 days before he died.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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This is a well known and public figure So had you ever heard of him? I disagree about the likeness. The hairline, the part in the hair, the eyebrows, the thickness of the lips, the size of the neck, the mustache line, slight double chin, all these things are close. The jowls are slightly off, but the picture of the major is over 3 years younger than the sketch. The eyelids are different. The creases just to the outside of each nostril are almost exactly the same!

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I have viewed lots of pic of this Colonel and I don't see it. His jowls are too different and I believe that Georger will agree his face is NOT the right shape.

No. Overall proportions are right in the ballpark.
Its an uncanny closeness. The Col's cheeks are
fuller than the Cooper sketch but not by much.
Otherwise the similarity is uncanny.

I am wondering about "olive skin" ? I don't quite
see that but otherwise Im impressed by the

BTW, the idea you couldhave a Rose Bowl full of
such matches "in a suspect pool" (remark by Blevins)
is total nonsense and wishful thinking. That would be
statistically impossible.

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As far as calling the daughter, how could she help? She was very young at the time. Let me read a quote from the daughter that was a caption to a picture of her father on his 71st birthday. this was the night that my father pretty much told me that he worked at one point for the cia or something close to it, in viet nam. i, as i did in the last convo i had with him on the subject, had one too many glasses of wine that evening and don't remember the exact conversation. and i flog myself for that. a lot.

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As far as calling the daughter, how could she help? She was very young at the time. Let me read a quote from the daughter that was a caption to a picture of her father on his 71st birthday. this was the night that my father pretty much told me that he worked at one point for the cia or something close to it, in viet nam. i, as i did in the last convo i had with him on the subject, had one too many glasses of wine that evening and don't remember the exact conversation. and i flog myself for that. a lot.

In my opinion this is a very long shot, even with
the facial similarity. Any info the daughter could
provide regarding leaves, dates, friends and
associates who could be interviewed, any firm
well founded evidence he was capable of something
like this or had a cause/grudge (perhaps of a
specific nature), was unstable (must be
documented), any evidence he has been
investigated, actual criminal record, ... in other
words you must damned-near put him on the plane.

You found the photo. Maybe you will get lucky with
something else but, keep a sober mind about
this. Chances are he is not Cooper.

That is my advice and I know it isn't much.

There are others here who may have some solid
ideas for you to pursue, through questioning etc.

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Jo wrote

The "supposed" tie DNA it has been compromised and we do NOT know if that tie was actually Coopers. The story on the tie is a mystery, but I still think I know the significance of the tie and its source.

Don't beat around the bush Jo. You think the tie was RFKs? Am I right? I can't see a Blue Blood Kennedy boy wearing a clip on, but I couldn't see them swapping Marilyn Monroe either.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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1 This man looks very much like the sketch
2 He's a paratrooper
3 He lived all most directly under the flight path
4 He lived in Belgium at one time (Dan Cooper comics)
5 He spoke French
6 His height and weight match
7 He has brown eyes.

I'm sorry but when we got to number three on that list it just eliminated a whole lot folks. As far as motivation, money has always been a big one for any crime.

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RobertMBlevins obliquely references Cooper’s hairy arms like he had no idea what was being talked about (again):

18 June 2011,

“Shows a fat old guy with hairy arms.”

RobertMBlevins precedes this with:

16 May 2011,

“We all agreed it was unlikely the fat old guy with the hairy arms was DB Cooper”

Guess I missed how we ALL agreed that the guy with the hairy arms was Cooper, but thanks for the passive aggressive inclusion.

RobertMBlevins begins New Year with:

3 January 2011,

“Shows a fat, old guy with hairy arms who looks NOTHING like the sketch.”

Sketch with a rendering of Cooper’s arms? Source please.

RobertMBlevins continued with:

12 September 2010,

“…overweight Gossett with hairy arms who bears absolutely NO resemblance to the hijacker.”

Where was the hijacker’s arms described? Source please.

So many hairy arm references by a person who is unsure as to the source of this. Much like the comic book on Shemya in 1951, Captain Scott talking to Cooper and the vapor lock of Jet A fuel on the ground at SeaTac.

All of these things are simple mistakes. Too bad the Co-pilot was used as a reference about Captain Scott talking to Cooper; well that is according to Bruce Smith’s interview with Blevins anyway (31 May 2010).

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1 This man looks very much like the sketch
2 He's a paratrooper
3 He lived all most directly under the flight path
4 He lived in Belgium at one time (Dan Cooper comics)
5 He spoke French
6 His height and weight match
7 He has brown eyes.

I'm sorry but when we got to number three on that list it just eliminated a whole lot folks. As far as motivation, money has always been a big one for any crime.

Pat...are you saying that these seven points belong to your suspect? If so, you should investigate him further.

Blevins: please keep up.

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My question is genuine, what is the reason for skepticism? Do you have a suspect that fits better based on similar criteria?

Pat, if this is addressed at me, I have no objection
to your candidate at all. I was addressing Mr.
Blevins, as was Farflung - trying to keep Blevins
off your back. That is all.


PS: I might add: you are one of the first to take
the FBI sketches seriously, in bringing a person of
interest here. I appreciate this very much. Most of
the candidate promoters to date either try to avoid
the FBI sketches or explain them away as being
irrelevant. I think your approach is valid and worthwhile.

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I asked so NICELY….

RobertMBlevins obliquely ignored Cooper’s hairy arms like he had no idea what was being talked about (again and again):

18 June 2011,

“Shows a fat old guy with hairy arms.”

RobertMBlevins precedes this with:

16 May 2011,

“We all agreed it was unlikely the fat old guy with the hairy arms was DB Cooper”

Guess I missed how we ALL agreed that the guy with the hairy arms was Cooper, but thanks for the passive aggressive inclusion.

RobertMBlevins begins New Year with:

3 January 2011,

“Shows a fat, old guy with hairy arms who looks NOTHING like the sketch.”

Sketch with a rendering of Cooper’s arms? Source please.

RobertMBlevins continued with:

12 September 2010,

“…overweight Gossett with hairy arms who bears absolutely NO resemblance to the hijacker.”

Where was the hijacker’s arms described? Source please.

So many hairy arm references by a person who is unsure as to the source of this. Much like the comic book on Shemya in 1951, Captain Scott talking to Cooper and the vapor lock of Jet A fuel on the ground at SeaTac.

All of these things are simple mistakes. Too bad the Co-pilot was used as a reference about Captain Scott talking to Cooper; well that is according to Bruce Smith’s interview with Blevins anyway (31 May 2010).

Why are these polite questions which are nice, being unanswered? This makes me, a little bit sad and want to cry. Bwahh, bwahh ha ha ha (if anyone cares) bwahh ha ha ha.

Do you see what happens Blevins?


Are these your hairy arms Blevins? Do you see what happens Blevins?

This is what happens when you claim Cooper has hairy arms Blevins!

Do you see what happens Blevins?

Do you see what happens when you……

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Farflung states the following with his lower lip out just a bit (speculation):


Why are these polite questions which are nice, being unanswered? This makes me, a little bit sad and want to cry. Bwahh, bwahh ha ha ha (if anyone cares) bwahh ha ha ha.

:( There there......*virtual hugs*
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Vicki, I feel a little bit better (being all vulnerable and in need of comforting during these times of merciless abandonment and stuff ).

Perhaps you might consider meeting me for some libations of some sort, what kind of beer do you like?


I’m all about independent thought and free choice ya know. I know how I would feel after a few of those…


What’s say you and me go and get….


…some time?

I know what I want to do with all my Cooper research materials right now…


awww heck, that cyber hug made me feel all better and I was not compelled to burn anything.
Thanks Vicki, I needed that.

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Georger, just addressing this to you when it is actually to everyone.

Pat71 is beginning to sound like someone we ALL know. No - it is NOT Snowmman. The tactics being used along with the use of certain words. I think PAT is code for "patsy" and I do not believe is a name of someone.:)
Listen to Galen Cook's story and how it evolved..then compare it to the way this story is coming around. Only this time the story is just a little more sophisticated. Note how subjects evolved into suspects in the past.

This one hits a whole new realm.
The fact that "she" is already addressing ways outside of going to the FBI...such as to the witnesses. If "she" was REAL, "her" first step would be putting this into the hands of the FBI and then reading the thread in its entirety and everything else that has ever been written about Cooper.

If "she" is real "she" maybe fielding this through the thread to see how it is taken....but, I smell something cooking. I could have taken the information I never made public and say the same things.

She throws Ft. Bragg into the mix, well shall I throw a little seasoning to the mix and then we have tasty morsels to chew on.

Does anyone remember the article in the Soldier of Fortune Magazine of 1994? Perhaps someone needs to find it and read the article and view the pictures which appeared in it. I am not throwing water on the fire - I am fueling it.:)
Remember Special Forces of the 3rd Mobile Strike (Mike) force in Bien Hoa and Lieutenant John "Jack"Throckmorton and the attempts to deploy nuclear weapons SADM...small atomic demolitions Muntions by paratroopers. Remember Blue Tooth Calvary, 1st Calvary Air Mobile (149th Blue team). Remember Canon, Co and Leadville operations in Co - all part of the same program.

Instructions were "If you are caught you are on your own and we will dis-avow any knowledge of you". No not all of this is in that article. What you guys are thinking? Jo has never told all.

Pat might be a "John Henry" and only "she" will know exactly what I mean by that - if he/she is who I think he/she is. "she" did not just randomonly find this thread! If you believe that then I have a bridge in Arizona I will sell you.

The yrs 1967 to 1969 - so much
happened so fast and Richard Petersen was still involved in 1973. Now "she" is throwing Ft Bragg and a Colonel into the mix.
It just might be true that CIA was involved in Cooper. They weren't involved other than an indirect result of those who did NOT have promises kept by the USA and those who regreted what they had to do.

We already had DuBop hijacked for a "Numbers' segment - so now lets help Pat71 take this one step further. Pat71 is doing a grandstand for a movie. How many of these where out of Ft. Bragg. Master Sergeant Charles Hosking, Staff Sergeant Roger Haliberg, Chief Warrants Office Jerry Johnson, Capt. Stewart (no first name given),

Now get this a FULL Colonel was sent by General Westmoreland to supervise search and rescue and was never identified by the writer.

Young Throckmorton informed this Colonel that his Fathers was Colonel Throckmorton....but, still the Colonel doing the rescue is NEVER identified. The remark the unknown Colonel made is priceless. "An we stopped the war for you?"

The article goes on to talk about CIC - Army counter-Intelligence Corps. Another was Staff Sgt. J.P. Monaghan - he was incharge of moving Special Forces Troops. The US was doing something they were NOT supposed to do. Thousands of soldier and the population of Long Binh was in the offing. American Troops would have been forced to withdraw admitting defeat or that the weapon was NOT ours...and then we would have had WWIII.

Now do you see where Pat71 is coming from, but the mistake Pat71 makes is assuming that Waite was Cooper. Hell it makes a good story, but takes and puts a REAL Soldiers' reputation on the line. PAT71 has to explain WHY this Colonel would skyjack a plane for 200K and risk his career, his pension and health plan and his life.

Doesn't make sense except for sensationalism...and stepping into the footprints of the Pentagon Papers release. Has all the trapping of a movie - "she" is a screenplay writer.

Cooper was a "CROOK" and yes, he had "some" involvement in some secret (covert) stuff, but he was still just a criminal and that is all he would ever be. That is the "Motive".

The last 3 paragraphs expose Pat71. Please NOTE this is NOT an attack. but an explanation of what I think is going on.

It is spelled HOLLYWOOD.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Blevins stated:


After three years or so (varies, according to where you live) the box is declared abandoned. The bank hires a security company to drill it open, usually. Perhaps they keep a copy of the key in some banks, but many do not.

As late as 1980 some banks would allow you to pay your safe deposit box forward for several yrs - all the person had to do was be sure to send the money to renew it. The bank would NOT care where the money came from as long as it had the correct information.

When one gets a box they get the ONLY 2 keys for that box. If they are lost - the bearer has to pay for the drilling of the box.

This is what is done when one is abandoned. All contents are required to be copied (regardless of how insignificant). Now I doubt they have to copy every single bill, but I do know if there are old car titles and such - they are stored - but I don't know for how many yrs...and a public notice is given so the heir might be able to claim the contents.

Why do I know this - I was able to check out the boxes for Duane Weber. but not for JOHN COLLINS and the FBI knew this - they refused to provide me with the information I needed to prove Duane Weber and John Collins were one and the same.
I went over this with AGENT CARR.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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